path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 1197 insertions, 793 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/magic-interpreter-lexer.lpp b/src/map/magic-interpreter-lexer.lpp
index 96598a3..f593d4a 100644
--- a/src/map/magic-interpreter-lexer.lpp
+++ b/src/map/magic-interpreter-lexer.lpp
@@ -101,43 +101,52 @@
"DO" {FIXLOC; return DO;}
"WAIT" {FIXLOC; return SLEEP;}
-\{([^\}]|\\.)*\} { char *string = strdup(yytext);
- magic_frontend_lval.s = string;
- return SCRIPT_DATA;
- }
-\"([^\"]|\\.)*\" { char *string = strdup(yytext + 1);
- char *src = string;
- char *dst = string;
- while (*src && *src != '"')
- if (*src == '\\') {
- *dst++ = src[1];
- src += 2;
- } else
- *dst++ = *src++;
- *dst = '\0'; /* terminate */
- magic_frontend_lval.s = string;
- return STRING;
- }
-"-"?[0-9]+ { magic_frontend_lval.i = atoi(yytext);
- return INT; }
-"0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+ { magic_frontend_lval.i = strtol(yytext + 2, NULL, 16);
- return INT; }
-[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9?!]* { magic_frontend_lval.s = strdup(yytext);
- return ID; }
-"#".*$ /* Ignore comments */
-"//".*$ /* Ignore comments */
-[ \n\t\r] /* ignore whitespace */
-. FPRINTF(stderr, "%s: Unexpected character in line %d\n", MAGIC_CONFIG_FILE, magic_frontend_lineno);
+\{([^\}]|\\.)*\} {
+ char *string = strdup(yytext);
+ magic_frontend_lval.s = string;
+ return SCRIPT_DATA;
+\"([^\"]|\\.)*\" {
+ char *string = strdup(yytext + 1);
+ char *src = string;
+ char *dst = string;
+ while (*src && *src != '"')
+ if (*src == '\\')
+ {
+ *dst++ = src[1];
+ src += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ *dst = '\0'; /* terminate */
+ magic_frontend_lval.s = string;
+ return STRING;
+"-"?[0-9]+ {
+ magic_frontend_lval.i = atoi(yytext);
+ return INT;
+ }
+"0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+ {
+ magic_frontend_lval.i = strtol(yytext + 2, NULL, 16);
+ return INT;
+ }
+[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]* {
+ magic_frontend_lval.s = strdup(yytext);
+ return ID;
+"#".*$ /* Ignore comments */
+"//".*$ /* Ignore comments */
+[ \n\t\r] /* ignore whitespace */
+. FPRINTF(stderr, "%s: Unexpected character in line %d\n", MAGIC_CONFIG_FILE, magic_frontend_lineno);
diff --git a/src/map/magic-interpreter-parser.ypp b/src/map/magic-interpreter-parser.ypp
index dd62edf..2baa854 100644
--- a/src/map/magic-interpreter-parser.ypp
+++ b/src/map/magic-interpreter-parser.ypp
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-%code requires {
+%code requires
#include "magic-interpreter.hpp"
+} // %code requires
#include "magic-interpreter-parser.hpp"
#include <cstdarg> // exception to "no va_list" rule, even after cxxstdio
@@ -11,12 +14,12 @@
#include "itemdb.hpp"
#include "magic-expr.hpp"
+// I still don't get why this is necessary.
#define YYLEX_PARAM 0, 0
int intern_id(const char *id_name);
expr_t *fun_expr(const char *name, int args_nr, expr_t **args, int line, int column);
@@ -80,13 +83,14 @@ void bind_constant(char *name, val_t *val, int line_nr);
val_t *find_constant(char *name);
+} // %code
-%union {
int i;
SPELL_FLAG spell_flags;
SPELLARG spell_arg;
@@ -108,7 +112,7 @@ val_t *find_constant(char *name);
struct {int id, count; } component;
effect_t *effect;
proc_t *proc;
+} // %union
%expect 7
@@ -227,491 +231,854 @@ val_t *find_constant(char *name);
-spellconf : /* empty */
- {}
- | spellconf_option semicolons spellconf
- {}
- ;
-semicolons : /* empty */
- {}
- | semicolons ';'
- {}
- ;
-proc_formals_list : /* empty */
- { CREATE($$, proc_t, 1); }
- | proc_formals_list_ne
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
-proc_formals_list_ne : ID
- { CREATE($$, proc_t, 1);
- $$->args_nr = 1;
- $$->args = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
- $$->args[0] = intern_id($1);
- }
- | proc_formals_list_ne ',' ID
- { $$ = $1;
- $$->args = (int*)realloc($$->args, sizeof(int) * (1 + $$->args_nr));
- $$->args[$$->args_nr++] = intern_id($3);
- }
- ;
-spellconf_option : ID '=' expr
- {
- int var_id;
- if (find_constant($1)) {
- fail(@1.first_line, 0, "Attempt to redefine constant `%s' as global\n", $1);
- free($1);
- } else {
- var_id = intern_id($1);
- magic_eval(&magic_default_env, &magic_conf.vars[var_id], $3);
- }
- }
- | CONST ID '=' expr
- {
- val_t var;
- magic_eval(&magic_default_env, &var, $4);
- bind_constant($2, &var, @1.first_line);
- }
- | TELEPORT_ANCHOR ID ':' expr '=' expr
- {
- teleport_anchor_t *anchor;
- CREATE(anchor, teleport_anchor_t, 1);
- anchor->name = $2;
- anchor->invocation = magic_eval_str(&magic_default_env, $4);
- anchor->location = $6;
- if (!failed_flag)
- add_teleport_anchor(anchor, @1.first_line);
- else
- free(anchor);
- failed_flag = 0;
- }
- | PROCEDURE ID '(' proc_formals_list ')' '=' effect_list
- {
- proc_t *proc = $4;
- proc->name = $2;
- proc->body = $7;
- if (!failed_flag)
- install_proc(proc);
- failed_flag = 0;
- }
- | spell_flags SPELL ID argopt ':' expr '=' spelldef
- { spell_t *spell = $8;
- spell->name = $3;
- spell->invocation = magic_eval_str(&magic_default_env, $6);
- spell->arg = $;
- spell->spellarg_ty = $4.ty;
- spell->flags = $1;
- if (!failed_flag)
- add_spell(spell, @1.first_line);
- failed_flag = 0;
- }
-spell_flags : /* empty */
- { $$ = SPELL_FLAG::ZERO; }
- | LOCAL spell_flags
- { if (bool($2 & SPELL_FLAG::LOCAL))
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "`LOCAL' specified more than once");
- $$ = $2 | SPELL_FLAG::LOCAL;
- }
- | NONMAGIC spell_flags
- { if (bool($2 & SPELL_FLAG::NONMAGIC))
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "`NONMAGIC' specified more than once");
- }
- | SILENT spell_flags
- { if (bool($2 & SPELL_FLAG::SILENT))
