// original code from athena
// SQL conversion by hack
#include "char.h"
#include "strlib.h"
#include "int_storage.h"
#include "inter.h"
#include "int_guild.h"
#include "int_storage.h"
#include "mmo.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static struct guild *guild_pt;
static struct guild *guild_pt2;
static struct guild_castle *guildcastle_pt;
static int guild_newid = 10000;
static int guild_exp[100];
int mapif_parse_GuildLeave (int fd, int guild_id, int account_id,
int char_id, int flag, const char *mes);
int mapif_guild_broken (int guild_id, int flag);
int guild_check_empty (struct guild *g);
int guild_calcinfo (struct guild *g);
int mapif_guild_basicinfochanged (int guild_id, int type, const void *data,
int len);
int mapif_guild_info (int fd, struct guild *g);
int guild_break_sub (void *key, void *data, va_list ap);
// Save guild into sql
int inter_guild_tosql (struct guild *g, int flag)
// 1 `guild` (`guild_id`, `name`,`master`,`guild_lv`,`connect_member`,`max_member`,`average_lv`,`exp`,`next_exp`,`skill_point`,`castle_id`,`mes1`,`mes2`,`emblem_len`,`emblem_id`,`emblem_data`)
// 2 `guild_member` (`guild_id`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`gender`,`class`,`lv`,`exp`,`exp_payper`,`online`,`position`,`rsv1`,`rsv2`,`name`)
// 4 `guild_position` (`guild_id`,`position`,`name`,`mode`,`exp_mode`)
// 8 `guild_alliance` (`guild_id`,`opposition`,`alliance_id`,`name`)
// 16 `guild_expulsion` (`guild_id`,`name`,`mes`,`acc`,`account_id`,`rsv1`,`rsv2`,`rsv3`)
// 32 `guild_skill` (`guild_id`,`id`,`lv`)
char t_name[100], t_master[24], t_mes1[60], t_mes2[120], t_member[24], t_position[24], t_alliance[24]; // temporay storage for str convertion;
char t_ename[24], t_emes[40];
char emblem_data[4096];
int i = 0;
int guild_exist = 0, guild_member = 0, guild_online_member = 0;
if (g->guild_id <= 0)
return -1;
printf ("(\033[1;35m%d\033[0m) Request save guild - ", g->guild_id);
jstrescapecpy (t_name, g->name);
//printf("- Check if guild %d exists\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
guild_exist = atoi (sql_row[0]);
//printf("- Check if guild %d exists : %s\n",g->guild_id,((guild_exist==0)?"No":"Yes"));
mysql_free_result (sql_res); //resource free
if (guild_exist > 0)
// Check members in party
sprintf (tmp_sql, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_member_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return -1;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
guild_member = atoi (sql_row[0]);
// printf("- Check members in guild %d : %d \n",g->guild_id,guild_member);
mysql_free_result (sql_res); //resource free
// Delete old guild from sql
if (flag & 1 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 2 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_member\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_member_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_member`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `guild_id`='0' WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
char_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (update `char`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 32 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_skill\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_skill_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_skill`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 4 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_position\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_position_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 16 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_expulsion\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_expulsion_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_expulsion`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 8 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_alliance\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d' OR `alliance_id`='%d'",
guild_alliance_db, g->guild_id, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_alliance`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 2 || guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from char\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `guild_id`='0' WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
char_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_alliance`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (guild_member == 0)
// printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_castle\n",g->guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_castle_db, g->guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_castle`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
guild_online_member = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < g->max_member)
if (g->member[i].account_id > 0)
// No member in guild , no need to create it in sql
if (guild_member <= 0 && guild_online_member <= 0)
inter_guild_storage_delete (g->guild_id);
printf ("No member in guild %d , break it! \n", g->guild_id);
return -2;
// Insert new guild to sqlserver
if (flag & 1 || guild_member == 0)
int len = 0;
//printf("- Insert guild %d to guild\n",g->guild_id);
for (i = 0; i < g->emblem_len; i++)
len +=
sprintf (emblem_data + len, "%02x",
(unsigned char) (g->emblem_data[i]));
//printf("%02x",(unsigned char)(g->emblem_data[i]));
emblem_data[len] = '\0';
//printf("- emblem_len = %d \n",g->emblem_len);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "INSERT INTO `%s` "
"(`guild_id`, `name`,`master`,`guild_lv`,`connect_member`,`max_member`,`average_lv`,`exp`,`next_exp`,`skill_point`,`castle_id`,`mes1`,`mes2`,`emblem_len`,`emblem_id`,`emblem_data`) "
"VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s')",
guild_db, g->guild_id, t_name, jstrescapecpy (t_master,
g->guild_lv, g->connect_member, g->max_member, g->average_lv,
g->exp, g->next_exp, g->skill_point, g->castle_id,
jstrescapecpy (t_mes1, g->mes1), jstrescapecpy (t_mes2,
g->emblem_len, g->emblem_id, emblem_data);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (insert `guild`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 2 || guild_member == 0)
//printf("- Insert guild %d to guild_member\n",g->guild_id);
