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authorBjørn Lindeijer <>2005-02-12 19:03:25 +0000
committerBjørn Lindeijer <>2005-02-12 19:03:25 +0000
commitc66b28e01e09ba26994ef95102e2a3c25815a67d (patch)
parentff00bf59ed060e159b60e20b4fc90a50ce1690c8 (diff)
Avoid three indentation levels.
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/src/astar.cpp b/src/astar.cpp
index d121ca1f..8565ec6b 100644
--- a/src/astar.cpp
+++ b/src/astar.cpp
@@ -173,112 +173,195 @@ PATH_NODE *find_path(int pathfinderID, int s_x, int s_y, int e_x, int e_y)
} while (u != v); // Reorder the binary heap
- // Check the adjacent squares. (Its "children" -- these path
- // children are similar, conceptually, to the binary heap children
- // mentioned above, but don't confuse them. They are different.
- // Path children are portrayed in Demo 1 with grey pointers
- // pointing toward their parents.) Add these adjacent child
- // squares to the open list for later consideration if appropriate
- // (see various if statements below).
+ // Check the adjacent squares. (Its "children" -- these path
+ // children are similar, conceptually, to the binary heap children
+ // mentioned above, but don't confuse them. They are different.
+ // Path children are portrayed in Demo 1 with grey pointers
+ // pointing toward their parents.) Add these adjacent child
+ // squares to the open list for later consideration if appropriate
+ // (see various if statements below).
for (b = parentYval - 1; b <= parentYval + 1; b++) {
for (a = parentXval - 1; a <= parentXval + 1; a++) {
- // If not off the map (do this first to avoid array
- // out-of-bounds errors)
- if (a != -1 && b != -1 &&
- a != MAP_WIDTH && b != MAP_HEIGHT)
+ // Skip if off the map (do this first to avoid array
+ // out-of-bounds errors)
+ if (!(a != -1 && b != -1 &&
+ a != MAP_WIDTH && b != MAP_HEIGHT))
- // If not already on the closed list (items on the
- // closed list have already been considered and can now
- // be ignored).
- if (whichList[a][b] != onClosedList) {
- // If not a wall/obstacle square.
- if (tiledMap.getWalk(a, b)) {
- // Don't cut across corners
- corner = WALKABLE;
- if (a == parentXval - 1) {
- if (b == parentYval - 1) {
- if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval - 1, parentYval) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval - 1)) // cera slash
- corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
- } else if (b == parentYval + 1) {
- if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval + 1) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval - 1, parentYval))
- corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
- }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Skip if already on the closed list (items on the
+ // closed list have already been considered and can now
+ // be ignored). Skip also if the tile is obstructed.
+ if (whichList[a][b] == onClosedList ||
+ !tiledMap.getWalk(a, b))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Don't cut across corners
+ corner = WALKABLE;
+ if (a == parentXval - 1) {
+ if (b == parentYval - 1) {
+ if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval - 1, parentYval) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval - 1)) // cera slash
+ corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
+ } else if (b == parentYval + 1) {
+ if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval + 1) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval - 1, parentYval))
+ corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (a == parentXval + 1) {
+ if (b == parentYval - 1) {
+ if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval - 1) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval + 1, parentYval))
+ corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
+ } else if (b == parentYval + 1) {
+ if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval + 1, parentYval) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval + 1))
+ corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (corner == WALKABLE) {
+ // If not already on the open list, add it to the open
+ // list.
+ if (whichList[a][b] != onOpenList) {
+ // Create a new open list item in the
+ // binary heap.
+ // Each new item has a unique ID #
+ newOpenListItemID += 1;
+ m = numberOfOpenListItems + 1;
+ // Place the new open list item (actually, its ID#)
+ // at the bottom of the heap
+ openList[m] = newOpenListItemID;
+ // Record the x and y coordinates of the new item
+ openX[newOpenListItemID] = a;
+ openY[newOpenListItemID] = b;
+ // Figure out its G_cost cost
+ if (abs(a - parentXval) == 1 &&
+ abs(b - parentYval) == 1)
+ {
+ // Cost of going to diagonal squares.
+ addedGCost = 14;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Cost of going to non-diagonal squares.
+ addedGCost = 10;
+ }
+ G_cost[a][b] = G_cost[parentXval][parentYval] +
+ addedGCost;
+ // Figure out its H and F costs and parent.
