// Tut mage
// Author: Wushin, Ledmitz
// Gains Access to Magic School
// See 024-2 clean that shit up
// Morgan, liana
mes "[Morgan Debug]";
mes "Reset?";
"Yes.", L_Reset,
"No.", L_End;
set QL_MORGAN, 0;
mes "Reset!";
goto L_End;
if (!debug)
disablenpc "MorganDebug";
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
goto L_Welcome;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"Greetings traveller. What brings you here?\"";
"Maybe magnificent magic?", L_IntCheck,
"Hello. What's that stuff over there by that shady looking character in the hood?", L_Lab,
"Yikes, I'm in the wrong place for sure.", L_Close,
"Just looking around, thanks.", L_Close;
if (Int >= 5)
goto L_Learn;
goto L_NotMagic;
if (QL_MORGAN == 0)
goto L_NotSeen;
if (QL_MORGAN == 1)
goto L_Seen;
if (QL_MORGAN == 2)
goto L_Started;
if (QL_MORGAN == 3)
goto L_CastOnce;
if (QL_MORGAN == 4)
goto L_LearningDone;
goto L_Close;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"I don't know about shady, but Zitoni can be a bit shrewd...\"";
mes "\"He doesn't care to share trade secrets, but I've seen him concocting a few brew, from the side.\"";
mes "\"I can't say of his methods, but I've peered an item or two from over here. Most of his abominations seem to require water.\"";
mes "\"Magic is much less messy and toxic than his art. I couldn't be bothered with all that mashing and smashing of pink petals and mushrooms and such, much less a snake tongue.\"";
mes "\"... of any kind, for that matter. What a mess he makes over there.\"";
mes "\"He may be shrewd and a bit unkempt, but he's generous with his hardware. He'll let anyone use it. Maybe it helps sales. Who knows?\"";
goto L_Close;
set QL_MORGAN, 1;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"Welcome to the magic school of Candor\"";
mes "\"My name is Morgan, I'm Head of Wizardry.\"";
mes "\"You appear to have the markings to use magic.\"";
mes "\"Granted you are still to young to cast spells.\"";
mes "\"But we can teach you to use simple magic devices.\"";
mes "\"Would you like to learn some apprentice skills?\"";
"Yes.", L_Start,
"Maybe later", L_Close;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"Have you returned to learn some magic?\"";
"Yes.", L_Start,
"Maybe later", L_Close;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"Hrmm you don't appear to posses enough magical talent to teach.\"";
goto L_Close;
set QL_MORGAN, 2;
mes "\"Great, lets begin your first lesson.\"";
getitem 1171, 1;
mes "\"This is a wand, there are many like it but this one is now yours.\"";
mes "\"Various wands and staffs are found throughout the land with many different strengths and weaknesses.\"";
mes "\"To use the wand you need to have it equipped and speak the incantation to let it tap into your mana.\"";
mes "\"As the power of your magic grows so will the spells you can cast.\"";
mes "\"Lets start with a basic wand attack. " + get(.invocation$, "spell-wand") + "\"";
mes "\"Equip the wand and lets try out that spell.\"";
mes "\"To cast a spell open the chat window, type the invocation and press enter.\"";
mes "\"Speak to me again once you've cast the spell.\"";
goto L_Close;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"Lets start with a basic wand attack. " + get(.invocation$, "spell-wand") + "\"";
mes "\"Equip the wand and lets try out that spell.\"";
mes "\"To cast a spell open the chat window, type the invocation and press enter.\"";
mes "\"Speak to me again once you've cast the spell.\"";
goto L_Close;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"Ok, good job! Looks like you have good mana flow.\"";
mes "\"Onto the next lesson. Now that you have " + get(.invocation$, "spell-wand") + " cast,\"";
mes "\"Each time you attack the wand will convert a bit of you mana into a magic bolt.\"";
mes "\"After so many attacks, you will need to recast the invocation to stay attuned to the wand.\"";
mes "\"(Logging out will also cancel any spell effects currently active in-game.).\"";
mes "\"I've taught you all I can for now. You should visit the Mana Seed north west of Hurnscald.\"";
set QL_MORGAN, 4;
goto L_Close;
mes "[Morgan]";
mes "\"" + get(.invocation$, "spell-wand") + " is a basic wand attack.\"";
mes "\"A Wand must be equipped to use the spell.\"";
mes "\"To cast a spell open the chat window, type the invocation and press enter.\"";
mes "\"You can also discharge any active spell by saying " + get(.invocation$, "discharge spell") + ".\"";
mes "\"I've taught you all I can for now. You should visit the Mana Seed north west of Hurnscald.\"";
goto L_Close;
set .IS_MAGIC, 1;