path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
26 files changed, 216 insertions, 4948 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/GNUmakefile b/src/map/GNUmakefile
index a2bbb63..73bc071 100644
--- a/src/map/GNUmakefile
+++ b/src/map/GNUmakefile
@@ -1,87 +1,51 @@
-all: txt sql
+all: txt
-txt: txtobj map-server
+txt: obj map-server
-sql: sqlobj map-server_sql
- mkdir txtobj
- mkdir sqlobj
+ mkdir obj
COMMON_OBJ = ../common/core.o ../common/socket.o ../common/timer.o ../common/grfio.o ../common/db.o ../common/lock.o ../common/nullpo.o ../common/malloc.o
LIBS = -lz -lm
-map-server: txtobj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o txtobj/magic-interpreter-parser.o txtobj/magic-interpreter-base.o txtobj/magic-expr.o txtobj/magic-stmt.o txtobj/magic.o txtobj/map.o txtobj/chrif.o txtobj/clif.o txtobj/pc.o txtobj/npc.o txtobj/chat.o txtobj/path.o txtobj/itemdb.o txtobj/mob.o txtobj/script.o txtobj/storage.o txtobj/skill.o txtobj/atcommand.o txtobj/battle.o txtobj/intif.o txtobj/trade.o txtobj/party.o txtobj/vending.o txtobj/guild.o txtobj/pet.o $(COMMON_OBJ)
+map-server: obj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o obj/magic-interpreter-parser.o obj/magic-interpreter-base.o obj/magic-expr.o obj/magic-stmt.o obj/magic.o obj/map.o obj/chrif.o obj/clif.o obj/pc.o obj/npc.o obj/chat.o obj/path.o obj/itemdb.o obj/mob.o obj/script.o obj/storage.o obj/skill.o obj/atcommand.o obj/battle.o obj/intif.o obj/trade.o obj/party.o obj/guild.o $(COMMON_OBJ)
$(CC) -o ../../$@ $^ $(LIBS)
-map-server_sql: sqlobj/map.o sqlobj/chrif.o sqlobj/clif.o sqlobj/pc.o sqlobj/npc.o sqlobj/chat.o sqlobj/path.o sqlobj/itemdb.o sqlobj/mob.o sqlobj/script.o sqlobj/storage.o sqlobj/skill.o sqlobj/atcommand.o sqlobj/battle.o sqlobj/intif.o sqlobj/trade.o sqlobj/party.o sqlobj/vending.o sqlobj/guild.o sqlobj/pet.o sqlobj/mail.o $(COMMON_OBJ)
- $(CC) -o ../../$@ $^ $(LIB_S)
-txtobj/%.o: %.c
+obj/%.o: %.c
-sqlobj/%.o: %.c
magic-interpreter-lexer.c: magic-interpreter.l
$(LEX) -o magic-interpreter-lexer.c magic-interpreter.l
magic-interpreter-parser.c: magic-interpreter-parser.y
$(BISON) -v -d -o magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-interpreter-parser.y
-txtobj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o: magic-interpreter-lexer.c magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-interpreter-parser.o: magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-interpreter-base.o: magic-interpreter-base.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-expr.o: magic-expr.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-stmt.o: magic-stmt.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic.o: magic.c magic.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/map.o: map.c map.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/chrif.o: chrif.c map.h battle.h chrif.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/clif.o: magic.h clif.c map.h chrif.h clif.h mob.h intif.h pc.h npc.h itemdb.h chat.h script.h storage.h party.h guild.h atcommand.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/version.h
-txtobj/pc.o: pc.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h skill.h script.h party.h guild.h pet.h trade.h storage.h chat.h vending.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-txtobj/npc.o: npc.c map.h npc.h clif.h pc.h script.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/chat.o: chat.c map.h clif.h pc.h chat.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/path.o: path.c map.h battle.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/itemdb.o: itemdb.c map.h battle.h itemdb.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/mob.o: mob.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h mob.h skill.h battle.h npc.h itemdb.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/script.o: script.c itemdb.h map.h pc.h mob.h clif.h intif.h npc.h script.h storage.h skill.h pet.h battle.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/lock.h
-txtobj/storage.o: storage.c itemdb.h pc.h clif.h intif.h storage.h guild.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-txtobj/skill.o: skill.c skill.h map.h clif.h pc.h mob.h battle.h itemdb.h script.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/atcommand.o: atcommand.c atcommand.h itemdb.h pc.h map.h skill.h clif.h mob.h intif.h battle.h storage.h guild.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/battle.o: battle.c battle.h skill.h map.h mob.h pc.h pet.h guild.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/intif.o: intif.c intif.h chrif.h clif.h party.h guild.h storage.h map.h battle.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/trade.o: trade.c trade.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h npc.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/party.o: party.c party.h clif.h intif.h pc.h map.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/vending.o: vending.c vending.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/guild.o: guild.c guild.h storage.h battle.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h map.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/pet.o: pet.c pet.h map.h clif.h chrif.h intif.h pc.h itemdb.h battle.h mob.h npc.h script.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/map.o: map.c map.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/chrif.o: chrif.c map.h battle.h chrif.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/clif.o: clif.c map.h chrif.h clif.h mob.h intif.h pc.h npc.h itemdb.h chat.h script.h storage.h party.h guild.h atcommand.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/version.h
-sqlobj/pc.o: pc.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h skill.h script.h party.h guild.h pet.h trade.h storage.h chat.h vending.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-sqlobj/npc.o: npc.c map.h npc.h clif.h pc.h script.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/chat.o: chat.c map.h clif.h pc.h chat.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/path.o: path.c map.h battle.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/itemdb.o: itemdb.c map.h battle.h itemdb.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/mob.o: mob.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h mob.h skill.h battle.h npc.h itemdb.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/script.o: script.c itemdb.h map.h pc.h mob.h clif.h intif.h npc.h script.h storage.h skill.h pet.h battle.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/lock.h
-sqlobj/storage.o: storage.c itemdb.h pc.h clif.h intif.h storage.h guild.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-sqlobj/skill.o: skill.c skill.h map.h clif.h pc.h mob.h battle.h itemdb.h script.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/atcommand.o: atcommand.c atcommand.h itemdb.h pc.h map.h skill.h clif.h mob.h intif.h battle.h storage.h guild.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/battle.o: battle.c battle.h skill.h map.h mob.h pc.h pet.h guild.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/intif.o: intif.c intif.h chrif.h clif.h party.h guild.h storage.h map.h battle.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/trade.o: trade.c trade.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h npc.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/party.o: party.c party.h clif.h intif.h pc.h map.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/vending.o: vending.c vending.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/guild.o: guild.c guild.h storage.h battle.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h map.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/pet.o: pet.c pet.h map.h clif.h chrif.h intif.h pc.h itemdb.h battle.h mob.h npc.h script.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/mail.o: mail.c mail.h
+obj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o: magic-interpreter-lexer.c magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-interpreter-parser.o: magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-interpreter-base.o: magic-interpreter-base.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-expr.o: magic-expr.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-stmt.o: magic-stmt.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic.o: magic.c magic.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/map.o: map.c map.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/chrif.o: chrif.c map.h battle.h chrif.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/clif.o: magic.h clif.c map.h chrif.h clif.h mob.h intif.h pc.h npc.h itemdb.h chat.h script.h storage.h party.h guild.h atcommand.h atcommand.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/version.h
+obj/pc.o: pc.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h skill.h script.h party.h guild.h trade.h storage.h chat.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
+obj/npc.o: npc.c map.h npc.h clif.h pc.h script.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/chat.o: chat.c map.h clif.h pc.h chat.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/path.o: path.c map.h battle.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/itemdb.o: itemdb.c map.h battle.h itemdb.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/mob.o: mob.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h mob.h skill.h battle.h npc.h itemdb.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/script.o: script.c itemdb.h map.h pc.h mob.h clif.h intif.h npc.h script.h storage.h skill.h battle.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/lock.h
+obj/storage.o: storage.c itemdb.h pc.h clif.h intif.h storage.h guild.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
+obj/skill.o: skill.c skill.h map.h clif.h pc.h mob.h battle.h itemdb.h script.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/atcommand.o: atcommand.c atcommand.h itemdb.h pc.h map.h skill.h clif.h mob.h intif.h battle.h storage.h guild.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/battle.o: battle.c battle.h skill.h map.h mob.h pc.h guild.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/intif.o: intif.c intif.h chrif.h clif.h party.h guild.h storage.h map.h battle.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/trade.o: trade.c trade.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h npc.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/party.o: party.c party.h clif.h intif.h pc.h map.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
- rm -rf *.o ../../map-server ../../map-server_sql sqlobj txtobj
+ rm -rf *.o ../../map-server obj
diff --git a/src/map/Makefile b/src/map/Makefile
index 89ef2c2..effb407 100644
--- a/src/map/Makefile
+++ b/src/map/Makefile
@@ -1,87 +1,51 @@
-all: txt sql
+all: txt
-txt: txtobj map-server
+txt: obj map-server
-sql: sqlobj map-server_sql
- mkdir txtobj
- mkdir sqlobj
+ mkdir obj
COMMON_OBJ = ../common/core.o ../common/socket.o ../common/timer.o ../common/grfio.o ../common/db.o ../common/lock.o ../common/nullpo.o ../common/malloc.o
LIBS = -lz -lm
-map-server: txtobj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o txtobj/magic-interpreter-parser.o txtobj/magic-interpreter-base.o txtobj/magic-expr.o txtobj/magic-stmt.o txtobj/magic.o txtobj/map.o txtobj/chrif.o txtobj/clif.o txtobj/pc.o txtobj/npc.o txtobj/chat.o txtobj/path.o txtobj/itemdb.o txtobj/mob.o txtobj/script.o txtobj/storage.o txtobj/skill.o txtobj/atcommand.o txtobj/battle.o txtobj/intif.o txtobj/trade.o txtobj/party.o txtobj/vending.o txtobj/guild.o txtobj/pet.o $(COMMON_OBJ)
+map-server: obj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o obj/magic-interpreter-parser.o obj/magic-interpreter-base.o obj/magic-expr.o obj/magic-stmt.o obj/magic.o obj/map.o obj/chrif.o obj/clif.o obj/pc.o obj/npc.o obj/chat.o obj/path.o obj/itemdb.o obj/mob.o obj/script.o obj/storage.o obj/skill.o obj/atcommand.o obj/battle.o obj/intif.o obj/trade.o obj/party.o obj/guild.o $(COMMON_OBJ)
$(CC) -o ../../$@ $> $(LIBS)
-map-server_sql: sqlobj/map.o sqlobj/chrif.o sqlobj/clif.o sqlobj/pc.o sqlobj/npc.o sqlobj/chat.o sqlobj/path.o sqlobj/itemdb.o sqlobj/mob.o sqlobj/script.o sqlobj/storage.o sqlobj/skill.o sqlobj/atcommand.o sqlobj/battle.o sqlobj/intif.o sqlobj/trade.o sqlobj/party.o sqlobj/vending.o sqlobj/guild.o sqlobj/pet.o sqlobj/mail.o $(COMMON_OBJ)
- $(CC) -o ../../$@ $> $(LIB_S)
-txtobj/%.o: %.c
+obj/%.o: %.c
-sqlobj/%.o: %.c
magic-interpreter-lexer.c: magic-interpreter.l
$(LEX) -o magic-interpreter-lexer.c magic-interpreter.l
magic-interpreter-parser.c: magic-interpreter-parser.y
$(BISON) -v -d -o magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-interpreter-parser.y
-txtobj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o: magic-interpreter-lexer.c magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-interpreter-parser.o: magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-interpreter-base.o: magic-interpreter-base.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-expr.o: magic-expr.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic-stmt.o: magic-stmt.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/magic.o: magic.c magic.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/map.o: map.c map.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/chrif.o: chrif.c map.h battle.h chrif.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/clif.o: magic.h clif.c map.h chrif.h clif.h mob.h intif.h pc.h npc.h itemdb.h chat.h script.h storage.h party.h guild.h atcommand.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/version.h
-txtobj/pc.o: pc.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h skill.h script.h party.h guild.h pet.h trade.h storage.h chat.h vending.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-txtobj/npc.o: npc.c map.h npc.h clif.h pc.h script.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/chat.o: chat.c map.h clif.h pc.h chat.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/path.o: path.c map.h battle.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/itemdb.o: itemdb.c map.h battle.h itemdb.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/mob.o: mob.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h mob.h skill.h battle.h npc.h itemdb.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/script.o: script.c itemdb.h map.h pc.h mob.h clif.h intif.h npc.h script.h storage.h skill.h pet.h battle.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/lock.h
-txtobj/storage.o: storage.c itemdb.h pc.h clif.h intif.h storage.h guild.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-txtobj/skill.o: skill.c skill.h map.h clif.h pc.h mob.h battle.h itemdb.h script.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/atcommand.o: atcommand.c atcommand.h itemdb.h pc.h map.h skill.h clif.h mob.h intif.h battle.h storage.h guild.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/battle.o: battle.c battle.h skill.h map.h mob.h pc.h pet.h guild.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/intif.o: intif.c intif.h chrif.h clif.h party.h guild.h storage.h map.h battle.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/trade.o: trade.c trade.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h npc.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/party.o: party.c party.h clif.h intif.h pc.h map.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/vending.o: vending.c vending.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/guild.o: guild.c guild.h storage.h battle.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h map.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-txtobj/pet.o: pet.c pet.h map.h clif.h chrif.h intif.h pc.h itemdb.h battle.h mob.h npc.h script.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/map.o: map.c map.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/chrif.o: chrif.c map.h battle.h chrif.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/clif.o: clif.c map.h chrif.h clif.h mob.h intif.h pc.h npc.h itemdb.h chat.h script.h storage.h party.h guild.h atcommand.h pet.h atcommand.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/version.h
-sqlobj/pc.o: pc.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h skill.h script.h party.h guild.h pet.h trade.h storage.h chat.h vending.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-sqlobj/npc.o: npc.c map.h npc.h clif.h pc.h script.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/chat.o: chat.c map.h clif.h pc.h chat.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/path.o: path.c map.h battle.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/itemdb.o: itemdb.c map.h battle.h itemdb.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/mob.o: mob.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h mob.h skill.h battle.h npc.h itemdb.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/script.o: script.c itemdb.h map.h pc.h mob.h clif.h intif.h npc.h script.h storage.h skill.h pet.h battle.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/lock.h
-sqlobj/storage.o: storage.c itemdb.h pc.h clif.h intif.h storage.h guild.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
-sqlobj/skill.o: skill.c skill.h map.h clif.h pc.h mob.h battle.h itemdb.h script.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/atcommand.o: atcommand.c atcommand.h itemdb.h pc.h map.h skill.h clif.h mob.h intif.h battle.h storage.h guild.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/battle.o: battle.c battle.h skill.h map.h mob.h pc.h pet.h guild.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/intif.o: intif.c intif.h chrif.h clif.h party.h guild.h storage.h map.h battle.h pet.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/trade.o: trade.c trade.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h npc.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/party.o: party.c party.h clif.h intif.h pc.h map.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/vending.o: vending.c vending.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/guild.o: guild.c guild.h storage.h battle.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h map.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/pet.o: pet.c pet.h map.h clif.h chrif.h intif.h pc.h itemdb.h battle.h mob.h npc.h script.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
-sqlobj/mail.o: mail.c mail.h
+obj/magic-interpreter-lexer.o: magic-interpreter-lexer.c magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-interpreter-parser.o: magic-interpreter-parser.c magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-interpreter-base.o: magic-interpreter-base.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-expr.o: magic-expr.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic-stmt.o: magic-stmt.c magic-expr-eval.h magic-interpreter-aux.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/magic.o: magic.c magic.h magic-expr.h magic-interpreter.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/map.o: map.c map.h chrif.h clif.h npc.h pc.h mob.h chat.h skill.h itemdb.h storage.h party.h atcommand.h ../common/core.h ../common/timer.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/chrif.o: chrif.c map.h battle.h chrif.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/clif.o: magic.h clif.c map.h chrif.h clif.h mob.h intif.h pc.h npc.h itemdb.h chat.h script.h storage.h party.h guild.h atcommand.h atcommand.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/version.h
+obj/pc.o: pc.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h npc.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h skill.h script.h party.h guild.h trade.h storage.h chat.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
+obj/npc.o: npc.c map.h npc.h clif.h pc.h script.h mob.h itemdb.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/chat.o: chat.c map.h clif.h pc.h chat.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/path.o: path.c map.h battle.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/itemdb.o: itemdb.c map.h battle.h itemdb.h ../common/db.h ../common/grfio.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/mob.o: mob.c map.h clif.h intif.h pc.h mob.h skill.h battle.h npc.h itemdb.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/script.o: script.c itemdb.h map.h pc.h mob.h clif.h intif.h npc.h script.h storage.h skill.h battle.h ../common/timer.h ../common/socket.h ../common/db.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/lock.h
+obj/storage.o: storage.c itemdb.h pc.h clif.h intif.h storage.h guild.h ../common/mmo.h ../common/db.h
+obj/skill.o: skill.c skill.h map.h clif.h pc.h mob.h battle.h itemdb.h script.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/atcommand.o: atcommand.c atcommand.h itemdb.h pc.h map.h skill.h clif.h mob.h intif.h battle.h storage.h guild.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/battle.o: battle.c battle.h skill.h map.h mob.h pc.h guild.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/intif.o: intif.c intif.h chrif.h clif.h party.h guild.h storage.h map.h battle.h ../common/socket.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/trade.o: trade.c trade.h clif.h itemdb.h map.h pc.h npc.h ../common/mmo.h
+obj/party.o: party.c party.h clif.h intif.h pc.h map.h battle.h ../common/db.h ../common/socket.h ../common/timer.h ../common/mmo.h
- rm -rf *.o ../../map-server ../../map-server_sql sqlobj txtobj
+ rm -rf *.o ../../map-server obj
diff --git a/src/map/atcommand.c b/src/map/atcommand.c
index 37ba1e6..cf26775 100644
--- a/src/map/atcommand.c
+++ b/src/map/atcommand.c
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@
#include "timer.h"
#include "nullpo.h"
+#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "battle.h"
#include "clif.h"
#include "chrif.h"
+#include "guild.h"
#include "intif.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
#include "map.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "skill.h"
#include "mob.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "battle.h"
+#include "npc.h"
+#include "pc.h"
#include "party.h"
-#include "guild.h"
-#include "atcommand.h"
#include "script.h"
-#include "npc.h"
+#include "skill.h"
#include "trade.h"
#include "core.h"
#ifndef TXT_ONLY
@@ -45,17 +45,15 @@ static char msg_table[1000][1024]; // Server messages (0-499 reserved for GM com
#define ATCOMMAND_FUNC(x) int atcommand_ ## x (const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(whogm); // by Yor
@@ -98,12 +96,6 @@ ATCOMMAND_FUNC(skillpoint);
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(charpetrename); // by Yor
@@ -142,11 +134,7 @@ ATCOMMAND_FUNC(agitend);
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(rehash);// by Fr3DBr
-#else /* TXT_ONLY */
-#endif /* TXT_ONLY */
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(reloadgmdb); // by Yor
@@ -167,7 +155,6 @@ ATCOMMAND_FUNC(partyspy); // [Syrus22]
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(repairall); // [Valaris]
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(guildrecall); // by Yor
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(partyrecall); // by Yor
-//ATCOMMAND_FUNC(nuke); // [Valaris]
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(servertime); // by Yor
@@ -225,18 +212,6 @@ ATCOMMAND_FUNC(visible); // [Fate]
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(iterate_forward_over_players); // [Fate]
ATCOMMAND_FUNC(iterate_backwards_over_players); // [Fate]
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(checkmail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(listmail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(listnewmail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(readmail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(sendmail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(sendprioritymail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(deletemail); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(sound); // [Valaris]
-ATCOMMAND_FUNC(refreshonline); // [Valaris]
-#endif /* TXT_ONLY */
*AtCommandInfo atcommand_info[]�\���̂̒�`
@@ -245,22 +220,17 @@ ATCOMMAND_FUNC(refreshonline); // [Valaris]
// First char of commands is configured in atcommand_athena.conf. Leave @ in this list for default value.
// to set default level, read atcommand_athena.conf first please.
static AtCommandInfo atcommand_info[] = {
- { AtCommand_RuraP, "@rura+", 60, atcommand_rurap },
- { AtCommand_RuraP, "@charwarp", 60, atcommand_rurap },
- { AtCommand_Rura, "@rura", 40, atcommand_rura },
- { AtCommand_Warp, "@warp", 40, atcommand_rura },
+ { AtCommand_CharWarp, "@charwarp", 60, atcommand_charwarp },
+ { AtCommand_Warp, "@warp", 40, atcommand_warp },
{ AtCommand_Where, "@where", 1, atcommand_where },
{ AtCommand_JumpTo, "@jumpto", 20, atcommand_jumpto }, // + /shift
{ AtCommand_JumpTo, "@warpto", 20, atcommand_jumpto },
{ AtCommand_JumpTo, "@goto", 20, atcommand_jumpto },
{ AtCommand_Jump, "@jump", 40, atcommand_jump },
{ AtCommand_Who, "@who", 20, atcommand_who },
- { AtCommand_Who, "@whois", 20, atcommand_who },
- { AtCommand_Who2, "@who2", 20, atcommand_who2 },
- { AtCommand_Who3, "@who3", 20, atcommand_who3 },
+ { AtCommand_WhoGroup, "@whogroup", 20, atcommand_whogroup },
{ AtCommand_WhoMap, "@whomap", 20, atcommand_whomap },
- { AtCommand_WhoMap2, "@whomap2", 20, atcommand_whomap2 },
- { AtCommand_WhoMap3, "@whomap3", 20, atcommand_whomap3 },
+ { AtCommand_WhoMapGroup, "@whomapgroup", 20, atcommand_whomapgroup },
{ AtCommand_WhoGM, "@whogm", 20, atcommand_whogm }, // by Yor
{ AtCommand_Save, "@save", 40, atcommand_save },
{ AtCommand_Load, "@return", 40, atcommand_load },
@@ -321,12 +291,6 @@ static AtCommandInfo atcommand_info[] = {
{ AtCommand_Luck, "@luk", 60, atcommand_param },
{ AtCommand_GuildLevelUp, "@guildlvup", 60, atcommand_guildlevelup },
{ AtCommand_GuildLevelUp, "@guildlvlup", 60, atcommand_guildlevelup },
- { AtCommand_MakeEgg, "@makeegg", 60, atcommand_makeegg },
- { AtCommand_Hatch, "@hatch", 60, atcommand_hatch },
- { AtCommand_PetFriendly, "@petfriendly", 40, atcommand_petfriendly },
- { AtCommand_PetHungry, "@pethungry", 40, atcommand_pethungry },
- { AtCommand_PetRename, "@petrename", 1, atcommand_petrename },
- { AtCommand_CharPetRename, "@charpetrename", 50, atcommand_charpetrename }, // by Yor
{ AtCommand_Recall, "@recall", 60, atcommand_recall }, // + /recall
{ AtCommand_CharacterJob, "@charjob", 60, atcommand_character_job },
{ AtCommand_CharacterJob, "@charjobchange", 60, atcommand_character_job },
@@ -360,7 +324,7 @@ static AtCommandInfo atcommand_info[] = {
{ AtCommand_AgitEnd, "@agitend", 60, atcommand_agitend },
{ AtCommand_MapExit, "@mapexit", 99, atcommand_mapexit },
{ AtCommand_IDSearch, "@idsearch", 60, atcommand_idsearch },
- { AtCommand_MapMove, "@mapmove", 40, atcommand_rura }, // /mm command
+ { AtCommand_MapMove, "@mapmove", 40, atcommand_warp }, // /mm command
{ AtCommand_Broadcast, "@broadcast", 40, atcommand_broadcast }, // /b and /nb command
{ AtCommand_LocalBroadcast, "@localbroadcast", 40, atcommand_localbroadcast }, // /lb and /nlb command
{ AtCommand_RecallAll, "@recallall", 80, atcommand_recallall },
@@ -383,10 +347,8 @@ static AtCommandInfo atcommand_info[] = {
{ AtCommand_MapInfo, "@mapinfo", 99, atcommand_mapinfo },
{ AtCommand_Dye, "@dye", 40, atcommand_dye }, // by fritz
{ AtCommand_Dye, "@ccolor", 40, atcommand_dye }, // by fritz
- { AtCommand_Hstyle, "@hairstyle", 40, atcommand_hair_style }, // by fritz
- { AtCommand_Hstyle, "@hstyle", 40, atcommand_hair_style }, // by fritz
- { AtCommand_Hcolor, "@haircolor", 40, atcommand_hair_color }, // by fritz
- { AtCommand_Hcolor, "@hcolor", 40, atcommand_hair_color }, // by fritz
+ { AtCommand_HairStyle, "@hairstyle", 40, atcommand_hair_style }, // by fritz
+ { AtCommand_HairColor, "@haircolor", 40, atcommand_hair_color }, // by fritz
{ AtCommand_StatAll, "@statall", 60, atcommand_stat_all }, // by fritz
{ AtCommand_StatAll, "@statsall", 60, atcommand_stat_all },
{ AtCommand_StatAll, "@allstats", 60, atcommand_stat_all }, // by fritz
@@ -411,7 +373,6 @@ static AtCommandInfo atcommand_info[] = {
{ AtCommand_RepairAll, "@repairall", 60, atcommand_repairall }, // [Valaris]
{ AtCommand_GuildRecall, "@guildrecall", 60, atcommand_guildrecall }, // by Yor
{ AtCommand_PartyRecall, "@partyrecall", 60, atcommand_partyrecall }, // by Yor
-// { AtCommand_Nuke, "@nuke", 60, atcommand_nuke }, // [Valaris]
{ AtCommand_Enablenpc, "@enablenpc", 80, atcommand_enablenpc }, // []
{ AtCommand_Disablenpc, "@disablenpc", 80, atcommand_disablenpc }, // []
{ AtCommand_ServerTime, "@time", 0, atcommand_servertime }, // by Yor
@@ -942,7 +903,7 @@ int atcommand_config_read(const char *cfgName) {
* @rura+
-int atcommand_rurap(
+int atcommand_charwarp(
const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
const char* command, const char* message)
@@ -1002,14 +963,11 @@ int atcommand_rurap(
return 0;
-// @rura
-int atcommand_rura(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
+int atcommand_warp(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
char map_name[100];
int x = 0, y = 0;
@@ -1058,9 +1016,7 @@ int atcommand_rura(
-int atcommand_where(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
+int atcommand_where(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
char character[100];
char output[200];
@@ -1088,9 +1044,7 @@ int atcommand_where(
-int atcommand_jumpto(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
+int atcommand_jumpto(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
char character[100];
char output[200];
@@ -1128,9 +1082,7 @@ int atcommand_jumpto(
-int atcommand_jump(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
+int atcommand_jump(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
char output[200];
int x = 0, y = 0;
@@ -1224,64 +1176,7 @@ int atcommand_who(
-int atcommand_who2(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- char output[200];
- struct map_session_data *pl_sd;
- int i, j, count;
- int pl_GM_level, GM_level;
- char match_text[100];
- char player_name[24];
- memset(output, '\0', sizeof(output));
- memset(match_text, '\0', sizeof(match_text));
- memset(player_name, '\0', sizeof(player_name));
- if (sscanf(message, "%99[^\n]", match_text) < 1)
- strcpy(match_text, "");
- for (j = 0; match_text[j]; j++)
- match_text[j] = tolower(match_text[j]);
- count = 0;
- GM_level = pc_isGM(sd);
- for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) {
- if (session[i] && (pl_sd = session[i]->session_data) && pl_sd->state.auth) {
- pl_GM_level = pc_isGM(pl_sd);
- if (!((battle_config.hide_GM_session || (pl_sd->status.option & OPTION_HIDE)) && (pl_GM_level > GM_level))) { // you can look only lower or same level
- memcpy(player_name, pl_sd->, 24);
- for (j = 0; player_name[j]; j++)
- player_name[j] = tolower(player_name[j]);
- if (strstr(player_name, match_text) != NULL) { // search with no case sensitive
- if (pl_GM_level > 0)
- sprintf(output, "Name: %s (GM:%d) | BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)", pl_sd->, pl_GM_level, pl_sd->status.base_level, job_name(pl_sd->status.class), pl_sd->status.job_level);
- else
- sprintf(output, "Name: %s | BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)", pl_sd->, pl_sd->status.base_level, job_name(pl_sd->status.class), pl_sd->status.job_level);
- clif_displaymessage(fd, output);
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (count == 0)
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[28]); // No player found.