for (i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id > 0)
struct guild_member *m = &g->member[i];
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'",
guild_member_db, m->char_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_member`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sprintf (tmp_sql, "INSERT INTO `%s` "
"(`guild_id`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`gender`,`class`,`lv`,`exp`,`exp_payper`,`online`,`position`,`rsv1`,`rsv2`,`name`) "
"VALUES ('%d','%d','%d','%d','%d', '%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%s')",
guild_member_db, g->guild_id,
m->account_id, m->char_id,
m->hair, m->hair_color, m->gender,
m->class, m->lv, m->exp, m->exp_payper, m->online,
m->position, 0, 0, jstrescapecpy (t_member,
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (insert `guild_member`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `guild_id`='%d' WHERE `account_id`='%d' AND `char_id`='%d'",
char_db, g->guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (update `char`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 4 || guild_member == 0)
//printf("- Insert guild %d to guild_position\n",g->guild_id);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_GUILDPOSITION; i++)
struct guild_position *p = &g->position[i];
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`guild_id`,`position`,`name`,`mode`,`exp_mode`) VALUES ('%d','%d', '%s','%d','%d')",
guild_position_db, g->guild_id, i,
jstrescapecpy (t_position, p->name), p->mode,
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (insert `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 8 || guild_member == 0)
//printf("- Insert guild %d to guild_alliance\n",g->guild_id);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_GUILDALLIANCE; i++)
struct guild_alliance *a = &g->alliance[i];
if (a->guild_id > 0)
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`guild_id`,`opposition`,`alliance_id`,`name`) "
"VALUES ('%d','%d','%d','%s')", guild_alliance_db,
g->guild_id, a->opposition, a->guild_id,
jstrescapecpy (t_alliance, a->name));
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (insert `guild_alliance`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`guild_id`,`opposition`,`alliance_id`,`name`) "
"VALUES ('%d','%d','%d','%s')", guild_alliance_db,
a->guild_id, a->opposition, g->guild_id, t_name);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (insert `guild_alliance`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 16 || guild_member == 0)
//printf("- Insert guild %d to guild_expulsion\n",g->guild_id);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_GUILDEXPLUSION; i++)
struct guild_explusion *e = &g->explusion[i];
if (e->account_id > 0)
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`guild_id`,`name`,`mes`,`acc`,`account_id`,`rsv1`,`rsv2`,`rsv3`) "
"VALUES ('%d','%s','%s','%s','%d','%d','%d','%d')",
guild_expulsion_db, g->guild_id,
jstrescapecpy (t_ename, e->name),
jstrescapecpy (t_emes, e->mes), e->acc,
e->account_id, e->rsv1, e->rsv2, e->rsv3);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
("DB server Error (insert `guild_expulsion`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (flag & 32 || guild_member == 0)
//printf("- Insert guild %d to guild_skill\n",g->guild_id);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_GUILDSKILL; i++)
if (g->skill[i].id > 0)
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`guild_id`,`id`,`lv`) VALUES ('%d','%d','%d')",
guild_skill_db, g->guild_id, g->skill[i].id,
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (insert `guild_skill`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
printf ("Save guild done\n");
return 0;
// Read guild from sql
int inter_guild_fromsql (int guild_id, struct guild *g)
int i;
char emblem_data[4096];
char *pstr;
if (g == NULL)
return 0;
memset (g, 0, sizeof (struct guild));
if (guild_id == 0)
return 0;
// printf("Retrieve guild information from sql ......\n");
// printf("- Read guild %d from sql \n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `guild_id`, `name`,`master`,`guild_lv`,`connect_member`,`max_member`,`average_lv`,`exp`,`next_exp`,`skill_point`,`castle_id`,`mes1`,`mes2`,`emblem_len`,`emblem_id`,`emblem_data` "
"FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'", guild_db, guild_id);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (select `guild`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
if (sql_row == NULL)
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
return 0;
g->guild_id = atoi (sql_row[0]);
strncpy (g->name, sql_row[1], 24);
strncpy (g->master, sql_row[2], 24);
g->guild_lv = atoi (sql_row[3]);
g->connect_member = atoi (sql_row[4]);
g->max_member = atoi (sql_row[5]);
g->average_lv = atoi (sql_row[6]);
g->exp = atoi (sql_row[7]);
g->next_exp = atoi (sql_row[8]);
g->skill_point = atoi (sql_row[9]);
g->castle_id = atoi (sql_row[10]);
strncpy (g->mes1, sql_row[11], 60);
strncpy (g->mes2, sql_row[12], 120);
g->emblem_len = atoi (sql_row[13]);
g->emblem_id = atoi (sql_row[14]);
strncpy (emblem_data, sql_row[15], 4096);
for (i = 0, pstr = emblem_data; i < g->emblem_len; i++, pstr += 2)
int c1 = pstr[0], c2 = pstr[1], x1 = 0, x2 = 0;
if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9')
x1 = c1 - '0';
if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'f')
x1 = c1 - 'a' + 10;
if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F')
x1 = c1 - 'A' + 10;
if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9')
x2 = c2 - '0';
if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f')
x2 = c2 - 'a' + 10;
if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F')
x2 = c2 - 'A' + 10;
g->emblem_data[i] = (x1 << 4) | x2;
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//printf("- Read guild_member %d from sql \n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `guild_id`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`gender`,`class`,`lv`,`exp`,`exp_payper`,`online`,`position`,`rsv1`,`rsv2`,`name` "
"FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d' ORDER BY `position`",
guild_member_db, guild_id);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (select `guild_member`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0;
