path: root/hercules/code
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hercules/code')
52 files changed, 4646 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
diff --git a/hercules/code/clienttoserver/ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
diff --git a/hercules/code/clienttoserver/ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ef4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import csv
+import hashlib
+import os
+import zlib
+import struct
+import StringIO
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, writeInt16, writeInt32, writeData, removeDir
+def getTmxFiles(srcDir):
+ names = []
+ for name in os.listdir(srcDir):
+ names.append(name)
+ names.sort()
+ for name in names:
+ fileName = srcDir + name
+ if os.path.isfile(fileName) == False:
+ continue
+ if name.endswith(".tmx") == False:
+ continue
+ yield (fileName, name)
+def findFirstGid(tilesets, tile):
+ found = -1
+ for t in tilesets:
+ if t <= tile:
+ found = t
+ break
+ return found
+# client
+# 0 - walkable ground
+# 1 - non walkable wall
+# 2 - air allowed shootable too
+# 3 - water allowed water, shootable too
+# 4 - sit, walkable ground
+# 5 - player walk not allowed
+# 6 - monster walk not allowed
+# server
+# 0 - walkable ground
+# 1 - non walkable wall
+# 2 - air allowed shootable too
+# 3 - water allowed water, shootable too
+# 4 - sit, walkable ground
+# 5 - none
+# 6 - monster walk not allowed
+def convertTileType(tile, idx, width, height):
+ if tile == 5:
+ tile = 0;
+ if tile > 6 or tile < 0:
+ y = int(idx / width)
+ x = idx - y * width
+ print "Error: wrong tile: ({0}, {1}) = {2}".format(x, y, tile)
+ tile = 1
+ return tile
+# map file format
+# int16 version;
+# uint8 md5_checksum[16];
+# int16 xs;
+# int16 ys;
+# int32 len;
+def recreateMap(names):
+ collisionLayerName = "collision"
+ destDir = "../../serverdata/maps/re/"
+ tmxName = names[0]
+ mCaheName = destDir + names[1][:-3] + "mcache"
+ with open(mCaheName, "wb") as w:
+ print tmxName
+ dom = minidom.parse(tmxName)
+ root = dom.documentElement
+ tilesets = []
+ for tileset in root.getElementsByTagName("tileset"):
+ tilesets.append(int(tileset.attributes["firstgid"].value))
+ tilesets.sort(reverse = True)
+ found = False
+ for layer in root.getElementsByTagName("layer"):
+ if layer.attributes["name"].value.lower() == collisionLayerName:
+ data = layer.getElementsByTagName("data")
+ if data is None or len(data) != 1:
+ continue
+ data = data[0]
+ width = int(layer.attributes["width"].value)
+ height = int(layer.attributes["height"].value)
+ encoding = data.attributes["encoding"].value
+ try:
+ compression = data.attributes["compression"].value
+ except:
+ compression = ""
+ tiles = []
+ if encoding == "base64":
+ binData = data.childNodes[0].data.strip()
+ binData = binData.decode('base64')
+ if compression == "gzip":
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
+ else:
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj()
+ layerData = dc.decompress(binData)
+ arr = array.array("I")
+ arr.fromstring(layerData)
+ idx = 0
+ for tile in arr:
+ if tile == 0:
+ tileType = 0
+ else:
+ firstgid = findFirstGid(tilesets, tile)
+ tileType = convertTileType(tile - firstgid, idx, width, height);
+ tiles.append(tileType)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ elif encoding == "csv":
+ binData = data.childNodes[0].data.strip()
+ f = StringIO.StringIO(binData)
+ arr = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|'))
+ idx = 0
+ for row in arr:
+ for item in row:
+ if item != "":
+ tile = int(item)
+ if tile == 0:
+ tileType = 0
+ else:
+ firstgid = findFirstGid(tilesets, tile)
+ tileType = convertTileType(tile - firstgid, idx, width, height);
+ # tmx collision format
+ # 0 - walkable ground
+ # 1 - non walkable wall
+ # 2 - air allowed shootable too
+ # 3 - water allowed water, shootable too
+ # 4 - sit, walkable ground
+ # 5 - none
+ # server collision format
+ # 000 0 - walkable, shootable
+ # 001 1 - wall
+ # 010 2 - same with 0
+ # 011 3 - walkable, shootable, water
+ # 100 4 - same with 0
+ # 101 5 - shootable
+ # 110 6 - same with 0
+ # 111 7 - none
+ if tileType > 128 or tileType < 0:
+ tileType = 1
+ tiles.append(tileType)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ print "map format not supported: " + tmxName
+ continue
+ #comp = zlib.compressobj()
+ binData = struct.pack(str(len(tiles))+"B", *tiles)
+ binData = zlib.compress(binData)
+ writeInt16(w, 1)
+ writeData(w, hashlib.md5(binData).digest()) # 16 bytes
+ writeInt16(w, width)
+ writeInt16(w, height)
+ writeInt32(w, len(binData))
+ writeData(w, binData)
+ print tmxName
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found == False:
+ print "Error: missing collision layer in file: {0}".format(tmxName)
+ return
+ return
+ with open(mCaheName + ".debug", "wb") as w:
+ writeInt16(w, width)
+ writeInt16(w, height)
+ writeData(w, struct.pack(str(len(tiles))+"B", *tiles))
+def recreateMapCache():
+ destDir = "../../serverdata/maps/re/"
+ srcDir = "../../clientdata/maps/"
+ removeDir(destDir)
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ for names in getTmxFiles(srcDir):
+ recreateMap(names)
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d9ddb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+def writeIntField(w, name, value):
+ if value == "":
+ value = "0"
+ w.write(" {0}: {1}\n".format(name, value))
+def writeIntField2(w, name, value):
+ if value == "":
+ value = "0"
+ w.write(" {0}: {1}\n".format(name, value))
+def writeStrField(w, name, value):
+ w.write(" {0}: \"{1}\"\n".format(name, value))
+def writeCondField2(w, cond, name):
+ if cond != 0:
+ w.write(" {0}: true\n".format(name))
+def writeSubField(w, name, value):
+ w.write(" {0}: {1}\n".format(name, value))
+def writeFieldArr(w, name, value, value2):
+ w.write(" {0}: [{1}, {2}]\n".format(name, value, value2))
+def writeFieldList(w, name, value, value2):
+ w.write(" {0}: ({1}, {2})\n".format(name, value, value2))
+def writeStartBlock(w, text):
+ w.write(" {0}: {{\n".format(text))
+def writeEndBlock(w):
+ w.write(" }\n")
+def writeStartScript(w, name):
+ w.write(" {0}: <\"\n".format(name))
+def writeEndScript(w):
+ w.write(" \">\n")
+def isHaveData(fields, start, cnt):
+ for f in range(0, cnt):
+ value = fields[start + f * 2]
+ chance = fields[start + f * 2]
+ if value == "" or value == "0" or chance == "" or chance == "0":
+ continue
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0635d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import os
+import struct
+import shutil
+def readInt32(f):
+ data =
+ arr = array.array("I")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ return arr[0]
+def readInt16(f):
+ data =
+ arr = array.array("H")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ return arr[0]
+def readInt8(f):
+ data =
+ arr = array.array("B")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ return arr[0]
+def readMapName(f):
+ data =
+ data = str(data)
+ while data[-1] == '\x00':
+ data = data[:-1]
+ return data
+def skipData(f, sz):
+def readData(f, sz):
+ return
+def readFile(path):
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ return
+def writeInt32(f, i):
+ f.write(struct.pack("I", i))
+def writeInt16(f, i):
+ f.write(struct.pack("H", i))
+def writeMapName(f, name):
+ if len(name) > 12:
+ name = name[:12]
+ while len(name) < 12:
+ name = name + '\x00'
+ f.write(struct.pack("12s", name))
+def writeData(f, data):
+ f.write(data)
+def copyFile(src, dst, name):
+ shutil.copyfile(src + name, dst + name)
+def saveFile(fileName, data):
+ with open(fileName, "w") as w:
+ w.write(data)
+def makeDir(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+def removeDir(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+def removeAllFiles(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+def findFileIn(names, dirs):
+ for name in names:
+ for path in dirs:
+ if os.path.exists(path + name):
+ return path
+ return None
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7763766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine, escapeSqlStr
+def convertSex(sex):
+ if sex == "M" or sex == "F" or sex == "S":
+ return sex
+ return "M"
+def convertAccount():
+ srcFile = "olddb/account.txt"
+ dstFile = "newdb/login.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t")
+ tpl = readFile("templates/login.sql")
+ firstLine = True
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `login` VALUES ")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line[:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) == 2:
+ continue
+ if len(rows) != 14:
+ print "wrong account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({account_id},'{userid}','{user_pass}','{sex}'," +
+ "'{email}',{group_id},{state},{unban_time}," +
+ "{expiration_time},{logincount},'{lastlogin}'," +
+ "'{last_ip}','{birthdate}',{character_slots}," +
+ "'{pincode}',{pincode_change})").format(
+ account_id = rows[0],
+ userid = escapeSqlStr(rows[1]),
+ user_pass = escapeSqlStr(rows[2]),
+ sex = convertSex(rows[4]),
+ email = escapeSqlStr(rows[7]),
+ group_id = 0,
+ state = 0,
+ unban_time = rows[12],
+ expiration_time = rows[9],
+ logincount = rows[5],
+ lastlogin = rows[3],
+ last_ip = rows[10],
+ birthdate = '0000-00-00',
+ character_slots = 0,
+ pincode = '',
+ pincode_change = 0
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b69910f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine
+def convertAccReg():
+ srcFile = "olddb/accreg.txt"
+ dstFile = "newdb/acc_reg_num_db.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t")
+ comaSplit = re.compile(",")
+ spaceSplit = re.compile(" ")
+ tpl = readFile("templates/acc_reg_num_db.sql")
+ firstLine = True
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `acc_reg_num_db` VALUES ")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line[:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = stripNewLine(line)
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) != 2:
+ print "wrong accreg.txt line: " + line
+ continue
+ accountId = rows[0]
+ data = spaceSplit.split(rows[1])
+ for varStr in data:
+ if varStr == "":
+ continue
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(varStr)
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({account_id},'{key}',{index},{value})").format(
+ account_id = accountId,
+ key = tmp[0],
+ index = "0",
+ value = tmp[1]
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/db/ b/hercules/code/server/db/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/db/
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/db/ b/hercules/code/server/db/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd8e0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+from code.stringutils import escapeSqlStr
+def saveCharTable(users):
+ dstFile = "newdb/char.sql"
+ firstLine = True
+ tpl = readFile("templates/char.sql")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `char` VALUES ")
+ for userId in users:
+ user = users[userId]
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({char_id},{account_id},{char_num},'{name}',{CLASS}," +
+ "{base_level},{job_level},{base_exp},{job_exp},{zeny}," +
+ "{str},{agi},{vit},{INT},{dex},{luk},{max_hp},{hp},{max_sp}," +
+ "{sp},{status_point},{skill_point},{option},{karma},{manner}," +
+ "{party_id},{guild_id},{pet_id},{homun_id},{elemental_id}," +
+ "{hair},{hair_color},{clothes_color},{body},{weapon},{shield}," +
+ "{head_top},{head_mid},{head_bottom},{robe}," +
+ "'{last_map}',{last_x},{last_y},'{save_map}',{save_x},{save_y}," +
+ "{partner_id},{online},{father},{mother},{child},{fame}," +
+ "{rename},{delete_date},{slotchange},{char_opt},{font}," +
+ "{unban_time},{uniqueitem_counter},'{sex}',{hotkey_rowshift})").format(
+ char_id = user.char_id,
+ account_id = user.account_id,
+ char_num = user.char_num,
+ name = escapeSqlStr(user.char_name),
+ CLASS = user.char_class,
+ base_level = user.base_level,
+ job_level = user.job_level,
+ base_exp = user.base_exp,
+ job_exp = user.job_exp,
+ zeny = user.zeny,
+ str = user.stat_str,
+ agi = user.stat_agi,
+ vit = user.stat_vit,
+ INT = user.stat_int,
+ dex = user.stat_dex,
+ luk = user.stat_luk,
+ max_hp = user.max_hp,
+ hp = user.hp,
+ max_sp = user.max_sp,
+ sp = user.sp,
+ status_point = user.status_point,
+ skill_point = user.skill_point,
+ option = user.option,
+ karma = user.karma,
+ manner = user.manner,
+ party_id = user.party_id,
+ guild_id = user.guild_id,
+ pet_id = user.pet_id,
+ homun_id = "0",
+ elemental_id = "0",
+ hair =,
+ hair_color = user.hair_color,
+ clothes_color = user.clothes_color,
+ body = 0,
+ weapon = user.weapon,
+ shield = user.shield,
+ head_top = user.head_top,
+ head_mid = user.head_mid,
+ head_bottom = user.head_bottom,
+ robe = "0",
+ last_map = escapeSqlStr(user.last_map),
+ last_x = user.last_x,
+ last_y = user.last_y,
+ save_map = escapeSqlStr(user.save_map),
+ save_x = user.save_x,
+ save_y = user.save_y,
+ partner_id = user.partner_id,
+ online = "0",
+ father = "0",
+ mother = "0",
+ child = "0",
+ fame = "0",
+ rename = "0",
+ delete_date = "0",
+ slotchange = "0",
+ char_opt = "0",
+ font = "0",
+ unban_time = "0",
+ uniqueitem_counter = len(user.inventory),
+ sex = "U",
+ hotkey_rowshift = 0
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
+def saveCharTableCustom(users):
+ dstFile = "newdb/char.sql"
+ firstLine = True
+ tpl = readFile("templates/char.sql")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `char` VALUES ")
+ for userId in users:
+ user = users[userId]
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({char_id},{account_id},{char_num},'{name}',{CLASS}," +
+ "{base_level},{job_level},{base_exp},{job_exp},{zeny}," +
+ "{str},{agi},{vit},{INT},{dex},{luk},{max_hp},{hp},{max_sp}," +
+ "{sp},{status_point},{skill_point},{option},{karma},{manner}," +
+ "{party_id},{guild_id},{pet_id},{homun_id},{elemental_id}," +
+ "{hair},{hair_color},{clothes_color},{body},{weapon},{shield}," +
+ "{head_top},{head_mid},{head_bottom},{robe}," +
+ "'{last_map}',{last_x},{last_y},'{save_map}',{save_x},{save_y}," +
+ "{partner_id},{online},{father},{mother},{child},{fame}," +
+ "{rename},{delete_date},{slotchange},{char_opt},{font}," +
+ "{unban_time},{uniqueitem_counter},'{sex}',{hotkey_rowshift})").format(
+ char_id = user.char_id,
+ account_id = user.account_id,
+ char_num = user.char_num,
+ name = escapeSqlStr(user.char_name),
+ CLASS = 0,
+ base_level = user.base_level,
+ job_level = user.job_level,
+ base_exp = user.base_exp,
+ job_exp = user.job_exp,
+ zeny = user.zeny,
+ str = user.stat_str,
+ agi = user.stat_agi,
+ vit = user.stat_vit,
+ INT = user.stat_int,
+ dex = user.stat_dex,
+ luk = user.stat_luk,
+ max_hp = user.max_hp,
+ hp = user.hp,
+ max_sp = user.max_sp,
+ sp = user.sp,
+ status_point = user.status_point,
+ skill_point = user.skill_point,
+ option = user.option,
+ karma = user.karma,
+ manner = user.manner,
+ party_id = 0,
+ guild_id = 0,
+ pet_id = 0,
+ homun_id = "0",
+ elemental_id = "0",
+ hair =,
+ hair_color = user.hair_color,
+ clothes_color = user.clothes_color,
+ body = 0,
+ weapon = 0,
+ shield = 0,
+ head_top = 0,
+ head_mid = 0,
+ head_bottom = 0,
+ robe = "0",
+ last_map = "000-2-1",
+ last_x = 50,
+ last_y = 37,
+ save_map = "00-2-1",
+ save_x = 50,
+ save_y = 37,
+ partner_id = user.partner_id,
+ online = "0",
+ father = "0",
+ mother = "0",
+ child = "0",
+ fame = "0",
+ rename = "0",
+ delete_date = "0",
+ slotchange = "0",
+ char_opt = "0",
+ font = "0",
+ unban_time = "0",
+ uniqueitem_counter = len(user.inventory),
+ sex = "U",
+ hotkey_rowshift = 0
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/db/ b/hercules/code/server/db/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1617c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def saveCharRegNumDbTable(users):
+ dstFile = "newdb/char_reg_num_db.sql"
+ firstLine = True
+ tpl = readFile("templates/char_reg_num_db.sql")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `char_reg_num_db` VALUES ")
+ for userId in users:
+ user = users[userId]
+ for varKey in user.variables:
+ if varKey == "ShipQuests":
+ continue
+ varValue = user.variables[varKey]
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({char_id},'{key}',{index},{value})").format(
