diff options
4 files changed, 3 insertions, 1193 deletions
diff --git a/npc/003-1/events.txt b/npc/003-1/events.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d6843d1..0000000
--- a/npc/003-1/events.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-// TMW2 scripts.
-// Author:
-// Jesusalva
-// Description:
-// Controls events, part of Aurora Event System
-// See also: functions/aurora.txt, functions/seasons.txt, command/event.txt,
-// event.txt, functions/soulmenhir.txt and, of course, the event maps (if any).
-// Script Variables:
-// Q_AuroraEvent
-// Quest Variable: FYEVENT_CYCLE, Score, ClaimedControl
-// TODO: Use duplicate() command to make it available in other towns as well
-// Easter
-003-1,47,53,0 script Aurora NPC_FEMALE,{
- function handleEaster;
- function handleValentine;
- function handleStPatrick;
- // Aurora Event functions
- function auroraRankings;
- function auroraCurrentRankings;
- function auroraSubmit;
- function auroraListRewards;
- // Handle annuals
- //.@v_stday = getvariableofnpc(.valentine_stday, "#EventCore");
- //.@v_stmon = getvariableofnpc(.valentine_stmon, "#EventCore");
- .@v_endday = getvariableofnpc(.valentine_endday, "#EventCore");
- .@v_endmon = getvariableofnpc(.valentine_endmon, "#EventCore");
- //.@e_stday = getvariableofnpc(.easter_stday, "#EventCore");
- //.@e_stmon = getvariableofnpc(.easter_stmon, "#EventCore");
- .@e_endday = getvariableofnpc(.easter_endday, "#EventCore");
- .@e_endmon = getvariableofnpc(.easter_endmon, "#EventCore");
- .@dy=gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH);
- .@mo=gettime(GETTIME_MONTH);
- // Debug Overrides
- if ($@DEBUG_OD)
- .@dy=$@DEBUG_OD;
- if ($@DEBUG_OM)
- .@mo=$@DEBUG_OM;
- // Annual rewards can only be claimed until the month ends
- if ($EVENT$ == "Patrick")
- handleStPatrick();
- else if (.@mo == .@v_endmon && .@dy > .@v_endday)
- handleValentine();
- else if (.@mo == .@e_endmon && .@dy > .@e_endday)
- handleEaster();
- // Another event is going on, smoothly handle it
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- goto L_Aurora;
- else
- mesc l("Currently, there is no event going on."), 1;
- close;
-// OnRestore causes OnInit to start again
- setnpcdisplay .name$, "Aurora", NPC_FEMALE;
- .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, MiniSkirt);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, RedStockings);
- //setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, BlueRoseHat);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, UglyChristmasSweater); // (Blue) Bathrobe?
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, any(8, 8, 8, 20, 20, 11));
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 7);
- .sex = G_FEMALE;
- .distance = 5;
- end;
-// Override for Valentine Day - There should be no Aurora
- .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$);
- setnpcdisplay .name$, "Demure#ValentineFinal", NPC_FEMALE;
- //.@npcId = getnpcid(.name$);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, Cap);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, RedStockings);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, BunnyEars);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, GMRobe);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 14);
- setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 18);
- end;
-function handleEaster {
- // Handle rewards before anything else
- if (EASTER_YEAR != gettime(GETTIME_YEAR)) {
- if (strcharinfo(0) == $@easter_name$[0]) {
- makepet BhopFluffy;
- mesn;
- mesc l("For the first place in Easter, you gained a Bhopper Fluffy."), 3;
- mesc l("Remember to give it a balanced diet of Aquadas to make it happy."), 3;
- next;
- } else {
- .@pos=array_find($@easter_name$, strcharinfo(0));
- // 0 (aka top 1) is not an appliable winner
- if (.@pos > 0) {
- // Reverse it so top 10 value is 2, and top 2 value is 10.
