//= Items Database
item_db: (
// Items Database
************* Entry structure ************************************************
// =================== Mandatory fields ===============================
Id: ID (int)
AegisName: "Aegis_Name" (string)
Name: "Item Name" (string)
// =================== Optional fields ================================
Type: Item Type (string, defaults to "IT_ETC")
Buy: Buy Price (int, defaults to Sell * 2)
Sell: Sell Price (int, defaults to Buy / 2)
Weight: Item Weight (int, defaults to 0)
Atk: Attack (int, defaults to 0)
Matk: Magical Attack (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re)
Def: Defense (int, defaults to 0)
Range: Attack Range (int, defaults to 0)
MinRange: Minimal Attack Range (int, defaults to 0)
Slots: Slots (int, defaults to 0)
Job: Job mask (int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF)
Upper: Upper mask (bitmask array, string or int, defaults to "ITEMUPPER_ALL")
Gender: Gender (string, defaults to "SEX_ANY")
Loc: Equip location (bitmask array, string or int, required value for equipment)
WeaponLv: Weapon Level (int, defaults to 0)
EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0)
EquipLv: [min, max] (alternative syntax with min / max level)
Refine: Refineable (boolean, defaults to true)
DisableOptions: true/false (boolean, defaults to false !!for equipments only!!) [Smokexyz]
Subtype: Item Subtype (int, defaults to 0)
W_FIST, ///< Bare hands
W_1HSWORD, //2
W_2HSWORD, //3
W_1HSPEAR, //4
W_2HSPEAR, //5
W_1HAXE, //6
W_2HAXE, //7
W_MACE, //8
W_2HMACE, //9
W_STAFF, //10
W_BOW, //11
W_WHIP, //14
W_BOOK, //15
W_KATAR, //16
W_RIFLE, //18
W_HUUMA, //22
W_2HSTAFF, //23
ViewSprite: Sprite view ID (int, defaults to 0)
BindOnEquip: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
ForceSerial: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
BuyingStore: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
Delay: Delay to use item (int, defaults to 0)
FloorLifeTime: Delay to remove item from ground (int, default flooritem_lifetime)
KeepAfterUse: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
DropAnnounce: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
AllowPickup: true/false (boolean, defaults to true)
Charm: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
MaxFloorOffset: [x, y] (int, defaults to 8)
MaxFloorOffset: offset (int, defaults to 8)
Identified: true/false (boolean, default to true)
RequiredStr: required strength (int, default to 0)
RequiredAgi: required agility (int, default to 0)
RequiredVit: required vitality (int, default to 0)
RequiredInt: required intellect (int, default to 0)
RequiredDex: required dexterity (int, default to 0)
RequiredLuk: required luck (int, default to 0)
RequiredMaxHp: required max hp (int, default to 0)
RequiredMaxSp: required max sp (int, default to 0)
RequiredAtk: required attack (int, default to 0)
RequiredMAtkMin: required minimal magic attack (int, default to 0)
RequiredMAtkMax: required maximum magic attack (int, default to 0)
RequiredDef: required defence (int, default to 0)
RequiredMDef: required magic defence (int, default to 0)
RequiredSkill: required skill (int, default to 0)
UseEffect: effect if use/equip item success (int, default to -1)
UseFailEffect: effect if use/equip item failed (int, default to -1)
UnequipEffect: effect if unequip item success (int, default to -1)
UnequipFailEffect: effect if unequip item failed (int, default to -1)
Trade: { (defaults to no restrictions)
override: GroupID (int, defaults to 100)
nodrop: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
notrade: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
partneroverride: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
noselltonpc: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nocart: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nostorage: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nogstorage: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nomail: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
noauction: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
Nouse: { (defaults to no restrictions)
override: GroupID (int, defaults to 100)
sitting: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
Stack: [amount, type] (int, defaults to 0)
Sprite: SpriteID (int, defaults to 0)
Script: <"
(it can be multi-line)
OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnDropScript: <" OnDrop Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnTakeScript: <" OnTake Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnInsertCardScript: <" OnInsert card Script (can also be multi-line) ">
AllowCards: {
idNUM: amount (NUM is id number, amount is amount)
AllowAmmo: {
idNUM: something (NUM is id number)
Id: 521
AegisName: "Dagger"
Name: "Dagger"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 200
Atk: 15
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
Id: 522
AegisName: "SharpKnife"
Name: "SharpKnife"
Buy: 100
Sell: 50
Weight: 150
Atk: 10
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
Id: 529
AegisName: "IronArrow"
Name: "IronArrow"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 4
Sell: 2
Weight: 1
Atk: 40
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 529
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 530
AegisName: "ShortBow"
Name: "ShortBow"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1000
Weight: 600
Atk: 50
Matk: -5
Range: 5
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 4
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id529: 1
Id762: 1
Id1199: 1
Id1282: 1
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -5; // @EVOL2
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 536
AegisName: "ShortSword"
Name: "ShortSword"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1200
Atk: 110
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Id: 545
AegisName: "ForestBow"
Name: "ForestBow"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 1200
Atk: 70
Matk: -7
Range: 5
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id529: 1
Id762: 1
Id1199: 1
Id1282: 1
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -7; // @EVOL2
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 547
AegisName: "Bardiche"
Name: "Bardiche"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 1200
Atk: 200
Range: 2
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 548
AegisName: "Halberd"
Name: "Halberd"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 1400
Atk: 250
Def: 10
Range: 2
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 2
EquipLv: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 549
AegisName: "Axe"
Name: "Axe"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 1200
Atk: 120
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 550
AegisName: "BlacksmithsAxe"
Name: "BlacksmithsAxe"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 1200
Atk: 120
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 561
AegisName: "Sabre"
Name: "Sabre"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 300
Atk: 120
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Id: 570
AegisName: "BoneKnife"
Name: "BoneKnife"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 6000
Weight: 250
Atk: 115
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
Id: 571
AegisName: "Setzer"
Name: "Setzer"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 8000
Weight: 500
Atk: 100
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
Script: <"
//bonus bBaseWeaponDelayAdjust, -25; // @TMWA
Id: 572
AegisName: "Scimitar"
Name: "Scimitar"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 700
Atk: 120
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 573
AegisName: "Falchion"
Name: "Falchion"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 900
Atk: 270
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
bonus bDoubleAddRate, 40;
bonus bHit, -25;
bonus bCritical, -25;
Id: 574
AegisName: "ScorpionKing"
Name: "Scorpion King"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 600
Atk: 120
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 575
AegisName: "DesertBow"
Name: "DesertBow"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1200
Atk: 85
Matk: -10
Range: 7
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
AllowAmmo: {
Id529: 1
Id762: 1
Id1199: 1
Id1282: 1
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 609
AegisName: "ImperialBow"
Name: "Imperial Bow"
Buy: 101000
Sell: 40000
Weight: 900
Atk: 110
Matk: -9
Range: 6
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 90
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id529: 1
Id762: 1
Id1199: 1
Id1282: 1
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bDex, 80, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -9; // @EVOL2
bonus2 bHPDrainRate, 100, 4;
bonus bCriticalDef, 10;
bonus bFlee, 10;
bonus bAspdRate, 10;
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 576
AegisName: "Beheader"
Name: "Beheader"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 2000
Atk: 999
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "NoBowItem", EQI_HAND_R;
if (readparam(bInt) > 1) // @EVOL2
unequip(EQI_HAND_R); // @EVOL2
//set @bStat, Int; // @TMWA
//set @maxbStatVal, 1; // @TMWA
//callfunc "RequireMaxStat"; // @TMWA
Script: <"
bonus bDoubleAddRate, 50;
bonus bHit, -20;
bonus bCritical, -25;
//bonus bBaseWeaponDelayAdjust, 1150; // @TMWA
Id: 577
AegisName: "BoneDarts"
Name: "BoneDarts"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 300
Atk: 100
Range: 3
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 578
AegisName: "SandCutter"
Name: "SandCutter"
Buy: 30000
Sell: 15000
Weight: 1500
Atk: 160
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 2
EquipLv: 80
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
bonus bDoubleAddRate, 5;
bonus bHit, 3;
Id: 579
AegisName: "RockKnife"
Name: "RockKnife"
Buy: 15000
Sell: 7500
Weight: 500
Atk: 110
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
Script: <"
bonus bVit, 3;
Id: 580
AegisName: "StaffOfLife"
Name: "StaffOfLife"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1500
Atk: 100
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_STAFF"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 581
AegisName: "CrescentRod"
Name: "CrescentRod"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1500
Atk: 100
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_STAFF"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 582
AegisName: "StaffOfFire"
Name: "StaffOfFire"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1500
Atk: 100
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_STAFF"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 583
AegisName: "StaffOfIce"
Name: "StaffOfIce"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1500
Atk: 100
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_STAFF"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 584
AegisName: "Jackal"
Name: "Jackal"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1500
Def: 5
Atk: 150
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
bonus bMaxHP, 50;
bonus2 bHPDrainRate, 100, 5;
bonus bCriticalDef, 2;
bonus bStr, 1;
bonus bAspdRate, 1;
bonus bHit, 5;
Id: 587
AegisName: "Sword"
Name: "Sword"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 1500
Atk: 140
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 588
AegisName: "BastardSword"
Name: "BastardSword"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 1500
Atk: 150
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 590
AegisName: "DragonSword"
Name: "Dragon Sword"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 1050
Atk: 171
Def: 0
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 2
EquipLv: 99
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bStr, 50, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bAgi, 50, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bVit, 50, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bDex, 50, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bLuk, 50, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus bStr, 5;
bonus bAspdRate, 2;
bonus bHit, 5;
//bonus bBaseWeaponDelayAdjust, -25; // @TMWA
Id: 591
AegisName: "LongSword"
Name: "LongSword"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 1300
Atk: 149
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 2
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bStr, 31, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bVit, 67, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bDex, 59, EQI_HAND_R;
callfunc "RequireStat", bLuk, 61, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus bBaseWeaponDelayAdjust, -11; // @TMWA
bonus bPerfectHitRate, 11;
bonus bPerfectHitAddRate, 7;
Id: 594
AegisName: "Spear"
Name: "Spear"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 200
Atk: 110
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 596
AegisName: "Pike"
Name: "Pike"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 3000
Def: 8
Atk: 170
Range: 2
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 2
EquipLv: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
Script: <"
callfunc "UnreleasedItem", EQI_HAND_R;
Id: 623
AegisName: "Scythe"
Name: "Scythe"
Buy: 100
Sell: 50
Weight: 1200
Def: 5
Atk: 120
Range: 2
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 2
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
Id: 758
AegisName: "WoodenStaff"
Name: "WoodenStaff"
Buy: 4000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 800
Def: 3
Atk: 50
Matk: 10
Range: 2
