path: root/world/map/db/mob_db.conf
blob: 21a59413411a0ab6ecf52a3c1e6e5acd30734763 (plain) (tree)


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































//================= Hercules Database =====================================
//=       _   _                     _
//=      | | | |                   | |
//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Mobs Database

mob_db: (
//  Mobs Database
 ************* Entry structure ************************************************
    // =================== Mandatory fields ===============================
    Id: ID                                (int)
    SpriteName: "SPRITE_NAME"             (string)
    Name: "Mob name"                      (string)
    // =================== Optional fields ================================
    JName: "Mob name"                     (string)
    Lv: level                             (int, defaults to 1)
    Hp: health                            (int, defaults to 1)
    Sp: mana                              (int, defaults to 0)
    Exp: basic experience                 (int, defaults to 0)
    JExp: job experience                  (int, defaults to 0)
    AttackRange: attack range             (int, defaults to 1)
    Attack: [attack1, attack2]            (int, defaults to 0)
    Def: defence                          (int, defaults to 0)
    Mdef: magic defence                   (int, defaults to 0)
    CriticalDef: critical defence         (int, defaults to 0)
    Stats: {
        Str: strength                 (int, defaults to 0)
        Agi: agility                  (int, defaults to 0)
        Vit: vitality                 (int, defaults to 0)
        Int: intelligence             (int, defaults to 0)
        Dex: dexterity                (int, defaults to 0)
        Luk: luck                     (int, defaults to 0)
    ViewRange: view range                 (int, defaults to 1)
    ChaseRange: chase range               (int, defaults to 1)
    Size: size                            (int, defaults to 1)
    Race: race                            (int, defaults to 0)
    Element: (type, level)
    Mode: {
        CanMove: true/false           (bool, defaults to false)
        Looter: true/false            (bool, defaults to false)
        Aggressive: true/false        (bool, defaults to false)
        Assist: true/false            (bool, defaults to false)
        CastSensorIdle:true/false     (bool, defaults to false)
        Boss: true/false              (bool, defaults to false)
        Plant: true/false             (bool, defaults to false)
        CanAttack: true/false         (bool, defaults to false)
        Detector: true/false          (bool, defaults to false)
        CastSensorChase: true/false   (bool, defaults to false)
        ChangeChase: true/false       (bool, defaults to false)
        Angry: true/false             (bool, defaults to false)
        ChangeTargetMelee: true/false (bool, defaults to false)
        ChangeTargetChase: true/false (bool, defaults to false)
        TargetWeak: true/false        (bool, defaults to false)
        NoKnockback: true/false       (bool, defaults to false)
        SurviveWithoutMaster: true/false (bool, defaults to false)
    MoveSpeed: move speed                 (int, defaults to 0)
    WalkMask: walk mask                   (int, defaults to 0)
    AttackDelay: attack delay             (int, defaults to 4000)
    AttackMotion: attack motion           (int, defaults to 2000)
    DamageMotion: damage motion           (int, defaults to 0)
        MutationCount: (unused)               (int, defaults to 0)
        MutationStrength: (unused)            (int, defaults to 0)
    MvpExp: mvp experience                (int, defaults to 0)
    MvpDrops: {
        AegisName: chance             (string: int)
    Drops: {
        AegisName: chance         (string: int)

	Id: 1011
	SpriteName: "FireGoblin"
	Name: "Fire Goblin"
	Lv: 20
	Hp: 220
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 41
	JExp: 4
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [15, 20]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 6
		Luk: 30
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (3, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 800
		CactusDrink: 150
		InsectLeg: 800
		CactusPotion: 150
		Dagger: 70
		SharpKnife: 10
		PileOfAsh: 500
		SulphurPowder: 250
		BromenalDroplet: 20
	Id: 1017
	SpriteName: "Bat"
	Name: "Bat"
	Lv: 20
	Hp: 150
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 27
	JExp: 3
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [5, 25]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 20
		Luk: 25
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 800
		CactusDrink: 150
		InsectLeg: 400
		RoastedMaggot: 150
		BatWing: 3000
		BatTeeth: 2000
		RubberBat: 1
	Id: 1131
	SpriteName: "ManaBug"
	Name: "Mana Bug"
	Lv: 25
	Hp: 300
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 52
	JExp: 5
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [10, 17]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 4
		Vit: 1
		Int: 4
		Dex: 5
		Luk: 4
	ViewRange: 2
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 4
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Assist: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 1000
		InsectLeg: 800
		RoastedMaggot: 400
	Id: 1018
	SpriteName: "Pinkie"
	Name: "Pinkie"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 300
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 60
	JExp: 7
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [15, 20]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 20
		Luk: 25
	ViewRange: 2
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 3
	MutationStrength: 50
	Drops: {
		PinkAntenna: 1000
		PinkieHat: (40, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1019
	SpriteName: "SpikyMushroom"
	Name: "Spiky Mushroom"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 300
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 54
	JExp: 5
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [10, 13]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 10
		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 3
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		IronPotion: 800
		CactusDrink: 150
		InsectLeg: 50
		HardSpike: 400
		Fungus: 30
		MushroomSpores: 100
		ShroomHat: (1, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1020
	SpriteName: "Fluffy"
	Name: "Fluffy"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 100
	JExp: 7
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [6, 10]
	Def: 1
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 2
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 20
		Luk: 25
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1600
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 3
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		WhiteFur: 800
		Milk: 150
		RedApple: 400
		FluffyHat: (20, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1021
	SpriteName: "CaveSnake"
	Name: "Cave Snake"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 800
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 157
	JExp: 13
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [20, 15]
	Def: 1
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 5
		Luk: 20
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 3
	MutationStrength: 50
	Drops: {
		CaveSnakeLamp: 1500
		JeansShorts: (40, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		CaveSnakeTongue: 500
		CaveSnakeEgg: 400
		CaveSnakeEgg: 400
		SnakeSkin: 20
	Id: 1025
	SpriteName: "LogHead"
	Name: "Log Head"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 150
	JExp: 5
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [10, 20]
	Def: 50
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 20
		Luk: 25
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 50
	Drops: {
		RawLog: 2000
		Root: 2500
		Acorn: 3000
		RawLog: 2000
	Id: 1027
	SpriteName: "EasterFluffy"
	Name: "Easter Fluffy"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 100
	JExp: 7
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [10, 12]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 20
		Luk: 25
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		RedEasterEgg: 2000
		GreenEasterEgg: 2000
		BlueEasterEgg: 2000
		YellowEasterEgg: 1000
		PinkEasterEgg: 1000
		TealEasterEgg: 200
	Id: 1035
	SpriteName: "Silkworm"