- else if (count == 1)
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[29]); // 1 player found.
- else {
- sprintf(output, msg_table[30], count); // %d players found.
- clif_displaymessage(fd, output);
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_who3(
+int atcommand_whogroup(
const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
const char* command, const char* message)
@@ -1412,65 +1307,7 @@ int atcommand_whomap(
-int atcommand_whomap2(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- char output[200];
- struct map_session_data *pl_sd;
- int i, count;
- int pl_GM_level, GM_level;
- int map_id = 0;
- char map_name[100];
- memset(output, '\0', sizeof(output));
- memset(map_name, '\0', sizeof(map_name));
- if (!message || !*message)
- map_id = sd->bl.m;
- else {
- sscanf(message, "%99s", map_name);
- if (strstr(map_name, ".gat") == NULL && strstr(map_name, ".afm") == NULL && strlen(map_name) < 13) // 16 - 4 (.gat)
- strcat(map_name, ".gat");
- if ((map_id = map_mapname2mapid(map_name)) < 0)
- map_id = sd->bl.m;
- }
- count = 0;
- GM_level = pc_isGM(sd);
- for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) {
- if (session[i] && (pl_sd = session[i]->session_data) && pl_sd->state.auth) {
- pl_GM_level = pc_isGM(pl_sd);
- if (!((battle_config.hide_GM_session || (pl_sd->status.option & OPTION_HIDE)) && (pl_GM_level > GM_level))) { // you can look only lower or same level
- if (pl_sd->bl.m == map_id) {
- if (pl_GM_level > 0)
- sprintf(output, "Name: %s (GM:%d) | BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)", pl_sd->, pl_GM_level, pl_sd->status.base_level, job_name(pl_sd->status.class), pl_sd->status.job_level);
- else
- sprintf(output, "Name: %s | BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)", pl_sd->, pl_sd->status.base_level, job_name(pl_sd->status.class), pl_sd->status.job_level);
- clif_displaymessage(fd, output);
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (count == 0)
- sprintf(output, msg_table[54], map[map_id].name); // No player found in map '%s'.
- else if (count == 1)
- sprintf(output, msg_table[55], map[map_id].name); // 1 player found in map '%s'.
- else {
- sprintf(output, msg_table[56], count, map[map_id].name); // %d players found in map '%s'.
- }
- clif_displaymessage(fd, output);
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_whomap3(
+int atcommand_whomapgroup(
const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
const char* command, const char* message)
@@ -1625,8 +1462,6 @@ int atcommand_save(
const char* command, const char* message)
pc_setsavepoint(sd, sd->mapname, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y);
- if (sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd)
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id, &sd->pet);
@@ -2006,7 +1841,7 @@ int atcommand_heal(
- * @item command (usage: @item <name/id_of_item> <quantity>) (modified by [Yor] for pet_egg)
+ * @item command (usage: @item <name/id_of_item> <quantity>)
int atcommand_item(
@@ -2017,7 +1852,7 @@ int atcommand_item(
int number = 0, item_id, flag;
struct item item_tmp;
struct item_data *item_data;
- int get_count, i, pet_id;
+ int get_count, i;
memset(item_name, '\0', sizeof(item_name));
@@ -2036,28 +1871,16 @@ int atcommand_item(
if (item_id >= 500) {
get_count = number;
- // check pet egg
- pet_id = search_petDB_index(item_id, PET_EGG);
if (item_data->type == 4 || item_data->type == 5 ||
item_data->type == 7 || item_data->type == 8) {
get_count = 1;
for (i = 0; i < number; i += get_count) {
- // if pet egg
- if (pet_id >= 0) {
- sd->catch_target_class = pet_db[pet_id].class;
- intif_create_pet(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- pet_db[pet_id].class, mob_db[pet_db[pet_id].class].lv,
- pet_db[pet_id].EggID, 0, pet_db[pet_id].intimate,
- 100, 0, 1, pet_db[pet_id].jname);
- // if not pet egg
- } else {
- memset(&item_tmp, 0, sizeof(item_tmp));
- item_tmp.nameid = item_id;
- item_tmp.identify = 1;
- if ((flag = pc_additem((struct map_session_data*)sd, &item_tmp, get_count)))
- clif_additem((struct map_session_data*)sd, 0, 0, flag);
- }
+ memset(&item_tmp, 0, sizeof(item_tmp));
+ item_tmp.nameid = item_id;
+ item_tmp.identify = 1;
+ if ((flag = pc_additem((struct map_session_data*)sd, &item_tmp, get_count)))
+ clif_additem((struct map_session_data*)sd, 0, 0, flag);
clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[18]); // Item created.
} else {
@@ -3537,215 +3360,6 @@ int atcommand_guildlevelup(
-int atcommand_makeegg(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- struct item_data *item_data;
- int id, pet_id;
- if (!message || !*message) {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter a monter/egg name/id (usage: @makeegg <pet_id>).");
- return -1;
- }
- if ((item_data = itemdb_searchname(message)) != NULL) // for egg name
- id = item_data->nameid;
- else if ((id = mobdb_searchname(message)) == 0) // for monster name
- id = atoi(message);
- pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_CLASS);
- if (pet_id < 0)
- pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_EGG);
- if (pet_id >= 0) {
- sd->catch_target_class = pet_db[pet_id].class;
- intif_create_pet(
- sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- pet_db[pet_id].class, mob_db[pet_db[pet_id].class].lv,
- pet_db[pet_id].EggID, 0, pet_db[pet_id].intimate,
- 100, 0, 1, pet_db[pet_id].jname);
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[180]); // The monter/egg name/id doesn't exist.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_hatch(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- if (sd->status.pet_id <= 0)
- clif_sendegg(sd);
- else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[181]); // You already have a pet.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_petfriendly(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- int friendly;
- int t;
- if (!message || !*message || (friendly = atoi(message)) < 0) {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).");
- return -1;
- }
- if (sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) {
- if (friendly >= 0 && friendly <= 1000) {
- if (friendly != sd->pet.intimate) {
- t = sd->pet.intimate;
- sd->pet.intimate = friendly;
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- if (battle_config.pet_status_support) {
- if ((sd->pet.intimate > 0 && t <= 0) ||
- (sd->pet.intimate <= 0 && t > 0)) {
- if (sd->bl.prev != NULL)
- pc_calcstatus(sd, 0);
- else
- pc_calcstatus(sd, 2);
- }
- }
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[182]); // Pet friendly value changed!
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[183]); // Pet friendly is already the good value.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[37]); // An invalid number was specified.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[184]); // Sorry, but you have no pet.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_pethungry(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- int hungry;
- if (!message || !*message || (hungry = atoi(message)) < 0) {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).");
- return -1;
- }
- if (sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) {
- if (hungry >= 0 && hungry <= 100) {
- if (hungry != sd->pet.hungry) {
- sd->pet.hungry = hungry;
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[185]); // Pet hungry value changed!
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[186]); // Pet hungry is already the good value.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[37]); // An invalid number was specified.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[184]); // Sorry, but you have no pet.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_petrename(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- if (sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) {
- if (sd->pet.rename_flag != 0) {
- sd->pet.rename_flag = 0;
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id, &sd->pet);
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[187]); // You can now rename your pet.
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[188]); // You can already rename your pet.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[184]); // Sorry, but you have no pet.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int atcommand_charpetrename(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- char character[100];
- struct map_session_data *pl_sd;
- memset(character, '\0', sizeof(character));
- if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%99[^\n]", character) < 1) {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter a player name (usage: @charpetrename <char name>).");
- return -1;
- }
- if ((pl_sd = map_nick2sd(character)) != NULL) {
- if (pl_sd->status.pet_id > 0 && pl_sd->pd) {
- if (pl_sd->pet.rename_flag != 0) {
- pl_sd->pet.rename_flag = 0;
- intif_save_petdata(pl_sd->status.account_id, &pl_sd->pet);
- clif_send_petstatus(pl_sd);
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[189]); // This player can now rename his/her pet.
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[190]); // This player can already rename his/her pet.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[191]); // Sorry, but this player has no pet.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[3]); // Character not found.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
int atcommand_recall(
const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
const char* command, const char* message)
@@ -6053,38 +5667,6 @@ int atcommand_repairall(
return 0;
-/* Removed @nuke for now in favor of alchemist marine sphere skill [Valaris]
-int atcommand_nuke(
- const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
- const char* command, const char* message)
- char character[100];
- struct map_session_data *pl_sd;
- memset(character, '\0', sizeof(character));
- if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%99[^\n]", character) < 1) {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).");
- return -1;
- }
- if ((pl_sd = map_nick2sd(character)) != NULL) {
- if (pc_isGM(sd) >= pc_isGM(pl_sd)) { // you can kill only lower or same GM level
- skill_castend_damage_id(&pl_sd->bl, &pl_sd->bl, NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION, 99, gettick(), 0);
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[109]); // Player has been nuked!
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[81]); // Your GM level don't authorise you to do this action on this player.
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_table[3]); // Character not found.
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/map/atcommand.h b/src/map/atcommand.h
index 80101b9..b90690e 100644
--- a/src/map/atcommand.h
+++ b/src/map/atcommand.h
@@ -2,24 +2,23 @@
#ifndef _ATCOMMAND_H_
#define _ATCOMMAND_H_
+#include "map.h"
enum AtCommandType {
AtCommand_None = -1,
AtCommand_Broadcast = 0,
- AtCommand_RuraP,
- AtCommand_Rura,
+ AtCommand_CharWarp,
- AtCommand_Who2,
- AtCommand_Who3,
+ AtCommand_WhoGroup,
- AtCommand_WhoMap2,
- AtCommand_WhoMap3,
+ AtCommand_WhoMapGroup,
@@ -72,11 +71,6 @@ enum AtCommandType {
- AtCommand_MakeEgg,
- AtCommand_PetFriendly,
- AtCommand_PetHungry,
- AtCommand_PetRename,
- AtCommand_CharPetRename, // by Yor
@@ -121,16 +115,12 @@ enum AtCommandType {
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- AtCommand_Rehash,
-#else /* TXT_ONLY */
-#endif /* TXT_ONLY */
- AtCommand_Hstyle,
- AtCommand_Hcolor,
+ AtCommand_HairStyle,
+ AtCommand_HairColor,
AtCommand_CharChangeSex, // by Yor
AtCommand_CharBlock, // by Yor
@@ -144,7 +134,6 @@ enum AtCommandType {
AtCommand_RepairAll, // [Valaris]
AtCommand_GuildRecall, // by Yor
AtCommand_PartyRecall, // by Yor
-// AtCommand_Nuke, // [Valaris]
AtCommand_ServerTime, // by Yor
@@ -194,21 +183,6 @@ enum AtCommandType {
- // SQL-only commands start
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- AtCommand_CheckMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_ListMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_ListNewMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_ReadMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_SendMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_DeleteMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_SendPriorityMail, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_Sound, // [Valaris]
- AtCommand_RefreshOnline, // [Valaris]
- // SQL-only commands end
@@ -232,17 +206,15 @@ typedef struct AtCommandInfo {
const char* command, const char* message);
} AtCommandInfo;
-is_atcommand(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* message, int gmlvl);
+AtCommandType is_atcommand(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* message, int gmlvl);
-AtCommandType atcommand(
- const int level, const char* message, AtCommandInfo* info);
+AtCommandType atcommand(const int level, const char* message, AtCommandInfo* info);
int get_atcommand_level(const AtCommandType type);
char * msg_txt(int msg_number); // [Yor]
-int atcommand_item(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,const char* command, const char* message); // [Valaris]
-int atcommand_rura(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,const char* command, const char* message); // [Yor]
+int atcommand_item(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); // [Valaris]
+int atcommand_warp(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); // [Yor]
int atcommand_spawn(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); // [Valaris]
int atcommand_jumpto(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); // [Yor]
int atcommand_recall(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); // [Yor]
diff --git a/src/map/battle.c b/src/map/battle.c
index 918853b..40306b7 100644
--- a/src/map/battle.c
+++ b/src/map/battle.c
@@ -10,14 +10,13 @@
#include "nullpo.h"
#include "malloc.h"
+#include "clif.h"
+#include "guild.h"
+#include "itemdb.h"
#include "map.h"
+#include "mob.h"
#include "pc.h"
#include "skill.h"
-#include "mob.h"
-#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "clif.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "guild.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
@@ -67,8 +66,6 @@ int battle_get_class(struct block_list *bl)
return ((struct mob_data *)bl)->class;
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->status.class;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return ((struct pet_data *)bl)->class;
return 0;
@@ -84,8 +81,6 @@ int battle_get_dir(struct block_list *bl)
return ((struct mob_data *)bl)->dir;
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->dir;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return ((struct pet_data *)bl)->dir;
return 0;
@@ -101,8 +96,6 @@ int battle_get_lv(struct block_list *bl)
return ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_LV];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->status.base_level;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return ((struct pet_data *)bl)->msd->pet.level;
return 0;
@@ -118,8 +111,6 @@ int battle_get_range(struct block_list *bl)
return mob_db[((struct mob_data *)bl)->class].range;
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->attackrange;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].range;
return 0;
@@ -162,17 +153,6 @@ int battle_get_max_hp(struct block_list *bl)
max_hp = (max_hp * battle_config.monster_hp_rate)/100;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && ((struct pet_data*)bl)) {
- max_hp = mob_db[((struct pet_data*)bl)->class].max_hp;
- if(mob_db[((struct pet_data*)bl)->class].mexp > 0) {
- if(battle_config.mvp_hp_rate != 100)
- max_hp = (max_hp * battle_config.mvp_hp_rate)/100;
- }
- else {
- if(battle_config.monster_hp_rate != 100)
- max_hp = (max_hp * battle_config.monster_hp_rate)/100;
- }
- }
if(sc_data) {
max_hp += ((5+sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].val1*2+((sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].val2+1)>>1)
@@ -199,8 +179,6 @@ int battle_get_str(struct block_list *bl)
str = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_STR];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && ((struct map_session_data *)bl))
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[0];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && ((struct pet_data *)bl))
- str = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].str;
if(sc_data) {
if(sc_data[SC_LOUD].timer!=-1 && sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
@@ -233,8 +211,6 @@ int battle_get_agi(struct block_list *bl)
agi=((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_AGI];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
agi=((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[1];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- agi=mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].agi;
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_INCREASEAGI].timer!=-1 && sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1 &&
@@ -271,8 +247,6 @@ int battle_get_vit(struct block_list *bl)
vit=((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_VIT];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
vit=((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[2];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- vit=mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].vit;
if(sc_data) {
if(sc_data[SC_STRIPARMOR].timer != -1 && bl->type!=BL_PC)
vit = vit*60/100;
@@ -299,8 +273,6 @@ int battle_get_int(struct block_list *bl)
int_=((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_INT];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
int_=((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[3];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- int_=mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].int_;
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_BLESSING].timer != -1 && bl->type != BL_PC){ // �u���b�V���O
@@ -332,8 +304,6 @@ int battle_get_dex(struct block_list *bl)
dex=((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_DEX];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
dex=((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[4];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- dex=mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].dex;
if(sc_data) {
if(sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATE].timer!=-1 && sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
@@ -369,8 +339,6 @@ int battle_get_luk(struct block_list *bl)
luk=((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_LUK];
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
luk=((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[5];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- luk=mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].luk;
if(sc_data) {
if(sc_data[SC_GLORIA].timer!=-1 && bl->type != BL_PC) // �O�����A(PC��pc.c��)
@@ -551,8 +519,6 @@ int battle_get_atk(struct block_list *bl)
atk = ((struct map_session_data*)bl)->watk;
else if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
atk = ((struct mob_data*)bl)->stats[MOB_ATK1];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- atk = mob_db[((struct pet_data*)bl)->class].atk1;
if(sc_data) {
if(sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].timer!=-1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
@@ -598,8 +564,6 @@ int battle_get_atk2(struct block_list *bl)
int atk2=0;
if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
atk2 = ((struct mob_data*)bl)->stats[MOB_ATK2];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- atk2 = mob_db[((struct pet_data*)bl)->class].atk2;
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_IMPOSITIO].timer!=-1)
atk2 += sc_data[SC_IMPOSITIO].val1*5;
@@ -655,15 +619,6 @@ int battle_get_matk1(struct block_list *bl)
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->matk1;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET){
- int matk,int_=battle_get_int(bl);
- matk = int_+(int_/5)*(int_/5);
- if(sc_data)
- if(sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].timer!=-1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
- matk = matk*(100+2*sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].val1)/100;
- return matk;
- }
return 0;
@@ -687,14 +642,6 @@ int battle_get_matk2(struct block_list *bl)
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->matk2;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET){
- int matk,int_=battle_get_int(bl);
- matk = int_+(int_/7)*(int_/7);
- if(sc_data)
- if(sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].timer!=-1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
- matk = matk*(100+2*sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].val1)/100;
- return matk;
- }
return 0;
@@ -720,8 +667,6 @@ int battle_get_def(struct block_list *bl)
skilltimer = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->skilltimer;
skillid = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->skillid;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- def = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].def;
if(def < 1000000) {
if(sc_data) {
@@ -779,8 +724,6 @@ int battle_get_mdef(struct block_list *bl)
mdef = ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->mdef;
else if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
mdef = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_MDEF];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- mdef = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].mdef;
if(mdef < 1000000) {
if(sc_data) {
@@ -818,8 +761,6 @@ int battle_get_def2(struct block_list *bl)
def2 = ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->def2;
else if(bl->type==BL_MOB)
def2 = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_VIT];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET)
- def2 = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].vit;
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_ANGELUS].timer!=-1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
@@ -850,8 +791,6 @@ int battle_get_mdef2(struct block_list *bl)
mdef2 = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_INT] + (((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_VIT]>>1);
else if(bl->type==BL_PC)
mdef2 = ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->mdef2 + (((struct map_session_data *)bl)->paramc[2]>>1);
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET)
- mdef2 = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].int_ + (mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].vit>>1);
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].timer!=-1 && bl->type != BL_PC)
mdef2 -= (mdef2*6*sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].val1)/100;
@@ -875,8 +814,6 @@ int battle_get_speed(struct block_list *bl)
int speed = 1000;
if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
speed = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_SPEED];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- speed = ((struct pet_data *)bl)->msd->petDB->speed;
if(sc_data) {
@@ -928,8 +865,6 @@ int battle_get_adelay(struct block_list *bl)
int adelay=4000,aspd_rate = 100,i;
if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
adelay = ((struct mob_data *)bl)->stats[MOB_ADELAY];
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- adelay = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].adelay;
if(sc_data) {
@@ -988,8 +923,6 @@ int battle_get_amotion(struct block_list *bl)
int amotion=2000,aspd_rate = 100,i;
if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
amotion = mob_db[((struct mob_data *)bl)->class].amotion;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- amotion = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].amotion;
if(sc_data) {
if(sc_data[SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN].timer != -1 && sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1) // 2HQ
@@ -1044,8 +977,6 @@ int battle_get_dmotion(struct block_list *bl)
if(battle_config.pc_damage_delay_rate != 100)
ret = ret*battle_config.pc_damage_delay_rate/400;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- ret=mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].dmotion;
return 2000;
@@ -1066,8 +997,6 @@ int battle_get_element(struct block_list *bl)
ret=((struct mob_data *)bl)->def_ele;
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
ret=20+((struct map_session_data *)bl)->def_ele; // �h�䑮��Lv1
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- ret = mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].element;
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_BENEDICTIO].timer!=-1 ) // ���̍~��
@@ -1090,8 +1019,6 @@ int battle_get_attack_element(struct block_list *bl)
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
ret=((struct map_session_data *)bl)->atk_ele;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- ret=0;
if(sc_data) {
if( sc_data[SC_FROSTWEAPON].timer!=-1) // �t���X�g�E�F�|��
@@ -1170,8 +1097,6 @@ int battle_get_race(struct block_list *bl)
return mob_db[((struct mob_data *)bl)->class].race;
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return 7;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].race;
return 0;
@@ -1182,8 +1107,6 @@ int battle_get_size(struct block_list *bl)
return mob_db[((struct mob_data *)bl)->class].size;
else if(bl->type==BL_PC && (struct map_session_data *)bl)
return 1;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].size;
return 1;
@@ -1192,8 +1115,6 @@ int battle_get_mode(struct block_list *bl)
nullpo_retr(0x01, bl);
if(bl->type==BL_MOB && (struct mob_data *)bl)
return mob_db[((struct mob_data *)bl)->class].mode;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].mode;
return 0x01; // �Ƃ肠���������Ƃ������Ƃ�1
@@ -1207,8 +1128,6 @@ int battle_get_mexp(struct block_list *bl)
fprintf(stderr, "Modifier of %x: -> %d\n", mob->stats[MOB_XP_BONUS], retval);
return retval;
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET && (struct pet_data *)bl)
- return mob_db[((struct pet_data *)bl)->class].mexp;
return 0;
@@ -1319,7 +1238,7 @@ int battle_damage(struct block_list *bl,struct block_list *target,int damage,int
nullpo_retr(0, target); //bl��NULL�ŌĂ΂�邱�Ƃ�����̂ő��Ń`�F�b�N
- if(damage==0 || target->type == BL_PET)
+ if(damage==0)
return 0;
if(target->prev == NULL)
@@ -1390,8 +1309,6 @@ int battle_heal(struct block_list *bl,struct block_list *target,int hp,int sp,in
nullpo_retr(0, target); //bl��NULL�ŌĂ΂�邱�Ƃ�����̂ő��Ń`�F�b�N
- if(target->type == BL_PET)
- return 0;
if( target->type ==BL_PC && pc_isdead((struct map_session_data *)target) )
return 0;
if(hp==0 && sp==0)
@@ -1415,8 +1332,6 @@ int battle_stopattack(struct block_list *bl)
return mob_stopattack((struct mob_data*)bl);
