path: root/langs
diff options
authorReid <>2011-10-16 19:07:01 +0200
committerReid <>2011-10-16 19:07:01 +0200
commit76f7eccb5b4b95ce16f9f6c39349401074d61405 (patch)
tree118197318d3ee537e88e19cf84206a16739034f6 /langs
parent4eef25e666e02ba7fdd8474a9d8b9eb54408df66 (diff)
Deletion of old lang translation.
Diffstat (limited to 'langs')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 8691 deletions
diff --git a/langs/lang_el.old b/langs/lang_el.old
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_el.old
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/langs/lang_el.txt b/langs/lang_el.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a09684c8b..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_el.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Με την δύναμη μέσα μου,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Αχ, αυτή *λόξιγκας* είναι εδώ.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Έχετε κουραστεί να είσαι αυτό που είσαι;
-Περιοχή Συστήματος
-As you want!
-Όπως θέλετε!
-Ash brown
-Καφέ σκόνη
-Bee spawned
-Bee ωοτόκησε
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Μπλε *λόξιγκας *... Imma μεγάλο πανί * λόξιγκας* ή !
-Bowl cut
-Μπολ κομμένα
-Bunny ears
-Αυτιά απο λαγό
-Bye bye!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Μπορείτε να κάνετε κάτι με το χρώμα μου;
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Combed back
-Χτενισμένα πίσω
-Copper red
-Χαλκός κόκκινος
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Θα μπορούσα να σας ρωτήσω ποια γλώσσα μιλάτε; Όπως και ότι μπορώ να σας προσθέσω στη λίστα.
-Desert hat
-Καπέλο ερήμου
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-Μου έφερες @@ @@;
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-Μου έφερες @@ @@;
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Γνωρίζετε κάνέναν ενδιαφέρον άνθρωπο εδώ γύρω;
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε μια μέλισσα;
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Μην ανησυχείς,είμαι σίγουρος οτι ολα θα πάνε καλά και για τους δύο μας
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Δε βλέπεις οτι μιλάω ήδη?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Το βάψιμο απέτυχε.Έχασες την βαφή.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni ο Χειρουργός
-Flat ponytail
-Φαρδιά αλογοουρά
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Για την βαφή το στοιχείο σας, θα πρέπει να έχετε λευκό στοιχείο και βαφής με τα απαιτούμενα χρώμα.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Γκρμμμμ γκρμμμ...
-Good job!
-Καλή δουλειά!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Χαχαχα, δεν θα πάρει πολύ από το χρόνο σου, συνέχισε!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Παίρνει μια μικρή λιστα και αρχίζει να την διαβάζει
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Χεχε. Εγώ, θα προσπαθήσω να ανοίξω μια αγορά, έχω ακούσει ότι είναι μια μεγάλη πόλη του εμπορίου εδώ, λόγω του λιμένα και όλους τους ...
-Hello @@
-Γειά @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Γεια σου αγαπητέ, τι θέλεις σήμερα;
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Γεια σου αγαπητέ, τι θέλεις σήμερα;
-Hello, girl!
-Γειά σου, κορίτσi!
-Hello, stranger!
-Γειά σου ξενε
-Here is your reward!
-Εδω είναι η αμοιβή σου!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Χει! Ναι, είμαι ήδη ξύπνιος. Έτσι, είναι τέλος του μικρού δρόμου μας μαζί, τι θα κάνεις τώρα;
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Ει! Είδατε;Φτάσαμε στο λιμάνι σήμερα, ήταν πολύ μακριά από το άλλο νησί ...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Ει! Είδατε; Φτάσαμε στο λιμάνι σήμερα, ήταν πολύ μακριά από το άλλο νησί ...
-Hey, girl!
-Ει, κορίτσι!
-Hey, guy!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Κοίτα την Τζούλια, είναι όμορφη, δεν είναι ; Με κοιτάει για μερικά λεπτά ... χαχα! Καλή τύχη, φίλε μου.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Έι,μου είπες ψέματα!
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Χμμ,είμαι εντάξει προς το παρόν,ευχαριστώ.
-How can I get it
-Πως μπορώ να το αποκτήσω
-I can!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Δεν χρειάζομαι την βοηθειά σου τώρα,ελα ξανά αργότερα.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-Δεν θέλω να αλλάξω την γλώσσα μου,συγνώμη.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-Σου έδωσα μια ανταμοιβή. Δεν μπορώ να σου δώσω περισσότερες.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Έκανα ενα λάθος,θα ήθελα να αλλάξω την γλώσσα μου.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Έκανα λάθος,θα ήθελα να αλλάξω τη γλώσσα μου
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για τον καθαρισμό των σφήνα του πλοίου, αλλά δεν είσαι αρκετά δυνατός για να με βοηθήσεις.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-Χρειάζομαι κάποιον που μπορεί να καθαρίσει τον πάτο του πλοίου,μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-Σε προτείνω στο θάνατο ... δύο φορές.
-I speak Dutch
-Μιλάω Ολλανδικά
-I speak English
-Μιλάω Αγγλικά
-I speak Flemish
-Μιλάω Φλάνδρας
-I speak French
-Μιλάω Γαλλικά
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-Μιλάω Ιταλικά
-I speak Russian
-Μιλάω Ρώσικα
-I speak Spanish
-Μιλάω Ισπανικά
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-Νομίζω ότι θα διερευνήσει γύρω από λίγο και να δω τι μπορώ να βρω, εσείς και;
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-Νομίζω ότι το πλοίο θα εξακολουθεί να είναι εδώ και αρκετό καιρό, χρειαζόμαστε πολλή τροφή και το πλοίο μας, χρειάζεται κάποια επισκευή πριν επιστρέψει στη θάλασσα.
-I think you can help me, right?
-Νομίζω οτι μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις,σωστά?
-I want to be a Human
-Θέλω να γίνω άνθρωπος
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Θέλω να γίνω Ifitron
-I want to be a Orc
-Θέλω να γίνω Orc
-I want to be a Sparron
-Θέλω να γίνω Sparron
-I want to be a Ukar
-Θέλω να γίνω ένας Ukar
-I want to dye to different color
-Θέλω να το βάψω σε διαφορετικό χρώμα
-I will give you @@gp.
-Θα σου δώσω @@ χρήματα.
-I will need some coffee...
-Θα χρειαστώ λίγο καφέ
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-Θα ξεκουραστώ λίγο εδώ ή στην πόλη, δεν αισθάνομαι και τόσο καλά μετά από αυτό το ταξίδι ...
-I will!
-Θα το κάνω!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-Αναρωτιέμαι γι 'αυτό, νομίζω ότι θα ανακαλύψω σιγά-σιγά και θα δούμε τι θα συμβεί!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-Αναρωτιέμαι γι 'αυτό, νομίζω ότι θα το ανακαλύψετε σιγά-σιγά και να δούμε τι θα συμβεί!
-I'd like to get a different style.
-Θα ήθελα να πάρει ένα διαφορετικό ύφος.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-Θα έρθω για επίσκεψη! Ελπίζω ότι αυτό το νησί θα μας δώσει ό, τι ψάχνουμε ...
-I'll get it!#0
-Θα το πάρω
-I'll get it!#1
-Θα το πάρω!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Είμαι η Τζούλια, η δουλειά μου είναι να εγγράφω κάθε σώμα το οποίο μπαίνει ή βγαίνει από το πλοίο.
-I'm busy#0
-Είμαι απασχολημένος
-I'm busy#1
-Είμαι απασχολημένος
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-Έχω μια φίλη, και με χρειάζεται για να της κάνω κάτι,το οποίο δεν είμαι διαθέσιμος να κάνω.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Εάν δεν το έχεις,τότε δε μπορείς να το χρωματίσεις
-Infinitely long
-Απείρως μακρά
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Είναι *λόξιγκας * λάθος, Imma δεν * λόξιγκας* μεθυσμένος.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Άσε ύσηχο τον οικογενειακό μου θυσαυρό!
-Leave it
-Let me see your work...
-Επιτρέψτε μου να δω τη δουλειά σου ...
-Let me sleep...
-Άφησε με να κοιμηθώ ...
-Let me think...
-Ασε με να σκεφτώ
-Long and curly
-Μακριά και σγουρά
-Long and slick
-Μακρής και λείος
-Long ponytail
-Μακριά αλογοουρά
-Make less noise, please.
-Κάνε λιγότερο θόρυβο, παρακαλώ.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Ίσως να είσαι ο επόμενος?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Ίσως εσυ να είσαι ο επόμενος;
-Μίνι φούστα
-Move along, kid.
-Προχώρα, μικρέ.
-Navy blue
-No problem, do you need something else?
-Κανένα πρόβλημα,χρειάζεστ
-No, thank you
-No, thanks!
-Οχι, ευχαριστώ!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Όχι, είναι πάρα πολύ επικίνδυνο για μένα!
-Not yet.
-Όχι ακόμα
-Nothing, sorry
-Now i have class
-Τώρα έχω τάξη
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Φυσικά!Πες μου τι γλώσσα μιλάς
-Off black
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Α αλήθεια;Δεν εχω τον χρόνο τώρα,πρέπει να φύγω.Συγνώμη.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Ω, δεν υπάρχει πρόβλημα! Τέλος πάντων, αν έχετε ερωτήσεις, θα πρέπει να δείτε την Τζούλια στην υποδοχή, είναι πολύ καλή!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ω, σε ευχαριστώ! Γιο, τι θα εκάνα χωρίς τη βοήθειά σας. Εντάξει, τα λέμε!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Εντάξει,χρειάζεσαι τίποτα αλλο?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Εντάξει, εντάξει. Γύρνα πίσω, αν αλλάξεις γνώμη.
-Ok, thanks
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Εντάξει,είμαι έτοιμος για να δουλέψω!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Εντάξει,είμαι έτοιμος για να δουλέψω!
-Okay, you can start!
-Εντάξει,μπορείς να αρχίσεις!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Μόλις αυτό γίνει, θα σας διώξουν από το διακομιστή. Μην πανικοβάλλεστε, καθώς όλα είναι καλά.
-Perky ponytail
-Ζωηρή αλογοουρά
-Please change my race
-Παρακαλώ αλλάξτε την φυλή μου
-Please do, my dear
-Παρακαλούμε να κάνετε, αγαπητέ μου
-Please select a race
-Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μια φυλή
-Φουντωτό κτένισμα
-Rabbit ears
-Αυτιά κουνελιού
-Read it
-Διαβασέ το
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Ρρρ πςςςςςς...
-Shop 1
-Μαγαζί 1
-Shop 2
-Μαγαζί 2
-Shop 3
-Μαγαζί 3
-Shop 4
-Μαγαζί 4
-Shop 5
-Μαγαζί 5
-Shop 6
-Μαγαζί 6
-Shop 7
-Μαγαζί 7
-Short and curly
-Κοντά και σγουρά
-Short punk
-Κοντός πάνκ
-Short robe
-Κοντή ρόμπα
-Short tank top
-Κοντό μπουστάκι
-Sleeping Elf
-Κοιμησμένο Elf
-So die already!
-Οπότε ψόφα επιτέλους!
-Sorcerer robe
-Ρόμπα Μάγου
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Συγνώμη δεν έχετε τα συστατικά.
-Surprise me
-Κάνε μου έκπληξη
-T-neck sweater
-T-λαιμό πουλόβερ
-Tank top
-Κοντό μπλουζάκι
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-Υπάρχει επίσης @ @ στις αποβάθρες, θα χαιρόταν να σε βοηθήσει!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Είναι πολύ όμορφο και μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει πολύ περισσότερο από μένα.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Αυτό το νησί είναι κάπως αστείο για την έναρξη μια περιπέτειας, και είναι ένα καλό μέρος για να συναντάς ανθρώπους , χαχα!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Το σημείωμα αυτό είχε απομείνει από κάποιον.
-Tousled layers
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Οι χελώνες το ρίχνουν. Καλή τύχη!
-V-neck sweater
-Πουλόβερ λαιμού
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Προειδοποίηση: Όλοι οι χαρακτήρες στο πλαίσιο της παρούσας σύνδεσης θα αλλάξουν.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Βρισκόμαστε σε [@@], είναι ένα μεγάλο λιμάνι-πόλη, πολλοί αρχάριοι αρχίσουν την περιπέτεια τους εδώ.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Λοιπόν, θα δω τι θα συμβει. Ελπίζω ότι η καλή τύχη θα με ακολουθήσει !
-What can I dye for you today?
-Τι μπορώ να βάψω για σας σήμερα;
-What color?
-Τι χρώμα;
-What do you want to do with it?
-Τι θέλεις να κάνεις με αυτό;
-What do you want to dye?
-Τι θέλετε να βάψετε;
-What do you want today?
-Τι θέλεις σήμερα;
-What do you want?
-Τι θέλεις?
-What will you do during this break?
-Τι θα κάνεις κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του διαλείμματος;
-What? Never!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Τι;Η αμοιβή είναι πολύ μικρή!
-Where are we?
-Που είμαστε?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Πού είναι αυτό το κύπελλο; ..* λόξιγκας *
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Γιατί *λόξιγκας* σε μένα;!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Γιατί δεν μπορώ να βάψω το αντικειμενό μου;
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Γιατί οχι, πρέπει να εκπαιδευτώ έτσι και αλλιώς.
-Witch hat
-Καπέλο μάγισας
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Θα ενδιαφερόσασταν για μια αλλαγή φυλής?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Θα ενδιαφερώσουν για μια αλλαγή φύλου;
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Ναι, αλλά τι ανταμοιβή θα πάρω;
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Ναι, αν θέλετε, εγώ θα ανοίξω μια αγορά σε αυτή την πόλη, ίσως μπορείτε να με επισκεφθείτε-**; Θα μπορούσε να είναι διασκεδαστικό να σε ξαναδώ!
-Yes, I can!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Ναί,το έκανα!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Ναί,το έκανα!
-Yes, please!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Γιο, το βρήκα, κουλ! Έχω τα πάντα, εκτός από @ @ @ @. Μπορείς να το φέρεις σε μένα;
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Γιό,μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις αδελφέ;
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Γιο, μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις, αδελφή;
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Γιο, βλέπεις τι εννοώ;
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Γιο, κοίτα: ο φίλος μου με συμβούλεψε να κάνεις ένα δροσερό και γευστικό φαγητό, και μου έδωσε τις οδηγίες.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Γιο,τώρα απλά φέρ'το σε εμένα
-Yo, thank you!
-Γιο, σε ευχαριστώ!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Γιo, αυτό είναι καλό ότι θέλεις να με βοηθήσεις.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Γιο,πραγματικά το έφερες!
-You can start now.
-Μπορείς να αρχίσεις τώρα.
-You can't go there!
-Δεν μπορείς να πας εκεί!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-Δεν έχετε αρκετά για να πληρώσει για τις υπηρεσίες μου.
-You failed the task!#0
-Απέτυχες στην αποστολή!
-You failed the task!#1
-Απέτυχες στην αποστολή!
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Θα επρέπε να πάς να συναντήσεις τους ναύτες εδώ γύρω.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Θα επρέπε να πάς να συναντήσεις τους ναύτες εδώ γύρω.
-is helping me.
-με βοηθάει.
diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old
deleted file mode 100644
index de38c2f7f..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_en.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
- helps me.