	Name: "Silkworm"
	Lv: 20
	Hp: 1
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1
	JExp: 1
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [0, 0]
	Def: 2
	Mdef: 10
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 20
		Agi: 11
		Vit: 10
		Int: 10
		Dex: 40
		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 1300
	AttackDelay: 1100
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		SilkCocoon: 5000
	Id: 1041
	SpriteName: "Snail"
	Name: "Snail"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 900
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 180
	JExp: 18
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [50, 65]
	Def: 20
	Mdef: 15
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 25
		Int: 0
		Dex: 20
		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 1800
	AttackDelay: 2500
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 3
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		GreenApple: 500
		ReedBundle: 400
		Pear: 1000
		Plum: 1500
		Blueberries: 500
		Cherry: 2000
	Id: 1049
	SpriteName: "Bee"
	Name: "Bee"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 600
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 180
	JExp: 32
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [5, 90]
	Def: 12
	Mdef: 4
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 15
		Agi: 25
		Vit: 20
		Int: 3
		Dex: 40
		Luk: 30
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Assist: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 380
	AttackDelay: 1500
	AttackMotion: 300
	DamageMotion: 350
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Id: 1055
	SpriteName: "Butterfly"
	Name: "Butterfly"
	Lv: 25
	Hp: 250
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 85
	JExp: 11
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [10, 40]
	Def: 3
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 45
		Vit: 10
		Int: 15
		Dex: 35
		Luk: 40
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 350
	AttackDelay: 780
	AttackMotion: 300
	DamageMotion: 800
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 60
	Drops: {
		SilkCocoon: 1000
		ButterButterfly: 100
	Id: 1057
	SpriteName: "AngryScorpion"
	Name: "Angry Scorpion"
	Lv: 20
	Hp: 200
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 37
	JExp: 5
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [15, 15]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 5
		Agi: 5
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 15
		Luk: 5
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 1000
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	Drops: {
		AngryScorpionStinger: 700
		ScorpionClaw: 350
		Candy: 100
		ChocolateBar: 50
		InsectLeg: 700
	Id: 1058
	SpriteName: "IceGoblin"
	Name: "Ice Goblin"
	Lv: 25
	Hp: 330
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 75
	JExp: 10
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [20, 25]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 5
		Agi: 5
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 6
		Luk: 30
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (1, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 700
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 800
		CactusDrink: 150
		InsectLeg: 800
		CactusPotion: 150
		Dagger: 70
		SharpKnife: 10
		IceCube: 500
		Snowflake: 500
	Id: 1060
	SpriteName: "Archant"
	Name: "Archant"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 400
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 88
	JExp: 14
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [20, 30]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 5
		Vit: 1
		Int: 0
		Dex: 12
		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 1000
	AttackDelay: 1500
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		TreasureKey: 300
		RedApple: 100
		IronOre: 40
		Coal: 20
	Id: 1064
	SpriteName: "Bandit"
	Name: "Bandit"
	Lv: 20
	Hp: 400
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 92
	JExp: 21
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [40, 40]
	Def: 5
	Mdef: 0
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 10
		Vit: 10
		Int: 10
		Dex: 10
		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Looter: true
		Aggressive: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 500
	AttackDelay: 1500
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 900
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		BanditHood: 800
		Dagger: 200
		CoinBag: 500
		RedApple: 200
	Id: 1083
	SpriteName: "HuntsmanSpider"
	Name: "Huntsman Spider"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 1500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 467
	JExp: 363
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [125, 150]
	Def: 10
	Mdef: 45
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 20
		Agi: 15
		Vit: 10
		Int: 10
		Dex: 45
		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (2, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Looter: true
		Aggressive: true
		Assist: true
		Boss: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 575
	AttackDelay: 1250
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		InfantryHelmet: (100, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		CoinBag: 500
		IronOre: 300
		InsectLeg: 1000
		GreenApple: 500
		Coal: 150
	Id: 1084
	SpriteName: "CrotcherScorpion"
	Name: "Crotcher Scorpion"
	Lv: 25
	Hp: 1200
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 430
	JExp: 86
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [75, 175]
	Def: 15
	Mdef: 45
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 15
		Agi: 30
		Vit: 10
		Int: 10
		Dex: 25
		Luk: 25
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (2, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 750
	AttackDelay: 1350
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		LeatherShirt: (300, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		InsectLeg: 1000
		ChocolateBar: 300
		GingerBreadMan: 300
		RedApple: 500
	Id: 1087
	SpriteName: "Larvern"
	Name: "Larvern"
	Lv: 20
	Hp: 550
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 165
	JExp: 26
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [50, 200]
	Def: 30
	Mdef: 65
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 35
		Agi: 20
		Vit: 50
		Int: 0
		Dex: 70
		Luk: 20
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Looter: true
		Assist: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 1500
	AttackDelay: 1500
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
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		GrubSlime: 2000
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		GrassSeed: 300
		ReedBundle: 300
	Id: 1089
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	Lv: 30
	Hp: 500
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	Exp: 111
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	Def: 1
	Mdef: 5
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
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	Size: 1
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	Element: (0, 1)
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	AttackMotion: 672
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	MutationStrength: 40
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	Id: 1093
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	Lv: 20
	Hp: 200
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	Def: 10
	Mdef: 10
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	Stats: {
		Str: 20
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	Mode: {
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		IceCube: 200
		BookPage: 200
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		Diamond: 20
		Snowflake: 100
	Id: 1094
	SpriteName: "Reinboo"
	Name: "Reinboo"
	Lv: 35
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	Exp: 275
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	Stats: {
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	MutationStrength: 30
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		GingerBreadMan: 1000
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		ChocolateCake: 1200
		OrangeCake: 1200
		AppleCake: 1200
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	Id: 1099
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	Name: "Sleeping Bandit"
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	Id: 1100
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	Name: "Azul Slime"