((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res)) && i < g->max_member);
struct guild_member *m = &g->member[i];
m->account_id = atoi (sql_row[1]);
m->char_id = atoi (sql_row[2]);
m->hair = atoi (sql_row[3]);
m->hair_color = atoi (sql_row[4]);
m->gender = atoi (sql_row[5]);
m->class = atoi (sql_row[6]);
m->lv = atoi (sql_row[7]);
m->exp = atoi (sql_row[8]);
m->exp_payper = atoi (sql_row[9]);
m->online = atoi (sql_row[10]);
m->position = atoi (sql_row[11]);
strncpy (m->name, sql_row[14], 24);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//printf("- Read guild_position %d from sql \n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `guild_id`,`position`,`name`,`mode`,`exp_mode` FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_position_db, guild_id);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (select `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0;
((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res)) && i < MAX_GUILDPOSITION);
int position = atoi (sql_row[1]);
struct guild_position *p = &g->position[position];
strncpy (p->name, sql_row[2], 24);
p->mode = atoi (sql_row[3]);
p->exp_mode = atoi (sql_row[4]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//printf("- Read guild_alliance %d from sql \n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `guild_id`,`opposition`,`alliance_id`,`name` FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_alliance_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (select `guild_alliance`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0;
((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res)) && i < MAX_GUILDALLIANCE);
struct guild_alliance *a = &g->alliance[i];
a->opposition = atoi (sql_row[1]);
a->guild_id = atoi (sql_row[2]);
strncpy (a->name, sql_row[3], 24);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//printf("- Read guild_expulsion %d from sql \n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `guild_id`,`name`,`mes`,`acc`,`account_id`,`rsv1`,`rsv2`,`rsv3` FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_expulsion_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (select `guild_expulsion`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0;
((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res))
struct guild_explusion *e = &g->explusion[i];
strncpy (e->name, sql_row[1], 24);
strncpy (e->mes, sql_row[2], 40);
strncpy (e->acc, sql_row[3], 24);
e->account_id = atoi (sql_row[4]);
e->rsv1 = atoi (sql_row[5]);
e->rsv2 = atoi (sql_row[6]);
e->rsv3 = atoi (sql_row[7]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//printf("- Read guild_skill %d from sql \n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `guild_id`,`id`,`lv` FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d' ORDER BY `id`",
guild_skill_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (select `guild_skill`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0;
((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res)) && i < MAX_GUILDSKILL);
g->skill[i].id = atoi (sql_row[1]);
g->skill[i].lv = atoi (sql_row[2]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
// printf("Successfully retrieve guild information from sql!\n");
return 0;
// Save guild_castle to sql
int inter_guildcastle_tosql (struct guild_castle *gc)
// `guild_castle` (`castle_id`, `guild_id`, `economy`, `defense`, `triggerE`, `triggerD`, `nextTime`, `payTime`, `createTime`, `visibleC`, `visibleG0`, `visibleG1`, `visibleG2`, `visibleG3`, `visibleG4`, `visibleG5`, `visibleG6`, `visibleG7`)
if (gc == NULL)
return 0;
//printf("Save to guild_castle\n");
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `castle_id`='%d'",
guild_castle_db, gc->castle_id);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sprintf (tmp_sql, "INSERT INTO `%s` "
"(`castle_id`, `guild_id`, `economy`, `defense`, `triggerE`, `triggerD`, `nextTime`, `payTime`, `createTime`,"
"`visibleC`, `visibleG0`, `visibleG1`, `visibleG2`, `visibleG3`, `visibleG4`, `visibleG5`, `visibleG6`, `visibleG7`,"
"`Ghp0`, `Ghp1`, `Ghp2`, `Ghp3`, `Ghp4`, `Ghp5`, `Ghp6`, `Ghp7`)"
"VALUES ('%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d')",
guild_castle_db, gc->castle_id, gc->guild_id, gc->economy,
gc->defense, gc->triggerE, gc->triggerD, gc->nextTime,
gc->payTime, gc->createTime, gc->visibleC, gc->visibleG0,
gc->visibleG1, gc->visibleG2, gc->visibleG3, gc->visibleG4,
gc->visibleG5, gc->visibleG6, gc->visibleG7, gc->Ghp0, gc->Ghp1,
gc->Ghp2, gc->Ghp3, gc->Ghp4, gc->Ghp5, gc->Ghp6, gc->Ghp7);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `castle_id`='-1' WHERE `castle_id`='%d'",
guild_db, gc->castle_id);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `castle_id`='%d' WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_db, gc->castle_id, gc->guild_id);
//printf(" %s\n",tmp_sql);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
return 0;
// Read guild_castle from sql
int inter_guildcastle_fromsql (int castle_id, struct guild_castle *gc)
if (gc == NULL)
return 0;
//printf("Read from guild_castle\n");
memset (gc, 0, sizeof (struct guild_castle));
gc->castle_id = castle_id;
if (castle_id == -1)
return 0;
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"SELECT `castle_id`, `guild_id`, `economy`, `defense`, `triggerE`, `triggerD`, `nextTime`, `payTime`, `createTime`, "
"`visibleC`, `visibleG0`, `visibleG1`, `visibleG2`, `visibleG3`, `visibleG4`, `visibleG5`, `visibleG6`, `visibleG7`,"
"`Ghp0`, `Ghp1`, `Ghp2`, `Ghp3`, `Ghp4`, `Ghp5`, `Ghp6`, `Ghp7`"
" FROM `%s` WHERE `castle_id`='%d'", guild_castle_db, castle_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
if (sql_row == NULL)
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
return 0;
gc->guild_id = atoi (sql_row[1]);
gc->economy = atoi (sql_row[2]);
gc->defense = atoi (sql_row[3]);
gc->triggerE = atoi (sql_row[4]);
gc->triggerD = atoi (sql_row[5]);
gc->nextTime = atoi (sql_row[6]);
gc->payTime = atoi (sql_row[7]);
gc->createTime = atoi (sql_row[8]);
gc->visibleC = atoi (sql_row[9]);
gc->visibleG0 = atoi (sql_row[10]);
gc->visibleG1 = atoi (sql_row[11]);
gc->visibleG2 = atoi (sql_row[12]);