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "`SILENT' specified more than once");
- $$ = $2 | SPELL_FLAG::SILENT;
- }
-argopt : /* empty */
- { $$.ty = SPELLARG::NONE; }
- | '(' ID ':' arg_ty ')'
- { $$.id = intern_id($2);
- $$.ty = $4; }
- ;
-arg_ty : PC_F
- { $$ = SPELLARG::PC; }
- { $$ = SPELLARG::STRING; }
- ;
-value : DIR
- { $$.ty = TYPE::DIR;
- $$.v.v_int = $1; }
- | INT
- { $$.ty = TYPE::INT;
- $$.v.v_int = $1; }
- { $$.ty = TYPE::STRING;
- $$.v.v_string = $1; }
- ;
-expr : value
- { $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::VAL);
- $$->e.e_val = $1; }
- | ID
- {
- val_t *val;
- if ((val = find_constant($1))) {
- $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::VAL);
- $$->e.e_val = *val;
- } else {
- $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::ID);
- $$->e.e_id = intern_id($1);
- }
- }
- | area
- { $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::AREA);
- $$->e.e_area = $1; }
- | expr '+' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "+", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '-' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "-", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '*' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "*", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '%' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "%", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '/' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "/", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '<' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, ">", $3, $1, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '>' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, ">", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '&' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "&", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '^' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "^", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '|' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "|", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr SHL expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "<<", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr SHR expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, ">>", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr LTE expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, ">=", $3, $1, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr GTE expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, ">=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr ANDAND expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "&&", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr OROR expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "||", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr EQ expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr '=' expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | expr NEQ expr
- { BIN_EXPR($$, "=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
- $$ = fun_expr("not", 1, &$$, @1.first_line, @1.first_column); }
- | ID '(' arg_list ')'
- { $$ = fun_expr($1, $3.args_nr, $3.args, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
- if ($3.args)
- free($3.args);
- free($1); }
- | '(' expr ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- | expr '.' ID
- { $$ = dot_expr($1, intern_id($3)); }
- ;
-arg_list : /* empty */
- { $$.args_nr = 0; }
- | arg_list_ne
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
-arg_list_ne : expr
- { CREATE($$.args, expr_t *, 1);
- $$.args_nr = 1;
- $$.args[0] = $1;
- }
- | arg_list_ne ',' expr
- { RECREATE($$.args, expr_t *, 1 + $$.args_nr);
- $$.args[$$.args_nr++] = $3;
- }
- ;
-location : '@' '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
- { $$.m = $3; $$.x = $5; $$.y = $7; }
- ;
-area : location
- { $$.ty = AREA::LOCATION;
- $$.a.a_loc = $1;
- }
- | location '@' '+' '(' expr ',' expr ')'
- { $$.ty = AREA::RECT;
- $$.a.a_rect.loc = $1;
- $$.a.a_rect.width = $5;
- $$.a.a_rect.height = $7;
- }
- | location TOWARDS expr ':' '(' expr ',' expr ')'
- { $$.ty = AREA::BAR;
- $$.a.a_bar.loc = $1;
- $$.a.a_bar.width = $6;
- $$.a.a_bar.depth = $8;
- $$.a.a_bar.dir = $3;
- }
- ;
-spelldef : spellbody_list
- { $$ = new_spell($1); }
- | LET defs IN spellbody_list
- { $$ = new_spell($4);
- $$->letdefs_nr = $2.letdefs_nr;
- $$->letdefs = $2.letdefs;
- $$->spellguard = $4;
- }
- ;
-defs : semicolons
- { $$.letdefs_nr = 0;
- CREATE($$.letdefs, letdef_t, 1);
- }
- | defs def semicolons
- { $$ = $1;
- $$.letdefs_nr++;
- RECREATE($$.letdefs, letdef_t, $$.letdefs_nr);
- $$.letdefs[$1.letdefs_nr] = $2;
- }
- ;
-def : ID '=' expr
- {
- if (find_constant($1)) {
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Attempt to re-define constant `%s' as LET-bound variable.\n", $1);
- free($1);
- } else {
- $$.id = intern_id($1);
- $$.expr = $3;
- }
- }
- ;
-spellbody_list : spellbody
- { $$ = $1; }
- | spellbody '|' spellbody_list
- { spellguard_t *sg = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CHOICE);
- sg->next = $1;
- sg->s.s_alt = $3;
- $$ = sg;
- }
- ;
-spellbody : spellguard DARROW spellbody
- { $$ = spellguard_implication($1, $3); }
- | '(' spellbody_list ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- | EFFECT_ effect_list maybe_trigger maybe_end
- { spellguard_t *sg = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::EFFECT);
- sg->s.s_effect.effect = $2;
- sg->s.s_effect.at_trigger = $3;
- sg->s.s_effect.at_end = $4;
- $$ = sg;
- }
- ;
-maybe_trigger : /* empty */
- { $$ = NULL; }
- | ATTRIGGER effect_list
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
-maybe_end : /* empty */
- { $$ = NULL; }
- | ATEND effect_list