- .@pos=11-.@pos;
- getitem StrangeCoin, .@pos*10;
- }
- }
- }
- mesn;
- mesq l("Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!!");
- mesc l("Note: Golden and Silver Eggs are deleted after the next event end."), 1;
- // Heartbeat
- select
- l("Trade Silver Eggs"),
- l("Trade Golden Eggs"),
- l("View LeaderBoard"),
- l("Thanks Lilica.");
- mes "";
- switch (@menu) {
- case 1:
- openshop "#eastershop1";
- closedialog;
- break;
- case 2:
- openshop "#eastershop2";
- closedialog;
- break;
- case 3:
- mesn l("Easter @@", gettime(GETTIME_YEAR));
- mes("1."+$@easter_name$[0]+" ("+$@easter_value[0]+")");
- mes("2."+$@easter_name$[1]+" ("+$@easter_value[1]+")");
- mes("3."+$@easter_name$[2]+" ("+$@easter_value[2]+")");
- mes("4."+$@easter_name$[3]+" ("+$@easter_value[3]+")");
- mes("5."+$@easter_name$[4]+" ("+$@easter_value[4]+")");
- mes("6."+$@easter_name$[5]+" ("+$@easter_value[5]+")");
- mes("7."+$@easter_name$[6]+" ("+$@easter_value[6]+")");
- mes("8."+$@easter_name$[7]+" ("+$@easter_value[7]+")");
- mes("9."+$@easter_name$[8]+" ("+$@easter_value[8]+")");
- mes("10."+$@easter_name$[9]+" ("+$@easter_value[9]+")");
- break;
- }
- return;
-function handleValentine {
- mesn;
- mesq l("Valentine Day is over!");
- next;
- mes "##B"+l("Top 10 - Valentine Day")+"##b";
- mes("1." +$@valentine_name$[0]+" ("+$@valentine_value[0]+")");
- mes("2." +$@valentine_name$[1]+" ("+$@valentine_value[1]+")");
- mes("3." +$@valentine_name$[2]+" ("+$@valentine_value[2]+")");
- mes("4." +$@valentine_name$[3]+" ("+$@valentine_value[3]+")");
- mes("5." +$@valentine_name$[4]+" ("+$@valentine_value[4]+")");
- mes("6." +$@valentine_name$[5]+" ("+$@valentine_value[5]+")");
- mes("7." +$@valentine_name$[6]+" ("+$@valentine_value[6]+")");
- mes("8." +$@valentine_name$[7]+" ("+$@valentine_value[7]+")");
- mes("9." +$@valentine_name$[8]+" ("+$@valentine_value[8]+")");
- mes("10."+$@valentine_name$[9]+" ("+$@valentine_value[9]+")");
- return;
- next;
- // Handle rewards
- copyarray(.@name$[0], $@valentine_name$[0], 10);
- if (strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[0]) {
- makepet DoggyDog;
- getitem PrismGift, 1;
- getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
- } else if (strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[1] || strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[2]) {
- getitem PrismGift, 1;
- getitem GoldenGift, 1;
- getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
- } else if (strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[3] || strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[4]) {
- getitem GoldenGift, 1;
- getitem SilverGift, 1;
- getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
- } else if (strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[5] || strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[6]) {
- getitem SilverGift, 1;
- getitem BronzeGift, 1;
- getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
- } else if (strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[7] || strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[8] || strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[9]) {
- getitem BronzeGift, 1;
- getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
- } else {
- getitem StrangeCoin, 5;
- }
- if (strcharinfo(0) == .@name$[0])
- mesc l("You gained a @@ for the #1 place on the event. Remember to feed it @@, or it may run away from you.", getitemlink(DoggyDog), getitemlink(AnimalBones));
- return;
-function handleStPatrick {
- // Check if St. Patrick day is over D:
- if ($EVENT$ != "Patrick")
- goto OnRestore;
- // Okay, it is still St. Patrick :3
- mesn;
- mesc l("It's St. Patrick Event!"), 3;
- mes l("At 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 server time");
- mes l("Several special clovers will show up at forests.");
- next;
- mes l("They have 10x more chance to drop a @@, so it is a great deal!", getitemlink(FourLeafClover));
- mes l("Also, hidden in a forest which is not hot nor cold, is the Gold Pot Cauldron...");
- mes l("You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck...");
- next;
- return;
- // Define script variables
- .@WHAT$=l("event");
- // Fill them with specific details, if available
- if ($EVENT$ == "Expo") {
- .@WHAT$=l("world expo");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Fishing") {
- .@WHAT$=l("golden fish hunt");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Kamelot") {
- .@WHAT$=l("kamelot raid");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Regnum") {
- .@WHAT$=l("regnum's blessing");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Mining") {
- .@WHAT$=l("miners union request");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Candor") {
- .@WHAT$=l("candor battle season");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Celestia") {
- .@WHAT$=l("yeti king hunt season");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Gemini") {
- .@WHAT$=l("gemini season");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Rebirth") {
- .@WHAT$=l("rebirth season");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Tower") {