gc->visibleG3 = atoi (sql_row[13]);
gc->visibleG4 = atoi (sql_row[14]);
gc->visibleG5 = atoi (sql_row[15]);
gc->visibleG6 = atoi (sql_row[16]);
gc->visibleG7 = atoi (sql_row[17]);
gc->Ghp0 = atoi (sql_row[18]);
gc->Ghp1 = atoi (sql_row[19]);
gc->Ghp2 = atoi (sql_row[20]);
gc->Ghp3 = atoi (sql_row[21]);
gc->Ghp4 = atoi (sql_row[22]);
gc->Ghp5 = atoi (sql_row[23]);
gc->Ghp6 = atoi (sql_row[24]);
gc->Ghp7 = atoi (sql_row[25]);
//printf("Read Castle %d of guild %d from sql \n",castle_id,gc->guild_id);
mysql_free_result (sql_res); //resource free
return 0;
// Read exp_guild.txt
int inter_guild_readdb ()
int i;
FILE *fp;
char line[1024];
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
guild_exp[i] = 0;
fp = fopen_ ("db/exp_guild.txt", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf ("can't read db/exp_guild.txt\n");
return 1;
i = 0;
while (fgets (line, 256, fp) && i < 100)
if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
guild_exp[i] = atoi (line);
fclose_ (fp);
return 0;
// Initialize guild sql
int inter_guild_sql_init ()
int i;
printf ("interserver guild memory initialize.... (%d byte)\n",
sizeof (struct guild));
guild_pt = calloc (sizeof (struct guild), 1);
guild_pt2 = calloc (sizeof (struct guild), 1);
guildcastle_pt = calloc (sizeof (struct guild_castle), 1);
inter_guild_readdb (); // Read exp
sprintf (tmp_sql, "UPDATE `%s` SET `online`='0'", guild_member_db);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (update `char`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
exit (0);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s`", guild_db);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
exit (0);
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
printf ("total guild data -> '%s'.......\n", sql_row[0]);
i = atoi (sql_row[0]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
if (i > 0)
//set party_newid
sprintf (tmp_sql, "SELECT max(`guild_id`) FROM `%s`", guild_db);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
exit (0);
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
guild_newid = atoi (sql_row[0]) + 1;
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
printf ("set guild_newid: %d.......\n", guild_newid);
return 0;
// Get guild by its name
struct guild *search_guildname (char *str)
struct guild *g = guild_pt;
char t_name[24];
int guild_id = 0;
printf ("search_guildname\n");
sprintf (tmp_sql, "SELECT `guild_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `name`='%s'",
guild_db, jstrescapecpy (t_name, str));
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
guild_id = atoi (sql_row[0]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
return g;
// Check if guild is empty
int guild_check_empty (struct guild *g)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id > 0)
return 0;
// 誰もいないので解散
mapif_guild_broken (g->guild_id, 0);
inter_guild_storage_delete (g->guild_id);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 255);
memset (g, 0, sizeof (struct guild));
return 1;
int guild_nextexp (int level)
if (level < 100 && level > 0) // Change by hack
return guild_exp[level - 1];
return 0;
// ギルドスキルがあるか確認
int guild_checkskill (struct guild *g, int id)
return g->skill[id - 10000].lv;
// ギルドの情報の再計算
int guild_calcinfo (struct guild *g)
int i, c, nextexp;
struct guild before = *g;
// スキルIDの設定
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
g->skill[i].id = i + 10000;
// ギルドレベル
if (g->guild_lv <= 0)
g->guild_lv = 1;
nextexp = guild_nextexp (g->guild_lv);
if (nextexp > 0)
while (g->exp >= nextexp && nextexp > 0)
{ // Change by hack
g->exp -= nextexp;
nextexp = guild_nextexp (g->guild_lv);
// ギルドの次の経験値
g->next_exp = guild_nextexp (g->guild_lv);
// メンバ上限(ギルド拡張適用)
g->max_member = 100 + guild_checkskill (g, 10004) * 2; // Updated max_members [PoW]
// 平均レベルとオンライン人数
g->average_lv = 0;
g->connect_member = 0;
for (i = c = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id > 0)
g->average_lv += g->member[i].lv;
if (g->member[i].online > 0)
g->average_lv /= c;
// 全データを送る必要がありそう
if (g->max_member != before.max_member ||
g->guild_lv != before.guild_lv ||
g->skill_point != before.skill_point)
mapif_guild_info (-1, g);
return 1;
return 0;
// map serverへの通信
// ギルド作成可否
int mapif_guild_created (int fd, int account_id, struct guild *g)
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x3830;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = account_id;
if (g != NULL)
WFIFOL (fd, 6) = g->guild_id;
printf ("int_guild: created! %d %s\n", g->guild_id, g->name);
WFIFOL (fd, 6) = 0;
WFIFOSET (fd, 10);
return 0;
// ギルド情報見つからず
int mapif_guild_noinfo (int fd, int guild_id)
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x3831;
WFIFOW (fd, 2) = 8;
WFIFOL (fd, 4) = guild_id;
WFIFOSET (fd, 8);
printf ("int_guild: info not found %d\n", guild_id);
return 0;
// ギルド情報まとめ送り
int mapif_guild_info (int fd, struct guild *g)
unsigned char buf[16384];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3831;
memcpy (buf + 4, g, sizeof (struct guild));
WBUFW (buf, 2) = 4 + sizeof (struct guild);
// printf("int_guild: sizeof(guild)=%d\n",sizeof(struct guild));
if (fd < 0)
mapif_sendall (buf, WBUFW (buf, 2));
mapif_send (fd, buf, WBUFW (buf, 2));
// printf("int_guild: info %d %s\n",p->guild_id,p->name);
return 0;
// メンバ追加可否
int mapif_guild_memberadded (int fd, int guild_id, int account_id,
int char_id, int flag)
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x3832;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = guild_id;
WFIFOL (fd, 6) = account_id;
WFIFOL (fd, 10) = char_id;
WFIFOB (fd, 14) = flag;
WFIFOSET (fd, 15);
return 0;
// 脱退/追放通知
int mapif_guild_leaved (int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag,
const char *name, const char *mes)
unsigned char buf[128];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3834;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 6) = account_id;
WBUFL (buf, 10) = char_id;
WBUFB (buf, 14) = flag;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 15), mes, 40);
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 55), name, 24);
mapif_sendall (buf, 79);
printf ("int_guild: guild leaved %d %d %s %s\n", guild_id, account_id,
name, mes);
return 0;
// オンライン状態とLv更新通知