- helps me.
-@@ helps me.
-@@ helps me.
-Bla bla bla!
-Bla bla bla!
-Blah blah blah!
-Blah blah blah!
-Ble ble ble!
-Ble ble ble!
-Bli bli bli!
-Bli bli bli!
-Blo blo blo!
-Blo blo blo!
-Blu blu blu!
-Blu blu blu!
-Bly bly bly!
-Bly bly bly!
-Can you collect it for me?
-Can you collect it for me?
-Can you do something for my color?
-Can you do something for my color?
-Dark brown
-Dark brown
-Dark purple
-Dark purple
-Dark red
-Dark red
-Did you bring me 30 @@?#0
-Did you bring me 30 @@?
-Did you bring me 30 @@?#1
-Did you bring me 30 @@?
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?#0
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?#1
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?
-Did you collect 10 @@?#0
-Did you collect 10 @@?
-Did you collect 10 @@?#1
-Did you collect 10 @@?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#0
-Did you collect @@ @@?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#1
-Did you collect @@ @@?
-Do you know some people to met around?
-Do you know some people to met around?
-Do you see that sailor?
-Do you see that sailor?
-Do you want to create bee?
-Do you want to create bee?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will work well for both of us!
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will work well for both of us!
-Drunken Sailor
-Drunken Sailor
-Get your reward!
-Get your reward!
-Good luck!
-Good luck!
-Good work!
-Good work!
-Good work! Get your reward!
-Good work! Get your reward!
-Haha, I won't take you much time, go ahead!
-Haha, I won't take you much time, go ahead!
-He took a small list began reading it
-He took a small list began reading it
-Hehe, me I will try to open a market, I heard that it was a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all..
-Hehe, me I will try to open a market, I heard that it was a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all..
-Hehe, you lied to me.
-Hehe, you lied to me.
-Hello dear, what do you want today?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?
-Hello! Can you help me with the making of my potion?
-Hello! Can you help me with the making of my potion?
-Here you are!
-Here you are!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already wake up, so, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! Yes, I'm already wake up, so, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...#0
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...#1
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...
-Hey, look Julia, she is beauty eh? She looks at me since some minute... haha! Good luck my friend.
-Hey, look Julia, she is beauty eh? She looks at me since some minute... haha! Good luck my friend.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thanks you
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thanks you
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.#0
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.#1
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.
-I don't need your help right now. Come later.
-I don't need your help right now. Come later.
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't as much strong as I need to help.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't as much strong as I need to help.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, could you help me?
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, could you help me?
-I think that I will explore the around and see what I can found, and you?
-I think that I will explore the around and see what I can found, and you?
-I think that the ship will still here some moments, we need many foods and some reparation for our ship before to go back to the sea.
-I think that the ship will still here some moments, we need many foods and some reparation for our ship before to go back to the sea.
-I want change my language
-I want change my language
-I want to be a Demon
-I want to be a Demon
-I want to be a Elf
-I want to be a Elf
-I will like to get different style
-I will like to get different style
-I will rest a bit much here or in town, I don't feel so well after this voyage...
-I will rest a bit much here or in town, I don't feel so well after this voyage...
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!#0
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!#1
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!
-I'll get it!
-I'll get it!
-I'm busy
-I'm busy
-If you help me I will give you a reward
-If you help me I will give you a reward
-If yuo dont have it, then you cant dye.
-If yuo dont have it, then you cant dye.
-In what language are you talking to?
-In what language are you talking to?
-In what language are you talking to?#0
-In what language are you talking to?#0
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need 10 @@.
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need 10 @@.
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need @@ @@.
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need @@ @@.
-Leave me sleep...
-Leave me sleep...
-Let me see at you work...
-Let me see at you work...
-Light blonde
-Light blonde
-Light purple
-Light purple
-Light red
-Light red
-Make less noise please.
-Make less noise please.
-May be you will be the next?#0
-May be you will be the next?
-May be you will be the next?#1
-May be you will be the next?
-No, I'll go work
-No, I'll go work
-No, it isn't easy to get!
-No, it isn't easy to get!
-No, they are too dangerous for me!
-No, they are too dangerous for me!
-Of course! Say me which one is yours.
-Of course! Say me which one is yours.
-Oh really? I don't got many time right now, I need to go, sorry.
-Oh really? I don't got many time right now, I need to go, sorry.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you got something to ask, go see Julia at the reception, she is very nice!
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you got something to ask, go see Julia at the reception, she is very nice!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I like to do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I like to do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ok I will come! I hope that this island will give us what we searched..
-Ok I will come! I hope that this island will give us what we searched..
-Ok, Ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, Ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Okay, I am ready to work!
-Okay, I am ready to work!
-Okay, I am ready to work!#0
-Okay, I am ready to work!
-Okay, I am ready to work!#1
-Okay, I am ready to work!
-Old Witch
-Old Witch
-Please select race
-Please select race
-Rat Sailor
-Rat Sailor
-Sailor Orc
-Sailor Orc
-Sitting Sailor
-Sitting Sailor
-Sleeping Orc
-Sleeping Orc
-Sleeping Ukar
-Sleeping Ukar
-Sorry, maybe I can help you later
-Sorry, maybe I can help you later
-Thank you very much! Here is your reward
-Thank you very much! Here is your reward
-Thanks for your help!
-Thanks for your help!
-They are really nice and will may help you much than me.
-They are really nice and will may help you much than me.
-This island is kinda funny for starting adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-This island is kinda funny for starting adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Turtle tongue
-Turtle tongue
-Turtles drop it. Good luck man!
-Turtles drop it. Good luck man!
-We are THERE!
-We are THERE!
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here, may be you will be the next?
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here, may be you will be the next?
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here.
-We are at [CITY], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here, may be you will be the next?
-We are at [CITY], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here, may be you will be the next?
-Well, I will see! I hope that the luck will follow me!
-Well, I will see! I hope that the luck will follow me!
-What language do you want?
-What language do you want?
-What? It is a very small reward!
-What? It is a very small reward!
-Why not, I need to train.
-Why not, I need to train.
-Would you maybe be interested in a race change?
-Would you maybe be interested in a race change?
-Would you maybe be interested in a sex change?
-Would you maybe be interested in a sex change?
-Yeah, but which reward I will get?
-Yeah, but which reward I will get?
-Yeah, if you want, I will open a market in this town, may you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Yeah, if you want, I will open a market in this town, may you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Yes, I did it!
-Yes, I did it!
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except 30 @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except 30 @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except 30 lettuce. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except 30 lettuce. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, can you help me bro?
-Yo, can you help me bro?
-Yo, can you help me sis?
-Yo, can you help me sis?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me an instructions.
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me an instructions.
-You didn't collect all the items!#0
-You didn't collect all the items!
-You didn't collect all the items!#1
-You didn't collect all the items!
-You failed the task!
-You failed the task!
-You got also @@, on the Dock, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-You got also @@, on the Dock, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-You got also Enora, on the Dock, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-You got also Enora, on the Dock, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-You should go see sailors around, they are really nice and will may you help you much than me.
-You should go see sailors around, they are really nice and will may you help you much than me.
-You should go see sailors around.#0
-You should go see sailors around.
-You should go see sailors around.#1
-You should go see sailors around.
-bla bla
-bla bla
-bla bla bla
-bla bla bla
-helps me.
-helps me.
-navy blue
-navy blue
diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b9b4b60..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_en.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... By the power vested in me,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-As you want!
-As you want!
-Ash brown
-Ash brown
-Bee spawned
-Bee spawned
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Bowl cut
-Bowl cut
-Bunny ears
-Bunny ears
-Bye bye!
-Bye bye!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Can you do something with my color?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Combed back
-Combed back
-Copper red
-Copper red
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Desert hat
-Desert hat
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-Did you bring me @@ @@?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-Did you bring me @@ @@?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Flat ponytail
-Flat ponytail
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Good job!
-Good job!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Hello @@
-Hello @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Hello dear, what do you want today?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Hello dear, what do you want today?
-Hello, girl!
-Hello, girl!
-Hello, stranger!
-Hello, stranger!
-Here is your reward!
-Here is your reward!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, guy!
-Hey, guy!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-How can I get it
-How can I get it
-I can!
-I can!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-I speak Dutch
-I speak Dutch
-I speak English
-I speak English
-I speak Flemish
-I speak Flemish
-I speak French
-I speak French
-I speak Greek
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-I speak Italian
-I speak Russian
-I speak Russian
-I speak Spanish
-I speak Spanish
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-I think you can help me, right?
-I think you can help me, right?
-I want to be a Human
-I want to be a Human
-I want to be a Ifitron
-I want to be a Ifitron
-I want to be a Orc
-I want to be a Orc
-I want to be a Sparron
-I want to be a Sparron
-I want to be a Ukar
-I want to be a Ukar
-I want to dye to different color
-I want to dye to different color
-I will give you @@gp.
-I will give you @@gp.
-I will need some coffee...
-I will need some coffee...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-I will!
-I will!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-I'll get it!#0
-I'll get it!
-I'll get it!#1
-I'll get it!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-I'm busy#0
-I'm busy
-I'm busy#1
-I'm busy
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Infinitely long
-Infinitely long
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Leave it
-Leave it
-Let me see your work...
-Let me see your work...
-Let me sleep...
-Let me sleep...
-Let me think...
-Let me think...
-Long and curly
-Long and curly
-Long and slick
-Long and slick
-Long ponytail
-Long ponytail
-Make less noise, please.
-Make less noise, please.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Maybe you will be the next?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Maybe you will be the next?
-Move along, kid.
-Move along, kid.
-Navy blue
-Navy blue
-No problem, do you need something else?
-No problem, do you need something else?
-No, thank you
-No, thank you
-No, thanks!
-No, thanks!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Not yet.
-Not yet.
-Nothing, sorry
-Nothing, sorry
-Now i have class
-Now i have class
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Off black
-Off black
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, thanks
-Ok, thanks
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Okay, I'm ready to work!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Okay, I'm ready to work!
-Okay, you can start!
-Okay, you can start!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Perky ponytail
-Perky ponytail
-Please change my race
-Please change my race
-Please do, my dear
-Please do, my dear
-Please select a race
-Please select a race
-Rabbit ears
-Rabbit ears
-Read it
-Read it
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Shop 1
-Shop 1
-Shop 2
-Shop 2
-Shop 3
-Shop 3
-Shop 4
-Shop 4
-Shop 5
-Shop 5
-Shop 6
-Shop 6
-Shop 7
-Shop 7
-Short and curly
-Short and curly
-Short punk
-Short punk
-Short robe
-Short robe
-Short tank top
-Short tank top
-Sleeping Elf
-Sleeping Elf
-So die already!
-So die already!
-Sorcerer robe
-Sorcerer robe
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Surprise me
-Surprise me
-T-neck sweater
-T-neck sweater
-Tank top
-Tank top
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-This note was left by somebody.
-This note was left by somebody.
-Tousled layers
-Tousled layers
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-V-neck sweater
-V-neck sweater
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-What can I dye for you today?
-What can I dye for you today?
-What color?
-What color?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to dye?
-What do you want to dye?
-What do you want today?
-What do you want today?
-What do you want?
-What do you want?
-What will you do during this break?
-What will you do during this break?
-What? Never!
-What? Never!
-What? This reward is too small!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Where are we?
-Where are we?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Witch hat
-Witch hat
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Yes, I can!
-Yes, I can!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Yes, I did it!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Yes, I did it!
-Yes, please!
-Yes, please!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Yo, thank you!
-Yo, thank you!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Yo, you really brought it!
-You can start now.
-You can start now.
-You can't go there!
-You can't go there!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-You failed the task!#0
-You failed the task!
-You failed the task!#1
-You failed the task!
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-You should go see the sailors around here.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-You should go see the sailors around here.
-is helping me.
-is helping me.
diff --git a/langs/lang_es.old b/langs/lang_es.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 163a8f510..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_es.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-I want change my language
-Quiero cambiar el idioma
-I want to be a Demon
-Quiero ser un Demonio
-I want to be a Elf
-Quiero ser un Elfo
-What language do you want?
-¿Qué idioma deseas?
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-¿Estás cansado de ser lo que eres?
diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0298e839a..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_es.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Por el poder que me confiere,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ah, ella *hips* está aquí.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-¿Estás cansado de ser lo que eres?
-As you want!
-¡Como quieras!
-Ash brown
-Ceniza marrón
-Bee spawned
-Abeja generada
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Ble *hips*... ¡Imma gran mari-*hips*-nero!
-Bowl cut
-Corte de cuenco
-Bunny ears
-Orejas de conejito
-Bye bye!
-¡Hasta luego!
-Can you do something with my color?
-¿Puedes hacer algo con mi color?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Separación en el centro / Corto y alisado
-Combed back
-Peinado hacia atrás
-Copper red
-Cobre rojo
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-¿Puedo preguntarte qué idioma hablas? Así te agregaré en la lista.
-Desert hat
-Sombrero del decierto
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-¿Me trajiste @@ @@?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-¿Me trajiste @@ @@?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-¿Conoces alguna gente interesante por aquí?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-¿Deseas crear una abeja?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-No se preocupe, ¡estoy seguro de que todo se tornará bien para ambos de nosotros!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-¿No ves que ya estoy hablando?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Tintura fallida. Pierdes el tinte.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni el Cirujano
-Flat ponytail
-Cola de caballo liso
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Para teñir tu artículo necesitas el artículo en blanco y la tinta con el color requerido.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Good job!
-¡Buen trabajo!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Ja, ja, ja... No tomaré mucho de tu tiempo. ¡Sígue adelante!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Él toma una pequeña lista y comienza a leerla.
-Cinta de pelo
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Je je... Yo... Yo trataré de abrir un mercado. Tengo la sensación de que ésta es una gran ciudad de comercio, porque del puerto y todo...
-Hello @@
-Hola @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Hola querida, ¿que te trae por aquí hoy?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Hola querido, ¿que te trae por aquí hoy?
-Hello, girl!
-¡Hola, chica!
-Hello, stranger!
-¡Hola, desconocido!
-Here is your reward!
-¡Aquí está tu recompensa!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-¡Hey! Sí, ya estoy despierto. Entonces... éste es el fin de nuestro pequeño camino juntos. ¿Qué harás ahora?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-¡Hey! ¿Viste? Hemos llegado al puerto hoy. Ha sido un largo viaje desde la otra isla...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-¡Hey! ¿Viste? Hemos llegado al puerto hoy. Ha sido un largo viaje desde la otra isla...
-Hey, girl!
-¡Hey, chica!
-Hey, guy!
-¡Oye, chico!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hey, mira a Julia... ¿No es una belleza? Ella ha estado mirandome por algunos minutos ahora... ¡ja ja! Buena suerte, mi amigo.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hey, me has mentido.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Hmm... Estoy bien por ahora, gracias.
-How can I get it
-Cómo puedo conseguirlo
-I can!
-¡Yo puedo!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-No necesito tu ayuda en este momento; vuelve más tarde.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-No quiero cambiar mi idioma, lo siento.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-Te dí una recompensa; no puedo date más.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-He cometido un error. Me gustaría cambiar mi lenguaje.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-He cometido un error. Me gustaría cambiar mi lenguaje.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-Yo necesito ayuda para limpiar la cuña del barco, pero no eres lo suficientemente fuerte para ayudarme.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-Necesito a alguien que pueda limpiar el fondo del barco. ¿Puedes ayudarme?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-Te sentencié hasta morir... dos veces.
