* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * -- * This script provides a simple gallery of all images that are located * in the script's directory and subdirectories. * * Requirements * - PHP >= 4.1.0 * - GD Library ( >= 2.0.1 for good thumbnails) * - JPEG software * - PHP >= 4.3.0 or GD < 1.6 for GIF support * - libpng for PNG support * * Installation * Simply put this script in a folder of your web server and call it in a * web browser. Be sure that the script has permission to read the image * files and to create and write into the thumbnail folder. * * Attention: * This script tries to generate jpeg thumbnail files in a subfolder of the * gallery folder(s). The filenames look like "originalfilename.thumb.jpg". * /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Select your charset */ $charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; /* How many images per page? */ $maxpics = 48; /* Create thumbnails in this subfolder */ $thumbdir = 'thumbs'; /* Size of created thumbnails */ $thumbsize = 133; /* Wether to show file names (true or false) */ $filenames = false; /* Wether to show subdirectores (true or false) */ $subdirs = true; /* Wether to show a title (true or false) */ $title = false; /* Set the gallery root relative to the script's directory. * * If you include() this script, set the path relative to * the directory of the script, that does the include(). */ $picdir = 'gallery'; /* Set this to true if you include() this script. */ $included = true; /* Set this to true, if you include() this script and want the images * to be shown inline. */ $inline = false; /* Set the thumbnail background color, if you include() this script. */ $bg = 'ffffff'; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $words = array( 'gallery' => 'gallery', 'error' => 'Error', 'php_error' => 'PHP >= 4.1 is required.', 'gd_error' => 'GD Library is required. See http://www.boutell.com/gd/.', 'jpg_error' => 'JPEG software is required. See ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg/.', 'mkdir_error' => 'Write permission is required in this folder.', 'opendir_error' => 'The directory "%1" can not be read.' ); isset($_SERVER) || ($error = error('php')); function_exists('imagecreate') || ($error = error('gd')); function_exists('imagejpeg') || ($error = error('jpg')); if (function_exists('ini_set')) @ini_set('memory_limit', -1); $jpg = '\.jpg$|\.jpeg$'; $gif = '\.gif$'; $png = '\.png$'; $fontsize = 2; function word ($word) { global $words; return html($words[$word]); } function html ($word) { global $charset; return htmlentities($word, ENT_COMPAT, $charset); } function error ($word, $arg = '') { global $words; return html(str_replace('%1', $arg, $words[$word .'_error'])); } if (!$included) { echo(' \n"); } $delim = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (array_key_exists('dir', $_REQUEST) && $subdirs) $dir = $_REQUEST['dir']; else $dir = ''; if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) $d = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']); elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $d = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); else $d = getcwd(); $delim = (substr($d, 1, 1) == ':') ? '\\' : '/'; $rp = function_exists('realpath'); if ($rp) $root = realpath($d . $delim . $picdir); else $root = $d . $delim . $picdir; if ($rp) $realdir = realpath($root . $dir); else $realdir = $root . $dir; if (substr($realdir, 0, strlen($root)) != $root) { $realdir = $root; $dir = ''; } $dirname = substr($realdir, strlen($root)); $dirnamehttp = $picdir . $dir; if ($delim == '\\') $dirnamehttp = strtr($dirnamehttp, '\\', '/'); if (substr($dirnamehttp, 0, 2) == './') $dirnamehttp = substr($dirnamehttp, 2); if (empty($dirnamehttp)) $dirnamehttp = '.'; $ti = ($subdirs && !empty($dirname)) ? ": $dirname" : ''; if (!$included) { if (isset($error)) echo("$error"); else echo('' . word('gallery') . html($ti) . "\n"); echo("\n\n"); } if (($d = @opendir($realdir)) === false) $error = error('opendir', array($realdir)); if (isset($error)) echo("


\n"); else { if ($title) echo('

' . word('gallery') . html($ti) . "