int mapif_guild_memberinfoshort (struct guild *g, int idx)
unsigned char buf[32];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3835;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = g->guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 6) = g->member[idx].account_id;
WBUFL (buf, 10) = g->member[idx].char_id;
WBUFB (buf, 14) = g->member[idx].online;
WBUFW (buf, 15) = g->member[idx].lv;
WBUFW (buf, 17) = g->member[idx].class;
mapif_sendall (buf, 19);
return 0;
// 解散通知
int mapif_guild_broken (int guild_id, int flag)
unsigned char buf[16];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3836;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = guild_id;
WBUFB (buf, 6) = flag;
mapif_sendall (buf, 7);
printf ("int_guild: broken %d\n", guild_id);
return 0;
// ギルド内発言
int mapif_guild_message (int guild_id, int account_id, char *mes, int len)
unsigned char buf[512];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3837;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = len + 12;
WBUFL (buf, 4) = guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 8) = account_id;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 12), mes, len);
mapif_sendall (buf, len + 12);
return 0;
// ギルド基本情報変更通知
int mapif_guild_basicinfochanged (int guild_id, int type, const void *data,
int len)
unsigned char buf[2048];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3839;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = len + 10;
WBUFL (buf, 4) = guild_id;
WBUFW (buf, 8) = type;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 10), data, len);
mapif_sendall (buf, len + 10);
return 0;
// ギルドメンバ情報変更通知
int mapif_guild_memberinfochanged (int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id,
int type, const void *data, int len)
unsigned char buf[2048];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x383a;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = len + 18;
WBUFL (buf, 4) = guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 8) = account_id;
WBUFL (buf, 12) = char_id;
WBUFW (buf, 16) = type;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 18), data, len);
mapif_sendall (buf, len + 18);
return 0;
// ギルドスキルアップ通知
int mapif_guild_skillupack (int guild_id, int skill_num, int account_id)
unsigned char buf[16];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x383c;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 6) = skill_num;
WBUFL (buf, 10) = account_id;
mapif_sendall (buf, 14);
return 0;
// ギルド同盟/敵対通知
int mapif_guild_alliance (int guild_id1, int guild_id2, int account_id1,
int account_id2, int flag, const char *name1,
const char *name2)
unsigned char buf[128];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x383d;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = guild_id1;
WBUFL (buf, 6) = guild_id2;
WBUFL (buf, 10) = account_id1;
WBUFL (buf, 14) = account_id2;
WBUFB (buf, 18) = flag;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 19), name1, 24);
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 43), name2, 24);
mapif_sendall (buf, 67);
return 0;
// ギルド役職変更通知
int mapif_guild_position (struct guild *g, int idx)
unsigned char buf[128];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x383b;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = sizeof (struct guild_position) + 12;
WBUFL (buf, 4) = g->guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 8) = idx;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 12), &g->position[idx],
sizeof (struct guild_position));
mapif_sendall (buf, WBUFW (buf, 2));
return 0;
// ギルド告知変更通知
int mapif_guild_notice (struct guild *g)
unsigned char buf[256];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x383e;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = g->guild_id;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 6), g->mes1, 60);
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 66), g->mes2, 120);
mapif_sendall (buf, 186);
return 0;
// ギルドエンブレム変更通知
int mapif_guild_emblem (struct guild *g)
unsigned char buf[2048];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x383f;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = g->emblem_len + 12;
WBUFL (buf, 4) = g->guild_id;
WBUFL (buf, 8) = g->emblem_id;
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 12), g->emblem_data, g->emblem_len);
mapif_sendall (buf, WBUFW (buf, 2));
return 0;
int mapif_guild_castle_dataload (int castle_id, int index, int value) // <Agit>
unsigned char buf[16];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3840;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = castle_id;
WBUFB (buf, 4) = index;
WBUFL (buf, 5) = value;
mapif_sendall (buf, 9);
return 0;
int mapif_guild_castle_datasave (int castle_id, int index, int value) // <Agit>
unsigned char buf[16];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x3841;
WBUFW (buf, 2) = castle_id;
WBUFB (buf, 4) = index;
WBUFL (buf, 5) = value;
mapif_sendall (buf, 9);
return 0;
int mapif_guild_castle_alldataload (int fd)
struct guild_castle *gc = guildcastle_pt;
int i, len = 4;
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x3842;
sprintf (tmp_sql, "SELECT * FROM `%s` ORDER BY `castle_id`",
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res != NULL && mysql_num_rows (sql_res) > 0)
for (i = 0;
((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res)) && i < MAX_GUILDCASTLE);
memset (gc, 0, sizeof (struct guild_castle));
gc->castle_id = atoi (sql_row[0]);
gc->guild_id = atoi (sql_row[1]);
gc->economy = atoi (sql_row[2]);
gc->defense = atoi (sql_row[3]);
gc->triggerE = atoi (sql_row[4]);
gc->triggerD = atoi (sql_row[5]);
gc->nextTime = atoi (sql_row[6]);
gc->payTime = atoi (sql_row[7]);
gc->createTime = atoi (sql_row[8]);
gc->visibleC = atoi (sql_row[9]);
gc->visibleG0 = atoi (sql_row[10]);
gc->visibleG1 = atoi (sql_row[11]);
gc->visibleG2 = atoi (sql_row[12]);
gc->visibleG3 = atoi (sql_row[13]);
gc->visibleG4 = atoi (sql_row[14]);
gc->visibleG5 = atoi (sql_row[15]);
gc->visibleG6 = atoi (sql_row[16]);
gc->visibleG7 = atoi (sql_row[17]);
gc->Ghp0 = atoi (sql_row[18]);
gc->Ghp1 = atoi (sql_row[19]);
gc->Ghp2 = atoi (sql_row[20]);
gc->Ghp3 = atoi (sql_row[21]);
gc->Ghp4 = atoi (sql_row[22]);
gc->Ghp5 = atoi (sql_row[23]);