-I speak Dutch
-Yo hablo Holandés
-I speak English
-Yo hablo Inglés
-I speak Flemish
-Yo hablo Flamenco
-I speak French
-Yo hablo Francés
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-Yo hablo Italiano
-I speak Russian
-Yo hablo Ruso
-I speak Spanish
-Yo hablo Español
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-Pienso que exploraré cerca de aquí a ver que puedo encontrar. ¿Y tú?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-Pienso que el barco se quedará atracado aquí por algún tiempo; necesitamos un lote de comida y nuestras naves necesitan reparaciones antes de regresar al mar.
-I think you can help me, right?
-Pienso que puedes ayudarme, ¿cierto?
-I want to be a Human
-Quiero ser un Humano
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Quiero ser un Ifitron
-I want to be a Orc
-Quiero ser un Orc
-I want to be a Sparron
-Quiero ser un Sparron
-I want to be a Ukar
-Quiero ser un Ukar
-I want to dye to different color
-Quiero teñir con color diferente
-I will give you @@gp.
-Te daré @@gp.
-I will need some coffee...
-Necesitaré un poco de café...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-Descanzaré un poco aquí o en la ciudad; no me siento muy bien después de este viaje...
-I will!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-Me extraño respecto a eso... ¡Pienso descubrir poco a poco y ver que pasa!#0
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-Me extraño respecto a eso... ¡Pienso descubrir poco a poco y ver que pasa!#1
-I'd like to get a different style.
-Me gustaría conseguir un estilo diferente.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-¡Vendré de visita! Espero que esta isla nos provea lo que estamos buscando...
-I'll get it!#0
-¡Lo conseguiré!
-I'll get it!#1
-¡Lo conseguiré!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Soy Julia. Mi trabajo es registrar a cualquiera que entre o salga del barco.
-I'm busy#0
-Estoy ocupado
-I'm busy#1
-Estoy ocupado
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-Tengo una novia, y ella me necesita para hacer algo... no disponible.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Si no lo tienes, entonces no puedes teñir.
-Infinitely long
-Infinitamente largo
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Está *hips* mal. Imma no *hips* ebrio.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-¡No me toques, todo está en su sitio!
-Leave it
-Let me see your work...
-Déjame ver tu trabajo...
-Let me sleep...
-Déjame dormir...
-Let me think...
-Déjame pensar...
-Long and curly
-Largo y rizado
-Long and slick
-Largo y corrido
-Long ponytail
-Cola de caballo largo
-Make less noise, please.
-Hagan menos bulla, por favor.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-¿Tal vez tú serás el siguiente?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-¿Tal vez tú serás el siguiente?
-Move along, kid.
-Largo de aquí, niño.
-Navy blue
-Azul marino
-No problem, do you need something else?
-No hay problema. ¿Necesitas algo más?
-No, thank you
-No, gracias
-No, thanks!
-¡No, gracias!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-¡No, ellos también son muy peligrosos para mí!
-Not yet.
-Todavía no.
-Nothing, sorry
-Nada, lo siento
-Now i have class
-Ahora estoy en clase
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-¡Por supuesto! Dime qué idioma hablas.
-Off black
-Negro apagado
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-¿En serio? Yo no tengo mucho tiempo en este momento; necesito irme. Lo siento.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, ¡no hay problema! De cualquier forma, si tienes preguntas, debería ir a ver a Julia en la recepción; ¡ella es muy simpática!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-¡Oh, gracias! ¡Oye, qué habria hecho sin tu ayuda...! Bueno... ¡Hasta la vista!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok. Hecho... ¿Necesitas algo más?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Esta bien, esta bien. Vuelve si cambias de opinión.
-Ok, thanks
-Ok, gracias
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Ok. ¡Estoy listo para trabajar!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Ok. ¡Estoy listo para trabajar!
-Okay, you can start!
-Ok. ¡Puedes comenzar!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Cuando se haya hecho, serás expulsado del server. No te asustes, todo es normal.
-Perky ponytail
-Cola de caballo gallarda
-Please change my race
-Por favor cambia mi raza
-Please do, my dear
-Adelante, hazlo...
-Please select a race
-Por favor, escoje una raza.
-Rabbit ears
-Orejas de conejo
-Read it
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Shop 1
-Tienda 1
-Shop 2
-Tienda 2
-Shop 3
-Tienda 3
-Shop 4
-Tienda 4
-Shop 5
-Tienda 5
-Shop 6
-Tienda 6
-Shop 7
-Tienda 7
-Short and curly
-Corto y rizado
-Short punk
-Punk corto
-Short robe
-Túnica corta
-Short tank top
-Camiseta corta sin mangas
-Pantalones cortos
-Sleeping Elf
-Duende durmiente
-So die already!
-¡Así que muere ya!
-Sorcerer robe
-Túnica de hechicero
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Lo siento, no tienes los ingredientes necesarios.
-Surprise me
-T-neck sweater
-Suéter de cuello en T
-Tank top
-Camiseta sin mangas
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-¡También hay @@ en los muelles, será un placer para ella para ayudarle!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Ellos son realmente agradables y pueden ayudarte mucho más que a mí.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Esta isla es un tanto divertida para iniciar una aventura, y es un buen lugar para encontrar gente también. ¡Ja ja!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Esta nota fue dejada por alguien.
-Tousled layers
-Desgreñar capas
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-La tortuga lo soltó. ¡Buena suerte!
-V-neck sweater
-Suéter de cuello en V
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Atención: Todos los personajes en la cuenta actual serán modificados.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Estamos en [@@]. Es un gran puerto-ciudad. Muchos principiantes inician su aventura aquí.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Bueno, veré que pasa. ¡Espero que la buena suerte me seguirá alrededor!
-What can I dye for you today?
-¿Qué puedo teñir hoy para tí?
-What color?
-¿Qué color?
-What do you want to do with it?
-¿Que quieres hacer hacer con ésto?
-What do you want to dye?
-¿Qué quieres teñir?
-What do you want today?
-¿Qué quieres hoy?
-What do you want?
-¿Qué deseas?
-What will you do during this break?
-¿Qué harás durante el descanso?
-What? Never!
-¿¡Qué!? ¡Nunca!
-What? This reward is too small!
-¿¡Qué...!? ¡Esta recompensa es muy pequeña!
-Where are we?
-¿Dónde están?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-¿Dónde está esta copa?..*hips*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-¡¿Por qué lo haces *hips* a mí?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-¿Por qué no puedo teñir mi artículo?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Porque no. Necesito entrenar de cualquier forma.
-Witch hat
-Sombrero de hechicero
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-¿Estarías interesado en un cambio de raza?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-¿Te interesaría un cambio de género (hombre/mujer)?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Sí... pero... ¿qué tendré como reconpensa?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Yeah... si quieres, abriré un mercado en ésta ciudad. ¿Tal vez puedes visitarme? ¡Sería divertido verte de nuevo!
-Yes, I can!
-¡Sí, sí puedo!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-¡Sí, lo hice!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-¡Sí, lo hice!
-Yes, please!
-¡Sí, por favor!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Hu, lo encontré, ¡cool! Tengo todo, excepto @@ @@. ¿Puedes traérmelo?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Hu... ¿Puedes ayudarme, hermano?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-ihu, ¿puedes ayudarme, hermana?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Hey, ¿ves lo que trato de decir?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-ihu, mira: mi amigo me aconsejó hacer una comida fresca y sabrosa, y me dio instrucciones.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Hey, ahora sólo tráemelo.
-Yo, thank you!
-¡ihu, gracias!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-¡Ihu! ¡Qué bueno que quieras ayudarme!
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Hu, ¡realmente lo trajistes!
-You can start now.
-Puedes iniciar ahora.
-You can't go there!
-¡No puedes ir allí!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-No tienes suficiente dinero para pagar mis servicios.
-You failed the task!#0
-¡Fallaste la asignación!
-You failed the task!#1
-¡Fallaste la asignación!#1
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Deberías ir a vera los marineros cerca de aquí.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Deberías ir a vera los marineros cerca de aquí.
-is helping me.
-está ayudándome.
diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.old b/langs/lang_fr.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 50033c753..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_fr.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-Can you collect it for me?
-Pourriez-vous les obtenir pour moi ?
-Can you do something for my color?
-Peut-tu faire quelquechose pour mes cheveux ?
-Dark brown
-Marron foncé
-Dark purple
-Violet foncé
-Dark red
-Rouge foncé
-Did you collect @@ @@?#0
-Avez-vous obtenu @@ @@ ?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#1
-Avez-vous obtenu @@ @@ ?
-Do you want to create bee?
-Veux-tu faire apparaître une abeille ?
-Drunken Sailor
-Marin îvre
-Good luck!
-Bonne chance !
-Hello! Can you help me with the making of my potion?
-Bonjour ! Peux-tu m'aider avec la préparation de ma potion ?
-Here you are!
-Et voilà c'est fait !
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thanks you
-Hmm... Rien pour l'instant, merci
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-Je ne veux pas changer de langue, merci.
-I want change my language
-Je veux changer de langue
-I want to be a Demon
-Je veux être un Démon
-I want to be a Elf
-Je veux être un Elfe
-I will like to get different style
-Je voudrais avoir un look different
-If you help me I will give you a reward
-Si tu m'aides, je te récompenserais.
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need @@ @@.
-C'est très bien ! Pour terminer ma potion j'ai besoin de @@ @@.
-Light blonde
-Blond clair
-Light purple
-Violet clair
-Light red
-Rouge clair
-No, I'll go work
-Non, je vais au travail
-No, it isn't easy to get!
-Non, ce n'est pas facil de l'obtenir !
-Old Witch
-Vieille sorcière
-Please select race
-Veuillez choisir une race
-Rat Sailor
-Rat marin
-Sailor Orc
-Orque Marin
-Sitting Sailor
-Marin assis
-Sleeping Orc
-Orque dormeur
-Sleeping Ukar
-Ukar dormeur
-Sorry, maybe I can help you later
-Désolén, peut être puis-je t'aider plus tard
-Bien sur !
-Thank you very much! Here is your reward
-Merci beaucoup ! Voilà ta récompense
-Thanks for your help!
-MErci pour ton aide
-Turtle tongue
-Langue de tortue
-What language do you want?
-Quelle langue veux-tu parler ?
-Would you maybe be interested in a race change?
-Souhaiterais-tu changer de race ?
-Would you maybe be interested in a sex change?
-Souhaiterais-tu changer de sexe?
-You didn't collect all the items!#0
-Tu n'as pas tout ramené !
-You didn't collect all the items!#1
-Tu n'as pas tout ramené !
diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index decbfe537..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_fr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Par le pouvoir dont je suis investi,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ah, elle *hips* est là.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-En as-tu marre d'être ce que tu es ?
-As you want!
-Comme tu veux... !
-Ash brown
-Marron cendré
-Bee spawned
-Abeille est apparue
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Blurp *hips*... Jeeeeu chuii un grand mar*hips*in !
-Bowl cut
-Coupe au bol
-Bunny ears
-Oreilles de Lapin
-Bye bye!
-Salut !
-Can you do something with my color?
-Pourriez-vous faire quelque chose pour ma couleur ?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Raie au milieu / Court et lisse
-Carré court sculpté
-Combed back
-En arrière Gominé
-Continuer ?
-Copper red
-Rouge cuivre
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Puis-je te demander quelle langue tu parles ? De cette façon je peux t'ajouter dans la liste.
-Desert hat
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-M'avez-vous amené @@ @@ ?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-M'avez-vous amené @@ @@ ?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Connais-tu des personnes intéressantes par ici ?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Veux-tu faire apparaître une abeille ?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-T'en fait pas, je suis certain que tout ira bien pour nous deux !!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Ne vois-tu pas que je suis déjà en conversation avec quelqu'un ?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-La préparation de la couleur a échoué. Tu as perdu les objets nécessaires pour la faire.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni le chirurgien
-Flat ponytail
-Queue de cheval plate
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Pour teindre ton vêtement, tu as besoin de celui-ci en blanc et de la teinte de la couleur que tu veux employé.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Groumphh groumphh
-Good job!
-Bon boulot !
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Ahahahaha, je ne te prendrais pas plus de temps, continue !
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Il prend une courte liste et commence à la lire.
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-héhé. Moi, je vais essayer d'ouvrir un magasin, j'ai entendu dire que c'est une grande ville d'échange et de commerce ici, à cause du port et tout ça...
-Hello @@
-Bonjour @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Coucou ma belle, que veux-tu aujourd'hui ?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Salut mon beau, que veux-tu aujourd'hui ?
-Hello, girl!
-Bonjour mademoiselle !
-Hello, stranger!
-Salut étranger !
-Here is your reward!
-Voilà ta récompense !
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hé ! Oui ça va, je suis déjà au courant. Alors c'est la fin de notre périple ensemble... Que feras-tu maintenant ?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Hé ! tu vois nous sommes arrivés au port aujourd'hui, ce fut un long voyage depuis l'autre île...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Hé ! tu vois nous sommes arrivés au port aujourd'hui, ce fut un long voyage depuis l'autre île...
-Hey, girl!
-Hé, Mademoiselle !
-Hey, guy!
-Hé, Jeune homme !
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hé, regarde Julia... elle est belle, n'est-ce pas ? Elle ne cesse de me regarder depuis quellesque minutes... Ahaha bonne chance mon ami.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hé toi, tu m'as menti.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Hum, je vais bien pour l'instant, merci.
-How can I get it
-Comment puis-je l'obtenir ?
-I can!
-Je le peux !
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Je n'ai pas besoin de ton aide pour l'instant. Reviens plus tard.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-Je ne veux pas changer de langue, désolé
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-Je t'ai déjà donné une récompense. Je ne peux t'en donner une autre.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-J'ai fait une erreur, je souhaiterais changer ma langue.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-J'ai fait une erreur, je souhaiterais changer de langue.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-J'ai besoin d'aide pour nettoyer le pont du bateau, mais tu n'es pas assez costaud pour m'aider.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-J'ai besoin d'aide pour nettoyer le fond de ce bateau, peux-tu m'aider ?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-Je te condamne à mort... par deux fois.
-I speak Dutch
-Je parle hollandais
-I speak English
-Je parle anglais
-I speak Flemish
-Je parle flamand
-I speak French
-Je parle français
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-Je parle italien
-I speak Russian
-Je parle russe
-I speak Spanish
-Je parle espagnol
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-Je crois que je vais allez explorer un peu par ici et voir ce que je peux trouver, et toi ?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-Je pense que le bateau va rester là encore un moment, nous avons besoin de beaucoup de provisions et notre bateau a besoin de réparations avant de pourvoir reprendre la mer.
-I think you can help me, right?
-Je pense que tu peux m'aider, je me trompe ?
-I want to be a Human
-Je veux être un Humain
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Je veux être un Ifitron
-I want to be a Orc
-Je veux être un Orque
-I want to be a Sparron
-Je veux être un Sparron
-I want to be a Ukar
-Je veux être un Ukar
-I want to dye to different color
-Je voudrais le teindre d'une autre couleur
-I will give you @@gp.