	Lv: 20
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	Element: (1, 3)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 500
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	AttackMotion: 672
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	Id: 1107
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	Name: "Bluepar"
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	Mdef: 5
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	Stats: {
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	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
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		IronPotion: 800
		EnlighteningElixir: 800
		ConcentrationPotion: 800
		Diamond: 50
	Id: 1108
	SpriteName: "AngryFireGoblin"
	Name: "Angry Fire Goblin"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 320
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	Attack: [25, 40]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 10
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	Stats: {
		Str: 3
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	Mode: {
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	DamageMotion: 480
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	MutationStrength: 30
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		InsectSlime: 800
		CactusDrink: 150
		InsectLeg: 800
		CactusPotion: 150
		Dagger: 70
		SharpKnife: 10
		PileOfAsh: 500
		SulphurPowder: 250
		BromenalDroplet: 30
	Id: 1113
	SpriteName: "Pollett"
	Name: "Pollett"
	Lv: 30
	Hp: 500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 100
	JExp: 7
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [6, 10]
	Def: 1
	Mdef: 5
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	Stats: {
		Str: 1
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	Mode: {
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	MutationStrength: 40
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		IceCube: 1000
		AnimalBones: 500
		Pearl: 300
		IcedWater: 100
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		PollettEgg: 400
		PollettEgg: 400
		WhiteFur: 500
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		Snowflake: 500
	Id: 1009
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	Name: "Black Scorpion"
	Lv: 100
	Hp: 600
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 500
	JExp: 37
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	Attack: [60, 100]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 16
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	Mode: {
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		BlackScorpionClaw: 350
	Id: 1010
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	Name: "Snake"
	Lv: 115
	Hp: 850
	Sp: 0
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	JExp: 56
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [75, 90]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
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	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 1300
	AttackMotion: 672
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	MutationStrength: 30
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		SnakeEgg: 400
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	Id: 1012
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	Name: "Spider"
	Lv: 125
	Hp: 800
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 690
	JExp: 115
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	Attack: [70, 85]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 14
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	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackMotion: 672
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		CoinBag: 200
	Id: 1013
	SpriteName: "EvilMushroom"
	Name: "Evil Mushroom"
	Lv: 110
	Hp: 650
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 233
	JExp: 35
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [65, 80]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 16
		Agi: 12
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		Int: 10
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	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 1800
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	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 60
	Drops: {
		RedApple: 500
		EmptyBottle: 10
		OrangeCupcake: 100
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		SmallMushroom: 1000
		SmallMushroom: 1000
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		MushroomSpores: 100
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	Id: 1014
	SpriteName: "PinkFlower"
	Name: "Pink Flower"
	Lv: 115
	Hp: 700
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 296
	JExp: 40
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	Attack: [70, 75]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 5
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	Stats: {
		Str: 16
		Agi: 12
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	Size: 1
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 800
	AttackMotion: 672
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	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 50
	Drops: {
		RedApple: 100
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		Arrow: 100
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		PinkPetal: 1000
		PinkPetal: 1000
	Id: 1015
	SpriteName: "SantaSlime"
	Name: "Santa Slime"
	Lv: 120
	Hp: 750
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 298
	JExp: 58
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [75, 80]
	Def: 2
	Mdef: 7
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	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 20
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	Size: 1
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	Element: (1, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 10
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		Cake: 700
		XmasCandyCane: 600
		CherryCake: 500
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	Id: 1022
	SpriteName: "JackO"
	Name: "Jack O"
	Lv: 175
	Hp: 10000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 18130
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	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [100, 500]
	Def: 40
	Mdef: 18
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 105
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	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 250
	AttackDelay: 1500
	AttackMotion: 672
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		VNeckSweater: (400, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		Circlet: (400, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
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		RangerHat: (400, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		Soul: 10000
		AxeHat: (600, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1023
	SpriteName: "FireSkull"
	Name: "Fire Skull"
	Lv: 170
	Hp: 5000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 5808
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	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [75, 175]
	Def: 35
	Mdef: 15
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		Luk: 70
	ViewRange: 9
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	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (3, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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	MoveSpeed: 600
	AttackDelay: 1600
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
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	Id: 1024
	SpriteName: "PoisonSkull"
	Name: "Poison Skull"
	Lv: 170
	Hp: 5000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 5808
	JExp: 721
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [75, 175]
	Def: 35
	Mdef: 15
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 40
		Agi: 30
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		Int: 30
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	ViewRange: 9
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	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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	MoveSpeed: 600
	AttackDelay: 1600
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 4
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	Drops: {
		DarkCrystal: 1000
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	Id: 1026