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
-spellguard : prereq
- { $$ = $1; }
- | spellguard OR spellguard
- { spellguard_t *sg = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CHOICE);
- sg->next = $1;
- sg->s.s_alt = $3;
- $$ = sg;
- }
- | '(' spellguard_list ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
-spellguard_list : spellguard
- { $$ = $1; }
- | spellguard ',' spellguard_list
- { $$ = spellguard_implication($1, $3); }
- ;
-prereq : REQUIRE expr
- { $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CONDITION);
- $$->s.s_condition = $2;
- }
- | CATALYSTS items
- { $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CATALYSTS);
- $$->s.s_catalysts = $2;
- }
- | COMPONENTS items
- { $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::COMPONENTS);
- $$->s.s_components = $2;
- }
- | MANA expr
- { $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::MANA);
- $$->s.s_mana = $2;
- }
- | CASTTIME expr
- { $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CASTTIME);
- $$->s.s_casttime = $2;
- }
- ;
-items : '[' item_list ']'
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
-item_list : item
- { $$ = NULL;
- magic_add_component(&$$, $, $1.count);
- }
- | item_list ',' item
- { $$ = $1;
- magic_add_component(&$$, $, $3.count);
- }
- ;
-item : INT '*' item_name
- { $$.id = $3; $$.count = $1; }
- | item_name
- { $$.id = $1; $$.count = 1; }
- ;
-item_name : STRING
- { struct item_data *item = itemdb_searchname($1);
- if (!item) {
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Unknown item `%s'\n", $1);
- $$ = 0;
- } else
- $$ = item->nameid;
- free($1);
- }
- | INT
- { $$ = $1; }
- ;
-selection : PC_F
- { $$ = FOREACH_FILTER::PC; }
- | MOB_F
- | NPC_F
- ;
-effect : '(' effect_list ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- | SKIP ';'
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP); }
- | ABORT ';'
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::ABORT); }
- | END ';'
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::END); }
- | BREAK ';'
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::BREAK); }
- | ID '=' expr ';'
- {
- if (find_constant($1)) {
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Attempt to re-define constant `%s' in assignment.", $1);
- free($1);
- } else {
- $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::ASSIGN);
- $$-> = intern_id($1);
- $$->e.e_assign.expr = $3;
- }
- }
- | FOREACH selection ID IN expr DO effect
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::FOREACH);
- $$-> = intern_id($3);
- $$->e.e_foreach.area = $5;
- $$->e.e_foreach.body = $7;
- $$->e.e_foreach.filter = $2;
- }
- | FOR ID '=' expr TO expr DO effect
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::FOR);
- $$-> = intern_id($2);
- $$->e.e_for.start = $4;
- $$->e.e_for.stop = $6;
- $$->e.e_for.body = $8;
- }
- | IF expr THEN effect ELSE effect
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::IF);
- $$->e.e_if.cond = $2;
- $$->e.e_if.true_branch = $4;
- $$->e.e_if.false_branch = $6;
- }
- | IF expr THEN effect
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::IF);
- $$->e.e_if.cond = $2;
- $$->e.e_if.true_branch = $4;
- $$->e.e_if.false_branch = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
- }
- | SLEEP expr ';'
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SLEEP);
- $$->e.e_sleep = $2;
- }
- | ID '(' arg_list ')' ';'
- { $$ = op_effect($1, $3.args_nr, $3.args, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
- free($1);
- }
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SCRIPT);
- $$->e.e_script = parse_script($1, @1.first_line);
- free($1);
- if ($$->e.e_script == NULL)
- fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Failed to compile script\n");
- }
- | CALL ID '(' arg_list ')' ';'
- { $$ = call_proc($2, $4.args_nr, $4.args, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
- free($2);
- }
- ;
-effect_list : /* empty */
- { $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP); }
- | effect semicolons effect_list
- { $$ = set_effect_continuation($1, $3); }
- ;
+: /* empty */
+| spellconf_option semicolons spellconf
+: /* empty */
+| semicolons ';'
+: /* empty */
+ CREATE($$, proc_t, 1);
+| proc_formals_list_ne
+ $$ = $1;
+: ID
+ CREATE($$, proc_t, 1);
+ $$->args_nr = 1;
+ $$->args = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ $$->args[0] = intern_id($1);
+| proc_formals_list_ne ',' ID
+ $$ = $1;
+ $$->args = (int *)realloc($$->args, sizeof(int) * (1 + $$->args_nr));
+ $$->args[$$->args_nr++] = intern_id($3);
+: ID '=' expr
+ int var_id;
+ if (find_constant($1))
+ {
+ fail(@1.first_line, 0, "Attempt to redefine constant `%s' as global\n", $1);
+ free($1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var_id = intern_id($1);
+ magic_eval(&magic_default_env, &magic_conf.vars[var_id], $3);
+ }
+| CONST ID '=' expr
+ val_t var;
+ magic_eval(&magic_default_env, &var, $4);
+ bind_constant($2, &var, @1.first_line);
+| TELEPORT_ANCHOR ID ':' expr '=' expr
+ teleport_anchor_t *anchor;
+ CREATE(anchor, teleport_anchor_t, 1);
+ anchor->name = $2;
+ anchor->invocation = magic_eval_str(&magic_default_env, $4);
+ anchor->location = $6;
+ if (!failed_flag)
+ add_teleport_anchor(anchor, @1.first_line);
+ else
+ free(anchor);
+ failed_flag = 0;
+| PROCEDURE ID '(' proc_formals_list ')' '=' effect_list
+ proc_t *proc = $4;
+ proc->name = $2;
+ proc->body = $7;
+ if (!failed_flag)
+ install_proc(proc);
+ failed_flag = 0;
+| spell_flags SPELL ID argopt ':' expr '=' spelldef
+ spell_t *spell = $8;
+ spell->name = $3;
+ spell->invocation = magic_eval_str(&magic_default_env, $6);
+ spell->arg = $;
+ spell->spellarg_ty = $4.ty;
+ spell->flags = $1;
+ if (!failed_flag)