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bInt, 60, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
if (getskilllv(SKILL_CONFRINGO)) // @EVOL2
addtoskill(SKILL_CONFRINGO, 1, 2); // @EVOL2
Id: 1170
AegisName: "SweetTooth"
Name: "Sweet Tooth"
Buy: 4000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 1000
Atk: 50
Matk: 15
Range: 2
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bInt, 60, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 15; // @EVOL2
if (getskilllv(SKILL_CONFRINGO)) // @EVOL2
addtoskill(SKILL_CONFRINGO, 1, 2); // @EVOL2
Id: 1171
AegisName: "Wand"
Name: "Wand"
Buy: 400
Sell: 200
Weight: 100
Atk: 1
Matk: 5
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_STAFF"
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bInt, 5, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 762
AegisName: "TerraniteArrow"
Name: "TerraniteArrow"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 80
Sell: 20
Weight: 1
Atk: 50
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 762
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
bonus bCritical, 20;
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 867
AegisName: "IceGladius"
Name: "IceGladius"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 1000
Atk: 130
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Script: <"
bonus bLuk, 1;
bonus bCriticalDef, 5;
Id: 878
AegisName: "BansheeBow"
Name: "BansheeBow"
Buy: 101000
Sell: 40000
Weight: 900
Atk: 140
Matk: -9
Range: 6
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 90
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id529: 1
Id762: 1
Id1199: 1
Id1282: 1
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bDex, 80, EQI_HAND_R;
Script: <"
bonus2 bHPDrainRate, 100, -2;
bonus bAspdRate, 20;
bonus bMaxHP, -150;
bonus bSpeedAddRate, 10;
bonus bDefRate, -40;
bonus bDef2Rate, -35;
bonus bMatkRate, -9; // @EVOL2
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 903
AegisName: "SlingShot"
Name: "SlingShot"
Buy: 500
Sell: 50
Weight: 50
Atk: 5
Range: 4
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id904: 1
Script: <"
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_SLING; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 904
AegisName: "SlingBullet"
Name: "SlingBullet"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 1
Sell: 0
Weight: 1
Atk: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 904
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_SLING; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 906
AegisName: "KidBook"
Name: "KidBook"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 350
Atk: 50
Range: 3
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
Subtype: "W_BOOK"
Id: 907
AegisName: "FloydBook"
Name: "FloydBook"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 350
Atk: 50
Range: 3
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 135
Refine: false
Trade: {
nodrop: true
notrade: true
noselltonpc: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Subtype: "W_BOOK"
Id: 1199
AegisName: "Arrow"
Name: "Arrow"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 1
Sell: 0
Weight: 1
Atk: 20
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1199
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 1200
AegisName: "Bow"
Name: "Bow"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Atk: 20
Matk: -2
Range: 5
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 4
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id529: 1
Id762: 1
Id1199: 1
Id1282: 1
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -2; // @EVOL2
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 1201
AegisName: "Knife"
Name: "Knife"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 120
Atk: 5
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
Id: 1215
AegisName: "ToySabre"
Name: "ToySabre"
Buy: 2000000
Sell: 25
Weight: 1
Atk: 1
Range: 1
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
Id: 1282
AegisName: "BoneArrows"
Name: "BoneArrows"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 8
Sell: 4
Weight: 1
Atk: 55
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1282
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
bonus bCritical, 1;
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 5260
AegisName: "Snowball"
Name: "Snowball"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 1
Sell: 0
Weight: 1
Atk: 20
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5260
Subtype: "A_SHELL"
Script: <"
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_XMAS; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 5289
AegisName: "ArmorBreaker"
Name: "Armor Breaker Arrow"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 90
Sell: 40
Weight: 2
Atk: -120
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5289
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
bonus bCritical, 75;
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 5290
AegisName: "SilverArrow"
Name: "Silver Arrow"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 60
Sell: 30
Weight: 1
Atk: 65
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5290
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
bonus bCritical, 1;
bonus bAtkRange, 2;
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 5291
AegisName: "ThornArrow"
Name: "Thorn Arrow"
Type: "IT_AMMO"
Buy: 90
Sell: 40
Weight: 1
Atk: 65
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5291
Subtype: "A_ARROW"
Script: <"
bonus bCritical, 10;
bonus bHit, 25;
//set @AmmoType, AMMO_BOW; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckAmmo"; // @TMWA
Id: 5261
AegisName: "SnowLauncher"
Name: "SnowLauncher"
Buy: 500
Sell: 50
Weight: 10
Atk: 20
Range: 3
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id5260: 1
Script: <"
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_XMAS; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 5284
AegisName: "Flintlock"
Name: "Flintlock"
Buy: 150000
Sell: 500
Weight: 3000
Atk: 120
Range: 5
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5284
Subtype: "W_BOW"
AllowAmmo: {
Id904: 1
Nouse: {
override: 1
Script: <"
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_SLING; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
/* Rings & Accessories */
Id: 702
AegisName: "WeddingRing"
Name: "WeddingRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 702
Id: 742
AegisName: "FourLeafClover"
Name: "FourLeafClover"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 1
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 742
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
bonus bLuk, 1;
Id: 749
AegisName: "Towel"
Name: "Towel"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 800
Sell: 250
Weight: 50
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 749
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 829
AegisName: "CrozeniteFourLeafAmulet"
Name: "CrozeniteFourLeafAmulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 10
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 829
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
bonus bLuk, 1;
Id: 830
AegisName: "BromenalFourLeafAmulet"
Name: "BromenalFourLeafAmulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 10
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 830
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
bonus bLuk, 2;
Id: 831
AegisName: "SilverFourLeafAmulet"
Name: "SilverFourLeafAmulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 30000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 10
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 831
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
bonus bLuk, 3;
Id: 832
AegisName: "GoldenFourLeafAmulet"
Name: "GoldenFourLeafAmulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 40000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 10
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 832
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
bonus bLuk, 4;
Id: 865
AegisName: "Grimoire"
Name: "Grimoire"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 222
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 865
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
bonus bMaxSP, 30;
Id: 879
AegisName: "HeartOfIsis"
Name: "HeartOfIsis"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 70000
Sell: 35000
Weight: 40
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
EquipLv: 85
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 879
Script: <"
bonus bMaxHPrate, 15;
bonus bHPrecovRate, 60;
Id: 908
AegisName: "GMAmulet"
Name: "GMAmulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 1
Def: 50
Matk: 20
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 908
Nouse: {
override: 50
Script: <"
bonus bMaxHP, 31000;
bonus bHPrecovRate, 200;
bonus bCriticalDef, 50;
bonus bMdef, 50;
bonus bFlee, 20;
bonus bMatkRate, 20; // @EVOL2
bonus bHit, 50;
bonus bCritical, 50;
bonus bAspdRate, 20;
Id: 909
AegisName: "LeprechaunHead"
Name: "LeprechaunHead"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 100
Def: 10
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 909
Script: <"
bonus bLuk, 3;
Id: 910
AegisName: "Rainerang"
Name: "Rainerang"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 115
Atk: 60
Range: 4
Slots: 1
WeaponLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 910
DontUseAmmo: true
Subtype: "W_BOW"
Script: <"
//set @LauncherType, AMMO_DONT_USE; // @TMWA
//callfunc "CheckLauncher"; // @TMWA
Id: 1227
AegisName: "EnchantersAmulet"
Name: "EnchantersAmulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1227
Script: <"
bonus bHit, 22;
Id: 1244
AegisName: "DarkTalisman"
Name: "DarkTalisman"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 0
Matk: 100
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1244
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 100; // @EVOL2
bonus bMdef, 30;
Id: 4008
AegisName: "DiamondRing"
Name: "DiamondRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 25
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4008
Script: <"
bonus bVit, 1;
Id: 4009
AegisName: "RubyRing"
Name: "RubyRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 25
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4009
Script: <"
bonus bStr, 1;
Id: 4010
AegisName: "EmeraldRing"
Name: "EmeraldRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 25
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4010
Script: <"
bonus bLuk, 1;
Id: 4011
AegisName: "SapphireRing"
Name: "SapphireRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 25
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4011
Script: <"
bonus bInt, 1;
Id: 4012
AegisName: "TopazRing"
Name: "TopazRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 25
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4012
Script: <"
bonus bAgi, 1;
Id: 4013
AegisName: "AmethystRing"
Name: "AmethystRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 25
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4013
Script: <"
bonus bDex, 1;
Id: 4014
AegisName: "SimpleRing"
Name: "SimpleRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 100000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4014
Id: 677
AegisName: "HeartNecklace"
Name: "HeartNecklace"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 677
Script: <"
bonus bMaxHP, 50;
bonus bHPrecovRate, 25;
Id: 5252
AegisName: "GuardianWings"
Name: "GuardianWings"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5252
Id: 5253
AegisName: "MagicRing"
Name: "MagicRing"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 3
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
EquipLv: 80
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5253
OnEquipScript: <"
callfunc "RequireStat", bInt, 80, EQI_ACC_R;
Script: <"
callfunc "MagicRingItem", EQI_ACC_R;
bonus bInt, 1;
Id: 5270
AegisName: "ManaPearl"
Name: "Mana Pearl"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 0
Matk: 22
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5272
Script: <"
callfunc "ManaPearlItem", EQI_ARMOR;
bonus bInt, 1;
bonus bMatkRate, 22; // @EVOL2
bonus bMaxSP, 55;
bonus bMdef, 22;
bonus bSPrecovRate, 33;
Id: 5268
AegisName: "AssassinRing"
Name: "Assassin Ring"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5274
Script: <"
callfunc "BrawlingItem", EQI_ACC_R;
bonus bAgi, 1;
bonus bCritical, 5;
bonus bAspdRate, 5;
//Disabled: true // @TMWA
Id: 5269
AegisName: "AssassinAmulet"
Name: "Assassin Amulet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5275
Script: <"
callfunc "BrawlingItem", EQI_ARMOR;
bonus bAgi, 1;
bonus bDoubleAddRate, 5;
bonus bHit, 25;
//Disabled: true // @TMWA
/* Boots */
Id: 528
AegisName: "Boots"
Name: "Boots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 100
Matk: -2
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 528
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -2; // @EVOL2
Id: 655
AegisName: "FurBoots"
Name: "FurBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 600
Weight: 110
Matk: -3
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 655
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -3; // @EVOL2
Id: 734
AegisName: "BlackBoots"
Name: "BlackBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 110
Matk: -10
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 734
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 735
AegisName: "CottonBoots"
Name: "CottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 735
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 757
AegisName: "AssassinBoots"
Name: "AssassinBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 7000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 10