	SpriteName: "MountainSnake"
	Name: "Mountain Snake"
	Lv: 130
	Hp: 900
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1024
	JExp: 63
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [80, 125]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
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	Stats: {
		Str: 20
		Agi: 40
		Vit: 10
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 1000
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	DamageMotion: 480
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		SnakeSkin: 350
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		LeatherGloves: (1, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1034
	SpriteName: "GrassSnake"
	Name: "Grass Snake"
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	Hp: 1000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1254
	JExp: 103
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [80, 120]
	Def: 2
	Mdef: 10
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 20
		Agi: 40
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		Int: 10
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
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	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 500
	AttackDelay: 1100
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		GrassSnakeEgg: 400
		GrassSnakeEgg: 400
		GrassSnakeTongue: 500
		Steak: 500
		CottonCloth: 1600
		SnakeSkin: 500
	Id: 1036
	SpriteName: "Zombie"
	Name: "Zombie"
	Lv: 110
	Hp: 12000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 7782
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	Attack: [275, 355]
	Def: 20
	Mdef: 14
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	Stats: {
		Str: 30
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		Int: 3
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 480
	AttackDelay: 1872
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 900
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		DarkCrystal: 1000
		RottenRags: 700
		DiseasedHeart: 500
		UndeadEar: 200
		UndeadEye: 150
		Soul: 500
		GoldenTooth: 10
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	Id: 1042
	SpriteName: "Spectre"
	Name: "Spectre"
	Lv: 140
	Hp: 6500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 3978
	JExp: 359
	AttackRange: 3
	Attack: [160, 220]
	Def: 40
	Mdef: 0
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 35
		Agi: 70
		Vit: 22
		Int: 15
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		Luk: 70
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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	MoveSpeed: 650
	AttackDelay: 1700
	AttackMotion: 800
	DamageMotion: 500
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 20
	Drops: {
		SpectrePowder: 1000
		SulphurPowder: 600
		SulphurPowder: 480
	Id: 1045
	SpriteName: "Fallen"
	Name: "Fallen"
	Lv: 120
	Hp: 10000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 7812
	JExp: 1663
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [180, 430]
	Def: 5
	Mdef: 18
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 40
		Agi: 3
		Vit: 25
		Int: 5
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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	MoveSpeed: 300
	AttackDelay: 1200
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	DamageMotion: 300
	MutationCount: 4
	MutationStrength: 50
	Drops: {
		Bone: 210
		Bone: 210
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		LeatherGloves: (5, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
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		Soul: 500
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	Id: 1062
	SpriteName: "Terranite"
	Name: "Terranite"
	Lv: 110
	Hp: 6000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 4851
	JExp: 889
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [200, 300]
	Def: 20
	Mdef: 35
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	Stats: {
		Str: 60
		Agi: 40
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	Size: 1
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		Sapphire: 20
		Amethyst: 20
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	SpriteName: "Reaper2"
	Name: "GM Reaper"
	Lv: 140
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	Stats: {
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	Id: 1068
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	Id: 1071
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	Stats: {
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	Id: 1072
	SpriteName: "Yeti"
	Name: "Yeti"
	Lv: 100
	Hp: 8500
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	Def: 60
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		YellowPresentBox: 800
		WhitePresentBox: 700
	Id: 1075
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	Name: "Stalker"
	Lv: 120
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	Attack: [220, 500]
	Def: 23
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	Stats: {
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	MoveSpeed: 340
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	Name: "Ice Skull"
	Lv: 170
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	Def: 40
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	AttackMotion: 672
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	Name: "Soul Snake"
	Lv: 115
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	Attack: [75, 90]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
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	Id: 1102
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	Name: "Luvia"
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	Def: 50
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	Stats: {
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	Name: "Wicked Mushroom"
	Lv: 110
	Hp: 550
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 220
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	Def: 4
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	Stats: {
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		SmallMushroom: 1000
		Fungus: 30
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	Id: 1114
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	Lv: 110
	Hp: 6000
	Sp: 0
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	Attack: [81, 281]
	Def: 20
	Mdef: 37
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	Mode: {
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	Id: 1119
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	Name: "Thug"
	Lv: 170
	Hp: 5000
	Sp: 0
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	Def: 30
	Mdef: 6
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	Mode: {
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	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
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		Beer: 1000
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	Id: 1120
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	Name: "Swashbuckler"
	Lv: 170
	Hp: 5000
	Sp: 0
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	Attack: [75, 250]
	Def: 23
	Mdef: 25
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	Size: 1
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	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 400
	AttackDelay: 800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
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		Beer: 1000
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		PirateBandana: (10, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1121
	SpriteName: "Grenadier"
	Name: "Grenadier"
	Lv: 170
	Hp: 6000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 4332
	JExp: 999
	AttackRange: 6
	Attack: [100, 200]
	Def: 8
	Mdef: 50
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	Stats: {
		Str: 12
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	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 500
	AttackDelay: 2000
	AttackMotion: 672
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	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
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		Beer: 1000
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		Pearl: 250
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		CaptainsHat: (1, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1122
	SpriteName: "DreadPirateMarley"
	Name: "Dread Pirate Marley"
	Lv: 180
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	AttackRange: 6