+ add_spell(spell, @1.first_line);
+ failed_flag = 0;
+: /* empty */
+| LOCAL spell_flags
+ if (bool($2 & SPELL_FLAG::LOCAL))
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "`LOCAL' specified more than once");
+ $$ = $2 | SPELL_FLAG::LOCAL;
+| NONMAGIC spell_flags
+ if (bool($2 & SPELL_FLAG::NONMAGIC))
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "`NONMAGIC' specified more than once");
+| SILENT spell_flags
+ if (bool($2 & SPELL_FLAG::SILENT))
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "`SILENT' specified more than once");
+ $$ = $2 | SPELL_FLAG::SILENT;
+: /* empty */
+ $$.ty = SPELLARG::NONE;
+| '(' ID ':' arg_ty ')'
+ $$.id = intern_id($2);
+ $$.ty = $4;
+: PC_F
+ $$ = SPELLARG::PC;
+: DIR
+ $$.ty = TYPE::DIR;
+ $$.v.v_int = $1;
+| INT
+ $$.ty = TYPE::INT;
+ $$.v.v_int = $1;
+ $$.ty = TYPE::STRING;
+ $$.v.v_string = $1;
+: value
+ $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::VAL);
+ $$->e.e_val = $1;
+| ID
+ val_t *val;
+ if ((val = find_constant($1)))
+ {
+ $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::VAL);
+ $$->e.e_val = *val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::ID);
+ $$->e.e_id = intern_id($1);
+ }
+| area
+ $$ = magic_new_expr(EXPR::AREA);
+ $$->e.e_area = $1;
+| expr '+' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "+", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '-' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "-", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '*' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "*", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '%' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "%", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '/' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "/", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '<' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, ">", $3, $1, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '>' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, ">", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '&' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "&", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '^' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "^", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '|' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "|", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr SHL expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "<<", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr SHR expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, ">>", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr LTE expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, ">=", $3, $1, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr GTE expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, ">=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr ANDAND expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "&&", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr OROR expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "||", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr EQ expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr '=' expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| expr NEQ expr
+ BIN_EXPR($$, "=", $1, $3, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+ $$ = fun_expr("not", 1, &$$, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+| ID '(' arg_list ')'
+ $$ = fun_expr($1, $3.args_nr, $3.args, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+ if ($3.args)
+ free($3.args);
+ free($1);
+| '(' expr ')'
+ $$ = $2;
+| expr '.' ID
+ $$ = dot_expr($1, intern_id($3));
+: /* empty */
+ $$.args_nr = 0;
+| arg_list_ne
+ $$ = $1;
+: expr
+ CREATE($$.args, expr_t *, 1);
+ $$.args_nr = 1;
+ $$.args[0] = $1;
+| arg_list_ne ',' expr
+ RECREATE($$.args, expr_t *, 1 + $$.args_nr);
+ $$.args[$$.args_nr++] = $3;
+: '@' '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
+ $$.m = $3;
+ $$.x = $5;
+ $$.y = $7;
+: location
+ $$.ty = AREA::LOCATION;
+ $$.a.a_loc = $1;
+| location '@' '+' '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ $$.ty = AREA::RECT;
+ $$.a.a_rect.loc = $1;
+ $$.a.a_rect.width = $5;
+ $$.a.a_rect.height = $7;
+| location TOWARDS expr ':' '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ $$.ty = AREA::BAR;
+ $$.a.a_bar.loc = $1;
+ $$.a.a_bar.width = $6;
+ $$.a.a_bar.depth = $8;
+ $$.a.a_bar.dir = $3;
+: spellbody_list
+ $$ = new_spell($1);
+| LET defs IN spellbody_list
+ $$ = new_spell($4);
+ $$->letdefs_nr = $2.letdefs_nr;
+ $$->letdefs = $2.letdefs;
+ $$->spellguard = $4;
+: semicolons
+ $$.letdefs_nr = 0;
+ CREATE($$.letdefs, letdef_t, 1);
+| defs def semicolons
+ $$ = $1;
+ $$.letdefs_nr++;
+ RECREATE($$.letdefs, letdef_t, $$.letdefs_nr);
+ $$.letdefs[$1.letdefs_nr] = $2;
+: ID '=' expr
+ if (find_constant($1))
+ {
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Attempt to re-define constant `%s' as LET-bound variable.\n", $1);
+ free($1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$.id = intern_id($1);
+ $$.expr = $3;
+ }
+: spellbody
+ $$ = $1;
+| spellbody '|' spellbody_list
+ spellguard_t *sg = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CHOICE);
+ sg->next = $1;
+ sg->s.s_alt = $3;
+ $$ = sg;
+: spellguard DARROW spellbody
+ $$ = spellguard_implication($1, $3);
+| '(' spellbody_list ')'
+ $$ = $2;
+| EFFECT_ effect_list maybe_trigger maybe_end
+ spellguard_t *sg = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::EFFECT);
+ sg->s.s_effect.effect = $2;
+ sg->s.s_effect.at_trigger = $3;
+ sg->s.s_effect.at_end = $4;
+ $$ = sg;
+: /* empty */
+ $$ = NULL;
+| ATTRIGGER effect_list
+ $$ = $2;
+: /* empty */