+ char_id = user.char_id,
+ key = varKey,
+ index = "0",
+ value = varValue
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/db/ b/hercules/code/server/db/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c1e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def saveInventoryTable(users):
+ dstFile = "newdb/inventory.sql"
+ firstLine = True
+ tpl = readFile("templates/inventory.sql")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `inventory` VALUES ")
+ for userId in users:
+ user = users[userId]
+ for item in user.inventory:
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({id},{char_id},{nameid},{amount},{equip},{identify}," +
+ "{refine},{attribute},{card0},{card1},{card2},{card3}," +
+ "{expire_time},{favorite},{bound},{unique_id})").format(
+ id = 0,
+ char_id = user.char_id,
+ nameid = item.itemId,
+ amount = item.amount,
+ equip = item.equip,
+ identify = "1",
+ refine = item.refine,
+ attribute = item.attribute,
+ card0 = "0",
+ card1 = "0",
+ card2 = "0",
+ card3 = "0",
+ expire_time = "0",
+ favorite = "0",
+ bound = "0",
+ unique_id = "0"
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/db/ b/hercules/code/server/db/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21eb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def saveSkillTable(users):
+ dstFile = "newdb/skill.sql"
+ firstLine = True
+ tpl = readFile("templates/skill.sql")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `skill` VALUES ")
+ for userId in users:
+ user = users[userId]
+ for skill in user.skills:
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({char_id},{id},{lv},{flag})").format(
+ char_id = user.char_id,
+ id = skill.skillId,
+ lv = skill.level,
+ flag = 0
+# flag = skill.flags
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8534ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+class Item:
+ pass
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343f3af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+class Skill:
+ pass
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ad55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+class User:
+ pass
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bad35da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine, removeGat
+from code.server.dbitem import Item
+from code.server.dbskill import Skill
+from code.server.dbuser import User
+comaSplit = re.compile(",")
+spaceSplit = re.compile(" ")
+def parseInventory(line, data):
+ items = []
+ if data == "":
+ return items
+ rows = spaceSplit.split(data)
+ if len(rows) < 1:
+ return items
+ for data2 in rows:
+ if data2 == "":
+ continue
+ rows2 = comaSplit.split(data2)
+ if len(rows2) != 12:
+ print "wrong inventory in account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ item = Item()
+ item.uknownId = rows2[0]
+ item.itemId = rows2[1]
+ item.amount = rows2[2]
+ item.equip = rows2[3]
+ item.color = rows2[4]
+ item.refine = rows2[5]
+ item.attribute = rows2[6]
+ item.card0 = rows2[7]
+ item.card1 = rows2[8]
+ item.card2 = rows2[9]
+ item.card3 = rows2[10]
+ item.broken = rows2[11]
+ items.append(item)
+ return items
+def parseSkills(line, data):
+ skills = []
+ if data == "":
+ return skills
+ rows = spaceSplit.split(data)
+ if len(rows) < 1:
+ return skills
+ for data2 in rows:
+ if data2 == "":
+ continue
+ rows2 = comaSplit.split(data2)
+ if len(rows2) != 2:
+ print "wrong skills in account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ skill = Skill()
+ skill.skillId = rows2[0]
+ skill.level = int(rows2[1]) & 0xffff
+ skill.flags = (int(rows2[1]) * 0xffff) & 0xffff
+ skills.append(skill)
+ return skills
+def parseVars(line, data):
+ variables = {}
+ if data == "":
+ return variables
+ rows = spaceSplit.split(data)
+ if len(rows) < 1:
+ return variables
+ for data2 in rows:
+ if data2 == "":
+ continue
+ rows2 = comaSplit.split(data2)
+ if len(rows2) != 2:
+ print "wrong variables in account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ variables[rows2[0]] = rows2[1]
+ return variables
+def readAthena():
+ srcFile = "olddb/athena.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t")
+ users = {}
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line[:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) == 2:
+ continue
+ if len(rows) != 20:
+ print "wrong account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ user = User()
+ user.char_id = rows[0]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[1])
+ user.account_id = tmp[0]
+ user.char_num = tmp[1]
+ user.char_name = rows[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[3])
+ user.char_class = tmp[0]
+ user.base_level = tmp[1]
+ user.job_level = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[4])
+ user.base_exp = tmp[0]
+ user.job_exp = tmp[1]
+ user.zeny = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[5])
+ user.hp = tmp[0]
+ user.max_hp = tmp[1]
+ user.sp = tmp[2]
+ user.max_sp = tmp[3]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[6])
+ user.stat_str = tmp[0]
+ user.stat_agi = tmp[1]
+ user.stat_vit = tmp[2]
+ user.stat_int = tmp[3]
+ user.stat_dex = tmp[4]
+ user.stat_luk = tmp[5]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[7])
+ user.status_point = tmp[0]
+ user.skill_point = tmp[1]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[8])
+ user.option = tmp[0]
+ user.karma = tmp[1]
+ user.manner = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[9])
+ user.party_id = tmp[0]
+ user.guild_id = tmp[1]
+ user.pet_id = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[10])
+ = tmp[0]
+ user.hair_color = tmp[1]
+ user.clothes_color = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[11])
+ user.weapon = tmp[0]
+ user.shield = tmp[1]
+ user.head_top = tmp[2]
+ user.head_mid = tmp[3]
+ user.head_bottom = tmp[4]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[12])
+ user.last_map = removeGat(tmp[0])
+ user.last_x = tmp[1]
+ user.last_y = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[13])
+ user.save_map = removeGat(tmp[0])
+ user.save_x = tmp[1]
+ user.save_y = tmp[2]
+ user.partner_id = tmp[3]
+ user.language_id = tmp[4]
+ # skip 14
+ user.inventory = parseInventory(line, rows[15])
+ # skip 16
+ user.skills = parseSkills(line, rows[17])
+ user.variables = parseVars(line, rows[18])
+ user.variables["Lang"] = user.language_id
+ users[user.char_id] = user
+ return users
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63f559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+def convertConsts(quests):
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/const.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t+")
+ fields = dict()
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ srcFile = "serverdata/db/const.txt"
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = line.replace(" ", "\t")
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ sz = len(rows)
+ if sz < 2 or sz > 3:
+ continue
+ fields[rows[0]] = rows[1][:-1]
+ if sz == 2:
+ w.write("{0}\t{1}".format(rows[0], rows[1]))
+ else:
+ w.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(rows[0], rows[1], rows[2]))
+ # build in parameters
+ w.write("ClientVersion\t10000\t1\n");
+ srcFile = "oldserverdata/db/const.txt"
+ w.write("// evol constants\n")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = line.replace(" ", "\t")
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) != 2:
+ continue
+ if rows[0] in quests:
+ rows[1] = str(quests[rows[0]]) + "\n"
+ if rows[0] in fields:
+ if fields[rows[0]] != rows[1][:-1]:
+ print "warning: different const values for {0} ({1}, {2})".format(rows[0], rows[1][:-1], fields[rows[0]])
+ else:
+ w.write("{0}\t{1}".format(rows[0], rows[1]))
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a60e57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.configutils import writeIntField, writeStartBlock, writeEndBlock, writeStartScript, writeEndScript, writeStrField, writeSubField
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def convertItemDb():
+ srcFile = "oldserverdata/db/item_db.txt"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/item_db.conf"
+ constsFile = "newserverdata/db/const.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ scriptsSplit = re.compile("{")
+ items = dict()
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ with open(constsFile, "a") as c:
+ c.write("// items\n");
+ tpl = readFile("templates/item_db.tpl")
+ w.write(tpl)
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == "#" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 5 or rows[0] == "0":
+ continue
+ sz = len(rows)
+ if sz > 19:
+ sz = 19
+ for f in xrange(0, sz):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ if rows[4] == "2":
+ rows[4] = "0"
+ rows[3] = str(int(rows[3]) | 4)
+ items[rows[1]] = rows[0]
+ w.write("{\n")
+ c.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(rows[1], rows[0]))
+ writeIntField(w, "Id", rows[0])
+ writeStrField(w, "AegisName", rows[1])
+ writeStrField(w, "Name", rows[2])
+ writeIntField(w, "Type", rows[4])
+ writeIntField(w, "Buy", rows[5])
+ writeIntField(w, "Sell", rows[6])
+ writeIntField(w, "Weight", rows[7])
+ writeIntField(w, "Atk", rows[8])
+ writeIntField(w, "Matk", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Def", rows[9])
+ writeIntField(w, "Range", rows[10])
+ writeIntField(w, "Slots", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Job", "0xFFFFFFFF")
+ writeIntField(w, "Upper", "0x3F")
+ writeIntField(w, "Gender", rows[13])
+ writeIntField(w, "Loc", rows[14])
+ writeIntField(w, "WeaponLv", rows[15])
+ writeIntField(w, "EquipLv", rows[16])
+ writeIntField(w, "Refine", "false")
+ if rows[14] == "2":
+ writeIntField(w, "View", "1")
+ else:
+ writeIntField(w, "View", rows[0])
+ writeIntField(w, "BindOnEquip", "false")
+ writeIntField(w, "BuyingStore", "false")
+ writeIntField(w, "Delay", "0")
+ trade = int(rows[3])
+ if trade != 0:
+ writeStartBlock(w, "Trade")
+ if trade & 1 == 1:
+ writeSubField(w, "nodrop", "true")
+ if trade & 2 == 2:
+ writeSubField(w, "notrade", "true")
+ if trade & 4 == 4:
+ writeSubField(w, "nodelonuse", "true")
+ if trade & 8 == 8:
+ writeSubField(w, "nostorage", "true")
+ if trade & 256 == 256:
+ writeSubField(w, "nogstorage", "true")
+ if trade & 512 == 512:
+ writeSubField(w, "noselltonpc", "true")
+ if trade != 0:
+ writeEndBlock(w)
+ writeIntField(w, "Sprite", "0")
+ scripts = ""
+ for f in xrange(sz, len(rows)):
+ scripts = scripts + ", " + rows[f]
+ rows = scriptsSplit.split(scripts)
+ cnt = len(rows)
+ if cnt > 1:
+ text = rows[1].strip()
+ if len(text) > 1:
+ text = text[:-2]
+ if text != "":
+ writeStartScript(w, "Script")
+ w.write(" {0}\n".format(text))
+ writeEndScript(w)
+ w.write("},\n")
+ w.write(")\n")
+ return items
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9f0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.server.account import convertAccount
+from code.server.accreg import convertAccReg
+from import convertParty
+from import convertStorage
+from code.server.db.char import saveCharTable
+from code.server.db.charregnumdb import saveCharRegNumDbTable
+from code.server.db.inventory import saveInventoryTable
+from code.server.db.skill import saveSkillTable
+from code.server.evol.athena import readAthena
+from code.server.evol.consts import convertConsts
+from code.server.evol.itemdb import convertItemDb
+from code.server.evol.mobdb import convertMobDb
+from code.server.evol.mobskilldb import convertMobSkillDb
+from code.server.evol.npcs import createMainScript, convertNpcs
+from code.server.questsdb import convertQuestsDb
+from code.server.utils import cleanServerData
+def serverEvolMain():
+ cleanServerData()
+ createMainScript()
+ items = convertItemDb()
+ convertNpcs(items)
+ convertMobDb()
+ quests = convertQuestsDb()
+ convertConsts(quests)
+ convertMobSkillDb()
+def dbEvolMain():
+ convertAccount()
+ users = readAthena()
+ saveCharTable(users)
+ saveCharRegNumDbTable(users)
+ saveSkillTable(users)
+ saveInventoryTable(users)
+ convertStorage()
+ convertAccReg()
+ convertParty(users) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74eda04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+def convertMobDb():
+ srcFile = "oldserverdata/db/mob_db.txt"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/mob_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ for line in r:
+# if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == "#":
+ if len(line) < 2:
+ w.write(line)
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ for f in xrange(0, len(rows)):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ w.write("{0:<5} {1:<15} {2:<16} {3:<16} {4:<5} {5:<5} {6:<5} "
+ "{7:<5} {8:<5} {9:<7} {10:<5} {11:<5} {12:<5} {13:<5} "
+ "{14:<5} {15:<5} {16:<5} {17:<5} {18:<5} {19:<5} {20:<7}"
+ " {21:<7} {22:<6} {23:<5} {24:<8} {25:<8} {26:<6} "
+ "{27:<8} {28:<9} {29:<8} {30:<5} {31:<7} {32:<8} {33:<7}"
+ " {34:<8} {35:<7} {36:<8} {37:<8} {38:<9} {39:<8} "
+ "{40:<9} {41:<8} {42:<9} {43:<8} {44:<9} {45:<8} {46:<9}"
+ " {47:<8} {48:<9} {49:<8} {50:<9} {51:<8} {52:<9} "
+ "{53:<8} {54:<9} {55:<8} {56:<8} \n".format(
+ rows[0] + ",",
+ rows[1] + ",",
+ rows[2] + ",",
+ rows[2] + ",",
+ rows[3] + ",",
+ rows[4] + ",",
+ rows[5] + ",",
+ rows[6] + ",",
+ rows[7] + ",",
+ rows[8] + ",",
+ rows[9] + ",",
+ rows[10] + ",",
+ rows[11] + ",",
+ rows[12] + ",",
+ rows[13] + ",",
+ rows[14] + ",",
+ rows[15] + ",",
+ rows[16] + ",",
+ rows[17] + ",",
+ rows[18] + ",",
+ rows[19] + ",",
+ rows[20] + ",",
+ rows[21] + ",",
+ rows[22] + ",",
+ rows[23] + ",",
+ rows[24] + ",",
+ rows[25] + ",",
+ rows[26] + ",",
+ rows[27] + ",",
+ rows[28] + ",",
+ rows[45] + ",",
+ rows[47] + ",",
+ rows[48] + ",",
+ rows[49] + ",",
+ rows[50] + ",",
+ rows[51] + ",",
+ rows[52] + ",",
+ rows[29] + ",",
+ rows[30] + ",",
+ rows[31] + ",",
+ rows[32] + ",",
+ rows[33] + ",",
+ rows[34] + ",",
+ rows[35] + ",",
+ rows[36] + ",",
+ rows[37] + ",",
+ rows[38] + ",",
+ rows[39] + ",",
+ rows[40] + ",",
+ rows[41] + ",",
+ rows[42] + ",",
+ rows[43] + ",",
+ rows[44] + ",",
+ "0,",
+ "0,",
+ "0,",
+ "0"
+ ))
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5a7d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def convertMobSkillDb():
+ srcFile = "oldserverdata/db/mob_skill_db.txt"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/mob_skill_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ tpl = readFile("templates/mob_skill_db.tpl")
+ w.write(tpl)
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2:
+ w.write(line)
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 10:
+ w.write(line)
+ continue
+ for f in xrange(0, len(rows)):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},"
+ "{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},"
+ "{14},{15},,,\n".format(
+ rows[0],
+ rows[1],
+ rows[2],
+ rows[3],
+ rows[4],
+ rows[5],
+ rows[6],
+ rows[7],
+ rows[8],
+ rows[9],
+ rows[10],
+ rows[11],
+ rows[13],
+ rows[14],
+ rows[15],
+ rows[16]
+ ))
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/evol/ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efe811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/evol/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir
+from code.stringutils import stripWindows, stripNewLine
+mapsConfFile = "newserverdata/conf/maps.conf"
+mapsIndexFile = "newserverdata/db/map_index.txt"
+npcMainScript = "newserverdata/npc/re/scripts_main.conf"
+mapsIndex = 1
+scriptRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<dir>[\d]+)(|,(?P<gender>[\d]+))" +
+ "[\t](?P<tag>script)[\t](?P<name>[\w#' ]+)[\t]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d]+)((,((?P<xs>[\d]+),(?P<ys>[\d]+)))|)(|;(?P<size>[\d]+))(|,|;){$")
+shopRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<dir>[\d]+)(|,(?P<gender>[\d]+))" +
+ "[\t](?P<tag>shop)[\t](?P<name>[\w#' ]+)[\t]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d]+),(?P<items>(.+))$")
+mapFlagRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat" +
+ "[ ](?P<tag>mapflag)[ ](?P<name>[\w#']+)(|[ ](?P<flag>.*))$")
+warpRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+)[\t]"
