path: root/npc/006-1/pachua.txt
diff options
authorJared Adams <>2011-06-01 15:27:26 -0600
committerJared Adams <>2011-06-01 15:37:09 -0600
commit3d0823d5c9b56be5c3892c0a4e717f961cb93e69 (patch)
tree6545b29dbd08d81b57f9cb1f9f83df57ead489c2 /npc/006-1/pachua.txt
parentc6e448824925eec18edffffc7342399b73b6feb4 (diff)
Change the Converter to use different folder names
And update everything to use it.
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/006-1/pachua.txt')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/npc/006-1/pachua.txt b/npc/006-1/pachua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a827205f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/006-1/pachua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+006-1.gat,23,100,0 script Pachua 143,{
+ set @wants_leather_patch, QUEST_Forestbow_state & NIBBLE_4_MASK;
+// lines belong to easter 2011:
+// set @month, 4;
+// set @start_day, 15;
+// set @end_day, 30;
+ if (QUEST_MIRIAM_cheat != 0) goto L_warp_cheat;
+ if (QUEST_MIRIAM_start != 0) goto L_smoke;
+// lines belong to easter 2011:
+// if (gettime(6) == @month && gettime(5) >= @start_day && gettime(5) <= @end_day && QUEST_Easter11 == 1) goto L_Basket;
+// if (gettime(6) == @month && gettime(5) >= @start_day && gettime(5) <= @end_day && QUEST_Easter11 == 2) goto L_MakeBasket;
+// if (gettime(6) == @month && gettime(5) >= @start_day && gettime(5) <= @end_day && QUEST_Easter11 == 3) goto L_SeeBunny;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"How!\"";
+ next;
+ if (getequipid(equip_head) == 643 || getequipid(equip_head) == 644) goto L_WearingCowboy;
+ if (getequipid(equip_legs) == 642) goto L_WearingChaps;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"For generations my tribe has been crafting special clothes out of different items.\"";
+ next;
+ if((countitem("JeansShorts") > 0 && countitem("SnakeSkin") > 9) && (countitem("FancyHat") > 0 && countitem("SnakeSkin") > 1)) goto L_Super_store;
+ if(countitem("JeansShorts") > 0 && countitem("SnakeSkin") > 9) goto L_Chaps_store;
+ if(countitem("FancyHat") > 0 && countitem("SnakeSkin") > 1) goto L_Cowboy_store;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Maybe if you bring me the right materials I can make something for you.\"";
+ next;
+ if (@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu "Wait, can you make a leather patch for me?", L_leather_patch,
+ "OK, bye.", -;
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Let me see what you have there.\"";
+ next;
+ return;
+ callsub L_CheckStuff;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Ahh you have lots of good items to work with.\"";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"With them I can make you either";
+ mes "a Cowboy hat or Snake Skin Chaps\"";
+ next;
+ if (@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu
+ "Cowboy hat, please.", L_BuyCowboy,
+ "Snake Skin Chaps sound good.", L_BuyChaps,
+ "Can you make a leather patch?", L_leather_patch,
+ "Not now, maybe later.", L_NoDeal;
+ if (!@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu
+ "Cowboy hat, please.", L_BuyCowboy,
+ "Snake Skin Chaps sound good.", L_BuyChaps,
+ "Not now, maybe later.", L_NoDeal;
+ callsub L_CheckStuff;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"To make you a Cowboy hat I will need:";
+ mes "1 Fancy hat";
+ mes "2 Snake skins";
+ mes "5.000 GP\"";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Do we have a deal?\"";
+ next;
+ if (@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu
+ "Yes, that's fine.", L_BuyCowboy,
+ "Can you make a leather patch?", L_leather_patch,
+ "On second thought, maybe later.", L_NoDeal;
+ if (!@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu
+ "Yes, that's fine.", L_BuyCowboy,
+ "On second thought, maybe later.", L_NoDeal;
+ callsub L_CheckStuff;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"To make you a pair of Snake Skin Chaps I will need:";
+ mes "1 Jeans Shorts";
+ mes "10 Snake skins";
+ mes "10.000 GP\"";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Do we have a deal?\"";
+ next;
+ if (!@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu
+ "Yes, that's fine.", L_BuyChaps,
+ "On second thought, maybe later.", L_NoDeal;
+ if (@wants_leather_patch)
+ menu
+ "Yes, that's fine.", L_BuyChaps,
+ "Can you make a leather patch?", L_leather_patch,
+ "On second thought, maybe later.", L_NoDeal;
+ if (zeny < 10000) goto L_NoMoney;
+ if (countitem("JeansShorts") < 1) goto L_NoJeans;
+ if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 10) goto L_NoSkin;
+ set zeny, zeny - 10000;
+ delitem "SnakeSkin", 10;
+ delitem "JeansShorts", 1;
+ getitem "JeansChaps", 1;
+ goto L_DealDone;
+ if (zeny < 5000) goto L_NoMoney;
+ if (countitem("FancyHat") < 1) goto L_NoFancy;
+ if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 2) goto L_NoSkin;
+ set zeny, zeny - 5000;