	Attack: [175, 250]
	Def: 38
	Mdef: 32
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	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 20
		Vit: 40
		Int: 20
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		Luk: 80
	ViewRange: 9
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	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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		Boss: true
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	MoveSpeed: 400
	AttackDelay: 700
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	Drops: {
		Beer: 1000
		Orange: 1000
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		Pearl: 250
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	Id: 1123
	SpriteName: "DreadPirateMarleyClone"
	Name: "Dread Pirate Marley Clone"
	Lv: 150
	Hp: 2000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1652
	JExp: 0
	AttackRange: 6
	Attack: [175, 250]
	Def: 18
	Mdef: 22
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 40
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		Luk: 40
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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		Assist: true
		Boss: true
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		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 500
	AttackDelay: 1200
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	Id: 1126
	SpriteName: "PsiBrain"
	Name: "Psi Brain"
	Lv: 100
	Hp: 10000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 7255
	JExp: 4000
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [220, 500]
	Def: 23
	Mdef: 30
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 35
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	ViewRange: 2
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Looter: true
		Aggressive: true
		Assist: true
		Boss: true
		CanAttack: true
		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 340
	AttackDelay: 1800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 950
	MutationCount: 4
	MutationStrength: 20
	Drops: {
		Bone: 75
		Bone: 115
		Skull: 135
		DarkCrystal: 40
		BrainStem: 700
	Id: 1127
	SpriteName: "GeneralKrukan"
	Name: "General Krukan"
	Lv: 140
	Hp: 40000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 27536
	JExp: 1663
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [180, 430]
	Def: 5
	Mdef: 20
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 40
		Agi: 3
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 2)
	Mode: {
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		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 300
	AttackDelay: 1200
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 300
	MutationCount: 6
	MutationStrength: 50
	// FIXME: Does this even work? MvpExp
	MvpExp: 778
	Drops: {
		Bone: 1000
		Skull: 1000
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		DarkHelm: 5
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		KnightsHelmet: (25, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		InfantryHelmet: (50, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		CrusadeHelmet: (8, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		DiseasedHeart: 500
		Soul: 500
	Id: 1128
	SpriteName: "GeneralRazha"
	Name: "General Razha"
	Lv: 140
	Hp: 40000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 27536
	JExp: 1663
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [180, 430]
	Def: 5
	Mdef: 20
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	Stats: {
		Str: 40
		Agi: 3
		Vit: 25
		Int: 5
		Dex: 80
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
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		ChangeTargetMelee: true
		ChangeTargetChase: true
		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 300
	AttackDelay: 1200
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 300
	MutationCount: 4
	MutationStrength: 50
	MvpExp: 1198
	Drops: {
		Bone: 210
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		LeatherGloves: (5, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		DiseasedHeart: 500
		Soul: 500
	Id: 1129
	SpriteName: "GeneralTerogan"
	Name: "General Terogan"
	Lv: 140
	Hp: 40000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 27536
	JExp: 1663
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [180, 430]
	Def: 5
	Mdef: 20
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 40
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
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		ChangeTargetMelee: true
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		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 300
	AttackDelay: 1200
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 300
	MutationCount: 4
	MutationStrength: 50
	MvpExp: 1198
	Drops: {
		Bone: 210
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		LeatherGloves: (5, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
		DiseasedHeart: 500
		Soul: 500
	Id: 1130
	SpriteName: "Moonshroom"
	Name: "Moonshroom"
	Lv: 110
	Hp: 550
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 224
	JExp: 35
	AttackRange: 4
	Attack: [70, 80]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 4
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 16
		Agi: 12
		Vit: 10
		Int: 10
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		Luk: 10
	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Aggressive: true
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		ChangeTargetChase: true
	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 1800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 60
	Drops: {
		SmallMushroom: 500
		InsectLeg: 500
		SulphurPowder: 400
		Lifestone: 300
		EmptyBottle: 100
		Fungus: 30
		MushroomSpores: 100
		JoyplimScroll: 50
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	Id: 1132
	SpriteName: "LavaSlime"
	Name: "Lava Slime"
	Lv: 135
	Hp: 4144
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 6000
	JExp: 1111
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [105, 260]
	Def: 75
	Mdef: 80
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 30
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		Vit: 35
		Int: 10
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		Luk: 250
	ViewRange: 9
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	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (3, 2)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Looter: true
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	MoveSpeed: 900
	AttackDelay: 1300
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 100
	MutationCount: 3
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		SlingBullet: 10000
		SulphurPowder: 5000
		SulphurPowder: 5000
		IronOre: 1000
		PileOfAsh: 1000
		Coal: 1000
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	Id: 1133
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	MoveSpeed: 800
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	Def: 5
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	Id: 1158
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	Name: "Void Mouboo"
	Lv: 100
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	Lv: 110
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	Lv: 200
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	MoveSpeed: 210
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	Id: 1004
	SpriteName: "RedScorpion"
	Name: "Red Scorpion"
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	Hp: 550
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	Attack: [50, 55]
	Def: 4
	Mdef: 6
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	Stats: {
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	Id: 1006
	SpriteName: "GiantMaggot"
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	Lv: 80
	Hp: 500
	Sp: 0
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	JExp: 14
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	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 8
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	Id: 1028
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	Name: "Mouboo"
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	Stats: {
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		CottonCloth: 500
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	Id: 1043
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	Stats: {
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		Bone: 280
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	Id: 1044