else if(bl->type==BL_PC)
return pc_stopattack((struct map_session_data*)bl);
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET)
- return pet_stopattack((struct pet_data*)bl);
return 0;
// �ړ���~
@@ -1427,8 +1342,6 @@ int battle_stopwalking(struct block_list *bl,int type)
return mob_stop_walking((struct mob_data*)bl,type);
else if(bl->type==BL_PC)
return pc_stop_walking((struct map_session_data*)bl,type);
- else if(bl->type==BL_PET)
- return pet_stop_walking((struct pet_data*)bl,type);
return 0;
@@ -1783,422 +1696,6 @@ int battle_addmastery(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *target,int
return (damage);
-static struct Damage battle_calc_pet_weapon_attack(
- struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,int skill_num,int skill_lv,int wflag)
- struct pet_data *pd = (struct pet_data *)src;
- struct mob_data *tmd=NULL;
- int hitrate,flee,cri = 0,atkmin,atkmax;
- int luk,target_count = 1;
- int def1 = battle_get_def(target);
- int def2 = battle_get_def2(target);
- int t_vit = battle_get_vit(target);
- struct Damage wd;
- int damage,damage2=0,type,div_,blewcount=skill_get_blewcount(skill_num,skill_lv);
- int flag,dmg_lv=0;
- int t_mode=0,t_race=0,t_size=1,s_race=0,s_ele=0;
- struct status_change *t_sc_data;
- //return�O�̏���������̂ŏ��o�͕��̂ݕύX
- if( target == NULL || pd == NULL ){ //src�͓��e�ɒ��ڐG��Ă��Ȃ��̂ŃX���[���Ă݂�
- nullpo_info(NLP_MARK);
- memset(&wd,0,sizeof(wd));
- return wd;
- }
- s_race=battle_get_race(src);
- s_ele=battle_get_attack_element(src);
- // �^�[�Q�b�g
- if(target->type == BL_MOB)
- tmd=(struct mob_data *)target;
- else {
- memset(&wd,0,sizeof(wd));
- return wd;
- }
- t_race=battle_get_race( target );
- t_size=battle_get_size( target );
- t_mode=battle_get_mode( target );
- t_sc_data=battle_get_sc_data( target );
- flag=BF_SHORT|BF_WEAPON|BF_NORMAL; // �U���̎�ނ̐ݒ�
- // ��𗦌v�Z�A��𔻒�͌��
- flee = battle_get_flee(target);
- if(battle_config.agi_penaly_type > 0 || battle_config.vit_penaly_type > 0)
- target_count += battle_counttargeted(target,src,battle_config.agi_penaly_count_lv);
- if(battle_config.agi_penaly_type > 0) {
- if(target_count >= battle_config.agi_penaly_count) {
- if(battle_config.agi_penaly_type == 1)
- flee = (flee * (100 - (target_count - (battle_config.agi_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.agi_penaly_num))/100;
- else if(battle_config.agi_penaly_type == 2)
- flee -= (target_count - (battle_config.agi_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.agi_penaly_num;
- if(flee < 1) flee = 1;
- }
- }
- hitrate=battle_get_hit(src) - flee + 80;
- type=0; // normal
- div_ = 1; // single attack
- luk=battle_get_luk(src);
- if(battle_config.pet_str)
- damage = battle_get_baseatk(src);
- else
- damage = 0;
- if(skill_num==HW_MAGICCRASHER){ /* �}�W�b�N�N���b�V���[��MATK�ʼn��� */
- atkmin = battle_get_matk1(src);
- atkmax = battle_get_matk2(src);
- }else{
- atkmin = battle_get_atk(src);
- atkmax = battle_get_atk2(src);
- }
- if(mob_db[pd->class].range>3 )
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- if(atkmin > atkmax) atkmin = atkmax;
- cri = battle_get_critical(src);
- cri -= battle_get_luk(target) * 2; // luk/5*10 => target_luk*2 not target_luk*3
- if(battle_config.enemy_critical_rate != 100) {
- cri = cri*battle_config.enemy_critical_rate/100;
- if(cri < 1)
- cri = 1;
- }
- if(t_sc_data != NULL && t_sc_data[SC_SLEEP].timer!=-1 )
- cri <<=1;
- if(skill_num == 0 && skill_lv >= 0 && battle_config.enemy_critical && (MRAND(1000)) < cri)
- {
- damage += atkmax;
- type = 0x0a;
- }
- else {
- int vitbonusmax;
- if(atkmax > atkmin)
- damage += atkmin + MRAND((atkmax-atkmin + 1));
- else
- damage += atkmin ;
- // �X�L���C���P�i�U���͔{���n�j
- // �I�[�o�[�g���X�g(+5% �` +25%),���U���n�X�L���̏ꍇ�����ŕ␳
- // �o�b�V��,�}�O�i���u���C�N,
- // �{�[�����O�o�b�V��,�X�s�A�u�[������,�u�����f�B�b�V���X�s�A,�X�s�A�X�^�b�u,
- // ���}�[�i�C�g,�J�[�g���{�����[�V����
- // �_�u���X�g���C�t�B���O,�A���[�V�����[,�`���[�W�A���[,
- // �\�j�b�N�u���[
- if(skill_num>0){
- int i;
- if( (i=skill_get_pl(skill_num))>0 )
- s_ele=i;
- flag=(flag&~BF_SKILLMASK)|BF_SKILL;
- switch( skill_num ){
- case SM_BASH: // �o�b�V��
- damage = damage*(100+ 30*skill_lv)/100;
- hitrate = (hitrate*(100+5*skill_lv))/100;
- break;
- case SM_MAGNUM: // �}�O�i���u���C�N
- damage = damage*(5*skill_lv +(wflag)?65:115 )/100;
- break;
- case MC_MAMMONITE: // ���}�[�i�C�g
- damage = damage*(100+ 50*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case AC_DOUBLE: // �_�u���X�g���C�t�B���O
- damage = damage*(180+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=2;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- case AC_SHOWER: // �A���[�V�����[
- damage = damage*(75 + 5*skill_lv)/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- case AC_CHARGEARROW: // �`���[�W�A���[
- damage = damage*150/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- case KN_PIERCE: // �s�A�[�X
- damage = damage*(100+ 10*skill_lv)/100;
- hitrate = hitrate*(100+5*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=t_size+1;
- damage*=div_;
- break;
- case KN_SPEARSTAB: // �X�s�A�X�^�u
- damage = damage*(100+ 15*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case KN_SPEARBOOMERANG: // �X�s�A�u�[������
- damage = damage*(100+ 50*skill_lv)/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- case KN_BRANDISHSPEAR: // �u�����f�B�b�V���X�s�A
- damage = damage*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- if(skill_lv>3 && wflag==1) damage2+=damage/2;
- if(skill_lv>6 && wflag==1) damage2+=damage/4;
- if(skill_lv>9 && wflag==1) damage2+=damage/8;
- if(skill_lv>6 && wflag==2) damage2+=damage/2;
- if(skill_lv>9 && wflag==2) damage2+=damage/4;
- if(skill_lv>9 && wflag==3) damage2+=damage/2;
- damage +=damage2;
- blewcount=0;
- break;
- case KN_BOWLINGBASH: // �{�E�����O�o�b�V��
- damage = damage*(100+ 50*skill_lv)/100;
- blewcount=0;
- break;
- case AS_SONICBLOW: // �\�j�b�N�u���E
- damage = damage*(300+ 50*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=8;
- break;
- case TF_SPRINKLESAND: // ���܂�
- damage = damage*125/100;
- break;
- case MC_CARTREVOLUTION: // �J�[�g���{�����[�V����
- damage = (damage*150)/100;
- break;
- // �ȉ�MOB
- case NPC_COMBOATTACK: // ���i�U��
- div_=skill_get_num(skill_num,skill_lv);
- damage *= div_;
- break;
- case NPC_RANDOMATTACK: // �����_��ATK�U��
- damage = damage*(MPRAND(50, 150))/100;
- break;
- // �����U���i�K���j
- div_= pd->skillduration; // [Valaris]
- break;
- hitrate = 1000000;
- break;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_SHORT;
- break;
- case RG_BACKSTAP: // �o�b�N�X�^�u
- damage = damage*(300+ 40*skill_lv)/100;
- hitrate = 1000000;
- break;
- case RG_RAID: // �T�v���C�Y�A�^�b�N
- damage = damage*(100+ 40*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case RG_INTIMIDATE: // �C���e�B�~�f�C�g
- damage = damage*(100+ 30*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case CR_SHIELDCHARGE: // �V�[���h�`���[�W
- damage = damage*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_SHORT;
- s_ele = 0;
- break;
- case CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG: // �V�[���h�u�[������
- damage = damage*(100+ 30*skill_lv)/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- s_ele = 0;
- break;
- case CR_HOLYCROSS: // �z�[���[�N���X
- damage = damage*(100+ 35*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=2;
- break;
- hitrate= 1000000;
- break;
- case AM_DEMONSTRATION: // �f�����X�g���[�V����
- damage = damage*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- damage2 = damage2*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case AM_ACIDTERROR: // �A�V�b�h�e���[
- damage = damage*(100+ 40*skill_lv)/100;
- damage2 = damage2*(100+ 40*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- damage = damage * (100 + 50 * skill_lv) / 100;
- div_ = 1;
- break;
- case MO_INVESTIGATE: // �� ��
- if(def1 < 1000000)
- damage = damage*(100+ 75*skill_lv)/100 * (def1 + def2)/100;
- hitrate = 1000000;
- s_ele = 0;
- break;
- case MO_EXTREMITYFIST: // ���C���e�P��
- damage = damage * 8 + 250 + (skill_lv * 150);
- hitrate = 1000000;
- s_ele = 0;
- break;
- case MO_CHAINCOMBO: // �A�ŏ�
- damage = damage*(150+ 50*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=4;
- break;
- case MO_COMBOFINISH: // �җ���
- damage = damage*(240+ 60*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case DC_THROWARROW: // ���
- damage = damage*(100+ 50 * skill_lv)/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- case BA_MUSICALSTRIKE: // �~���[�W�J���X�g���C�N
- damage = damage*(100+ 50 * skill_lv)/100;
- flag=(flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG;
- break;
- case CH_TIGERFIST: // ���Ռ�
- damage = damage*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case CH_CHAINCRUSH: // �A������
- damage = damage*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=skill_get_num(skill_num,skill_lv);
- break;
- case CH_PALMSTRIKE: // �ҌՍd�h�R
- damage = damage*(50+ 100*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case LK_SPIRALPIERCE: /* �X�p�C�����s�A�[�X */
- damage = damage*(100+ 50*skill_lv)/100; //�����ʂ�������Ȃ��̂œK����
- div_=5;
- if(target->type == BL_PC)
- ((struct map_session_data *)target)->canmove_tick = gettick() + 1000;
- else if(target->type == BL_MOB)
- ((struct mob_data *)target)->canmove_tick = gettick() + 1000;
- break;
- case LK_HEADCRUSH: /* �w�b�h�N���b�V�� */
- damage = damage*(100+ 20*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case LK_JOINTBEAT: /* �W���C���g�r�[�g */
- damage = damage*(50+ 10*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case ASC_METEORASSAULT: /* ���e�I�A�T���g */
- damage = damage*(40+ 40*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case SN_SHARPSHOOTING: /* �V���[�v�V���[�e�B���O */
- damage += damage*(30*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- case CG_ARROWVULCAN: /* �A���[�o���J�� */
- damage = damage*(160+40*skill_lv)/100;
- div_=9;
- break;
- case AS_SPLASHER: /* �x�i���X�v���b�V���[ */
- damage = damage*(200+20*skill_lv)/100;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( skill_num!=NPC_CRITICALSLASH ){
- // �� �ۂ̖h��͂ɂ��_���[�W�̌���
- // �f�B�o�C���v���e�N�V�����i�����ł����̂��ȁH�j
- if ( skill_num != MO_INVESTIGATE && skill_num != MO_EXTREMITYFIST && skill_num != KN_AUTOCOUNTER && def1 < 1000000 ) { //DEF, VIT����
- int t_def;
- target_count = 1 + battle_counttargeted(target,src,battle_config.vit_penaly_count_lv);
- if(battle_config.vit_penaly_type > 0) {
- if(target_count >= battle_config.vit_penaly_count) {
- if(battle_config.vit_penaly_type == 1) {
- def1 = (def1 * (100 - (target_count - (battle_config.vit_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.vit_penaly_num))/100;
- def2 = (def2 * (100 - (target_count - (battle_config.vit_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.vit_penaly_num))/100;
- t_vit = (t_vit * (100 - (target_count - (battle_config.vit_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.vit_penaly_num))/100;
- }
- else if(battle_config.vit_penaly_type == 2) {
- def1 -= (target_count - (battle_config.vit_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.vit_penaly_num;
- def2 -= (target_count - (battle_config.vit_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.vit_penaly_num;
- t_vit -= (target_count - (battle_config.vit_penaly_count - 1))*battle_config.vit_penaly_num;
- }
- if(def1 < 0) def1 = 0;
- if(def2 < 1) def2 = 1;
- if(t_vit < 1) t_vit = 1;
- }
- }
- t_def = def2*8/10;
- vitbonusmax = (t_vit/20)*(t_vit/20)-1;
- if(battle_config.pet_defense_type) {
- damage = damage - (def1 * battle_config.pet_defense_type) - t_def - ((vitbonusmax < 1)?0: MRAND((vitbonusmax+1)) );
- }
- else{
- damage = damage * (100 - def1) /100 - t_def - ((vitbonusmax < 1)?0: MRAND((vitbonusmax+1)) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // 0�����������ꍇ1�ɕ␳
- if(damage<1) damage=1;
- // ����C��
- if(hitrate < 1000000)
- hitrate = ( (hitrate>95)?95: ((hitrate<5)?5:hitrate) );
- if( hitrate < 1000000 && // �K���U��
- (t_sc_data != NULL && (t_sc_data[SC_SLEEP].timer!=-1 || // �����͕K��
- t_sc_data[SC_STAN].timer!=-1 || // �X�^���͕K��
- t_sc_data[SC_FREEZE].timer!=-1 || (t_sc_data[SC_STONE].timer!=-1 && t_sc_data[SC_STONE].val2==0) ) ) ) // �����͕K��
- hitrate = 1000000;
- if(type == 0 && MRAND(100) >= hitrate) {
- damage = damage2 = 0;
- dmg_lv = ATK_FLEE;
- } else {
- dmg_lv = ATK_DEF;
- }
- if(t_sc_data) {
- int cardfix=100;
- if(t_sc_data[SC_DEFENDER].timer != -1 && flag&BF_LONG)
- cardfix=cardfix*(100-t_sc_data[SC_DEFENDER].val2)/100;
- if(cardfix != 100)
- damage=damage*cardfix/100;
- }
- if(damage < 0) damage = 0;
- // �� ���̓K�p
- if(skill_num != 0 || s_ele != 0 || !battle_config.pet_attack_attr_none)
- damage=battle_attr_fix(damage, s_ele, battle_get_element(target) );
- if(skill_num==PA_PRESSURE) /* �v���b�V���[ �K��? */
- damage = 700+100*skill_lv;
- // �C���x�i���C��
- if(skill_num==TF_POISON){
- damage = battle_attr_fix(damage + 15*skill_lv, s_ele, battle_get_element(target) );
- }
- if(skill_num==MC_CARTREVOLUTION){
- damage = battle_attr_fix(damage, 0, battle_get_element(target) );
- }
- // ���S����̔���
- if(battle_config.enemy_perfect_flee) {
- if(skill_num == 0 && skill_lv >= 0 && tmd!=NULL && MRAND(1000) < battle_get_flee2(target) ){
- damage=0;
- type=0x0b;
- dmg_lv = ATK_LUCKY;
- }
- }
-// if(def1 >= 1000000 && damage > 0)
- if(t_mode&0x40 && damage > 0)
- damage = 1;
- if(skill_num != CR_GRANDCROSS)
- damage=battle_calc_damage(src,target,damage,div_,skill_num,skill_lv,flag);
- wd.damage=damage;
- wd.damage2=0;
- wd.type=type;
- wd.div_=div_;
- wd.amotion=battle_get_amotion(src);
- if(skill_num == KN_AUTOCOUNTER)
- wd.amotion >>= 1;
- wd.dmotion=battle_get_dmotion(target);
- wd.blewcount=blewcount;
- wd.flag=flag;
- wd.dmg_lv=dmg_lv;
- return wd;
static struct Damage battle_calc_mob_weapon_attack(
struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,int skill_num,int skill_lv,int wflag)
@@ -3827,15 +3324,10 @@ struct Damage battle_calc_weapon_attack(
return wd;
- if(target->type == BL_PET)
- memset(&wd,0,sizeof(wd));
else if(src->type == BL_PC)
wd = battle_calc_pc_weapon_attack(src,target,skill_num,skill_lv,wflag); // weapon breaking [Valaris]
else if(src->type == BL_MOB)
wd = battle_calc_mob_weapon_attack(src,target,skill_num,skill_lv,wflag);
- else if(src->type == BL_PET)
- wd = battle_calc_pet_weapon_attack(src,target,skill_num,skill_lv,wflag);
@@ -3897,11 +3389,6 @@ struct Damage battle_calc_magic_attack(
return md;
- if(target->type == BL_PET) {
- memset(&md,0,sizeof(md));
- return md;
- }
ele = skill_get_pl(skill_num);
@@ -4189,11 +3676,6 @@ struct Damage battle_calc_misc_attack(
return md;
- if(target->type == BL_PET) {
- memset(&md,0,sizeof(md));
- return md;
- }
if( bl->type == BL_PC && (sd=(struct map_session_data *)bl) ) {
sd->state.attack_type = BF_MISC;
sd->state.arrow_atk = 0;
@@ -4655,9 +4137,6 @@ int battle_check_target( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int f
- if(target->type == BL_PET)
- return -1;
// �X�L�����j�b�g�̏ꍇ�A�e�����߂�
if( src->type==BL_SKILL) {
int inf2 = skill_get_inf2(((struct skill_unit *)src)->group->skill_id);
@@ -4716,9 +4195,6 @@ int battle_check_target( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int f
(ss->type == BL_MOB && target->type==BL_PC) )
return 0; // PCvsMOB�Ȃ�ے�
- if(ss->type == BL_PET && target->type==BL_MOB)
- return 0;
@@ -4909,18 +4385,6 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
battle_config.pc_invincible_time = 5000;
- battle_config.pet_catch_rate=100;
- battle_config.pet_rename=0;
- battle_config.pet_friendly_rate=100;
- battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate=100;
- battle_config.pet_hungry_friendly_decrease=5;
- battle_config.pet_str=1;
- battle_config.pet_status_support=0;
- battle_config.pet_attack_support=0;
- battle_config.pet_damage_support=0;
- battle_config.pet_support_rate=100;
- battle_config.pet_attack_exp_to_master=0;
- battle_config.pet_attack_exp_rate=100;
@@ -4962,7 +4426,6 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
battle_config.vit_penaly_count_lv = ATK_DEF;
battle_config.player_defense_type = 0;
battle_config.monster_defense_type = 0;
- battle_config.pet_defense_type = 0;
battle_config.magic_defense_type = 0;
battle_config.pc_skill_reiteration = 0;
battle_config.monster_skill_reiteration = 0;
@@ -4991,10 +4454,8 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
battle_config.chat_warpportal = 0;
battle_config.mob_warpportal = 0;
battle_config.dead_branch_active = 0;
- battle_config.vending_max_value = 10000000;
battle_config.show_steal_in_same_party = 0;
battle_config.enable_upper_class = 0;
- battle_config.pet_attack_attr_none = 0;
battle_config.pc_attack_attr_none = 0;
battle_config.mob_attack_attr_none = 1;
battle_config.mob_ghostring_fix = 0;
@@ -5031,7 +4492,6 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
battle_config.equipment_breaking = 0; // [Valaris]
battle_config.equipment_break_rate = 100; // [Valaris]
battle_config.pk_mode = 0; // [Valaris]
- battle_config.pet_equip_required = 0; // [Valaris]
battle_config.multi_level_up = 0; // [Valaris]
battle_config.backstab_bow_penalty = 0; // Akaru
battle_config.night_at_start = 0; // added by [Yor]
@@ -5142,18 +4602,6 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
{ "guild_emperium_check", &battle_config.guild_emperium_check },
{ "guild_exp_limit", &battle_config.guild_exp_limit },
{ "player_invincible_time", &battle_config.pc_invincible_time },
- { "pet_catch_rate", &battle_config.pet_catch_rate },
- { "pet_rename", &battle_config.pet_rename },
- { "pet_friendly_rate", &battle_config.pet_friendly_rate },
- { "pet_hungry_delay_rate", &battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate },
- { "pet_hungry_friendly_decrease", &battle_config.pet_hungry_friendly_decrease},
- { "pet_str", &battle_config.pet_str },
- { "pet_status_support", &battle_config.pet_status_support },
- { "pet_attack_support", &battle_config.pet_attack_support },
- { "pet_damage_support", &battle_config.pet_damage_support },
- { "pet_support_rate", &battle_config.pet_support_rate },
- { "pet_attack_exp_to_master", &battle_config.pet_attack_exp_to_master },
- { "pet_attack_exp_rate", &battle_config.pet_attack_exp_rate },
{ "skill_min_damage", &battle_config.skill_min_damage },
{ "finger_offensive_type", &battle_config.finger_offensive_type },
{ "heal_exp", &battle_config.heal_exp },
@@ -5195,7 +4643,6 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
{ "vit_penaly_count_lv", &battle_config.vit_penaly_count_lv },
{ "player_defense_type", &battle_config.player_defense_type },
{ "monster_defense_type", &battle_config.monster_defense_type },
- { "pet_defense_type", &battle_config.pet_defense_type },
{ "magic_defense_type", &battle_config.magic_defense_type },
{ "player_skill_reiteration", &battle_config.pc_skill_reiteration },
{ "monster_skill_reiteration", &battle_config.monster_skill_reiteration},
@@ -5223,10 +4670,8 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
{ "chat_warpportal", &battle_config.chat_warpportal },
{ "mob_warpportal", &battle_config.mob_warpportal },
{ "dead_branch_active", &battle_config.dead_branch_active },
- { "vending_max_value", &battle_config.vending_max_value },
{ "show_steal_in_same_party", &battle_config.show_steal_in_same_party },
{ "enable_upper_class", &battle_config.enable_upper_class },
- { "pet_attack_attr_none", &battle_config.pet_attack_attr_none },
{ "mob_attack_attr_none", &battle_config.mob_attack_attr_none },
{ "mob_ghostring_fix", &battle_config.mob_ghostring_fix },
{ "pc_attack_attr_none", &battle_config.pc_attack_attr_none },
@@ -5263,7 +4708,6 @@ int battle_config_read(const char *cfgName)
{ "equipment_breaking", &battle_config.equipment_breaking }, // [Valaris]
{ "equipment_break_rate", &battle_config.equipment_break_rate }, // [Valaris]
{ "pk_mode", &battle_config.pk_mode }, // [Valaris]
- { "pet_equip_required", &battle_config.pet_equip_required }, // [Valaris]
{ "multi_level_up", &battle_config.multi_level_up }, // [Valaris]
{ "backstab_bow_penalty", &battle_config.backstab_bow_penalty },
{ "night_at_start", &battle_config.night_at_start }, // added by [Yor]
diff --git a/src/map/battle.h b/src/map/battle.h
index f8a3205..27b837b 100644
--- a/src/map/battle.h
+++ b/src/map/battle.h
@@ -186,18 +186,6 @@ extern struct Battle_Config {
int guild_exp_limit;
int guild_max_castles;
int pc_invincible_time;
- int pet_catch_rate;
- int pet_rename;
- int pet_friendly_rate;
- int pet_hungry_delay_rate;
- int pet_hungry_friendly_decrease;
- int pet_str;
- int pet_status_support;
- int pet_attack_support;
- int pet_damage_support;
- int pet_support_rate;
- int pet_attack_exp_to_master;
- int pet_attack_exp_rate;
int skill_min_damage;
int finger_offensive_type;
int heal_exp;
@@ -236,7 +224,6 @@ extern struct Battle_Config {
int vit_penaly_num;
int player_defense_type;
int monster_defense_type;
- int pet_defense_type;
int magic_defense_type;
int pc_skill_reiteration;
int monster_skill_reiteration;
@@ -265,12 +252,8 @@ extern struct Battle_Config {
int chat_warpportal;
int mob_warpportal;
int dead_branch_active;
- int vending_max_value;
-// int pet_lootitem; // removed [Valaris]
-// int pet_weight; // removed [Valaris]
int show_steal_in_same_party;
int enable_upper_class;
- int pet_attack_attr_none;
int mob_attack_attr_none;
int mob_ghostring_fix;
int pc_attack_attr_none;
@@ -290,7 +273,6 @@ extern struct Battle_Config {
int monsters_ignore_gm;
int equipment_breaking;
int equipment_break_rate;
- int pet_equip_required;
int multi_level_up;
int pk_mode;
int show_mob_hp; // end additions [Valaris]
diff --git a/src/map/clif.c b/src/map/clif.c
index 211b4f3..c070659 100644
--- a/src/map/clif.c
+++ b/src/map/clif.c
@@ -24,26 +24,24 @@
#include "version.h"
#include "nullpo.h"
-#include "map.h"
+#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "battle.h"
+#include "chat.h"
#include "chrif.h"
#include "clif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "npc.h"
-#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "chat.h"
-#include "trade.h"
-#include "storage.h"
-#include "script.h"
-#include "skill.h"
-#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "guild.h"
#include "intif.h"
-#include "battle.h"
+#include "itemdb.h"
+#include "magic.h"
+#include "map.h"
#include "mob.h"
+#include "npc.h"
#include "party.h"
-#include "guild.h"
-#include "vending.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "magic.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "script.h"
+#include "skill.h"
+#include "storage.h"
+#include "trade.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
@@ -1038,91 +1036,6 @@ static int clif_npc0078(struct npc_data *nd, unsigned char *buf) {
-static int clif_pet0078(struct pet_data *pd, unsigned char *buf) {
- int view,level;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- memset(buf,0,packet_len_table[0x78]);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x78;
- WBUFL(buf,2)=pd->;
- WBUFW(buf,6)=pd->speed;
- WBUFW(buf,14)=mob_get_viewclass(pd->class);
- if((mob_get_viewclass(pd->class) < 24) || (mob_get_viewclass(pd->class) > 4000)) {
- WBUFW(buf,12)=mob_db[pd->class].option;
- WBUFW(buf,16)=mob_get_hair(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,18)=mob_get_weapon(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,20)=mob_get_head_buttom(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,22)=mob_get_shield(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,24)=mob_get_head_top(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,26)=mob_get_head_mid(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,28)=mob_get_hair_color(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,30)=mob_get_clothes_color(pd->class); //Add for player pet dye - Valaris
- WBUFB(buf,45)=mob_get_sex(pd->class);
- } else {
- WBUFW(buf,16)=0x14;
- if((view = itemdb_viewid(pd->equip)) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,20)=view;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,20)=pd->equip;
- }
- WBUFPOS(buf,46,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y);
- WBUFB(buf,48)|=pd->dir&0x0f;
- WBUFB(buf,49)=0;
- WBUFB(buf,50)=0;
- WBUFW(buf,52)=((level = battle_get_lv(&pd->bl))>battle_config.max_lv)? battle_config.max_lv:level;
- return packet_len_table[0x78];
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-static int clif_pet007b(struct pet_data *pd, unsigned char *buf) {
- int view,level;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- memset(buf,0,packet_len_table[0x7b]);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x7b;
- WBUFL(buf,2)=pd->;
- WBUFW(buf,6)=pd->speed;
- WBUFW(buf,14)=mob_get_viewclass(pd->class);
- if((mob_get_viewclass(pd->class) < 24) || (mob_get_viewclass(pd->class) > 4000)) {
- WBUFW(buf,12)=mob_db[pd->class].option;
- WBUFW(buf,16)=mob_get_hair(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,18)=mob_get_weapon(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,20)=mob_get_head_buttom(pd->class);
- WBUFL(buf,22)=gettick();
- WBUFW(buf,26)=mob_get_shield(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,28)=mob_get_head_top(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,30)=mob_get_head_mid(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,32)=mob_get_hair_color(pd->class);
- WBUFW(buf,34)=mob_get_clothes_color(pd->class); //Add for player pet dye - Valaris
- WBUFB(buf,49)=mob_get_sex(pd->class);
- } else {
- WBUFW(buf,16)=0x14;
- if ((view = itemdb_viewid(pd->equip)) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,20)=view;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,20)=pd->equip;
- WBUFL(buf,22)=gettick();
- }
- WBUFPOS2(buf,50,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,pd->to_x,pd->to_y);
- WBUFB(buf,56)=0;
- WBUFB(buf,57)=0;
- WBUFW(buf,58)=((level = battle_get_lv(&pd->bl))>battle_config.max_lv)? battle_config.max_lv:level;
- return packet_len_table[0x7b];
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
static int clif_set01e1(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *buf) {
nullpo_retr(0, sd);
@@ -1344,53 +1257,6 @@ int clif_spawnmob(struct mob_data *md)
return 0;
-// pet
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_spawnpet(struct pet_data *pd)
- unsigned char buf[64];
- int len;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if (mob_get_viewclass(pd->class) >= MAX_PC_CLASS) {
- memset(buf,0,packet_len_table[0x7c]);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x7c;
- WBUFL(buf,2)=pd->;
- WBUFW(buf,6)=pd->speed;
- WBUFW(buf,20)=mob_get_viewclass(pd->class);
- WBUFPOS(buf,36,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y);
- clif_send(buf,packet_len_table[0x7c],&pd->bl,AREA);
- }
- len = clif_pet0078(pd,buf);
- clif_send(buf,len,&pd->bl,AREA);
