path: root/server/frob
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/frob')
5 files changed, 539 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/frob/ b/server/frob/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19fbe13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/frob/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# tmwAthena item frobber
+## Prerequisites
+- [Deno]
+## Compatibility
+- works with tmwAthena `v16.2.9 - v19.4.15`
+ - newer versions may modify the flatfile structure and break things
+## Usage
+- from `tmwa-server-data`:
+# choose whatever syntax you prefer:
+make frob items="item[,item[,item...]]" # item list (csv)
+make frob items="item[ item[ item...]]" # item list
+make frob items="item-item" # item range
+make frob items="item..item" # item range
diff --git a/server/frob/char.ts b/server/frob/char.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0cb5f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/frob/char.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+class CharParser {
+ private char_line =
+ "^" +
+ "(?<char_id>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<account_id>[0-9]+),(?<char_num>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<name>[^\t]+)\t" +
+ "(?<species>[0-9]+),(?<base_level>[0-9]+),(?<job_level>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<base_exp>[0-9]+),(?<job_exp>[0-9]+),(?<zeny>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<hp>[0-9]+),(?<max_hp>[0-9]+),(?<sp>[0-9]+),(?<max_sp>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<str>[0-9]+),(?<agi>[0-9]+),(?<vit>[0-9]+),(?<int>[0-9]+),(?<dex>[0-9]+),(?<luk>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<status_point>[0-9]+),(?<skill_point>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<option>[0-9]+),(?<karma>[0-9]+),(?<manner>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<party_id>[0-9]+),[0-9]+,[0-9]+\t" +
+ "(?<hair>[0-9]+),(?<hair_color>[0-9]+),(?<clothes_color>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<weapon>[0-9]+),(?<shield>[0-9]+),(?<head_top>[0-9]+),(?<head_mid>[0-9]+),(?<head_bottom>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<last_map>[^,]+),(?<last_x>[0-9]+),(?<last_y>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<save_map>[^,]+),(?<save_x>[0-9]+),(?<save_y>[0-9]+),(?<partner_id>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<sex>[FMNS])\t" + // <= ignore S to ignore server accounts
+ "(?<items>([0-9]+,(?<nameid>[0-9]+),(?<amount>[0-9]+),(?<equip>[0-9]+),[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+ )*)\t" + // inventory
+ "\t" + // cart
+ "(?<skills>((?<skill_id>[0-9]+),(?<skill_lv>[0-9]+) )*)\t" +
+ "(?<variables>((?<var_name>[^,]+),(?<value>[-0-9]+) )*)\t" + // some chars have negative variables (overflows)
+ "$";
+ private char_items_line = "[0-9]+,(?<nameid>[0-9]+),(?<amount>[0-9]+),(?<equip>[0-9]+),[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+ ";
+ private char_regex: RegExp;
+ private char_regex_items: RegExp;
+ constructor () {
+ this.char_regex = new RegExp(this.char_line);
+ this.char_regex_items = new RegExp(this.char_items_line, "g");
+ }
+ private parseLine (line: string) {
+ const match = this.char_regex.exec(line);
+ if (!(match instanceof Object) || !Reflect.has(match, "groups")) {
+ console.error("line does not match the char regex:", line);
+ throw new SyntaxError();
+ }
+ const groups = (match as any).groups;
+ let items = [];
+ if (groups.items.length > 1) {
+ let match_items = this.char_regex_items.exec(groups.items);
+ while (match_items !== null) {
+ items.push((match_items as any).groups);
+ match_items = this.char_regex_items.exec(groups.items);
+ }
+ }
+ groups.items = items;
+ return groups;
+ }
+ public async * readDB () {
+ const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
+"\nwalking through athena.txt...");
+ const file = await"world/save/athena.txt");
+ const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
+ let accumulator = "";
+ while (true) {
+ const { nread, eof } = await, buf);
+ if (eof) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const str = decoder.decode(buf);
+ for (let c of str) {
+ if (c === "\n") {
+ if (accumulator.length === 14) {
+ // this is the newid line
+ break;
+ }
+ yield this.parseLine(accumulator);
+ accumulator = "";
+ } else {
+ accumulator += c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class CharWriter {