	SpriteName: "LadySkeleton"
	Name: "Lady Skeleton"
	Lv: 90
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	Attack: [73, 146]
	Def: 31
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		Bone: 280
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	Lv: 90
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	Attack: [60, 80]
	Def: 2
	Mdef: 7
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	SpriteName: "VampireBat"
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	Id: 1069
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	Name: "Flying Scythe"
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	Mode: {
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	Name: "Ball Lightning"
	Lv: 80
	Hp: 300
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 201
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	Def: 40
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	DamageMotion: 0
	Id: 1073
	SpriteName: "TheLost"
	Name: "The Lost"
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	Def: 10
	Mdef: 60
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	Size: 1
	Race: 1
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 500
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	Id: 1074
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	Lv: 90
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 340
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		Bone: 115
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	Id: 1077
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	Name: "Drunken Skeleton"
	Lv: 90
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	Sp: 0
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	Def: 30
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	Stats: {
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	Id: 1078
	SpriteName: "TipsySkeleton"
	Name: "Tipsy Skeleton"
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	Attack: [60, 284]
	Def: 33
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	Stats: {
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 350
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	Id: 1079
	SpriteName: "DrunkenLadySkeleton"
	Name: "Drunken Lady Skeleton"
	Lv: 90
	Hp: 6000
	Sp: 0
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	JExp: 389
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	Attack: [75, 146]
	Def: 40
	Mdef: 8
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	Stats: {
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	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 750
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	MutationStrength: 30
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		LadyFingers: 300
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	Id: 1097
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	Name: "Soul Eater"
	Lv: 90
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	Attack: [129, 354]
	Def: 12
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	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
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	Race: 1
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 340
	AttackDelay: 1800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 950
	MutationCount: 2
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	Id: 1103
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	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [200, 220]
	Def: 25
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	Stats: {
		Str: 90
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	Mode: {
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	MutationStrength: 40
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		GambogeScroll: 50
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	Id: 1104
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	Name: "Demonic Mouboo"
	Lv: 85
	Hp: 800
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 290
	JExp: 32
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	Stats: {
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	Size: 1
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	MutationStrength: 30
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		CottonCloth: 500
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	Name: "Angry Sea Slime"
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	Id: 1115
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	Name: "Sea Slime Mother"
	Lv: 90
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	Id: 1124
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	Mode: {
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	Name: "Mana Ghost"
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	Def: 23
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		Bone: 115
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	Id: 1007
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	Lv: 70
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	Stats: {
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	Id: 1117
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	Name: "Tame Scorpion"
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	Name: "Scorpion"
	Lv: 10
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	Name: "Mauve Plant"
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		CobaltHerb: 3000
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	MoveSpeed: 800
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		GambogeHerb: 3000
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		AlizarinHerb: 3000
		AlizarinHerb: 3000
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	Id: 1056
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	Name: "Cave Maggot"
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	Stats: {
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	Hp: 140
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	Stats: {
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	Sp: 0
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	Attack: [100, 150]
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	Stats: {
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	Element: (1, 3)
	Mode: {
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	Id: 1098
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	Name: "Copper Slime"
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		TreasureKey: 1000
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		CopperOre: 200
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		BromenalOre: 20
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	Id: 1111
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	Hp: 800
	Sp: 0
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	JExp: 66
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	DamageMotion: 480
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	Def: 50
	Mdef: 10
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	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
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		SantaHat: 50
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	Id: 1163
	SpriteName: "FridayCat"
	Name: "Friday"
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	Attack: [40, 45]
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	Mdef: 7
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	Stats: {
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	Mode: {
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	Hp: 12000
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	JExp: 392
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	Id: 1165
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	Name: "Christmas Gift"
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	Exp: 1
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	Attack: [60, 80]
	Def: 5
	Mdef: 20
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	Stats: {
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 800
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	AttackMotion: 672
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		IronPotion: 800
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	Name: "Der Schneemann"
	Lv: 100
	Hp: 35000
	Sp: 0
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	Attack: [220, 240]
	Def: 77
	Mdef: 50
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 45
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	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (0, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 1672