gc->Ghp6 = atoi (sql_row[24]);
gc->Ghp7 = atoi (sql_row[25]);
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, len), gc, sizeof (struct guild_castle));
len += sizeof (struct guild_castle);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
WFIFOW (fd, 2) = len;
WFIFOSET (fd, len);
return 0;
// map serverからの通信
// ギルド作成要求
int mapif_parse_CreateGuild (int fd, int account_id, char *name,
struct guild_member *master)
struct guild *g;
int i;
printf ("CreateGuild\n");
g = search_guildname (name);
if (g != NULL && g->guild_id > 0)
printf ("int_guild: same name guild exists [%s]\n", name);
mapif_guild_created (fd, account_id, NULL);
return 0;
g = guild_pt;
memset (g, 0, sizeof (struct guild));
g->guild_id = guild_newid++;
memcpy (g->name, name, 24);
memcpy (g->master, master->name, 24);
memcpy (&g->member[0], master, sizeof (struct guild_member));
g->position[0].mode = 0x11;
strcpy (g->position[0].name, "GuildMaster");
strcpy (g->position[MAX_GUILDPOSITION - 1].name, "Newbie");
for (i = 1; i < MAX_GUILDPOSITION - 1; i++)
sprintf (g->position[i].name, "Position %d", i + 1);
// Initialize guild property
g->max_member = 100;
g->average_lv = master->lv;
g->castle_id = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
g->skill[i].id = i + 10000;
// Save to sql
printf ("Create initialize OK!\n");
i = inter_guild_tosql (g, 255);
if (i < 0)
mapif_guild_created (fd, account_id, NULL);
return 0;
// Report to client
mapif_guild_created (fd, account_id, g);
mapif_guild_info (fd, g);
inter_log ("guild %s (id=%d) created by master %s (id=%d)" RETCODE,
name, g->guild_id, master->name, master->account_id);
return 0;
// Return guild info to client
int mapif_parse_GuildInfo (int fd, int guild_id)
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g != NULL && g->guild_id > 0)
guild_calcinfo (g);
mapif_guild_info (fd, g);
//inter_guild_tosql(g,1); // Change guild
mapif_guild_noinfo (fd, guild_id);
return 0;
// Add member to guild
int mapif_parse_GuildAddMember (int fd, int guild_id, struct guild_member *m)
struct guild *g;
int i;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL || g->guild_id <= 0)
mapif_guild_memberadded (fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 1);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id == 0)
memcpy (&g->member[i], m, sizeof (struct guild_member));
mapif_guild_memberadded (fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id,
guild_calcinfo (g);
mapif_guild_info (-1, g);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 3); // Change guild & guild_member
return 0;
mapif_guild_memberadded (fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 1);
//inter_guild_tosql(g,3); // Change guild & guild_member
return 0;
// Delete member from guild
int mapif_parse_GuildLeave (int fd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id,
int flag, const char *mes)
struct guild *g = NULL;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g != NULL && g->guild_id > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id == account_id &&
g->member[i].char_id == char_id)
printf ("%d %d\n", i, (int) (&g->member[i]));
printf ("%d %s\n", i, g->member[i].name);
if (flag)
{ // 追放の場合追放リストに入れる
int j;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDEXPLUSION; j++)
if (g->explusion[j].account_id == 0)
{ // 一杯なので古いのを消す
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDEXPLUSION - 1; j++)
g->explusion[j] = g->explusion[j + 1];
g->explusion[j].account_id = account_id;
memcpy (g->explusion[j].acc, "dummy", 24);
memcpy (g->explusion[j].name, g->member[i].name, 24);
memcpy (g->explusion[j].mes, mes, 40);
mapif_guild_leaved (guild_id, account_id, char_id, flag,
g->member[i].name, mes);
printf ("%d %d\n", i, (int) (&g->member[i]));
printf ("%d %s\n", i, (&g->member[i])->name);
memset (&g->member[i], 0, sizeof (struct guild_member));
if (guild_check_empty (g) == 0)
mapif_guild_info (-1, g); // まだ人がいるのでデータ送信
* else
* inter_guild_save(); // 解散したので一応セーブ
* return 0; */
guild_calcinfo (g);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 19); // Change guild & guild_member & guild_expulsion
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `guild_id`='0' WHERE `account_id`='%d' AND `char_id`='%d'",
char_db, account_id, char_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (update `char`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
/* mapif_guild_leaved(guild_id,account_id,char_id,flag,g->member[i].name,mes); */
return 0;
// Change member info
int mapif_parse_GuildChangeMemberInfoShort (int fd, int guild_id,
int account_id, int char_id,
int online, int lv, int class)
// Could speed up by manipulating only guild_member
struct guild *g;
int i, alv, c;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL || g->guild_id <= 0)
return 0;
g->connect_member = 0;
for (i = 0, alv = 0, c = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id == account_id &&
g->member[i].char_id == char_id)
g->member[i].online = online;
g->member[i].lv = lv;
g->member[i].class = class;
mapif_guild_memberinfoshort (g, i);
if (g->member[i].account_id > 0)
alv += g->member[i].lv;
if (g->member[i].online)
// 平均レベル
g->average_lv = alv / c;
inter_guild_tosql (g, 3); // Change guild & guild_member
return 0;
// BreakGuild
int mapif_parse_BreakGuild (int fd, int guild_id)
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL)
return 0;
// Delete guild from sql
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'", guild_db,
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_member\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_member_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_member`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_skill\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_skill_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_skill`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_position\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_position_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_expulsion\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_expulsion_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_expulsion`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_alliance\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d' OR `alliance_id`='%d'",