Matk: -3
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 757
Script: <"
callfunc "BrawlingItem", EQI_SHOES;
bonus bAgi, 4;
bonus bMatkRate, -3; // @EVOL2
Id: 792
AegisName: "BromenalBoots"
Name: "BromenalBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 500
Weight: 250
Matk: -14
Def: 4
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 792
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -14; // @EVOL2
Id: 876
AegisName: "WarlordBoots"
Name: "WarlordBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 19000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 550
Matk: -22
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 876
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -22; // @EVOL2
Id: 2150
AegisName: "RedCottonBoots"
Name: "RedCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2150
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2151
AegisName: "GreenCottonBoots"
Name: "GreenCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2151
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2152
AegisName: "DarkBlueCottonBoots"
Name: "DarkBlueCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2152
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2153
AegisName: "YellowCottonBoots"
Name: "YellowCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2153
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2154
AegisName: "LightBlueCottonBoots"
Name: "LightBlueCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2154
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2155
AegisName: "PinkCottonBoots"
Name: "PinkCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2155
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2156
AegisName: "BlackCottonBoots"
Name: "BlackCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2156
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2157
AegisName: "OrangeCottonBoots"
Name: "OrangeCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2157
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2158
AegisName: "PurpleCottonBoots"
Name: "PurpleCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2158
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2159
AegisName: "DarkGreenCottonBoots"
Name: "DarkGreenCottonBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2159
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 1188
AegisName: "RedStockings"
Name: "RedStockings"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 7000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 10
Matk: 2
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 1188
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 5323
AegisName: "BlackWarlordBoots"
Name: "BlackWarlordBoots"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 19000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 550
Matk: -22
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5323
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -22; // @EVOL2
/* Items */
Id: 503
AegisName: "CasinoCoins"
Name: "CasinoCoins"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 10
Sell: 5
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 503
Id: 504
AegisName: "DecorCandy"
Name: "DecorCandy"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 25
Sell: 10
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 504
Id: 505
AegisName: "InsectSlime"
Name: "InsectSlime"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 8
Sell: 4
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 505
Id: 507
AegisName: "ScorpionStinger"
Name: "ScorpionStinger"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 507
Id: 515
AegisName: "PurplePresentBox"
Name: "PurplePresentBox"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 515
Id: 516
AegisName: "BluePresentBox"
Name: "BluePresentBox"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 60
Sell: 30
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 516
Id: 517
AegisName: "RedScorpionStinger"
Name: "RedScorpionStinger"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 170
Sell: 85
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 517
Id: 518
AegisName: "InsectLeg"
Name: "Insect Leg"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 100
Sell: 25
Weight: 1
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 518
Id: 526
AegisName: "CoinBag"
Name: "CoinBag"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 5
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 526
Id: 537
AegisName: "TreasureKey"
Name: "TreasureKey"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 100
Sell: 50
Weight: 2
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 537
Id: 538
AegisName: "GreenPresentBox"
Name: "GreenPresentBox"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 538
Id: 540
AegisName: "EmptyBottle"
Name: "EmptyBottle"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 20
Sell: 10
Weight: 5
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 540
Id: 542
AegisName: "BottleOfSand"
Name: "BottleOfSand"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 70
Sell: 35
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 542
Id: 551
AegisName: "AquaHint"
Name: "AquaHint"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 20
Sell: 0
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 551
Id: 552
AegisName: "MagentaHint"
Name: "MagentaHint"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 20
Sell: 0
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 552
Id: 553
AegisName: "YellowHint"
Name: "YellowHint"
Type: "IT_ETC"
Buy: 20
Sell: 0
Weight: 10
Def: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 553
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Id: 5292
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Id: 5293
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Id: 5313
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Id: 5314
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Id: 5319
AegisName: "ShadowPlantCrystalDust"
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Id: 5327
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Id: 5328
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Id: 5355
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Id: 5356
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Id: 5357
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Id: 5358
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Id: 5359
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Id: 5361
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Id: 5362
AegisName: "BeeStinger"
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Id: 5363
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Id: 5365
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Id: 5366
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Id: 5367
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Id: 5369
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Id: 5370
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Id: 5376
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Name: "KingChonkyBirbFeather"
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Id: 5377
AegisName: "Honeycomb"
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Id: 5378
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Id: 5380
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Id: 5381
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Id: 5384
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Id: 5385
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Id: 5386
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Id: 5387
AegisName: "Hay"
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Id: 5388
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/* Chest Armor */
Id: 523
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Id: 546
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Id: 564
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Id: 624
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Id: 625
AegisName: "ChainmailShirt"
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Id: 626
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Id: 645
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Id: 649
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Id: 650
AegisName: "BlackEvokersRobeBlue"
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Buy: 8000
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Weight: 50
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Id: 651
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Id: 652
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Id: 653
AegisName: "ApprenticeRobe"
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Buy: 8000
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Id: 658
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Id: 659
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Buy: 500000
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Id: 688
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Id: 689
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Id: 720
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Id: 726
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Id: 755
AegisName: "AssassinShirt"
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Id: 767
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Name: "TerraniteChestArmor"
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Weight: 800
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Id: 782
AegisName: "ForestArmor"
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Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 40
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Id: 783
AegisName: "PlatynaRedDress"
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Id: 2240
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Id: 5042
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Id: 5044
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Id: 5049
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Id: 5063
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Id: 5064
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Id: 5065
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Id: 5066
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Id: 5067
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Id: 5069
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Id: 5097
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Id: 5099
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Id: 5304
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Id: 5306
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Id: 5307
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Id: 5308
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Id: 5320
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Id: 5321
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Weight: 1200
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Id: 5322
AegisName: "BlackWarlordPlate"
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Buy: 200000
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Weight: 2600
Matk: -170
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Id: 5398
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Weight: 7
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ViewSprite: 5398
Script: <"
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// Hats
Id: 511
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 400
Sell: 200
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Def: 2
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Script: <"
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Id: 524
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Id: 525
AegisName: "MinersHat"
Name: "MinersHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 800
Sell: 400
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Id: 543
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Id: 544
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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Sell: 2000
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Id: 604
AegisName: "PirateBandana"
Name: "PirateBandana"
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Buy: 10000
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Id: 615
AegisName: "PumpkinHelmet"
Name: "PumpkinHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
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Weight: 60
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Def: 4
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Id: 616
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
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Weight: 50
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Id: 617
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
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Weight: 40
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ViewSprite: 617
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Id: 618
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Buy: 500
Sell: 100
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Id: 619
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Name: "LeatherGoggles"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
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Id: 620
AegisName: "Circlet"
Name: "Circlet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
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Weight: 25
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ViewSprite: 620