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		EnlighteningElixir: 1600
		ConcentrationPotion: 1600
		Diamond: 100
	Id: 1168
	SpriteName: "Floyd"
	Name: "Floyd"
	Lv: 40
	Hp: 1500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 555
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	Def: 60
	Mdef: 5
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	Stats: {
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	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MutationStrength: 40
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		BentNeedle: 10
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		IronArrow: 800
		IronIngot: 20
		IronPowder: 500
		IronPowder: 1000
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	Id: 1169
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	Name: "Crystal Spider"
	Lv: 140
	Hp: 1000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 800
	JExp: 200
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [80, 95]
	Def: 8
	Mdef: 12
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	Stats: {
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	ViewRange: 1
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	Size: 1
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		Ruby: 20
		Emerald: 20
		Sapphire: 20
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	Id: 1170
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	Name: "Crystal Golem"
	Lv: 180
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	JExp: 2200
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	Def: 75
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	Stats: {
		Str: 35
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	Size: 1
	Race: 0
	Element: (6, 4)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 320
	AttackDelay: 1000
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 50
	MutationCount: 0
	MutationStrength: 0
	Drops: {
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		MountainCrystal: 200
		MountainCrystal: 100
		Diamond: 50
		Ruby: 50
		Emerald: 50
		Sapphire: 50
		Topaz: 50
		Amethyst: 50
	Id: 1171
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	Name: "Black Crystal Golem"
	Lv: 180
	Hp: 25000
	Sp: 280
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	Def: 75
	Mdef: 40
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	Stats: {
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	Size: 1
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	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 320
	AttackDelay: 1000
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 50
	MutationCount: 0
	MutationStrength: 0
	Drops: {
		BlackQuartz: 400
		BlackQuartz: 200
		BlackQuartz: 100
		Diamond: 50
		Ruby: 50
		Emerald: 50
		Sapphire: 50
		Topaz: 50
		Amethyst: 50
	Id: 1173
	SpriteName: "MontBlanc"
	Name: "Mont Blanc"
	Lv: 110
	Hp: 30000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 100300
	JExp: 500
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	Attack: [777, 1000]
	Def: 70
	Mdef: 90
	CriticalDef: 90
	Stats: {
		Str: 30
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 100
		Int: 1
		Dex: 120
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	Mode: {
		Aggressive: true
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	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	AttackDelay: 4000
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	Id: 1174
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	Lv: 129
	Hp: 50150
	Sp: 80
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	JExp: 1000
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [250, 450]
	Def: 30
	Mdef: 60
	CriticalDef: 60
	Stats: {
		Str: 80
		Agi: 60
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	ViewRange: 40
	ChaseRange: 30
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (1, 2)
	Mode: {
		Aggressive: true
		Boss: true
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		Looter: true
	MoveSpeed: 250
	AttackDelay: 450
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 50
	Drops: {
		Boots: 5000
		LeatherGloves: 200
		CrazyRum: 500
		LongSword: (1, "ODG_BASICSTAT")
	Id: 1175
	SpriteName: "MegaManaBug"
	Name: "Mega Mana Bug"
	Lv: 111
	Hp: 675
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 275
	JExp: 40
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [60, 85]
	Def: 3
	Mdef: 8
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 16
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	Size: 1
	Race: 4
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
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	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 60
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 1000
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		RoastedMaggot: 400
		EmptyBottle: 10
		CoinBag: 400
		ManaDust: 1000
		ManaDust: 1000
	Id: 1176
	SpriteName: "Rotter"
	Name: "Rotter"
	Lv: 130
	Hp: 6000
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	Def: 20
	Mdef: 25
	CriticalDef: 50
	Stats: {
		Str: 30
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	ViewRange: 7
	ChaseRange: 11
	Size: 1
	Race: 1
	Element: (7, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MoveSpeed: 1200
	AttackDelay: 2222
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		Soul: 500
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	Id: 1177
	SpriteName: "Rot"
	Name: "Rot"
	Lv: 100
	Hp: 13
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 11
	JExp: 1
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	Attack: [111, 333]
	Def: 0
	Mdef: 0
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	Stats: {
		Str: 0
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	ChaseRange: 1
	Size: 1
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	Mode: {
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	Id: 1178
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	Name: "Spider Queen"
	Lv: 145
	Hp: 7000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1200
	JExp: 400
	AttackRange: 3
	Attack: [250, 300]
	Def: 60
	Mdef: 60
	Stats: {
		Str: 40
		Agi: 30
		Vit: 50
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	ViewRange: 8
	ChaseRange: 15
	Size: 0
	Race: 2
	Element: (5, 1)
	Mode: {
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		Boss: true
		Angry: true
		Aggressive: true
	MoveSpeed: 210
	AttackDelay: 1200
	AttackMotion: 550
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	MutationStrength: 30
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		InsectLeg: 2500
		InsectSlime: 2000
		IronOre: 600
		Coal: 800
		SilverOre: 100
		TreasureKey: 800
	Id: 1179
	SpriteName: "CrystalSpiderQueen"
	Name: "Crystal Spider Queen"
	Lv: 150
	Hp: 9000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1600
	JExp: 450
	AttackRange: 3
	Attack: [250, 300]
	Def: 70
	Mdef: 80
	Stats: {
		Str: 45
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	ChaseRange: 15
	Size: 0
	Race: 2
	Element: (5, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackMotion: 750
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		Diamond: 35
		Ruby: 35
		Emerald: 35
		Sapphire: 35
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		Amethyst: 35
	Id: 1048
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	Name: "Duck"
	Lv: 14
	Hp: 1282
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 16
	JExp: 1
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [60, 63]
	Def: 17
	Mdef: 20
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	Stats: {
		Str: 9
		Agi: 18
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	Element: (1, 1)
	Mode: {
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	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		DuckEgg: 400
		DuckFeather: 550
		BirdLeg: 500
		AnimalBones: 250
		RubberDucky: 100
	Id: 1180
	SpriteName: "MisterPrickel"
	Name: "Mister Prickel"
	Lv: 40
	Hp: 4822
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 672
	JExp: 111
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [250, 275]
	Def: 23
	Mdef: 33
	Stats: {
		Str: 20
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	Race: 3
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	Mode: {
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	DamaeMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		CactusDrink: 300
		CactusPotion: 200
		HardSpike: 800
		HardSpike: 400
		RawLog: 700