+ H_cost[openList[m]] =
+ 10 * (abs(a - e_x) + abs(b - e_y));
+ F_cost[openList[m]] =
+ G_cost[a][b] + H_cost[openList[m]];
+ parentX[a][b] = parentXval;
+ parentY[a][b] = parentYval;
+ // Move the new open list item to the proper place
+ // in the binary heap. Starting at the bottom,
+ // successively compare to parent items, swapping
+ // as needed until the item finds its place in the
+ // heap or bubbles all the way to the top (if it
+ // has the lowest F cost).
+ // While item hasn't bubbled to the top (m = 1)
+ while (m != 1)
+ {
+ // Check if child's F cost is < parent's F
+ // cost. If so, swap them.
+ if (F_cost[openList[m]] <=
+ F_cost[openList[m / 2]])
+ {
+ temp = openList[m / 2];
+ openList[m / 2] = openList[m];
+ openList[m] = temp;
+ m = m / 2;
- else if (a == parentXval + 1) {
- if (b == parentYval - 1) {
- if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval - 1) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval + 1, parentYval))
- corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
- } else if (b == parentYval + 1) {
- if (!tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval + 1, parentYval) || !tiledMap.getWalk(parentXval, parentYval + 1))
- corner = NOT_WALKABLE;
- }
+ else {
+ break;
- if (corner == WALKABLE) {
- // If not already on the open list, add it
- // to the open list.
- if (whichList[a][b] != onOpenList) {
- // Create a new open list item in the
- // binary heap.
- // Each new item has a unique ID #
- newOpenListItemID += 1;
- m = numberOfOpenListItems + 1;
- // Place the new open list item
- // (actually, its ID#) at the bottom of
- // the heap
- openList[m] = newOpenListItemID;
- // Record the x and y coordinates of
- // the new item
- openX[newOpenListItemID] = a;
- openY[newOpenListItemID] = b;
- // Figure out its G_cost cost
- if (abs(a - parentXval) == 1 &&
- abs(b - parentYval) == 1)
+ }
+ // Add one to the number of items in the heap.
+ numberOfOpenListItems += 1;
+ // Change whichList to show that the new item is on
+ // the open list.
+ whichList[a][b] = onOpenList;
+ } else {
+ // If whichList(a,b) = onOpenList
+ // If adjacent cell is already on the open list,
+ // check to see if this path to that cell from the
+ // starting location is a better one. If so,
+ // change the parent of the cell and its G_cost and
+ // F costs. Figure out the G_cost cost of this
+ // possible new path
+ if (abs(a - parentXval) == 1 &&
+ abs(b - parentYval) == 1)
+ {
+ // Cost of going to diagonal tiles
+ addedGCost = 14;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Cost of going to non-diagonal
+ // tiles
+ addedGCost = 10;
+ }
+ tempG = G_cost[parentXval][parentYval]
+ + addedGCost;
+ // If this path is shorter (G_cost cost is lower)
+ // then change the parent cell, G_cost cost and F
+ // cost.
+ if (tempG < G_cost[a][b])
+ {
+ // If G_cost cost is less,
+ // change the square's parent
+ parentX[a][b] = parentXval;
+ parentY[a][b] = parentYval;
+ // Change the G_cost cost
+ G_cost[a][b] = tempG;
+ // Because changing the G_cost cost also
+ // changes the F cost, if the item is on the
+ // open list we need to change the item's
+ // recorded F cost and its position on the open
+ // list to make sure that we maintain a
+ // properly ordered open list.
+ // Look for the item in the heap
+ for (int x = 1; x <= numberOfOpenListItems;
+ x++)
+ {
+ if (openX[openList[x]] == a &&
+ openY[openList[x]] == b)
+ {
+ // Item FOUND
+ // Change the F cost
+ F_cost[openList[x]] = G_cost[a][b] +
+ H_cost[openList[x]];
+ // See if changing the F score bubbles
+ // the item up from it's current
+ // location in the heap
+ m = x;
+ // While item hasn't bubbled to the top
+ // (m = 1)
+ while (m != 1)
- // Cost of going to diagonal
- // squares.
- addedGCost = 14;
- }
- else {
- // Cost of going to non-diagonal
- // squares.
- addedGCost = 10;
- }
- G_cost[a][b] =
- G_cost[parentXval][parentYval] +
- addedGCost;
- // Figure out its H and F costs and
- // parent.