- .@WHAT$=l("dream tower apparition");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Raid") {
- .@WHAT$=l("boss raid");
- } else if ($EVENT$ == "Olympics") {
- .@WHAT$=l("magic olympics");
- }
- mesn;
- mesq l("Hello! I am Aurora, and I oversee the %s!", .@WHAT$);
- next;
- mesn;
- mesq l("So, how can I help you today?");
- do
- {
- next;
- select
- l("Event Details"),
- l("Event Ranking Rewards"),
- rif(FYEventUsesRanking(), l("Current Rankings")),
- rif(FYEventUsesRanking(), l("List & Claim rewards")),
- l("That's all, thanks!");
- mes "";
- switch (@menu) {
- case 1:
- EventHelp();
- if (FYEventUsesRanking()) {
- mesc l("You must claim all rewards and use any event item BEFORE it ends."), 1;
- mesc l("Left-overs will be deleted shortly after."), 1;
- mesc l("Any eventual ranking reward will be sent by the banker's mail."), 1;
- } else {
- mesn;
- mesq l("Have fun!");
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- auroraRankings();
- break;
- case 3:
- auroraCurrentRankings();
- break;
- case 4:
- auroraSubmit();
- auroraListRewards();
- break;
- default:
- close;
- }
- // The code block is done
- } while (true);
-function auroraRankings {
- setnpcdialogtitle l("Aurora Events")+" - "+$EVENT$;
- setskin "aurora_"+$EVENT$;
- mes "There is no ranking information available for this event.";
- select("Ok");
- setskin "";
- clear;
- auroraCurrentRankings(); // More to silence a bug than whatelse
- return;
-function auroraCurrentRankings {
- if (FYEventUsesRanking()) {
- HallOfAurora();
- } else {
- mesn;
- mesq l("Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones...");
- }
- return;
-function auroraListRewards {
- .@s=getq2(Q_AuroraEvent);
- .@r=getq3(Q_AuroraEvent);
- mesn;
- freeloop(true);
- for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize($FYREWARD_PT); .@i++) {
- mes l("%s %d pts - %d %s",
- (.@r > .@i ? "%%A" : (.@r == .@i ? "%%E" : "%%B")), // Status Indicator
- $FYREWARD_PT[.@i], $FYREWARD_AM[.@i], getitemlink($FYREWARD_ID[.@i]));
- // You're at this milestone? Hmm
- if (.@r == .@i) {
- // Your score is enough: rank you up
- if (.@s >= $FYREWARD_PT[.@i]) {
- inventoryplace $FYREWARD_ID[.@i], $FYREWARD_AM[.@i];
- getitem $FYREWARD_ID[.@i], $FYREWARD_AM[.@i];
- .@r+=1;
- setq3 Q_AuroraEvent, .@r;
- }
- }
- }
- freeloop(false);
- return;
-function auroraSubmit {
- .@q2=getq2(Q_AuroraEvent);
- FYE_Submit();
- mesc l("Event score: %d -> %d", .@q2, getq2(Q_AuroraEvent));
- return;
diff --git a/npc/commands/event.txt b/npc/commands/event.txt
index 2be1b53..56f7829 100644
--- a/npc/commands/event.txt
+++ b/npc/commands/event.txt
@@ -303,15 +303,8 @@ function script GlobalEventMenu {
set $EVENT$, "Valentine"; $@VALENTINE_LOVELETTER = htnew(); $@VALENTINE_GIFTSTACKS = htnew(); logmes "Enabled VALENTINE DAY event.", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
case 3:
- $EVENT$="Patrick";
- enablenpc "sPatrick";
- setnpcdisplay("Aurora", "Patrick Saulc", NPC_WEIRDGREEN);
- enablenpc "St. Patrick Gold Pot";
- donpcevent "St. Patrick Gold Pot::OnForcedMove";
- logmes "Enabled ST. PATRICK DAY event (until day 31).", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
- case 4: sEaster(); break;
+ case 4: break;
case 5:
set $EVENT$, "Worker";
logmes "Enabled WORKERS DAY event.", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
@@ -321,17 +314,13 @@ function script GlobalEventMenu {
case 6:
- $EVENT$="Thanksgiving";
- logmes "Enabled THANKS GIVING event.", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
case 7:
logmes "Enabled EVENT (HORIZON) event.", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
case 8:
- logmes "Enabled CHRISTMAS event.", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
- DelQuestFromEveryPlayer(SQuest_Christmas);
- sChristmas(); break;
+ break;
case 9:
$EVENT$=any("Demure Birthday", "Blame Saulc");
dispbottom("Maybe in future this increases everyone attack speed? Well, for now,");
diff --git a/npc/functions/daily.txt b/npc/functions/daily.txt
index 747b90b..d784208 100644
--- a/npc/functions/daily.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/daily.txt
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ function script daily_login_bonus_handler {
if (gettime(6) == OCTOBER) {
if (#TMW2_LOGINBONUS != gettime(GETTIME_YEAR) && gettime(5) == 1) {
- getitem Coffee, 1;
- getexp BaseLevel, JobLevel;
+ getitem Coffee, 2;
dispbottom "##B##2"+l("It's the International Coffee Day!")+" "+l("Have a warm cup of Coffee on the house, and enjoy!")+"##b##0";
diff --git a/npc/functions/event.txt b/npc/functions/event.txt
index 89190c3..eb83bb2 100644
--- a/npc/functions/event.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/event.txt
@@ -11,59 +11,6 @@
- script sPatrick NPC_HIDDEN,{
- setarray .maps$,
- "005-1",
- "013-1",
- "014-1",
- "014-2",
- "014-3",
- "014-4",
- "014-5",
- "017-1",
- "018-2",
- "018-4",
- "018-5",
- "soren";
- end;
- end;
- .@d=gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH);
- // Patrick Day should work only in 2 luck days according to Saulc
- // If this is required use $PATRICK_DAYCTRL so the days before $@PATRICK_DAYMAX
- // act with 100% chances (determinism).