-Je te donnerais @@gp.
-I will need some coffee...
-Je vais avoir besoin de quelsques cafés...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-Je vais me reposer un peu ici ou en ville, je ne me sens pas très bien après ce voyage...
-I will!
-Je le ferais !
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-Je me le demande. Je crois que je vais découvrir petit à petit et voir comment les choses se déroulent !
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-Je me le demande... Je crois que je vais découvrir petit à petit et voir comment les choses se déroulent !
-I'd like to get a different style.
-J'aimerais changer de style.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-Je viendrais vous rendre visite ! J'espère que cette île nous apportera ce que nous recherchons...
-I'll get it!#0
-Je l'aurais !
-I'll get it!#1
-Je l'aurais !
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Je suis Julia. Mon travail est de faire la liste de tous ceux qui entrent ou sortent de ce navire.
-I'm busy#0
-Je suis occupée !
-I'm busy#1
-Je suis occupé !
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-J'ai une petite amie, et elle a besoin que je fasse pour elle quelque chose d'impossible.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Si tu n'en as pas, tu ne peux pas le teindre.
-Infinitely long
-Infiniment long
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-C'est pas *hips* vrai, je ne suis pas *hips* bourré.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Ne touchez pas à mes bijoux de famille !
-Leave it
-Laisse ça
-Let me see your work...
-Laisse moi jeter un oeil à ton travail...
-Let me sleep...
-Laisse moi dormir...
-Let me think...
-Attends que j'y pense...
-Long and curly
-Long et bouclé
-Long and slick
-Long et lisse
-Long ponytail
-Longue queue de cheval
-Make less noise, please.
-Fais moi de bruit s'il te plait.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Peut être seras-tu le prochain ?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Peut être seras-tu le prochain ?
-Mini jupe
-Raie au milieu
-Move along, kid.
-Ce n'est pas une place pour toi, file gamin.
-Navy blue
-Bleu marine
-No problem, do you need something else?
-Pas de problème, tu as besoin de quelque chose d'autre ?
-Non !
-No, thank you
-Non, merci
-No, thanks!
-Non. Merci !
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Non, ils sont bien trop dangereux pour moi !
-Not yet.
-Pas encore.
-Nothing, sorry
-Rien, désolé
-Now i have class
-Je suis maintenant la classe, le top
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Bien sur, dis moi quelle langue tu parles.
-Off black
-Noir profond
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh vraiment ? Je n'ai pas trop de temps maintenant, je dois y aller. Désolé.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh pas de problème ! De toute façon, si tu as des questions, tu devrais aller voir Julia à la réception, elle est charmante !
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Oh merci ! Que ferais-je sans ton aide. A bientôt !
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ca y est c'est fait. tu as besoin de quelque chose d'autre ?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok Ok. Reviens si tu changes d'avis.
-Ok, thanks
-D'accord, merci
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-OK je suis prête à me mettre au travail !
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-OK je suis prêt à me mettre au travail !
-Okay, you can start!
-ca y est, vous pouvez commencer !
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Une fois cela fini, tu seras expulsé du serveur. Ne panique pas, tout est normal.
-Perky ponytail
-Queue de cheval chic
-Please change my race
-S'il vous plait, changer la nature de mon personnage
-Please do, my dear
-S'il vous plait, allez-y mon cher...
-Please select a race
-Veuillez choisir la nature de votre personnage
-Rabbit ears
-Oreille de lièvre
-Read it
-Lis cela
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Shop 1
-Magasin 1
-Shop 2
-Magasin 2
-Shop 3
-Magasin 3
-Shop 4
-Magasin 4
-Shop 5
-Magasin 5
-Shop 6
-Magasin 6
-Shop 7
-Magasin 7
-Short and curly
-Court et bouclé
-Short punk
-Punk court
-Short robe
-Robe courte
-Short tank top
-T shirt court
-Sleeping Elf
-Elfe dormeur
-So die already!
-Alors déjà mort !
-Sorcerer robe
-Robe de sorcier
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Désolé, vous n'avez pas assez d'ingrédients.
-Surprise me
-Surprends moi
-T-neck sweater
-Pull à col roulé
-Tank top
-T shirt
-Aigue Marine
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-Il y a beaucoup de @@ sur les quais, ce sera un plaisir pour elle de t'aider !
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Ils sont vraiment gentils et ils peuvent t'aider bien plus que je ne le puis.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Cette île a des côtés sympa pour commencer l'aventure, et c'est un bon endroit pour y rencontrer du monde aussi, ahah !
-This note was left by somebody.
-Cette note a été laissé par quelqu'un.
-Tousled layers
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Les tortues les jettent. Bonne chance !
-V-neck sweater
-Pul à col en V
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Attention : Tous les personnages se trouvant sous cet identifiant seront changés.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Nous sommes à [@@], c'est une grande ville portuaire, nombre de personnes y commencent leurs aventures.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Bien, je verrais ce qui se passera. J''espère que ma bonne étoile m'accompagnera !
-What can I dye for you today?
-Que puis-je teindre pour toi aujourd'hui ?
-What color?
-Quelle couleur ?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Que veux-tu faire avec cela ?
-What do you want to dye?
-Que veux-tu teindre ?
-What do you want today?
-Que veux-tu faire aujourd'hui ?
-What do you want?
-Que veux-tu ?
-What will you do during this break?
-Que feras-tu pendant cette pause ?
-What? Never!
-Quoi ? Jamais !
-What? This reward is too small!
-Quoi ? !!! Cette récompense est si infime !
-Where are we?
-Où sommes-nous ?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Où est mon verre ?... *hips*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Pourquoi tu me *hips* regardes comme ça *hips* ?
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Pourquoi ne puis-je pas teindre mes vêtements ?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Pourquoi pas ? j'ai besoin de m'entrainer de toute façon.
-Witch hat
-Chapeau de sorcière
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Souhaiterais-tu changer la nature de ton personnage ?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Souhaiterais-tu changer de sexe ?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Oui, mais comment serais-je récompensé ?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Oui, si tu veux. J'ouvrirais un commerce dans cette ville, tu pourrais m'y rendre visite ? Ce serait sympa de te revoir !
-Yes, I can!
-Oui, je peux !
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Oui, j'ai réussi !
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Oui, j'ai réussi !
-Yes, please!
-Oui s'il te plait !
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Oui, je l'ai trouvé, cool ! J'ai tout sauf ça : @@ @@. Tu peux m'en ramener ?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Salut, tu peux m'aider mon frère ?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Salut, tu peux m'aider frangine ?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Salut, tu vois ce que je veux dire ?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Salut, regarde, mon amie m'a conseillé de préparer un bon petit repas sympa et m'a donné des instructions.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Salut, Maintenant tu as juste à me les ramener.
-Yo, thank you!
-Salut et merci !
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Salut, c'est sympa que tu veuilles bien m'aider.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Salut, tu l'as vraiment ramené !
-You can start now.
-Tu peux commencer maintenant.
-You can't go there!
-Tu ne peux pas y aller !
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-Vous n'avez pas assez pour payer mes services.
-You failed the task!#0
-Tu as failli dans l'exécution de ta tâche !
-You failed the task!#1
-Tu as raté ta mission !
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Tu devrais aller voir les marins dans le coin.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Tu devrais aller voir les marins dans le coin.
-is helping me.
diff --git a/langs/lang_id.old b/langs/lang_id.old
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_id.old
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/langs/lang_id.txt b/langs/lang_id.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec4e4f200..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_id.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Oleh kekuatan yang terpendam dalam diriku,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ah, dia *tersendak* ada disini.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Apa kamu lelah menjadi dirimu sendiri?
-As you want!
-Sesuai keinginanmu!
-Ash brown
-Abu cokelat
-Bee spawned
-Lebah bertelur
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Ble *tersendak*... Saya adalah seorang pelaut yang *tersendak* hebat!
-Sepatu Boot
-Bowl cut
-Rambut mangkok
-Cokelat muda
-Bunny ears
-Telinga kelinci
-Bye bye!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Dapatkah kamu melakukan sesuatu dengan warnaku ?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Belah tengah/Pendek dan licin
-Combed back
-Disisir ke belakang
-Copper red
-Merah tembaga
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Dapatkah saya bertanya padamu bahasa apa yang kamu gunakan? Lalu saya akan menambahkanmu kedalam daftar.
-Desert hat
-Topi padang pasir
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-Apakah kamu membawakanku @@ @@?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-Apakah kamu membawakanku @@ @@?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Apakah kamu tahu beberapa orang yang menarik di sekitar sini?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Apa kamu ingin membuat seekor lebah?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Jangan khawatir, Saya yakin semua akan menjadi baik-baik saja untuk kita berdua!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Apa kamu mendengar apa yang telah saya bicarakan?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Pewarnaan gagal. Kamu kehilangan bahan pewarna.
-Tukang Pewarna
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni si dokter bedah
-Flat ponytail
-Kuncir rata
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Untuk mewarnai barang-barangmu, kamu membutuhkan barang yang berwarna putih dan pewarna sesuai yang diperlukan.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Grmm grmmm..
-Sarung tangan
-Good job!
-Kerja bagus!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Hahaha, Aku tidak akan menghabiskan banyak waktumu, Pergi sekarang!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Dia mengambil daftar kecil dan mulai membacanya.
-Ikat kepala
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Hehe. Saya, akan mencoba membuka sebuah toko, Saya telah mendengar bahwa ini adalah kota dagang yang besar, karena pelabuhan dan yang lainnya...
-Hello @@
-Halo @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Hallo sayang, apa yang kamu butuhkan hari ini?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Hallo sayang, apa yang kamu butuhkan hari ini
-Hello, girl!
-Halo, cewek!
-Hello, stranger!
-Halo, Orang asing!
-Here is your reward!
-Ini dia hadiahmu!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! Ya, Saya sudah bangun. Jadi, ini adalah akhir dari perjalanan singkat kita, apa yang akan kamu lakukan sekarang ?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Hey! Kamu melihatnya? hari ini kami telah sampai di pelabuhan, itu adalah sebuah perjalanan panjang dari pulau lain...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Hey! Kamu melihatnya? hari ini kami telah sampai di pelabuhan, itu adalah sebuah perjalanan panjang dari pulau lain...
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, cewek!
-Hey, guy!
-Hei, bocah!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hey, lihat Julia, dia cantik bukan? Dia tertarik padaku untuk beberapa waktu ini... haha! Semoga beruntung, teman!
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hey, Kamu berbohong kepadaku.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Hmm, Saya baik-baik saja sekarang, terima kasih.
-How can I get it
-Bagaimana cara agar saya bisa mendapatkannya
-I can!
-Saya bisa!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Saya tidak membutuhkan bantuanmu sekarang, datang lagi lain waktu.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-Maaf, Saya tidak ingin mengubah bahasa saya.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-Saya telah memberimu hadiah. Saya tidak dapat memberimu lebih banyak lagi.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Saya membuat kesalahan, Saya berniat untuk mengubah bahasa saya.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Saya telah membuat kesalahan, Saya berniat untuk mengubah bahasa yang saya gunakan
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-Saya membutuhkan batuan untuk membersihkan pasak kapal, tetapi kamu belum cukup kuat untuk membantu saya.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-Saya membutuhkan seseorang yang dapat membersihkan bagian bawah kapal, dapatkah kamu mebantuku?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-Saya memutuskan kamu untuk mati... dua kali.
-I speak Dutch
-Saya berbicara bahasa Belanda
-I speak English
-Saya berbicara bahasa Inggris
-I speak Flemish
-Saya berbicara bahasa Belanda-Flemish
-I speak French
-Saya berbicara bahasa Perancis
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-Saya berbicara bahasa Italia
-I speak Russian
-Saya berbicara bahasa Russia
-I speak Spanish
-Saya berbicara bahasa Spanyol
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-Saya rasa, saya akan pergi menjelajah sebentar dan melihat apa yang dapat saya temukan, kalau kamu?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-Saya rasa kapal ini akan tetap disini untuk beberapa lama, kita membutuhkan banyak makanan dan kapal kita membutuhkan beberapa perbaikan sebelum keembali ke lautan.
-I think you can help me, right?
-Saya rasa kamu dapat membatuku, benar?
-I want to be a Human
-Saya ingin menjadi manusia
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Saya ingin menjadi seorang Ifitrton
-I want to be a Orc
-Saya mau menjadi seorang Orc
-I want to be a Sparron
-Saya ngin menjadi seorang Sparron
-I want to be a Ukar
-Saya ingin menjadi seorang Ukar
-I want to dye to different color
-Saya ingin memberi warna yang berbeda
-I will give you @@gp.
-Saya akan memberimu @@gp
-I will need some coffee...
-Saya akan membutuhkan kopi...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-Saya akan beristirahat sebentar disini atau di kota, Saya merasa tidak enak badan setelah perjalanan ini...
-I will!
-Saya akan melakukannya!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-Saya ragu tentang itu, saya rasa saya akan sedikit menjelajah dan melihat apa yang terjadi!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-Saya ragu mengenai itu, Saya berpikir akan menjelajah sedikit demi sedikit dan melihat apa yang akan terjadi!
-I'd like to get a different style.
-Saya tertarik untuk mendapatkan gaya yang berbeda.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-Saya akan mengunjunginya! Saya berharap pulau ini dapat memberikan apa yang kita cari...
-I'll get it!#0
-Saya akan mendapatkannya!
-I'll get it!#1
-Saya akan mendapatkannya!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Saya Julia, pekerjaan saya adalah untuk mendata siapapun yang akan masuk atau keluar kapal.
-I'm busy#0
-Saya sedang sibuk
-I'm busy#1
-Saya sedang sibuk
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-Saya memiliki kekasih, dan dia menyuruh saya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin dilakukan.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Jika kamu tidak memilikinya, maka kamu tidak bisa mewarnai.
-Infinitely long
-Panjang tak terhingga
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Itu *tersendak* salah, Saya tidak *tersendak* mabuk.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Tinggalkan harta karun keluargaku!
-Leave it
-Let me see your work...
-Biar saya lihat pekerjaanmu...
-Let me sleep...
-Biarkan saya tidur...
-Let me think...
-Biarkan saya berpikir...
-Long and curly
-Panjang dan keriting
-Long and slick
-Panjang dan licin
-Long ponytail
-Kuncir panjang
-Make less noise, please.
-Tolong, jangan buat keributan.
-Ekor kuda
-Ungu muda
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Mungkin kamu dapat menjadi yang selanjutnya ?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Mungkin kamu akan menjadi yang selanjutnya?
-Rok mini
-Move along, kid.
-Jalan terus, bocah.
-Navy blue
-Biru laut
-No problem, do you need something else?
-Tidak masalah, apakah kamu membutuhkan sesuatu yang lain?
-No, thank you
-Tidak, Terima kasih
-No, thanks!
-Tidak, terima kasih!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Tidak, mereka terlalu berbahaya untukku!
-Not yet.
-Nothing, sorry
-Maaf, Tidak ada.
-Now i have class
-Sekarang saya sedang ada kelas.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Tentu saja! Katakan bahasa apa yang kamu gunakan.