	Id: 1181
	SpriteName: "SmallFrog"
	Name: "Small Frog"
	Lv: 9
	Hp: 100
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 100
	JExp: 10
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [10, 20]
	Def: 19
	Mdef: 3
	Stats: {
		Str: 10
		Agi: 25
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	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 0
	Race: 2
	Element: (5, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 1976
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	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 600
		InsectLeg: 200
		FreeRangeMoss: 100
	Id: 1182
	SpriteName: "BigFrog"
	Name: "Big Frog"
	Lv: 10
	Hp: 200
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 150
	JExp: 15
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [20, 30]
	Def: 24
	Mdef: 3
	Stats: {
		Str: 20
		Agi: 15
		Vit: 35
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		Dex: 15
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	ViewRange: 5
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 0
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	Element: (5, 1)
	Mode: {
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	AttackDelay: 1976
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	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		InsectSlime: 700
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	Id: 1183
	SpriteName: "MobMoubootaur"
	Name: "The Moubootaur"
	Lv: 220
	Hp: 99999
	Sp: 9999
	Exp: 999999
	JExp: 99999
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [400, 500]
	Def: 99
	Mdef: 99
	Stats: {
		Str: 99
		Agi: 60
		Vit: 99
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	ChaseRange: 18
	Race: 6
	Element: (7, 4)
	Mode: {
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		Aggressive: true
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		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 240
	AttackDelay: 872
	AttackMotion: 272
	DamageMotion: 100
	Id: 1184
	SpriteName: "BoneQuadceratops"
	Name: "Bone Quadceratops"
	Lv: 120
	Hp: 22000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 12120
	JExp: 1888
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [100, 200]
	Def: 66
	Mdef: 55
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 60
		Agi: 20
		Vit: 60
		Int: 1
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	ViewRange: 9
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	Size: 1
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	Element: (7, 1)
	Mode: {
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		Assist: true
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		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 750
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	AttackMotion: 692
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	MutationStrength: 30
	Drops: {
		AnimalBones: 10000
		AnimalBones: 5000
		AnimalBones: 2500
	Id: 1185
	SpriteName: "EntAbomination"
	Name: "Ent Abomination"
	Lv: 130
	Hp: 45000
	Sp: 280
	Exp: 58000
	JExp: 1600
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [200, 250]
	Def: 80
	Mdef: 60
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 40
		Agi: 12
		Vit: 120
		Int: 127
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	ViewRange: 31
	ChaseRange: 30
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
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	MoveSpeed: 1500
	AttackDelay: 900
	AttackMotion: 772
	DamageMotion: 740
	MutationCount: 4
	MutationStrength: 20
	Drops: {
		RawLog: 2000
		RawLog: 2000
		ReedBundle: 250
		ReedBundle: 500
		Root: 500
		Root: 1000
	Id: 1186
	SpriteName: "MananaTree"
	Name: "Manana Tree"
	Lv: 5
	Hp: 2500
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 2
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [10, 10]
	Def: 25
	Mdef: 1
	Stats: {
		Str: 1
		Agi: 1
		Vit: 10
		Int: 1
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	Race: 3
	Element: (2, 1)
	MoveSpeed: 1000
	AttackDelay: 800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	MutationCount: 1
	MutationStrength: 80
	Drops: {
		Manana: 1000
		Manana: 500
		Manana: 250
		RawLog: 1000
		RawLog: 2000
		ReedBundle: 500
		Root: 500
	Id: 1187
	SpriteName: "EliteDuck"
	Name: "Elite Duck"
	Lv: 75
	Hp: 14000
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 8800
	JExp: 860
	AttackRange: 2
	Attack: [170, 195]
	Def: 50
	Mdef: 80
	WalkMask: "WALK_WATER"
	Stats: {
		Str: 70
		Agi: 120
		Vit: 10
		Int: 42
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	ViewRange: 5
	ChaseRange: 12
	Race: 2
	Element: (3, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Looter: true
		Aggressive: true
		CanAttack: true
		CastSensorChase: true
		ChangeChase: true
		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 225
	AttackDelay: 500
	AttackMotion: 472
	DamageMotion: 200
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 40
	Drops: {
		DuckEgg: 1000
		DuckFeather: 1100
		BirdLeg: 1000
		BirdLeg: 500
		AnimalBones: 500
		RubberDucky: 200
	Id: 1188
	SpriteName: "Junglefowl"
	Name: "Jungle Fowl"
	Lv: 125
	Hp: 25500
	Exp: 15000
	JExp: 2125
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [175, 250]
	Def: 45
	Mdef: 47
	Race: 2
	Element: (4, 1)
	Stats: {
		Str: 70
		Agi: 99
		Vit: 80
		Int: 22
		Dex: 99
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	Mode: {
		CanMove: true
		Assist: true
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		CanAttack: true
		CastSensorChase: true
		Boss: true
	MoveSpeed: 400
	AttackDelay: 1000
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 200
	ViewRange: 7
	ChaseRange: 11
	Drops: {
		JunglefowlEgg: 1000
		JunglefowlFeather: 1100
		BirdLeg: 1000
		BirdLeg: 500
		AnimalBones: 500
	Id: 1189
	SpriteName: "ShadowPlant"
	Name: "Shadow Plant"
	Lv: 1
	Hp: 1
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 1
	JExp: 1
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [0, 0]
	Def: 1
	Mdef: 0
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	Stats: {
		Str: 0
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	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 3
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	MoveSpeed: 800
	AttackDelay: 800
	AttackMotion: 672
	DamageMotion: 480
	Drops: {
		ShadowHerb: 3000
		ShadowHerb: 3000
		ShadowHerb: 3000
	Id: 1190
	SpriteName: "BeeHive"
	Name: "Bee Hive"
	Lv: 39
	Hp: 3333
	Sp: 1
	Exp: 1000
	JExp: 200
	AttackRange: 14
	Attack: [5, 90]
	Def: 12
	Mdef: 4
	CriticalDef: 0
	Stats: {
		Str: 15
		Agi: 25
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		Int: 3
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	ViewRange: 9
	ChaseRange: 10
	Size: 1
	Race: 4
	Element: (2, 1)
	Mode: {
		CanMove: false
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	MoveSpeed: 380
	AttackDelay: 1500
	AttackMotion: 300
	DamageMotion: 350
	MutationCount: 2
	MutationStrength: 100
	Drops: {
		Honeycomb: 1000
		Honeycomb: 750
		Honeycomb: 500
	Id: 1191
	SpriteName: "Tortuga"
	Name: "Tortuga"
	Lv: 19
	Hp: 535
	Sp: 0
	Exp: 350
	JExp: 38
	AttackRange: 1
	Attack: [33, 44]
	Def: 30
	Mdef: 50
	WalkMask: "WALK_WATER"
	Stats: {
		Str: 18
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	Name: "Big Diamond Bif"
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	Name: "Big Emerald Bif"
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	Mode: {
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	Def: 44
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	Id: 1234
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	Stats: {
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	Mode: {
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		Knife: 300
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	Id: 1235
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	Name: "Green Super Slime"
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	Stats: {
		Str: 70
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	Size: 1
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	Mode: {
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	Id: 1236
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	Name: "Blue Super Slime"
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	Hp: 40000
	Sp: 0
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	Attack: [190, 195]
	Def: 77
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	Stats: {
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	Mode: {
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