+ "(?P<tag>warp)[\t](?P<name>[^\t]+)[\t](?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+),(?P<targetmap>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<targetx>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<targety>[\d]+)$")
+monsterRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+)\t"
+ "(?P<tag>monster)[\t](?P<name>[\w#' ]+)[\t]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d]+),(?P<num>[\d]+),(?P<look>[\d-]+),(?P<delay1>[\d]+),(?P<delay2>[\d]+)$")
+setRe = re.compile("^(?P<space>[ ]+)set[ ](?P<var>[^,]+),([ ]*)(?P<val>[^;]+);$");
+class ScriptTracker:
+ pass
+def createMainScript():
+ with open(npcMainScript, "w") as w:
+ w.write("npc: npc/functions/main.txt\n")
+ w.write("import: npc/scripts.conf\n")
+def convertNpcs(items):
+ processNpcDir("oldserverdata/npc/", "newserverdata/npc/", items)
+def processNpcDir(srcDir, dstDir, items):
+ makeDir(dstDir)
+ files = os.listdir(srcDir)
+ for file1 in files:
+ if file1[0] == '.':
+ continue
+ srcPath = os.path.abspath(srcDir + os.path.sep + file1)
+ dstPath = os.path.abspath(dstDir + os.path.sep + file1)
+ if not os.path.isfile(srcPath):
+ processNpcDir(srcPath, dstPath, items)
+ else:
+ if file1[-5:] == ".conf" or file1[-4:] == ".txt":
+ processNpcFile(srcPath, dstPath, items)
+def processNpcFile(srcFile, dstFile, items):
+# print "file: " + srcFile
+ tracker = ScriptTracker()
+ tracker.insideScript = False
+ tracker.items = items
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ tracker.w = w
+ for line in r:
+ tracker.line = stripWindows(line)
+ res = convertTextLine(tracker)
+ if res:
+ w.write(tracker.line)
+def convertTextLine(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ if line[:5] == "map: ":
+ processScriptMapLine(line)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("\tscript\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processScript(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("\tshop\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processShop(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("\tmonster\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processMonster(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("\twarp\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processWarp(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find(".gat mapflag ")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processMapFlag(tracker)
+ return False
+ processStrReplace(tracker)
+ return False
+def processScriptMapLine(line):
+ global mapsIndex
+ line = stripNewLine(line)
+ if line[-4:] == ".gat":
+ line = line[:-4]
+ with open(mapsConfFile, "a") as w:
+ w.write(line + "\n")
+ with open(mapsIndexFile, "a") as w:
+ w.write("{0} {1}\n".format(line[5:], mapsIndex))
+ mapsIndex = mapsIndex + 1
+def writeScript(w, m):
+ if"gender") != None:
+ w.write("// Gender = {0}\n".format("gender")));
+ if"x") == 0 and"y") == 0: # float npc
+ w.write("-")
+ else:
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}".format("map"),"x"),"y"),"dir")))
+ class_ ="class")
+ if class_ == "0": # hidden npc
+ class_ = "32767"
+ else:
+ class_ = int(class_)
+ if class_ > 125 and class_ <= 400:
+ class_ = class_ + 100
+ w.write("\t{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format("tag"),"name"), class_));
+def processScript(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ if line[:9] == "function\t":
+ tracker.w.write(line)
+ return
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} x={1} y={2} dir={3} gender={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7}, xs={8}, ys={9}, size={10}".format(
+ if"size") != None:
+ w.write("// Size = {0}\n".format("size")));
+ writeScript(w, m)
+ if"xs") != None:
+ w.write(",{0},{1}".format("xs"),"ys")));
+ w.write(",{\n");
+def itemsToShop(tracker, itemsStr):
+ itemsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ itemsSplit2 = re.compile(":")
+ itemsDict = tracker.items
+ outStr = ""
+ items = itemsSplit.split(itemsStr)
+ for str2 in items:
+ parts = itemsSplit2.split(str2)
+ if outStr != "":
+ outStr = outStr + ","
+ outStr = outStr + itemsDict[parts[0].strip()] + ":" + parts[1]
+ return outStr
+def processShop(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} x={1} y={2} dir={3} gender={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7} items={8}".format(
+ writeScript(w, m)
+ w.write("," + itemsToShop(tracker,"items")) + "\n")
+def processMapFlag(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} tag={1} name={2} flag={3}".format(
+ w.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format("map"),"tag"),"name")))
+ if"flag") == None:
+ w.write("\n")
+ else:
+ w.write("\t{0}\n".format("flag")))
+def processWarp(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} xy={1},{2} tag={3} name={4} xs={5} ys={6} target: map={7} xy={8},{9}".format(
+ xs = int("xs"))
+ ys = int("ys"))
+ if xs < 0:
+ xs = 0
+ if ys < 0:
+ ys = 0
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6},{7},{8},{9},{10}\n".format(
+"map"),"x"),"y"), "0","tag"),"name"),
+ xs, ys,"targetmap"),"targetx"),"targety")))
+def processMonster(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print ("map={0} xy={1},{2} xs={3} ys={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7} " +
+# "num={8} look={9} delays={10},{11}").format(
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7},{8},{9},{10}\n".format("map"),
+def processStrReplace(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ line = line.replace("setskill ", "addtoskill ")
+ line = line.replace("zeny", "Zeny")
+ line = line.replace("getclientversion(\"\")", "ClientVersion")
+ line = line.replace("getclientversion()", "ClientVersion")
+ line = line.replace("setlang @", "Lang = @")
+ line = re.sub("([^@^$])@([^@])", "\\1.@\\2", line)
+ line = line.replace(".@menu", "@menu")
+ idx = line.find("getmapmobs(")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ idx2 = line.find("\"", idx + len("getmapmobs(") + 1)
+ idx3 = line.find(")", idx + len("getmapmobs(") + 1)
+ if idx2 + 1 == idx3:
+ line = line[:idx2 + 1] + ",\"all\"" + line[idx2 + 1:]
+ line = line.replace("getmapmobs(", "mobcount(")
+ m =;
+ if m != None:
+ line = "{0}{1} = {2};\n".format("space"),"var"),"val"))
+ w.write(line)
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef0173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import struct
+import zlib
+from code.fileutils import readMapName, readInt16, readInt32, readData, makeDir
+def listMapCache(f, mapsCount):
+ print "Known maps:"
+ print "{0:12} {1:<4}x {2:<4} {3:<10}".format("Map name", "sx", "sy", "compressed size")
+ for i in xrange(0, mapsCount):
+ name = readMapName(f)
+ sx = readInt16(f)
+ sy = readInt16(f)
+ sz = readInt32(f)
+ print "{0:12} {1:<4}x {2:<4} {3:<10}".format(name, sx, sy, sz)
+, 1)
+def extractMaps(f, mapsCount):
+ destDir = "maps/"
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ for i in xrange(0, mapsCount):
+ name = readMapName(f)
+ sx = readInt16(f)
+ sy = readInt16(f)
+ sz = readInt32(f)
+ data = readData(f, sz)
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj()
+ data = dc.decompress(data)
+ with open(destDir + name, "wb") as w:
+ w.write(struct.pack("H", sx))
+ w.write(struct.pack("H", sy))
+ w.write(data)
+ with open(destDir + name + ".txt", "wb") as w:
+ arr = array.array("B")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ for x in xrange(0, sx):
+ for y in xrange(0, sy):
+ w.write("{0},{1}:{2}\n".format(x, y, arr[x + y * sx]))
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c75a541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine, escapeSqlStr
+def findLeaderId(name, users):
+ for userId in users:
+ user = users[userId]
+ if user.char_name == name:
+ return user.char_id
+ return 0
+def convertParty(users):
+ srcFile = "olddb/party.txt"
+ dstFile = "newdb/party.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t")
+ comaSplit = re.compile(",")
+ tpl = readFile("templates/party.sql")
+ firstLine = True
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `party` VALUES ")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line[:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = stripNewLine(line)
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) == 2:
+ continue
+ if len(rows) < 3:
+ print "wrong party.txt line: " + line
+ continue
+ partyId = rows[0]
+ partyName = rows[1]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[2])
+ partyExp = tmp[0]
+ partyItem = tmp[1]
+ leaderId = 0
+ leaderName = ""
+ accountId = ""
+ for f in xrange(3, len(rows), 2):
+ if rows[f] == "0,0" or rows[f] == "":
+ continue
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[f])
+ accountId = tmp[0]
+ leader = tmp[1]
+ charName = rows[f + 1]
+ if leader == "1":
+ leaderId = accountId
+ leaderName = charName
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ leaderCharId = findLeaderId(leaderName, users)
+ w.write(("({party_id},'{name}',{exp},{item}," +
+ "{leader_id},{leader_char})").format(
+ party_id = partyId,
+ name = escapeSqlStr(partyName),
+ exp = partyExp,
+ item = partyItem,
+ leader_id = leaderId,
+ leader_char = leaderCharId
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..880a7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def convertQuestsDb():
+ srcFile = "oldserverdata/db/questvars.txt"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/quest_db.txt"
+ quests = dict()
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ tpl = readFile("templates/quest_db.tpl")
+ w.write(tpl)
+ cnt = 0
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ idx = line.find("// ")
+ if idx < 3:
+ continue
+ line = line[idx + 3:]
+ idx = line.find(" ")
+ if idx < 3:
+ continue
+ line = line[:idx]
+ w.write("{0},0,0,0,0,0,0,0,\"{1}\"\n".format(cnt, line))
+ quests[line] = cnt
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ return quests
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bddb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine
+from code.server.dbitem import Item
+def convertStorage():
+ srcFile = "olddb/storage.txt"
+ dstFile = "newdb/storage.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t")
+ comaSplit = re.compile(",")
+ spaceSplit = re.compile(" ")
+ tpl = readFile("templates/storage.sql")
+ firstLine = True
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ w.write("INSERT INTO `storage` VALUES ")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line[:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) == 2:
+ continue
+ if len(rows) != 3:
+ print "wrong storage.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[0])
+ accountId = tmp[0]
+# storage_amount = tmp[1]
+ data = spaceSplit.split(rows[1])
+ for itemStr in data:
+ if itemStr == "":
+ continue
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(itemStr)
+ item = Item()
+ item.unknownId = tmp[0]
+ item.itemId = tmp[1]
+ item.amount = tmp[2]
+ item.equip = tmp[3]
+ item.color = tmp[4]
+ item.refine = tmp[5]
+ item.attribute = tmp[6]
+ item.card0 = tmp[7]
+ item.card1 = tmp[8]
+ item.card2 = tmp[9]
+ item.card3 = "0"
+ if firstLine == False:
+ w.write(",\n")
+ else:
+ firstLine = False
+ w.write(("({id},{account_id},{nameid},{amount},{equip},{identify}," +
+ "{refine},{attribute},{card0},{card1},{card2},{card3}," +
+ "{expire_time},{bound},{unique_id})").format(
+ id = 0,
+ account_id = accountId,
+ nameid = item.itemId,
+ amount = item.amount,
+ equip = item.equip,
+ identify = "1",
+ refine = item.refine,
+ attribute = item.attribute,
+ card0 = "0",
+ card1 = "0",
+ card2 = "0",
+ card3 = "0",
+ expire_time = "0",
+ bound = "0",
+ unique_id = "0"
+ ))
+ w.write("\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6548b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine
+from code.server.dbitem import Item
+from code.server.dbskill import Skill
+from code.server.dbuser import User
+comaSplit = re.compile(",")
+spaceSplit = re.compile(" ")
+def parseInventory(line, data):
+ items = []
+ if data == "":
+ return items
+ rows = spaceSplit.split(data)
+ if len(rows) < 1:
+ return items
+ for data2 in rows:
+ if data2 == "":
+ continue
+ rows2 = comaSplit.split(data2)
+ if len(rows2) != 12:
+ print "wrong inventory in account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ item = Item()
+ item.uknownId = rows2[0]
+ item.itemId = rows2[1]
+ item.amount = rows2[2]
+ item.equip = rows2[3]
+ item.color = rows2[4]
+ item.refine = rows2[5]
+ item.attribute = rows2[6]
+ item.card0 = rows2[7]
+ item.card1 = rows2[8]
+ item.card2 = rows2[9]
+ item.card3 = rows2[10]
+ item.broken = rows2[11]
+ items.append(item)
+ return items
+def parseSkills(line, data):
+ skills = []
+ if data == "":
+ return skills
+ rows = spaceSplit.split(data)
+ if len(rows) < 1:
+ return skills
+ for data2 in rows:
+ if data2 == "":
+ continue
+ rows2 = comaSplit.split(data2)
+ if len(rows2) != 2:
+ print "wrong skills in account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ skill = Skill()
+ skill.skillId = rows2[0]
+ skill.level = int(rows2[1]) & 0xffff
+ skill.flags = (int(rows2[1]) * 0xffff) & 0xffff
+ skills.append(skill)
+ return skills
+def parseVars(line, data):
+ variables = {}
+ if data == "":
+ return variables
+ rows = spaceSplit.split(data)
+ if len(rows) < 1:
+ return variables
+ for data2 in rows:
+ if data2 == "":
+ continue
+ rows2 = comaSplit.split(data2)
+ if len(rows2) != 2:
+ print "wrong variables in account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ variables[rows2[0]] = rows2[1]
+ return variables
+def readAthena():
+ srcFile = "olddb/athena.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t")
+ users = {}
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line[:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) == 2:
+ continue
+ if len(rows) != 20:
+ print "wrong account.txt line: " + stripNewLine(line)
+ continue
+ user = User()
+ user.char_id = rows[0]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[1])
+ user.account_id = tmp[0]
+ user.char_num = tmp[1]
+ user.char_name = rows[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[3])
+ user.char_class = tmp[0]
+ user.base_level = tmp[1]
+ user.job_level = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[4])
+ user.base_exp = tmp[0]
+ user.job_exp = tmp[1]
+ user.zeny = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[5])
+ user.hp = tmp[0]
+ user.max_hp = tmp[1]
+ user.sp = tmp[2]
+ user.max_sp = tmp[3]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[6])
+ user.stat_str = tmp[0]
+ user.stat_agi = tmp[1]
+ user.stat_vit = tmp[2]
+ user.stat_int = tmp[3]
+ user.stat_dex = tmp[4]
+ user.stat_luk = tmp[5]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[7])
+ user.status_point = tmp[0]
+ user.skill_point = tmp[1]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[8])
+ user.option = tmp[0]
+ user.karma = tmp[1]
+ user.manner = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[9])
+ user.party_id = tmp[0]
+ user.guild_id = tmp[1]
+ user.pet_id = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[10])
+ = tmp[0]
+ user.hair_color = tmp[1]
+ user.clothes_color = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[11])
+ user.weapon = tmp[0]
+ user.shield = tmp[1]
+ user.head_top = tmp[2]
+ user.head_mid = tmp[3]
+ user.head_bottom = tmp[4]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[12])
+ user.last_map = tmp[0]
+ user.last_x = tmp[1]
+ user.last_y = tmp[2]
+ tmp = comaSplit.split(rows[13])
+ user.save_map = tmp[0]
+ user.save_x = tmp[1]
+ user.save_y = tmp[2]
+ user.partner_id = "0"
+ user.language_id = "0"
+ # skip 14
+ user.inventory = parseInventory(line, rows[15])
+ # skip 16
+ user.skills = parseSkills(line, rows[17])
+ user.variables = parseVars(line, rows[18])
+ users[user.char_id] = user
+ return users
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b8403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+from code.stringutils import stripNewLine
+fieldsSplit = re.compile(":")
+def getConstsFile(srcDir):
+ files = os.listdir(srcDir)
+ for srcFile in files:
+ if srcFile.find("const") == 0 and srcFile[-4:] == ".txt":
+ yield srcDir + srcFile
+def readOneConst(r, line):
+ key = ""
+ val = ""
+ depr = 0
+ if line.find(": {") > 0:
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ key = rows[0].strip()
+ line =
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) != 2:
+ print "error"
+ return ("", "", 0)
+ if rows[0] == "Value":
+ val = rows[1]
+ line =
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) != 2:
+ print "error"
+ return ("", "", 0)
+ rows[1] = rows[1].strip()
+ if rows[0] == "Deprecated" and rows[1].find("true") == 0:
+ depr = 1
+ else:
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) != 2:
+ return ("", "", 0)
+ key = rows[0];
+ val = rows[1]
+ return (key, val, depr)
+def writeConst(w, const):
+ if const[2] == 1:
+ w.write("\t{0}: {{\n\t\tValue:{1}\n\t\tDeprecated: true\n\t}}\n".format(const[0], const[1]))
+ else:
+ w.write("\t{0}:{1}\n".format(const[0], const[1]))
+def convertConsts(quests, npcIds):
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/constants.conf"
+ fields = dict()
+ vals = [("MF_NOTELEPORT", "mf_noteleport"),
+ ("MF_NORETURN", "mf_noreturn"),
+ ("MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT", "mf_monster_noteleport"),
+ ("MF_NOSAVE", "mf_nosave"),
+ ("MF_NOPENALTY", "mf_nopenalty"),
+ ("MF_PVP", "mf_pvp"),
+ ("MF_PVP_NOPARTY", "mf_pvp_noparty"),
+ ("MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK", "mf_pvp_nocalcrank"),
+ ("MF_NOWARP", "mf_nowarp"),
+ ("MF_NOWARPTO", "mf_nowarpto"),
+ ("MF_SNOW", "mf_snow"),
+ ("MF_FOG", "mf_fog"),
+ ("MF_SAKURA", "mf_sakura"),
+ ("MF_LEAVES", "mf_leaves"),
+ ("MF_TOWN", "mf_town"),
+ ("sc_poison", "SC_POISON"),
+ ("sc_slowpoison", "SC_SLOWPOISON"),
+ ("sc_adrenaline", "SC_ADRENALINE"),
+ ]
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ tpl = readFile("templates/constants.tpl")
+ w.write(tpl);
+ srcFile = "serverdata/db/constants.conf"
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if line.find("**************************************************************************/") >= 0:
+ break
+ for line in r:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0:2] == "//" or line[0:2] == "/*":
+ continue
+ const = readOneConst(r, line)
+ if const[0] == "comment__":
+ continue
+ fields[const[0]] = const[1].strip()
+ writeConst(w, const)
+ srcDir = "oldserverdata/world/map/db/"
+ w.write("// tmw constants\n")
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile("\t+")
+ for srcFile in getConstsFile(srcDir):
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = line.replace(" ", "\t")
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) != 2:
+ continue
+ for val in vals:
+ if rows[0] == val[0]:
+ rows[0] = val[1]
+ if rows[0] in quests:
+ rows[1] = str(quests[rows[0]]) + "\n"
+ if rows[0] in fields:
+ if fields[rows[0]] != rows[1][:-1]:
+ print "warning: different const values for {0} ({1}, {2})".format(rows[0], rows[1][:-1], fields[rows[0]])
+ else:
+ writeConst(w, (rows[0], stripNewLine(rows[1]), 0))
+ w.write("// tmw npcs\n")
+ for npc in npcIds:
+ if npc == -1:
+ key = "MINUS1"
+ else:
+ key = str(npc)
+ writeConst(w, ("NPC" + key, npc, 0))
+ w.write("}")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beccd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+import re
+from code.configutils import writeStartScript, writeEndScript, writeIntField, writeStrField
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def getItemDbFile(srcDir):
+ files = os.listdir(srcDir)
+ for srcFile in files:
+ if srcFile.find("item_db") >= 0:
+ yield srcFile
+def replaceStr(line):
+ vals = [
+ ("setskill ", "addtoskill "),
+ ("zeny", "Zeny"),
+ ("sc_poison", "SC_POISON"),
+ ("sc_slowpoison", "SC_SLOWPOISON"),
+ ("sex", "Sex"),
+ ("SEX", "Sex"),
+ (".gat", ""),
+ ("Bugleg", "BugLeg"),
+ ("set BugLeg, 0;", "//set BugLeg, 0;"),
+ ("set CaveSnakeLamp, 0;", "//set CaveSnakeLamp, 0;"),
+ ("set Class, @BaseClass;", "//set Class, @BaseClass;"),
+ ("goto_Exit;", "goto L_Exit;"),
+ ("if @spants_state < 7 goto", "if(@spants_state < 7) goto"),
+ ("isdead()", "ispcdead()"),
+ ("changeSex", "changecharsex()"),
+ ("getpartnerid2()", "getpartnerid()"),
+ ("getmap()", "getmapname()"),
+ ("L_end", "L_End"),
+ ("gmcommand", "atcommand"),
+ ("MF_NOSAVE", "mf_nosave"),
+ ("S_update_var", "S_Update_Var"),
+ ("L_teach", "L_Teach"),
+ ("L_focus", "L_Focus"),
+ ("L_unfocus", "L_Unfocus"),
+ ("L_main", "L_Main"),
+ ("L_next", "L_Next"),
+ ("L_close", "L_Close"),
+ ("@NpcName$", "@npcname$"),
+ ("@cost", "@Cost"),
+ ("@TEMP", "@temp"),
+ ("L_Menuitems", "L_MenuItems"),
+ ("L_no_item", "L_No_Item"),
+ ("L_no_water", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_NOT_ENOUGH", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_bye", "L_Bye"),
+ ("L_NOHELP", "L_NoHelp"),
+ ("L_Eyepatch", "L_EyePatch"),
+ ("@PC_STAMINA", "@pc_stamina"),
+ ("L_magic", "L_Magic"),
+ ("L_cont", "L_Cont"),
+ ("L_accept", "L_Accept"),
+ ("L_no_event", "L_No_Event"),
+ ("L_event_done", "L_Event_Done"),
+ ("L_nobeer", "L_NoBeer"),
+ ("L_iron", "L_Iron"),
+ ("L_sulphur", "L_Sulphur"),
+ ("L_red", "L_Red"),
+ ("L_yellow", "L_Yellow"),
+ ("L_green", "L_Green"),
+ ("L_orange", "L_Orange"),
+ ("L_pink", "L_Pink"),
+ ("L_purple", "L_Purple"),
+ ("L_question", "L_Question"),
+ ("L_quest", "L_Quest"),
+ ("L_dead", "L_Dead"),
+ ("L_menu", "L_Menu"),
+ ("L_give", "L_Give"),
+ ("@Items$", "@items$"),
+ ("@menuItems$", "@menuitems$"),
+ ("L_Teach_initial", "L_Teach_Initial"),
+ ("L_finish", "L_Finish"),
+ ("L_No_ash", "L_No_Ash"),
+ ("L_No_water", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_cave", "L_Cave"),
+ ("L_farewell", "L_Farewell"),
+ ("@Q_forestbow_", "@Q_Forestbow_"),
+ ("L_game", "L_Game"),
+ ("L_good", "L_Good"),
+ ("L_abort", "L_Abort"),
+ ("@menuID", "@menuid"),
+ ("L_NO_ITEM", "L_No_Item"),
+ ("L_HELP", "L_Help"),
+ ("L_Noitem", "L_NoItem"),
+ ("L_No_fur", "L_No_Fur"),
+ ("@EXP", "@Exp"),
+ ("L_water", "L_Water"),
+ ("L_get", "L_Get"),
+ ("L_happy", "L_Happy"),
+ ("L_cheat", "L_Cheat"),
+ ("@Reward_EXP", "@Reward_Exp"),
+ ("@REWARD_EXP", "@Reward_Exp"),
+ ("L_no_money", "L_No_Money"),
+ ("@MinLevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("L_return", "L_Return"),
+ ("L_intro", "L_Intro"),
+ ("L_full", "L_Full"),
+ ("@minlevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("@MinLevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("L_Cleanup", "L_CleanUp"),
+ ("L_Alreadystarted", "L_AlreadyStarted"),
+ ("@amount", "@Amount"),
+ ("L_again", "L_Again"),
+ ("L_no_potion", "L_No_Potion"),
+ ("L_wizard_hat", "L_Wizard_Hat"),
+ ("L_notenough", "L_NotEnough"),
+ ("L_offer", "L_Offer"),
+ ("L_giveup", "L_GiveUp"),
+ ("L_not_ready", "L_Not_Ready"),
+ ("@MobID", "@mobId"),
+ ("@mobID", "@mobId"),
+ ("L_naked", "L_Naked"),
+ ("L_shortcut", "L_Shortcut"),
+ ("L_shirt", "L_Shirt"),
+ ("L_goodjob", "L_GoodJob"),
+ ("L_kill", "L_Kill"),
+ ("L_nothing", "L_Nothing"),
+ ("L_lowlevel", "L_LowLevel"),
+ ("@mask", "@Mask"),
+ ("Foice", "FoiceItem"),
+ ("LanternaJack", "LanternaJackItem"),
+ # fix at same time usage with same name function and variable
+ ("\"DailyQuestPoints\"", "\"DailyQuestPointsFunc\""),
+ ("sc_adrenaline", "SC_ADRENALINE"),
+ ];
+ for val in vals:
+ line = line.replace(val[0], val[1]);
+ return line
+def convertItemDb(isNew):
+ srcDir = "oldserverdata/world/map/db/"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/item_db.conf"
+ if os.path.isfile(dstFile):
+ os.remove(dstFile)
+ constsFile = "newserverdata/db/const.txt"
+ if os.path.isfile(constsFile):
+ os.remove(constsFile)
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ scriptsSplit = re.compile("},")
+ scriptsTextClean = re.compile('([{}])')
+ scriptsTextComma = re.compile('^,')
+ scriptsTextColon = re.compile('; ')
+ items = dict()
+ tpl = readFile("templates/item_db.tpl")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ with open(constsFile, "a") as c:
+ c.write("// items\n");
+ for srcFile in getItemDbFile(srcDir):
+ with open(srcDir + srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == "#" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = replaceStr(line)
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 5 or rows[0] == "0":
+ continue
+ sz = len(rows)
+ if sz > 19:
+ sz = 19
+ for f in xrange(0, sz):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ items[rows[1]] = {'id':rows[0],'buy':rows[4],'name':rows[1]}
+ items[rows[0]] = {'id':rows[0],'buy':rows[4],'name':rows[1]}
+ items[int(rows[0])] = {'id':rows[0],'buy':rows[4],'name':rows[1]}
+ # set all values then write
+ w.write("{\n")
+ c.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(rows[1], rows[0]))
+ writeIntField(w, "Id", rows[0])
+ writeStrField(w, "AegisName", rows[1])
+ if isNew == True:
+ offset = -1
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ writeStrField(w, "Name", rows[offset + 2])
+ if rows[offset + 3] == "0":
+ itemType = "2"
+ else:
+ itemType = rows[offset + 3]
+ writeIntField(w, "Type", itemType)
+ writeIntField(w, "Buy", rows[offset + 4])
+ if int(rows[offset + 4])*.75 <= int(rows[offset + 5])*1.24:
+ writeIntField(w, "Sell", str(int(rows[offset + 4])*.75))
+ else:
+ writeIntField(w, "Sell", rows[offset + 5])
+ writeIntField(w, "Weight", rows[offset + 6])
+ writeIntField(w, "Atk", rows[offset + 7])
+ writeIntField(w, "Matk", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Def", rows[offset + 8])
+ writeIntField(w, "Range", rows[offset + 9])
+ writeIntField(w, "Slots", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Job", "0xFFFFFFFF")
+ writeIntField(w, "Upper", "0x3F")
+ writeIntField(w, "Gender", rows[offset + 12])
+ writeIntField(w, "Loc", rows[offset + 13])
+ writeIntField(w, "WeaponLv", rows[offset + 14])
+ writeIntField(w, "EquipLv", rows[offset + 15])
+ writeIntField(w, "Refine", "false")
+ if isNew == True:
+ offset = 2
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ if rows[offset + 13] == "2":
+ writeIntField(w, "View", "1")
+ elif rows[offset + 13] == "34":
+ writeIntField(w, "View", "11")
+ elif rows[offset + 13] == "32768":
+ writeIntField(w, "View", "1")
+ elif itemType == "4": # weapon
+ writeIntField(w, "View", "1")
+ else:
+ writeIntField(w, "View", rows[0])
+ writeIntField(w, "BindOnEquip", "false")
+ writeIntField(w, "BuyingStore", "false")
+ writeIntField(w, "Delay", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Sprite", "0")
+ scripts = ""
+ if isNew == True:
+ offset = -1
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ for f in xrange(offset + 17, len(rows)):
+ scripts = scripts + ", " + rows[f]
+ rows = scriptsSplit.split(scripts)
+ # Needs .split(';') and \n each
+ if len(rows) > 1:
+ UseScript = scriptsTextColon.sub(';',scriptsTextComma.sub('', scriptsTextClean.sub('', rows[0]))).strip().split(';')
+ EquipScript = scriptsTextColon.sub(';',scriptsTextComma.sub('', scriptsTextClean.sub('', rows[1]))).strip().split(';')
+ else:
+ UseScript = ""
+ EquipScript = ""
+ # move to for stmt
+ if len(UseScript) > 1:
+ writeStartScript(w, "Script")
+ for uline in UseScript:
+ if len(uline) > 0:
+ w.write(" {0};\n".format(uline))
+ writeEndScript(w)
+ if len(EquipScript) > 1:
+ writeStartScript(w, "OnEquipScript")
+ for eline in EquipScript:
+ if len(eline) > 0:
+ w.write(" {0};\n".format(eline))
+ writeEndScript(w)
+ w.write("},\n")
+ w.write(")\n")
+ return items
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfbf5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from sets import Set
+from code.server.account import convertAccount
+from code.server.accreg import convertAccReg
+from import convertParty
+from import convertStorage
+from code.server.db.char import saveCharTableCustom
+from code.server.db.charregnumdb import saveCharRegNumDbTable
+from code.server.db.inventory import saveInventoryTable
+from code.server.db.skill import saveSkillTable
+from code.server.tmw.athena import readAthena
+from code.server.tmw.consts import convertConsts
+from code.server.tmw.itemdb import convertItemDb
+from code.server.tmw.mobdb import convertMobDb
+from code.server.tmw.mobskilldb import convertMobSkillDb
+from code.server.tmw.npcs import createMainScript, convertNpcs
+from code.server.utils import cleanServerData
+def serverTmwMain(isNew):
+ try:
+ cleanServerData()
+ except:
+ print "Updating server"
+ createMainScript()
+ items = convertItemDb(isNew)
+ npcIds = Set()
+ convertNpcs(items, npcIds)
+ convertMobDb(items)
+ quests = dict()
+ convertConsts(quests, npcIds)
+ convertMobSkillDb()
+def dbTmwMain():
+ convertAccount()
+ users = readAthena()
+# saveCharTable(users)
+ saveCharTableCustom(users)
+ saveCharRegNumDbTable(users)
+ saveSkillTable(users)
+ saveInventoryTable(users)
+ convertStorage()
+ convertAccReg()
+ convertParty(users)
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d1fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import math
+import os
+import re
+from code.configutils import isHaveData, writeCondField2, writeStartBlock, writeEndBlock, writeIntField, writeStrField, writeFieldArr, writeIntField2, writeFieldList, writeSubField
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def getMobDbFile(srcDir):
+ files = os.listdir(srcDir)
+ for srcFile in files:
+ if srcFile.find("mob_db") >= 0:
+ yield srcFile
+def replaceStr(line):
+ vals = [
+ ("lanternaJack", "LanternaJack"),
+ ("foice", "Foice"),
+ ("BlueFairy", "BlueFairyMob"),
+ ("RedFairy", "RedFairyMob"),
+ ("GreenFairy", "GreenFairyMob"),
+ ("Scorpion", "ScorpionMob"),
+ ("Tritan", "TritanMob"),
+ ("Ukar", "UkarMob"),
+ ];
+ for val in vals:
+ line = line.replace(val[0], val[1]);
+ return line
+def convertMobDb(items):
+ srcDir = "oldserverdata/world/map/db/"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/mob_db.conf"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ tpl = readFile("templates/mob_db.tpl")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ for srcFile in getMobDbFile(srcDir):
+ with open(srcDir + srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[:2] == "//" or line[:1] == "#":
+ w.write(line)
+ continue
+ line = replaceStr(line)
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ for f in xrange(0, len(rows)):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ try:
+ val = int(rows[23])
+ if val < 20:
+ rows[23] = "20"
+ except:
+ None
+ # Experience and Job experience, following *tmw-eathena*/src/map/mob.c
+ calc_exp = 0
+ if rows[6] == "0":
+ if int(rows[4]) <= 1:
+ calc_exp = 1
+ mod_def = 100 - int(rows[11])
+ if mod_def == 0:
+ mod_def = 1
+ effective_hp = ((50 - int(rows[18])) * int(rows[4]) / 50) + (2 * int(rows[18]) * int(rows[4]) / mod_def)
+ attack_factor = (int(rows[9]) + int(rows[10]) + int(rows[13]) / 3 + int(rows[17]) / 2 + int(rows[18])) * (1872 / int(rows[26])) / 4
+ dodge_factor = (int(rows[3]) + int(rows[14]) + int(rows[18]) / 2)**(4 / 3)
+ persuit_factor = (3 + int(rows[8])) * (int(rows[24]) % 2) * 1000 / int(rows[25])
+ aggression_factor = 1
+ if False:
+ aggression_factor = 10 / 9
+ base_exp_rate = 100 # From *tmw-eathena-data*/conf/battle_athena.conf
+ calc_exp = int(math.floor(effective_hp * (math.sqrt(attack_factor) + math.sqrt(dodge_factor) + math.sqrt(persuit_factor) + 55)**3 * aggression_factor / 2000000 * base_exp_rate / 100))
+ if calc_exp < 1:
+ calc_exp = 1
+ else:
+ calc_exp = rows[6]
+ w.write("{\n")
+ writeIntField(w, "Id", rows[0])
+ writeStrField(w, "SpriteName", rows[1])
+ writeStrField(w, "Name", rows[2])
+ writeIntField(w, "Lv", rows[3])
+ writeIntField(w, "Hp", rows[4])
+ writeIntField(w, "Sp", rows[5])
+ writeIntField(w, "Exp", calc_exp)
+ writeIntField(w, "JExp", rows[7])
+ writeIntField(w, "AttackRange", rows[8])
+ writeFieldArr(w, "Attack", rows[9], rows[10])
+ writeIntField(w, "Def", rows[11])
+ writeIntField(w, "Mdef", rows[12])
+ writeStartBlock(w, "Stats")
+ writeIntField2(w, "Str", rows[13])
+ writeIntField2(w, "Agi", rows[14])
+ writeIntField2(w, "Vit", rows[15])
+ writeIntField2(w, "Int", rows[16])
+ writeIntField2(w, "Dex", rows[17])
+ writeIntField2(w, "Luk", rows[18])
+ writeEndBlock(w)
+ writeIntField(w, "ViewRange", rows[19])
+ writeIntField(w, "ChaseRange", 10)
+ writeIntField(w, "Size", rows[21])
+ writeIntField(w, "Race", rows[22])
+ writeFieldList(w, "Element", int(rows[23]) % 10, int(rows[23]) / 20)
+ mode = int(rows[24], 0)
+ if mode != 0:
+ writeStartBlock(w, "Mode")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0001, "CanMove")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0002, "Looter")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0004, "Aggressive")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0008, "Assist")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0010, "CastSensorIdle")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0020, "Boss")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0040, "Plant")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0080, "CanAttack")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0100, "Detector")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0200, "CastSensorChase")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0400, "ChangeChase")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x0800, "Angry")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x1000, "ChangeTargetMelee")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x2000, "ChangeTargetChase")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x4000, "TargetWeak")
+ writeCondField2(w, mode & 0x8000, "LiveWithoutMaster")
+ writeEndBlock(w)
+ writeIntField(w, "MoveSpeed", rows[25])
+ writeIntField(w, "AttackDelay", rows[26])
+ writeIntField(w, "AttackMotion", rows[27])
+ writeIntField(w, "DamageMotion", rows[28])
+ writeIntField(w, "MvpExp", rows[45])
+ if isHaveData(rows, 47, 3):
+ writeStartBlock(w, "MvpDrops")
+ for f in range(0, 3):
+ value = rows[47 + f * 2]
+ chance = rows[47 + f * 2]
+ if value == "" or value == "0" or chance == "" or chance == "0":
+ continue
+ value = int(value)
+ if value not in items:
+ w.write("// Error: mvp drop with id {0} not found in item db\n".format(value))
+ print("Error: mvp drop with id {0} not found in item db".format(value))
+ else:
+ writeSubField(w, items[value]["name"], chance)
+ writeEndBlock(w)
+ if isHaveData(rows, 29, 10):
+ writeStartBlock(w, "Drops")
+ for f in range(0, 10):
+ value = rows[29 + f * 2]
+ chance = rows[30 + f * 2]
+ if value == "" or value == "0" or chance == "" or chance == "0":
+ continue
+ value = int(value)
+ if value not in items:
+ w.write("// Error: drop with id {0} not found in item db\n".format(value))
+ print("Error: drop with id {0} not found in item db".format(value))
+ else:
+ writeSubField(w, items[value]["name"], chance)
+ writeEndBlock(w)
+ w.write("},\n")
+ w.write(")\n")
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7188824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def convertMobSkillDb():
+ srcFile = "oldserverdata/world/map/db/mob_skill_db.txt"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/mob_skill_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ notintown = re.compile("notintown")
+ notintownSub = re.compile("notintown,0")
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ tpl = readFile("templates/mob_skill_db.tpl")
+ w.write(tpl)
+ for line in r:
+ if
+ if line[0:2] == "//":
+ line = ''
+ line = notintownSub.sub("myhpltmaxrate,20",line)
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0:2] == "//":
+ w.write(line)
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 10:
+ w.write(line)
+ continue
+ for f in xrange(0, len(rows)):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},"
+ "{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},"
+ "{14},,,,\n".format(
+ rows[0],
+ rows[1],
+ rows[2],
+ rows[3],
+ rows[4],
+ rows[5],
+ rows[6],
+ rows[7],
+ rows[8],
+ rows[9],
+ rows[10],
+ rows[11],
+ rows[12],
+ rows[13],
+ rows[14]
+ ))
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c51da78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir
+from code.stringutils import stripWindows, stripNewLine
+mapsConfFile = "newserverdata/conf/maps.conf"
+if os.path.isfile(mapsConfFile):
+ os.remove(mapsConfFile)
+mapsIndexFile = "newserverdata/db/map_index.txt"
+if os.path.isfile(mapsIndexFile):
+ os.remove(mapsIndexFile)
+npcMainScript = "newserverdata/npc/re/scripts_main.conf"
+mapsIndex = 1
+scriptRe = re.compile("^(((?P<map>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<dir>[\d]+))|(?P<function>function)|-)" +
+ "[|](?P<tag>script)[|](?P<name>[^|]+)([|]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d-]+)((,((?P<xs>[\d]+),(?P<ys>[\d]+)))|)|)$")
+scriptRe2 = re.compile("^(((?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<dir>[\d]+))|(?P<function>function)|-)" +
+ "[\t](?P<tag>script)[\t](?P<name>[\w#'\\[\\]_ äü.-]+)[\t]"
+ "(((?P<class>[\d-]+)((,((?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+)))|)(|,)(|[ \t]))|){(|[ ])$")
+shopRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<dir>[\d]+)(|,(?P<gender>[\d]+))" +
+ "[|](?P<tag>shop)[|](?P<name>[^|]+)[|]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d-]+),(?P<items>(.+))$")
+shopRe2 = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<dir>[\d]+)" +
+ "[\t](?P<tag>shop)[\t](?P<name>[^\t]+)[\t]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d]+),(?P<items>(.+))$")
+mapFlagRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))" +
+ "[|](?P<tag>mapflag)[|](?P<name>[\w#']+)(|[|](?P<flag>.*))$")
+mapFlagRe2 = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat" +
+ "[ ](?P<tag>mapflag)[ ](?P<name>[\w#']+)(|[ ](?P<flag>.*))$")
+warpRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+)[|]"
+ "(?P<tag>warp)[|](?P<name>[^|]+)[|](?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+),(?P<targetmap>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<targetx>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<targety>[\d]+)$")
+warpRe2 = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+)([\t]+)"
+ "(?P<tag>warp)[\t](?P<name>[^\t]+)([\t]+)(?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+),(?P<targetmap>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<targetx>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<targety>[\d]+)$")
+warpRe3 = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+)[|]"
+ "(?P<tag>warp)[|](?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+),(?P<targetmap>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<targetx>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<targety>[\d]+)$")
+monsterRe = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+)),([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+)[|]"
+ "(?P<tag>monster)[|](?P<name>[^|]+)[|]"
+ "(?P<class>[\d]+),(?P<num>[\d]+),(?P<delay1>[\d]+)ms,(?P<delay2>[\d]+)ms(|,(?P<label>[\w+-:#]+))$")
+monsterRe2 = re.compile("^(?P<map>[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P<x>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<y>[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P<xs>[\d-]+),(?P<ys>[\d-]+)\t"
+ "(?P<tag>monster)[\t](?P<name>[\w#' ]+)([\t]+)"
+ "(?P<class>[\d]+),(?P<num>[\d]+),(?P<delay1>[\d]+),(?P<delay2>[\d]+)(|,(?P<label>[\w+-:#]+))$")
+setRe = re.compile("^(?P<space>[ ]+)set[ ](?P<var>[^,]+),([ ]*)(?P<val>[^;]+);$");
+class ScriptTracker:
+ pass
+def createMainScript():
+ with open(npcMainScript, "w") as w:
+ w.write("npc: npc/functions/main.txt\n")
+ w.write("import: npc/scripts.conf\n")
+def convertNpcs(items, npcIds):
+ processNpcDir("oldserverdata/world/map/npc/", "newserverdata/npc/", items, npcIds)
+def processNpcDir(srcDir, dstDir, items, npcIds):
+ makeDir(dstDir)
+ files = os.listdir(srcDir)
+ for file1 in files:
+ if file1[0] == '.':
+ continue
+ srcPath = os.path.abspath(srcDir + os.path.sep + file1)
+ dstPath = os.path.abspath(dstDir + os.path.sep + file1)
+ if not os.path.isfile(srcPath):
+ processNpcDir(srcPath, dstPath, items, npcIds)
+ else:
+ if file1[-5:] == ".conf" or file1[-4:] == ".txt":
+ processNpcFile(srcPath, dstPath, items, npcIds)
+def processNpcFile(srcFile, dstFile, items, npcIds):
+# print "file: " + srcFile
+ tracker = ScriptTracker()
+ tracker.insideScript = False
+ tracker.items = items
+ tracker.npcIds = npcIds
+ with open(srcFile, "r") as r:
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ tracker.w = w
+ for line in r:
+ line = stripWindows(line)
+ tracker.line = line
+ res = convertTextLine(tracker)
+ if res:
+ w.write(tracker.line)
+def convertTextLine(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ if line[:5] == "map: ":
+ processScriptMapLine(line)
+ return False
+ if len(line) >= 2 and line[0:2] == "//":
+ return False
+ if line == "};\n":
+ tracker.w.write("}\n");
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("|script|")
+ if idx <= 0:
+ idx = line.find("\tscript\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processScript(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("|shop|")
+ if idx <= 0:
+ idx = line.find("\tshop\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processShop(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("|monster|")
+ if idx <= 0:
+ idx = line.find("\tmonster\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processMonster(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("|warp|")
+ if idx <= 0:
+ idx = line.find("\twarp\t")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processWarp(tracker)
+ return False
+ idx = line.find("|mapflag|")
+ if idx <= 0:
+ idx = line.find(".gat mapflag ")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ processMapFlag(tracker)
+ return False
+ processStrReplace(tracker)
+ return False
+def processScriptMapLine(line):
+ global mapsIndex
+ line = stripNewLine(line)
+ if line[-4:] == ".gat":
+ line = line[:-4]
+ with open(mapsConfFile, "a") as w:
+ w.write(line + "\n")
+ with open(mapsIndexFile, "a") as w:
+ w.write("{0} {1}\n".format(line[5:], mapsIndex))
+ mapsIndex = mapsIndex + 1
+def writeScript(w, m, npcIds):
+ try:
+ if"function") != None:
+ isFunction = True
+ else:
+ isFunction = False
+ except:
+ isFunction = False
+ if isFunction:
+ w.write("function");
+ elif"x") == None or ("x") == 0 and"y") == 0): # float npc
+ w.write("-")
+ else:
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}".format("map"),"x"),"y"),"dir")))
+ if isFunction:
+ funcName ="name")
+ if funcName == "DailyQuestPoints":
+ funcName = "DailyQuestPointsFunc"
+ w.write("\t{0}\t{1}\t".format("tag"), funcName));
+ else:
+ class_ ="class")
+ if class_ == "0": # hidden npc
+ class_ = 32767
+ elif class_ == None:
+ class_ = -1;
+ else:
+ class_ = int(class_)
+# if class_ > 125 and class_ <= 400:
+# class_ = class_ + 100
+ npcIds.add(int(class_))
+ if class_ == -1:
+ class_ = "MINUS1"
+ w.write("\t{0}\t{1}\tNPC{2}".format("tag"),"name"), class_));
+def processScript(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line[:-1]
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line
+# print "map={0} x={1} y={2} dir={3} tag={4} name={5} class={6}, xs={7}, ys={8}".format(
+ # debug
+ try:
+ if"function") != None:
+ isFunction = True
+ else:
+ isFunction = False
+ except:
+ isFunction = False
+ writeScript(w, m, tracker.npcIds)
+ if"xs") != None:
+ w.write(",{0},{1}".format("xs"),"ys")));
+ if isFunction == False:
+ w.write(",{\n");
+ else:
+ w.write("{\n");
+def itemsToShop(tracker, itemsStr):
+ itemsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ itemsSplit2 = re.compile(":")
+ itemsDict = tracker.items
+ outStr = ""
+ items = itemsSplit.split(itemsStr)
+ for str2 in items:
+ parts = itemsSplit2.split(str2)
+ if len(parts) != 2:
+ print "Wrong shop item name {0}: {1}".format(str2, itemsStr)
+ continue
+ if parts[1][0] == "*":
+ parts[1] = str((int(parts[1][1:]) * int(itemsDict[parts[0].strip()]['buy'])))
+ if outStr != "":
+ outStr = outStr + ","
+ itemName = parts[0].strip()
+ if itemName in itemsDict:
+ outStr = outStr + itemsDict[itemName]['id'] + ":" + parts[1]
+ else:
+ print "Wrong item name in shop: {0}".format(itemName)
+ return outStr
+def processShop(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} x={1} y={2} dir={3} tag={4} name={5} class={6} items={7}".format(
+ writeScript(w, m, tracker.npcIds)
+ w.write("," + itemsToShop(tracker,"items")) + "\n")
+def processMapFlag(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} tag={1} name={2} flag={3}".format(
+ if"name") == "town" or"name") == "resave":
+ w.write("//")
+ w.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format("map"),"tag"),"name")))
+ if"flag") == None:
+ w.write("\n")
+ else:
+ w.write("\t{0}\n".format("flag")))
+def processWarp(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ noName = False
+ if m == None:
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ m =
+ noName = True
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+ if noName == True:
+ warpName = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format("map"),"x"),"y"))
+ else:
+ warpName ="name")
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print "map={0} xy={1},{2} tag={3} name={4} xs={5} ys={6} target: map={7} xy={8},{9}".format(
+#"map"),"x"),"y"),"tag"), warpName,"xs"),"ys"),"targetmap"),"targetx"),"targety"))
+ xs = int("xs"))
+ ys = int("ys"))
+ if xs < 0:
+ xs = 0
+ if ys < 0:
+ ys = 0
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6},{7},{8},{9},{10}\n".format(
+"map"),"x"),"y"), "0","tag"), warpName,
+ xs, ys,"targetmap"),"targetx"),"targety")))
+def processMonster(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ m =
+ if m == None:
+ print "error in parsing: " + line
+ w.write("!!!error parsing line")
+ w.write(line)
+ return
+# print "source=" + line[:-1]
+# print ("map={0} xy={1},{2} xs={3} ys={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7} " +
+# "num={8} delays={9},{10}, label={11}").format(
+ if"label") != None:
+ label = "," +"label")
+ else:
+ label = ""
+ w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7},{8},{9},{10}{11}\n".format("map"),
+"class"),"num"),"delay1"),"delay2"), label))
+def processStrReplace(tracker):
+ line = tracker.line
+ w = tracker.w
+ if line == "{\n":
+ return
+ vals = [
+ ("setskill ", "addtoskill "),
+ ("zeny", "Zeny"),
+ ("sc_poison", "SC_POISON"),
+ ("sc_slowpoison", "SC_SLOWPOISON"),
+ ("sex", "Sex"),
+ ("SEX", "Sex"),
+ (".gat", ""),
+ ("Bugleg", "BugLeg"),
+ ("set BugLeg, 0;", "//set BugLeg, 0;"),
+ ("set CaveSnakeLamp, 0;", "//set CaveSnakeLamp, 0;"),
+ ("set Class, @BaseClass;", "//set Class, @BaseClass;"),
+ ("goto_Exit;", "goto L_Exit;"),
+ ("if @spants_state < 7 goto", "if(@spants_state < 7) goto"),
+ ("isdead()", "ispcdead()"),
+ ("changeSex", "changecharsex()"),
+ ("getpartnerid2()", "getpartnerid()"),
+ ("getpartnerid2(0)", "getpartnerid()"),
+ ("getgmlevel(0)", "getgmlevel()"),
+ ("if @beer_count > 4", "if (@beer_count > 4)"),
+ ("if !(@Q_status)", "if (!(@Q_status))"),
+ ("if isin(\"021-1\", 130, 120, 140, 125) ", "if (isin(\"021-1\", 130, 120, 140, 125)) "),
+ ("if divorce(0) goto L_", "if (divorce()) goto L_"),
+ ("getmap()", "getmapname()"),
+ ("L_end", "L_End"),
+ ("gmcommand", "atcommand"),
+ ("MF_NOSAVE", "mf_nosave"),
+ ("S_update_var", "S_Update_Var"),
+ ("L_teach", "L_Teach"),
+ ("L_focus", "L_Focus"),
+ ("L_unfocus", "L_Unfocus"),
+ ("L_main", "L_Main"),
+ ("L_next", "L_Next"),
+ ("L_close", "L_Close"),
+ ("@NpcName$", "@npcname$"),
+ ("@npcName$", "@npcname$"),
+ ("@cost", "@Cost"),
+ ("@TEMP", "@temp"),
+ ("L_Menuitems", "L_MenuItems"),
+ ("L_no_item", "L_No_Item"),
+ ("L_no_water", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_NOT_ENOUGH", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_bye", "L_Bye"),
+ ("L_NOHELP", "L_NoHelp"),
+ ("L_Eyepatch", "L_EyePatch"),
+ ("@PC_STAMINA", "@pc_stamina"),
+ ("L_magic", "L_Magic"),
+ ("L_cont", "L_Cont"),
+ ("L_accept", "L_Accept"),
+ ("L_no_event", "L_No_Event"),
+ ("L_event_done", "L_Event_Done"),
+ ("L_nobeer", "L_NoBeer"),
+ ("L_iron", "L_Iron"),
+ ("L_sulphur", "L_Sulphur"),
+ ("L_red", "L_Red"),
+ ("L_yellow", "L_Yellow"),
+ ("L_green", "L_Green"),
+ ("L_orange", "L_Orange"),
+ ("L_pink", "L_Pink"),
+ ("L_purple", "L_Purple"),
+ ("L_question", "L_Question"),
+ ("L_quest", "L_Quest"),
+ ("L_dead", "L_Dead"),
+ ("L_menu", "L_Menu"),
+ ("L_give", "L_Give"),
+ ("@Items$", "@items$"),
+ ("@menuItems$", "@menuitems$"),
+ ("L_Teach_initial", "L_Teach_Initial"),
+ ("L_finish", "L_Finish"),
+ ("L_No_ash", "L_No_Ash"),
+ ("L_no_ash", "L_No_Ash"),
+ ("L_No_water", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_cave", "L_Cave"),
+ ("L_farewell", "L_Farewell2"),
+ ("@Q_forestbow_", "@Q_Forestbow_"),
+ ("L_game", "L_Game"),
+ ("L_good", "L_Good"),
+ ("L_abort", "L_Abort"),
+ ("@menuID", "@menuid"),
+ ("L_NO_ITEM", "L_No_Item"),
+ ("L_HELP", "L_Help"),
+ ("L_Noitem", "L_NoItem"),
+ ("L_No_fur", "L_No_Fur"),