Script: <"
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Id: 621
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
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Weight: 5
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Id: 622
AegisName: "Bandana"
Name: "Bandana"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
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Refine: false
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Id: 627
AegisName: "TopHat"
Name: "TopHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
Matk: 2
Def: 10
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ViewSprite: 627
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 628
AegisName: "FunkyHat"
Name: "FunkyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 20
Matk: 2
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 628
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 629
AegisName: "MushHat"
Name: "MushHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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Refine: false
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Id: 630
AegisName: "ShroomHat"
Name: "ShroomHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 30
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 630
Id: 633
AegisName: "ChristmasElfHat"
Name: "ChristmasElfHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 30
Matk: 2
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 633
Script: <"
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Id: 634
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Weight: 50
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Id: 636
AegisName: "WarlordHelmet"
Name: "WarlordHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 30000
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Weight: 900
Matk: -36
Def: 18
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ViewSprite: 636
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Id: 637
AegisName: "KnightsHelmet"
Name: "KnightsHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 600
Matk: -30
Def: 15
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ViewSprite: 637
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -30; // @EVOL2
Id: 638
AegisName: "InfantryHelmet"
Name: "InfantryHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 15000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 400
Matk: -30
Def: 15
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 638
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -30; // @EVOL2
Id: 639
AegisName: "CrusadeHelmet"
Name: "CrusadeHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 25000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 1300
Matk: -36
Def: 18
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 639
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -36; // @EVOL2
Id: 643
AegisName: "WhiteCowboyHat"
Name: "WhiteCowboyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1800
Sell: 900
Weight: 30
Matk: -12
Def: 6
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 643
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -12; // @EVOL2
Id: 644
AegisName: "BlackCowboyHat"
Name: "BlackCowboyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1800
Sell: 900
Weight: 30
Matk: -12
Def: 6
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 644
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -12; // @EVOL2
Id: 646
AegisName: "Crown"
Name: "Crown"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 240
Def: 4
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 646
Id: 647
AegisName: "DevelopersCap"
Name: "DevelopersCap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: 5
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 647
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 654
AegisName: "Cap"
Name: "Cap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 4000000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 654
Id: 656
AegisName: "SerfHat"
Name: "SerfHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 500
Sell: 100
Weight: 20
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 656
Id: 675
AegisName: "GraduationCap"
Name: "GraduationCap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 250
Weight: 20
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 675
Script: <"
bonus bInt, 1;
Id: 678
AegisName: "NohMask"
Name: "NohMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 7000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 18
Matk: 1
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 678
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 679
AegisName: "DemonMask"
Name: "DemonMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 23
Matk: 5
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 679
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 721
AegisName: "HighPriestCrown"
Name: "HighPriestCrown"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 6000000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 400
Matk: 20
Def: 4
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 721
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 20; // @EVOL2
bonus bMaxSP, 20;
Id: 722
AegisName: "MonsterSkullHelmet"
Name: "MonsterSkullHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 6000000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 250
Matk: 10
Def: 7
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 722
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
bonus bMdef, 20;
Id: 723
AegisName: "DesertHat"
Name: "DesertHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2400
Sell: 600
Weight: 20
Matk: -1
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 723
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -1; // @EVOL2
Id: 724
AegisName: "CottonHeadband"
Name: "CottonHeadband"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 500
Weight: 5
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 724
Id: 725
AegisName: "GMCap"
Name: "GMCap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 0
Matk: 5
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 725
Nouse: {
override: 60
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 751
AegisName: "PinkieHat"
Name: "PinkieHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 5
Matk: 1
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 751
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 1; // @EVOL2
Id: 752
AegisName: "FluffyHat"
Name: "FluffyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 7000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 10
Matk: -5
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 752
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -5; // @EVOL2
Id: 759
AegisName: "PaladinsHelmet"
Name: "PaladinsHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 500
Def: 19
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 759
Id: 760
AegisName: "OverlordsHelmet"
Name: "OverlordsHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 1800
Matk: -60
Def: 44
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 760
Script: <"
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bonus bMatkRate, -60; // @EVOL2
bonus bMdef, -60;
//bonus bAllStats, -2; // @//TMWA (TODO: Disabled temporarily)
bonus bFlee, -20;
Id: 761
AegisName: "DesertHelmet"
Name: "DesertHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 600
Matk: -25
Def: 21
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 761
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -25; // @EVOL2
//Disabled: true // @TMWA
Id: 764
AegisName: "SailorHat"
Name: "SailorHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
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Weight: 20
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 764
Id: 765
AegisName: "CaptainsHat"
Name: "CaptainsHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Def: 15
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 765
Id: 766
AegisName: "TerraniteHelmet"
Name: "TerraniteHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 30000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 300
Matk: -12
Def: 15
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 766
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -12; // @EVOL2
bonus bMdef, 5;
Id: 769
AegisName: "GuyFawkesMask"
Name: "GuyFawkesMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 50
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 769
Id: 770
AegisName: "FairyHat"
Name: "FairyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 770
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
bonus bLuk, 3;
Id: 781
AegisName: "WitchDoctorsMask"
Name: "WitchDoctorsMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 100
Weight: 20
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 781
Id: 795
AegisName: "BromenalHelmet"
Name: "BromenalHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 15000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 400
Matk: -30
Def: 16
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 795
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -30; // @EVOL2
Id: 800
AegisName: "BowlerHatBrown"
Name: "BowlerHatBrown"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
Matk: 2
Def: 10
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 800
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 801
AegisName: "PinkieHelmet"
Name: "PinkieHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 800
Matk: -30
Def: 15
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 801
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -30; // @EVOL2
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Id: 848
AegisName: "Earmuffs"
Name: "Earmuffs"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -1
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 848
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -1; // @EVOL2
Id: 854
AegisName: "ElfNightcap"
Name: "ElfNightcap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 50
Matk: 5
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 854
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 855
AegisName: "Sunglasses"
Name: "Sunglasses"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 10
Matk: 6
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 855
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 6; // @EVOL2
Id: 856
AegisName: "KnitCap"
Name: "KnitCap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 50
Def: 3
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 856
Id: 877
AegisName: "BullHelmet"
Name: "BullHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 90000
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Weight: 1300
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ViewSprite: 877
OnEquipScript: <"
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callfunc "RequireStat", bLuk, 50, EQI_HEAD_TOP;
Script: <"
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Id: 882
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Id: 883
AegisName: "BlueEggshellHat"
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Id: 884
AegisName: "YellowEggshellHat"
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Buy: 7000
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Weight: 15
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Id: 885
AegisName: "GreenEggshellHat"
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Buy: 7000
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Weight: 15
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Id: 886
AegisName: "OrangeEggshellHat"
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Sell: 3500
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Id: 887
AegisName: "DarkEggshellHat"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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EquipLv: 1
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ViewSprite: 887
Script: <"
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Id: 888
AegisName: "MagicGMTopHat"
Name: "MagicGMTopHat"
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Buy: 4200
Sell: 1900
Weight: 30
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Def: 60
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ViewSprite: 888
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Id: 889
AegisName: "MurdererCrown"
Name: "MurdererCrown"
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Sell: 12000
Weight: 240
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Id: 890
AegisName: "BeanieCopter"
Name: "BeanieCopter"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 20
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Def: 4
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ViewSprite: 890
Script: <"
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Id: 897
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 0
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ViewSprite: 897
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Id: 898
AegisName: "WhiteRoseHat"
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 0
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Id: 899
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 0
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ViewSprite: 899
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Id: 900
AegisName: "YellowRoseHat"
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 0
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ViewSprite: 900
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Id: 901
AegisName: "OrangeRoseHat"
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Buy: 5000