guild_alliance_db, guild_id, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Delete guild %d from guild_castle\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
guild_castle_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//printf("- Update guild %d of char\n",guild_id);
sprintf (tmp_sql, "UPDATE `%s` SET `guild_id`='0' WHERE `guild_id`='%d'",
char_db, guild_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmp_sql))
printf ("DB server Error (delete `guild_position`)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
inter_guild_storage_delete (guild_id);
mapif_guild_broken (guild_id, 0);
inter_log ("guild %s (id=%d) broken" RETCODE, g->name, guild_id);
return 0;
// ギルドメッセージ送信
int mapif_parse_GuildMessage (int fd, int guild_id, int account_id, char *mes,
int len)
return mapif_guild_message (guild_id, account_id, mes, len);
// ギルド基本データ変更要求
int mapif_parse_GuildBasicInfoChange (int fd, int guild_id,
int type, const char *data, int len)
struct guild *g;
// int dd=*((int *)data);
short dw = *((short *) data);
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL || g->guild_id <= 0)
return 0;
switch (type)
printf ("GBI_GUILDLV\n");
if (dw > 0 && g->guild_lv + dw <= 50)
g->guild_lv += dw;
g->skill_point += dw;
else if (dw < 0 && g->guild_lv + dw >= 1)
g->guild_lv += dw;
mapif_guild_info (-1, g);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 1);
return 0;
printf ("int_guild: GuildBasicInfoChange: Unknown type %d\n",
mapif_guild_basicinfochanged (guild_id, type, data, len);
//inter_guild_tosql(g,1); // Change guild
return 0;
// ギルドメンバデータ変更要求
int mapif_parse_GuildMemberInfoChange (int fd, int guild_id, int account_id,
int char_id, int type,
const char *data, int len)
// Could make some improvement in speed, because only change guild_member
int i;
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
//printf("GuildMemberInfoChange %s \n",(type==GMI_EXP)?"GMI_EXP":"OTHER");
if (g == NULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
if (g->member[i].account_id == account_id &&
g->member[i].char_id == char_id)
if (i == g->max_member)
printf ("int_guild: GuildMemberChange: Not found %d,%d in %d[%s]\n",
account_id, char_id, guild_id, g->name);
return 0;
switch (type)
case GMI_POSITION: // 役職
g->member[i].position = *((int *) data);
case GMI_EXP:
{ // EXP
int exp, oldexp = g->member[i].exp;
exp = g->member[i].exp = *((unsigned int *) data);
g->exp += (exp - oldexp);
guild_calcinfo (g); // Lvアップ判断
mapif_guild_basicinfochanged (guild_id, GBI_EXP, &g->exp, 4);
} break;
printf ("int_guild: GuildMemberInfoChange: Unknown type %d\n",
mapif_guild_memberinfochanged (guild_id, account_id, char_id, type, data,
inter_guild_tosql (g, 3); // Change guild & guild_member
return 0;
// ギルド役職名変更要求
int mapif_parse_GuildPosition (int fd, int guild_id, int idx,
struct guild_position *p)
// Could make some improvement in speed, because only change guild_position
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL || idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_GUILDPOSITION)
return 0;
memcpy (&g->position[idx], p, sizeof (struct guild_position));
mapif_guild_position (g, idx);
printf ("int_guild: position changed %d\n", idx);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 4); // Change guild_position
return 0;
// ギルドスキルアップ要求
int mapif_parse_GuildSkillUp (int fd, int guild_id, int skill_num,
int account_id)
// Could make some improvement in speed, because only change guild_position
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
int idx = skill_num - 10000;
if (g == NULL || skill_num < 10000)
return 0;
if (g->skill_point > 0 && g->skill[idx].id > 0 && g->skill[idx].lv < 10)
if (guild_calcinfo (g) == 0)
mapif_guild_info (-1, g);
mapif_guild_skillupack (guild_id, skill_num, account_id);
printf ("int_guild: skill %d up\n", skill_num);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 33); // Change guild & guild_skill
return 0;
// ギルド同盟要求
int mapif_parse_GuildAlliance (int fd, int guild_id1, int guild_id2,
int account_id1, int account_id2, int flag)
// Could speed up
struct guild *g[2];
int j, i;
g[0] = guild_pt;
g[1] = guild_pt2;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id1, g[0]);
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id2, g[1]);
if (g[0] == NULL || g[1] == NULL || g[0]->guild_id == 0
|| g[1]->guild_id == 0)
return 0;
if (!(flag & 0x8))
for (i = 0; i < 2 - (flag & 1); i++)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDALLIANCE; j++)
if (g[i]->alliance[j].guild_id == 0)
g[i]->alliance[j].guild_id = g[1 - i]->guild_id;
memcpy (g[i]->alliance[j].name, g[1 - i]->name, 24);
g[i]->alliance[j].opposition = flag & 1;
{ // 関係解消
for (i = 0; i < 2 - (flag & 1); i++)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDALLIANCE; j++)
if (g[i]->alliance[j].guild_id == g[1 - i]->guild_id &&
g[i]->alliance[j].opposition == (flag & 1))
g[i]->alliance[j].guild_id = 0;
mapif_guild_alliance (guild_id1, guild_id2, account_id1, account_id2,
flag, g[0]->name, g[1]->name);
inter_guild_tosql (g[0], 8); // Change guild_alliance
inter_guild_tosql (g[1], 8); // Change guild_alliance
return 0;
// ギルド告知変更要求
int mapif_parse_GuildNotice (int fd, int guild_id, const char *mes1,
const char *mes2)
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL || g->guild_id <= 0)
return 0;
memcpy (g->mes1, mes1, 60);
memcpy (g->mes2, mes2, 120);
inter_guild_tosql (g, 1); // Change mes of guild
return mapif_guild_notice (g);
// ギルドエンブレム変更要求
int mapif_parse_GuildEmblem (int fd, int len, int guild_id, int dummy,
const char *data)
struct guild *g;
g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (guild_id, g);
if (g == NULL || g->guild_id <= 0)
return 0;
memcpy (g->emblem_data, data, len);
g->emblem_len = len;
inter_guild_tosql (g, 1); // Change guild
return mapif_guild_emblem (g);
int mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataLoad (int fd, int castle_id, int index) // <Agit>
struct guild_castle *gc = guildcastle_pt;
inter_guildcastle_fromsql (castle_id, gc);
if (gc == NULL || gc->castle_id == -1)
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (castle_id, 0, 0);
switch (index)