\n"); $dirs = $pics = array(); $query = $jpg; if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) $query .= "|$gif"; if (function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) $query .= "|$png"; while (($filename = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($filename == $thumbdir || ($filename == '..' && $dirname == '') || ($filename != '..' && substr($filename, 0, 1) == '.')) continue; $file = $realdir . $delim . $filename; if (is_dir($file)) $dirs[] = $filename; elseif (eregi($query, $file)) $pics[] = $filename; } closedir($d); sort($dirs); sort($pics); $urlsuffix = ''; foreach ($_GET as $v => $r) { if (!in_array($v, array('dir', 'pic', 'offset'))) $urlsuffix .= "&$v=" . urlencode($r); } if ($included && $inline && array_key_exists('pic', $_REQUEST)) { $pic = $_REQUEST['pic']; echo("
\n"); echo('' . html(basename($pics[$pic])) . '\n"); $url = ($dirname == '') ? '?' : '?dir=' . urlencode($dirname) . '&'; if ($pic > 0) echo('[<] '); if ($pic >= $maxpics) $u = "{$url}offset=" . (floor($pic / $maxpics) * $maxpics) . $urlsuffix; else { if (array_key_exists('dir', $_REQUEST)) { $u = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1) . $urlsuffix; } else { $u = ereg_replace('^([^?]+).*$', '\1', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (!empty($urlsuffix)) { if (strstr($u, '?') === false) $u .= '?' . substr($urlsuffix, 1); else $u .= $urlsuffix; } } } echo('[-]'); if ($pic + 1 < sizeof($pics)) echo(' [>]'); echo("\n
\n"); } else { if (sizeof($dirs) > 0 && $subdirs) { echo("\n"); } if (($num = sizeof($pics)) > 0) { if (array_key_exists('offset', $_REQUEST)) $offset = $_REQUEST['offset']; else $offset = 0; if ($num > $maxpics) { echo("

\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i += $maxpics) { $e = $i + $maxpics - 1; if ($e > $num - 1) $e = $num - 1; if ($i != $e) $b = ($i + 1) . '-' . ($e + 1); else $b = $i + 1; if ($i == $offset) echo("$b"); else { $url = ($dirname == '') ? '?' : '?dir=' . urlencode($dirname) . '&'; echo("$b"); } if ($e != $num - 1) echo(' |'); echo("\n"); } echo("

\n"); } echo("

\n"); for ($i = $offset; $i < $offset + $maxpics; $i++) { if ($i >= $num) break; $filename = $pics[$i]; $file = $realdir . $delim . $filename; if (!is_readable($file)) continue; if (!is_dir($realdir . $delim . $thumbdir)) { $u = umask(0); if (!@mkdir($realdir . $delim . $thumbdir, 0777)) { echo('

' . word('mkdir_error') . ''); break; } umask($u); } $thumb = $realdir . $delim . $thumbdir . $delim . $filename . '.thumb.jpg'; if (!is_file($thumb)) { if (eregi($jpg, $file)) $original = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file); elseif (eregi($gif, $file)) $original = @imagecreatefromgif($file); elseif (eregi($png, $file)) $original = @imagecreatefrompng($file); else continue; if ($original) { if (function_exists('getimagesize')) list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($file); else continue; if ($width >= $height && $width > $thumbsize) { $smallwidth = $thumbsize; $smallheight = floor($height / ($width / $smallwidth)); $ofx = 0; $ofy = floor(($thumbsize - $smallheight) / 2); } elseif ($width <= $height && $height > $thumbsize) { $smallheight = $thumbsize; $smallwidth = floor($width / ($height / $smallheight)); $ofx = floor(($thumbsize - $smallwidth) / 2); $ofy = 0; } else { $smallheight = $height; $smallwidth = $width; $ofx = floor(($thumbsize - $smallwidth) / 2); $ofy = floor(($thumbsize - $smallheight) / 2); } } if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) $small = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbsize, $thumbsize); else $small = imagecreate($thumbsize, $thumbsize); sscanf($bg, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue); $b = imagecolorallocate($small, $red, $green, $blue); imagefill($small, 0, 0, $b); if ($original) { if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) imagecopyresampled($small, $original, $ofx, $ofy, 0, 0, $smallwidth, $smallheight, $width, $height); else imagecopyresized($small, $original, $ofx, $ofy, 0, 0, $smallwidth, $smallheight, $width, $height); } else { $black = imagecolorallocate($small, 0, 0, 0); $fw = imagefontwidth($fontsize); $fh = imagefontheight($fontsize); $htw = ($fw * strlen($filename)) / 2; $hts = $thumbsize / 2; imagestring($small, $fontsize, $hts - $htw, $hts - ($fh / 2), $filename, $black); imagerectangle($small, $hts - $htw - $fw - 1, $hts - $fh, $hts + $htw + $fw - 1, $hts + $fh, $black); } imagejpeg($small, $thumb); } if ($filenames) echo('

'); if ($included && $inline) { echo('' . html($filename) . '"); if ($filenames) echo('

' . html($filename) . '

'); echo('
'); if ($filenames) echo("
\n"); else echo("\n"); } echo("

\n"); } } } if (!$included) echo("
Powered by galerie.php
\n"); ?>