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Weight: 0
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Id: 902
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Buy: 5000
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Weight: 0
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ViewSprite: 902
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Id: 905
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Id: 1173
AegisName: "TamOShanter"
Name: "TamOShanter"
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ViewSprite: 1173
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Id: 1174
AegisName: "CashiersShade"
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Buy: 4000
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Weight: 15
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Id: 1175
AegisName: "AutumnMask"
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Buy: 5000
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Weight: 10
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ViewSprite: 1175
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Id: 1190
AegisName: "NutcrackerHat"
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Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
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ViewSprite: 1190
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Id: 1196
AegisName: "Beret"
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Buy: 1000
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Weight: 20
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ViewSprite: 1196
Script: <"
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Id: 1203
AegisName: "RangerHat"
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Weight: 20
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Id: 1204
AegisName: "AntlerHat"
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Weight: 15
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Id: 1205
AegisName: "ChristmasTreeHat"
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Id: 1206
AegisName: "SantaBeardHat"
Name: "SantaBeardHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
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Weight: 20
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Id: 1214
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Id: 1216
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Id: 1217
AegisName: "CatEars"
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Id: 1218
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Buy: 1000
Sell: 5
Weight: 10
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Id: 1219
AegisName: "MoubootaurHead"
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Id: 1220
AegisName: "BunchOfParsley"
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3
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Weight: 1
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ViewSprite: 1220
Script: <"
bonus bDeaf, 1; // FIXME SC_SILENCE or Manner = 0 or whatever
Id: 1221
AegisName: "SkullMask"
Name: "SkullMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 150
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Id: 1242
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Buy: 7500
Sell: 3750
Weight: 10
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Id: 1247
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Id: 1255
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Sell: 3500
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Id: 1256
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Name: "EggshellHat"
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Buy: 7000
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Id: 1275
AegisName: "ReadingGlasses"
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Sell: 3750
Weight: 12
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Script: <"
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Id: 1276
AegisName: "OperaMask"
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Id: 1277
AegisName: "JesterMask"
Name: "JesterMask"
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Sell: 500
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Id: 1278
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Name: "WitchHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
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Weight: 50
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ViewSprite: 1278
Script: <"
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Id: 1279
AegisName: "GoblinMask"
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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Id: 2130
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Name: "RedDesertHat"
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Buy: 2400
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Id: 2131
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Buy: 2400
Sell: 600
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Id: 2132
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Buy: 2400
Sell: 600
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Id: 2133
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Buy: 2400
Sell: 600
Weight: 20
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Id: 2134
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Buy: 2400
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Id: 2135
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Buy: 2400
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Id: 2136
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Id: 2137
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Buy: 2400
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bonus bMatkRate, -1; // @EVOL2
Id: 2138
AegisName: "PurpleDesertHat"
Name: "PurpleDesertHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2400
Sell: 600
Weight: 20
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Id: 2139
AegisName: "DarkGreenDesertHat"
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Buy: 2400
Sell: 600
Weight: 20
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Id: 2140
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Name: "YellowCottonHeadband"
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Id: 2145
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Id: 2147
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Id: 2148
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Name: "DarkGreenCottonHeadband"
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Id: 2190
AegisName: "RedRabbitEars"
Name: "RedRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
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Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 4; // @EVOL2
Id: 2191
AegisName: "GreenRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
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Id: 2192
AegisName: "DarkBlueRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
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Weight: 15
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Script: <"
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Id: 2193
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Name: "YellowRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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Id: 2194
AegisName: "LightBlueRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
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Weight: 15
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Id: 2195
AegisName: "PinkRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 4; // @EVOL2
Id: 2196
AegisName: "BlackRabbitEars"
Name: "BlackRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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ViewSprite: 2196
Script: <"
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Id: 2197
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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ViewSprite: 2197
Script: <"
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Id: 2198
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Name: "PurpleRabbitEars"
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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Script: <"
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Id: 2199
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Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Weight: 15
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ViewSprite: 2199
Script: <"
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Id: 2200
AegisName: "RedWizardHat"
Name: "RedWizardHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
Matk: 5
Def: 5
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EquipLv: 1
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ViewSprite: 2200
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
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Id: 2201
AegisName: "GreenWizardHat"
Name: "GreenWizardHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
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Def: 5
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ViewSprite: 2201
Script: <"
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Id: 2202
AegisName: "DarkBlueWizardHat"
Name: "DarkBlueWizardHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
Matk: 5
Def: 5
Slots: 0
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2202
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
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Id: 2203
AegisName: "YellowWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
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Weight: 20
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ViewSprite: 2203
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Id: 2204
AegisName: "LightBlueWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
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Weight: 20
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Id: 2205
AegisName: "PinkWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
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Weight: 20
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Id: 2206
AegisName: "BlackWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
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Id: 2207
AegisName: "OrangeWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
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Id: 2208
AegisName: "PurpleWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
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Id: 2209
AegisName: "DarkGreenWizardHat"
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Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
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Id: 2210
AegisName: "RedBowlerHat"
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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Id: 2211
AegisName: "GreenBowlerHat"
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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Id: 2212
AegisName: "DarkBlueBowlerHat"
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Id: 2213
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Id: 2214
AegisName: "LightBlueBowlerHat"
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Id: 2215
AegisName: "PinkBowlerHat"
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Buy: 2500
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Id: 2216
AegisName: "BlackBowlerHat"
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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Id: 2217
AegisName: "OrangeBowlerHat"
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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Id: 2218
AegisName: "PurpleBowlerHat"
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Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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Id: 2219
AegisName: "DarkGreenBowlerHat"
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Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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ViewSprite: 2219
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Id: 2230
AegisName: "RedBowlerHatBrown"
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Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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Def: 10
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ViewSprite: 2230
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Id: 2231
AegisName: "GreenBowlerHatBrown"
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Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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ViewSprite: 2231
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Id: 2232
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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Id: 2233
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Buy: 2500
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Id: 2234
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Buy: 2500
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ViewSprite: 2234
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Id: 2235
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Buy: 2500
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Id: 2236
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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ViewSprite: 2236