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_movepet(struct pet_data *pd) {
- unsigned char buf[256];
- int len;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- len = clif_pet007b(pd,buf);
- clif_send(buf,len,&pd->bl,AREA);
- return 0;
@@ -3393,9 +3259,6 @@ void clif_getareachar_pc(struct map_session_data* sd,struct map_session_data* ds
- if(dstsd->vender_id){
- clif_showvendingboard(&dstsd->bl,dstsd->message,sd->fd);
- }
if(dstsd->spiritball > 0) {
@@ -3499,28 +3362,6 @@ int clif_fixpcpos(struct map_session_data *sd)
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_fixpetpos(struct pet_data *pd)
- unsigned char buf[256];
- int len;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if(pd->state.state == MS_WALK){
- len = clif_pet007b(pd,buf);
- clif_send(buf,len,&pd->bl,AREA);
- } else {
- len = clif_pet0078(pd,buf);
- clif_send(buf,len,&pd->bl,AREA);
- }
- return 0;
* �ʏ�U���G�t�F�N�g���_���[�W
@@ -3588,26 +3429,6 @@ void clif_getareachar_mob(struct map_session_data* sd,struct mob_data* md)
-void clif_getareachar_pet(struct map_session_data* sd,struct pet_data* pd)
- int len;
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- nullpo_retv(pd);
- if(pd->state.state == MS_WALK){
- len = clif_pet007b(pd,WFIFOP(sd->fd,0));
- WFIFOSET(sd->fd,len);
- } else {
- len = clif_pet0078(pd,WFIFOP(sd->fd,0));
- WFIFOSET(sd->fd,len);
- }
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
void clif_getareachar_item(struct map_session_data* sd,struct flooritem_data* fitem)
int view,fd;
@@ -3748,9 +3569,6 @@ int clif_01ac(struct block_list *bl)
case BL_MOB:
clif_getareachar_mob(sd,(struct mob_data*) bl);
- case BL_PET:
- clif_getareachar_pet(sd,(struct pet_data*) bl);
- break;
case BL_ITEM:
clif_getareachar_item(sd,(struct flooritem_data*) bl);
@@ -3789,9 +3607,6 @@ int clif_pcoutsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
- if(dstsd->vender_id){
- clif_closevendingboard(&dstsd->bl,sd->fd);
- }
case BL_NPC:
@@ -3799,7 +3614,6 @@ int clif_pcoutsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
case BL_MOB:
- case BL_PET:
case BL_ITEM:
@@ -3838,9 +3652,6 @@ int clif_pcinsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
case BL_MOB:
clif_getareachar_mob(sd,(struct mob_data*)bl);
- case BL_PET:
- clif_getareachar_pet(sd,(struct pet_data*)bl);
- break;
case BL_ITEM:
clif_getareachar_item(sd,(struct flooritem_data*)bl);
@@ -3896,46 +3707,6 @@ int clif_mobinsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
-int clif_petoutsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- struct pet_data *pd;
- nullpo_retr(0, bl);
- nullpo_retr(0, ap);
- nullpo_retr(0, pd=va_arg(ap,struct pet_data*));
- if(bl->type==BL_PC && (sd = (struct map_session_data*) bl)){
- clif_clearchar_id(pd->,0,sd->fd);
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_petinsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- struct pet_data *pd;
- nullpo_retr(0, bl);
- nullpo_retr(0, ap);
- pd=va_arg(ap,struct pet_data*);
- if(bl->type==BL_PC && (sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl)){
- clif_getareachar_pet(sd,pd);
- }
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
int clif_skillinfo(struct map_session_data *sd,int skillid,int type,int range)
int fd,id;
@@ -4980,248 +4751,6 @@ int clif_cart_equiplist(struct map_session_data *sd)
- * �I�X�J��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_openvendingreq(struct map_session_data *sd,int num)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x12d;
- WFIFOW(fd,2)=num;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x12d]);
- return 0;
- * �I�X�Ŕ•\��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_showvendingboard(struct block_list* bl,char *message,int fd)
- unsigned char buf[128];
- nullpo_retr(0, bl);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x131;
- WBUFL(buf,2)=bl->id;
- strncpy(WBUFP(buf,6),message,80);
- if(fd){
- memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0),buf,packet_len_table[0x131]);
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x131]);
- }else{
- clif_send(buf,packet_len_table[0x131],bl,AREA_WOS);
- }
- return 0;
- * �I�X�Ŕ���
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_closevendingboard(struct block_list* bl,int fd)
- unsigned char buf[16];
- nullpo_retr(0, bl);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x132;
- WBUFL(buf,2)=bl->id;
- if(fd){
- memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0),buf,packet_len_table[0x132]);
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x132]);
- }else{
- clif_send(buf,packet_len_table[0x132],bl,AREA_WOS);
- }
- return 0;
- * �I�X�A�C�e�����X�g
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_vendinglist(struct map_session_data *sd,int id,struct vending *vending)
- struct item_data *data;
- int i,j,n,index,fd;
- struct map_session_data *vsd;
- unsigned char *buf;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- nullpo_retr(0, vending);
- nullpo_retr(0, vsd=map_id2sd(id));
- fd=sd->fd;
- buf = WFIFOP(fd,0);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x133;
- WBUFL(buf,4)=id;
- for(i=0,n=0;i<vsd->vend_num;i++){
- if(vending[i].amount<=0)
- continue;
- WBUFL(buf,8+n*22)=vending[i].value;
- WBUFW(buf,12+n*22)=vending[i].amount;
- WBUFW(buf,14+n*22)=(index=vending[i].index)+2;
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].nameid <= 0 || vsd->status.cart[index].amount <= 0)
- continue;
- data = itemdb_search(vsd->status.cart[index].nameid);
- WBUFB(buf,16+n*22)=data->type;
- if(data->view_id > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,17+n*22)=data->view_id;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,17+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].nameid;
- WBUFB(buf,19+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].identify;
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].broken==1)
- WBUFB(buf,20+n*22)=1; //is weapon broken [Valaris]
- else
- WBUFB(buf,20+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].attribute;
- WBUFB(buf,21+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].refine;
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].card[0]==0x00ff || vsd->status.cart[index].card[0]==0x00fe || vsd->status.cart[index].card[0]==(short)0xff00) {
- WBUFW(buf,22+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].card[0];
- WBUFW(buf,24+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].card[1];
- WBUFW(buf,26+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].card[2];
- WBUFW(buf,28+n*22)=vsd->status.cart[index].card[3];
- } else {
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].card[0] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(vsd->status.cart[index].card[0])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,22+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,22+n*22)= vsd->status.cart[index].card[0];
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].card[1] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(vsd->status.cart[index].card[1])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,24+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,24+n*22)= vsd->status.cart[index].card[1];
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].card[2] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(vsd->status.cart[index].card[2])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,26+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,26+n*22)= vsd->status.cart[index].card[2];
- if(vsd->status.cart[index].card[3] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(vsd->status.cart[index].card[3])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,28+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,28+n*22)= vsd->status.cart[index].card[3];
- }
- n++;
- }
- if(n > 0){
- WBUFW(buf,2)=8+n*22;
- WFIFOSET(fd,WFIFOW(fd,2));
- }
- return 0;
- * �I�X�A�C�e���w�����s
- *------------------------------------------
-int clif_buyvending(struct map_session_data *sd,int index,int amount,int fail)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x135;
- WFIFOW(fd,2)=index+2;
- WFIFOW(fd,4)=amount;
- WFIFOB(fd,6)=fail;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x135]);
- return 0;
- * �I�X�J�ݐ���
- *------------------------------------------
-int clif_openvending(struct map_session_data *sd,int id,struct vending *vending)
- struct item_data *data;
- int i,j,n,index,fd;
- unsigned char *buf;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- buf = WFIFOP(fd,0);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x136;
- WBUFL(buf,4)=id;
- for(i=0,n=0;i<sd->vend_num;i++){
- if (sd->vend_num > 2+pc_checkskill(sd,MC_VENDING)) return 0;
- WBUFL(buf,8+n*22)=vending[i].value;
- WBUFW(buf,12+n*22)=(index=vending[i].index)+2;
- WBUFW(buf,14+n*22)=vending[i].amount;
- if(sd->status.cart[index].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.cart[index].amount <= 0 || sd->status.cart[index].identify==0 ||
- sd->status.cart[index].broken==1) // Prevent unidentified and broken items from being sold [Valaris]
- continue;
- data = itemdb_search(sd->status.cart[index].nameid);
- WBUFB(buf,16+n*22)=data->type;
- if(data->view_id > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,17+n*22)=data->view_id;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,17+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].nameid;
- WBUFB(buf,19+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].identify;
- if(sd->status.cart[index].broken==1)
- WBUFB(buf,20+n*22)=1; // is weapon broken [Valaris]
- else
- WBUFB(buf,20+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].attribute;
- WBUFB(buf,21+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].refine;
- if(sd->status.cart[index].card[0]==0x00ff || sd->status.cart[index].card[0]==0x00fe || sd->status.cart[index].card[0]==(short)0xff00) {
- WBUFW(buf,22+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].card[0];
- WBUFW(buf,24+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].card[1];
- WBUFW(buf,26+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].card[2];
- WBUFW(buf,28+n*22)=sd->status.cart[index].card[3];
- } else {
- if(sd->status.cart[index].card[0] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(sd->status.cart[index].card[0])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,22+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,22+n*22)= sd->status.cart[index].card[0];
- if(sd->status.cart[index].card[1] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(sd->status.cart[index].card[1])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,24+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,24+n*22)= sd->status.cart[index].card[1];
- if(sd->status.cart[index].card[2] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(sd->status.cart[index].card[2])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,26+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,26+n*22)= sd->status.cart[index].card[2];
- if(sd->status.cart[index].card[3] > 0 && (j=itemdb_viewid(sd->status.cart[index].card[3])) > 0)
- WBUFW(buf,28+n*22)= j;
- else
- WBUFW(buf,28+n*22)= sd->status.cart[index].card[3];
- }
- n++;
- }
- if(n > 0){
- WBUFW(buf,2)=8+n*22;
- WFIFOSET(fd,WFIFOW(fd,2));
- }
- return n;
- * �I�X�A�C�e���̔���
- *------------------------------------------
-int clif_vendingreport(struct map_session_data *sd,int index,int amount)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x137;
- WFIFOW(fd,2)=index+2;
- WFIFOW(fd,4)=amount;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x137]);
- return 0;
* �p�[�e�B�쐬����
@@ -5512,184 +5041,6 @@ int clif_produceeffect(struct map_session_data *sd,int flag,int nameid)
return 0;
-// pet
-int clif_catch_process(struct map_session_data *sd)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x19e;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x19e]);
- return 0;
-int clif_pet_rulet(struct map_session_data *sd,int data)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x1a0;
- WFIFOB(fd,2)=data;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x1a0]);
- return 0;
- * pet�����X�g�쐬
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_sendegg(struct map_session_data *sd)
- //R 01a6 <len>.w <index>.w*
- int i,n=0,fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x1a6;
- if(sd->status.pet_id <= 0) {
- for(i=0,n=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++){
- if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid<=0 || sd->inventory_data[i] == NULL ||
- sd->inventory_data[i]->type!=7 ||
- sd->status.inventory[i].amount<=0)
- continue;
- WFIFOW(fd,n*2+4)=i+2;
- n++;
- }
- }
- WFIFOW(fd,2)=4+n*2;
- WFIFOSET(fd,WFIFOW(fd,2));
- return 0;
-int clif_send_petdata(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int param)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x1a4;
- WFIFOB(fd,2)=type;
- WFIFOL(fd,3)=sd->pd->;
- WFIFOL(fd,7)=param;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x1a4]);
- return 0;
-int clif_send_petstatus(struct map_session_data *sd)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x1a2;
- memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,2),sd->,24);
- WFIFOB(fd,26)=(battle_config.pet_rename == 1)? 0:sd->pet.rename_flag;
- WFIFOW(fd,27)=sd->pet.level;
- WFIFOW(fd,29)=sd->pet.hungry;
- WFIFOW(fd,31)=sd->pet.intimate;
- WFIFOW(fd,33)=sd->pet.equip;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x1a2]);
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int clif_pet_emotion(struct pet_data *pd,int param)
- unsigned char buf[16];
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- nullpo_retr(0, sd = pd->msd);
- memset(buf,0,packet_len_table[0x1aa]);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x1aa;
- WBUFL(buf,2)=pd->;
- if(param >= 100 && sd->petDB->talk_convert_class) {
- if(sd->petDB->talk_convert_class < 0)
- return 0;
- else if(sd->petDB->talk_convert_class > 0) {
- param -= (pd->class - 100)*100;
- param += (sd->petDB->talk_convert_class - 100)*100;
- }
- }
- WBUFL(buf,6)=param;
- clif_send(buf,packet_len_table[0x1aa],&pd->bl,AREA);
- return 0;
-int clif_pet_performance(struct block_list *bl,int param)
- unsigned char buf[16];
- nullpo_retr(0, bl);
- memset(buf,0,packet_len_table[0x1a4]);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x1a4;
- WBUFB(buf,2)=4;
- WBUFL(buf,3)=bl->id;
- WBUFL(buf,7)=param;
- clif_send(buf,packet_len_table[0x1a4],bl,AREA);
- return 0;
-int clif_pet_equip(struct pet_data *pd,int nameid)
- unsigned char buf[16];
- int view;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- memset(buf,0,packet_len_table[0x1a4]);
- WBUFW(buf,0)=0x1a4;
- WBUFB(buf,2)=3;
- WBUFL(buf,3)=pd->;
- if((view = itemdb_viewid(nameid)) > 0)
- WBUFL(buf,7)=view;
- else
- WBUFL(buf,7)=nameid;
- clif_send(buf,packet_len_table[0x1a4],&pd->bl,AREA);
- return 0;
-int clif_pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd,int foodid,int fail)
- int fd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- fd=sd->fd;
- WFIFOW(fd,0)=0x1a3;
- WFIFOB(fd,2)=fail;
- WFIFOW(fd,3)=foodid;
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x1a3]);
- return 0;
* �I�[�g�X�y�� ���X�g���M
@@ -6877,21 +6228,10 @@ void clif_parse_LoadEndAck(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
- // pet
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- map_addblock(&sd->pd->bl);
- clif_spawnpet(sd->pd);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,0,0);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,5,0x14);
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- }
if(sd->state.connect_new) {
sd->state.connect_new = 0;
if(sd->status.class != sd->view_class)
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pet.intimate > 900)
- clif_pet_emotion(sd->pd,(sd->pd->class - 100)*100 + 50 + pet_hungry_val(sd));
/* Stop players from spawning inside castles [Valaris] */
@@ -6967,7 +6307,7 @@ void clif_parse_WalkToXY(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0)
if (sd->skilltimer != -1 && pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) <= 0) // �t���[�L���X�g
@@ -7086,10 +6426,6 @@ void clif_parse_GetCharNameRequest(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- case BL_PET:
- memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,6), ((struct pet_data*)bl)->name, 24);
- WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len_table[0x95]);
- break;
case BL_NPC:
memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,6), ((struct npc_data*)bl)->name, 24);
@@ -7310,7 +6646,7 @@ void clif_parse_MapMove(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
(pc_isGM(sd) >= get_atcommand_level(AtCommand_MapMove))) {
memcpy(map_name, RFIFOP(fd,2), 16);
sprintf(output, "%s %d %d", map_name, RFIFOW(fd,18), RFIFOW(fd,20));
- atcommand_rura(fd, sd, "@rura", output);
+ atcommand_warp(fd, sd, "@rura", output);
@@ -7405,8 +6741,6 @@ void clif_parse_ActionRequest(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
case 0x07: // continuous attack
if(sd->sc_data[SC_WEDDING].timer != -1 || sd->view_class==22)
- if (sd->vender_id != 0)
- return;
if (!battle_config.sdelay_attack_enable && pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) <= 0) {
if (DIFF_TICK(tick, sd->canact_tick) < 0) {
clif_skill_fail(sd, 1, 4, 0);
@@ -7573,7 +6907,7 @@ void clif_parse_TakeItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- if( sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0 || sd->opt1 > 0 ||
+ if( sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->opt1 > 0 ||
(sd->sc_data && (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1 || //���񂾂ӂ�
sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1 || //���n���
sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 || //�o�[�T�[�N
@@ -7606,7 +6940,7 @@ void clif_parse_DropItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl, 1);
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0 || sd->opt1 > 0 ||
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->opt1 > 0 ||
(sd->sc_data && (sd->sc_data[SC_AUTOCOUNTER].timer != -1 || //�I�[�g�J�E���^�[
sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1 || //���n���
sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1)) ) //�o�[�T�[�N
@@ -7629,7 +6963,7 @@ void clif_parse_UseItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl, 1);
- if (sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0 || sd->opt1 > 0 ||
+ if (sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->opt1 > 0 ||
(sd->sc_data && (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1 || //���񂾂ӂ�
sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1 || //���n���
sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 || //�o�[�T�[�N
@@ -7657,7 +6991,7 @@ void clif_parse_EquipItem(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
index = RFIFOW(fd,2)-2;
- if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0) return;
+ if(sd->npc_id!=0) return;
if(sd->sc_data && ( sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer!=-1 || sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 )) return;
if(sd->status.inventory[index].identify != 1) { // ���Ӓ�
@@ -7669,12 +7003,9 @@ void clif_parse_EquipItem(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
if(sd->inventory_data[index]) {
- if(sd->inventory_data[index]->type != 8){
- if(sd->inventory_data[index]->type == 10)
- RFIFOW(fd,4)=0x8000; // ��𖳗���葕���ł���悤�Ɂi�|�|�G
- pc_equipitem(sd,index,RFIFOW(fd,4));
- } else
- pet_equipitem(sd,index);
+ if(sd->inventory_data[index]->type == 10)
+ RFIFOW(fd,4)=0x8000; // ��𖳗���葕���ł���悤�Ɂi�|�|�G
+ pc_equipitem(sd,index,RFIFOW(fd,4));
@@ -7700,7 +7031,7 @@ void clif_parse_UnequipItem(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
if(sd->sc_data && ( sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer!=-1 || sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 ))
- if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0 || sd->opt1 > 0)
+ if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->opt1 > 0)
@@ -7717,7 +7048,7 @@ void clif_parse_NpcClicked(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
- if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if(sd->npc_id!=0)
@@ -7906,7 +7237,7 @@ void clif_parse_PutItemToCart(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
- if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if(sd->npc_id!=0)
@@ -7918,7 +7249,7 @@ void clif_parse_GetItemFromCart(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
- if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0) return;
+ if(sd->npc_id!=0) return;
@@ -7983,7 +7314,7 @@ void clif_parse_UseSkillToId(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.noskill) return;
- if (sd->chatID || sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if (sd->chatID || sd->npc_id != 0)
skilllv = RFIFOW(fd,2);
@@ -8044,7 +7375,7 @@ void clif_parse_UseSkillToPos(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.noskill) return;
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0) return;
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0) return;
if(sd->chatID) return;
skillmoreinfo = -1;
@@ -8101,7 +7432,7 @@ void clif_parse_UseSkillMap(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd)
if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.noskill) return;
if(sd->chatID) return;
- if(sd->npc_id!=0 || sd->vender_id != 0 || (sd->sc_data &&
+ if(sd->npc_id!=0 || (sd->sc_data &&
(sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1 ||
sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 ||
sd->sc_data[SC_NOCHAT].timer!=-1 ||
@@ -8285,7 +7616,7 @@ void clif_parse_MoveToKafra(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
item_index = RFIFOW(fd,2) - 2;
item_amount = RFIFOL(fd,4);
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0)
if (sd->state.storage_flag)
@@ -8306,7 +7637,7 @@ void clif_parse_MoveFromKafra(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd) {
item_index = RFIFOW(fd,2) - 1;
item_amount = RFIFOL(fd,4);
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0)
if (sd->state.storage_flag)
@@ -8322,7 +7653,7 @@ void clif_parse_MoveFromKafra(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd) {
void clif_parse_MoveToKafraFromCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0)
if (sd->state.storage_flag)
storage_guild_storageaddfromcart(sd, RFIFOW(fd,2) - 2, RFIFOL(fd,4));
@@ -8337,7 +7668,7 @@ void clif_parse_MoveToKafraFromCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
void clif_parse_MoveFromKafraToCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- if (sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0)
+ if (sd->npc_id != 0)
if (sd->state.storage_flag)
storage_guild_storagegettocart(sd, RFIFOW(fd,2)-1, RFIFOL(fd,4));
@@ -8443,42 +7774,6 @@ void clif_parse_PartyMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- * �I�X��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void clif_parse_CloseVending(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- vending_closevending(sd);
- * �I�X�A�C�e�����X�g�v��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void clif_parse_VendingListReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- vending_vendinglistreq(sd,RFIFOL(fd,2));
- if(sd->npc_id)
- npc_event_dequeue(sd);
- * �I�X�A�C�e���w��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void clif_parse_PurchaseReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- vending_purchasereq(sd, RFIFOW(fd,2), RFIFOL(fd,4), RFIFOP(fd,8));
- * �I�X�J��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void clif_parse_OpenVending(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd) {
- vending_openvending(sd, RFIFOW(fd,2), RFIFOP(fd,4), RFIFOB(fd,84), RFIFOP(fd,85));
* /monster /item rewriten by [Yor]
@@ -8692,30 +7987,6 @@ void clif_parse_GuildBreak(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
-// pet
-void clif_parse_PetMenu(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- pet_menu(sd,RFIFOB(fd,2));
-void clif_parse_CatchPet(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- pet_catch_process2(sd,RFIFOL(fd,2));
-void clif_parse_SelectEgg(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- pet_select_egg(sd,RFIFOW(fd,2)-2);
-void clif_parse_SendEmotion(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- if(sd->pd)
- clif_pet_emotion(sd->pd,RFIFOL(fd,2));
-void clif_parse_ChangePetName(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
- pet_change_name(sd,RFIFOP(fd,2));
// Kick (right click menu for GM "(name) force to quit")
void clif_parse_GMKick(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
struct block_list *target;
@@ -9081,9 +8352,9 @@ static void (*clif_parse_func_table[0x220])() = {
clif_parse_StopAttack, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_UseSkillMap, NULL, clif_parse_RequestMemo, NULL, NULL,
// 120
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_PutItemToCart, clif_parse_GetItemFromCart,
- clif_parse_MoveFromKafraToCart, clif_parse_MoveToKafraFromCart, clif_parse_RemoveOption, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_CloseVending, NULL,
+ clif_parse_MoveFromKafraToCart, clif_parse_MoveToKafraFromCart, clif_parse_RemoveOption, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
// 130
- clif_parse_VendingListReq, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_PurchaseReq, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_GM_Monster_Item,
// 140
@@ -9104,12 +8375,12 @@ static void (*clif_parse_func_table[0x220])() = {
NULL, NULL, clif_parse_QuitGame, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
// 190
clif_parse_UseSkillToPos, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_SolveCharName, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_ResetChar,
- NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_LGMmessage, clif_parse_GMHide, NULL, clif_parse_CatchPet,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_LGMmessage, clif_parse_GMHide, NULL, NULL,
// 1a0
- NULL, clif_parse_PetMenu, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_ChangePetName, NULL, clif_parse_SelectEgg,
- NULL, clif_parse_SendEmotion, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_ChangeCart,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, clif_parse_ChangeCart,
// 1b0
- NULL, NULL, clif_parse_OpenVending, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, clif_parse_Shift, clif_parse_Shift, clif_parse_Recall, clif_parse_Recall, NULL, NULL,
// 1c0
diff --git a/src/map/clif.h b/src/map/clif.h
index 4fed687..078d1a6 100644
--- a/src/map/clif.h
+++ b/src/map/clif.h
@@ -36,17 +36,14 @@ int clif_spawnpc(struct map_session_data*); //area
int clif_spawnnpc(struct npc_data*); // area
int clif_spawn_fake_npc_for_player(struct map_session_data *sd, int fake_npc_id);
int clif_spawnmob(struct mob_data*); // area
-int clif_spawnpet(struct pet_data*); // area
int clif_walkok(struct map_session_data*); // self