- H_cost[openList[m]] =
- 10 * (abs(a - e_x) + abs(b - e_y));
- F_cost[openList[m]] =
- G_cost[a][b] + H_cost[openList[m]];
- parentX[a][b] = parentXval;
- parentY[a][b] = parentYval;
- // Move the new open list item to the
- // proper place in the binary heap.
- // Starting at the bottom, successively
- // compare to parent items, swapping as
- // needed until the item finds its
- // place in the heap or bubbles all the
- // way to the top (if it has the lowest
- // F cost).
- // While item hasn't bubbled to the
- // top (m = 1)
- while (m != 1) {
- // Check if child's F cost is <
- // parent's F cost. If so, swap
- // them.
- if (F_cost[openList[m]] <=
- F_cost[openList[m / 2]])
- {
+ // Check if child is < parent. If
+ // so, swap them.
+ if (F_cost[openList[m]] <
+ F_cost[openList[m / 2]]) {
temp = openList[m / 2];
openList[m / 2] = openList[m];
openList[m] = temp;
@@ -288,108 +371,13 @@ PATH_NODE *find_path(int pathfinderID, int s_x, int s_y, int e_x, int e_y)
- // Add one to the number of items in
- // the heap.
- numberOfOpenListItems += 1;
- // Change whichList to show that the
- // new item is on the open list.
- whichList[a][b] = onOpenList;
- } else {
- // If whichList(a,b) = onOpenList
- // If adjacent cell is already on the
- // open list, check to see if this path
- // to that cell from the starting
- // location is a better one. If so,
- // change the parent of the cell and
- // its G_cost and F costs. Figure out
- // the G_cost cost of this possible new
- // path
- if (abs(a - parentXval) == 1 &&
- abs(b - parentYval) == 1)
- {
- // Cost of going to diagonal tiles
- addedGCost = 14;
- }
- else {
- // Cost of going to non-diagonal
- // tiles
- addedGCost = 10;
- }
- tempG = G_cost[parentXval][parentYval]
- + addedGCost;
- // If this path is shorter (G_cost cost
- // is lower) then change the parent
- // cell, G_cost cost and F cost.
- if (tempG < G_cost[a][b]) {
- // If G_cost cost is less,
- // change the square's parent
- parentX[a][b] = parentXval;
- parentY[a][b] = parentYval;
- // Change the G_cost cost
- G_cost[a][b] = tempG;
- // Because changing the G_cost cost
- // also changes the F cost, if the
- // item is on the open list we need
- // to change the item's recorded F
- // cost and its position on the
- // open list to make sure that we
- // maintain a properly ordered open
- // list.
- // Look for the item in the heap
- for (int x = 1;
- x <= numberOfOpenListItems;
- x++)
- {
- if (openX[openList[x]] == a &&
- openY[openList[x]] == b)
- {
- // Item FOUND
- // Change the F cost
- F_cost[openList[x]] =
- G_cost[a][b] +
- H_cost[openList[x]];
- // See if changing the F
- // score bubbles the item
- // up from it's current
- // location in the heap
- m = x;
- // While item hasn't
- // bubbled to the top
- // (m = 1)
- while (m != 1) {
- // Check if child is <
- // parent. If so, swap
- // them.
- if (F_cost[openList[m]] < F_cost[openList[m / 2]]) {
- temp = openList[m / 2];
- openList[m / 2] =
- openList[m];
- openList[m] = temp;
- m = m / 2;
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- //Exit for x = loop
- break;
- } // If openX(openList(x)) = a
- } // F x = 1 To nrOfOpenListItems
- } // If tempG < G_cost(a, b)
- } // else If whichList(a, b) = onOpenList
- } // If not cutting a corner
- } // If not a wall/obstacle square.
- } // If not already on the closed list
- } // If not off the map
+ // Exit for x = loop
+ break;
+ } // If openX(openList(x)) = a
+ } // F x = 1 To nrOfOpenListItems
+ } // If tempG < G_cost(a, b)
+ } // else If whichList(a, b) = onOpenList
+ } // If not cutting a corner
} // for (a = parentXval - 1; a <= parentXval + 1; a++)
} // for (b = parentYval - 1; b <= parentYval + 1; b++)
} else { // if (numberOfOpenListItems != 0)