-Off black
-Hitam pekat
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh benarkah? Saya tidak punya banyak waktu sekarang, Saya harus pergi. Maaf
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, Tidak apa-apa! Ngomong-Ngomong, jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan, kamu dapat menemui Julia di bagian resepsionis, dia sangat ramah!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ok, terima kasih! Yo, saya tidak bisa melakukan apa apa tanpa bantuanmu. Ok, sampai jumpa!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok, Selesai. Kamu membutuhkan yang lain?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, ok. Datang kembali jika kamu berubah pikiran.
-Ok, thanks
-Ok, Terima kasih
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Oke, Saya siap untuk bekerja!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Oke, Saya siap untuk bekerja!
-Okay, you can start!
-Oke, Kamu dapat memulainya!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Setelah kamu selesai, Kamu akan diusir dari server. Jangan panik, karena semua baik-baik saja.
-Celana dalam
-Perky ponytail
-Lebat kuncir ke belakang
-Merah muda
-Please change my race
-Tolong ganti ras saya
-Please do, my dear
-Tolong lakukan, sayangku
-Please select a race
-Silahkan pilih ras
-Rabbit ears
-Telinga kelinci
-Read it
-Baca itu
- Jubah
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Shop 1
-Toko 1
-Shop 2
-Toko 2
-Shop 3
-Toko 3
-Shop 4
-Toko 4
-Shop 5
-Toko 5
-Shop 6
-Toko 6
-Shop 7
-Toko 7
-Short and curly
-Pendek dan keriting
-Short punk
-Punk pendek
-Short robe
-Jubah pendek
-Short tank top
-Tank top pendek
-Celana pendek
-Sleeping Elf
-Kurcaci tidur
-So die already!
-Jadi sudah mati!
-Sorcerer robe
-Jubah Penyihir
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Maaf anda tidak memiliki bahan-bahannya.
-Surprise me
-Kejutkan saya
-T-neck sweater
-Sweater kerah-T
-Tank top
-Tank top
-Biru telur asin
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-Juga masih ada @@ di dermaga, dia akan dengan senang hati untuk menolongmu!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Mereka Sangat baik dan mungkin akan lebih banyak membantumu daripada saya.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Sedikit lucu untuk memulai petualangan baru di pulau ini, dan juga ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk bertemu orang-orang, haha!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Catatan ini tertinggal oleh seseorang
-Tousled layers
-Lapisan kusut
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Kura-kura menjatuhkan itu. Semoga beruntung!
-V-neck sweater
-Sweater kerah-V
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Peringatan: Semua karakter dengan login ini akan berubah.
-Ikal Bergelombang
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Kita sedang berada di [@@], ini adalah kota pelabuhan yang besar, banyak pemula memulai petualangan mereka disini.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Baik, Saya akan melihat apa yang akan terjadi. Saya harap keberuntungan akan selalu mengikutiku!
-What can I dye for you today?
-Apa yang dapat saya warnai untukmu hari ini ?
-What color?
-Warna apa?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Apa yang akan kamu lakukan dengan itu?
-What do you want to dye?
-Apa yang ingin kamu warnai ?
-What do you want today?
-Apa yang kamu inginkan hari ini?
-What do you want?
-Apa yang kamu inginkan?
-What will you do during this break?
-Apa yang akan kamu lakukan selama istirahat?
-What? Never!
-Apa? Tidak akan pernah!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Apa? Hadiah ini terlalu kecil!
-Where are we?
-Dimana kita?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Dimana gelasnya?..*tersendak*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Mengapa kamu *tersendak* ke saya?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Mengapa saya tidak bisa mewarnai barang-barang saya?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Mengapa tidak, ngomong-ngomong saya butuh berlatih.
-Witch hat
-Topi penyihir
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Apakah kamu tertarik untuk merubah ras ?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Apakah kamu tertarik untuk mengubah jenis kelamin?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Ya, tetapi hadiah apa yang akan saya dapatkan?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Ya, Jika kamu menyukainya, Saya akan membuka toko di kota ini, mungkin kamu dapat mengunjunginya ? Pasti menyenangkan jika Saya dapat menemuimu lagi!
-Yes, I can!
-Ya, saya bisa!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Ya, Selesai!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Ya, Selesai!
-Yes, please!
-Ya, dengan senang hati!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, Saya menemukannya, bagus! Saya memiliki segalanya, kecuali @@ @@. Dapatkah kamu membawakannya untukku?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Yo, Dapatkah kamu membantuku, bro?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Yo, dapatkah kamu membantuku, sis?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Yo, apa kamu mengerti apa yang saya maksud ?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Yo, lihat: temanku menyuruhku untuk membuat makanan yang enak dan lezat, dan dia memberikanku petunjuknya.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Yo, sekarang tinggal berikan itu padaku.
-Yo, thank you!
-Yo, terima kasih!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Yo, itu bagus jika kamu mau menolongku.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Yo, Kamu sungguh membawanya!
-You can start now.
-Kamu dapat memulainya sekarang.
-You can't go there!
-Kamu tidak dapat pergi kesana!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-Kamu tidak punya cukup uang untuk membayar jasaku.
-You failed the task!#0
-Kamu mempersulit tugas ini!
-You failed the task!#1
-Kamu mengacaukan semuanya!
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Kamu harus pergi menemui nelayan di sekitar sini.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Kamu harus pergi menemui nelayan di sekitar sini.
-is helping me.
-apakah membantu saya.
diff --git a/langs/lang_it.old b/langs/lang_it.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c991ca9..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_it.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Can you do something for my color?
-Puoi fare qualcosa per il mio colore?
-Dark brown
-Marrone scuro
-Dark purple
-Viola scuro
-Dark red
-Rosso scuro
-Do you want to create bee?
-Vuoi creare un'ape?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?
-Ciao caro/a, cosa vuoi oggi?
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thanks you
-Hmm, sto bene così per ora, grazie
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-Non desidero modificare la lingua corrente, spiacente.
-I want change my language
-Desidero cambiare il linguaggio
-I want to be a Demon
-Voglio essere un Demone
-I want to be a Elf
-Voglio essere un Elfo
-I will like to get different style
-Mi piacerebbe avere uno stile differente
-Light blonde
-Biondo chiaro
-Light purple
-Viola chiaro
-Light red
-Rosso chiaro
-Please select race
-Per favore seleziona una razza
-What language do you want?
-Quale linguaggio desideri usare?
-Would you maybe be interested in a race change?
-Sei interessato a cambiare razza?
-Would you maybe be interested in a sex change?
-Ti interessa cambiare sesso?
diff --git a/langs/lang_it.txt b/langs/lang_it.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e01f1bd..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_it.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Sei stanco/a di essere ciò che sei?
-As you want!
-Come desideri!
-Ash brown
-Bee spawned
-Ape creata
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Bowl cut
-Taglio a scodella
-Bunny ears
-Bye bye!
-Ciao ciao!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Divisi al centro/Corti e lisci
-Combed back
-Pettinati all'indietro
-Copper red
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Desert hat
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Vuoi creare un'ape?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eruni il Chirurgo
-Flat ponytail
-Coda di cavallo piatta
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Good job!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Hello @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Ciao cara, cosa vuoi oggi?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Ciao caro, cosa vuoi oggi?
-Hello, girl!
-Hello, stranger!
-Here is your reward!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, guy!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-How can I get it
-I can!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-I speak Dutch
-I speak English
-I speak Flemish
-I speak French
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-I speak Russian
-I speak Spanish
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-I think you can help me, right?
-I want to be a Human
-Voglio essere un Umano
-I want to be a Ifitron
-I want to be a Orc
-I want to be a Sparron
-I want to be a Ukar
-Voglio essere un Ukar
-I want to dye to different color
-I will give you @@gp.
-I will need some coffee...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-I will!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-I'll get it!#0
-I'll get it!#1
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-I'm busy#0
-I'm busy#1
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Infinitely long
-Infinitamente lungo
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Lascia stare i miei gioelli di famiglia!
-Leave it
-Let me see your work...
-Let me sleep...
-Let me think...
-Long and curly
-Lunghi e ricci
-Long and slick
-Lunghi e lisci
-Long ponytail
-Coda di cavallo lunga
-Make less noise, please.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Move along, kid.
-Vattene bimbo.
-Navy blue
-No problem, do you need something else?
-No, thank you
-No, ti ringrazio
-No, thanks!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Not yet.
-Nothing, sorry
-Nulla, scusa per il disturbo
-Now i have class
-Ora ho la classe
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Off black
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, thanks
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Okay, you can start!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Al termine dell'operazione sarai disconnesso dal server. Non temere, tutto andrà a buon fine.
-Perky ponytail
-Codino vivace
-Please change my race
-Per favore cambia la mia razza
-Please do, my dear
-Certamente Caro, prosegui pure per favore
-Please select a race
-Per favore seleziona una razza
-Rabbit ears
-Read it
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-NPC di servizio
-Shop 1
-Mercato 1
-Shop 2
-Mercato 2
-Shop 3
-Mercato 3
-Shop 4
-Mercato 4
-Shop 5
-Mercato 5
-Shop 6
-Mercato 6
-Shop 7
-Mercato 7
-Short and curly
-Corti e ricci
-Short punk
-Punk corti
-Short robe
-Short tank top
-Sleeping Elf
-So die already!
-Sorcerer robe
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Sono spiacente ma non hai i componenti necessari.
-Surprise me
-T-neck sweater
-Tank top
-Tè Blu
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Tousled layers
-Strati spettinati
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-V-neck sweater
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Attenzione: tutti i personaggi all'interno di questo account verranno modificati.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-What can I dye for you today?
-What color?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to dye?
-What do you want today?
-What do you want?
-Che cosa vuoi?
-What will you do during this break?
-What? Never!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Where are we?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Witch hat
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Sei interessato a cambiare razza?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Ti interessa cambiare sesso?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Yes, I can!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Yes, please!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Yo, thank you!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-You can start now.
-You can't go there!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-Non sei sufficientemente ricco per pagare i miei servizi.
-You failed the task!#0
-You failed the task!#1
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-is helping me.
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl.old b/langs/lang_nl.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 6da9da624..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_nl.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-Can you collect it for me?
-Kan je het gaan halen voor me?
-Dark brown
-Donker bruin
-Dark purple
-Donker paars
-Dark red
-Donker rood
-Did you collect @@ @@?#0
-Heb je @@ @@ opgehaald?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#1
-Heb je @@ @@ opgehaald?
-Drunken Sailor
-Dronken Zeiler
-Good luck!
-Veel geluk!
-Hello! Can you help me with the making of my potion?
-Hallo! Can je me helpen een drankje te maken?
-Here you are!
-Hier ben je!
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-Ik wil mijn taal nu niet wijzigen, sorry.
-I want change my language
-Ik wil mijn taal wijzigen
-I want to be a Demon
-Ik wil een Demon worden
-I want to be a Elf
-Ik wil een Elf worden
-If you help me I will give you a reward
-Als je me helpt zal ik je een beloning geven
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need @@ @@.
-Het is heel goed! Om het drankje te beindigen, heb ik @@ @@ nodig.
-Light blonde
-Licht blond
-Light purple
-Licht paars
-Light red
-Licht rood
-No, I'll go work
-Nee, Ik zal gaan werken
-No, it isn't easy to get!
-Nee, het is niet gemakkelijk te verkrijgen!
-Old Witch
-Oude Heks
-Rat Sailor
-Rat Zeiler
-Sailor Orc
-Zeiler Orc
-Sitting Sailor
-Zittende Zeiler
-Sleeping Orc
-Slapende Orc
-Sleeping Ukar
-Slapende Ukar
-Sorry, maybe I can help you later
-Sorry, misschien kan ik je later verder helpen
-Thank you very much! Here is your reward
-Dank u, dank u! Hier is je beloning
-Thanks for your help!
-Bedankt voor je hulp!
-Turtle tongue
-Schilpad tong
-What language do you want?
-Welke taal wil je?
-You didn't collect all the items!#0
-Je hebt niet alle dingen gevonden!
-You didn't collect all the items!#1
-Je hebt niet alle dingen gevonden!
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl.txt b/langs/lang_nl.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd88bd1e..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_nl.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Door de macht toegekend aan mij,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ah, ze *hips* is hier.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Ben jij het moe om uzelf te zijn?
-As you want!
-Zoals je wil!
-Ash brown
-Bee spawned
-Bij gespawned
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Bwe *hips*... Ikke ben ne goeie zeil*hips*er!
-Bowl cut
-Gesneden gelijk een pot
-Bunny ears
-Konijn oortjes
-Bye bye!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Kan je iets aan mijn kleur doen?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Combed back
-Naar achter gekamd
-Verder gaan?
-Copper red
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Mag ik je vragen welke taal jij spreekt? Zodat ik jou kan toevoegen aan de lijst.
-Desert hat
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-Heb je mij @@ @@ gebracht?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-Heb je mij @@ @@ gebracht?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Ken je enkele interessante personen in de buurt?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Wil je een bij spawnen?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Maak je geen zorgen, ik ben zeker dat alles goed zal uitdraaien voor ons beiden!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Zie je niet dat ik al aan het spreken ben?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Het verkleuren faalde. U bent het verkleuringsitem kwijt.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni de Chirurg
-Flat ponytail
-Platte ponytail
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Om iets te verkleuren, moet je een wit item hebben, een kleuroplossing in de gewenste kleur.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Good job!
-Goed gedaan!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Hahaha, Ik zal niet veel van je tijd innemen, ga je gang!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-He neemt een kleine lijst en begint het te lezen.
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Hehe. Ik, ik zal proberen een markt te openen, ik heb gehoord dat het hier een grote commerciële stad is, door de haven enzo...
-Hello @@
-Hallo @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Hallo, wat wil je vandaag?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Hallo, wat wil je vandaag?
-Hello, girl!
-Hallo, meisje!
-Hello, stranger!
-Hallo, vreemdeling!
-Here is your reward!
-Hier is je beloning!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Hey! Ja, ik ben al wakker. Dus, dit is het einde van onze kleine reis tesamen, wat wil je nu doen?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Hey! Heb je 't gezien? we zijn aangekomen in de haven vandaag, het was een lange weg van het andere eiland...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Hey! Heb je 't gezien? we zijn aangekomen in de haven vandaag, het was een lange weg van het andere eiland...
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, meisje!
-Hey, guy!
-Hey, jongen!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Hey, kijk naar Julia, is ze niet een plaatje? Ze is al sinds enkele minuten naar mij aan het staren... haha! Veel geluk, mijn vriend.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Hey, je hebt tegen mij gelogen.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Hmm, Ik ben ok nu, dank je.
-How can I get it
-Hoe kan ik het krijgen
-I can!
-I kan het!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Ik heb je help nu niet nodig, kom later maar terug.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-Ik wil mijn taal nu niet wijzigen, sorry.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-Ik heb je een beloning gegeven. Ik kan je niks meer geven.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Ik heb een fout gemaakt, ik zou graag mijn taal wijzigen.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Ik heb een fout gemaakt, ik zou graag mijn taal wijzigen.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-Ik heb hulp nodig om de wig van het schip schoon te maken, maar jij bent niet sterk genoeg om me te helpen.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-Ik heb iemand nodig die de onderkant van het schip kan schoonmaken, kan je me helpen?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-Ik verklaar je tot de dood... twee maal.