case 1:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 2:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 3:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 4:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 5:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 6:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 7:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 8:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 9:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 10:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 11:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 12:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 13:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 14:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 15:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 16:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 17:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 18:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
break; // guardian HP [Valaris]
case 19:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 20:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 21:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 22:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 23:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 24:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
case 25:
return mapif_guild_castle_dataload (gc->castle_id, index,
break; // end additions [Valaris]
("mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataLoad ERROR!! (Not found index=%d)\n",
return 0;
int mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataSave (int fd, int castle_id, int index, int value) // <Agit>
struct guild_castle *gc = guildcastle_pt;
inter_guildcastle_fromsql (castle_id, gc);
if (gc == NULL || gc->castle_id == -1)
return mapif_guild_castle_datasave (castle_id, index, value);
switch (index)
case 1:
if (gc->guild_id != value)
int gid = (value) ? value : gc->guild_id;
struct guild *g = guild_pt;
inter_guild_fromsql (gid, g);
inter_log ("guild %s (id=%d) %s castle id=%d" RETCODE,
(g) ? g->name : "??", gid,
(value) ? "occupy" : "abandon", index);
gc->guild_id = value;
case 2:
gc->economy = value;
case 3:
gc->defense = value;
case 4:
gc->triggerE = value;
case 5:
gc->triggerD = value;
case 6:
gc->nextTime = value;
case 7:
gc->payTime = value;
case 8:
gc->createTime = value;
case 9:
gc->visibleC = value;
case 10:
gc->visibleG0 = value;
case 11:
gc->visibleG1 = value;
case 12:
gc->visibleG2 = value;
case 13:
gc->visibleG3 = value;
case 14:
gc->visibleG4 = value;
case 15:
gc->visibleG5 = value;
case 16:
gc->visibleG6 = value;
case 17:
gc->visibleG7 = value;
case 18:
gc->Ghp0 = value;
break; // guardian HP [Valaris]
case 19:
gc->Ghp1 = value;
case 20:
gc->Ghp2 = value;
case 21:
gc->Ghp3 = value;
case 22:
gc->Ghp4 = value;
case 23:
gc->Ghp5 = value;
case 24:
gc->Ghp6 = value;
case 25:
gc->Ghp7 = value;
break; // end additions [Valaris]
("mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataSave ERROR!! (Not found index=%d)\n",
return 0;
inter_guildcastle_tosql (gc);
return mapif_guild_castle_datasave (gc->castle_id, index, value);
// ギルドチェック要求
int mapif_parse_GuildCheck (int fd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id)
// What does this mean? Check if belong to another guild?
return 0;
// map server からの通信
// ・1パケットのみ解析すること
// ・パケット長データはinter.cにセットしておくこと
// ・パケット長チェックや、RFIFOSKIPは呼び出し元で行われるので行ってはならない
// ・エラーなら0(false)、そうでないなら1(true)をかえさなければならない
int inter_guild_parse_frommap (int fd)
switch (RFIFOW (fd, 0))
case 0x3030:
mapif_parse_CreateGuild (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 4), RFIFOP (fd, 8),
(struct guild_member *) RFIFOP (fd, 32));
case 0x3031:
mapif_parse_GuildInfo (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2));
case 0x3032:
mapif_parse_GuildAddMember (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 4),
(struct guild_member *) RFIFOP (fd,
case 0x3034:
mapif_parse_GuildLeave (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2), RFIFOL (fd, 6),
RFIFOL (fd, 10), RFIFOB (fd, 14),
RFIFOP (fd, 15));
case 0x3035:
mapif_parse_GuildChangeMemberInfoShort (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2),
RFIFOL (fd, 6),
RFIFOL (fd, 10),
RFIFOB (fd, 14),
RFIFOW (fd, 15),
RFIFOW (fd, 17));
case 0x3036:
mapif_parse_BreakGuild (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2));
case 0x3037:
mapif_parse_GuildMessage (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 4), RFIFOL (fd, 8),
RFIFOP (fd, 12), RFIFOW (fd, 2) - 12);
case 0x3038:
mapif_parse_GuildCheck (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2), RFIFOL (fd, 6),
RFIFOL (fd, 10));
case 0x3039:
mapif_parse_GuildBasicInfoChange (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 4),
RFIFOW (fd, 8), RFIFOP (fd, 10),
RFIFOW (fd, 2) - 10);
case 0x303A:
mapif_parse_GuildMemberInfoChange (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 4),
RFIFOL (fd, 8), RFIFOL (fd,
RFIFOW (fd, 16), RFIFOP (fd,
RFIFOW (fd, 2) - 18);
case 0x303B:
mapif_parse_GuildPosition (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 4), RFIFOL (fd, 8),
(struct guild_position *) RFIFOP (fd,
case 0x303C:
mapif_parse_GuildSkillUp (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2), RFIFOL (fd, 6),
RFIFOL (fd, 10));
case 0x303D:
mapif_parse_GuildAlliance (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2), RFIFOL (fd, 6),
RFIFOL (fd, 10), RFIFOL (fd, 14),
RFIFOB (fd, 18));
case 0x303E:
mapif_parse_GuildNotice (fd, RFIFOL (fd, 2), RFIFOP (fd, 6),
RFIFOP (fd, 66));
case 0x303F:
mapif_parse_GuildEmblem (fd, RFIFOW (fd, 2) - 12, RFIFOL (fd, 4),
RFIFOL (fd, 8), RFIFOP (fd, 12));
case 0x3040:
mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataLoad (fd, RFIFOW (fd, 2),
RFIFOB (fd, 4));
case 0x3041:
mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataSave (fd, RFIFOW (fd, 2),
RFIFOB (fd, 4), RFIFOL (fd, 5));
return 0;
return 1;
int inter_guild_mapif_init (int fd)
return mapif_guild_castle_alldataload (fd);
// サーバーから脱退要求(キャラ削除用)
int inter_guild_leave (int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id)
return mapif_parse_GuildLeave (-1, guild_id, account_id, char_id, 0,