int clif_movechar(struct map_session_data*); // area
int clif_movemob(struct mob_data*); //area
-int clif_movepet(struct pet_data *pd); //area
int clif_changemap(struct map_session_data*,char*,int,int); //self
int clif_changemapserver(struct map_session_data*,char*,int,int,int,int); //self
int clif_fixpos(struct block_list *); // area
int clif_fixmobpos(struct mob_data *md);
int clif_fixpcpos(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int clif_fixpetpos(struct pet_data *pd);
int clif_npcbuysell(struct map_session_data*,int); //self
int clif_buylist(struct map_session_data*,struct npc_data*); //self
int clif_selllist(struct map_session_data*); //self
@@ -121,8 +118,6 @@ int clif_pcinsight(struct block_list *,va_list); // map_forallinmovearea callbac
int clif_pcoutsight(struct block_list *,va_list); // map_forallinmovearea callback
int clif_mobinsight(struct block_list *,va_list); // map_forallinmovearea callback
int clif_moboutsight(struct block_list *,va_list); // map_forallinmovearea callback
-int clif_petoutsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap);
-int clif_petinsight(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap);
int clif_class_change(struct block_list *bl,int class,int type);
int clif_mob_class_change(struct mob_data *md,int class);
@@ -194,15 +189,6 @@ int clif_mvp_effect(struct map_session_data *sd);
int clif_mvp_item(struct map_session_data *sd,int nameid);
int clif_mvp_exp(struct map_session_data *sd,int exp);
-// vending
-int clif_openvendingreq(struct map_session_data *sd,int num);
-int clif_showvendingboard(struct block_list* bl,char *message,int fd);
-int clif_closevendingboard(struct block_list* bl,int fd);
-int clif_vendinglist(struct map_session_data *sd,int id,struct vending *vending);
-int clif_buyvending(struct map_session_data *sd,int index,int amount,int fail);
-int clif_openvending(struct map_session_data *sd,int id,struct vending *vending);
-int clif_vendingreport(struct map_session_data *sd,int index,int amount);
int clif_movetoattack(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl);
// party
@@ -254,17 +240,6 @@ int clif_pvpset(struct map_session_data *sd, int pvprank, int pvpnum,int type);
int clif_send0199(int map,int type);
int clif_refine(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd,int fail,int index,int val);
-int clif_catch_process(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int clif_pet_rulet(struct map_session_data *sd,int data);
-int clif_sendegg(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int clif_send_petdata(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int param);
-int clif_send_petstatus(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int clif_pet_emotion(struct pet_data *pd,int param);
-int clif_pet_performance(struct block_list *bl,int param);
-int clif_pet_equip(struct pet_data *pd,int nameid);
-int clif_pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd,int foodid,int fail);
int clif_specialeffect(struct block_list *bl,int type, int flag); // special effects [Valaris]
int clif_message(struct block_list *bl, char* msg); // messages (from mobs/npcs) [Valaris]
diff --git a/src/map/intif.c b/src/map/intif.c
index a973121..ae8e906 100644
--- a/src/map/intif.c
+++ b/src/map/intif.c
@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include "nullpo.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "timer.h"
-#include "map.h"
#include "battle.h"
#include "chrif.h"
#include "clif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
+#include "guild.h"
#include "intif.h"
-#include "storage.h"
+#include "map.h"
#include "party.h"
-#include "guild.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "storage.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
@@ -54,59 +54,7 @@ extern int char_fd; // inter server��fd��char_fd���g��
// inter server�ւ̑��M
-// pet
-int intif_create_pet(int account_id,int char_id,short pet_class,short pet_lv,short pet_egg_id,
- short pet_equip,short intimate,short hungry,char rename_flag,char incuvate,char *pet_name)
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,0) = 0x3080;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,2) = account_id;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,6) = char_id;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,10) = pet_class;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,12) = pet_lv;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,14) = pet_egg_id;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,16) = pet_equip;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,18) = intimate;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,20) = hungry;
- WFIFOB(inter_fd,22) = rename_flag;
- WFIFOB(inter_fd,23) = incuvate;
- memcpy(WFIFOP(inter_fd,24),pet_name,24);
- WFIFOSET(inter_fd,48);
- return 0;
-int intif_request_petdata(int account_id,int char_id,int pet_id)
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,0) = 0x3081;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,2) = account_id;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,6) = char_id;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,10) = pet_id;
- WFIFOSET(inter_fd,14);
- return 0;
-int intif_save_petdata(int account_id,struct s_pet *p)
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,0) = 0x3082;
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,2) = sizeof(struct s_pet) + 8;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,4) = account_id;
- memcpy(WFIFOP(inter_fd,8),p,sizeof(struct s_pet));
- WFIFOSET(inter_fd,WFIFOW(inter_fd,2));
- return 0;
-int intif_delete_petdata(int pet_id)
- WFIFOW(inter_fd,0) = 0x3083;
- WFIFOL(inter_fd,2) = pet_id;
- WFIFOSET(inter_fd,6);
- return 0;
-// GM���b�Z�[�W�𑗐M
+// Message for all GMs on all map servers
int intif_GMmessage(char* mes,int len,int flag)
int lp = (flag&0x10) ? 8 : 4;
@@ -929,48 +877,6 @@ int intif_parse_GuildCastleAllDataLoad(int fd)
return guild_castlealldataload(RFIFOW(fd,2),(struct guild_castle *)RFIFOP(fd,4));
-// pet
-int intif_parse_CreatePet(int fd)
- pet_get_egg(RFIFOL(fd,2),RFIFOL(fd,7),RFIFOB(fd,6));
- return 0;
-int intif_parse_RecvPetData(int fd)
- struct s_pet p;
- int len=RFIFOW(fd,2);
- if(sizeof(struct s_pet)!=len-9) {
- if(battle_config.etc_log)
- printf("intif: pet data: data size error %d %d\n",sizeof(struct s_pet),len-9);
- }
- else{
- memcpy(&p,RFIFOP(fd,9),sizeof(struct s_pet));
- pet_recv_petdata(RFIFOL(fd,4),&p,RFIFOB(fd,8));
- }
- return 0;
-int intif_parse_SavePetOk(int fd)
- if(RFIFOB(fd,6) == 1) {
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("pet data save failure\n");
- }
- return 0;
-int intif_parse_DeletePetOk(int fd)
- if(RFIFOB(fd,2) == 1) {
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("pet data delete failure\n");
- }
- return 0;
// inter server����̒ʐM
// �G���[�������0(false)��Ԃ�����
@@ -1032,10 +938,10 @@ int intif_parse(int fd)
case 0x3840: intif_parse_GuildCastleDataLoad(fd); break;
case 0x3841: intif_parse_GuildCastleDataSave(fd); break;
case 0x3842: intif_parse_GuildCastleAllDataLoad(fd); break;
- case 0x3880: intif_parse_CreatePet(fd); break;
- case 0x3881: intif_parse_RecvPetData(fd); break;
- case 0x3882: intif_parse_SavePetOk(fd); break;
- case 0x3883: intif_parse_DeletePetOk(fd); break;
+ //case 0x3880:; break;
+ //case 0x3881: intif_parse_RecvP.etData(fd); break;
+ //case 0x3882: intif_parse_SaveP.etOk(fd); break;
+ //case 0x3883: intif_parse_DeleteP.etOk(fd); break;
printf("intif_parse : unknown packet %d %x\n",fd,RFIFOW(fd,0));
diff --git a/src/map/intif.h b/src/map/intif.h
index 85e1914..6f8a342 100644
--- a/src/map/intif.h
+++ b/src/map/intif.h
@@ -47,10 +47,4 @@ int intif_guild_emblem(int guild_id, int len, const char *data);
int intif_guild_castle_dataload(int castle_id, int index);
int intif_guild_castle_datasave(int castle_id, int index, int value);
-int intif_create_pet(int account_id, int char_id, short pet_type, short pet_lv, short pet_egg_id,
- short pet_equip, short intimate, short hungry, char rename_flag, char incuvate, char *pet_name);
-int intif_request_petdata(int account_id, int char_id, int pet_id);
-int intif_save_petdata(int account_id, struct s_pet *p);
-int intif_delete_petdata(int pet_id);
diff --git a/src/map/itemdb.c b/src/map/itemdb.c
index 6105279..7b3f157 100644
--- a/src/map/itemdb.c
+++ b/src/map/itemdb.c
@@ -175,10 +175,6 @@ struct item_data* itemdb_search(int nameid)
id->type=5; //armor
else if(nameid>4000 && nameid<5000)
id->type=6; //card
- else if(nameid>9000 && nameid<10000)
- id->type=7; //egg
- else if(nameid>10000)
- id->type=8; //petequip
return id;
diff --git a/src/map/magic-expr.c b/src/map/magic-expr.c
index 31abe13..1f7f408 100644
--- a/src/map/magic-expr.c
+++ b/src/map/magic-expr.c
@@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ show_entity(entity_t *entity)
return ((struct item_data *)(&((struct flooritem_data *)entity)->item_data))->name;
case BL_SKILL:
return "%skill";
- case BL_PET:
- return ((struct pet_data *)entity)->name;
case BL_SPELL:
return "%invocation(ERROR:this-should-not-be-an-entity)";
diff --git a/src/map/magic-interpreter.h b/src/map/magic-interpreter.h
index bef759a..515b120 100644
--- a/src/map/magic-interpreter.h
+++ b/src/map/magic-interpreter.h
@@ -8,27 +8,25 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
-#include "magic.h"
#include "malloc.h"
-#include "map.h"
+#include "nullpo.h"
+#include "battle.h"
+#include "chat.h"
#include "chrif.h"
#include "clif.h"
#include "intif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "npc.h"
-#include "mob.h"
-#include "pet.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
+#include "magic.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "mob.h"
+#include "npc.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "party.h"
#include "script.h"
-#include "battle.h"
#include "skill.h"
-#include "party.h"
-#include "guild.h"
-#include "chat.h"
-#include "trade.h"
#include "storage.h"
-#include "vending.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
+#include "trade.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
diff --git a/src/map/mail.c b/src/map/mail.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e50b1ba..0000000
--- a/src/map/mail.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-// Mail System for eAthena SQL
-// Created by Valaris
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "socket.h"
-#include "timer.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "clif.h"
-#include "chrif.h"
-#include "intif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "mail.h"
-char mail_db[32] = "mail";
-int MAIL_CHECK_TIME = 120000;
-int mail_timer;
-#ifdef MEMWATCH
-#include "memwatch.h"
-int mail_check(struct map_session_data *sd,int type)
- int i=0,new=0,priority=0;
- char message[50];
- if(sd==NULL)
- return 0;
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"SELECT `message_id`,`to_account_id`,`from_char_name`,`read_flag`,`priority`,`check_flag` FROM `%s` WHERE `to_account_id` = \"%d\" ORDER by `message_id`", mail_db, sd->status.account_id);
- if (mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql)) {
- printf("Database server error (executing query for %s): %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- mail_res = mysql_store_result(&mail_handle);
- if(mail_res) {
- if (mysql_num_rows(mail_res) == 0) {
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You have no messages.");
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- return 0;
- }
- while ((mail_row = mysql_fetch_row(mail_res))) {
- i++;
- if(!atoi(mail_row[5])) {
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"UPDATE `%s` SET `check_flag`='1' WHERE `message_id`= \"%d\"", mail_db, atoi(mail_row[0]));
- if(mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql) ) {
- printf("DB server Error (update Read `%s`)- %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle) );
- }
- }
- if(!atoi(mail_row[3])) {
- new++;
- if(atoi(mail_row[4]))
- priority++;
- if(type==2 || type==3) {
- if(atoi(mail_row[4])) {
- sprintf(message, "%d - From : %s (New - Priority)", i, mail_row[2]);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- }
- else {
- sprintf(message, "%d - From : %s (New)", i, mail_row[2]);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(type==2){
- sprintf(message, "%d - From : %s", i, mail_row[2]);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- }
- }
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- } else {
- printf("MySQL error (storing query result for %s): %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- if(i>0 && new>0 && type==1) {
- sprintf(message, "You have %d new messages.", new);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- }
- if(i>0 && new>0 && priority>0 && type==1) {
- sprintf(message, "You have %d unread priority messages.", priority);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- }
- if(!new) {
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You have no new messages.");
- }
- return 0;
-int mail_read(struct map_session_data *sd, int message_id)
- char message[80];
- if(sd==NULL)
- return 0;
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"SELECT `message_id`,`to_account_id`,`from_char_name`,`message`,`read_flag`,`priority`,`check_flag` from `%s` WHERE `to_account_id` = \"%d\" ORDER by `message_id` LIMIT %d, 1",mail_db,sd->status.account_id,message_id-1);
- if (mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql)) {
- printf("Database server error (executing query for %s): %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- mail_res = mysql_store_result(&mail_handle);
- if(mail_res) {
- if (mysql_num_rows(mail_res) == 0) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Message not found.");
- return 0;
- }
- if ((mail_row = mysql_fetch_row(mail_res))) {
- if(!atoi(mail_row[6])) {
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"UPDATE `%s` SET `check_flag`='1' WHERE `message_id`= \"%d\"", mail_db, atoi(mail_row[0]));
- if(mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql) ) {
- printf("DB server Error (update Read `%s`)- %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle) );
- }
- }
- sprintf(message, "Reading message from %s", mail_row[2]);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- sprintf(message, "%s", mail_row[3]);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, message);
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"UPDATE `%s` SET `read_flag`='1' WHERE `message_id`= \"%d\"", mail_db, atoi(mail_row[0]));
- if(mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql) ) {
- printf("DB server Error (update Read `%s`)- %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle) );
- }
- }
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- } else {
- printf("MySQL error (storing query result for %s): %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-int mail_delete(struct map_session_data *sd, int message_id)
- if(sd==NULL)
- return 0;
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"SELECT `message_id`,`to_account_id`,`read_flag`,`priority`,`check_flag` from `%s` WHERE `to_account_id` = \"%d\" ORDER by `message_id` LIMIT %d, 1",mail_db,sd->status.account_id,message_id-1);
- if (mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql)) {
- printf("Database server error (executing query for %s): %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- mail_res = mysql_store_result(&mail_handle);
- if(mail_res) {
- if (mysql_num_rows(mail_res) == 0) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Message not found.");
- return 0;
- }
- if ((mail_row = mysql_fetch_row(mail_res))) {
- if(!atoi(mail_row[2]) && atoi(mail_row[3])) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"Cannot delete unread priority mail.");
- return 0;
- }
- if(!atoi(mail_row[4])) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You have recieved new mail, use @listmail before deleting.");
- return 0;
- }
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `message_id` = \"%d\"", mail_db, atoi(mail_row[0]));
- if(mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql) ) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- printf("DB server Error (update Read `%s`)- %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle) );
- return 0;
- }
- else clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"Message deleted.");
- }
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- } else {
- printf("MySQL error (delete query result for %s): %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-int mail_send(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, char *message, int flag)
- if(sd==NULL)
- return 0;
- if(pc_isGM(sd) < 80 && sd->mail_counter > 0) {
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You must wait 10 minutes before sending another message");
- return 0;
- }
- if(strcmp(name,"*")==0) {
- if(pc_isGM(sd) < 80) {
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Access Denied.");
- return 0;
- }
- else
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"SELECT DISTINCT `account_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` <> '%d' ORDER BY `account_id`", char_db, sd->status.account_id);
- }
- else
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `%s` WHERE `name` = \"%s\"", char_db, name);
- if (mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql)) {
- printf("Database server error (executing query for %s): %s\n", char_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- return 0;
- }
- mail_res = mysql_store_result(&mail_handle);
- if(mail_res) {
- if (mysql_num_rows(mail_res) == 0) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"Character does not exist.");
- return 0;
- }
- while ((mail_row = mysql_fetch_row(mail_res))) {
- if(strcmp(name,"*")==0) {
- sprintf(tmp_msql, "INSERT INTO `%s` (`to_account_id`,`from_account_id`,`from_char_name`,`message`,`priority`)"
- " VALUES ('%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')",mail_db, atoi(mail_row[0]), sd->status.account_id, sd->, message, flag);
- }
- else {
- sprintf(tmp_msql, "INSERT INTO `%s` (`to_account_id`,`to_char_name`,`from_account_id`,`from_char_name`,`message`,`priority`)"
- " VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')",mail_db, atoi(mail_row[0]), mail_row[1], sd->status.account_id, sd->, message, flag);
- if(pc_isGM(sd) < 80)
- sd->mail_counter=5;
- }
- if(mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql) ) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- printf("DB server Error (insert `mail_db`)- %s\n", mysql_error(&mail_handle) );
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"Mail has been sent.");
- return 0;
-int mail_check_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- if(mail_timer != tid)
- return 0;
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"SELECT DISTINCT `to_account_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `read_flag` = '0' AND `check_flag` = '0'", mail_db);
- if (mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql)) {
- printf("Database server error (executing query for %s): %s\n", char_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle));
- mail_timer=add_timer(gettick()+MAIL_CHECK_TIME,mail_check_timer,0,0);
- return 0;
- }
- struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
- int i;
- mail_res = mysql_store_result(&mail_handle);
- if (mail_res) {
- if (mysql_num_rows(mail_res) == 0) {
- mysql_free_result(mail_res);
- mail_timer=add_timer(gettick()+MAIL_CHECK_TIME,mail_check_timer,0,0);
- return 0;
- }
- while ((mail_row = mysql_fetch_row(mail_res))) {
- for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) {
- if (session[i] && (sd = session[i]->session_data) && sd->state.auth){
- if(pc_isGM(sd) < 80 && sd->mail_counter > 0)
- sd->mail_counter--;
- if(sd->status.account_id==atoi(mail_row[0]))
- clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You have new mail.");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sprintf(tmp_msql,"UPDATE `%s` SET `check_flag`='1' WHERE `check_flag`= '0' ", mail_db);
- if(mysql_query(&mail_handle, tmp_msql) ) {
- printf("DB server Error (update Read `%s`)- %s\n", mail_db, mysql_error(&mail_handle) );
- }
- mail_timer=add_timer(gettick()+MAIL_CHECK_TIME,mail_check_timer,0,0);
- return 0;
-int do_init_mail(void)
- add_timer_func_list(mail_check_timer,"mail_check_timer");
- mail_timer=add_timer(gettick()+MAIL_CHECK_TIME,mail_check_timer,0,0);
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/map/mail.h b/src/map/mail.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd8e51..0000000
--- a/src/map/mail.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Mail System for eAthena
-// Created by Valaris
-int mail_check(struct map_session_data *sd, int type);
-int mail_read(struct map_session_data *sd, int message_id);
-int mail_delete(struct map_session_data *sd, int message_id);
-int mail_send(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, char *message, int flag);
-int do_init_mail(void);
diff --git a/src/map/map.c b/src/map/map.c
index 6ca1bd4..a9120f0 100644
--- a/src/map/map.c
+++ b/src/map/map.c
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
#include "battle.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "guild.h"
-#include "pet.h"
#include "atcommand.h"
#include "nullpo.h"
#include "socket.h"
@@ -724,8 +723,6 @@ int map_clearflooritem_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) {
- else if(fitem->item_data.card[0] == (short)0xff00)
- intif_delete_petdata(*((long *)(&fitem->item_data.card[1])));
@@ -1059,19 +1056,6 @@ int map_quit(struct map_session_data *sd) {
- if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pd) {
- pet_lootitem_drop(sd->pd,sd);
- pet_remove_map(sd);
- if(sd->pet.intimate <= 0) {
- intif_delete_petdata(sd->status.pet_id);
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- sd->pd = NULL;
- sd->petDB = NULL;
- }
- else
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet);
- }
@@ -2009,9 +1993,6 @@ static int cleanup_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) {
case BL_MOB:
mob_delete((struct mob_data *)bl);
- case BL_PET:
- pet_remove_map((struct map_session_data *)bl);
- break;
case BL_ITEM:
@@ -2149,7 +2130,6 @@ int do_init(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- do_init_pet();
#ifndef TXT_ONLY /* mail system [Valaris] */
diff --git a/src/map/map.h b/src/map/map.h
index 7889485..fa2d583 100644
--- a/src/map/map.h
+++ b/src/map/map.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
struct block_list {
struct block_list *next,*prev;
@@ -85,11 +85,6 @@ struct status_change {
int val1,val2,val3,val4;
int spell_invocation; /* [Fate] If triggered by a spell, record here */
-struct vending {
- short index;
- short amount;
- int value;
struct invocation;
@@ -136,7 +131,6 @@ struct skill_timerskill {
struct npc_data;
-struct pet_db;
struct item_data;
struct square;
@@ -340,16 +334,9 @@ struct map_session_data {
int guildspy; // [Syrus22]
int partyspy; // [Syrus22]
- int vender_id;
- int vend_num;
char message[80];
- struct vending vending[12];
int catch_target_class;
- struct s_pet pet;
- struct pet_db *petDB;
- struct pet_data *pd;
- int pet_hungry_timer;
int pvp_point,pvp_rank,pvp_timer,pvp_lastusers;
@@ -502,38 +489,6 @@ struct mob_data {
unsigned short stats[MOB_LAST]; // [Fate] mob-specific stats
short size;
-struct pet_data {
- struct block_list bl;
- short n;
- short class,dir;
- short speed;
- char name[24];
- struct {
- unsigned state : 8 ;
- unsigned skillstate : 8 ;
- unsigned change_walk_target : 1 ;
- } state;
- int timer;
- short to_x,to_y;
- short equip;
- struct walkpath_data walkpath;
- int target_id;
- short target_lv;
- int move_fail_count;
- unsigned int attackabletime,next_walktime,last_thinktime;
- int skilltype,skillval,skilltimer,skillduration; // [Valaris]
- int skillbonustype,skillbonusval,skillbonustimer,skillbonusduration; // [Valaris]
- struct item *lootitem;
- short loot; // [Valaris]
- short lootmax; // [Valaris]
- short lootitem_count;
- short lootitem_weight;
- int lootitem_timer;
- struct skill_timerskill skilltimerskill[MAX_MOBSKILLTIMERSKILL]; // [Valaris]
- struct skill_unit_group skillunit[MAX_MOBSKILLUNITGROUP]; // [Valaris]
- struct skill_unit_group_tickset skillunittick[MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET]; // [Valaris]
- struct map_session_data *msd;
diff --git a/src/map/mob.c b/src/map/mob.c
index 719cc78..8f83c94 100644
--- a/src/map/mob.c
+++ b/src/map/mob.c
@@ -1914,8 +1914,6 @@ static int mob_ai_sub_hard(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
return 0;
else {
- if(md->lootitem[0].card[0] == (short)0xff00)
- intif_delete_petdata(*((long *)(&md->lootitem[0].card[1])));
@@ -2313,28 +2311,6 @@ int mob_damage(struct block_list *src,struct mob_data *md,int damage,int type)
if(md->attacked_id <= 0 && md->state.special_mob_ai==0)
md->attacked_id = sd->;
- if(src && src->type == BL_PET && battle_config.pet_attack_exp_to_master==1) {
- struct pet_data *pd = (struct pet_data *)src;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- for(i=0,minpos=0,mindmg=0x7fffffff;i<DAMAGELOG_SIZE;i++){
- if(md->dmglog[i].id==pd->msd->
- break;
- if(md->dmglog[i].id==0){
- minpos=i;
- mindmg=0;
- }
- else if(md->dmglog[i].dmg<mindmg){
- minpos=i;
- mindmg=md->dmglog[i].dmg;
- }
- }
- md->dmglog[i].dmg+=(damage*battle_config.pet_attack_exp_rate)/100;
- else {
- md->dmglog[minpos].id=pd->msd->;
- md->dmglog[minpos].dmg=(damage*battle_config.pet_attack_exp_rate)/100;
- }
- }
if(src && src->type == BL_MOB && ((struct mob_data*)src)->state.special_mob_ai){
struct mob_data *md2 = (struct mob_data *)src;
nullpo_retr(0, md2);
@@ -2692,10 +2668,6 @@ int mob_damage(struct block_list *src,struct mob_data *md,int damage,int type)
// SCRIPT���s
-// if(battle_config.battle_log==1)
-// printf("mob_damage : run event : %s\n",md->npc_event);
- if(src && src->type == BL_PET)
- sd = ((struct pet_data *)src)->msd;
if(sd == NULL) {
if(mvp_sd != NULL)
sd = mvp_sd;
@@ -3062,11 +3034,6 @@ static int mob_counttargeted_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
if(md && md->target_id == id && md->timer != -1 && md->state.state == MS_ATTACK && md->target_lv >= target_lv)
- else if(bl->type == BL_PET) {
- struct pet_data *pd = (struct pet_data *)bl;
- if(pd->target_id == id && pd->timer != -1 && pd->state.state == MS_ATTACK && pd->target_lv >= target_lv)
- (*c)++;
- }
return 0;
@@ -3955,7 +3922,7 @@ static int mob_readdb(void)
ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_use_min;
ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_use_max; // End
- else if (type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 8) { // Changed to include Pet Equip
+ else if (type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 8) {
rate = battle_config.item_rate_equip;
ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_equip_min;
ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_equip_max;
@@ -4380,7 +4347,7 @@ static int mob_read_sqldb(void)
ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_use_min;
ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_use_max; // End
- else if (type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 8) { // Changed to include Pet Equip
+ else if (type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 8) {
rate = battle_config.item_rate_equip;
ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_equip_min;
ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_equip_max;
diff --git a/src/map/npc.c b/src/map/npc.c
index d484483..2d23283 100644
--- a/src/map/npc.c
+++ b/src/map/npc.c
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
-#include "db.h"
-#include "timer.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
#include "malloc.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "npc.h"
+#include "nullpo.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "battle.h"
#include "clif.h"
+#include "db.h"
#include "intif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "script.h"
+#include "map.h"
#include "mob.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "battle.h"
+#include "npc.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "script.h"
#include "skill.h"
@@ -1039,8 +1039,6 @@ int npc_selllist(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,unsigned short *item_list)
if( sd->status.inventory[item_id].nameid>0 && sd->inventory_data[item_id] != NULL &&
sd->inventory_data[item_id]->type==7 && sd->status.inventory[item_id].amount>0 &&
sd->status.inventory[item_id].card[0] == (short)0xff00)
- if(search_petDB_index(sd->status.inventory[item_id].nameid, PET_EGG) >= 0)
- intif_delete_petdata((*(long *)(&sd->status.inventory[item_id].card[1])));
@@ -1958,7 +1956,6 @@ int do_final_npc(void)
struct block_list *bl;
struct npc_data *nd;
struct mob_data *md;
- struct pet_data *pd;
@@ -1976,9 +1973,6 @@ int do_final_npc(void)
md = NULL;
- }else if(bl->type == BL_PET && (pd = (struct pet_data *)bl)){
- free(pd);
- pd = NULL;
diff --git a/src/map/pc.c b/src/map/pc.c
index a4f0662..8fd1a72 100644
--- a/src/map/pc.c
+++ b/src/map/pc.c
@@ -10,26 +10,24 @@
#include "db.h"
#include "malloc.h"
-#include "map.h"
+#include "nullpo.h"
+#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "battle.h"
+#include "chat.h"
#include "chrif.h"
#include "clif.h"
#include "intif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "npc.h"
-#include "mob.h"
-#include "pet.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "mob.h"
+#include "npc.h"
+#include "party.h"
+#include "pc.h"
#include "script.h"
-#include "battle.h"
#include "skill.h"
-#include "party.h"
-#include "guild.h"
-#include "chat.h"
-#include "trade.h"
#include "storage.h"
-#include "vending.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
-#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "trade.h"
#ifndef TXT_ONLY // mail system [Valaris]
#include "mail.h"
@@ -738,12 +736,6 @@ int pc_authok(int id, int login_id2, time_t connect_until_time, short tmw_versio
- // pet
- sd->petDB = NULL;
- sd->pd = NULL;
- sd->pet_hungry_timer = -1;
- memset(&sd->pet, 0, sizeof(struct s_pet));
// �X�e�[�^�X�ُ�̏�����
for(i = 0; i < MAX_STATUSCHANGE; i++) {
@@ -783,10 +775,6 @@ int pc_authok(int id, int login_id2, time_t connect_until_time, short tmw_versio
// �ʒu�̐ݒ�
pc_setpos(sd,sd->, sd->status.last_point.x, sd->status.last_point.y, 0);
- // pet
- if (sd->status.pet_id > 0)
- intif_request_petdata(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, sd->status.pet_id);
// �p�[�e�B�A�M���h�f�[�^�̗v��
if (sd->status.party_id > 0 && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) == NULL)
@@ -1326,16 +1314,6 @@ int pc_calcstatus(struct map_session_data* sd,int first)
wele = sd->atk_ele;
wele_ = sd->atk_ele_;
def_ele = sd->def_ele;
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0) {
- struct pet_data *pd=sd->pd;
- if((pd && battle_config.pet_status_support==1) && (battle_config.pet_equip_required==0 || (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->equip > 0))) {
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->petDB && sd->pet.intimate > 0)
- run_script(sd->petDB->script,0,sd->,0);
- pele = sd->atk_ele;
- pdef_ele = sd->def_ele;
- sd->atk_ele = sd->def_ele = 0;
- }
- }
// �����i�ɂ��X�e�[�^�X�ω��͂����Ŏ��s
@@ -1416,12 +1394,6 @@ int pc_calcstatus(struct map_session_data* sd,int first)
sd->atk_ele_ = wele_;
if(def_ele > 0)
sd->def_ele = def_ele;
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support) {
- if(pele > 0 && !sd->atk_ele)
- sd->atk_ele = pele;
- if(pdef_ele > 0 && !sd->def_ele)
- sd->def_ele = pdef_ele;
- }
sd->double_rate += sd->double_add_rate;
sd->perfect_hit += sd->perfect_hit_add;
sd->get_zeny_num += sd->get_zeny_add_num;
@@ -3004,7 +2976,7 @@ int pc_dropitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int amount)
if (sd->status.inventory[n].nameid <= 0 ||
sd->status.inventory[n].amount < amount ||
- sd->trade_partner != 0 || sd->vender_id != 0 ||
+ sd->trade_partner != 0 ||
sd->status.inventory[n].amount <= 0)
return 1;
map_addflooritem(&sd->status.inventory[n], amount, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
@@ -3261,7 +3233,7 @@ int pc_putitemtocart(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount) {
nullpo_retr(0, sd);
nullpo_retr(0, item_data = &sd->status.inventory[idx]);
- if (item_data->nameid==0 || item_data->amount<amount || sd->vender_id)
+ if (item_data->nameid==0 || item_data->amount<amount)
return 1;
if (pc_cart_additem(sd,item_data,amount) == 0)
return pc_delitem(sd,idx,amount,0);
@@ -3297,7 +3269,7 @@ int pc_getitemfromcart(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount)
nullpo_retr(0, sd);
nullpo_retr(0, item_data=&sd->status.cart[idx]);
- if( item_data->nameid==0 || item_data->amount<amount || sd->vender_id )
+ if( item_data->nameid==0 || item_data->amount<amount)
return 1;
if((flag = pc_additem(sd,item_data,amount)) == 0)
return pc_cart_delitem(sd,idx,amount,0);
@@ -3496,11 +3468,6 @@ int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd,char *mapname_org,int x,int y,int clrt
if(sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].timer!=-1) // clear dance effect when warping [Valaris]
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- pet_stopattack(sd->pd);
- pet_changestate(sd->pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- }
if(sd->disguise) { // clear disguises when warping [Valaris]
clif_clearchar(&sd->bl, 9);
@@ -3523,30 +3490,11 @@ int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd,char *mapname_org,int x,int y,int clrt
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) {
- if(sd->pd->bl.m != m && sd->pet.intimate <= 0) {
- pet_remove_map(sd);
- intif_delete_petdata(sd->status.pet_id);
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- sd->pd = NULL;
- sd->petDB = NULL;
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support)
- pc_calcstatus(sd,2);
- }
- else if(sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- pet_stopattack(sd->pd);
- pet_changestate(sd->pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- clif_clearchar_area(&sd->pd->bl,clrtype&0xffff);
- map_delblock(&sd->pd->bl);
- }
- }
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd)
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet);
chrif_changemapserver(sd, mapname, x, y, ip, port);
@@ -3578,27 +3526,6 @@ int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd,char *mapname_org,int x,int y,int clrt
- // pet
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) {
- if(sd->pd->bl.m != m && sd->pet.intimate <= 0) {
- pet_remove_map(sd);
- intif_delete_petdata(sd->status.pet_id);
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- sd->pd = NULL;
- sd->petDB = NULL;
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support)
- pc_calcstatus(sd,2);
- pc_makesavestatus(sd);
- chrif_save(sd);
- storage_storage_save(sd);
- }
- else if(sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- pet_stopattack(sd->pd);
- pet_changestate(sd->pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- clif_clearchar_area(&sd->pd->bl,clrtype&0xffff);
- map_delblock(&sd->pd->bl);
- }
- }
clif_changemap(sd,map[m].name,x,y); // [MouseJstr]
@@ -3615,13 +3542,6 @@ int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd,char *mapname_org,int x,int y,int clrt
sd->bl.x = x;
sd->bl.y = y;
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- sd->pd->bl.m = m;
- sd->pd->bl.x = sd->pd->to_x = x;
- sd->pd->bl.y = sd->pd->to_y = y;
- sd->pd->dir = sd->dir;
- }
// map_addblock(&sd->bl); /// �u���b�N�o�^��spawn��
// clif_spawnpc(sd);
@@ -4234,8 +4154,6 @@ int pc_attack_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
sd->attacktarget_lv = battle_weapon_attack(&sd->bl,bl,tick,0);
if(!(battle_config.pc_cloak_check_type&2) && sd->sc_data[SC_CLOAKING].timer != -1)
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->petDB && battle_config.pet_attack_support)
- pet_target_check(sd,bl,0);
if(sd->skilltimer != -1 && (skill = pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST)) > 0 ) // �t���[�L���X�g
sd->attackabletime = tick + ((sd->aspd<<1)*(150 - skill*5)/100);
@@ -5064,8 +4982,6 @@ int pc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct map_session_data *sd,int damage)
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->petDB && battle_config.pet_damage_support)
- pet_target_check(sd,src,1);
if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1)
skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1);
@@ -5103,17 +5019,6 @@ int pc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct map_session_data *sd,int damage)
sd->quick_regeneration_sp.amount = 0;
- if(sd->vender_id)
- vending_closevending(sd);
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) {
- if(sd->petDB) {
- sd->pet.intimate -= sd->petDB->die;
- if(sd->pet.intimate < 0)
- sd->pet.intimate = 0;
- clif_send_petdata(sd,1,sd->pet.intimate);
- }
- }
skill_castcancel(&sd->bl,0); // �r���̒��~
@@ -7263,11 +7168,7 @@ static int pc_autosave_sub(struct map_session_data *sd,va_list ap)
if(save_flag==0 && sd->fd>last_save_fd){
struct guild_castle *gc=NULL;
int i;
-// if(battle_config.save_log)
-// printf("autosave %d\n",sd->fd);
- // pet
- if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd)
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet);
diff --git a/src/map/pet.c b/src/map/pet.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 22d2af7..0000000
--- a/src/map/pet.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1651 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: pet.c,v 1.4 2004/09/25 05:32:18 MouseJstr Exp $
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "db.h"
-#include "timer.h"
-#include "socket.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
-#include "malloc.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "intif.h"
-#include "clif.h"
-#include "chrif.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "battle.h"
-#include "mob.h"
-#include "npc.h"
-#include "script.h"
-#include "skill.h"
-#ifdef MEMWATCH
-#include "memwatch.h"
-struct pet_db pet_db[MAX_PET_DB];
-static int dirx[8]={0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1};
-static int diry[8]={1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1};
-static int pet_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data);
-static int pet_walktoxy_sub(struct pet_data *pd);
-static int distance(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1)
- int dx,dy;
- dx=abs(x0-x1);
- dy=abs(y0-y1);
- return dx>dy ? dx : dy;
-static int calc_next_walk_step(struct pet_data *pd)
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if(pd->walkpath.path_pos>=pd->walkpath.path_len)
- return -1;
- if(pd->walkpath.path[pd->walkpath.path_pos]&1)
- return pd->speed*14/10;
- return pd->speed;
-static int pet_performance_val(struct map_session_data *sd)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->pet.intimate > 900)
- return (sd->petDB->s_perfor > 0)? 4:3;
- else if(sd->pet.intimate > 750)
- return 2;
- else
- return 1;
-int pet_hungry_val(struct map_session_data *sd)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->pet.hungry > 90)
- return 4;
- else if(sd->pet.hungry > 75)
- return 3;
- else if(sd->pet.hungry > 25)
- return 2;
- else if(sd->pet.hungry > 10)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-static int pet_can_reach(struct pet_data *pd,int x,int y)
- struct walkpath_data wpd;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if( pd->bl.x==x && pd->bl.y==y ) // �����}�X
- return 1;
- // ��Q������
- wpd.path_len=0;
- wpd.path_pos=0;
- wpd.path_half=0;
- return (path_search(&wpd,pd->bl.m,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,x,y,0)!=-1)?1:0;
-static int pet_calc_pos(struct pet_data *pd,int tx,int ty,int dir)
- int x,y,dx,dy;
- int i,j=0,k;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- pd->to_x = tx;
- pd->to_y = ty;
- if(dir >= 0 && dir < 8) {
- dx = -dirx[dir]*2;
- dy = -diry[dir]*2;
- x = tx + dx;
- y = ty + dy;
- if(!(j=pet_can_reach(pd,x,y))) {
- if(dx > 0) x--;
- else if(dx < 0) x++;
- if(dy > 0) y--;
- else if(dy < 0) y++;
- if(!(j=pet_can_reach(pd,x,y))) {
- for(i=0;i<12;i++) {
- k = rand()%8;
- dx = -dirx[k]*2;
- dy = -diry[k]*2;
- x = tx + dx;
- y = ty + dy;
- if((j=pet_can_reach(pd,x,y)))
- break;
- else {
- if(dx > 0) x--;
- else if(dx < 0) x++;
- if(dy > 0) y--;
- else if(dy < 0) y++;
- if((j=pet_can_reach(pd,x,y)))
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!j) {
- x = tx;
- y = ty;
- if(!pet_can_reach(pd,x,y))
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- return 1;
- pd->to_x = x;
- pd->to_y = y;
- return 0;
-static int pet_attack(struct pet_data *pd,unsigned int tick,int data)
- struct mob_data *md;
- int mode,race,range;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- pd->state.state=MS_IDLE;
- md=(struct mob_data *)map_id2bl(pd->target_id);
- if(md == NULL || md->bl.type != BL_MOB || pd->bl.m != md->bl.m || md->bl.prev == NULL ||
- distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,md->bl.x,md->bl.y) > 13) {
- pd->target_id=0;
- return 0;
- }
- mode=mob_db[pd->class].mode;
- race=mob_db[pd->class].race;
- if(mob_db[pd->class].mexp <= 0 && !(mode&0x20) && (md->option & 0x06 && race != 4 && race != 6) ) {
- pd->target_id=0;
- return 0;
- }
- range = mob_db[pd->class].range + 1;
- if(distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,md->bl.x,md->bl.y) > range)
- return 0;
- if(battle_config.monster_attack_direction_change)
- pd->dir=map_calc_dir(&pd->bl, md->bl.x,md->bl.y );
- clif_fixpetpos(pd);
- pd->target_lv = battle_weapon_attack(&pd->bl,&md->bl,tick,0);
- pd->attackabletime = tick + battle_get_adelay(&pd->bl);
- pd->timer=add_timer(pd->attackabletime,pet_timer,pd->,0);
- pd->state.state=MS_ATTACK;
- return 0;
- *
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-static int pet_walk(struct pet_data *pd,unsigned int tick,int data)
- int moveblock;
- int i,ctype;
- int x,y,dx,dy;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- pd->state.state=MS_IDLE;
- if(pd->walkpath.path_pos >= pd->walkpath.path_len || pd->walkpath.path_pos != data)
- return 0;
- pd->walkpath.path_half ^= 1;
- if(pd->walkpath.path_half==0){
- pd->walkpath.path_pos++;
- if(pd->state.change_walk_target){
- pet_walktoxy_sub(pd);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(pd->walkpath.path[pd->walkpath.path_pos] >= 8)
- return 1;
- x = pd->bl.x;
- y = pd->bl.y;
-/* ctype = map_getcell(pd->bl.m,x,y);
- if(ctype == 1 || ctype == 5) {
- pet_stop_walking(pd,1);
- return 0;
- }*/
- pd->dir=pd->walkpath.path[pd->walkpath.path_pos];
- dx = dirx[pd->dir];
- dy = diry[pd->dir];
- ctype = map_getcell(pd->bl.m,x+dx,y+dy);
- if(ctype == 1 || ctype == 5) {
- pet_walktoxy_sub(pd);
- return 0;
- }
- moveblock = ( x/BLOCK_SIZE != (x+dx)/BLOCK_SIZE || y/BLOCK_SIZE != (y+dy)/BLOCK_SIZE);
- pd->state.state=MS_WALK;
- map_foreachinmovearea(clif_petoutsight,pd->bl.m,x-AREA_SIZE,y-AREA_SIZE,x+AREA_SIZE,y+AREA_SIZE,dx,dy,BL_PC,pd);
- x += dx;
- y += dy;
- if(moveblock) map_delblock(&pd->bl);
- pd->bl.x = x;
- pd->bl.y = y;
- if(moveblock) map_addblock(&pd->bl);
- map_foreachinmovearea(clif_petinsight,pd->bl.m,x-AREA_SIZE,y-AREA_SIZE,x+AREA_SIZE,y+AREA_SIZE,-dx,-dy,BL_PC,pd);
- pd->state.state=MS_IDLE;
- }
- if((i=calc_next_walk_step(pd))>0){
- i = i>>1;
- if(i < 1 && pd->walkpath.path_half == 0)
- i = 1;
- pd->timer=add_timer(tick+i,pet_timer,pd->,pd->walkpath.path_pos);
- pd->state.state=MS_WALK;
- if(pd->walkpath.path_pos >= pd->walkpath.path_len)
- clif_fixpetpos(pd);
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_stopattack(struct pet_data *pd)
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- pd->target_id=0;
- if(pd->state.state == MS_ATTACK)
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_target_check(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl,int type)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct mob_data *md;
- int rate,mode,race;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- pd = sd->pd;
- if(bl && pd && bl->type == BL_MOB && sd->pet.intimate > 900 && sd->pet.hungry > 0 && pd->class != battle_get_class(bl)
- && pd->state.state != MS_DELAY) {
- mode=mob_db[pd->class].mode;
- race=mob_db[pd->class].race;
- md=(struct mob_data *)bl;
- if(md->bl.type != BL_MOB || pd->bl.m != md->bl.m || md->bl.prev == NULL ||
- distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,md->bl.x,md->bl.y) > 13)
- return 0;
- if(mob_db[pd->class].mexp <= 0 && !(mode&0x20) && (md->option & 0x06 && race!=4 && race!=6) )
- return 0;
- if(!type) {
- rate = sd->petDB->attack_rate;
- rate = rate * (150 - (sd->pet.intimate - 1000))/100;
- if(battle_config.pet_support_rate != 100)
- rate = rate*battle_config.pet_support_rate/100;
- if(sd->petDB->attack_rate > 0 && rate <= 0)
- rate = 1;
- }
- else {
- rate = sd->petDB->defence_attack_rate;
- rate = rate * (150 - (sd->pet.intimate - 1000))/100;
- if(battle_config.pet_support_rate != 100)
- rate = rate*battle_config.pet_support_rate/100;
- if(sd->petDB->defence_attack_rate > 0 && rate <= 0)
- rate = 1;
- }
- if(rand()%10000 < rate) {
- if(pd->target_id == 0 || rand()%10000 < sd->petDB->change_target_rate)
- pd->target_id = bl->id;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_changestate(struct pet_data *pd,int state,int type)
- unsigned int tick;
- int i;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if(pd->timer != -1)
- delete_timer(pd->timer,pet_timer);
- pd->timer=-1;
- pd->state.state=state;
- switch(state) {
- case MS_WALK:
- if((i=calc_next_walk_step(pd)) > 0){
- i = i>>2;
- pd->timer=add_timer(gettick()+i,pet_timer,pd->,0);
- } else
- pd->state.state=MS_IDLE;
- break;
- case MS_ATTACK:
- tick = gettick();
- i=DIFF_TICK(pd->attackabletime,tick);
- if(i>0 && i<2000)
- pd->timer=add_timer(pd->attackabletime,pet_timer,pd->,0);
- else
- pd->timer=add_timer(tick+1,pet_timer,pd->,0);
- break;
- case MS_DELAY:
- pd->timer=add_timer(gettick()+type,pet_timer,pd->,0);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static int pet_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- pd=(struct pet_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- if(pd == NULL || pd->bl.type != BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->timer != tid){
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("pet_timer %d != %d\n",pd->timer,tid);
- return 0;
- }
- pd->timer=-1;
- if(pd->bl.prev == NULL)
- return 1;
- switch(pd->state.state){
- case MS_WALK:
- pet_walk(pd,tick,data);
- break;
- case MS_ATTACK:
- pet_attack(pd,tick,data);
- break;
- case MS_DELAY:
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- break;
- default:
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("pet_timer : %d ?\n",pd->state.state);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static int pet_walktoxy_sub(struct pet_data *pd)
- struct walkpath_data wpd;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if(path_search(&wpd,pd->bl.m,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,pd->to_x,pd->to_y,0))
- return 1;
- memcpy(&pd->walkpath,&wpd,sizeof(wpd));
- pd->state.change_walk_target=0;
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_WALK,0);
- clif_movepet(pd);
-// if(battle_config.etc_log)
-// printf("walkstart\n");
- return 0;
-int pet_walktoxy(struct pet_data *pd,int x,int y)
- struct walkpath_data wpd;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if(pd->state.state == MS_WALK && path_search(&wpd,pd->bl.m,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,x,y,0))
- return 1;
- pd->to_x=x;
- pd->to_y=y;
- if(pd->state.state == MS_WALK) {
- pd->state.change_walk_target=1;
- } else {
- return pet_walktoxy_sub(pd);
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_stop_walking(struct pet_data *pd,int type)
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- if(pd->state.state == MS_WALK || pd->state.state == MS_IDLE) {
- pd->walkpath.path_len=0;
- pd->to_x=pd->bl.x;
- pd->to_y=pd->bl.y;
- }
- if(type&0x01)
- clif_fixpetpos(pd);
- if(type&~0xff)
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_DELAY,type>>8);
- else
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- return 0;
-static int pet_hungry(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- int interval,t;
- sd=map_id2sd(id);
- if(sd==NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->pet_hungry_timer != tid){
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("pet_hungry_timer %d != %d\n",sd->pet_hungry_timer,tid);
- return 0;
- }
- sd->pet_hungry_timer = -1;
- if(!sd->status.pet_id || !sd->pd || !sd->petDB)
- return 1;
- sd->pet.hungry--;
- t = sd->pet.intimate;
- if(sd->pet.hungry < 0) {
- if(sd->pd->target_id > 0)
- pet_stopattack(sd->pd);
- sd->pet.hungry = 0;
- sd->pet.intimate -= battle_config.pet_hungry_friendly_decrease;
- if(sd->pet.intimate <= 0) {
- sd->pet.intimate = 0;
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support && t > 0) {
- if(sd->bl.prev != NULL)
- pc_calcstatus(sd,0);
- else
- pc_calcstatus(sd,2);
- }
- }
- clif_send_petdata(sd,1,sd->pet.intimate);
- }
- clif_send_petdata(sd,2,sd->pet.hungry);
- if(battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100)
- interval = (sd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100;
- else
- interval = sd->petDB->hungry_delay;
- if(interval <= 0)
- interval = 1;
- sd->pet_hungry_timer = add_timer(tick+interval,pet_hungry,sd->,0);
- return 0;
-int search_petDB_index(int key,int type)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_PET_DB;i++) {
- if(pet_db[i].class <= 0)
- continue;
- switch(type) {
- case PET_CLASS:
- if(pet_db[i].class == key)
- return i;
- break;
- case PET_CATCH:
- if(pet_db[i].itemID == key)
- return i;
- break;
- case PET_EGG:
- if(pet_db[i].EggID == key)
- return i;
- break;
- case PET_EQUIP:
- if(pet_db[i].AcceID == key)
- return i;
- break;
- case PET_FOOD:
- if(pet_db[i].FoodID == key)
- return i;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-int pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct map_session_data *sd)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->pet_hungry_timer != -1) {
- delete_timer(sd->pet_hungry_timer,pet_hungry);
- sd->pet_hungry_timer = -1;
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_remove_map(struct map_session_data *sd)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pd) {
- struct pet_data *pd=sd->pd; // [Valaris]
- if(pd->skillbonustimer!=-1) pd->skillbonustimer=-1;
- if(pd->skillbonusduration!=-1) pd->skillbonusduration=-1;
- if(pd->skilltype !=-1) pd->skilltype=-1;
- if(pd->skillval !=-1) pd->skillval=-1;
- if(pd->skilltimer!=-1) pd->skilltimer=-1;
- if(pd->skillduration!=-1) pd->skillduration=-1;
- if(pd->skillbonustype!=-1) pd->skillbonustype=-1;
- if(pd->skillbonusval!=-1) pd->skillbonusval=-1;
- if(sd->perfect_hiding==1) sd->perfect_hiding=0; // end additions
- pet_changestate(sd->pd,MS_IDLE,0);
- if(sd->pet_hungry_timer != -1)
- pet_hungry_timer_delete(sd);
- clif_clearchar_area(&sd->pd->bl,0);
- map_delblock(&sd->pd->bl);
- map_deliddb(&sd->pd->bl);
- map_freeblock(sd->pd);
- }
- return 0;
-struct delay_item_drop {
- int m,x,y;
- int nameid,amount;
- struct map_session_data *first_sd,*second_sd,*third_sd;
-struct delay_item_drop2 {
- int m,x,y;
- struct item item_data;
- struct map_session_data *first_sd,*second_sd,*third_sd;
-int pet_performance(struct map_session_data *sd)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- nullpo_retr(0, pd=sd->pd);
- pet_stop_walking(pd,2000<<8);
- clif_pet_performance(&pd->bl,rand()%pet_performance_val(sd) + 1);
- // ���[�g����Item�𗎂Ƃ�����
- pet_lootitem_drop(pd,NULL);
- return 0;
-int pet_return_egg(struct map_session_data *sd)
- struct item tmp_item;
- int flag;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pd) {
- struct pet_data *pd=sd->pd;
- pet_remove_map(sd);
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- sd->pd = NULL;
- if(sd->petDB == NULL)
- return 1;
- sd->pet.incuvate = 1;
- memset(&tmp_item,0,sizeof(tmp_item));
- tmp_item.nameid = sd->petDB->EggID;
- tmp_item.identify = 1;
- tmp_item.card[0] = 0xff00;
- *((long *)(&tmp_item.card[1])) = sd->pet.pet_id;
- tmp_item.card[3] = sd->pet.rename_flag;
- if((flag = pc_additem(sd,&tmp_item,1))) {
- clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag);
- map_addflooritem(&tmp_item,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,NULL,NULL,NULL,0);
- }
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support && sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- if(sd->bl.prev != NULL)
- pc_calcstatus(sd,0);
- else
- pc_calcstatus(sd,2);
- }
- // ���[�g����Item�𗎂Ƃ�����
- pet_lootitem_drop(pd,sd);
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet);
- pc_makesavestatus(sd);
- chrif_save(sd);
- storage_storage_save(sd);
- sd->petDB = NULL;
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_data_init(struct map_session_data *sd)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- int i=0,interval=0;
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- if(sd->status.account_id != sd->pet.account_id || sd->status.char_id != sd->pet.char_id ||
- sd->status.pet_id != sd->pet.pet_id) {
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- i = search_petDB_index(sd->pet.class,PET_CLASS);
- if(i < 0) {
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- sd->petDB = &pet_db[i];
- sd->pd = pd = (struct pet_data *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct pet_data));
- pd->bl.m = sd->bl.m;
- pd->bl.prev = pd-> = NULL;
- pd->bl.x = pd->to_x = sd->bl.x;
- pd->bl.y = pd->to_y = sd->bl.y;
- pet_calc_pos(pd,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,sd->dir);