+ private file;
+ private highest: number = 0;
+ private encoder;
+ constructor () {
+ try {
+ Deno.removeSync("world/save/athena.txt.tmp");
+ } catch {
+ // ignore this
+ }
+ this.file = Deno.openSync("world/save/athena.txt.tmp", "a+");
+ this.encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ }
+ async write (char: any) {
+ let line =
+ `${char.char_id}\t` +
+ `${char.account_id},${char.char_num}\t` +
+ `${}\t` +
+ `${char.species},${char.base_level},${char.job_level}\t` +
+ `${char.base_exp},${char.job_exp},${char.zeny}\t` +
+ `${char.hp},${char.max_hp},${char.sp},${char.max_sp}\t` +
+ `${char.str},${char.agi},${char.vit},${},${char.dex},${char.luk}\t` +
+ `${char.status_point},${char.skill_point}\t` +
+ `${char.option},${char.karma},${char.manner}\t` +
+ `${char.party_id},0,0\t` +
+ `${},${char.hair_color},${char.clothes_color}\t` +
+ `${char.weapon},${char.shield},${char.head_top},${char.head_mid},${char.head_bottom}\t` +
+ `${char.last_map},${char.last_x},${char.last_y}\t` +
+ `${char.save_map},${char.save_x},${char.save_y},${char.partner_id}\t` +
+ `${}\t`;
+ for (let item of char.items) {
+ line += `0,${item.nameid},${item.amount},${item.equip},1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 `;
+ }
+ line += `\t`; // end of items
+ line += `\t`; // cart
+ line += `${char.skills}\t`;
+ line += `${char.variables}\t`;
+ line += `\n`;
+ await Deno.write(this.file.rid, this.encoder.encode(line));
+ if (+char.char_id > this.highest) {
+ this.highest = +char.char_id;
+ }
+ }
+ async finalize() {
+"appending %newid%...");
+ await Deno.write(this.file.rid, this.encoder.encode(`${this.highest + 1}\t%newid%\n`));
+ this.file.close();
+"overwriting athena.txt...");
+ await Deno.rename("world/save/athena.txt", "world/save/athena.txt_pre-frob");
+ await Deno.rename("world/save/athena.txt.tmp", "world/save/athena.txt");
+ }
+export {
+ CharParser,
+ CharWriter,
diff --git a/server/frob/index.ts b/server/frob/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..332989a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/frob/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+// this script removes specified items from inventories and storage
+import { CharParser, CharWriter } from "./char.ts";
+import { StorageParser, StorageWriter } from "./storage.ts";
+import { ItemDB } from "./itemdb.ts";
+const args: string[] = Deno.args.slice(1);
+const to_remove: Set<number> = new Set();
+const is_alpha: boolean = isNaN(args.join() as unknown as number);
+const char_parser = new CharParser();
+const storage_parser = new StorageParser();
+const char_writer = new CharWriter();
+const storage_writer = new StorageWriter();
+const item_db = new ItemDB();
+const stats = {
+ inventory: {
+ removed: 0,
+ pruned: 0,
+ stub: 0,
+ chars: 0,
+ },
+ storage: {
+ removed: 0,
+ pruned: 0,
+ stub: 0,
+ wiped: 0,
+ synced: 0,
+ accounts: 0,
+ },
+(async () => {
+ const items_by_id = new Map(); // holds full item info
+ const items_by_name = new Map(); // holds references to the former
+ for await (let item of item_db.readDB()) {
+ items_by_id.set(, item);
+ items_by_name.set(,;
+ }
+ const itemToNumber = (name: string|number): number => {
+ if (isNaN(name as number)) {
+ const item_id = items_by_name.get(name);
+ if (item_id) {
+ return +item_id;
+ } else {
+ console.error(`cannot find item '${name}' in the item db`);
+ throw new Error("item not found");
+ }
+ } else {
+ return +name;
+ }
+ }
+ const itemToString = (id: string|number): string => {
+ if (isNaN(id as number)) {
+ return `${id}`;
+ } else {
+ const item = items_by_id.get(+id);
+ if (item) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ console.error(`cannot find item ID ${id} in the item db`);
+ throw new Error("item not found");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (args.length < 1) {
+ throw new RangeError("no items given!");
+ }
+ for (let arg of args.join(",").split(",")) {
+ if (arg.includes("-") || arg.includes("..")) {
+ const range = arg.split("-").join("..").split("..");
+ let from = itemToNumber(range[0]), to = itemToNumber(range[1]);
+ if (from > to) {
+ [from, to] = [to, from];
+ }
+ for (let i = from; i <= to; ++i) {
+ to_remove.add(i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ to_remove.add(itemToNumber(arg));
+ }
+ }
+"\nThe following items will be removed:");