+ $$ = NULL;
+| ATEND effect_list
+ $$ = $2;
+: prereq
+ $$ = $1;
+| spellguard OR spellguard
+ spellguard_t *sg = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CHOICE);
+ sg->next = $1;
+ sg->s.s_alt = $3;
+ $$ = sg;
+| '(' spellguard_list ')'
+ $$ = $2;
+: spellguard
+ $$ = $1;
+| spellguard ',' spellguard_list
+ $$ = spellguard_implication($1, $3);
+: REQUIRE expr
+ $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CONDITION);
+ $$->s.s_condition = $2;
+| CATALYSTS items
+ $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CATALYSTS);
+ $$->s.s_catalysts = $2;
+ $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::COMPONENTS);
+ $$->s.s_components = $2;
+| MANA expr
+ $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::MANA);
+ $$->s.s_mana = $2;
+| CASTTIME expr
+ $$ = new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD::CASTTIME);
+ $$->s.s_casttime = $2;
+: '[' item_list ']'
+ $$ = $2;
+: item
+ $$ = NULL;
+ magic_add_component(&$$, $, $1.count);
+| item_list ',' item
+ $$ = $1;
+ magic_add_component(&$$, $, $3.count);
+: INT '*' item_name
+ $$.id = $3;
+ $$.count = $1;
+| item_name
+ $$.id = $1;
+ $$.count = 1;
+ struct item_data *item = itemdb_searchname($1);
+ if (!item)
+ {
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Unknown item `%s'\n", $1);
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ $$ = item->nameid;
+ free($1);
+| INT
+ $$ = $1;
+: PC_F
+| MOB_F
+| NPC_F
+: '(' effect_list ')'
+ $$ = $2;
+| SKIP ';'
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+| ABORT ';'
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::ABORT);
+| END ';'
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::END);
+| BREAK ';'
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::BREAK);
+| ID '=' expr ';'
+ if (find_constant($1))
+ {
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Attempt to re-define constant `%s' in assignment.", $1);
+ free($1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::ASSIGN);
+ $$-> = intern_id($1);
+ $$->e.e_assign.expr = $3;
+ }
+| FOREACH selection ID IN expr DO effect
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::FOREACH);
+ $$-> = intern_id($3);
+ $$->e.e_foreach.area = $5;
+ $$->e.e_foreach.body = $7;
+ $$->e.e_foreach.filter = $2;
+| FOR ID '=' expr TO expr DO effect
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::FOR);
+ $$-> = intern_id($2);
+ $$->e.e_for.start = $4;
+ $$->e.e_for.stop = $6;
+ $$->e.e_for.body = $8;
+| IF expr THEN effect ELSE effect
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::IF);
+ $$->e.e_if.cond = $2;
+ $$->e.e_if.true_branch = $4;
+ $$->e.e_if.false_branch = $6;
+| IF expr THEN effect
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::IF);
+ $$->e.e_if.cond = $2;
+ $$->e.e_if.true_branch = $4;
+ $$->e.e_if.false_branch = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+| SLEEP expr ';'
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SLEEP);
+ $$->e.e_sleep = $2;
+| ID '(' arg_list ')' ';'
+ $$ = op_effect($1, $3.args_nr, $3.args, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+ free($1);
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SCRIPT);
+ $$->e.e_script = parse_script($1, @1.first_line);
+ free($1);
+ if ($$->e.e_script == NULL)
+ fail(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, "Failed to compile script\n");
+| CALL ID '(' arg_list ')' ';'
+ $$ = call_proc($2, $4.args_nr, $4.args, @1.first_line, @1.first_column);
+ free($2);
+: /* empty */
+ $$ = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+| effect semicolons effect_list
+ $$ = set_effect_continuation($1, $3);
@@ -722,235 +1089,250 @@ effect_list : /* empty */
int intern_id(const char *id_name)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < magic_conf.vars_nr; i++)
- if (!strcmp(id_name, magic_conf.var_name[i])) {
- free((char*)id_name);
- return i;
- }
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < magic_conf.vars_nr; i++)
+ if (!strcmp(id_name, magic_conf.var_name[i]))
+ {
+ free((char*)id_name);
+ return i;
+ }
- /* Must add new */
- i = magic_conf.vars_nr++;
- RECREATE(magic_conf.var_name, const char *, magic_conf.vars_nr);
- magic_conf.var_name[i] = id_name;
- RECREATE(magic_conf.vars, val_t, magic_conf.vars_nr);
- magic_conf.vars[i].ty = TYPE::UNDEF;
+ /* Must add new */
+ i = magic_conf.vars_nr++;
+ RECREATE(magic_conf.var_name, const char *, magic_conf.vars_nr);
+ magic_conf.var_name[i] = id_name;
+ RECREATE(magic_conf.vars, val_t, magic_conf.vars_nr);
+ magic_conf.vars[i].ty = TYPE::UNDEF;
- return i;
+ return i;
void add_spell(spell_t *spell, int line_nr)
- int index = magic_conf.spells_nr;
- int i;
+ int index = magic_conf.spells_nr;
+ int i;
- for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(magic_conf.spells[i]->name, spell->name)) {
- fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine spell `%s'\n", spell->name);
- return;
- }
- if (!strcmp(magic_conf.spells[i]->invocation, spell->invocation)) {
- fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine spell invocation `%s' between spells `%s' and `%s'\n",
- spell->invocation, magic_conf.spells[i]->name, spell->name);
- return;
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(magic_conf.spells[i]->name, spell->name))
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine spell `%s'\n", spell->name);
+ return;
- magic_conf.spells_nr++;
- RECREATE(magic_conf.spells, spell_t *, magic_conf.spells_nr);
- magic_conf.spells[index] = spell;
+ if (!strcmp(magic_conf.spells[i]->invocation, spell->invocation))
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine spell invocation `%s' between spells `%s' and `%s'\n",