- pd->bl.x = pd->to_x;
- pd->bl.y = pd->to_y;
- pd-> = npc_get_new_npc_id();
- memcpy(pd->name,sd->,24);
- pd->class = sd->pet.class;
- pd->equip = sd->pet.equip;
- pd->dir = sd->dir;
- pd->speed = sd->petDB->speed;
- pd->bl.subtype = MONS;
- pd->bl.type = BL_PET;
- memset(&pd->state,0,sizeof(pd->state));
- pd->state.state = MS_IDLE;
- pd->state.change_walk_target = 0;
- pd->timer = -1;
- pd->target_id = 0;
- pd->move_fail_count = 0;
- pd->next_walktime = pd->attackabletime = pd->last_thinktime = gettick();
- pd->msd = sd;
- map_addiddb(&pd->bl);
- if(sd->pet_hungry_timer != -1)
- pet_hungry_timer_delete(sd);
- if(battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100)
- interval = (sd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100;
- else
- interval = sd->petDB->hungry_delay;
- if(interval <= 0)
- interval = 1;
- sd->pet_hungry_timer = add_timer(gettick()+interval,pet_hungry,sd->,0);
- pd->lootitem=(struct item *)aCalloc(PETLOOT_SIZE,sizeof(struct item));
- pd->lootitem_count = 0;
- pd->lootitem_weight = 0;
- pd->lootitem_timer = gettick();
- return 0;
-int pet_birth_process(struct map_session_data *sd)
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pet.incuvate == 1) {
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- sd->pet.incuvate = 0;
- sd->pet.account_id = sd->status.account_id;
- sd->pet.char_id = sd->status.char_id;
- sd->status.pet_id = sd->pet.pet_id;
- if(pet_data_init(sd)) {
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- sd->pet.incuvate = 1;
- sd->pet.account_id = 0;
- sd->pet.char_id = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet);
- pc_makesavestatus(sd);
- chrif_save(sd);
- storage_storage_save(sd);
- map_addblock(&sd->pd->bl);
- clif_spawnpet(sd->pd);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,0,0);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,5,0x14);
- clif_pet_equip(sd->pd,sd->pet.equip);
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- return 0;
-int pet_recv_petdata(int account_id,struct s_pet *p,int flag)
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- sd = map_id2sd(account_id);
- if(sd == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(flag == 1) {
- sd->status.pet_id = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- memcpy(&sd->pet,p,sizeof(struct s_pet));
- if(sd->pet.incuvate == 1)
- pet_birth_process(sd);
- else {
- pet_data_init(sd);
- if(sd->bl.prev != NULL) {
- map_addblock(&sd->pd->bl);
- clif_spawnpet(sd->pd);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,0,0);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,5,0x14);
-// clif_pet_equip(sd->pd,sd->pet.equip);
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- }
- }
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support && sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- if(sd->bl.prev != NULL)
- pc_calcstatus(sd,0);
- else
- pc_calcstatus(sd,2);
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_select_egg(struct map_session_data *sd,short egg_index)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.inventory[egg_index].card[0] == (short)0xff00)
- intif_request_petdata(sd->status.account_id,sd->status.char_id,*((long *)&sd->status.inventory[egg_index].card[1]));
- else {
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("wrong egg item inventory %d\n",egg_index);
- }
- pc_delitem(sd,egg_index,1,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_catch_process1(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_class)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- sd->catch_target_class = target_class;
- clif_catch_process(sd);
- return 0;
-int pet_catch_process2(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_id)
- struct mob_data *md;
- int i=0,pet_catch_rate=0;
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- md=(struct mob_data*)map_id2bl(target_id);
- if(!md){
- clif_pet_rulet(sd,0);
- return 1;
- }
- i = search_petDB_index(md->class,PET_CLASS);
- if(md == NULL || md->bl.type != BL_MOB || md->bl.prev == NULL || i < 0 || sd->catch_target_class != md->class) {
- clif_pet_rulet(sd,0);
- return 1;
- }
- //target_id�ɂ��G��������
-// if(battle_config.etc_log)
-// printf("mob_id = %d, mob_class = %d\n",md->,md->class);
- //�����̏ꍇ
- pet_catch_rate = (pet_db[i].capture + (sd->status.base_level - mob_db[md->class].lv)*30 + sd->paramc[5]*20)*(200 - md->hp*100/mob_db[md->class].max_hp)/100;
- if(pet_catch_rate < 1) pet_catch_rate = 1;
- if(battle_config.pet_catch_rate != 100)
- pet_catch_rate = (pet_catch_rate*battle_config.pet_catch_rate)/100;
- if(rand()%10000 < pet_catch_rate) {
- mob_catch_delete(md,0);
- clif_pet_rulet(sd,1);
-// if(battle_config.etc_log)
-// printf("rulet success %d\n",target_id);
- intif_create_pet(sd->status.account_id,sd->status.char_id,pet_db[i].class,mob_db[pet_db[i].class].lv,
- pet_db[i].EggID,0,pet_db[i].intimate,100,0,1,pet_db[i].jname);
- }
- else
- clif_pet_rulet(sd,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_get_egg(int account_id,int pet_id,int flag)
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- struct item tmp_item;
- int i=0,ret=0;
- if(!flag) {
- sd = map_id2sd(account_id);
- if(sd == NULL)
- return 1;
- i = search_petDB_index(sd->catch_target_class,PET_CLASS);
- if(i >= 0) {
- memset(&tmp_item,0,sizeof(tmp_item));
- tmp_item.nameid = pet_db[i].EggID;
- tmp_item.identify = 1;
- tmp_item.card[0] = 0xff00;
- *((long *)(&tmp_item.card[1])) = pet_id;
- tmp_item.card[3] = sd->pet.rename_flag;
- if((ret = pc_additem(sd,&tmp_item,1))) {
- clif_additem(sd,0,0,ret);
- map_addflooritem(&tmp_item,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,NULL,NULL,NULL,0);
- }
- }
- else
- intif_delete_petdata(pet_id);
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_menu(struct map_session_data *sd,int menunum)
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- switch(menunum) {
- case 0:
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- break;
- case 1:
- pet_food(sd);
- break;
- case 2:
- pet_performance(sd);
- break;
- case 3:
- pet_return_egg(sd);
- break;
- case 4:
- pet_unequipitem(sd);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd,char *name)
- int i;
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- if(sd->pet.rename_flag == 1 && battle_config.pet_rename == 0)
- return 1;
- for(i=0;i<24 && name[i];i++){
- if( !(name[i]&0xe0) || name[i]==0x7f)
- return 1;
- }
- pet_stop_walking(sd->pd,1);
- memcpy(sd->,name,24);
- memcpy(sd->pd->name,name,24);
- clif_clearchar_area(&sd->pd->bl,0);
- clif_spawnpet(sd->pd);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,0,0);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,5,0x14);
- sd->pet.rename_flag = 1;
- clif_pet_equip(sd->pd,sd->pet.equip);
- clif_send_petstatus(sd);
- return 0;
-int pet_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int index)
- int nameid;
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- nameid = sd->status.inventory[index].nameid;
- if(sd->petDB == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->petDB->AcceID == 0 || nameid != sd->petDB->AcceID || sd->pet.equip != 0) {
- clif_equipitemack(sd,0,0,0);
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- pc_delitem(sd,index,1,0);
- sd->pet.equip = sd->pd->equip = nameid;
- pc_calcstatus(sd,0);
- clif_pet_equip(sd->pd,nameid);
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd)
- struct item tmp_item;
- int nameid,flag;
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- if(sd->petDB == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->pet.equip == 0)
- return 1;
- nameid = sd->pet.equip;
- sd->pet.equip = sd->pd->equip = 0;
- pc_calcstatus(sd,0);
- clif_pet_equip(sd->pd,0);
- memset(&tmp_item,0,sizeof(tmp_item));
- tmp_item.nameid = nameid;
- tmp_item.identify = 1;
- if((flag = pc_additem(sd,&tmp_item,1))) {
- clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag);
- map_addflooritem(&tmp_item,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,NULL,NULL,NULL,0);
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd)
- int i,k,t;
- nullpo_retr(1, sd);
- if(sd->petDB == NULL)
- return 1;
- i=pc_search_inventory(sd,sd->petDB->FoodID);
- if(i < 0) {
- clif_pet_food(sd,sd->petDB->FoodID,0);
- return 1;
- }
- pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0);
- t = sd->pet.intimate;
- if(sd->pet.hungry > 90)
- sd->pet.intimate -= sd->petDB->r_full;
- else if(sd->pet.hungry > 75) {
- if(battle_config.pet_friendly_rate != 100)
- k = (sd->petDB->r_hungry * battle_config.pet_friendly_rate)/100;
- else
- k = sd->petDB->r_hungry;
- k = k >> 1;
- if(k <= 0)
- k = 1;
- sd->pet.intimate += k;
- }
- else {
- if(battle_config.pet_friendly_rate != 100)
- k = (sd->petDB->r_hungry * battle_config.pet_friendly_rate)/100;
- else
- k = sd->petDB->r_hungry;
- sd->pet.intimate += k;
- }
- if(sd->pet.intimate <= 0) {
- sd->pet.intimate = 0;
- if(battle_config.pet_status_support && t > 0) {
- if(sd->bl.prev != NULL)
- pc_calcstatus(sd,0);
- else
- pc_calcstatus(sd,2);
- }
- }
- else if(sd->pet.intimate > 1000)
- sd->pet.intimate = 1000;
- sd->pet.hungry += sd->petDB->fullness;
- if(sd->pet.hungry > 100)
- sd->pet.hungry = 100;
- clif_send_petdata(sd,2,sd->pet.hungry);
- clif_send_petdata(sd,1,sd->pet.intimate);
- clif_pet_food(sd,sd->petDB->FoodID,1);
- return 0;
-static int pet_randomwalk(struct pet_data *pd,int tick)
- const int retrycount=20;
- int speed;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- speed = battle_get_speed(&pd->bl);
- if(DIFF_TICK(pd->next_walktime,tick) < 0){
- int i,x,y,c,d=12-pd->move_fail_count;
- if(d<5) d=5;
- for(i=0;i<retrycount;i++){
- int r=rand();
- x=pd->bl.x+r%(d*2+1)-d;
- y=pd->bl.y+r/(d*2+1)%(d*2+1)-d;
- if((c=map_getcell(pd->bl.m,x,y))!=1 && c!=5 && pet_walktoxy(pd,x,y)==0){
- pd->move_fail_count=0;
- break;
- }
- if(i+1>=retrycount){
- pd->move_fail_count++;
- if(pd->move_fail_count>1000){
- if(battle_config.error_log)
- printf("PET cant move. hold position %d, class = %d\n",pd->,pd->class);
- pd->move_fail_count=0;
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_DELAY,60000);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- for(i=c=0;i<pd->walkpath.path_len;i++){
- if(pd->walkpath.path[i]&1)
- c+=speed*14/10;
- else
- c+=speed;
- }
- pd->next_walktime = tick+rand()%3000+3000+c;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int pet_unlocktarget(struct pet_data *pd)
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- pd->target_id=0;
- return 0;
-static int pet_ai_sub_hard(struct pet_data *pd,unsigned int tick)
- struct map_session_data *sd = pd->msd;
- struct mob_data *md = NULL;
- int dist,i=0,dx,dy,ret;
- int mode,race;
- nullpo_retr(0, pd);
- sd = pd->msd;
- if(pd->bl.prev == NULL || sd == NULL || sd->bl.prev == NULL)
- return 0;
- if(DIFF_TICK(tick,pd->last_thinktime) < MIN_PETTHINKTIME)
- return 0;
- pd->last_thinktime=tick;
- if(pd->state.state == MS_DELAY || pd->bl.m != sd->bl.m)
- return 0;
- // �y�b�g�ɂ�郋�[�g
- if(!pd->target_id && pd->lootitem_count < PETLOOT_SIZE && pd->lootitem_count < pd->lootmax && pd->loot==1 && DIFF_TICK(gettick(),pd->lootitem_timer)>0)
- map_foreachinarea(pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch,pd->bl.m,
- pd->bl.x-AREA_SIZE*2,pd->bl.y-AREA_SIZE*2,
- pd->bl.x+AREA_SIZE*2,pd->bl.y+AREA_SIZE*2,
- BL_ITEM,pd,&i);
- if(sd->pet.intimate > 0) {
- dist = distance(sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y);
- if(dist > 12) {
- if(pd->target_id > 0)
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- if(pd->timer != -1 && pd->state.state == MS_WALK && distance(pd->to_x,pd->to_y,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y) < 3)
- return 0;
- pd->speed = (sd->speed>>1);
- if(pd->speed <= 0)
- pd->speed = 1;
- pet_calc_pos(pd,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,sd->dir);
- if(pet_walktoxy(pd,pd->to_x,pd->to_y))
- pet_randomwalk(pd,tick);
- }
- else if(pd->target_id - MAX_FLOORITEM > 0) {
- mode=mob_db[pd->class].mode;
- race=mob_db[pd->class].race;
- md=(struct mob_data *)map_id2bl(pd->target_id);
- if(md == NULL || md->bl.type != BL_MOB || pd->bl.m != md->bl.m || md->bl.prev == NULL ||
- distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,md->bl.x,md->bl.y) > 13)
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- else if(mob_db[pd->class].mexp <= 0 && !(mode&0x20) && (md->option & 0x06 && race!=4 && race!=6) )
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- else if(!battle_check_range(&pd->bl,&md->bl,mob_db[pd->class].range)){
- if(pd->timer != -1 && pd->state.state == MS_WALK && distance(pd->to_x,pd->to_y,md->bl.x,md->bl.y) < 2)
- return 0;
- if( !pet_can_reach(pd,md->bl.x,md->bl.y))
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- else {
- i=0;
- pd->speed = battle_get_speed(&pd->bl);
- do {
- if(i==0) { // �ŏ���AEGIS�Ɠ������@�Ō���
- dx=md->bl.x - pd->bl.x;
- dy=md->bl.y - pd->bl.y;
- if(dx<0) dx++;
- else if(dx>0) dx--;
- if(dy<0) dy++;
- else if(dy>0) dy--;
- }
- else { // ���߂Ȃ�Athena��(�����_��)
- dx=md->bl.x - pd->bl.x + rand()%3 - 1;
- dy=md->bl.y - pd->bl.y + rand()%3 - 1;
- }
- ret=pet_walktoxy(pd,pd->bl.x+dx,pd->bl.y+dy);
- i++;
- } while(ret && i<5);
- if(ret) { // �ړ��s�”\�ȏ�����̍U���Ȃ�2������
- if(dx<0) dx=2;
- else if(dx>0) dx=-2;
- if(dy<0) dy=2;
- else if(dy>0) dy=-2;
- pet_walktoxy(pd,pd->bl.x+dx,pd->bl.y+dy);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if(pd->state.state==MS_WALK)
- pet_stop_walking(pd,1);
- if(pd->state.state==MS_ATTACK)
- return 0;
- pet_changestate(pd,MS_ATTACK,0);
- }
- }
- else if(pd->target_id > 0){ // ���[�g����
- struct block_list *bl_item;
- struct flooritem_data *fitem;
- bl_item = map_id2bl(pd->target_id);
- if(bl_item == NULL || bl_item->type != BL_ITEM ||bl_item->m != pd->bl.m ||
- (dist=distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,bl_item->x,bl_item->y))>=5){
- // �������邩�A�C�e�����Ȃ��Ȃ���
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- }
- else if(dist){
- if(pd->timer != -1 && pd->state.state!=MS_ATTACK && (DIFF_TICK(pd->next_walktime,tick)<0 || distance(pd->to_x,pd->to_y,bl_item->x,bl_item->y) <= 0))
- return 0; // ���Ɉړ���
- pd->next_walktime=tick+500;
- dx=bl_item->x - pd->bl.x;
- dy=bl_item->y - pd->bl.y;
- ret=pet_walktoxy(pd,pd->bl.x+dx,pd->bl.y+dy);
- }
- else{ // �A�C�e���܂ł��ǂ蒅����
- fitem = (struct flooritem_data *)bl_item;
- if(pd->state.state==MS_ATTACK)
- return 0; // �U����
- if(pd->state.state==MS_WALK){ // ���s���Ȃ��~
- pet_stop_walking(pd,1);
- }
- if(pd->lootitem_count < PETLOOT_SIZE && pd->lootitem_count < pd->lootmax){
- memcpy(&pd->lootitem[pd->lootitem_count++],&fitem->item_data,sizeof(pd->lootitem[0]));
- pd->lootitem_weight += itemdb_search(fitem->item_data.nameid)->weight*fitem->item_data.amount;
- }
- else if(pd->lootitem_count >= PETLOOT_SIZE || pd->lootitem_count >=pd->lootmax) {
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- if(pd->lootitem[0].card[0] == (short)0xff00)
- intif_delete_petdata(*((long *)(&pd->lootitem[0].card[1])));
- for(i=0;i<PETLOOT_SIZE-1;i++)
- memcpy(&pd->lootitem[i],&pd->lootitem[i+1],sizeof(pd->lootitem[0]));
- memcpy(&pd->lootitem[PETLOOT_SIZE-1],&fitem->item_data,sizeof(pd->lootitem[0]));
- }
- map_clearflooritem(bl_item->id);
- pet_unlocktarget(pd);
- }
- }
- else {
- if(dist <= 3 || (pd->timer != -1 && pd->state.state == MS_WALK && distance(pd->to_x,pd->to_y,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y) < 3) )
- return 0;
- pd->speed = battle_get_speed(&pd->bl);
- pet_calc_pos(pd,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,sd->dir);
- if(pet_walktoxy(pd,pd->to_x,pd->to_y))
- pet_randomwalk(pd,tick);
- }
- }
- else {
- pd->speed = battle_get_speed(&pd->bl);
- if(pd->state.state == MS_ATTACK)
- pet_stopattack(pd);
- pet_randomwalk(pd,tick);
- }
- return 0;
-static int pet_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd,va_list ap)
- unsigned int tick;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- nullpo_retr(0, ap);
- tick=va_arg(ap,unsigned int);
- if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pd && sd->petDB)
- pet_ai_sub_hard(sd->pd,tick);
- return 0;
-static int pet_ai_hard(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- clif_foreachclient(pet_ai_sub_foreachclient,tick);
- return 0;
-int pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
- struct pet_data* pd;
- int dist,*itc;
- nullpo_retr(0, bl);
- nullpo_retr(0, ap);
- nullpo_retr(0, pd=va_arg(ap,struct pet_data *));
- nullpo_retr(0, itc=va_arg(ap,int *));
- if(!pd->target_id){
- struct flooritem_data *fitem = (struct flooritem_data *)bl;
- struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
- // ���[�g������
- if(fitem && fitem->first_get_id>0)
- sd = map_id2sd(fitem->first_get_id);
- // Removed [Valaris]
- //if((pd->lootitem_weight + (itemdb_search(fitem->item_data.))->weight * fitem->item_data.amount) > battle_config.pet_weight)
- // return 0;
- if(!pd->lootitem || (pd->lootitem_count >= PETLOOT_SIZE) || (pd->lootitem_count >= pd->lootmax) || (sd && sd->pd != pd))
- return 0;
- if(bl->m == pd->bl.m && (dist=distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,bl->x,bl->y))<5){
- if( pet_can_reach(pd,bl->x,bl->y) // ���B�”\������
- && rand()%1000<1000/(++(*itc)) ){ // �͈͓�PC�œ��m���ɂ���
- pd->target_id=bl->id;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int pet_lootitem_drop(struct pet_data *pd,struct map_session_data *sd)
- int i,flag=0;
- if(pd){
- if(pd->lootitem) {
- for(i=0;i<pd->lootitem_count;i++) {
- struct delay_item_drop2 *ditem;
- ditem=(struct delay_item_drop2 *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct delay_item_drop2));
- memcpy(&ditem->item_data,&pd->lootitem[i],sizeof(pd->lootitem[0]));
- ditem->m = pd->bl.m;
- ditem->x = pd->bl.x;
- ditem->y = pd->bl.y;
- ditem->first_sd = 0;
- ditem->second_sd = 0;
- ditem->third_sd = 0;
- // ���Ƃ��Ȃ��Œ���PC��Item����
- if(sd){
- if((flag = pc_additem(sd,&ditem->item_data,ditem->item_data.amount))){
- clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag);
- map_addflooritem(&ditem->item_data,ditem->item_data.amount,ditem->m,ditem->x,ditem->y,ditem->first_sd,ditem->second_sd,ditem->third_sd,0);
- }
- free(ditem);
- }
- else
- add_timer(gettick()+540+i,pet_delay_item_drop2,(int)ditem,0);
- }
- pd->lootitem=NULL;
- pd->lootitem=(struct item *)aCalloc(PETLOOT_SIZE,sizeof(struct item));
- pd->lootitem_count = 0;
- pd->lootitem_weight = 0;
- pd->lootitem_timer = gettick()+10000; // 10*1000ms�̊ԏE��Ȃ�
- }
- }
- return 1;
-int pet_delay_item_drop2(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct delay_item_drop2 *ditem;
- ditem=(struct delay_item_drop2 *)id;
- map_addflooritem(&ditem->item_data,ditem->item_data.amount,ditem->m,ditem->x,ditem->y,ditem->first_sd,ditem->second_sd,ditem->third_sd,0);
- free(ditem);
- return 0;
- * pet bonus giving skills [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int pet_skill_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd,struct pet_data *pd,int type,int val,int duration,int timer,int data)
- if(pd==NULL || sd==NULL)
- return 1;
- pd->skillbonustype=type;
- pd->skillbonusval=val;
- pd->skillduration=duration;
- pd->skilltimer=timer;
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_skill_bonus_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_skill_bonus_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct map_session_data *sd=(struct map_session_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- struct pet_data *pd;
- if(sd==NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC)
- return 1;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL || pd->bl.type!=BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->skillbonustimer != tid)
- return 0;
- pd->skillbonustimer=-1;
- pc_bonus(sd,pd->skillbonustype,pd->skillbonusval);
- if(pd->skillbonustype < 56) clif_updatestatus(sd,pd->skillbonustype);
- pd->skillbonusduration=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skillduration*1000,pet_skill_bonus_duration,sd->,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_skill_bonus_duration(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct map_session_data *sd=(struct map_session_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- struct pet_data *pd;
- if(sd==NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC)
- return 1;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL || pd->bl.type!=BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->skillbonusduration != tid)
- return 0;
- pd->skillbonusduration=-1;
- pc_bonus(sd,pd->skillbonustype,-pd->skillbonusval);
- if(pd->skillbonustype < 56) clif_updatestatus(sd,pd->skillbonustype);
- pet_skill_bonus(sd,pd,pd->skillbonustype,pd->skillbonusval,pd->skillduration,pd->skilltimer,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_recovery_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct map_session_data *sd=(struct map_session_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- struct pet_data *pd;
- if(sd==NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC)
- return 1;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL || pd->bl.type!=BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->skillbonustimer != tid)
- return 0;
- if(sd->sc_data[pd->skilltype].timer != -1)
- skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl,pd->skilltype,-1);
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_recovery_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_heal_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct map_session_data *sd=(struct map_session_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- struct pet_data *pd;
- if(sd==NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC)
- return 1;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL || pd->bl.type!=BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->skillbonustimer != tid)
- return 0;
- if(sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp * pd->skilltype/100) {
- clif_skill_nodamage(&pd->bl,&sd->bl,AL_HEAL,pd->skillval,1);
- pc_heal(sd,pd->skillval,0);
- }
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_heal_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_mag_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=(struct map_session_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC)
- return 1;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL || pd->bl.type!=BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->skillbonustimer != tid)
- return 0;
- if(sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp * pd->skilltype/100 && sd->status.sp < sd->status.max_sp * pd->skillduration/100) {
- clif_skill_nodamage(&pd->bl,&sd->bl,PR_MAGNIFICAT,pd->skillval,1);
- skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl,SkillStatusChangeTable[PR_MAGNIFICAT],pd->skillval,0,0,0,skill_get_time(PR_MAGNIFICAT,pd->skillval),0 );
- }
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_mag_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
-int pet_skillattack_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data)
- struct mob_data *md;
- struct map_session_data *sd=(struct map_session_data*)map_id2bl(id);
- struct pet_data *pd;
- if(sd==NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC)
- return 1;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL || pd->bl.type!=BL_PET)
- return 1;
- if(pd->skillbonustimer != tid)
- return 0;
- md=(struct mob_data *)map_id2bl(sd->attacktarget);
- if(md == NULL || md->bl.type != BL_MOB || pd->bl.m != md->bl.m || md->bl.prev == NULL ||
- distance(pd->bl.x,pd->bl.y,md->bl.x,md->bl.y) > 6) {
- pd->target_id=0;
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+100,pet_skillattack_timer,sd->,pd->skillduration);
- return 0;
- }
- if(md && rand()%100 < sd->pet.intimate*pd->skilltimer/100 ) {
- if(pd->skilltype==6 || pd->skilltype==176) {
- skill_castend_nodamage_id(&pd->bl,&md->bl,pd->skilltype,pd->skillval,tick,0);
- }
- else if(pd->skilltype==110){
- skill_castend_pos2(&pd->bl,md->bl.x,md->bl.y,pd->skilltype,pd->skillval,tick,0);
- }
- else if(pd->skilltype==91) {
- skill_castend_pos2(&pd->bl,md->bl.x,md->bl.y,pd->skilltype,pd->skillval+rand()%100,tick,0);
- }
- else
- skill_castend_damage_id(&pd->bl,&md->bl,pd->skilltype,pd->skillval,tick,0);
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+1000,pet_skillattack_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
- }
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+100,pet_skillattack_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
- *�y�b�g�f�[�^�ǂݍ���
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int read_petdb()
- FILE *fp;
- char line[1024];
- int i;
- int j=0;
- char *filename[]={"db/pet_db.txt","db/pet_db2.txt"};
- memset(pet_db,0,sizeof(pet_db));
- for(i=0;i<2;i++){
- fp=fopen(filename[i],"r");
- if(fp==NULL){
- if(i>0)
- continue;
- printf("can't read %s\n",filename[i]);
- return -1;
- }
- while(fgets(line,1020,fp)){
- int nameid,i;
- char *str[32],*p,*np;
- if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
- continue;
- for(i=0,p=line;i<20;i++){
- if((np=strchr(p,','))!=NULL){
- str[i]=p;
- *np=0;
- p=np+1;
- } else {
- str[i]=p;
- p+=strlen(p);
- }
- }
- nameid=atoi(str[0]);
- if(nameid<=0 || nameid>2000)
- continue;
- //MobID,Name,JName,ItemID,EggID,AcceID,FoodID,"Fullness (1��̉a�ł̖����x������%)","HungryDeray (/min)","R_Hungry (�󕠎��a���e���x������%)","R_Full (�ƂĂ��������a���e���x������%)","Intimate (�ߊl���e���x%)","Die (���S���e���x������%)","Capture (�ߊl��%)",(Name)
- pet_db[j].class = nameid;
- memcpy(pet_db[j].name,str[1],24);
- memcpy(pet_db[j].jname,str[2],24);
- pet_db[j].itemID=atoi(str[3]);
- pet_db[j].EggID=atoi(str[4]);
- pet_db[j].AcceID=atoi(str[5]);
- pet_db[j].FoodID=atoi(str[6]);
- pet_db[j].fullness=atoi(str[7]);
- pet_db[j].hungry_delay=atoi(str[8])*1000;
- pet_db[j].r_hungry=atoi(str[9]);
- if(pet_db[j].r_hungry <= 0)
- pet_db[j].r_hungry=1;
- pet_db[j].r_full=atoi(str[10]);
- pet_db[j].intimate=atoi(str[11]);
- pet_db[j].die=atoi(str[12]);
- pet_db[j].capture=atoi(str[13]);
- pet_db[j].speed=atoi(str[14]);
- pet_db[j].s_perfor=(char)atoi(str[15]);
- pet_db[j].talk_convert_class=atoi(str[16]);
- pet_db[j].attack_rate=atoi(str[17]);
- pet_db[j].defence_attack_rate=atoi(str[18]);
- pet_db[j].change_target_rate=atoi(str[19]);
- pet_db[j].script = NULL;
- if((np=strchr(p,'{'))==NULL)
- continue;
- pet_db[j].script = parse_script(np,0);
- j++;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- printf("read %s done (count=%d)\n",filename[i],j);
- }
- return 0;
- * �X�L���֌W����������
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int do_init_pet(void)
- read_petdb();
- add_timer_func_list(pet_timer,"pet_timer");
- add_timer_func_list(pet_hungry,"pet_hungry");
- add_timer_func_list(pet_ai_hard,"pet_ai_hard");
- add_timer_func_list(pet_skill_bonus_timer,"pet_skill_bonus_timer"); // [Valaris]