- // As it is being spawn 4 times at a day (like TMW-BR events), because it is
- // flatly and outright IMPOSSIBLE to add a permanent spawn, that is not required.
- if ($EVENT$ == "Patrick" && .@d <= $@PATRICK_DAYMAX) {
- for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.maps$); .@i++) {
- .@m$=.maps$[.@i];
- .@x=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, .@m$)-20;
- .@y=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, .@m$)-20;
- // Remove previously spawned clovers
- killmonster(.@m$, "sPatrick::OnMyMobDeath");
- // It is one clover for each 225 tiles (about a 25x25 square)
- .@maparea=(.@x-20)*(.@y-20);
- .@mobs=max(1, .@maparea/225);
- areamonster .@m$, 20, 20, .@x, .@y, strmobinfo(1, StPatricksClover), StPatricksClover, .@mobs, "sPatrick::OnMyMobDeath";
- }
- }
- end;
-// Remove previously spawned clovers for event end
-// And then disables the NPC
- for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.maps$); .@i++) {
- .@m$=.maps$[.@i];
- killmonster(.@m$, "sPatrick::OnMyMobDeath");
- }
- disablenpc "sPatrick";
- donpcevent "Aurora::OnRestore";
@@ -132,208 +79,7 @@ OnBossDie:
-- script sThankAeros NPC_HIDDEN,{
- .users=getusers(1);
- .score=0;
- .event=0;
- .quota=300;
- // Abort event and reset score
- if (.event && .event < gettimetick(2)) {
- .event=0;
- .score=0;
- $@GM_EVENT=0;
- killmonsterall("001-1");
- mapwarp("001-1", "000-1", 22, 22, 0);
- announce ("The event is over!"), bc_all|bc_npc;
- }
- // Skip processment until current event ends
- if (.event) {
- initnpctimer;
- end;
- }
- // Stop counting or update scores
- if ($EVENT$ != "Thanksgiving")
- end;
- .users=getusers(1);
- .score+=.users;
- .quota = limit(300, 500 - (.users * 25), 500);
- // Do event (lasts 45 minutes)
- if (!.event && !$@MK_SCENE && !$@GM_EVENT && .score > .quota && (.users >= 4 || $@GM_OVERRIDE)) {
- /* Reserve Aeros */
- /* Setup the event */
- $@AEROS_SPWN=(.users > 6 ? 2 : any(0, 1));
- $@AEROS_AUTOSPAWN=.users+rand2(1, .users);
- donpcevent("Mana Being#001-1::OnAutoSched");
- /* Open the event */
- $@GM_EVENT = 2;
- .event = gettimetick(2) + 2700;
- announce ("The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhir##b!"), bc_all|bc_npc;
- announce ("##1THANKSGIVING SPECIAL. TIME LIMIT: ##B45 MINUTES.##b##0"), bc_all|bc_npc;
- channelmes("#world", "An event is happening on Aeros! Hurry up!");
- }
- initnpctimer;
- end;
- .score+=9999;
- goto OnTimer90000;
function script sThanksgiving {
- // Variables:
- // @thanks_card
- // Already spinned
- if (#THANKS_DAY == gettime(5) || $EVENT$ != "Thanksgiving")
- return;
- // Not spinned yet
- showavatar 1102;
- mes l(".:: Thanksgiving ::.");
- mesc l("Spin daily the card to get prizes!");
- select
- l("SPIN!"),
- l("Later");
- mes "";
- if (@menu == 2) {
- setskin "";
- closeclientdialog;
- return;
- }
- // Spin it
- // Your prize is saved in .@luck. Rigged against fruits
- .@luck=rand2(0,11);
- .@luck=(.@luck == 10 ? rand2(0,11) : .@luck);
- // A fruit before 10 days: rig to Arcmage or to blueprint
- if (.@luck == 10 && #THANKS_STREAK < 10)
- .@luck+=any(-1,1);
- // A fruit before 20 days: Lower chances from 4% to 2%
- if (.@luck == 10 && #THANKS_STREAK < 20)
- .@luck=rand2(0,11);
- // Extra spins
- .@extra=rand2(1,3);
- .@spins=.@extra*11+.@luck;
- //.@extra=0;
- // Show the spins
- for (.@i=0;.@i<=.@spins;.@i++) {
- .@cur=(.@i%11);
- showavatar 1103+.@cur;
- sleep2(60);
- }
- mes l(".:: Congratulations ::.");
- #THANKS_DAY = gettime(5);
- if (debug || $@GM_OVERRIDE) {
- mes l("You got a %d", .@luck);
- mesf "Spins: %d/%d (cur %d extra %d)", .@i, .@spins, .@cur, .@extra;
- mes "";
- //.@luck=$@GM_OVERRIDE;