+ spell->invocation, magic_conf.spells[i]->name, spell->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ magic_conf.spells_nr++;
+ RECREATE(magic_conf.spells, spell_t *, magic_conf.spells_nr);
+ magic_conf.spells[index] = spell;
void add_teleport_anchor(teleport_anchor_t *anchor, int line_nr)
- int index = magic_conf.anchors_nr;
- int i;
+ int index = magic_conf.anchors_nr;
+ int i;
- for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(magic_conf.anchors[i]->name, anchor->name)) {
- fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine teleport anchor `%s'\n", anchor->name);
- return;
- }
- if (!strcmp(magic_conf.anchors[i]->invocation, anchor->invocation)) {
- fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine anchor invocation `%s' between anchors `%s' and `%s'\n",
- anchor->invocation, magic_conf.anchors[i]->name, anchor->name);
- return;
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(magic_conf.anchors[i]->name, anchor->name))
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine teleport anchor `%s'\n", anchor->name);
+ return;
- magic_conf.anchors_nr++;
+ if (!strcmp(magic_conf.anchors[i]->invocation, anchor->invocation))
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, 0, "Attempt to redefine anchor invocation `%s' between anchors `%s' and `%s'\n",
+ anchor->invocation, magic_conf.anchors[i]->name, anchor->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ magic_conf.anchors_nr++;
- RECREATE(magic_conf.anchors, teleport_anchor_t *, magic_conf.anchors_nr);
- magic_conf.anchors[index] = anchor;
+ RECREATE(magic_conf.anchors, teleport_anchor_t *, magic_conf.anchors_nr);
+ magic_conf.anchors[index] = anchor;
static __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)))
void fail(int line, int column, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- FPRINTF(stderr, "[magic-init] L%d:%d: ", line, column);
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
- failed_flag = 1;
+ va_list ap;
+ FPRINTF(stderr, "[magic-init] L%d:%d: ", line, column);
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+ failed_flag = 1;
expr_t *dot_expr(expr_t *expr, int id)
- expr_t *retval = magic_new_expr(EXPR::SPELLFIELD);
- retval-> = id;
- retval->e.e_field.expr = expr;
+ expr_t *retval = magic_new_expr(EXPR::SPELLFIELD);
+ retval-> = id;
+ retval->e.e_field.expr = expr;
- return retval;
+ return retval;
expr_t *fun_expr(const char *name, int args_nr, expr_t **args, int line, int column)
- int id;
- expr_t *expr;
- fun_t *fun = magic_get_fun(name, &id);
- if (!fun) {
- fail(line, column, "Unknown function `%s'\n", name);
- } else if (strlen(fun->signature) != args_nr) {
- fail(line, column, "Incorrect number of arguments to function `%s': Expected %zu, found %d\n", name, strlen(fun->signature), args_nr);
- fun = NULL;
- }
- if (fun) {
- int i;
- expr = magic_new_expr(EXPR::FUNAPP);
- expr->e.e_funapp.line_nr = line;
- expr->e.e_funapp.column = column;
- expr-> = id;
- expr->e.e_funapp.args_nr = args_nr;
- for (i = 0; i < args_nr; i++)
- expr->e.e_funapp.args[i] = args[i];
- } else { /* failure */
- expr = magic_new_expr(EXPR::VAL);
- expr->e.e_val.ty = TYPE::FAIL;
- }
+ int id;
+ expr_t *expr;
+ fun_t *fun = magic_get_fun(name, &id);
+ if (!fun)
+ fail(line, column, "Unknown function `%s'\n", name);
+ else if (strlen(fun->signature) != args_nr)
+ {
+ fail(line, column, "Incorrect number of arguments to function `%s': Expected %zu, found %d\n", name, strlen(fun->signature), args_nr);
+ fun = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fun)
+ {
+ int i;
- return expr;
+ expr = magic_new_expr(EXPR::FUNAPP);
+ expr->e.e_funapp.line_nr = line;
+ expr->e.e_funapp.column = column;
+ expr-> = id;
+ expr->e.e_funapp.args_nr = args_nr;
+ for (i = 0; i < args_nr; i++)
+ expr->e.e_funapp.args[i] = args[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* failure */
+ expr = magic_new_expr(EXPR::VAL);
+ expr->e.e_val.ty = TYPE::FAIL;
+ }
+ return expr;
spell_t *new_spell(spellguard_t *guard)
- static int spell_counter = 0;
+ static int spell_counter = 0;
- spell_t *retval = (spell_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(spell_t));
- retval->index = ++spell_counter;
- retval->spellguard = guard;
- return retval;
+ spell_t *retval = (spell_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(spell_t));
+ retval->index = ++spell_counter;
+ retval->spellguard = guard;
+ return retval;
spellguard_t *new_spellguard(SPELLGUARD ty)
- spellguard_t *retval = (spellguard_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(spellguard_t));
- retval->ty = ty;
- return retval;
+ spellguard_t *retval = (spellguard_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(spellguard_t));
+ retval->ty = ty;
+ return retval;
spellguard_t *spellguard_implication(spellguard_t *a, spellguard_t *b)
- spellguard_t *retval = a;
- if (a == b) /* This can happen due to reference sharing:
- * e.g.,
- * (R0 -> (R1 | R2)) => (R3)
- * yields
- * (R0 -> (R1 -> R3 | R2 -> R3))
- *
- * So if we now add => R4 to that, we want
- * (R0 -> (R1 -> R3 -> R4 | R2 -> R3 -> R4))
- *
- * but we only need to add it once, because the R3 reference is shared.
- */
- return retval;
- /* If the premise is a disjunction, b is the continuation of _all_ branches */
- if (a->ty == SPELLGUARD::CHOICE)
- spellguard_implication(a->s.s_alt, b);
- if (a->next)
- spellguard_implication(a->next, b);
- else
- a->next = b;
+ spellguard_t *retval = a;
+ if (a == b)
+ {
+ /* This can happen due to reference sharing:
+ * e.g.,
+ * (R0 -> (R1 | R2)) => (R3)
+ * yields
+ * (R0 -> (R1 -> R3 | R2 -> R3))
+ *
+ * So if we now add => R4 to that, we want
+ * (R0 -> (R1 -> R3 -> R4 | R2 -> R3 -> R4))
+ *
+ * but we only need to add it once, because the R3 reference is shared.