+ for (let item of to_remove) {
+`[${item}]: ${itemToString(item)}`);
+ }
+ // inventory:
+ for await (let char of char_parser.readDB()) {
+ let items_filtered = []; // this is not a Set because some items don't stack
+ let mod = false;
+ for (let item of char.items) {
+ if (!items_by_id.has(+item.nameid)) {
+ console.log(`removing ${+item.amount || 1}x non-existant item ID ${item.nameid} from inventory of character ${} [${char.account_id}:${char.char_id}]`);
+ stats.inventory.pruned += +item.amount;
+ mod = true;
+ } else if (+item.amount < 1) {
+ console.log(`removing stub of item ${itemToString(item.nameid)} [${item.nameid}] from inventory of character ${} [${char.account_id}:${char.char_id}]`);
+ stats.inventory.stub++;
+ mod = true;
+ } else if (to_remove.has(+item.nameid)) {
+ console.log(`removing ${item.amount}x ${itemToString(item.nameid)} [${item.nameid}] from inventory of character ${} [${char.account_id}:${char.char_id}]`);
+ stats.inventory.removed += +item.amount;
+ mod = true;
+ } else {
+ items_filtered.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mod)
+ stats.inventory.chars++;
+ char.items = items_filtered;
+ await char_writer.write(char);
+ }
+ await char_writer.finalize();
+ // storage:
+ for await (let storage of storage_parser.readDB()) {
+ let items_filtered = []; // this is not a Set because some items don't stack
+ let mod = false;
+ for (let item of storage.items) {
+ if (!items_by_id.has(+item.nameid)) {
+ console.log(`removing ${+item.amount || 1}x non-existant item ID ${item.nameid} from storage of account ${storage.account_id}`);
+ += +item.amount;
+ storage.storage_amount--;
+ mod = true;
+ } else if (+item.amount < 1) {
+ console.log(`removing stub of item ${itemToString(item.nameid)} [${item.nameid}] from storage of account ${storage.account_id}`);
+ storage.storage_amount--;
+ mod = true;
+ } else if (to_remove.has(+item.nameid)) {
+ console.log(`removing ${item.amount}x ${itemToString(item.nameid)} [${item.nameid}] from storage of account ${storage.account_id}`);
+ += +item.amount;
+ storage.storage_amount--;
+ mod = true;
+ } else {
+ items_filtered.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mod)
+ storage.items = items_filtered;
+ if (+storage.storage_amount !== storage.items.length) {
+ const old_sync = +storage.storage_amount;
+ storage.storage_amount = storage.items.length;
+ console.log(`fixing sync of storage for account ${storage.account_id}: ${old_sync} => ${storage.storage_amount}`);
+ }
+ if (storage.storage_amount >= 1) {
+ await storage_writer.write(storage);
+ } else {
+ console.log(`storage of account ${storage.account_id} is now empty: removing it from the storage db`);
+ }
+ }
+ await storage_writer.finalize();
+"\n=== all done ===");
+`removed ${stats.inventory.removed} existant, ${stats.inventory.pruned} non-existant and ${stats.inventory.stub} stub items from the inventory of ${stats.inventory.chars} characters`);
+`removed ${} existant, ${} non-existant and ${} stub items from the storage of ${} accounts`);
+`removed ${} empty storage entries from the storage db`);
+`fixed storage sync of ${} accounts`);
diff --git a/server/frob/itemdb.ts b/server/frob/itemdb.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff943d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/frob/itemdb.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+class ItemDB {
+ private item_line =
+ "^" +
+ "(?<id>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<name>[^ \t,]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<type>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<price>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<sell>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<weight>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<atk>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<def>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<range>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<mbonus>[0-9-]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<slot>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<gender>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<loc>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<wlvl>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<elvl>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "(?<view>[0-9]+),[ \t]*" +
+ "\{(?<usescript>[^\}]*)\},[ \t]*" +