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Id: 2237
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
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ViewSprite: 2237
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Id: 2238
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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Id: 2239
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Buy: 2500
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Weight: 30
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Id: 2260
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Buy: 1000
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Weight: 20
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Id: 2261
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Id: 2262
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Id: 2263
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2264
AegisName: "LightBlueBeret"
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Id: 2265
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Id: 2266
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Buy: 1000
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ViewSprite: 2266
Script: <"
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Id: 2267
AegisName: "OrangeBeret"
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
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ViewSprite: 2267
Script: <"
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Id: 2268
AegisName: "PurpleBeret"
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
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ViewSprite: 2268
Script: <"
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Id: 2269
AegisName: "DarkGreenBeret"
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
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ViewSprite: 2269
Script: <"
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Id: 2270
AegisName: "BlinkingEvil"
Name: "BlinkingEvil"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 50
Matk: 10
Def: 13
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ViewSprite: 2270
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
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Id: 2271
AegisName: "BlinkingEvilRed"
Name: "BlinkingEvilRed"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 50
Matk: 10
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2271
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bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
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Id: 2272
AegisName: "BlinkingEvilBlue"
Name: "BlinkingEvilBlue"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 50
Matk: 10
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2272
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
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Id: 2273
AegisName: "BlinkingEvilPink"
Name: "BlinkingEvilPink"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 50
Matk: 10
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2273
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
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Id: 2274
AegisName: "BlinkingEvilYellow"
Name: "BlinkingEvilYellow"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 50
Matk: 10
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2274
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 10; // @EVOL2
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Id: 4020
AegisName: "CandleHelmet"
Name: "CandleHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 450
Matk: -25
Def: 16
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4020
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -25; // @EVOL2
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Id: 4027
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Name: "YetiMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 10
Matk: -10
Def: 4
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4027
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 4028
AegisName: "WizardHat"
Name: "WizardHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
Matk: 5
Def: 5
Slots: 0
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4028
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
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Id: 4030
AegisName: "BowlerHat"
Name: "BowlerHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
Matk: 2
Def: 10
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4030
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 4031
AegisName: "Monocle"
Name: "Monocle"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4031
Script: <"
bonus bDex, 1;
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bonus bCritical, 10;
Id: 4032
AegisName: "PanHat"
Name: "PanHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 400
Matk: -20
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4032
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -20; // @EVOL2
Id: 4033
AegisName: "ChefHat"
Name: "ChefHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 30
Matk: 2
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4033
Script: <"
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Id: 4042
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Name: "RedNose"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 4000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 4
Matk: 7
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 4042
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 7; // @EVOL2
Id: 5128
AegisName: "DarkHelm"
Name: "DarkHelm"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 50000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 800
Def: 19
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5128
Script: <"
bonus bMaxHPrate, 10;
bonus bHPrecovRate, 10;
bonus bInt, -readparam(bInt);
Id: 5129
AegisName: "UnderworldMask"
Name: "UnderworldMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 50000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 100
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ViewSprite: 5129
Script: <"
callfunc "UnderworldTroll", EQI_HEAD_TOP;
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Id: 5130
AegisName: "Phylactery"
Name: "Phylactery"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 50000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 20
Matk: 90
Def: 1
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5130
Script: <"
bonus bAspdRate, 25;
bonus bDex, -(readparam(bDex)/3);
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Id: 5200
AegisName: "PointyWitchHat"
Name: "PointyWitchHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 50
Matk: 5
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5200
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
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Id: 5201
AegisName: "Pipe"
Name: "Pipe"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 2500
Weight: 20
Def: 2
Slots: 0
EquipLv: 18
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5201
Script: <"
bonus bDex, 1;
bonus bLuk, 1;
bonus bCritical, 10;
Id: 5202
AegisName: "PilotHat"
Name: "PilotHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 30
Matk: 2
Def: 10
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5202
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 5203
AegisName: "MoonshroomHat"
Name: "MoonshroomHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 30
Matk: 5
Def: 15
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5203
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 5204
AegisName: "CarbonGasMask"
Name: "CarbonGasMask"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2500
Sell: 1250
Weight: 50
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Refine: false
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Id: 5205
AegisName: "EskimoHat"
Name: "EskimoHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 7500
Sell: 3750
Weight: 10
Matk: -2
Def: 5
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5205
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -2; // @EVOL2
Id: 5209
AegisName: "TerraniteHead"
Name: "TerraniteHead"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 30000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 500
Matk: -30
Def: 16
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5209
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -30; // @EVOL2
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Id: 5226
AegisName: "GroovyHat"
Name: "GroovyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 20
Matk: 2
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5226
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 5227
AegisName: "JazzyHat"
Name: "JazzyHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Weight: 20
Matk: 2
Def: 13
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5227
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, 2; // @EVOL2
Id: 5228
AegisName: "ChicSantaHat"
Name: "ChicSantaHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 400
Sell: 200
Weight: 20
Matk: -2
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5228
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -2; // @EVOL2
Id: 5229
AegisName: "ScentedCandleHelmet"
Name: "ScentedCandleHelmet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 1
Weight: 450
Def: 10
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5229
Script: <"
bonus bInt, 2;
addtimer 1, "ScentedCandle::OnEquip";
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Id: 5230
AegisName: "AnniversaryHat"
Name: "AnniversaryHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 100000
Sell: 1
Weight: 100
Def: 12
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5230
Script: <"
bonus bInt, 2;
Id: 5231
AegisName: "RedPresentHat"
Name: "RedPresentHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 60
Def: 1
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Refine: false
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Id: 5232
AegisName: "GreenPresentHat"
Name: "GreenPresentHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 60
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Refine: false
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Id: 5233
AegisName: "BluePresentHat"
Name: "BluePresentHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 60
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Refine: false
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Id: 5234
AegisName: "YellowPresentHat"
Name: "YellowPresentHat"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 60
Def: 1
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Refine: false
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Id: 5238
AegisName: "AFKCap"
Name: "AFKCap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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Sell: 1
Weight: 60
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Id: 5239
AegisName: "Aureole"
Name: "Aureole"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 60
Def: 0
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5239
Script: <"
bonus bFlee, 50;
Id: 5240
AegisName: "SmileyCap"
Name: "SmileyCap"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 1
Weight: 60
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Refine: false
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Id: 5241
AegisName: "RedShades"
Name: "RedShades"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 500
Sell: 100
Weight: 20
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Refine: false
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Id: 5242
AegisName: "GreenShades"
Name: "GreenShades"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 500
Sell: 100
Weight: 20
Def: 2
Slots: 0
Refine: false
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Id: 5243
AegisName: "DarkBlueShades"
Name: "DarkBlueShades"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 500
Sell: 100
Weight: 20
Def: 2
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Id: 5287
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Script: <"
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Script: <"
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Id: 748
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Script: <"
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Id: 750
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Script: <"
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Script: <"
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Id: 788
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Id: 825
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Id: 826
AegisName: "SmallManaElixir"
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callfunc "itheal", 0, 50;
Id: 827
AegisName: "MediumManaElixir"
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callfunc "itheal", 0, 100;
Id: 828
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callfunc "itheal", 0, 250;
Id: 838
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callfunc "itheal", 750, 0;
Id: 839
AegisName: "GrapeLollipop"
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callfunc "itheal", 750, 0;
Id: 840
AegisName: "OrangeLollipop"
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callfunc "itheal", 750, 0;
Id: 1189
AegisName: "PollettEgg"
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callfunc "itheal", 75, 10;
Id: 1226
AegisName: "SilverBell"
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callfunc "SilverBellSound";
Id: 1229