-I speak Dutch
-Ik spreek Nederlands
-I speak English
-Ik spreek Engels
-I speak Flemish
-Ik spreek West-Vlaams
-I speak French
-Ik spreek Frans
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-Ik spreek Italiaans
-I speak Russian
-Ik spreek Russisch
-I speak Spanish
-Ik spreek Spaans
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-Ik denk dat ik een beetje zal rondkijken en zien dat ik vind, jij?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-Ik denk dat het schip hier nog wel even zal staan, we hebben een hoop eten nodig en ons schip heeft ook wat reparatie nodig voordat het terug zeevaardig is.
-I think you can help me, right?
-Ik denk dat je mij kan helpen, juist?
-I want to be a Human
-Ik wil een Mens worden
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Ik zou graag een Ifitron worden
-I want to be a Orc
-Ik wil een Orc worden
-I want to be a Sparron
-Ik zou graag een Sparron worden
-I want to be a Ukar
-Ik wil een Ukar worden
-I want to dye to different color
-Ik zou graag in een andere kleur verkleuren.
-I will give you @@gp.
-Ik zal je @@gp geven.
-I will need some coffee...
-Ik wil wat koffie hebben...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-Ik zal hier een beetje rusten in het dorp, ik voel met niet zo goed na deze reis...
-I will!
-Ik zal het doen!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-Ik vraag 't me af, ik denk dat ik beetje bij beetje zal ontdekken en zien wat er gebeurt!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-Ik vraag 't me af, ik denk dat ik beetje bij beetje zal ontdekken en zien wat er gebeurt!
-I'd like to get a different style.
-Ik zou graag een andere stijl willen.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-Ik zal je komen bezoeken! Ik hoop dat dit eiland onz zal geven waar we op zoek naar zijn...
-I'll get it!#0
-Ik zal het even halen!
-I'll get it!#1
-Ik zal het even halen!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Ik ben Julia, mijn job is om iedereen te registreren die van het schip komt en gaat.
-I'm busy#0
-Ik ben bezig
-I'm busy#1
-Ik ben bezig
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-Ik een vriendin, en ze vraagt mij iets onmogelijks.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Als u het niet heeft, dan kan u niet iets verkleuren...
-Infinitely long
-Oneindig lang
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Het is *hips* verkeerd, Ikke ben niet *hips* dronken.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Laat mijn familie juwelen met rust!
-Leave it
-Laat het liggen
-Let me see your work...
-Laat me je werk eens zien...
-Let me sleep...
-Laat me slapen...
-Let me think...
-Laat me even denken...
-Long and curly
-Lang en krullend
-Long and slick
-Lang en recht
-Long ponytail
-Lang ponytail
-Make less noise, please.
-Maak wat minder lawaai, aub.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Misschien word jij de volgende?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Misschien word jij de volgende?
-Move along, kid.
-Ga maar verder, kind.
-Navy blue
-No problem, do you need something else?
-Geen probleem, wil je nog iets anders?
-No, thank you
-Nee, dank je
-No, thanks!
-Nee, danku!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Nee, Ze zijn veel te gevaarlijk voor me!
-Not yet.
-Nog niet..
-Nothing, sorry
-Niks, sorry
-Now i have class
-Nu heb ik klasse
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Natuurlijk! Vertel me welke taal je spreekt.
-Off black
-Bijna zwart
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh echt? Ik heb niet veel tijd nu, ik moet gaan. Sorry.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, geen probleem! In elk geval, als je vragen hebt, kan je 't vragen aan Julia aan de receptie, ze is heel vriendelijk!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Oh, dank je! Yo, wat zou ik zonder je help doen. Ok, ik zie je nog wel!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok, Klaar. Heb je nog iets anders nodig?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, ok. Kom maar terug als je van gedacht veranderd.
-Ok, thanks
-Ok, dank u
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Oke, Ik ben klaar om te werken!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Oke, Ik ben klaar om te werken!
-Okay, you can start!
-Oke, je kan starten!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Als 't klaar is, zal je gekicked worden van de server. Niet panikeren, dat is volkomen normaal.
-Perky ponytail
-Parmantige ponytail
-Please change my race
-Verander mijn ras
-Please do, my dear
-Doe maar
-Please select a race
-Kies een ras
-Rabbit ears
-Konijn oortjes
-Read it
-Lees het
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Shop 1
-Shop 1
-Shop 2
-Shop 2
-Shop 3
-Shop 3
-Shop 4
-Shop 4
-Shop 5
-Shop 5
-Shop 6
-Shop 6
-Shop 7
-Shop 7
-Short and curly
-Kort en krullend
-Short punk
-Korte punk
-Short robe
-Kort kleed
-Short tank top
-Korte spaghettibandjes
-Sleeping Elf
-Slapende Elf
-So die already!
-Dus ga alsjeblieft zo snel mogelijk dood!
-Sorcerer robe
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Sorry, je hebt geen componenten.
-Surprise me
-Verras me
-T-neck sweater
-Tank top
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-Er is ook @@ aan de dokken, het zal een plezier zijn voor haar om je te helpen!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Ze zijn echt vriendelijk en kunnen je misschien veel meer verder helpen dan mij.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Dit eiland is nogal grappig om een avontuur te starten, en het is ook een goeie plaats om mensen te ontmoeten, haha!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Deze nota was achtergelaten door iemand.
-Tousled layers
-Warrige lagen
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Schilpadden laten het vallen. Veel geluk!
-V-neck sweater
-V-hals trui
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Waarschuwing: Alle karakters bij deze login zullen worden veranderd.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-We zijn in [@@], dat is een grote havenstad, veel beginners starten hun avondtuur hier.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Wel, Ik zal wel zien wat er gebeurt. Ik hoop dat ik veel geluk zal hebben!
-What can I dye for you today?
-Wat kan ik voor je kleuren vandaag?
-What color?
-Welke kleur?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Wat wil je ermee doen?
-What do you want to dye?
-Wat wil je verkleuren?
-What do you want today?
-Wat wil je vandaag doen?
-What do you want?
-Wat wil je?
-What will you do during this break?
-Wat zal je doen gedurende deze pauze?
-What? Never!
-Wat? Nooit!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Wat? Deze beloning is veel te klein!
-Where are we?
-Waar zijn we?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Waar is deze beker?..*hips*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Waarom doe je *hips* naar mij?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Waarom kan ik mijn item niet verkleuren?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Waarom niet, Ik moet toch nog wat trainen.
-Witch hat
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Zou u geinteresseerd zijn in een ras verandering?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Zou u geinteresseerd zijn in een geslachts verandering?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Mja, maar welke beloning krijg ik?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Mja, als je wil, Zal ik een markt openen in dit dorp, misschien kan je me komen bezoeken? Het zou heel leuk zijn om je opnieuw te zien!
-Yes, I can!
-Ja, dat kan ik!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Ja, ik heb het gedaan!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Ja, ik heb het gedaan!
-Yes, please!
-Ja, aub!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, Ik heb het gevonden, cool! Ik heb alles, behalve @@ @@. Kan je me dat brengen?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Yo, kan je me helpen, man?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Yo, kan je me helpen, vrouw?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Yo, zie je wat ik bedoel?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Yo, zie: mijn vriend heeft me geadviseerd om een coole en lekkere maaltijd te maken, en hij heeft me instructies gegeven.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Yo, geef het me nu maar.
-Yo, thank you!
-Yo, dank je!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Yo, het is goed dat je me wilt helpen.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Yo, je hebt het echt gebracht!
-You can start now.
-Je kan nu starten.
-You can't go there!
-Je mag daar niet in gaan!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-Je hebt niet genoeg geld om voor mijn diensten te betalen.
-You failed the task!#0
-Je hebt je taak gefaald!
-You failed the task!#1
-Je hebt je taak gefaald!
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Je zou de zeilers in de buurt kunnen aanspreken.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Je zou de zeilers in de buurt kunnen aanspreken.
-is helping me.
-is me aan het helpen.
diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.old b/langs/lang_ru.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 574394252..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_ru.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-@@ helps me.
-@@ помогает мне.
-Bla bla bla!
-Бла бла бла!
-Blah blah blah!
-Блах блах блах!
-Ble ble ble!
-Бле бле бле!
-Bli bli bli!
-Бли бли бли!
-Blo blo blo!
-Бло бло бло!
-Blu blu blu!
-Блу блу блу!
-Bly bly bly!
-Блю блю блю!
-Can you collect it for me?
-Ты можешь собрать это для меня?
-Can you do something for my color?
-Вы можете что-нибудь сделать с моим цветом?
-Dark brown
-Dark purple
-Dark red
-Did you bring me 30 @@?#0
-Ты принесла мне 30 @@?
-Did you bring me 30 @@?#1
-Ты принес мне 30 @@?
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?#0
-Ты принесла мне 30 салат?
-Did you bring me 30 lettuce?#1
-Ты принес мне 30 салат?
-Did you collect 10 @@?#0
-Ты собрала 10 @@?
-Did you collect 10 @@?#1
-Ты собрал 10 @@?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#0
-Ты собрала @@ @@?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#1
-Ты собрал @@ @@?
-Do you know some people to met around?
-Ты знаешь кого-нибуть, кого можно встретит неподалеку?
-Do you see that sailor?
-Ты видишь этого матроса?
-Do you want to create bee?
-Ты хочешь создать пчелу?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will work well for both of us!
-Не волнуйся, я думаю все будет нормально для нас обоих!
-Drunken Sailor
-Пьяный матрос
-Get your reward!
-Получи свою награду!
-Good luck!
-Good work!
-Хорошая работа!
-Haha, I won't take you much time, go ahead!
-Хаха, я не хочу забирать у тебя много времени, продолжай!
-He took a small list began reading it
-Он взял маленький листок и начал читать
-Hehe, me I will try to open a market, I heard that it was a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all..
-Хехе, я попробую открыть рынок, Я слышал что здесь был большой коммерческий город, потому что порт и все остальное..
-Hehe, you lied to me.
-Ты врешь мне.
-Hello dear, what do you want today?
-Привет дорогой, что ты сегодня хочешь?
-Hello! Can you help me with the making of my potion?
-Привет! Ты можешь мне помочь с приготовлением зелья?
-Here you are!
-Вот тебе!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already wake up, so, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Хей! Да, я уже проснулся, и так это конец нашей общей дороги, что тыперь будешь делать?
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...#0
-Хей! Ты видела? Мы прибыли в портовый город, это далеко от другого острова...
-Hey! You saw? we are arrived to the port today, it was long from the other island...#1
-Хей! Ты видел? Мы прибыли в портовый город, это далеко от другого острова...
-Hey, look Julia, she is beauty eh? She looks at me since some minute... haha! Good luck my friend.
-Эй, посмотри на Жулию, она красива да? Она смотрит на меня уже несколько минут... хаха! удачи мой друг.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thanks you
-Хм, у меня и так все в порядке. Спасибо
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.#0
-Я сделала ошибку, и хотела бы поменять свой язык.
-I did a mistake, I will like to change my language.#1
-Я сделал ошибку, и хотел бы поменять свой язык.
-I don't need your help right now. Come later.
-Сейчас мне не нужна твоя помощь. Приходи позже.
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-Я не хочу менять свой язык, извините.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't as much strong as I need to help.
-Мне нужна помощь, чтобы очистить корабль, но ты слищком слаб для этого.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, could you help me?
-Мне нужен кто-то, кто может очистить нижнюю часть корабля. Можешь мне помочь?
-I think that I will explore the around and see what I can found, and you?
-Я думаю что я поизучаю вокруг и посмотрю что я могу найти, а ты?
-I think that the ship will still here some moments, we need many foods and some reparation for our ship before to go back to the sea.
-Я думаю что корабль будет здесь некоторое время, нам надо много еды небольшой ремонг корабля, перед тем, как отправится обратно в море.
-I want change my language
-Я хочу изменить свой язык
-I want to be a Demon
-Я хочу быть демоном
-I want to be a Elf
-Я хочу быть эльфом
-I will like to get different style
-Я хотел бы изменить стиль
-I will rest a bit much here or in town, I don't feel so well after this voyage...
-Я отдохну немного здесь или в городе, я себя чувствую не слишком хорошо после этого путешествия...
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!#0
-Я удивлена, я думаю я исследую немного и посмотрю, что получится!
-I wonder, I think that I will discover little by little and I will see what happens!#1
-Я удивлен, я думаю я исследую немного и посмотрю, что получится!
-If you help me I will give you a reward
-Если ты мне поможешь, то я дам тебе награду
-In what language are you talking to?
-На каком языке ты разговариваешь?
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need 10 @@.
-Это очень хорошо! Для того, чтобы закончить приготовление зелья мне надо 10 @@.
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need @@ @@.
-Очень хорошо! Чтобы закончить приготовление зелья, мне нужно @@ @@.
-Leave me sleep...
-Дай мне поспать...
-Let me see at you work...
-Дай мне посмотреть на твою работу...
-Light blonde
-Light purple
-Light red
-Make less noise please.
-Создавай поменьше шума, пожалуйста.
-May be you will be the next?#0
-Может быть ты будешь следующей?
-May be you will be the next?#1
-Может быть ты будешь следующим?
-No, I'll go work
-Нет, я иду работать
-No, it isn't easy to get!
-Нет, это не просто получить!
-No, they are too dangerous for me!
-Это слишком опасно для меня!
-Of course! Say me which one is yours.
-Конечно! Скажик какой твой.
-Oh really? I don't got many time right now, I need to go, sorry.
-На самом деле? У меня нет много времени сейчас. Мне надо идти, извени.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you got something to ask, go see Julia at the reception, she is very nice!
-Ох, без проблем! В любом случае, если тебе надо что-то спросить, иди в Джулии. Она очень любезна!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I like to do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ох, спасибо! Йо, чтобы я делал без твоей помощи. Хорошо, увидимся!
-Ok I will come! I hope that this island will give us what we searched..
-Хорошо, я иду! Я надеюсь что этот остров даст нам то, что мы ищем..
-Ok, Ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Хорошо, хорошо. Возвращайся если передумаеш.
-Okay, I am ready to work!#0
-Хорошо, я готова к работе!
-Okay, I am ready to work!#1
-Хорошо, я готов к работе!
-Old Witch
-Старая колдунья
-Please select race
-Пожалуйста выбери рассу
-Rat Sailor
-Матрос с крысой
-Sailor Orc
-Sitting Sailor
-Спящий моряк
-Sleeping Orc
-Спящий орк
-Sleeping Ukar
-Спящий укар
-Sorry, maybe I can help you later
-Прости, может быть я смогу помочь тебе позже
-Thank you very much! Here is your reward
-Большое спасибо! Вот твоя награда
-Thanks for your help!
-Спасибо за помощь!
-They are really nice and will may help you much than me.
-Они действительно хорошие, и возможно помогут больше чем я.
-This island is kinda funny for starting adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Этот остров забавен для начала приключений, и это хорошее место для встречи других людей тоже. хаха!
-Turtle tongue
-Язык черепахи
-We are THERE!
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here, may be you will be the next?
-Мы в [@@], это большой портовый город. Многие начинают здесь свои приключения, возможно ты будешь следующим?
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start they adventure here.
-Мы в [@@]. Это большой портовый город. МНогие здесь начинают свои приключения.
