BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
barbariansAdded Barbarians song to Rager camp and west adjacent mapLedmitz23 months
floyd_bookConflict resolution 1Ledmitz2 years
github/fork/Ledmitz/chiza_misses_guardian_n_slayerAdded attribution to kaflosh.ogg. Sorry it's not a separate branch. Just noti...Ledmitz5 years
github/fork/Ledmitz/ghost_sfxAdded attributionLedmitz5 years
github/fork/Ledmitz/jacko_sfxAdded JackO soundsLedmitz5 years
github/fork/Ledmitz/map_musicAdded/changed music/ambience to certain maps. Removed indoor music in hurnsca...Ledmitz4 years
github/fork/Ledmitz/punch_sfxDeleted witch masJesusalva Jesusalva2 years
lower_terraniteadded new map, changed 012-4 to have portal to itAJ Keresztes6 weeks
masterConverted remaining rules (desert, firstrule, thermin_cave)Thorbjørn Lindeijer8 weeks
stableMerge branch 'gun_misses' into 'master'Led Mitz20 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-04-20Added Barbarians song to Rager camp and west adjacent mapbarbariansLedmitz2-2/+2
2023-04-20Merge branch 'mapfix' into 'master'Led Mitz2-34/+34
2023-04-20moved object to right locationHoraK-FDF2-34/+34
2023-04-20Merge branch 'emo_attire_fix' into 'master'Led Mitz1-2/+2
2023-04-20Corrected wrong color valuesLedmitz1-2/+2
2023-04-19Merge branch 'music_addition_1' into 'master'Led Mitz9-9/+9
2023-04-19Added 4 new music tracks to mapsLedmitz9-9/+9
2023-04-19Merge branch 'Hurnsbar_map_poppet' into 'master'Led Mitz1-13/+13
2023-04-19Hurns indoor map fix by poppetLedmitz1-13/+13
2023-04-19Merge branch 'dimond_bluebox_poppet' into 'master'Led Mitz1-18/+18