- }
- // Switch the reward
- .@blv = BaseLevel + TOP3AVERAGELVL() / 2;
- switch (.@luck) {
- case 0: // EXP
- .@p=.@blv*#THANKS_STREAK;
- .@p*=3;
- getexp .@p, 0;
- mes l("You got %d EXP!", .@p);
- break;
- case 1: // JEXP
- .@p=.@blv*#THANKS_STREAK;
- .@p=.@p*15/10;
- getexp 0, .@p;
- mes l("You got %d JEXP!", .@p);
- break;
- case 2: // GP
- .@p=.@blv*#THANKS_STREAK;
- Zeny+=.@p;
- mes l("You got %d GP!", .@p);
- break;
- case 3: // MOBPT
- .@p=.@blv*#THANKS_STREAK;
- Mobpt+=.@p;
- mes l("You got %d Monster Points!", .@p);
- break;
- case 4: // RES
- .@p=.@blv*#THANKS_STREAK;
- .@p*=3;
- mes l("You got %d Real Estate Credits!", .@p);
- break;
- case 5: // GIFT
- .@p=BronzeGift;
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 7 ? SilverGift : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 15 ? GoldenGift : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 22 ? PrismGift : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 27 ? SupremeGift : .@p);
- mes l("You got a(n) %s gift!", getitemlink(.@p));
- getitem .@p, 1;
- break;
- case 6: // STR C
- getitem StrangeCoin, .@p;
- mes l("You got %d %s!", .@p, getitemlink(StrangeCoin));
- break;
- case 7: // HERO C
- .@p+=getq2(LoFQuest_HH)*max(1,#THANKS_STREAK/10);
- getitem HeroCoin, .@p;
- mes l("You got %d %s!", .@p, getitemlink(HeroCoin));
- break;
- case 8: // MERC
- .@p=any(MercCard_GonzoDark, MercCard_Rosa, MercCard_Soren, MercCard_Apane);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 7 ? any(MercCard_EarthWitch, MercCard_Demure, MercCard_Jesusalva, MercCard_Pookie) : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 14 ? any(MercCard_Arthur, MercCard_LawnCable, MercCard_Crazyfefe, MercCard_Saulc) : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 21 ? any(MercCard_Swezanne, MercCard_DragonStar, MercCard_Msawis, MercCard_Aisen) : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 27 ? any(MercCard_Xanthem, MercCard_Woody, MercCard_Lilanna) : .@p);
- getitem .@p, 1;
- mes l("You got a %s!", getitemlink(.@p));
- break;
- case 9: // CARD
- .@p=any(NatureCard, NinjaCard, MageCard, DruidCard, ClericCard, KnightCard, HeroCard, NecromancerCard);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 24 ? any(SpeedCard, ReflectCard, PowerCard, WallCard) : .@p);
- getitem .@p, 1;
- mes l("You got a %s!", getitemlink(.@p));
- break;
- case 10: // FRUIT
- .@p=MysteriousFruit;
- getitem .@p, 1;
- mes l("You got a %s!", getitemlink(.@p));
- break;
- case 11: // BLUE
- .@p=any(EquipmentBlueprintA, EquipmentBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintA);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 7 ? any(EquipmentBlueprintB, EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB) : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 14 ? any(EquipmentBlueprintC, EquipmentBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintC) : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 21 ? any(EquipmentBlueprintD, EquipmentBlueprintD, AlchemyBlueprintD) : .@p);
- .@p=(#THANKS_STREAK > 27 ? any(EquipmentBlueprintE, EquipmentBlueprintE, AlchemyBlueprintE) : .@p);
- getitem .@p, 1;
- mes l("You got a %s!", getitemlink(.@p));
- break;
- }
- // Special bonus
- if (#THANKS_STREAK % 7 == 0) {
- getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
- mesc l("%d day streak! Gained %d bonus %s!", #THANKS_STREAK, 10, getitemlink(StrangeCoin));
- }
- // Close
- next;
- setskin "";
- closeclientdialog;
@@ -388,112 +134,11 @@ function script CoffeeDay {
// FSFDay()
function script FSFDay {
- if (!playerattached())
- return;
- // Date check
- if (gettime(6) != SEPTEMBER)
- return;
- if (gettime(5) != 9)