+ "\{(?<equipscript>[^\}]*)\}[ \t]*" +
+ "$";
+ private item_regex: RegExp;
+ constructor () {
+ this.item_regex = new RegExp(this.item_line);
+ }
+ private parseLine (line) {
+ const match = this.item_regex.exec(line);
+ if (!(match instanceof Object) || !Reflect.has(match, "groups")) {
+ console.error("line does not match the item db regex:", line);
+ throw new SyntaxError();
+ }
+ return (match as any).groups;
+ }
+ public async * readDB () {
+ const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
+"reading tmwa-map.conf...");
+ const file = await Deno.readFile("world/map/conf/tmwa-map.conf");
+ const data = decoder.decode(file).split("\n");
+ const db_regex = new RegExp("^item_db: *(?<path>[A-Za-z0-9_\./]+)$");
+ for (const line of data) {
+ const match = db_regex.exec(line);
+ if (!(match instanceof Object)) continue;
+ const path = (match as any).groups.path;
+`reading world/map/${path}...`)
+ const db = await Deno.readFile(`world/map/${path}`);
+ for (const item of decoder.decode(db).split("\n")) {
+ if (item.startsWith("//") || item.length < 2) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ yield this.parseLine(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export {
+ ItemDB
diff --git a/server/frob/storage.ts b/server/frob/storage.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..720cd4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/frob/storage.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+class StorageParser {
+ private storage_line =
+ "^" +
+ "(?<account_id>[0-9]+),(?<storage_amount>[0-9]+)\t" +
+ "(?<items>([0-9]+,(?<nameid>[0-9]+),(?<amount>[0-9]+),(?<equip>[0-9]+),[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+ )+)\t$";
+ private storage_items_line = "[0-9]+,(?<nameid>[0-9]+),(?<amount>[0-9]+),(?<equip>[0-9]+),[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+ ";
+ private storage_regex: RegExp;
+ private storage_regex_items: RegExp;
+ constructor () {
+ this.storage_regex = new RegExp(this.storage_line);
+ this.storage_regex_items = new RegExp(this.storage_items_line, "g");
+ }
+ private parseLine (line: string) {
+ const match = this.storage_regex.exec(line);
+ if (!(match instanceof Object) || !Reflect.has(match, "groups")) {
+ console.error("line does not match the storage regex:", line);
+ throw new SyntaxError();
+ }
+ const groups = (match as any).groups;
+ let items = [];
+ if (groups.items.length > 1) {
+ let match_items = this.storage_regex_items.exec(groups.items);
+ while (match_items !== null) {
+ items.push((match_items as any).groups);
+ match_items = this.storage_regex_items.exec(groups.items);
+ }
+ }
+ groups.items = items;
+ return groups;
+ }
+ public async * readDB () {
+ const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
+"\nwalking through storage.txt...");
+ const file = await"world/save/storage.txt");
+ const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
+ let accumulator = "";
+ while (true) {
+ const { nread, eof } = await, buf);
+ if (eof) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const str = decoder.decode(buf);
+ if (nread < 1024) {
+ for (let c of str) {
+ if (c === "\n") {
+ yield this.parseLine(accumulator);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ accumulator += c;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ for (let c of str) {
+ if (c === "\n") {
+ yield this.parseLine(accumulator);
+ accumulator = "";
+ } else {
+ accumulator += c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class StorageWriter {
+ private file;
+ private encoder;
+ constructor () {
+ try {
+ Deno.removeSync("world/save/storage.txt.tmp");
+ } catch {
+ // ignore this
+ }
+ this.file = Deno.openSync("world/save/storage.txt.tmp", "a+");
+ this.encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ }
+ async write (storage: any) {
+ let line = `${storage.account_id},${storage.storage_amount}\t`;
+ for (let item of storage.items) {
+ line += `0,${item.nameid},${item.amount},${item.equip},0,0,0,0,0,0,0 `;
+ }
+ line += `\t`; // end of items
+ line += `\n`;
+ await Deno.write(this.file.rid, this.encoder.encode(line));
+ }
+ async finalize() {
+ this.file.close();
+"overwriting storage.txt...");
+ await Deno.rename("world/save/storage.txt", "world/save/storage.txt_pre-frob");
+ await Deno.rename("world/save/storage.txt.tmp", "world/save/storage.txt");
+ }
+export {
+ StorageParser,
+ StorageWriter,