-Well, I will see! I hope that the luck will follow me!
-Посмотрим! Я надеюсь что удача последует за мной!
-What language do you want?
-Какой язык ты хочешь?
-What? It is a very small reward!
-Что? это слишком маленькая награда!
-Why not, I need to train.
-Почему бы и нет? Мне нужна тренировка.
-Would you maybe be interested in a race change?
-Возможно ты хочешь поменять свою рассу?
-Would you maybe be interested in a sex change?
-Может ты хочешь поменять свой пол?
-Yeah, but which reward I will get?
-Да, но какую награду я получу?
-Yeah, if you want, I will open a market in this town, may you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Да, если тебе надо, я открою рынок в этом городе, ты сможешь навестить меня? Это будет хорошо увидить тебя опять!
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except 30 @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Йо, я думаю это круто! У меня есть все, за исключением 30 @@. Ты можешт принести их мне?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except 30 lettuce. Can you bring it to me?
-Йо, я думаю это круто! У меня есть все, за исключением 30 салатов. Ты можешт принести их мне?
-Yo, I found it cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Йо, я думаю это круто! У меня есть все, за исключением @@ @@. Ты можешт принести их мне?
-Yo, can you help me bro?
-Йо, ты можешь мне помочь брат?
-Yo, can you help me sis?
-Йо, ты можешь мне помочь сестра?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me an instructions.
-Йо, смотри, моя доружка рекомендует мне приготовить вкусную еду, и она дала мне рецепт.
-You didn't collect all the items!#0
-Ты не собрала все необходимые предметы!
-You didn't collect all the items!#1
-Ты не собрал все необходимые предметы!
-You got also @@, on the Dock, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-Ты также можешь поговорить с @@ в доках. Для нее будет удовольствием помочь тебе!
-You should go see sailors around.#0
-Ты должна встретить моряков поблизости.
-You should go see sailors around.#1
-Ты должен встретить моряков поблизости.
-bla bla
-бла бла
-bla bla bla
-бла бла бла
-helps me.
-помогает мне.
diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.txt b/langs/lang_ru.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f429190a..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_ru.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Силой возложенной на меня,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ах, она *ик* здесь.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Ты устал быть тем, кем ты являешься?
-As you want!
-Как пожелаешь!
-Ash brown
-Bee spawned
-Пчела создана
-Billy Bons
-Билли Бонс
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Бле *ик* ... Яаа великий мор*ик*як!
-Bowl cut
-Bunny ears
-Кроличьи уши
-Bye bye!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Вы можете что-нибудь сделать с цветом?
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Разделенные / короткие и гладкие
-Combed back
-Copper red
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Могу я у знать какой язык ты используешь при разговоре? Я смогу тебя записать в список.
-Desert hat
-Пустынная шапка
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-Ты принесла мне @@ @@?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-Ты принес мне @@ @@?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Ты знаешь каких-нибудь интересных людей в округе?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Ты хочешь создать пчелу?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Не волнуйся, я думаю все будет нормально для нас обоих!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Ты не видишь что я и так разговариваю?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-Покраска не удалась. Вы потеряли краску.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Хирург Еурни
-Flat ponytail
-Плоский хвост
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Чтобы покрасить что-то, тебе необходима вещь белого цвета и пузырек с необходимой краской.
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Ггрмм грммм..
-Good job!
-Хорошая работа!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Хаха, я не хочу забирать у тебя много времени, продолжай!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Он взял маленький листок и начал читать
-Повязка для головы
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Хехе, я попробую открыть рынок, Я слышал что здесь был большой коммерческий город, потому что порт и все остальное...
-Hello @@
-Привет @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-Привет дорогая, что ты сегодня хочешь?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-Привет дорогой, что ты сегодня хочешь?
-Hello, girl!
-Здравствуй, девушка!
-Hello, stranger!
-Здравствуй, незнакомец!
-Here is your reward!
-Вот твоя награда!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-Хей! Да, я уже проснулся. И так это конец нашей общей дороги, что ты теперь будешь делать?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-Хей! Ты видела? Мы прибыли в портовый город, это был долгий путь с другого острова...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-Хей! Ты видел? Мы прибыли в портовый город, это был долгий путь с другого острова...
-Hey, girl!
-Привет, девушка!
-Hey, guy!
-Привет, парень!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-Эй, посмотри на Джулию, она красива, да? Она смотрит на меня уже несколько минут... ха-ха! удачи мой друг.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-Хей, ты мне врешь.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Хм, у меня и так все в порядке. Спасибо.
-How can I get it
-Как я могу достать это
-I can!
-Я могу!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Сейчас мне не нужна твоя помощь. Приходи позже.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-Я не хочу менять свой язык, извините.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-Я дал тебе награду. Я не могу дать тебе что-то еще.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Я сделала ошибку, и хотела бы поменять свой язык.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Я сделал ошибку, и хотел бы поменять свой язык.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-Мне нужна помощь, чтобы очистить корабль, но ты слишком слаб для этого.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-Мне нужен кто-то, кто может очистить нижнюю часть корабля. Можешь мне помочь?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-Я приговариваю тебя к смерти... дважды.
-I speak Dutch
-Я говорю на голландском
-I speak English
-Я говорю на английском
-I speak Flemish
-Я говорю на фламандском
-I speak French
-Я говорю на французском
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-Я говорю на итальянском
-I speak Russian
-Я говорю на русском
-I speak Spanish
-Я говорю на испанском
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-Я думаю, что исследую окрестности, и посмотрю, что смогу найти, а ты?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-Я думаю, что корабль будет здесь некоторое время. Нам надо много еды, и, наш корабль нуждается в небольшом ремонте, перед тем, как отправляться обратно в море.
-I think you can help me, right?
-Я думаю ты мне можешь помочь, правильно?
-I want to be a Human
-Я хочу быть человеком
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Я хочу быть ифитроном
-I want to be a Orc
-Я хочу быть орком
-I want to be a Sparron
-Я хочу быть спароном
-I want to be a Ukar
-Я хочу быть укаром
-I want to dye to different color
-Я хочу покрасить в другой цвет
-I will give you @@gp.
-Я дам тебе @@gp.
-I will need some coffee...
-Мне надо немного кофе...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-Я отдохну немного здесь или в городе, чувствую себя не слишком хорошо, после этого путешествия...
-I will!
-Я выполню!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-Я удивлена, я думаю я исследую немного и посмотрю, что получится!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-Я удивлен. Думаю я исследую немного и посмотрю, что получится!
-I'd like to get a different style.
-Я бы хотел сменить стиль.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-Я пойду! Я надеюсь что этот остров даст нам то, что мы ищем...
-I'll get it!#0
-Я сделаю это!
-I'll get it!#1
-Я сделаю это!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Я Джулия, моя работа - запись всех кто заходит на корабль или выходит с него.
-I'm busy#0
-Я занята
-I'm busy#1
-Я занят
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-У меня есть подружка, и она хочет чтобы я достал то, чего ей не хватает.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Если у тебя этого нет, то ты не можешь что-либо покрасить.
-Infinitely long
-Бесконечную длину
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-Это *ик* неправильно, яя не *ик* пьяный.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Оставьте в покое мое сокровище!
-Leave it
-Оставь его
-Let me see your work...
-Дай мне посмотреть на твою работу...
-Let me sleep...
-Дай мне поспать...
-Let me think...
-Дай мне подумать...
-Long and curly
-Длинный волнистый
-Long and slick
-Длинный и пятном
-Long ponytail
-Длинный хвост
-Make less noise, please.
-Создавай поменьше шума, пожалуйста.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Возможно ты будешь следующей?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Возможно ты будешь следующим?
-Move along, kid.
-Иди отсюда, ребенок.
-Navy blue
-No problem, do you need something else?
-Без проблем, тебе еще что-то нужно?
-No, thank you
-Нет, спасибо
-No, thanks!
-Не, спасибо!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Нет, они слишком опасны для меня!
-Not yet.
-Еще нет.
-Nothing, sorry
-Ничего, извините
-Now i have class
-Сейчас у меня класс
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Конечно! Скажи мне, на каком языке ты разговариваешь.
-Off black
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-На самом деле? У меня нет много времени сейчас. Мне надо идти. Извини.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Ох, без проблем! В любом случае, если тебе надо что-то спросить, иди к Джулии, она очень любезна!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Ох, спасибо! Йо, чтобы я делал без твоей помощи. Хорошо, увидимся!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Выполнено. Тебе еще что-то нужно?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Хорошо, хорошо. Возвращайся если передумаешь.
-Ok, thanks
-Хорошо, спасибо
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Хорошо, я готова к работе!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Хорошо, я готов к работе!
-Okay, you can start!
-Хорошо, можешь начинать!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-Когда это закончится, ты будешь выкинут с сервера. Не паникуй, т.к. все впорядке.
-Perky ponytail
-Бродящий хвост
-Please change my race
-Пожалуйста измените мою расу
-Please do, my dear
-Сделай это, мой дорогой
-Please select a race
-Пожалуйста выбери расу
-Rabbit ears
-Заячьи уши
-Read it
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Рррр пчхххх...
-Shop 1
-Магазин 1
-Shop 2
-Магазин 2
-Shop 3
-Магазин 3
-Shop 4
-Магазин 4
-Shop 5
-Магазин 5
-Shop 6
-Магазин 6
-Shop 7
-Магазин 7
-Short and curly
-Короткий и фигурный
-Short punk
-Короткий панк
-Short robe
-Котрокая мантия
-Short tank top
-Короткая броня
-Sleeping Elf
-Спящий эльф
-So die already!
-И так умри же!
-Sorcerer robe
-Мантия волшебника
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Извини, у тебя не хватает компонентов.
-Surprise me
-Удивите меня
-T-neck sweater
-Т-образный свитер
-Tank top
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-Также в доках можешь найти @@. Для нее будет удовольствием помогать тебе!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Они действительно хорошие, и могут помочь тебе больше, чем я.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Этот остров забавен для начала приключений, и это хорошее место для встречи других людей тоже. хаха!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Эта записка была оставлена кем-то.
-Tousled layers
-Растрепанные слои
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Черепахи оставляют его. Удачи!
-V-neck sweater
-V-образный свитер
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Предупреждение: Все персонажи, принадлежащие текущему логину, будут изменены.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Мы в [@@], это большой портовый город. Многие начинают здесь свои приключения.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Хорошо, я посмотрю что получится. Я надеюсь что удача последует за мной!
-What can I dye for you today?
-Что я могу покрасить тебе сегодня?
-What color?
-Какой цвет?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Что ты хочешь с ним сделать?
-What do you want to dye?
-Что ты хочешь покрасить?
-What do you want today?
-Что тебе сегодня нужно?
-What do you want?
-Что ты хочешь?
-What will you do during this break?
-Что ты будешь делать во время этой остановки?
-What? Never!
-Что? Никогда!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Что? Эта награда слишком мала!
-Where are we?
-Где мы?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Где этот стакан?..*ик**
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Почему ты *ик* на меня?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Почему я не могу покрасить свои вещи?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Почему нет, мне все равно надо тренироваться.
-Witch hat
-Шляпа ведьмы
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Возможно ты хочешь поменять свою расу?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Может ты хочешь поменять свой пол?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Да, но какую награду я получу?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Да, если тебе надо, я открою рынок в этом городе, возможно ты сможешь навестить меня? Будет интересно увидеть тебя снова!
-Yes, I can!
-Да, я могу!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Да, я сделала это!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Да, я сделал это!
-Yes, please!
-Да, пожалуйста!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Йо, я думаю это круто! У меня есть все, за исключением @@ @@. Ты можешь принести их мне?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Йо, ты можешь мне помочь брат?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Йо, ты можешь мне помочь сестра?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Йо, ты понимаешь, что я имею в виду?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Йо, смотри, моя подружка рекомендует мне приготовить вкусную еду, и она дала мне рецепт.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Йо, просто принеси мне его.
-Yo, thank you!
-Йо, спасибо!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Йо, это хорошо, что ты хочешь помочь мне.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Йо, ты действительно принес это!
-You can start now.
-Ты можешь начинать.
-You can't go there!
-Ты не можешь пройти сюда!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-У тебя недостаточно денег, чтобы оплатить мои услуги.
-You failed the task!#0
-Ты провалила задание!
-You failed the task!#1
-Ты провалил задание!
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Ты должна встретить моряков поблизости.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Ты должен встретить моряков поблизости.
-is helping me.
-помогает мне.
diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.old b/langs/lang_vls.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa6e6abf..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_vls.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-Can you collect it for me?
-Kun dje gy 't goan hoal'n veur ik?
-Dark brown
-Donker brun
-Dark purple
-Donker poars
-Dark red
-Donker rood
-Did you collect @@ @@?#0
-E je @@ @@ goan hoaln?
-Did you collect @@ @@?#1
-E je @@ @@ goan hoaln?
-Drunken Sailor
-Dronkn Zeiler
-Good luck!
-Veel geluk!
-Hello! Can you help me with the making of my potion?
-'allo! kun dje min 'elp'n en dranksken te brouw'n?
-Here you are!
-'ier zy j' gy!
-I dont want change my language, sorry.
-'k wille min toale nie verandern, sorry.
-I want change my language
-'k wille min toale verander'n
-I want to be a Demon
-'k wille nen Duvel kom'n
-I want to be a Elf
-'k wille en Elfke kom'n
-If you help me I will give you a reward
-Oa je mi 'elpt, goa 'k ik ui een belonginge gev'n
-It is very good! To finish my potion I need @@ @@.
-'t e vree goe! Vo 't drankske te moakn, e 'k ik @@ @@ nodig.
-Light blonde
-Licht blond
-Light purple
-Licht paars
-Light red
-Licht rood
-No, I'll go work
-Nen'k, Ik goa goan werk'n
-No, it isn't easy to get!
-Nen't, 't es ni simpl vo te krygn!
-Old Witch
-Oude Hekse
-Rat Sailor
-Rat Zeiler
-Sailor Orc
-Zeiler Orc
-Sitting Sailor
-Zittende Zeiler
-Sleeping Orc
-Sloapende Orc
-Sleeping Ukar
-Sloapende Ukar
-Sorry, maybe I can help you later
-Sorry, misskien kannekik ui later verder helpn
-Thank you very much! Here is your reward
-Merci, merci! 'ier es ui beloninge
-Thanks for your help!
-Merci voor uin hulpe!
-Turtle tongue
-Skilpad tong
-What language do you want?
-Wukke toale wil dje gie?
-You didn't collect all the items!#0
-G' e 't nie oalle dingn gevondn!
-You didn't collect all the items!#1
-G' e 't nie oalle dingn gevondn!
diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.txt b/langs/lang_vls.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dddf2f7a..000000000
--- a/langs/lang_vls.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
-... By the power vested in me,
-... Deur de macht toegekend an ik,
-Ah, she *hips* is here.
-Ah, *hic* z'es hiere.
-Are you tired of being what you are?
-Zy 't nie moe vo jezelven te zin?
-As you want!
-Gelyk da je wilt!
-Ash brown
-Bee spawned
-En bie es gespawned
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Ble *hips*... Imma great sail*hips*or!
-Bwe *hic*... Ik ben ne goei'n zeil*hic*er!
-Bowl cut
-Gesne'en gelyk nen pot
-Bunny ears
-Koninne oarn
-Bye bye!