+ ("@EXP", "@Exp"),
+ ("L_water", "L_Water"),
+ ("L_get", "L_Get"),
+ ("L_happy", "L_Happy"),
+ ("L_cheat", "L_Cheat"),
+ ("@Reward_EXP", "@Reward_Exp"),
+ ("@REWARD_EXP", "@Reward_Exp"),
+ ("L_no_money", "L_No_Money"),
+ ("@MinLevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("L_return", "L_Return"),
+ ("L_intro", "L_Intro"),
+ ("L_full", "L_Full"),
+ ("@minlevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("@MinLevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("L_Cleanup", "L_CleanUp"),
+ ("L_Alreadystarted", "L_AlreadyStarted"),
+ ("@amount", "@Amount"),
+ ("L_again", "L_Again"),
+ ("L_no_potion", "L_No_Potion"),
+ ("L_wizard_hat", "L_Wizard_Hat"),
+ ("L_notenough", "L_NotEnough"),
+ ("L_offer", "L_Offer"),
+ ("L_giveup", "L_GiveUp"),
+ ("L_not_ready", "L_Not_Ready"),
+ ("@MobID", "@mobId"),
+ ("@mobID", "@mobId"),
+ ("L_naked", "L_Naked"),
+ ("L_shortcut", "L_Shortcut"),
+ ("L_shirt", "L_Shirt"),
+ ("L_goodjob", "L_GoodJob"),
+ ("L_kill", "L_Kill"),
+ ("L_nothing", "L_Nothing"),
+ ("L_lowlevel", "L_LowLevel"),
+ ("L_MENU", "L_Menu"),
+ ("L_potion", "L_Potion"),
+ ("L_fertig", "L_Fertig"),
+ ("L_exit", "L_Exit"),
+ ("L_fight", "L_Fight"),
+ ("L_start", "L_Start"),
+ ("L_unvollst", "L_Unvollst"),
+ ("L_no_room_for_rings", "L_No_Room_For_Rings"),
+ ("@mask", "@Mask"),
+ ("@MAP$", "@map$"),
+ ("baselevel", "BaseLevel"),
+ ("L_Lifestones_Trade_Missing", "L_Lifestones_TM"),
+ ("L_Caretaker_first_reward", "L_Caretaker_fr"),
+ ("L_NohMask_TravelingTroupe", "L_NohMask_TravT"),
+ ("L_listen_to_a_story_first", "L_listen_to_sf"),
+ ("L_post_ironpowder_option", "L_post_ip_op"),
+ ("L_Sulphur_teach_spell_no", "L_Sulphur_tspell"),
+ ("L_Lifestones_MakeSelf_yes", "L_Lifestones_MSy"),
+ ("L_Lifestones_MakeSelf_no", "L_Lifestones_MSn"),
+ ("L_Caretaker_later_rewards", "L_Caretaker_lr"),
+ ("L_boneknife_quest_completed", "L_boneknife_qc"),
+ ("L_boneknife_quest_tooweak", "L_boneknife_qtw"),
+ ("L_tanktop_insufficient_cloth", "L_tanktop_ic"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_toolittle", "L_dark_greenqtit"),
+ ("L_about_schools_minimenu", "L_about_sch_mm"),
+ ("L_insufficient_BaseLevel", "L_insuf_BL"),
+ ("L_Teach_Initial_nonature", "L_Teach_Ininn"),
+ ("L_Teach_CheckAdvanceTo2_fail", "L_Teach_CATo2f"),
+ ("L_Levelup2_must_practice", "L_Levelup2_mpr"),
+ ("L_Airlia_intro_mana_loss", "L_Airlia_iml"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_completecheck", "L_knife_q_cc"),
+ ("L_Magic_purify_explained", "L_Magic_pur_exp"),
+ ("L_tanktop_insufficient_Zeny", "L_tanktop_ins_Z"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_knows_recipe", "L_monsteroil_kn_r"),
+ ("L_Teach_CheckAdvanceToLOH", "L_TeachChATLOH"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_missing_stingers", "L_knife_qm_sti"),
+ ("L_Magic_train_tree_backgd", "L_Mag_tr_tr_ba"),
+ ("SUB_pick_one_of_many_items", "SUB_pick_1_m_it"),
+ ("L_about_other_prerequisites", "L_a_o_prereq"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_why_dangerous", "L_monstero_w_dang"),
+ ("L_Teach_LOH_advance_abort0", "L_Teach_LOH_a_a0"),
+ ("L_Teach_LOH_advance_abort1", "L_Teach_LOH_a_a1"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_missing_mushrooms", "L_knife_q_m_mushr"),
+ ("L_Magic_train_sagatha_fail", "L_Magic_tsag_f"),
+ ("L_Q_manaseed_touched_short", "L_Q_manas_tou_sh"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_ingredients", "L_monsoil_ingr"),
+ ("L_snakeskins_completecheck", "L_snakes_comc"),
+ ("L_Magic_train_sagatha_lvl1", "L_Mag_tr_sag_lvl1"),
+ ("L_make_mana_potion_missing", "L_make_m_p_mis"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_where_gold", "L_monoil_wg"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_wrestle_intro", "L_gold_scor_wr_i"),
+ ("L_component_quest_missing", "L_comp_q_mis"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_start_brew", "L_monsto_st_br"),
+ ("L_golden_requires_knife_quest_done", "L_gold_req_kn_q_d"),
+ ("LL_student_4_wrong_potion", "L_stud_4_wrong_p"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_missing_gold", "L_monsto_mis_g"),
+ ("L_golden_requires_knife_quest", "L_gold_req_kn_q"),
+ ("LL_Magic_skill_insufficient", "L_Mag_sk_insuf"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_out_of_leaves", "L_monso_oo_lea"),
+ ("L_too_lowlevel_for_stinger", "L_too_lol_f_sti"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_leaf_color", "L_monso_le_co"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_over_ask", "L_gold_scor_ov_a"),
+ ("S_monster_oil_random_move", "L_monso_rand_mo"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_ask_again", "L_gold_scor_as_ag"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_random_0_lighten", "L_monso_rand_0_li"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_wrestle_again", "L_gold_scorp_wre_ag"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_explode_dodge", "L_monso_expl_dod"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_wrestle", "L_gold_scorp_wre"),
+ ("L_monster_oil_no_gold_end", "L_monso_no_go_e"),
+ ("L_mopox_cure_", "L_moc_"),
+ ("L_mopox_failed_", "L_mof_"),
+ # fix at same time usage with same name function and variable
+ ("\"DailyQuestPoints\"", "\"DailyQuestPointsFunc\""),
+ # TMW-BR errors
+ ("@cerveja", "@Cerveja"),
+ ("@custo", "@Custo"),
+ ("@genero", "@Genero"),
+ ("@gosmaVerme", "@GosmaVerme"),
+ ("@I", "@i"),
+ ("@valor", "@Valor"),
+ ("@peloBranco", "@PeloBranco"),
+ ("@pelobranco", "@PeloBranco"),
+ ("@raiz", "@Raiz"),
+ ("@senha", "@Senha"),
+ ("@garrafaVazia", "@GarrafaVazia"),
+ ("@GAMBOGE", "@Gamboge"),
+ ("@FM$", "@fm$"),
+ ("L_abrir", "L_Abrir"),
+ ("L_Abrir", "L_Abrir"),
+ ("L_acabou", "L_Acabou"),
+ ("L_ACABOU", "L_Acabou"),
+ ("L_Aceita", "L_Aceita"),
+ ("L_aceita", "L_Aceita"),
+ ("L_AceitaCapaceteDeMineiro", "L_AceitaCapMineiro"),
+ ("L_AceitaShortDeAlgodao", "L_AceitaShortAlgodao"),
+ ("L_AceitoFlechasDeFerro", "L_AceitaFlechaFerro"),
+ ("L_AceitoFlechasNormais", "L_AceitaFlechaNormal"),
+ ("L_Aceitou", "L_Aceitou"),
+ ("L_aceitou", "L_Aceitou"),
+ ("L_adicionar_registro_AGE", "L_addreg_AGE"),
+ ("L_adicionar_registro_GP", "L_addreg_GP"),
+ ("L_adicionar_registro_LVL", "L_addreg_LVL"),
+ ("L_Ajuda", "L_Ajuda"),
+ ("L_ajuda", "L_Ajuda"),
+ ("L_ajudaComMaisPresentes2", "L_AjudaMaisPresentes2"),
+ ("L_ajudaComMaisPresentes", "L_AjudaMaisPresentes"),
+ ("L_Apresentacao", "L_Apresentacao"),
+ ("L_apresentacao", "L_Apresentacao"),
+ ("L_Arco", "L_Arco"),
+ ("L_arco", "L_Arco"),
+ ("L_Azul", "L_Azul"),
+ ("L_azul", "L_Azul"),
+ ("L_boneknife_quest_completed", "L_BoneKnife_Completo"),
+ ("L_boneknife_quest_tooweak", "L_BoneKnife_Fraco"),
+ ("L_buscar_e_adicionar_AGE", "L_seekadd_AGE"),
+ ("L_buscar_e_adicionar_GP", "L_seekadd_GP"),
+ ("L_buscar_e_adicionar_LVL", "L_seekadd_LVL"),
+ ("L_buscar_e_selecionar_AGE", "L_seeksel_AGE"),
+ ("L_buscar_e_selecionar_GP", "L_seeksel_GP"),
+ ("L_buscar_e_selecionar_LVL", "L_seeksel_LVL"),
+ ("L_Check", "L_Check"),
+ ("L_CHECK", "L_Check"),
+ ("L_cheio", "L_Cheio"),
+ ("L_CHEIO", "L_Cheio"),
+ ("L_Close", "L_close"),
+ ("L_close", "L_close"),
+ ("L_coelhoProcurandoOvos", "L_CoelhoProcuraOvos"),
+ ("L_ComGrana", "L_ComGrana"),
+ ("L_comgrana", "L_ComGrana"),
+ ("L_comprimenta_conhecendo", "L_CumprimentaSabe"),
+ ("L_Concluida", "L_Concluida"),
+ ("L_concluida", "L_Concluida"),
+ ("L_confirmacao_invalida", "L_Inv_Conf"),
+ ("L_Congratulacoes", "L_Congratulacao"),
+ ("L_congratulacoes", "L_Congratulacao"),
+ ("L_Continua", "L_Continua"),
+ ("L_continua", "L_Continua"),
+ ("L_continua_destransformar", "L_Continua_destransf"),
+ ("L_Continua_destransformar", "L_Continua_destransf"),
+ ("L_continuacao", "L_Continuacao"),
+ ("L_Continuacao", "L_Continuacao"),
+ ("L_controlarNacionalidade", "L_ControlaNacao"),
+ ("L_ControlarNacionalidade", "L_ControlaNacao"),
+ ("L_conversa_com_garotas", "L_ConvesaGarota"),
+ ("L_conversa_com_garotos", "L_ConversaGaroto"),
+ ("L_cor", "L_Cor"),
+ ("L_Cor", "L_Cor"),
+ ("L_Curar", "L_Curar"),
+ ("L_curar", "L_Curar"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_explain2", "L_VerdeEscuro_qexp2"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_explain", "L_VerdeEscuro_qexp"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_guess_0", "L_VerdeEscuro_qguess"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_noslime", "L_VerdeEscuro_noslim"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_toolittle", "L_VerdeEscuro_pouco"),
+ ("L_dark_green_q_toomuch", "L_VerdeEscuro_muito"),
+ ("L_dep_tudo", "L_Dep_Tudo"),
+ ("L_dep_Tudo", "L_Dep_Tudo"),
+ ("L_DesistenteSelecionado", "L_DesistSel"),
+ ("L_Desistir", "L_Desistir"),
+ ("L_desistir", "L_Desistir"),
+ ("L_desistir_de_assinar2", "L_DesistirAssinar2"),
+ ("L_DICA", "L_Dica"),
+ ("L_Dica", "L_Dica"),
+ ("L_dica", "L_Dica"),
+ ("L_Encontrei", "L_Encontrei"),
+ ("L_encontrei", "L_Encontrei"),
+ ("L_End", "L_End"),
+ ("L_end", "L_end"),
+ ("L_engana_player_novamente", "L_Engana2"),
+ ("L_EQUIP", "L_Equip"),
+ ("L_Equip", "L_Equip"),
+ ("L_ErrouPalavrasMagicas", "L_ErrouMagia2"),
+ ("L_explicacao", "L_Explicacao"),
+ ("L_Explicacao", "L_Explicacao"),
+ ("L_ExplicacaoCausaCrise", "L_ExplicacaoCrise"),
+ ("L_Explicar", "L_Explicar"),
+ ("L_explicar", "L_Explicar"),
+ ("L_fala2", "L_Fala2"),
+ ("L_Fala2", "L_Fala2"),
+ ("L_Fala", "L_Fala"),
+ ("L_fala", "L_Fala"),
+ ("L_falasRestauracaoErro", "L_FalaRestauraErro"),
+ ("L_Falta", "L_Falta"),
+ ("L_falta", "L_Falta"),
+ ("L_falta_ovos_novamente", "L_FaltaOvos2"),
+ ("L_Fechar", "L_Fechar"),
+ ("L_fechar", "L_Fechar"),
+ ("L_Fim", "L_Fim"),
+ ("L_fim", "L_Fim"),
+ ("L_FIM", "L_Fim"),
+ ("L_FimListaDesconectados", "L_FimListaOff"),
+ ("L_Fraco", "L_Fraco"),
+ ("L_fraco", "L_Fraco"),
+ ("L_FRACO", "L_Fraco"),
+ ("L_GanhaPartyParticipar", "L_GanhaPartyP"),
+ ("L_golden_requires_knife_quest", "L_Ouroreq_Knife_q"),
+ ("L_golden_requires_knife_quest_done", "L_Ouroreq_Kinfe_ok"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_ask_again", "L_EscorpOuro_again"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_over_ask", "L_EscorpOuro_overask"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_wrestle", "L_EscorpOuro_Wrest"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_wrestle_again", "L_EscorpOuro_Wrest2"),
+ ("L_golden_scorpion_wrestle_intro", "L_EscorpOuro_WerestI"),
+ ("L_HistoriaAdagaBoneClaide", "L_HistoriaAdagaBC"),
+ ("L_Info", "L_Info"),
+ ("L_info", "L_Info"),
+ ("L_iniciaQuest", "L_IniciaQuest"),
+ ("L_IniciaQuest", "L_IniciaQuest"),
+ ("L_Inicio", "L_Inicio"),
+ ("L_inicio", "L_Inicio"),
+ ("L_Inicio_Segunda_Parte", "L_Inicio_P2"),
+ ("L_INSUF", "L_Insuf"),
+ ("L_insuf", "L_Insuf"),
+ ("L_Introfloresta", "L_IntroFloresta"),
+ ("L_introFloresta", "L_IntroFloresta"),
+ ("L_introfloresta", "L_IntroFloresta"),
+ ("L_itens", "L_Itens"),
+ ("L_Itens", "L_Itens"),
+ ("L_jaParticipandoPartida", "L_JaPartPart"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_completecheck", "L_Knife_CompCheck"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_missing_mushrooms", "L_Knife_MissMush"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_missing_mushrooms_2", "L_Knife_MissMush2"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_missing_stingers", "L_Knife_MissSting"),
+ ("L_knife_quest_missing_stingers_2", "L_Knife_MissSting2"),
+ ("L_limpar", "L_Limpar"),
+ ("L_Limpar", "L_Limpar"),
+ ("L_lista", "L_Lista2"),
+ ("L_listen_to_a_story_first", "L_ListenStory"),
+ ("L_longe", "L_Longe"),
+ ("L_LONGE", "L_Longe"),
+ ("L_loop_buscar_desconectados", "L_LoopOff"),
+ ("L_loop_buscar_lutadores2", "L_LoopLutador2"),
+ ("L_loop_buscar_lutadores", "L_LoopLutador"),
+ ("L_main_menu_post_setzer", "L_MM_PostSetzer"),
+ ("L_maisDoces //< pede o dobro de itens e dá o dobro de XP.", "L_MaisDoces //< pede o dobro de itens e dá o dobro de XP."),
+ ("L_Menu", "L_Menu"),
+ ("L_menu", "L_Menu"),
+ ("L_menuGM", "L_MenuGM"),
+ ("L_menugm", "L_MenuGM"),
+ ("L_MenuGM", "L_MenuGM"),
+ ("L_Menugm", "L_MenuGM"),
+ ("L_MenuItens", "L_MenuItens"),
+ ("L_menuItens", "L_MenuItens"),
+ ("L_missaoCogumeloCompleta", "L_MissCog_Ok"),
+ ("L_missaoCordaPescador1", "L_MissCorda_1"),
+ ("L_missaoCordaPescador2", "L_MissCorda_2"),
+ ("L_missaoEscudoMadeira1", "L_MissEscudMad_1"),
+ ("L_missaoEscudoMadeira2", "L_MissEscudMad_2"),
+ ("L_missaoMadeiraResistente", "L_MissMadeiraR"),
+ ("L_missaoMadeiraResistenteCompleta", "L_MissMadeiraR_Ok"),
+ ("L_missaoMaisPresentesCompleta", "L_MissMaisPresenteOK"),
+ ("L_missaoPocaoQueimadura", "L_MissPotQueim"),
+ ("L_missaoPresentesCompleta", "L_MissPresenteOk"),
+ ("L_MOBS_queimaduraEscorpiao", "L_MOB_QueimEscorp"),
+ ("L_nada", "L_Nada2"),
+ ("L_nao", "L_Nao2"),
+ ("L_naoPode", "L_NaoPode"),
+ ("L_naoSei", "L_NaoSei"),
+ ("L_naotenho", "L_NaoTenho"),
+ ("L_Naotenho", "L_NaoTenho"),
+ ("L_naoTrouxe", "L_NaoTrouxe"),
+ ("L_naotrouxe", "L_NaoTrouxe"),
+ ("L_Naotrouxe", "L_NaoTrouxe"),
+ ("L_novaPartida", "L_NovaPartida2"),
+ ("L_NovaPartida", "L_NovaPartida"),
+ ("L_novorecordindividual", "L_NovoRecordSeu"),
+ ("L_obrigado", "L_Obrigado2"),
+ ("L_obsidian_spork_intro", "L_ObsidianSporkIntro"),
+ ("L_OK", "L_Ok2"),
+ ("L_ok", "L_Ok3"),
+ ("L_onde", "L_Onde"),
+ ("L_opcaoFinalizarPartida", "L_opFimPart"),
+ ("L_opcaoIniciaPartidaErro", "L_opIniPartErro"),
+ ("L_opcaoParticipaJogoErro", "L_opPartJogoErro"),
+ ("L_Participante_Invalido", "L_Partc_Invalido"),
+ ("L_Participante_Perdedor", "L_Partc_Perde"),
+ ("L_Participante_Vencedor", "L_partc_Vence"),
+ ("L_pobre", "L_Pobre"),
+ ("L_porque", "L_Porque"),
+ ("L_possuiFragmento", "L_PossuiFragmento"),
+ ("L_preciso", "L_Preciso"),
+ ("L_PrecoPartyParticipar", "L_PrecoPartyPart"),
+ ("L_presente", "L_Presente"),
+ ("L_PrometeVoltarComGRana", "L_VoltoComGp"),
+ ("L_pronto", "L_Pronto"),
+ ("L_quem", "L_Quem"),
+ ("L_QueroArcoDeCurtoAlcance", "L_ArcoCurto"),
+ ("L_ReexplicaApostaParaCobrir", "L_ExpApostaCobrir"),
+ ("L_ReexplicaApostaParaIniciar", "L_ExpApostaIniciar"),
+ ("L_ret_tudo", "L_Ret_Tudo"),
+ ("L_ret_Tudo", "L_Ret_Tudo"),
+ ("L_retirar", "L_Retirar"),
+ ("L_retorno", "L_Retorno"),
+ ("L_retorno_Doces_Escondidos", "L_Retorno_DoceHid"),
+ ("L_Retorno_Segunda_Parte", "L_Retorno_Part2"),
+ ("L_return", "L_Return"),
+ ("L_rever", "L_Rever"),
+ ("L_rico", "L_Rico"),
+ ("L_saia", "L_Saia"),
+ ("L_salvar", "L_Salvar"),
+ ("L_Segunda_Parte_MaisPirulitos", "L_P2_MaisPirulito"),
+ ("L_Segunda_Parte_NaoPirulito", "L_P2_NaoPirulito"),
+ ("L_Segunda_Parte_Pirulito", "L_P2_Pirulito"),
+ ("L_Segunda_Parte_Satisfeito", "L_P2_Satisfeito"),
+ ("L_selecionar_registro_AGE", "L_selreg_AGE"),
+ ("L_selecionar_registro_GP", "L_selreg_GP"),
+ ("L_selecionar_registro_LVL", "L_selreg_LVL"),
+ ("L_semEspaco", "L_SemEspaco"),
+ ("L_semGrana", "L_SemGrana"),
+ ("L_semgrana", "L_SemGrana"),
+ ("L_semItem", "L_SemItem"),
+ ("L_semItens", "L_SemItens"),
+ ("L_semLevel", "L_SemLevel"),
+ ("L_semlevel", "L_SemLevel"),
+ ("L_semlugar", "L_SemLugar"),
+ ("L_semLugar", "L_SemLugar"),
+ ("L_semLvl", "L_SemLvl"),
+ ("L_semLVL", "L_SemLvl"),
+ ("L_SemLVL", "L_SemLvl"),
+ ("L_set", "L_Set"),
+ ("L_SET", "L_Set"),
+ ("L_ShieldNoLeatherPatch", "L_ShdNoLeathPatch"),
+ ("L_sim2", "L_Sim2"),
+ ("L_sim3", "L_Sim3"),
+ ("L_sim", "L_Sim"),
+ ("L_Nao2trouxe", "L_Nao2Trouxe"),
+ ("L_snakeskins_completecheck", "L_snakeskin_okcheck"),
+ ("L_SugerePesquisaDePreco", "L_PesquisePreco"),
+ ("L_tchau2", "L_Tchau2"),
+ ("L_tchau", "L_Tchau"),
+ ("L_This_shouldn_t_happen", "L_NaoDeviaAcontecer"),
+ ("L_too_lowlevel_for_stinger", "L_Stinger_LvlBaixo"),
+ ("L_verde", "L_Verde"),
+ ("L_verificaMaisPresentes", "L_MaisPresenteCheck"),
+ ("L_VOLTA", "L_Volta"),
+ ("L_voltaCheckIngredientes", "L_VoltaCheckItens"),
+ ("L_voltaComIngredientes", "L_VoltaComItens"),
+ ("L_warp", "L_Warp2"),
+ ("L_minissaia", "L_Minissaia"),
+ ("L_preMenu", "L_PreMenu"),
+ ("L_Regras", "L_regras"),
+ ("S_MOBS_queimaduraEscorpiao", "S_MOBS_QueimEscorp"),
+ ("S_MOBS_queimaduraTartaruga", "S_MOBS_QueimTartaruga"),
+ ("Refinamento \\+\" + (@menu", "Refinamento \" + (@menu"),
+ ("Bom! \Aqui vou eu...", "Bom! Aqui vou eu..."),
+ ("\\:\";", ":\";"),
+ ("if BaseLevel <= 10, set", "if (BaseLevel <= 10) set"),
+ ("\\: Passando", ": Passando"),
+ ("\\o/", "o/"),
+ ("(getgmlevel ==", "(getgmlevel() =="),
+ ("foice", "Foice"),