+ */
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /* If the premise is a disjunction, b is the continuation of _all_ branches */
+ if (a->ty == SPELLGUARD::CHOICE)
+ spellguard_implication(a->s.s_alt, b);
+ if (a->next)
+ spellguard_implication(a->next, b);
+ else
+ a->next = b;
- return retval;
+ return retval;
effect_t *new_effect(EFFECT ty)
- effect_t *effect = (effect_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(effect_t));
- effect->ty = ty;
- return effect;
+ effect_t *effect = (effect_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(effect_t));
+ effect->ty = ty;
+ return effect;
effect_t *set_effect_continuation(effect_t *src, effect_t *continuation)
- effect_t *retval = src;
- /* This function is completely analogous to `spellguard_implication' above; read the control flow implications above first before pondering it. */
- if (src == continuation)
- return retval;
- /* For FOR and FOREACH, we use special stack handlers and thus don't have to set
- * the continuation. It's only IF that we need to handle in this fashion. */
- if (src->ty == EFFECT::IF) {
- set_effect_continuation(src->e.e_if.true_branch, continuation);
- set_effect_continuation(src->e.e_if.false_branch, continuation);
- }
- if (src->next)
- set_effect_continuation(src->next, continuation);
- else
- src->next = continuation;
+ effect_t *retval = src;
+ /* This function is completely analogous to `spellguard_implication' above; read the control flow implications above first before pondering it. */
+ if (src == continuation)
return retval;
+ /* For FOR and FOREACH, we use special stack handlers and thus don't have to set
+ * the continuation. It's only IF that we need to handle in this fashion. */
+ if (src->ty == EFFECT::IF)
+ {
+ set_effect_continuation(src->e.e_if.true_branch, continuation);
+ set_effect_continuation(src->e.e_if.false_branch, continuation);
+ }
+ if (src->next)
+ set_effect_continuation(src->next, continuation);
+ else
+ src->next = continuation;
+ return retval;
effect_t *op_effect(char *name, int args_nr, expr_t **args, int line, int column)
- int id;
- effect_t *effect;
- op_t *op = magic_get_op(name, &id);
- if (!op)
- fail(line, column, "Unknown operation `%s'\n", name);
- else if (strlen(op->signature) != args_nr) {
- fail(line, column, "Incorrect number of arguments to operation `%s': Expected %zu, found %d\n", name, strlen(op->signature), args_nr);
- op = NULL;
- }
- if (op) {
- int i;
+ int id;
+ effect_t *effect;
+ op_t *op = magic_get_op(name, &id);
+ if (!op)
+ fail(line, column, "Unknown operation `%s'\n", name);
+ else if (strlen(op->signature) != args_nr)
+ {
+ fail(line, column, "Incorrect number of arguments to operation `%s': Expected %zu, found %d\n", name, strlen(op->signature), args_nr);
+ op = NULL;
+ }
+ if (op)
+ {
+ int i;
- effect = new_effect(EFFECT::OP);
- effect->e.e_op.line_nr = line;
- effect->e.e_op.column = column;
- effect-> = id;
- effect->e.e_op.args_nr = args_nr;
+ effect = new_effect(EFFECT::OP);
+ effect->e.e_op.line_nr = line;
+ effect->e.e_op.column = column;
+ effect-> = id;
+ effect->e.e_op.args_nr = args_nr;
- for (i = 0; i < args_nr; i++)
- effect->e.e_op.args[i] = args[i];
- } else /* failure */
- effect = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+ for (i = 0; i < args_nr; i++)
+ effect->e.e_op.args[i] = args[i];
+ }
+ else /* failure */
+ effect = new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
- return effect;
+ return effect;
@@ -961,49 +1343,56 @@ int procs_nr = 0;
void install_proc(proc_t *proc)
- if (!procs) {
- procs = proc;
- procs_nr = 1;
- } else {
- RECREATE(procs, proc_t, 1 + procs_nr);
- procs[procs_nr++] = *proc;
- }
+ if (!procs)
+ {
+ procs = proc;
+ procs_nr = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RECREATE(procs, proc_t, 1 + procs_nr);
+ procs[procs_nr++] = *proc;
+ }
effect_t *call_proc(char *name, int args_nr, expr_t **args, int line_nr, int column)
- proc_t *p = NULL;
- int i;
- effect_t *retval;
- for (i = 0; i < procs_nr; i++)
- if (!strcmp(procs[i].name, name)) {
- p = &procs[i];
- break;
- }
- if (!p) {
- fail(line_nr, column, "Unknown procedure `%s'\n", name);
- return new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
- }
+ proc_t *p = NULL;
+ int i;
+ effect_t *retval;
- if (p->args_nr != args_nr) {
- fail(line_nr, column, "Procedure %s/%d invoked with %d parameters\n", name, p->args_nr, args_nr);
- return new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+ for (i = 0; i < procs_nr; i++)
+ if (!strcmp(procs[i].name, name))
+ {
+ p = &procs[i];
+ break;
- retval = new_effect(EFFECT::CALL);
- retval->e.e_call.body = p->body;
- retval->e.e_call.args_nr = args_nr;
- retval->e.e_call.formals = p->args;
- retval->e.e_call.actuals = args;
- return retval;
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, column, "Unknown procedure `%s'\n", name);
+ return new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+ }
+ if (p->args_nr != args_nr)
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, column, "Procedure %s/%d invoked with %d parameters\n", name, p->args_nr, args_nr);