- return;
- // Max. 0.16% chances, 0.008% per monster level
- .@lv=min(200, getmonsterinfo(killedrid, MOB_LV));
- if (rand(1000000) < (.@lv*8)) {
- getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, 0);
- .@x+=rand2(-1,1);
- .@y+=rand2(-1,1);
- // Ancient 50%, Equipment 25%, Alchemy 25%
- .@bp = any(AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint,
- AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint, AncientBlueprint,
- EquipmentBlueprintA, EquipmentBlueprintB, EquipmentBlueprintC, EquipmentBlueprintD, EquipmentBlueprintE,
- AlchemyBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintD, AlchemyBlueprintE);
- makeitem(.@bp, 1, .@m$, .@x, .@y);
- }
// CraftmasterDay()
function script CraftmasterDay {
- if (!playerattached())
- return;
- // Date check
- return;
- if (gettime(7) != 2021)
- return;
- if (gettime(6) != JUNE)
- return;
- if (gettime(5) != 21)
- return;
- if (getmap() != "018-3")
- return;
- // Scored a Blue Print (2.5%)
- if (rand2(10000) < 250) {
- if (BaseLevel > 80 && REBIRTH)
- getitem any(EquipmentBlueprintE, AlchemyBlueprintE,
- EquipmentBlueprintD, AlchemyBlueprintD,
- EquipmentBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintC,
- EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB,
- EquipmentBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintA), 1;
- else if (BaseLevel > 70)
- getitem any(EquipmentBlueprintD, AlchemyBlueprintD,
- EquipmentBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintC,
- EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB,
- EquipmentBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintA), 1;
- else if (BaseLevel > 45)
- getitem any(EquipmentBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintC,
- EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB,
- EquipmentBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintA), 1;
- else if (BaseLevel > 20)
- getitem any(EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB,
- EquipmentBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintA), 1;
- else
- getitem any(EquipmentBlueprintA, AlchemyBlueprintA), 1;
- return;
- }
- // Scored Monster Points (9%)
- if (rand2(10000) < 900) {
- .@mpt=rand2(BaseLevel*10, BaseLevel*100); // 600~6000 usually
- Mobpt+=.@mpt;
- dispbottom l("Acquired: %s Monster Points", fnum(.@mpt));
- return;
- }
- // Autocraft (1%)
- if (rand2(10000) < 100) {
- .@rc=any(rand2(51, 62), 65, 66, rand2(72, 76), rand2(77, 81), 82, 98,
- 99, 100, rand2(93, 97), rand2(88, 91), rand(83, 87), 92, 101,
- rand2(102,117), any(122, 112), rand2(125, 134), rand2(135, 143));
- // Retrieve ID
- .@it=getcraftcode(.@rc);
- if (.@it <= 0)
- return;
- // Mark the crafting in your score variable
- // Update your score book
- // Receive item
- getitembound(.@it, 1, 1);
- // Apply options if possible
- if (getskilllv(TMW2_CRAFT)) {
- delinventorylist(); // Needed, because we'll rely on rfind()
- getinventorylist();
- .@index=array_rfind(@inventorylist_id, .@it);
- // Just to be sure, if this have an option, get something else
- if (getitemoptionparambyindex(.@index, 0)) {
- .@index=array_find(@inventorylist_id, .@it);
- }
- callfunc("csys_Apply", .@index);
- }
- dispbottom l("Successfully Crafted: %s", getitemname(.@it));
- return;
- }
@@ -510,327 +155,3 @@ function script CraftmasterDay {
-000-0,0,0,0 script #EventCore NPC_HIDDEN,{
- end;
-// confEvent(event ID, stday, stmon, endday, endmon)
-function confEvent {
- setd("."+getarg(0)+"_stday", getarg(1));
- setd("."+getarg(0)+"_stmon", getarg(2));
- setd("."+getarg(0)+"_endday", getarg(3));
- setd("."+getarg(0)+"_endmon", getarg(4));
- // Save the event key?