AegisName: "CaramelApple"
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callfunc "itheal", 1000, 0;
Id: 1230
AegisName: "LollipopColor1"
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callfunc "itheal", 800, 0;
Id: 1231
AegisName: "LollipopColor2"
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callfunc "itheal", 800, 0;
Id: 1232
AegisName: "LollipopColor3"
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callfunc "itheal", 800, 0;
Id: 1248
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callfunc "itheal", 200, 0;
Id: 1250
AegisName: "Pear"
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callfunc "itheal", 150, 0;
Id: 1251
AegisName: "Plum"
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callfunc "itheal", 100, 0;
Id: 1252
AegisName: "Cherry"
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callfunc "itheal", 50, 0;
Id: 1253
AegisName: "GoldenDeliciousApple"
Name: "GoldenDeliciousApple"
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Weight: 30
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Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 200, 0; // @EVOL2
//heal 200, 0, 0; // @TMWA
Id: 1258
AegisName: "GlutenFreeHoney"
Name: "GlutenFreeHoney"
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callfunc "itheal", 45, 0;
Id: 1280
AegisName: "Scissors"
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ViewSprite: 1280
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Script: <"
callfunc "useScissors";
Id: 1281
AegisName: "ShockSweet"
Name: "ShockSweet"
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ViewSprite: 1281
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callfunc "useShockSweet";
Id: 3001
AegisName: "RubberBat"
Name: "RubberBat"
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Script: <"
callfunc "rubberBat";
Id: 3006
AegisName: "TonoriDelight"
Name: "TonoriDelight"
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callfunc "itheal", 10, 2;
Id: 3007
AegisName: "Marshmallow"
Name: "Marshmallow"
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callfunc "itheal", 10, 0;
Id: 3009
AegisName: "JellySkull"
Name: "JellySkull"
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Weight: 2
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callfunc "itheal", 10, 0;
Id: 3010
AegisName: "CandyPumpkin"
Name: "CandyPumpkin"
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ViewSprite: 3010
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 10, 0;
Id: 4035
AegisName: "PickledBeets"
Name: "PickledBeets"
Buy: 1500
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Weight: 150
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ViewSprite: 4035
Script: <"
callfunc "usePickledBeets";
Id: 4036
AegisName: "RoastedAcorn"
Name: "RoastedAcorn"
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Weight: 1
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ViewSprite: 4036
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 15, 0;
Id: 5126
AegisName: "MTJarofOwnBlood"
Name: "MTJarofOwnBlood"
Buy: 200
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Weight: 1
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ViewSprite: 5126
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", -250, 0;
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Id: 5210
AegisName: "GrassFedTofu"
Name: "GrassFedTofu"
Buy: 50
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Weight: 2
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ViewSprite: 5210
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", -10, -2;
Id: 5213
AegisName: "VeganWater"
Name: "VeganWater"
Buy: 200
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Weight: 10
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ViewSprite: 5213
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 250, 0;
getitem 540, 1;
Id: 5214
AegisName: "LactoseFreeAcorn"
Name: "LactoseFreeAcorn"
Buy: 100
Sell: 50
Weight: 1
Def: 0
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ViewSprite: 5214
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 15, 0;
Id: 5235
AegisName: "TMWBirthdayGift"
Name: "TMWBirthdayGift"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 50
Weight: 0
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5235
Script: <"
// 5231..5234
.@it=callfunc("any", // @EVOL2
RedPresentHat, GreenPresentHat, BluePresentHat, YellowPresentHat); // @EVOL2
getitem .@it, 1; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "TMWBirthdayGift"; // @TMWA
Id: 5236
AegisName: "GumiCandy"
Name: "GumiCandy"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 250
Weight: 0
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5236
Script: <"
set Sex, Sex == 3 ? rand(0, 1) : (rand(0, 1) ? 3 : !Sex); // @EVOL2
//set Sex, if_then_else(Sex == 3, rand(0, 1), if_then_else(rand(0,1), 3, !Sex)); // @TMWA
Id: 5237
AegisName: "CaramelCandy"
Name: "CaramelCandy"
Buy: 700
Sell: 350
Weight: 0
Def: 0
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5237
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 350, 0;
Id: 5263
AegisName: "LovePotion"
Name: "LovePotion"
Buy: 90000
Sell: 550
Weight: 0
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ViewSprite: 5263
Script: <"
callfunc "LovePotion";
Id: 5141
AegisName: "AlizarinScroll"
Name: "Alizarin Scroll"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 7
Script: <"
callfunc "learnskill", SKILL_MODRIPHOO; // @EVOL2
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callfunc "SK_GrowPlants", false; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "UnreleasedScroll"; // @TMWA
Id: 5142
AegisName: "CobaltScroll"
Name: "Cobalt Scroll"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 7
Script: <"
callfunc "learnskill", SKILL_MODRISUMP; // @EVOL2
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callfunc "SK_GrowPlants", false; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "UnreleasedScroll"; // @TMWA
Id: 5143
AegisName: "GambogeScroll"
Name: "Gamboge Scroll"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 7
Script: <"
callfunc "learnskill", SKILL_MODRIYIKAM; // @EVOL2
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callfunc "SK_GrowPlants", false; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "UnreleasedScroll"; // @TMWA
Id: 5144
AegisName: "MauveScroll"
Name: "Mauve Scroll"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 7
Script: <"
callfunc "learnskill", SKILL_MODRILAX; // @EVOL2
@skillId = SKILL_MODRILAX; // @EVOL2
@skillLv = 1; // @EVOL2
callfunc "SK_GrowPlants", false; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "UnreleasedScroll"; // @TMWA
Id: 5145
AegisName: "JoyplimScroll"
Name: "Joyplim Scroll"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 7
Script: <"
callfunc "learnskill", SKILL_JOYPLIM; // @EVOL2
@skillId = SKILL_JOYPLIM; // @EVOL2
@skillLv = 10; // @EVOL2
callfunc "SK_Joyplim", false; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "UnreleasedScroll"; // @TMWA
Id: 5277
AegisName: "XmasSeeds"
Name: "Christmas Seeds"
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callfunc "X21_SEEDS"; // @EVOL2
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Id: 5251
AegisName: "Tomato"
Name: "Tomato"
Buy: 100
Sell: 50
Weight: 7
Def: 0
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ViewSprite: 657
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 200, 5;
Id: 5294
AegisName: "CrazyRum"
Name: "Crazy Rum"
Buy: 40
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Weight: 2
Def: 0
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5294
Script: <"
callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60, SC_POISON, 60); //@EVOL2
//callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60000, SC_POISON, 1); //@TMWA
callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60, SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 50);
callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60, SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 45);
//callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60, SC_PHYS_SHIELD, 40); //@EVOL2
//callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60000, SC_PHYS_SHIELD_ITEM, 40); //@TMWA
//sc_end SC_PHYS_SHIELD; //@TMWA
//misceffect FX_MAGIC_SHIELD, strcharinfo(0); //@TMWA
Id: 5309
AegisName: "ManaDust"
Name: "ManaDust"
Buy: 125
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Weight: 5
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ViewSprite: 5309
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 35, 15;
Id: 5310
AegisName: "EnlighteningElixir"
Name: "EnlighteningElixir"
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Weight: 10
Def: 0
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5309
Script: <"
callfunc("SC_Bonus", 60, SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 100);
Id: 5312
AegisName: "Honey"
Name: "Honey"
Buy: 300
Sell: 150
Weight: 10
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5312
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 200, 50;
Id: 5329
AegisName: "IronShovel"
Name: "Iron Shovel"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 750
Weight: 210
Refine: false
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
if (@useType == 1) { //@EVOL2
doevent "Shovel::OnBury"; //@EVOL2
} else { //@EVOL2
doevent "Shovel::OnDig"; //@EVOL2
} //@EVOL2
//callfunc "useShovel"; // @TMWA
Id: 5330
AegisName: "ShadowScroll"
Name: "Shadow Scroll"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 7
Script: <"
callfunc "learnskill", SKILL_MODRISHA; // @EVOL2
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callfunc "SK_GrowPlants", false; // @EVOL2
//callfunc "UnreleasedScroll"; // @TMWA
Id: 5331
AegisName: "YellowApple"
Name: "YellowApple"
Buy: 25
Sell: 6
Weight: 5
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ViewSprite: 5331
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 50, 0;
Id: 5333
AegisName: "Bread"
Name: "Bread"
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Weight: 25
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5333
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 100, 0;
Id: 5334
AegisName: "Fungus"
Name: "Fungus"
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Weight: 8
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5334
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 350, 100;
Id: 5335
AegisName: "Cheese"
Name: "Cheese"
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Weight: 3
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5335
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 150, 0;
Id: 5336
AegisName: "LettuceLeaf"
Name: "Lettuce Leaf"
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Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 120, 0;
Id: 5337
AegisName: "Piberries"
Name: "Piberries"
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ViewSprite: 5337
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 140, 0;
Id: 5338
AegisName: "Croconut"
Name: "Croconut"
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Weight: 80
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ViewSprite: 5338
Script: <"
getitem HalfCroconut, 2;
Id: 5339
AegisName: "HalfCroconut"
Name: "Half Croconut"
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Weight: 38
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ViewSprite: 5339
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 400, 0;
Id: 5340
AegisName: "DeliciousCookie"
Name: "Delicious Cookie"
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ViewSprite: 5340
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 450, 0;
Id: 5341
AegisName: "Manana"
Name: "Manana"
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ViewSprite: 5341
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 350, 0;
Id: 5342
AegisName: "Carrot"
Name: "Carrot"
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Weight: 3
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5342
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 200, 0;
Id: 5343
AegisName: "PumpkinJuice"
Name: "Pumpkin Juice"
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Weight: 4
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ViewSprite: 5343
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 50, 0;
Id: 5344
AegisName: "ChocolateBiscuit"
Name: "Chocolate Biscuit"
Buy: 80
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Weight: 5
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ViewSprite: 5344
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 100, 0;
Id: 5345
AegisName: "ChocolateBunny"
Name: "Chocolate Bunny"
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Weight: 12
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5345
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 250, 0;
Id: 5346
AegisName: "Potatoz"
Name: "Potatoz"
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Sell: 115
Weight: 8
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5346
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 450, 0;
Id: 5347
AegisName: "RipePumpkin"
Name: "RipePumpkin"
Buy: 170
Sell: 85
Weight: 120
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ViewSprite: 5347
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 300, 0;
Id: 5348
AegisName: "FruitSalad"
Name: "FruitSalad"
Buy: 240
Sell: 120
Weight: 10
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ViewSprite: 5348
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 475, 0;
Id: 5349
AegisName: "DuckEgg"
Name: "Duck Egg"
Buy: 200
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Weight: 4
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5349