-Can you do something with my color?
-Kun dje iet an myn kleur doene?
-'n Klakke
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Center parting/Short and slick
-Combed back
-Noar achter'n gekamd
-Copper red
-Could I ask you which language do you talk? Like that I add you on the list.
-Maggekik ui vroagn wukke toale gy klapt? Zoda'k ui kanne toevoegn an de liste.
-Desert hat
-Sahara 'oed
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#0
-E je vo mi @@ @@ gebracht?
-Did you bring me @@ @@?#1
-E je vo mi @@ @@ gebracht?
-Do you know some interesting people around here?
-Ken dje n poar giestige minsn hiere?
-Do you want to create a bee?
-Wil dje en by spawn'n?
-Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will turn out well for the both of us!
-Moak je gin zorgn, 'k ben zeker da't oal wel goe goat utdroain veur oes oalletwee!
-Don't you see that I'm already talking?
-Zie j' nie da'k oal an 't klappn ben?
-Dyeing failed. You lost dye item.
-'t Kleur'n miste. Ge zit ui dinske kwit.
-Eurni the Surgeon
-Eurni de Chirurg
-Flat ponytail
-Platt'n pony
-For dye your item, you need white item and dye with required color.
-Om te kleur'n, ei je 'n wit ding noadig en 'n kleurkstoffe in 't kleur da j' wilt.
-'n sorte poars
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Ggrmm grmmm..
-Good job!
-Goe gedoan!
-Hahaha, I won't take much of your time, go ahead!
-Hahaha, 'k goa nie vil tid va j' inneem'n, goa j' gang!
-He takes a small list and starts reading it.
-Ie pakt een kljen listje en begunt 't te lez'n.
-Hehe. Me, I will try to open a market, I've heard that it is a big city of commerce here, because of the port and all...
-Hehe. Ikke, 'k goa prober'n en kroam 't opnen, 'k e g'heurt da't ier en grot'n commèrce es hiere, deur d' hav'n ennezo...
-Hello @@
-'n Dag @@
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#0
-'allo, wuk wil dje vandoage?
-Hello dear, what do you want today?#1
-'allo, wuk wil dje vandoage?
-Hello, girl!
-'allo, meiske!
-Hello, stranger!
-'allo, vrjemden!
-Here is your reward!
-'ier es ui comisse!
-Hey! Yes, I'm already awake. So, it's end of our little road together, what will you do you now?
-'ey! Joa'k, 'k zin oal wakkre. Dus, 't es 't einde van oeze reis toope, wa wil dje nui goan doen?
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived on the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#0
-'ey! E j' 't gezien? we zin angekomn in den 'av'n vandoage, 't e verre van 't ander eiland...
-Hey! You saw? we've arrived to the port today, it was a long way from the other island...#1
-'ey! E j' 't gezien? we zin angekomn in den 'av'n vandoage, 't e verre van 't ander eiland...
-Hey, girl!
-'ey, meiske!
-Hey, guy!
-'ey, gast!
-Hey, look at Julia, she's a beauty, isn't she? She's been looking at me for some minutes now... haha! Good luck, my friend.
-'ey, kik noa Julia, es 't gin skwon meiske? Z' es oal efjes noar ik an 't koekeloern... haha! Veel geluk, moatje.
-Hey, you lied to me.
-'ey, g' e't gelogn tegen ikke.
-Hmm, I'm fine for now, thank you.
-Hmm, 'k zin ok nui, merci.
-How can I get it
-'oe kannekik da e'n
-I can!
-'k kan 't!
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-'k e uin hulpe nui nie nwodig, kom gie loater moar ne kje were.
-I don't want change my language, sorry.
-'k wille min toale nie verandern, sorry.
-I gave you a reward. I can't give you more.
-'k e j' oal en beloninge gegevn. 'kannekik ui niks mjer gevn.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-'k e gemist, 'k zou geirn min toale verander'n.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-'k e gemist, 'k zou geirn min toale verander'n.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.
-'k e 'n bikke hulpe nodig vo den onderkant van 't skip skwone te moakn, moa ge zy nie sterk genoeg vo mi 't helpn.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship, can you help me?
-'k e 'n twiene nodig die 't 'n onderkant van 't skip kan skwone moakn, kun dje mi help'n?
-I sentence you to death... twice.
-'k verkloare gy vo dood... twee kje.
-I speak Dutch
-'k klappe Nederlands
-I speak English
-'k klappe Engels
-I speak Flemish
-'k klappe West-Vloams
-I speak French
-'k klappe Frans
-I speak Greek
-I speak Indonesian
-I speak Italian
-'k klappe Italioans
-I speak Russian
-'k klappe Russisch
-I speak Spanish
-'k klappe Spoans
-I think that I will explore around a bit and see what I can find, and you?
-'k peize da'k een bitje goa rondkikkn en zien wa da'k vind, en gy?
-I think that the ship will still be here for some time, we need a lot of food and our ship needs some reparation before going back to the sea.
-'k peize da't skip ier nog wel efkes goa stoan, w' e'n nen hoop eet'n nodig en oes skip moe nog vermakt word'n voordat 't weer in de zee kan goan.
-I think you can help me, right?
-'k peize da j' gy mi kunt helpn, juste?
-I want to be a Human
-'k wille nen Mens kom'n
-I want to be a Ifitron
-Ik wille nen Ifitron kom'n
-I want to be a Orc
-'k wille nen Orc kom'n
-I want to be a Sparron
-Ik wille nen Sparron kom'n
-I want to be a Ukar
-'k wille nen Ukar kom'n
-I want to dye to different color
-'k Wille kleur'n in en ander kleurke
-I will give you @@gp.
-'k goa ui @@gp gev'n.
-I will need some coffee...
-'k wille wa kaffie e'n...
-I will rest a bit here or in the town, I don't feel so well after this trip...
-'k goa iere of in 't dorp en bikke rustn. 'k voele mi nie zo goe achter deze reize...
-I will!
-'k goa 't doen!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#0
-'k vroage 't mi af, 'k peize da'k bitje bi bitje entwadde goa'n ontdekkn en zien wa da 't er verder gebeurt!
-I wonder about that, I think I'll discover bit by bit and see what happens!#1
-'k vroage 't mi af, 'k peize da'k bitje bi bitje entwadde goa'n ontdekkn en zien wa da 't er verder gebeurt!
-I'd like to get a different style.
-'k zou geirn nen andern coupe willn.
-I'll come visit! I hope that this island will give us what we're looking for...
-'k goe ui 'n visite doen! 'k hoope da 't eiland oes goa gevn woar wudder ip zoek noar zin...
-I'll get it!#0
-'k goa 't goan hoaln!
-I'll get it!#1
-'k goa 't goan hoaln!
-I'm Julia, my job is to register every body which enter or exit the ship.
-Ik benne Julia, minnen job es vo iedereen te registrern die van 't skip komt of goat.
-I'm busy#0
-'k zin bezig
-I'm busy#1
-'k zin bezig
-I've a girlfriend, and she needs me to do something unavailable.
-'k e en wuf, en ze vroagt mi iet onmeugelijks.
-If you dont have it, then you cant dye.
-Oa je 't nie eit, kundje gie nie kleur'n.
-Infinitely long
-Oneindig lank
-It's *hips* wrong, Imma not *hips* drunken.
-'t es *hic* mis, Ikke zin nie *hic* dronk'n.
-Leave alone my family treasure!
-Loat min familie juweln me ruste!
-Leave it
-Loat 't liggn
-Let me see your work...
-Toon ne kje wa da'j' gedoan e't...
-Let me sleep...
-Loat mi sloapen...
-Let me think...
-Loat me ne kje peiz'n...
-'n Sorte groen
-Long and curly
-Lank en krull'nd
-Long and slick
-Lank en rechte
-Long ponytail
-Ne lange pony
-Make less noise, please.
-Moak ne kje wa minder lawaai, merci.
-Maybe you will be the next?#0
-Misskien kom dje gy de volg'nden?
-Maybe you will be the next?#1
-Misskien kom dje gy de volg'nden?
-Move along, kid.
-Loap moa deure, kienneke.
-Navy blue
-'n Sorte blauw
-No problem, do you need something else?
-Geen probleem, wil dje gy nog entwa d' anders doen?
-No, thank you
-Nen, merci
-No, thanks!
-Nen, merci!
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Nen's, Ze zin vee te gevoarlik vo mi!
-Not yet.
-Nog nie..
-Nothing, sorry
-Nietn, sorry
-Now i have class
-Nu e 'k ik klasse
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak.
-Moabajoa't! Zeg moa wukke toale da je klapt.
-Off black
-Bikans zwarte
-Oh really? I don't have much time right now, I need to go. Sorry.
-Oh es 't woar? 'k e nie veel tid nui, 'k moe goan. Sorry.
-Oh, no problem! Anyway, if you have questions, you should see Julia at the reception, she's very nice!
-Oh, geen probleem! In elk geval, oa je vroagen e't, kun dje 't vroag'n an Julia an de receptie, z' es vree vrindelik!
-Oh, thank you! Yo, what would I do without your help. Ok, see you!
-Oh, merci! Yo, wa zou 'k ik doen zonder gy. Ok, tot nog ne kje!
-Ok, Done. You need something else?
-Ok, Kloar. E je nog iets anders nodig?
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, ok. Kom moar ne kje were oa je van gedacht veranderd zit.
-Ok, thanks
-Ok, merci
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Oke, 'k zin kloar vo te werk'n!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Oke, 'k zin kloar vo te werk'n!
-Okay, you can start!
-Oke, ge kunt start'n!
-Once it's done, you will be kicked from the server. Don't panic, as everything is fine.
-As 't kloar es, ga je gekicked word'n van de server. Ge moet nie paniker'n, 't es volkomn normoal.
-Perky ponytail
-Parmantigen pony
-Please change my race
-Verander min ras
-Please do, my dear
-Doe moa
-Please select a race
-Kies en ras
-Rabbit ears
-Koninne oar'n
-Read it
-Lees 't
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Shop 1
-Shop 1
-Shop 2
-Shop 2
-Shop 3
-Shop 3
-Shop 4
-Shop 4
-Shop 5
-Shop 5
-Shop 6
-Shop 6
-Shop 7
-Shop 7
-Short and curly
-Kort en krull'nd
-Short punk
-Korte punk
-Short robe
-Kort kleed
-Short tank top
-Korte spaghettibandjes
-Sleeping Elf
-Sloapende Elf
-So die already!
-Dus goa moa dood!
-Sorcerer robe
-Sorry you dont have components.
-Sorry, g' e 't gin componentn.
-Surprise me
-Doe moa entwa
-T-neck sweater
-Dikke nekke boai
-Tank top
-There is also @@ on the docks, it will be a pleasure for her to help you!
-D'er es ook @@ an de dokkn, 't goa en plezierke zin veur hoar om ui t' help'n!
-They are really nice and may help you much more than me.
-Ze zin echt vriendelik en kunn'n ui misskien beter help'n dannekik.
-This island is kinda funny for starting an adventure, and it's a good place for meeting people too, haha!
-Dit eiland es nogal grappig vo 'n avontuur te startn, en 't es ook en goeie ploatse vo mensen t' ontmoet'n, haha!
-This note was left by somebody.
-Dezen nota was achtergelat'n deur entwiene.
-Tousled layers
-Warrige loagen
-Turtles drop it. Good luck!
-Skilpadden loat'n 't vall'n. Veel geluk!
-V-neck sweater
-V-kroage boai
-Warning: All characters under this login will be changed.
-Waarskuwinge: Oalle karakters by dezen login goan verander'n.
-We are at [@@], it's a big port-city, many beginners start their adventure here.
-Wudder zin in [@@], dat es en grote hoavenstad, veel beginners start'n udder avontuur 'iere.
-Well, I'll see what happens. I hope that good luck will follow me around!
-Wel, 'k goa wel zien wat dat er gebeurt. Ik hoope da 'k veel geluk goa en!
-What can I dye for you today?
-Wa kannekik kleur'n vo gy vandoage?
-What color?
-Wuk kleur?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Wa wil dje d'ermee goan doen?
-What do you want to dye?
-Wa wildje gie kleur'n?
-What do you want today?
-Wa wil dje vandoage doen?
-What do you want?
-Wa wil dje gie?
-What will you do during this break?
-Wa goe doen, nu da we'n pauze e'n?
-What? Never!
-Wa? Nooit!
-What? This reward is too small!
-Wa? Dezen beloninge es vee te kleine!
-Where are we?
-Woar zin we?
-Where is this cup?..*hips*
-Woar es dien beker?..*hic*
-Why do you *hips* at me?!
-Vowa doe je gie *hic* noar ikke?!
-Why i cant dye my item?
-Vowa kannekik min dinske niet kleur'n?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Vowa nie, 'k moe toch nog en bikke train'n.
-Witch hat
-'eksen 'oed
-Would you be interested in a race change?
-Zou je gie ginteresseerd zin in en ras veranderinge?
-Would you be interested in a sex change?
-Zou je gie ginteresseerd zin in en geslachts veranderinge?
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Mja, moa wukke beloninge krigge 'k ik?
-Yeah, if you like, I'll open a market in this town, maybe you can visit me? It could be fun to see you again!
-Mja, oa j' wilt, Goa 'k een kroam open'n in 't dorp, misskien kun dje mi ne kje kom'n en visite doen? 't zou vree geestig zin vo je were te ziene!
-Yes, I can!
-Joa, da kannekik!
-Yes, I did it!#0
-Jah, 'k e 't gedoane!
-Yes, I did it!#1
-Jah, 'k e 't gedoane!
-Yes, please!
-Joa, giv moa!
-Yo, I found it, cool! I have everything, except @@ @@. Can you bring it to me?
-Yo, 'k e 't gevond'n, cool! 'k e 't oal, just nog @@ @@. Kun dje gie mi da breng'n?
-Yo, can you help me, bro?
-Yo, kun dje mi ne kje helpn, moat?
-Yo, can you help me, sis?
-Yo, kun dje mi ne kje helpn, meiske?
-Yo, do you see what I mean?
-Yo, zie je wa da'k bedoele?
-Yo, look: my friend advised me to make a cool and tasty meal, and he gave me instructions.
-Yo, kik: minne moat e mi gadviseerd vo iets cools en lekkers te moak'n vo 't eet'n, en ie e mi instructies gegevn.
-Yo, now just bring it to me.
-Yo, giv 't mi nui moa.
-Yo, thank you!
-Yo, merci!
-Yo, that's good that you want to help me.
-Yo, 't es goe da j' gy mi wilt help'n.
-Yo, you really brought it!
-Yo, g' e 't echt meegebroacht!
-You can start now.
-Ge kunt nui start'n.
-You can't go there!
-Ge mag doare nie goan!
-You don't have enough to pay for my services.
-G' e 't nie genoeg geld vo min dienst'n.
-You failed the task!#0
-G' e gefoald in ui toake!
-You failed the task!#1
-G' e gefoald in ui toake!
-You should go see the sailors around here.#0
-Ge zou de zeilers iere kunn'n ansprek'n.
-You should go see the sailors around here.#1
-Ge zou de zeilers iere kunn'n ansprek'n.
-is helping me.
-es mi an 't help'n.
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