- //.@confname=".conf_"+getarg(2)+"$";
- //setd(.@confname+"["+getarraysize(.@confname)+"]", getarg(0));
- // Save only the day? (And use if statement)
- .@confname$=".conf_"+getarg(2);
- .@size=getarraysize(getd(.@confname$));
- setd(.@confname$+"["+.@size+"]", getarg(1));
- //debugmes "CONFIGURE EVENT, %s[%d] = %d", .@confname$, .@size, getarg(1);
- //debugmes "CNAME: %s", getarg(0);
- return;
-// Event Schedule (all dates are inclusive)
-// NEVER, ever, include the last day of the month.
- /*
- confEvent("valentine",
- 16, FEBRUARY);
- confEvent("tmw2day",
- 1, MARCH,
- 7, MARCH);
- confEvent("patrick",
- 15, MARCH,
- 19, MARCH);
- confEvent("easter",
- 17, APRIL,
- 24, APRIL);
- confEvent("worker",
- 27, APRIL,
- 3, MAY);
- confEvent("thanks",
- 29, NOVEMBER); // NEVER use the last day of the month here
- confEvent("xmas",
- 2, JANUARY);
- */
- // Some setup
- .@isinit=true;
- disablenpc "sPatrick";
- FYE_Normalize();
-// Check for events every midnight
- // No events on test server
- if (debug && !$@GM_OVERRIDE)
- end;
- // Prepare variables
- .@d=gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH);
- .@m=gettime(GETTIME_MONTH);
- .@o=gettime(GETTIME_WEEKDAY); // Resets at 0 (sunday)
- debugmes "A new day begins! Today is %02d/%02d", .@d, .@m;
- // Override the server-wide randomness
- resetrng();
- // Initialize the event core
- if ($@DEBUG_OD)
- .@d=$@DEBUG_OD;
- if ($@DEBUG_OM)
- .@m=$@DEBUG_OM;
- consoleinfo "EVENT CORE, the %02d/%02d", .@d, .@m;
- // Is there another event this week?
- if (!$HARDCORE && .@o == MONDAY && !.@isinit) {
- .@dofy=true;
- .@confname$=".conf_"+.@m;
- // NOTE: Maybe make a single .annuals array and cycle it
- // Gather the ST variable from interest...?
- for (.@i=0;.@i < getarraysize(getd(.@confname$)); .@i++) {
- .@val=getd(.@confname$+"["+.@i+"]");
- //debugmes "Looping, %d = %d", .@i, .@val;
- // Erm.
- if (.@val == 0)
- continue;
- // This script has a weakness: It cannot predict events starting
- // at the start or the end of the month.
- // So they might still overlap.
- // A possible solution is to, eventually, record start and end date.
- // And only inhibit FY event if the MONDAY is within the event...?
- // XXX: Now it inhibits by itself; But it should NOT begin a FYE if
- // another (annual) event is scheduled for the same week.
- // Namely: TMW2 Day and Thanksgiving
- debugmes "%d >= %d && %d <= %d", .@val, .@d-6, .@val, .@d+6;
- // In this case there's already an event!
- // .@d == .@val <= .@d+6 AND
- if ( .@val >= .@d-6 && .@val <= .@d+6 ) {
- .@dofy=false;
- break;
- }
- // continue...