+ ("lanternaJack", "LanternaJack"),
+ ("0), set @preco, ", "0) set @preco, "),
+ ("255), set @preco, ", "255) set @preco, "),
+ ("L_pass", "L_Pass"),
+ ("Quest_threepwood1", "QUEST_threepwood1"),
+ ("L_no", "L_No"),
+ ("L_askHelp", "L_AskHelp"),
+ ("L_ask", "L_Ask"),
+ ("L_notEnough", "L_NotEnough"),
+ ("L_done", "L_Done"),
+ ("L_toomany", "L_TooMany"),
+ ("L_not_enough_money", "L_Not_enough_money"),
+ ("L_island", "L_Island"),
+ ("if @colorID == 2 ", "if (@colorID == 2) "),
+ ("L_help", "L_Help"),
+ ("L_yes", "L_Yes"),
+ ("if @opacityID == 2 ", "if (@opacityID == 2) "),
+ ("L_NohMask_Accuse_Respond", "L_NohMask_AResp"),
+ ("if @opacityID > 4 ", "if (@opacityID > 4) "),
+ ("if @tmpHairStyle > 0 ", "if (@tmpHairStyle > 0) "),
+ ("if @colorID > 6 ", "if (@colorID > 6) "),
+ ("if @opacityID < 0 ", "if (@opacityID < 0) "),
+ ("if countitem(\"MaggotSlime\") >= 10 goto", "if (countitem(\"MaggotSlime\") >= 10) goto"),
+ ("if @colorID < 0 set", "if (@colorID < 0) set"),
+ ];
+ for val in vals:
+ line = line.replace(val[0], val[1]);
+ idx = line.find("getmapmobs(")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ idx2 = line.find("\"", idx + len("getmapmobs(") + 1)
+ idx3 = line.find(")", idx + len("getmapmobs(") + 1)
+ if idx2 + 1 == idx3:
+ line = line[:idx2 + 1] + ",\"all\"" + line[idx2 + 1:]
+ line = line.replace("getmapmobs(", "mobcount(")
+ m =;
+ if m != None:
+ line = "{0}{1} = {2};\n".format("space"),"var"),"val"))
+ w.write(line)
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebbddf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import removeAllFiles, makeDir
+def cleanServerData():
+ removeAllFiles("newserverdata")
+ makeDir("newserverdata/conf")
+ makeDir("newserverdata/db/re/")
+ makeDir("newserverdata/npc/re/")
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..678a96c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+def convertHomunculuses():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ homunculusesDbFile = "serverdata/db/re/homunculus_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "homunculus.tpl")
+ homunculuses = readFile(templatesDir + "homunculuses.xml")
+ data = ""
+ homunculusSprite = "<sprite>monsters/tortuga.xml</sprite>";
+ with open(homunculusesDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ data = data + tpl.format(
+ id = rows[0],
+ sprite = homunculusSprite,
+ name = rows[2])
+ saveFile(destDir + "homunculuses.xml", homunculuses.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fdb531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from sets import Set
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+from code.stringutils import stripQuotes2, strToXml
+def prepStat(val, text):
+ if val != "0" and val != "":
+ return " {0}=\"{1}\"\n".format(text, val)
+ return ""
+def convertItems():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ itemsDbFile = "serverdata/sql-files/item_db_re.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ bracketsSplit = re.compile("[(]|[)]")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "item.tpl")
+ items = readFile(templatesDir + "items.xml")
+ data = ""
+ ids = Set()
+ with open(itemsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if len(line) < 10 or line[0:2] == "//" or line[0:12] != "REPLACE INTO":
+ continue
+ rows = bracketsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 2:
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(rows[1])
+ if len(rows) < 31:
+ continue
+ rows = stripQuotes2(rows)
+ itemId = rows[0]
+ name = rows[1]
+# name2 = rows[2]
+ itemType = rows[3]
+# priceBuy = rows[4]
+# priceSell = rows[5]
+ weight = rows[6]
+ atk = rows[7]
+ matk = rows[8]
+ defense = rows[9]
+ attackRange = rows[10]
+# slots = rows[11]
+# equipJobs = rows[12]
+# equipUpper = rows[12]
+# equipGender = rows[14]
+ equipLocations = rows[15]
+# weaponLevel = rows[16]
+# equipLevelMin = rows[17]
+# equipLevelMax = rows[18]
+# refinable = rows[19]
+ view = rows[20]
+# bindOnEquip = rows[21]
+# buyInStore = rows[22]
+ delay = rows[23]
+# tradeFlag = rows[24]
+# tradeGroup = rows[25]
+# nouseFlag = rows[26]
+# nouseGroup = rows[27]
+# stackAmount = rows[28]
+# stackFlag = rows[29]
+# sprite = rows[30]
+ name = name.replace("\\'", "'")
+ image = ""
+ statStr = prepStat(atk, "attack")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(matk, "mattack")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(defense, "defense")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(weight, "weight")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(attackRange, "range")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(delay, "speed")
+# print itemId + "," + equipLocations
+# typeStr = "other"
+ typeStr = "equip-legs"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/legs/trousers-male.xml"
+ image = "generic/box-fish.png"
+ if itemType == 0 or itemType == 2 or itemType == 18: # usable
+ image = "usable/bread.png"
+ typeStr = "usable"
+ spriteStr = "";
+ elif equipLocations == "0":
+ image = "usable/bread.png"
+ typeStr = "usable"
+ spriteStr = "";
+ elif equipLocations == "1":
+ image = "equipment/legs/shorts.png|S:#4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-legs"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/legs/shorts-male.xml|#4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "2":
+ image = "equipment/weapons/knife.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-1hand"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/weapons/knife.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "4":
+ image = "equipment/hands/armbands.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-arms"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/hands/armbands-male.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "16":
+ image = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt.png|S:#3c3c3c,3e3c38,4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt-male.xml|#43413d,59544f,7a706c,8a8176,a69e88,d1c7a7,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "64":
+ image = "equipment/feet/boots.png|S:#3c3c3c,40332d,4d4d4d,5e4a3d,686868,705740,919191,a1825d,b6b6b6,b59767,dfdfdf,dbbf88"
+ typeStr = "equip-feet"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/feet/boots-male.xml|#40332d,5e4a3d,705740,a1825d,b59767,dbbf88";
+ elif equipLocations == "136":
+ image = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt.png|S:#3c3c3c,3e3c38,4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt-male.xml|#43413d,59544f,7a706c,8a8176,a69e88,d1c7a7,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "256":
+ image = "equipment/head/bandana.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-head"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/head/bandana-male.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "512":
+ # no sprites in evol
+ image = "equipment/chest/sailorshirt.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/shirt-male.xml|#131913,1b231d,233129,35433e,4e6059,6c8279;#72571e,836737,a5854d,b18f45";
+ name = strToXml(name);
+ if itemId not in ids:
+ ids.add(itemId)
+ data = data + tpl.format(itemId, name, 0,
+ statStr, image, typeStr, spriteStr)
+ if view != "0" and view not in ids:
+ ids.add(view)
+ data = data + tpl.format(view, name, 0,
+ statStr, image, typeStr, spriteStr)
+ saveFile(destDir + "items.xml", items.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b401b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+comaSplit = re.compile(",")
+equalSplit = re.compile("=")
+def extractLuaArray(fileName, arrName):
+ with open(fileName, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.find(arrName) == 0:
+ line = line[line.find("{") + 1:]
+ line = line[:line.find("}")]
+ return line
+ return ""
+def convertJobName():
+ jobs = dict()
+ jobNameFile = "rodata/decompiled/jobname.lua"
+ line = extractLuaArray(jobNameFile, "JobNameTable")
+ arr = comaSplit.split(line)
+ for itemStr in arr:
+ parts = equalSplit.split(itemStr.strip())
+ if parts[0].find("[jobtbl.") == 0:
+ key = parts[0].strip()
+ key = key[8:-1].strip()
+ val = parts[1].strip()
+ val = val[1:-1].strip()
+ jobs[key] = val
+ return jobs
+def convertIdentity(jobs):
+ idents = dict()
+ npcIdentityFile = "rodata/decompiled/npcidentity.lua"
+ line = extractLuaArray(npcIdentityFile, "jobtbl = ")
+ arr = comaSplit.split(line)
+ for itemStr in arr:
+ parts = equalSplit.split(itemStr.strip())
+ key = parts[0].strip()
+ val = parts[1].strip()
+ if key in jobs:
+ idents[val] = jobs[key].lower()
+ return idents
+def convertLuas():
+ jobs = convertJobName()
+ idtofile = convertIdentity(jobs)
+ return idtofile
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1ca5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import zlib
+from code.fileutils import readInt16, readInt32, makeDir, copyFile, readFile, readMapName, saveFile, readData
+from code.tileutils import getTileData, getTile
+def covertToTmx(f, mapsCount):
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ mapsDir = destDir + "maps/"
+ tilesetsDir = destDir + "graphics/tilesets/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ makeDir(mapsDir)
+ makeDir(tilesetsDir)
+ copyFile(templatesDir, tilesetsDir, "collision.png")
+ copyFile(templatesDir, tilesetsDir, "tileset.png")
+ tmx = readFile("templates/template.tmx")
+ for i in xrange(0, mapsCount):
+ name = readMapName(f)
+ print "converting map [{0:4}/{1:4}]: {2}".format(i, mapsCount + 1, name)
+ sx = readInt16(f)
+ sy = readInt16(f)
+ sz = readInt32(f)
+ mapData = readData(f, sz)
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj()
+ mapData = dc.decompress(mapData)
+ ground = ""
+ collision = ""
+ fringe = ""
+ for y in xrange(0, sy):
+ for x in xrange(0, sx):
+ tileData = getTileData(mapData, x, y, sx)
+ tile = getTile(tileData)
+ if x + 1 == sx and y + 1 == sy:
+ ground = ground + tile[0]
+ collision = collision + tile[1]
+ fringe = fringe + "0";
+ else:
+ ground = ground + tile[0] + ","
+ collision = collision + tile[1] + ","
+ fringe = fringe + "0,";
+ ground = ground + "\n"
+ collision = collision + "\n"
+ fringe = fringe + "\n"
+ saveFile(mapsDir + name + ".tmx", tmx.format(sx, sy, ground, collision, fringe))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481f66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+def convertMercenaries():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ mercenariesDbFile = "serverdata/db/mercenary_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "mercenary.tpl")
+ mercenaries = readFile(templatesDir + "mercenaries.xml")
+ data = ""
+ mercenarySprite = "<sprite>monsters/croc.xml</sprite>";
+ with open(mercenariesDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ data = data + tpl.format(
+ id = rows[0],
+ sprite = mercenarySprite,
+ name = rows[2])
+ saveFile(destDir + "mercenaries.xml", mercenaries.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..969795d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+from code.stringutils import strToXml, stripQuotes
+def convertMonsters(isNonFree = False, idtofile = None):
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ monstersDbFile = "serverdata/sql-files/mob_db_re.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ bracketsSplit = re.compile("[(]|[)]")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "monster.tpl")
+ monsters = readFile(templatesDir + "monsters.xml")
+ data = ""
+ with open(monstersDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if len(line) < 10 or line[0:2] == "//" or line[0:12] != "REPLACE INTO":
+ continue
+ rows = bracketsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 2:
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(rows[1])
+ if len(rows) < 5:
+ continue
+ monsterId = rows[0]
+ if isNonFree == True and monsterId in idtofile:
+ #convertSprite("rodata/data/sprite/ёуЅєЕН/", idtofile[monsterId])
+ monsterSprite = "<sprite>sprites/{0}.xml</sprite>".format(idtofile[monsterId])
+ else:
+ monsterSprite = """<sprite>monsters/blub.xml</sprite>
+ <sprite>accessories/blub-tentacle.xml|#3e4164,3a3968,544a82,64437a,7d6db4,a26392,8f99c4,d294ab,b3cdcd,e7b8b8,d9ecd1,f0e8c5</sprite>""";
+ name = strToXml(stripQuotes(rows[2]))
+ data = data + tpl.format(monsterId, name, monsterSprite)
+ saveFile(destDir + "monsters.xml", monsters.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e49ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+def getNpcIds(idtofile):
+ for key1 in idtofile:
+ key = int(key1)
+ if 45 <= key <= 125 or 400 < key < 1000 or 10001 <= key < 10100:
+ yield key1
+def convertNpcsNonFree(idtofile):
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "npc.tpl")
+ npcs = readFile(templatesDir + "npcs.xml")
+ data = ""
+ for key in getNpcIds(idtofile):
+ npcSprite = "<sprite>sprites/{0}.xml</sprite>".format(idtofile[key])
+ data = data + tpl.format(
+ id = key,
+ sprite = npcSprite)
+ saveFile(destDir + "npcs.xml", npcs.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6deef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+def convertPets():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ petsDbFile = "serverdata/db/re/pet_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "pet.tpl")
+ pets = readFile(templatesDir + "pets.xml")
+ data = ""
+ petSprite = "<sprite>monsters/tortuga.xml</sprite>";
+ with open(petsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ data = data + tpl.format(
+ id = rows[0],
+ sprite = petSprite,
+ name = rows[2])
+ saveFile(destDir + "pets.xml", pets.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df47fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+from code.stringutils import strToXml, stripQuotes
+def convertQuests():
+ print "quests disabled for now"
+ return
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ questsDbFile = "serverdata/db/quest_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "quest.tpl")
+ quests = readFile(templatesDir + "quests.xml")
+ data = ""
+ with open(questsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ questId = rows[0]
+ text = rows[8]
+ if text[-1] == "\n":
+ text = text[:-1]
+ text = strToXml(stripQuotes(text))
+ name = text
+ if len(name) > 20:
+ name = name[:19]
+ data = data + tpl.format(questId, name, text + ": " + str(questId))
+ saveFile(destDir + "quests.xml", quests.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6affb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+def convertSkillsToXml():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ skillsDbFile = "serverdata/db/re/skill_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "skill.tpl")
+ skills = readFile(templatesDir + "skills.xml")
+ data = ""
+ with open(skillsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ skillId = rows[0]
+ name = rows[15].strip()
+ description = rows[16].strip()
+ idx = description.find ("//")
+ if idx > 1:
+ description = description[:idx]
+ data = data + tpl.format(skillId, name, description)
+ saveFile(destDir + "skills.xml", skills.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dad9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import os
+from PIL import Image
+from code.fileutils import readInt8, readInt16, readInt32, makeDir, readFile, saveFile, skipData, readData, findFileIn
+class ActClass:
+ pass
+class ActAnimationClass:
+ pass
+class ActSpriteClass:
+ pass
+class ActFrameClass:
+ pass
+class ActPivotClass:
+ pass
+class ActEventClass:
+ pass
+class SprClass:
+ pass
+class SprImageClass:
+ pass
+def readIndexedRLEImage(f, spr):
+ spr.nimages = spr.indexedSpritesCount
+ spr.images = dict()
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.indexedSpritesCount):
+ image = SprImageClass()
+ spr.images[imageN] = image
+ image.width = readInt16(f)
+ image.height = readInt16(f)
+ image.compressed = True
+ data = array.array('B', (0 for _ in xrange(image.width * image.height)))
+ = data
+ compressSize = readInt16(f)
+ #uncompressedSize = image.width * image.height
+ #print "uncompressed size=" + str(uncompressedSize)
+ #print "compressed size=" + str(compressSize)
+ idx = 0
+ readCnt = 0
+ while readCnt < compressSize:
+ c = readInt8(f)
+ readCnt = readCnt + 1
+ data[idx] = c;
+ #print "{0:4}: {1}".format(idx, c)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ if c == 0:
+ cnt = readInt8(f)
+ readCnt = readCnt + 1
+ if cnt == 0:
+ data[idx] = cnt
+ #print "{0:4}: {1}".format(idx, cnt)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ else:
+ for j in range(1, cnt):
+ data[idx] = c
+ #print "{0:4} ({1} to {2}): {3}".format(idx, j, cnt - 1, c)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ #print "read bytes: " + str(readCnt)
+def readIndexedImage(f, spr):
+ pass
+def readRgbaImage(f, spr):
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount):
+ image = SprImageClass()
+ spr.images[imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount] = image
+ image.width = readInt16(f)
+ image.height = readInt16(f)
+ data = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(image.width * image.height)))
+ image.compressed = False
+ = data
+ for idx in range(0, image.width * image.height):
+ data[idx] = readInt32(f)
+def readPalette(f, spr):
+ palette = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(256)))
+ spr.palette = palette
+ for col in range(0, 256):
+ palette[col] = readInt32(f)
+def getSignedNumber(number, bitLength):
+ mask = (2 ** bitLength) - 1
+ if number & (1 << (bitLength - 1)):
+ return number | ~mask
+ else:
+ return number & mask
+def decodeSprite(spr):
+ palette = spr.palette
+ spr.maxwidth = 0
+ spr.maxheight = 0
+ alpha = False
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.indexedSpritesCount):
+ image = spr.images[imageN]
+ indexed =
+ data = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(image.width * image.height)))
+ for idx in range(0, image.width * image.height):
+ col = indexed[idx]
+ if col == 0:
+ data[idx] = 0
+ else:
+ if palette[col] > 0x00ffffff:
+ data[idx] = palette[col]
+ alpha = True
+ else:
+ data[idx] = palette[col] + 0xff000000
+ = data
+ if image.width > spr.maxwidth:
+ spr.maxwidth = image.width
+ if image.height > spr.maxheight:
+ spr.maxheight = image.height
+ # for debug
+# png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+# png.putdata(
+ if alpha:
+ print "detected alpha"
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount):
+ image = spr.images[imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount]
+ if image.width > spr.maxwidth:
+ spr.maxwidth = image.width
+ if image.height > spr.maxheight:
+ spr.maxheight = image.height
+def saveSpriteImage(act, spr, spriteDir, spriteName):
+# for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount):
+# image = spr.images[imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount]
+# print "{0} x {1}".format(image.width, image.height)
+# png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+# png.putdata(
+#"test{0}.png".format(imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount))
+# numTiles = spr.indexedSpritesCount + spr.rgbaSpritesCount
+ counted = 0
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = anim.sprites[spriteN]
+# key = []
+# for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+# frame = sprite.frames[frameN]
+# idf = frame.frameIndex
+# if frame.mirror > 0:
+# idf = - idf
+# key.append(idf)
+ counted = counted + 1
+ numTiles = counted
+ #print "max: {0}x{1}".format(spr.maxwidth, spr.maxheight)
+ # in row
+ rowTiles = int(2048 / spr.maxwidth)
+ colTiles = int(numTiles / rowTiles)
+ if colTiles * rowTiles < numTiles:
+ colTiles = colTiles + 1
+ tilesetWidth = 2048
+ tilesetHeight = colTiles * spr.maxheight
+# print "num {0} row {1}, col {2}".format(numTiles, rowTiles, colTiles)
+# print "size {0}x{1}".format(2048, colTiles * spr.maxheight)
+# tileset = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(tilesetWidth * tilesetHeight)))
+ tileset ='RGBA', (tilesetWidth, tilesetHeight))
+# png.putdata(tileset)
+ #draw = ImageDraw.Draw(png)
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ frameToIdx = dict()
+ tile = 0
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = anim.sprites[spriteN]
+ frameToIdx[str(animN) + "_" + str(spriteN)] = tile
+ for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ frame = sprite.frames[frameN]
+ frm = frame.frameIndex
+ if frame.mirror > 0:
+ frm = - frm
+ if frm in frameToIdx:
+ continue
+ if frame.frameIndex not in spr.images:
+ print "wrong frame index: {0}".format(frame.frameIndex)
+ continue
+ image = spr.images[frame.frameIndex]
+ png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+ png.putdata(
+ if frame.mirror > 0:
+ png = png.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
+ offsetX = (spr.maxwidth - image.width) / 2
+ offsetY = spr.maxheight - image.height
+# offsetX = (spr.maxwidth - image.width) / 2 + getSignedNumber(frame.offsetX, 32)
+# offsetY = spr.maxheight - image.height + getSignedNumber(frame.offsetY, 32)
+ tileset.paste(png, (x + offsetX, y + offsetY))
+ tile = tile + 1
+ x = x + spr.maxwidth
+ if x + spr.maxwidth > 2048:
+ x = 0
+ y = y + spr.maxheight
+# for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount + spr.indexedSpritesCount):
+# image = spr.images[imageN]
+# png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+# png.putdata(
+# tileset.paste(png, (x, y))
+# x = x + spr.maxwidth
+# if x + spr.maxwidth > 2048:
+# x = 0
+# y = y + spr.maxheight
+ spr.frameToIdx = frameToIdx
+ spr.tilesetWidth = tilesetWidth
+ spr.tilesetHeight = tilesetHeight
+ makeDir(spriteDir)
+ + spriteName + ".png")
+def extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex, direction):
+# delay = anim.delay
+ delay = 100
+ data = " <animation direction=\"" + direction + "\">\n"
+ if actIndex not in act.animations:
+ data = data + " <frame index=\"{0}\" delay=\"{1}\" offsetX=\"{2}\" offsetY=\"{3}\"/>\n".format(
+ 0, delay, 0, 0)
+ data = data + " </animation>\n"
+ return data
+ anim = act.animations[actIndex]
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ #sprite = anim.sprites[spriteN]
+ #for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ #frame = sprite.frames[frameN]
+ #frm = frame.frameIndex
+ #if frame.mirror > 0:
+ # frm = -frm
+ #if frm not in spr.frameToIdx:
+ # continue
+ idx = spr.frameToIdx[str(actIndex) + "_" + str(spriteN)]
+ offsetX = 0
+ offsetY = 0
+# offsetX = frame.offsetX
+# offsetY = frame.offsetY
+# if offsetX > 4294900000:
+# offsetX = - (4294967296 - offsetX)
+# if offsetY > 4294000000:
+# offsetY = -(4294967296 - offsetY)
+ data = data + " <frame index=\"{0}\" delay=\"{1}\" offsetX=\"{2}\" offsetY=\"{3}\"/>\n".format(
+ idx, delay, offsetX, offsetY)
+ data = data + " </animation>\n"
+ return data
+def extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, actIndex, name):
+ data = extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex, "down")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 1, "downleft")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 2, "left")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 3, "upleft")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 4, "up")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 5, "upright")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 6, "right")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 6, "downright")
+ return data
+def saveSpriteXml(act, spr, spriteDir, spriteName):
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ dstFile = spriteDir + spriteName + ".xml"
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "sprite.xml")
+ # 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48
+ # 0 - walk or attack or ?
+ # 8 - walk
+ # 16 - attack
+ # 24 - dead
+ # 32 - dead2 ?
+ # no more
+ standData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 0, "stand")
+ walkData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 8, "walk")
+ attackData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 16, "attack")
+ deadData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 32, "dead")
+ data = tpl.format(
+ src = "graphics/sprites/sprites/" + spriteName + ".png",
+ width = spr.maxwidth,
+ height = spr.maxheight,
+ stand = standData,
+ walk = walkData,
+ attack = attackData,
+ dead = deadData
+ )
+ saveFile(dstFile, data)
+def readAct(actFile):
+ act = ActClass()
+ with open(actFile, "r") as f:
+ act.header = readInt16(f)
+ if act.header != 17217:
+ #print "Wrong header in file {0}".format(actFile)
+ return None
+ act.minorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ act.majorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ act.nanimations = readInt16(f)
+ print "{0}, {1}.{2}, {3}".format(actFile, act.majorVersion, act.minorVersion, act.nanimations)
+ #print " animations: " + str(act.nanimations)
+ act.animations = dict()
+ skipData(f, 10)
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = ActAnimationClass()
+ anim.delay = 30
+ act.animations[animN] = anim
+ anim.nsprites = readInt32(f)
+ #print " sprites: " + str(anim.nsprites)
+ anim.sprites = dict()
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = ActSpriteClass()
+ anim.sprites[spriteN] = sprite
+ sprite.left1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.top1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.right1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.buttom1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.left2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.top2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.right2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.buttom2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.nframes = readInt32(f)
+ #print "sprite {0}, frames: {1}".format(spriteN, sprite.nframes)
+ sprite.frames = dict()
+ for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ frame = ActFrameClass()
+ sprite.frames[frameN] = frame
+ frame.offsetX = readInt32(f)
+ frame.offsetY = readInt32(f)
+ frame.frameIndex = readInt32(f)
+ #print " index: " + str(frame.frameIndex)
+ frame.mirror = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion >= 2:
+ frame.color = readInt32(f)
+ frame.scaleX = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 4):
+ frame.scaleY = readInt32(f)
+ else:
+ frame.scaleY = frame.scaleX
+ frame.angle = readInt32(f)
+ frame.spriteType = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 5):
+ frame.width = readInt32(f)
+ frame.height = readInt32(f)
+ #print "{0} x {1}".format(frame.width, frame.height)
+ if act.majorVersion >= 2:
+ sprite.eventIndex = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 3):
+ sprite.npivots = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.pivots = dict()
+ #if sprite.npivots > 0:
+ #print " pivotes: " + str(sprite.npivots)
+ for pivotN in range(0, sprite.npivots):
+ pivot = ActPivotClass()
+ sprite.pivots[pivotN] = pivot
+ pivot.unknown = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.centerX = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.centerY = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.nAttribute = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 1):
+ act.nevents = readInt32(f)
+ = dict()
+ for eventN in range(0, act.nevents):
+ event = ActEventClass()
+[eventN] = event;
+ = readData(f, 40)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 2):
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ anim.delay = readInt32(f)
+ return act
+def readSpr(sprFile):
+ spr = SprClass()
+ with open(sprFile, "r") as f:
+ spr.header1 = readInt8(f)
+ spr.header2 = readInt8(f)
+ if spr.header1 != 0x53 or spr.header2 != 0x50:
+ return None
+ spr.minorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ spr.majorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ spr.indexedSpritesCount = readInt16(f)
+ if spr.majorVersion > 1 or (spr.majorVersion == 1 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ spr.rgbaSpritesCount = readInt16(f)
+ else:
+ spr.rgbaSpritesCount = 0
+ print "{0}, {1}.{2}, {3}, {4}".format(sprFile, spr.majorVersion, spr.minorVersion, spr.indexedSpritesCount, spr.rgbaSpritesCount)
+ spr.frames = spr.indexedSpritesCount + spr.rgbaSpritesCount
+ if spr.majorVersion > 2 or (spr.majorVersion == 2 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ readIndexedRLEImage(f, spr)
+ else:
+ readIndexedImage(f, spr)
+ readRgbaImage(f, spr)
+ if spr.majorVersion > 1 or (spr.majorVersion == 1 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ readPalette(f, spr)
+ return spr
+def convertSprite(spritePath, spriteName):
+ actFile = "{0}.act".format(spritePath + spriteName)
+ sprFile = "{0}.spr".format(spritePath + spriteName)
+ if os.path.exists(actFile) == False or os.path.exists(sprFile) == False:
+ return None
+ act = readAct(actFile)
+ spr = readSpr(sprFile)
+ decodeSprite(spr)
+ saveSpriteImage(act, spr, "clientdata/graphics/sprites/sprites/", spriteName)
+ saveSpriteXml(act, spr, "clientdata/graphics/sprites/sprites/", spriteName)
+# if actFile.find("wolf") > 0:
+# exit(0)
+# exit(0)
+def findSpritePath(spriteName):
+ testName = spriteName + ".act"
+ testName2 = spriteName.upper() + ".act"
+ path = findFileIn((testName, testName2),
+ ("rodata/data/sprite/ёуЅєЕН/",
+ "rodata/data/sprite/npc/",
+ "rodata/data/sprite/homun/"))
+ return path
+def convertSpritesNonFree(idtofile):
+ processed = []
+ for spriteid in idtofile:
+ spriteName = idtofile[spriteid]
+ if spriteName in processed:
+ print "skipping " + spriteName
+ continue
+ path = findSpritePath(spriteName)
+ if path is None:
+ print "not found " + spriteName
+ continue
+ print spriteName
+ convertSprite(path, spriteName)
+ processed.append(spriteName)
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a283e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+def detectServerType():
+ if os.path.exists("oldserverdata/world/map/news.d"):
+ return "tmw"
+ else:
+ return "evol"
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73db611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import codecs
+def stripQuotes(data):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return data
+ if data[-1] == "\"":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ if data[0] == "\"":
+ data = data[1:]
+ if data[-1] == "'":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ if data[0] == "'":
+ data = data[1:]
+ return data
+def stripQuotes2(data):
+ for idx in xrange(0, len(data)):
+ data[idx] = stripQuotes(data[idx])
+ return data
+def strToXml(data):
+ data = data.replace("&", "&amp;");
+ data = data.replace("<", "&lt;");
+ data = data.replace(">", "&gt;");
+ return data
+def stripNewLine(data):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return data
+ if data[-1] == "\r":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ if len(data) > 0 and data[-1] == "\n":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ return data
+def stripWindows(data):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return data
+ if data[-1] == "\r":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ if len(data) > 1 and data[-2] == "\r":
+ data = data[:-2] + data[-1]
+ data = data.replace(codecs.BOM_UTF8, "", 1)
+ return data
+def escapeSqlStr(data):
+ data = data.replace("\\", "\\\\");
+ data = data.replace("'", "\\'");
+ data = data.replace("`", "\\`");
+ data = data.replace("{", "\\{");
+ data = data.replace("}", "\\}");
+ return data
+def removeGat(data):
+ if len(data) >= 4 and data[-4:] == ".gat":
+ data = data[:-4]
+ return data
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e7a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+def getTileData(mapData, x, y, sx):
+ data = mapData[y * sx + x]
+ arr = array.array("B")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ data = arr[0]
+ return data
+def getTile(data):
+ normal = 0
+ collision = 0
+ if data == 0: # 000 normal walkable
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 1: # 001 non walkable
+ normal = 2
+ collision = 6
+ elif data == 2: # 010 same with 0
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 3: # 011 same with 0, but water
+ normal = 3
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 4: # 100 same with 0
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 5: # 101 same with 1, but shootable (for now not supported!!!)
+ normal = 4
+ collision = 6
+ elif data == 6: # 110 same with 0
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ return (str(normal), str(collision))
+def getGroundTile(flag):
+ return str(flag + 1)
+def getCollisionTile(flag):
+ if flag == 0:
+ return "0"
+ return "4"