- add_timer_func_list(pet_skill_bonus_duration,"pet_skill_bonus_duration"); // [Valaris]
- add_timer_func_list(pet_recovery_timer,"pet_recovery_timer"); // [Valaris]
- add_timer_func_list(pet_mag_timer,"pet_mag_timer"); // [Valaris]
- add_timer_func_list(pet_heal_timer,"pet_heal_timer"); // [Valaris]
- add_timer_func_list(pet_skillattack_timer,"pet_skillattack_timer"); // [Valaris]
- add_timer_interval(gettick()+MIN_PETTHINKTIME,pet_ai_hard,0,0,MIN_PETTHINKTIME);
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/map/pet.h b/src/map/pet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 365a449..0000000
--- a/src/map/pet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: pet.h,v 1.2 2004/09/25 05:32:18 MouseJstr Exp $
-#ifndef _PET_H_
-#define _PET_H_
-#define MAX_PET_DB 100
-#define PETLOOT_SIZE 20 // [Valaris]
-struct pet_db {
- int class;
- char name[24],jname[24];
- int itemID;
- int EggID;
- int AcceID;
- int FoodID;
- int fullness;
- int hungry_delay;
- int r_hungry;
- int r_full;
- int intimate;
- int die;
- int capture;
- int speed;
- char s_perfor;
- int talk_convert_class;
- int attack_rate;
- int defence_attack_rate;
- int change_target_rate;
- char *script;
-extern struct pet_db pet_db[MAX_PET_DB];
-int pet_hungry_val(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_target_check(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl,int type);
-int pet_stopattack(struct pet_data *pd);
-int pet_changestate(struct pet_data *pd,int state,int type);
-int pet_walktoxy(struct pet_data *pd,int x,int y);
-int pet_stop_walking(struct pet_data *pd,int type);
-int search_petDB_index(int key,int type);
-int pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_remove_map(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_data_init(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_birth_process(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_recv_petdata(int account_id,struct s_pet *p,int flag);
-int pet_select_egg(struct map_session_data *sd,short egg_index);
-int pet_catch_process1(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_class);
-int pet_catch_process2(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_id);
-int pet_get_egg(int account_id,int pet_id,int flag);
-int pet_menu(struct map_session_data *sd,int menunum);
-int pet_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd,char *name);
-int pet_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int index);
-int pet_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_lootitem_drop(struct pet_data *pd,struct map_session_data *sd);
-int pet_delay_item_drop2(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data);
-int pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap);
-int pet_skill_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd,struct pet_data *pd,int type,int val,int duration,int timer,int data);
-int pet_skill_bonus_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
-int pet_skill_bonus_duration(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
-int pet_recovery_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
-int pet_mag_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
-int pet_heal_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
-int pet_skillattack_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
-int do_init_pet(void);
diff --git a/src/map/script.c b/src/map/script.c
index 19557c7..ae7bd8f 100644
--- a/src/map/script.c
+++ b/src/map/script.c
@@ -19,25 +19,23 @@
#include "malloc.h"
#include "lock.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "clif.h"
+#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "battle.h"
+#include "chat.h"
#include "chrif.h"
+#include "clif.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "intif.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "script.h"
-#include "storage.h"
+#include "lock.h"
+#include "map.h"
#include "mob.h"
#include "npc.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "intif.h"
-#include "db.h"
-#include "skill.h"
-#include "chat.h"
-#include "battle.h"
#include "party.h"
-#include "guild.h"
-#include "lock.h"
-#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "script.h"
+#include "skill.h"
+#include "storage.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
@@ -211,8 +209,6 @@ int buildin_sc_start2(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_sc_end(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_getscrate(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_debugmes(struct script_state *st);
-int buildin_catchpet(struct script_state *st);
-int buildin_birthpet(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_resetlvl(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_resetstatus(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_resetskill(struct script_state *st);
@@ -253,7 +249,6 @@ int buildin_divorce(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_getitemname(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_getspellinvocation(struct script_state *st); // [Fate]
int buildin_getanchorinvocation(struct script_state *st); // [Fate]
-int buildin_makepet(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_getexp(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_getinventorylist(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_getskilllist(struct script_state *st);
@@ -270,12 +265,6 @@ int buildin_mobcount(struct script_state *st);
int buildin_strmobinfo(struct script_state *st); // Script for displaying mob info [Valaris]
int buildin_guardian(struct script_state *st); // Script for displaying mob info [Valaris]
int buildin_guardianinfo(struct script_state *st); // Script for displaying mob info [Valaris]
-int buildin_petskillbonus(struct script_state *st); // petskillbonus [Valaris]
-int buildin_petrecovery(struct script_state *st); // pet skill for curing status [Valaris]
-int buildin_petloot(struct script_state *st); // pet looting [Valaris]
-int buildin_petheal(struct script_state *st); // pet healing [Valaris]
-int buildin_petmag(struct script_state *st); // pet magnificat [Valaris]
-int buildin_petskillattack(struct script_state *st); // pet skill attacks [Valaris]
int buildin_npcskilleffect(struct script_state *st); // skill effects for npcs [Valaris]
int buildin_specialeffect(struct script_state *st); // special effect script [Valaris]
int buildin_specialeffect2(struct script_state *st); // special effect script [Valaris]
@@ -422,8 +411,6 @@ struct {
- {buildin_catchpet,"pet","i"},
- {buildin_birthpet,"bpet",""},
@@ -466,7 +453,6 @@ struct {
- {buildin_makepet,"makepet","i"},
@@ -477,12 +463,6 @@ struct {
{buildin_strmobinfo,"strmobinfo","ii"}, // display mob data [Valaris]
{buildin_guardian,"guardian","siisii*i"}, // summon guardians
{buildin_guardianinfo,"guardianinfo","i"}, // display guardian data [Valaris]
- {buildin_petskillbonus,"petskillbonus","iiii"}, // [Valaris]
- {buildin_petrecovery,"petrecovery","ii"}, // [Valaris]
- {buildin_petloot,"petloot","i"}, // [Valaris]
- {buildin_petheal,"petheal","iii"}, // [Valaris]
- {buildin_petmag,"petmag","iiii"}, // [Valaris]
- {buildin_petskillattack,"petskillattack","iiii"}, // [Valaris]
{buildin_npcskilleffect,"npcskilleffect","iiii"}, // npc skill effect [Valaris]
{buildin_specialeffect,"specialeffect","i"}, // npc skill effect [Valaris]
{buildin_specialeffect2,"specialeffect2","i"}, // skill effect on players[Valaris]
@@ -2531,14 +2511,6 @@ int buildin_delitem(struct script_state *st)
sd->inventory_data[i]->type!=7 ||
- if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid){
- if(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == (short)0xff00){
- if(search_petDB_index(nameid, PET_EGG) >= 0){
- intif_delete_petdata(*((long *)(&sd->status.inventory[i].card[1])));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
@@ -3586,36 +3558,7 @@ int buildin_itemskill(struct script_state *st)
return 0;
- * NPC�Ńy�b�g���
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_makepet(struct script_state *st)
- struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st);
- struct script_data *data;
- int id,pet_id;
- data=&(st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]);
- get_val(st,data);
- id=conv_num(st,data);
- pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_CLASS);
- if (pet_id < 0)
- pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_EGG);
- if (pet_id >= 0 && sd) {
- sd->catch_target_class = pet_db[pet_id].class;
- intif_create_pet(
- sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- pet_db[pet_id].class, mob_db[pet_db[pet_id].class].lv,
- pet_db[pet_id].EggID, 0, pet_db[pet_id].intimate,
- 100, 0, 1, pet_db[pet_id].jname);
- }
- return 0;
* NPC�Ōo���l�グ��
@@ -4241,32 +4184,6 @@ int buildin_debugmes(struct script_state *st)
- *�ߊl�A�C�e���g�p
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_catchpet(struct script_state *st)
- int pet_id;
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- pet_id= conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- pet_catch_process1(sd,pet_id);
- return 0;
- *�g�ї��z���@�g�p
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_birthpet(struct script_state *st)
- struct map_session_data *sd;
- sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- clif_sendegg(sd);
- return 0;
* Added - AppleGirl For Advanced Classes, (Updated for Cleaner Script Purposes)
@@ -5500,68 +5417,6 @@ int buildin_getpartnerid(struct script_state *st)
return 0;
- * petskillbonus [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_petskillbonus(struct script_state *st)
- int type,val,duration,timer;
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- type=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- val=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3]));
- duration=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+4]));
- timer=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+5]));
- pd->skillbonusduration=-1;
- pd->skillbonustimer=-1;
- pet_skill_bonus(sd,pd,type,val,duration,timer,0);
- return 0;
- * pet looting [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_petloot(struct script_state *st)
- int max;
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- max=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- if(!max)
- return 0;
- pd->loot=1;
- pd->lootmax=max;
- return 0;
* PC�̏����i���ǂݎ��
@@ -5678,112 +5533,7 @@ int buildin_soundeffect(struct script_state *st)
return 0;
- * pet status recovery [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_petrecovery(struct script_state *st)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd->skilltype=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- pd->skilltimer=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3]));
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_recovery_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
- * pet healing [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_petheal(struct script_state *st)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd->skilltype=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- pd->skillval=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3]));
- pd->skilltimer=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+4]));
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_heal_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
- * pet magnificat [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_petmag(struct script_state *st)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd->skilltype=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- pd->skillduration=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3]));
- pd->skillval=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+4]));
- pd->skilltimer=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+5]));
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+pd->skilltimer*1000,pet_mag_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
- * pet attack skills [Valaris]
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-int buildin_petskillattack(struct script_state *st)
- struct pet_data *pd;
- struct map_session_data *sd=script_rid2sd(st);
- if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd=sd->pd;
- if(pd==NULL)
- return 0;
- pd->skilltype=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2]));
- pd->skillval=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3]));
- pd->skillduration=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+4]));
- pd->skilltimer=conv_num(st,& (st->stack->stack_data[st->start+5]));
- pd->skillbonustimer=add_timer(gettick()+100,pet_skillattack_timer,sd->,0);
- return 0;
* NPC skill effects [Valaris]
diff --git a/src/map/skill.c b/src/map/skill.c
index e04a7b7..4e5f9de 100644
--- a/src/map/skill.c
+++ b/src/map/skill.c
@@ -11,17 +11,16 @@
#include "malloc.h"
#include "magic.h"
-#include "skill.h"
-#include "map.h"
+#include "battle.h"
#include "clif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "pet.h"
+#include "intif.h"
+#include "itemdb.h"
+#include "map.h"
#include "mob.h"
-#include "battle.h"
#include "party.h"
-#include "itemdb.h"
+#include "pc.h"
#include "script.h"
-#include "intif.h"
+#include "skill.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
@@ -442,7 +441,6 @@ struct skill_name_db skill_names[] = {
{ MC_MAMMONITE, "MAMMONITE", "Mammonite" } ,
{ MC_OVERCHARGE, "OVERCHARGE", "Overcharge" } ,
{ MC_PUSHCART, "PUSHCART", "Pushcart" } ,
- { MC_VENDING, "VENDING", "Vending" } ,
{ MG_COLDBOLT, "COLDBOLT", "Cold_Bolt" } ,
{ MG_ENERGYCOAT, "ENERGYCOAT", "Energy_Coat" } ,
{ MG_FIREBALL, "FIREBALL", "Fire_Ball" } ,
@@ -508,7 +506,6 @@ struct skill_name_db skill_names[] = {
@@ -597,7 +594,6 @@ struct skill_name_db skill_names[] = {
{ SA_VOLCANO, "VOLCANO", "Volcano" } ,
{ SG_DEVIL, "DEVIL", "Devil" } ,
@@ -766,7 +762,6 @@ static int skillnotok(int skillid, struct map_session_data *sd) {
switch (skillid) {
case AL_WARP:
- case MC_VENDING:
return 0; // always allowed
@@ -888,7 +883,6 @@ int skill_additional_effect( struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl,int s
struct map_session_data *dstsd=NULL;
struct mob_data *md=NULL;
struct mob_data *dstmd=NULL;
- struct pet_data *pd=NULL;
int skill,skill2;
int rate,luk;
@@ -905,8 +899,6 @@ int skill_additional_effect( struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl,int s
nullpo_retr(0, sd=(struct map_session_data *)src);
}else if(src->type==BL_MOB){
nullpo_retr(0, md=(struct mob_data *)src); //���g�p�H
- }else if(src->type==BL_PET){
- nullpo_retr(0, pd=(struct pet_data *)src); // [Valaris]
@@ -1082,10 +1074,8 @@ int skill_additional_effect( struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl,int s
- if(rand()%100 < sc_def_vit && src->type!=BL_PET)
+ if(rand()%100 < sc_def_vit)
- if(src->type==BL_PET)
- skill_status_change_start(bl,sc[skillid-NPC_POISON],skilllv,0,0,0,skilllv*1000,0);
if(rand()%100 < sc_def_luk)
@@ -1236,7 +1226,6 @@ int skill_blown( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int count)
int moveblock;
struct map_session_data *sd=NULL;
struct mob_data *md=NULL;
- struct pet_data *pd=NULL;
struct skill_unit *su=NULL;
nullpo_retr(0, src);
@@ -1246,13 +1235,11 @@ int skill_blown( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int count)
nullpo_retr(0, sd=(struct map_session_data *)target);
}else if(target->type==BL_MOB){
nullpo_retr(0, md=(struct mob_data *)target);
- }else if(target->type==BL_PET){
- nullpo_retr(0, pd=(struct pet_data *)target);
}else if(target->type==BL_SKILL){
nullpo_retr(0, su=(struct skill_unit *)target);
}else return 0;
- if(!(count&0x10000 && (sd||md||pd||su))){ /* �w��Ȃ��Ȃ�ʒu�֌W������������߂� */
+ if(!(count&0x10000 && (sd||md||su))){ /* �w��Ȃ��Ȃ�ʒu�֌W������������߂� */
dx=target->x-src->x; dx=(dx>0)?1:((dx<0)?-1: 0);
dy=target->y-src->y; dy=(dy>0)?1:((dy<0)?-1: 0);
@@ -1285,13 +1272,6 @@ int skill_blown( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int count)
md->state.state = MS_WALK;
- else if(pd) {
- pd->to_x=nx;
- pd->to_y=ny;
- prev_state = pd->state.state;
- pd->state.state = MS_WALK;
- clif_fixpetpos(pd);
- }
@@ -1303,8 +1283,6 @@ int skill_blown( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int count)
else if(md)
- else if(pd)
- map_foreachinmovearea(clif_petoutsight,target->m,x-AREA_SIZE,y-AREA_SIZE,x+AREA_SIZE,y+AREA_SIZE,dx,dy,BL_PC,pd);
@@ -1333,11 +1311,6 @@ int skill_blown( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int count)
md->state.state = prev_state;
- else if(pd) {
- map_foreachinmovearea(clif_petinsight,target->m,nx-AREA_SIZE,ny-AREA_SIZE,nx+AREA_SIZE,ny+AREA_SIZE,-dx,-dy,BL_PC,pd);
- if(count&0x20000)
- pd->state.state = prev_state;
- }
skill_unit_move(target,gettick(),(count&0xffff)+7); /* �X�L�����j�b�g�̔��� */
@@ -1432,11 +1405,6 @@ int skill_attack( int attack_type, struct block_list* src, struct block_list *ds
- if(src->type==BL_PET) { // [Valaris]
- dmg.damage=battle_attr_fix(skilllv, skill_get_pl(skillid), battle_get_element(bl) );
- dmg.damage2=0;
- }
damage = dmg.damage + dmg.damage2;
@@ -1578,8 +1546,6 @@ int skill_attack( int attack_type, struct block_list* src, struct block_list *ds
if(bl->type == BL_MOB)
clif_fixmobpos((struct mob_data *)bl);
- else if(bl->type == BL_PET)
- clif_fixpetpos((struct pet_data *)bl);
@@ -1838,7 +1804,6 @@ static int skill_timerskill(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id,int data )
struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
struct mob_data *md = NULL;
- struct pet_data *pd = NULL;
struct block_list *src = map_id2bl(id),*target;
struct skill_timerskill *skl = NULL;
int range;
@@ -1856,10 +1821,6 @@ static int skill_timerskill(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id,int data )
nullpo_retr(0, md = (struct mob_data *)src);
skl = &md->skilltimerskill[data];
- else if(src->type == BL_PET) { // [Valaris]
- nullpo_retr(0, pd = (struct pet_data *)src);
- skl = &pd->skilltimerskill[data];
- }
return 0;
@@ -2020,27 +1981,7 @@ int skill_addtimerskill(struct block_list *src,unsigned int tick,int target,int
return 1;
- else if(src->type == BL_PET) { // [Valaris]
- struct pet_data *pd = (struct pet_data *)src;
- nullpo_retr(1, pd);
- if(pd->skilltimerskill[i].timer == -1) {
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].timer = add_timer(tick, skill_timerskill, src->id, i);
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].src_id = src->id;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].target_id = target;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].skill_id = skill_id;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].skill_lv = skill_lv;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].map = src->m;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].x = x;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].y = y;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].type = type;
- pd->skilltimerskill[i].flag = flag;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
return 1;
@@ -2193,8 +2134,6 @@ int skill_castend_damage_id( struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl,int s
if(bl->type == BL_MOB)
clif_fixmobpos((struct mob_data *)bl);
- else if(bl->type == BL_PET)
- clif_fixpetpos((struct pet_data *)bl);
@@ -2359,8 +2298,6 @@ int skill_castend_damage_id( struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl,int s
if(bl->type == BL_MOB)
clif_fixmobpos((struct mob_data *)bl);
- else if(bl->type == BL_PET)
- clif_fixpetpos((struct pet_data *)bl);
@@ -2848,17 +2785,6 @@ int skill_castend_nodamage_id( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl,int
if(sd) pc_getzeny(sd,battle_get_lv(bl)*100);
- clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skillid,skilllv,1);
- if (dstmd){
- for(i=0;i<MAX_PET_DB;i++){
- if(dstmd->class == pet_db[i].class){
- pet_catch_process1(sd,dstmd->class);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
case AL_INCAGI: /* ���x���� */
case AL_BLESSING: /* �u���b�V���O */
@@ -3458,11 +3384,6 @@ int skill_castend_nodamage_id( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl,int
// clif_item_repair_list(sd);
- case MC_VENDING: /* �I�X�J�� */
- if(sd)
- clif_openvendingreq(sd,2+sd->skilllv);
- break;
case AL_TELEPORT: /* �e���|�[�g */
if( sd ){
if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport){ /* �e���|�֎~ */
@@ -3737,8 +3658,6 @@ int skill_castend_nodamage_id( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl,int
if(src->type == BL_MOB)
clif_fixmobpos((struct mob_data *)src);
- else if(src->type == BL_PET)
- clif_fixpetpos((struct pet_data *)src);
else if(src->type == BL_PC)
skill_addtimerskill(src,tick + 200,src->id,0,0,skillid,skilllv,0,flag);
@@ -3877,12 +3796,6 @@ int skill_castend_nodamage_id( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl,int
- clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skillid,skilllv,1);
- if(md)
- clif_pet_performance(src,mob_db[md->class].skill[md->skillidx].val[0]);
- break;
if( bl->type==BL_PC && ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->special_state.no_magic_damage )
@@ -5309,8 +5222,6 @@ int skill_unit_onplace(struct skill_unit *src,struct block_list *bl,unsigned int
if(moveblock) map_addblock(bl);
if(bl->type == BL_MOB)
clif_fixmobpos((struct mob_data *)bl);
- else if(bl->type == BL_PET)
- clif_fixpetpos((struct pet_data *)bl);
@@ -5464,8 +5375,6 @@ int skill_unit_onplace(struct skill_unit *src,struct block_list *bl,unsigned int
if(moveblock) map_addblock(bl);
if(bl->type == BL_MOB)
clif_fixmobpos((struct mob_data *)bl);
- else if(bl->type == BL_PET)
- clif_fixpetpos((struct pet_data *)bl);
@@ -9275,9 +9184,6 @@ struct skill_unit_group *skill_initunitgroup(struct block_list *src,
}else if(src->type==BL_MOB){
list=((struct mob_data *)src)->skillunit;
- }else if(src->type==BL_PET){
- list=((struct pet_data *)src)->skillunit;
for(i=0;i<maxsug;i++) /* �󂢂Ă�����̌��� */
@@ -9410,9 +9316,6 @@ int skill_clear_unitgroup(struct block_list *src)
}else if(src->type==BL_MOB){
group=((struct mob_data *)src)->skillunit;
- }else if(src->type==BL_PET){ // [Valaris]
- group=((struct pet_data *)src)->skillunit;
int i;
diff --git a/src/map/vending.c b/src/map/vending.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 189584d..0000000
--- a/src/map/vending.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: vending.c,v 1.2 2004/09/25 05:32:19 MouseJstr Exp $
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "clif.h"
-#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "vending.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "skill.h"
-#include "battle.h"
-#include "nullpo.h"
- * �I�X��
- *------------------------------------------
-void vending_closevending(struct map_session_data *sd)
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- sd->vender_id=0;
- clif_closevendingboard(&sd->bl,0);
- * �I�X�A�C�e�����X�g�v��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void vending_vendinglistreq(struct map_session_data *sd,int id)
- struct map_session_data *vsd;
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- if( (vsd=map_id2sd(id)) == NULL )
- return;
- if(vsd->vender_id==0)
- return;
- clif_vendinglist(sd,id,vsd->vending);
- * �I�X�A�C�e���w��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void vending_purchasereq(struct map_session_data *sd,int len,int id,unsigned char *p)
- int i,j,w,z,new=0,blank,vend_list[12];
- short amount,index;
- struct map_session_data *vsd=map_id2sd(id);
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- blank=pc_inventoryblank(sd);
- if(vsd==NULL)
- return;
- if(vsd->vender_id==0)
- return;
- if(vsd->vender_id==sd->
- return;
- for(i=0,w=z=0;8+4*i<len;i++){
- amount=*(short*)(p+4*i);
- index=*(short*)(p+2+4*i)-2;
- if(amount < 0) return; //add
- for(j=0;j<vsd->vend_num;j++)
- if(0<vsd->vending[j].amount && amount<=vsd->vending[j].amount && vsd->vending[j].index==index)
- break;
- for(j=0;j < vsd->vend_num;j++) {
- if(0 < vsd->vending[j].amount && vsd->vending[j].index==index) {
- if(amount > vsd->vending[j].amount || amount <= 0) {
- clif_buyvending(sd,index,vsd->vending[j].amount,4);
- return;
- }
- if(amount <= vsd->vending[j].amount) break;
- }
- }
- if(j==vsd->vend_num)
- return; // ����؂�
- vend_list[i]=j;
- z+=vsd->vending[j].value*amount;
- if(z > sd->status.zeny){
- clif_buyvending(sd,index,amount,1);
- return; // zeny�s��
- }
- w+=itemdb_weight(vsd->status.cart[index].nameid)*amount;
- if(w+sd->weight > sd->max_weight){
- clif_buyvending(sd,index,amount,2);
- return; // �d�ʒ���
- }
- switch(pc_checkadditem(sd,vsd->status.cart[index].nameid,amount)){
- break;
- new++;
- if(new > blank)
- return; // ��ސ�����
- break;
- return; // �A�C�e��������
- }
- }
- if(z < 0 || z > MAX_ZENY){ //Zeny Bug Fixed by Darkchild
- clif_tradecancelled(sd);
- clif_tradecancelled(vsd);
- return;
- }
- pc_payzeny(sd,z);
- pc_getzeny(vsd,z);
- for(i=0;8+4*i<len;i++){
- amount=*(short*)(p+4*i);
- index=*(short*)(p+2+4*i)-2;
- if(amount < 0) break; //add
- pc_additem(sd,&vsd->status.cart[index],amount);
- vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount-=amount;
- pc_cart_delitem(vsd,index,amount,0);
- clif_vendingreport(vsd,index,amount);
- }
- * �I�X�J��
- *------------------------------------------
- */
-void vending_openvending(struct map_session_data *sd,int len,char *message,int flag,unsigned char *p)
- int i;
- nullpo_retv(sd);
- if(!pc_checkskill(sd,MC_VENDING) || !pc_iscarton(sd)) { // cart skill and cart check [Valaris]
- clif_skill_fail(sd,MC_VENDING,0,0);
- return;
- }
- if(flag){
- for(i=0;85+8*i<len;i++){
- sd->vending[i].index=*(short*)(p+8*i)-2;
- sd->vending[i].amount=*(short*)(p+2+8*i);
- sd->vending[i].value=*(int*)(p+4+8*i);
- if(sd->vending[i].value>battle_config.vending_max_value)sd->vending[i].value=battle_config.vending_max_value;
- // �J�[�g���̃A�C�e�����Ɣ̔�����A�C�e�����ɑ��Ⴊ�������璆�~
- if(pc_cartitem_amount(sd,sd->vending[i].index,sd->vending[i].amount)<0 || sd->vending[i].value < 0) { // fixes by Valaris and fritz
- clif_skill_fail(sd,MC_VENDING,0,0);
- return;
- }
- }
- sd->vender_id=sd->;
- sd->vend_num=i;
- strcpy(sd->message,message);
- if(clif_openvending(sd,sd->vender_id,sd->vending) > 0)
- clif_showvendingboard(&sd->bl,message,0);
- else
- sd->vender_id=0;
- }
diff --git a/src/map/vending.h b/src/map/vending.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41aa731..0000000
--- a/src/map/vending.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: vending.h,v 1.2 2004/09/25 05:32:19 MouseJstr Exp $
-#ifndef _VENDING_H_
-#define _VENDING_H_
-#include "map.h"
-void vending_closevending(struct map_session_data *sd);
-void vending_openvending(struct map_session_data *sd,int len,char *message,int flag,unsigned char *p);
-void vending_vendinglistreq(struct map_session_data *sd,int id);
-void vending_purchasereq(struct map_session_data *sd,int len,int id,unsigned char *p);
-#endif // _VENDING_H_