+ return new_effect(EFFECT::SKIP);
+ }
+ retval = new_effect(EFFECT::CALL);
+ retval->e.e_call.body = p->body;
+ retval->e.e_call.args_nr = args_nr;
+ retval->e.e_call.formals = p->args;
+ retval->e.e_call.actuals = args;
+ return retval;
-struct const_def_rec {
- char *name;
- val_t val;
+struct const_def_rec
+ char *name;
+ val_t val;
} *const_defs = NULL;
int const_defs_nr = 0;
@@ -1011,47 +1400,52 @@ int const_defs_nr = 0;
void bind_constant(char *name, val_t *val, int line_nr)
- if (find_constant(name)) {
- fail(line_nr, 0, "Redefinition of constant `%s'\n", name);
- return;
- }
- if (!const_defs)
- const_defs = (struct const_def_rec *)malloc(sizeof(struct const_def_rec));
- else
- const_defs = (struct const_def_rec *)realloc(const_defs,
- (const_defs_nr + 1) * sizeof(struct const_def_rec));
- const_defs[const_defs_nr].name = name;
- const_defs[const_defs_nr].val = *val;
- ++const_defs_nr;
+ if (find_constant(name))
+ {
+ fail(line_nr, 0, "Redefinition of constant `%s'\n", name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!const_defs)
+ const_defs = (struct const_def_rec *)malloc(sizeof(struct const_def_rec));
+ else
+ const_defs = (struct const_def_rec *)realloc(const_defs,
+ (const_defs_nr + 1) * sizeof(struct const_def_rec));
+ const_defs[const_defs_nr].name = name;
+ const_defs[const_defs_nr].val = *val;
+ ++const_defs_nr;
val_t *find_constant(char *name)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < const_defs_nr; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(const_defs[i].name, name)) {
- free(name);
- return &const_defs[i].val;
- }
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < const_defs_nr; i++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(const_defs[i].name, name))
+ {
+ free(name);
+ return &const_defs[i].val;
+ }
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
+int error_flag;
-// FIXME: macro capture
-#define INTERN_ASSERT(name, id) \
-{ \
- int zid = intern_id(name); \
- if (zid != id) \
- FPRINTF(stderr, \
- "[magic-conf] INTERNAL ERROR: Builtin special var %s interned to %d, not %d as it should be!\n", \
- name, zid, id); \
- error_flag = 1; \
+void INTERN_ASSERT(const char *name, int id)
+ int zid = intern_id(name);
+ if (zid != id)
+ FPRINTF(stderr,
+ "[magic-conf] INTERNAL ERROR: Builtin special var %s interned to %d, not %d as it should be!\n",
+ name, zid, id);
+ error_flag = 1;
extern FILE *magic_frontend_in;
@@ -1059,51 +1453,52 @@ extern FILE *magic_frontend_in;
// must be called after itemdb initialisation
int magic_init(const char *conffile)
- int error_flag = 0;
- magic_conf.vars_nr = 0;
- // can these be left NULL ? I'm afraid to change anything.
- magic_conf.var_name = (const char **)malloc(1);
- magic_conf.vars = (val_t *)malloc(1);
- magic_conf.obscure_chance = 95;
- magic_conf.min_casttime = 100;
- magic_conf.spells_nr = 0;
- CREATE(magic_conf.spells, spell_t *, 1);
- magic_conf.anchors_nr = 0;
- CREATE(magic_conf.anchors, teleport_anchor_t *, 1);
- INTERN_ASSERT("self_spell", VAR_SPELL);
- INTERN_ASSERT("self_invocation", VAR_INVOCATION);
- magic_frontend_in = fopen(conffile, "r");
- if (!magic_frontend_in) {
- FPRINTF(stderr, "[magic-conf] Magic configuration file `%s' not found -> no magic.\n", conffile);
- return 0;
- }
- magic_frontend_parse();
- if (magic_conf.vars[VAR_MIN_CASTTIME].ty == TYPE::INT)
- magic_conf.min_casttime = magic_conf.vars[VAR_MIN_CASTTIME].v.v_int;
- if (magic_conf.vars[VAR_OBSCURE_CHANCE].ty == TYPE::INT)
- magic_conf.obscure_chance = magic_conf.vars[VAR_OBSCURE_CHANCE].v.v_int;
- PRINTF("[magic-conf] Magic initialised; obscure at %d%%. %d spells, %d teleport anchors.\n",
- magic_conf.obscure_chance, magic_conf.spells_nr, magic_conf.anchors_nr);
- if (procs)
- free(procs);
- return error_flag;
+ error_flag = 0;
+ magic_conf.vars_nr = 0;
+ // can these be left NULL ? I'm afraid to change anything.
+ magic_conf.var_name = (const char **)malloc(1);
+ magic_conf.vars = (val_t *)malloc(1);
+ magic_conf.obscure_chance = 95;
+ magic_conf.min_casttime = 100;
+ magic_conf.spells_nr = 0;
+ CREATE(magic_conf.spells, spell_t *, 1);
+ magic_conf.anchors_nr = 0;
+ CREATE(magic_conf.anchors, teleport_anchor_t *, 1);
+ INTERN_ASSERT("self_spell", VAR_SPELL);
+ INTERN_ASSERT("self_invocation", VAR_INVOCATION);
+ magic_frontend_in = fopen(conffile, "r");
+ if (!magic_frontend_in)
+ {
+ FPRINTF(stderr, "[magic-conf] Magic configuration file `%s' not found -> no magic.\n", conffile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ magic_frontend_parse();
+ if (magic_conf.vars[VAR_MIN_CASTTIME].ty == TYPE::INT)
+ magic_conf.min_casttime = magic_conf.vars[VAR_MIN_CASTTIME].v.v_int;
+ if (magic_conf.vars[VAR_OBSCURE_CHANCE].ty == TYPE::INT)
+ magic_conf.obscure_chance = magic_conf.vars[VAR_OBSCURE_CHANCE].v.v_int;
+ PRINTF("[magic-conf] Magic initialised; obscure at %d%%. %d spells, %d teleport anchors.\n",
+ magic_conf.obscure_chance, magic_conf.spells_nr, magic_conf.anchors_nr);
+ if (procs)
+ free(procs);
+ return error_flag;
extern int magic_frontend_lineno;