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 150, 50;
Id: 5350
AegisName: "Dragonfruit"
Name: "Dragonfruit"
Buy: 230
Sell: 115
Weight: 14
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ViewSprite: 5350
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 600, 0;
Id: 5351
AegisName: "PirateTreasureMap"
Name: "Pirate Treasure Map"
Buy: 45000
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Weight: 14
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5351
KeepAfterUse: true
Trade: {
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nodrop: true
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Script: <"
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callfunc "readMap";
Id: 5352
AegisName: "DungeonMap"
Name: "Dungeon Map"
Buy: 45000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 14
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5352
KeepAfterUse: true
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Script: <"
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callfunc "readMap";
Id: 5353
AegisName: "TreasureMap"
Name: "Treasure Map"
Buy: 45000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 14
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5353
KeepAfterUse: true
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Script: <"
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Id: 5354
AegisName: "RubberDucky"
Name: "Rubber Ducky"
Buy: 200
Sell: 100
Weight: 30
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ViewSprite: 5354
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
callfunc "rubberDuck";
Id: 5364
AegisName: "ButterButterfly"
Name: "Butter Butterfly"
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Weight: 1
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ViewSprite: 5364
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 55, 0;
Id: 5373
AegisName: "JunglefowlEgg"
Name: "Junglefowl Egg"
Buy: 400
Sell: 200
Weight: 4
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ViewSprite: 5373
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 300, 0;
Id: 5374
AegisName: "KingChonkyBirbEgg"
Name: "King Chonky Birb Egg"
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Weight: 22
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ViewSprite: 5374
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 800, 0;
Id: 5379
AegisName: "Sauerkraut"
Name: "Sauerkraut"
Buy: 250
Sell: 125
Weight: 10
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ViewSprite: 5379
Script: <"
callfunc "itheal", 500, 0;
Id: 5382
AegisName: "AnchorStone"
Name: "AnchorStone"
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Script: <"
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Id: 5383
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Script: <"
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/* Legs Armor */
Id: 586
AegisName: "CottonShorts"
Name: "CottonShorts"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Weight: 15
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Script: <"
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Id: 610
AegisName: "JeansShorts"
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Id: 632
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Weight: 10
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Id: 642
AegisName: "JeansChaps"
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Weight: 60
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Id: 648
AegisName: "CottonTrousers"
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Id: 731
AegisName: "AssassinPants"
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Weight: 20
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ViewSprite: 731
Script: <"
callfunc "BrawlingItem", EQI_HEAD_LOW;
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Id: 768
AegisName: "TerraniteLegs"
Name: "TerraniteLegs"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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ViewSprite: 768
Script: <"
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Id: 771
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Name: "Miniskirt"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 1000
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bonus bMatkRate, -8; // @EVOL2
Id: 796
AegisName: "BromenalLegs"
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Weight: 150
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Def: 7
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bonus bMatkRate, -12; // @EVOL2
Id: 857
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Weight: 25
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Id: 881
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bonus bMatkRate, -2; // @EVOL2
Id: 1172
AegisName: "SilkPants"
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Weight: 10
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Id: 2100
AegisName: "RedCottonSkirt"
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2101
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2102
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Id: 2103
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Id: 2104
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Id: 2105
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Id: 2106
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Id: 2107
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Id: 2108
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Id: 2109
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2110
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2111
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Id: 2112
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Id: 2113
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Id: 2114
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Id: 2115
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Id: 2116
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Id: 2117
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Id: 2118
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2119
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Id: 2170
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Id: 2171
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Id: 2172
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Id: 2173
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Id: 2174
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Id: 2175
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Id: 2176
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Id: 2177
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Id: 2178
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2179
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Buy: 1000
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Id: 2180
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Buy: 1500
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Id: 2181
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Buy: 1500
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Id: 2182
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Id: 2183
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Buy: 1500
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Id: 2184
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Buy: 1500
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Id: 2185
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Id: 2186
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Buy: 1500
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Id: 2187
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Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Weight: 25
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Id: 2188
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Buy: 1500
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Weight: 25
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Id: 2189
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Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Weight: 25
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Id: 531
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Weight: 30
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Id: 532
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Sell: 2000
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Id: 563
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Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 20
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Def: 3
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Id: 741
AegisName: "CottonGloves"
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Weight: 10
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Id: 756
AegisName: "AssassinGloves"
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Buy: 7000
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Script: <"
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Id: 794
AegisName: "BromenalGloves"
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Id: 868
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Id: 2160
AegisName: "RedCottonGloves"
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Sell: 500
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Matk: -10
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Id: 2161
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Buy: 2000
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Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
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Script: <"
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Id: 2162
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Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
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Weight: 20
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Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2162
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2163
AegisName: "YellowCottonGloves"
Name: "YellowCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2163
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2164
AegisName: "LightBlueCottonGloves"
Name: "LightBlueCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2164
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2165
AegisName: "PinkCottonGloves"
Name: "PinkCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2165
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2166
AegisName: "BlackCottonGloves"
Name: "BlackCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2166
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2167
AegisName: "OrangeCottonGloves"
Name: "OrangeCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2167
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2168
AegisName: "PurpleCottonGloves"
Name: "PurpleCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2168
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
Id: 2169
AegisName: "DarkGreenCottonGloves"
Name: "DarkGreenCottonGloves"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Matk: -10
Def: 1
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 2169
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -10; // @EVOL2
// Shields
Id: 585
AegisName: "ScarabArmlet"
Name: "ScarabArmlet"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Weight: 200
Matk: 5
Def: 0
Slots: 0
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 585
Script: <"
bonus bInt, 1;
bonus bMatkRate, 5; // @EVOL2
Id: 601
AegisName: "SteelShield"
Name: "SteelShield"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 40000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 2500
Matk: -200
Def: 20
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 601
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -200; // @EVOL2
Id: 602
AegisName: "WoodenShield"
Name: "WoodenShield"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 2000
Weight: 1500
Matk: -70
Def: 14
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 602
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -70; // @EVOL2
Id: 603
AegisName: "LeatherShield"
Name: "LeatherShield"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 1300
Matk: -35
Def: 7
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 603
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -35; // @EVOL2
Id: 797
AegisName: "BromenalShield"
Name: "BromenalShield"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 40000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 2000
Matk: -160
Def: 18
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 797
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -160; // @EVOL2
//Disabled: true // @TMWA
Id: 5285
AegisName: "DragonShield"
Name: "Dragon Shield"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 40000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 2500
Matk: -200
Def: 27
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5285
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -200; // @EVOL2
Id: 5393
AegisName: "BlackSteelShield"
Name: "BlackSteelShield"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 40000
Sell: 3000
Weight: 2500
Matk: -200
Def: 20
Slots: 0
Refine: false
ViewSprite: 5393
Script: <"
bonus bMatkRate, -200; // @EVOL2
// Pets
Id: 6000
AegisName: "PinkieScroll"
Name: "Pinkie Scroll"
Buy: 30000
Sell: 1000
Weight: 400
KeepAfterUse: true
Trade: {
partneroverride: true
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nodrop: true
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Script: <"
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