- }
- // Stop previous event
- FYStopEvent();
- // Trigger event framework
- if (.@dofy && $EVENT$ == "")
- FYNewEvent();
- else
- debugmes "\033[1mAnother event is scheduled!";
- }
- // Handle Valentine Day
- if (.@m >=.valentine_stmon && .@m <= .valentine_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .valentine_stday - 1) {
- kamibroadcast("Valentine Day will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .valentine_endday) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day for Valentine Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- if (.@d == .valentine_stday) {
- kamibroadcast("Valentine Day begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- FYStopEvent();
- $EVENT$="Valentine";
- }
- // End the event the day after
- if (.@d == .valentine_endday+1) {
- kamibroadcast("Valentine Day ended!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- }
- }
- // Handle TMW2 Day
- if (.@m >=.tmw2day_stmon && .@m <= .tmw2day_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .tmw2day_stday - 1) {
- kamibroadcast("Moubootaur Legends Anniversary will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .tmw2day_endday) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day of our Anniversary Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- if (.@d == .tmw2day_stday) {
- kamibroadcast("Moubootaur Legends Anniversary Event begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "Anniversary")
- $EVENT$="Anniversary";
- }
- // End the event the day after
- if (.@d == .tmw2day_endday+1) {
- kamibroadcast("Our Special Anniversary Event ended! Thanks!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- }
- }
- // Handle St. Patrick Day
- // During this day, a special four leaf clover is spawned daily, at 4 times in the day
- // in all forests: 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 00:00.
- if (.@m >=.patrick_stmon && .@m <= .patrick_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .patrick_stday - 1) {
- kamibroadcast("St. Patrick Day will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- else if (.@d == .patrick_endday) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day for St. Patrick Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- else if (.@d == .patrick_stday) {
- kamibroadcast("St. Patrick Day begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- FYStopEvent();
- $EVENT$="Patrick";
- $@PATRICK_DAYMAX=.patrick_endday;
- enablenpc "sPatrick";
- setnpcdisplay("Aurora", "Patrick Saulc", NPC_WEIRDGREEN);
- enablenpc "St. Patrick Gold Pot";
- donpcevent "St. Patrick Gold Pot::OnForcedMove";
- }
- // End the event the day after
- else if (.@d == .patrick_endday+1) {
- kamibroadcast("St. Patrick Day ended!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- donpcevent "sPatrick::OnCleanUp";
- }
- }
- // Handle Easter
- if (.@m >=.easter_stmon && .@m <= .easter_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .easter_stday - 1 && .@m == .easter_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Easter will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- else if (.@d == .easter_endday && .@m == .easter_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day for Easter Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- else if (.@d == .easter_stday && .@m == .easter_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Easter begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- FYStopEvent();
- sEaster();
- }
- // End the event the day after
- else if (.@d == .easter_endday+1 && .@m == .easter_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Easter ended!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- }
- }
- // Handle Worker Day
- if (.@m >=.worker_stmon && .@m <= .worker_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .worker_stday - 1 && .@m == .worker_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Worker Day will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- else if (.@d == .worker_endday && .@m == .worker_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day for Worker Day Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- else if (.@d == .worker_stday && .@m == .worker_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Worker Day begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- FYStopEvent();
- $EVENT$="Worker";
- }
- // End the event the day after
- else if (.@d == .worker_endday+1 && .@m == .worker_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Worker Day ended!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- }
- }
- // Handle Thanksgiving Day
- if (.@m >=.thanks_stmon && .@m <= .thanks_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .thanks_stday - 1 && .@m == .thanks_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Thanksgiving will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- else if (.@d == .thanks_endday && .@m == .thanks_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day for Thanksgiving Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- else if (.@d == .thanks_stday && .@m == .thanks_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Thanksgiving begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- FYStopEvent();
- $EVENT$="Thanksgiving";
- donpcevent("sThankAeros::OnTimer90000");
- }
- // End the event the day after
- else if (.@d == .thanks_endday+1 && .@m == .thanks_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Thanksgiving ended!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- }
- }
- // Handle Christmas. It goes past the year so the rule is different, BEWARE
- if (.@m == .xmas_stmon || .@m == .xmas_endmon) {
- // It's tomorrow: Send out an announcement
- if (.@d == .xmas_stday - 1 && .@m == .xmas_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Christmas will start tomorrow!");
- }
- // Last Day: Send out an announcement
- else if (.@d == .xmas_endday && .@m == .xmas_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("It's the last day for Christmas Event! Hurry up!");
- }
- // Begin the event
- else if (.@d == .xmas_stday && .@m == .xmas_stmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Christmas begun!");
- if ($EVENT$ != "")
- FYStopEvent();
- $EVENT$="Christmas";
- DelQuestFromEveryPlayer(SQuest_Christmas);
- sChristmas();
- }
- // End the event the day after
- else if (.@d == .xmas_endday+1 && .@m == .xmas_endmon) {
- kamibroadcast("Christmas ended!");
- sClear();
- $EVENT$="";
- }
- }
- debugmes "EVENT CORE has finished";
- end;