+ delitem "SnakeSkin", 2;
+ delitem "FancyHat", 1;
+ set @temp,rand(2);
+ if(@temp == 0) goto L_Cowboy_white;
+ goto L_Cowboy_black;
+ getitem "WhiteCowboyHat", 1;
+ goto L_DealDone;
+ getitem "BlackCowboyHat", 1;
+ goto L_DealDone;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"If you just want a piece of leather, then yes, I can make that. Bring me a snake skin and " + @LEATHER_PATCH_PRICE + " GP.\"";
+ next;
+ menu "Here you are.", -,
+ "OK, I'll be back later.", L_End,
+ "That's too expensive!.", L_NoDeal;
+ if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 1) goto L_NoSkins;
+ if (zeny < @LEATHER_PATCH_PRICE) goto L_NoMoney;
+ getinventorylist;
+ if (@inventorylist_count == 100 && countitem("SnakeSkin") > 1) goto L_TooMany;
+ set zeny, zeny - @LEATHER_PATCH_PRICE;
+ delitem "SnakeSkin", 1;
+ getitem "LeatherPatch", 1;
+ goto L_DealDone;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Here you are!\"";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Come back any time.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Alright, but you won't get a better deal anywhere else!\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Oh dear, it seems you don't have enough money.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Oh dear, it seems you don't have enough jeans shorts.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Oh dear, it seems you don't have enough fancy hats.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Oh dear, it seems you don't have enough snake skins.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Ah, I see that you are wearing a hat made with the ancient methods of my tribe.\"";
+ next;
+ goto L_Check_Shops;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"Ah, I see that you are wearing pants made by my tribe.\"";
+ next;
+ goto L_Check_Shops;
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"You don't have room for a leather patch. Come back later.\"";
+ close;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "Pachua quickly inhales from his pipe and releases a ring of smoke towards the sky!";
+ set QUEST_MIRIAM_run, gettimetick(1) - QUEST_MIRIAM_start;
+ set QUEST_MIRIAM_start, 0;
+ end;
+ if (@warp_cheat == 1) goto L_Begin;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "Pachua releases a ring of smoke towards the sky! But, by the look on his face, you can tell he is suspicious about your methods...";
+ set @warp_cheat, 1;
+ end;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"For generations my tribe has been crafting special clothes out of different items.\"";
+ mes "\"Maybe if you bring me the right materials I can make something for you.\"";
+ next;
+ menu
+ "Do you work only with clothes? Because I was looking for a basket.", -;
+ mes "\"A basket? In our tribe, we craft baskets of all kinds using only reeds. This basket, you need it to carry your items?\"";
+ menu
+ "No. It is for the Easter Bunny. I offered to get him one.", -;
+ mes "\"I appreciate your attitude. Maybe I can help you with that.\"";
+ menu
+ "I would be really grateful if you could do that!", -,
+ "Nah, I decided not to do that stupid quest.", L_End,
+ "I would prefer to talk to you about other stuff.", L_Begin; //should go to pachuas's regular chat
+ set QUEST_Easter11, 2;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"I will need you to gather reeds for me.\"";
+ mes "\"5 bundles should do it.\"";
+ mes "\"You should be able to get those from mouboos as they graze.\"";
+ menu
+ "I have the Reeds!", -,
+ "Ok, I will be back soon", L_End,
+ "I changed my mind, forget about it", L_End,
+ "Can I talk to you about another stuff?", L_Begin; //should go to pachuas's regular chat
+ if(countitem("ReedBundle") < 5) goto L_EasterNotEnough;
+ if(countitem("ReedBundle") >= 5) goto L_EasterEnough;
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"You do not have enough [Reed Bundle]s for me to work with.\"";
+ mes "\"Go gather more.\"";
+ close;
+ getinventorylist;
+ if (@inventorylist_count == 100 && countitem("ReedBundle") > 5) goto L_EasterTooMany;
+ if(countitem("ReedBundle") < 5) goto L_EasterNotEnough;
+ delitem "ReedBundle", 5;
+ getitem "EasterBasket", 1;
+ set QUEST_Easter11, 3;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"You have gathered enough reeds for me to make the basket.\"";
+ mes "He skillfully soaks the reeds you brought him,";
+ mes "then swiftly weaves them into a basket shape.";
+ mes "Next, he places the damp basket in the sun to dry for a minute before handing it over to you.";
+ mes "\"Here is your [Easter Basket].\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"You don't have room for the [Easter Basket]. Come back later.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Chief Pachua]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "\"You need to return to the Easter Bunny now.\"";
+ next;
+ goto L_Begin;