path: root/game/python-extra/ws4py/
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Diffstat (limited to 'game/python-extra/ws4py/')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/python-extra/ws4py/ b/game/python-extra/ws4py/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4420ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/ws4py/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import struct
+from struct import unpack
+from ws4py.utf8validator import Utf8Validator
+from ws4py.messaging import TextMessage, BinaryMessage, CloseControlMessage,\
+ PingControlMessage, PongControlMessage
+from ws4py.framing import Frame, OPCODE_CONTINUATION, OPCODE_TEXT, \
+from ws4py.exc import FrameTooLargeException, ProtocolException, InvalidBytesError,\
+ TextFrameEncodingException, UnsupportedFrameTypeException, StreamClosed
+from ws4py.compat import py3k
+VALID_CLOSING_CODES = [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011]
+class Stream(object):
+ def __init__(self, always_mask=False, expect_masking=True):
+ """ Represents a websocket stream of bytes flowing in and out.
+ The stream doesn't know about the data provider itself and
+ doesn't even know about sockets. Instead the stream simply
+ yields for more bytes whenever it requires them. The stream owner
+ is responsible to provide the stream with those bytes until
+ a frame can be interpreted.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ :linenos:
+ >>> s = Stream()
+ >>> s.parser.send(BYTES)
+ >>> s.has_messages
+ False
+ >>> s.parser.send(MORE_BYTES)
+ >>> s.has_messages
+ True
+ >>> s.message
+ <TextMessage ... >
+ Set ``always_mask`` to mask all frames built.
+ Set ``expect_masking`` to indicate masking will be
+ checked on all parsed frames.
+ """
+ self.message = None
+ """
+ Parsed test or binary messages. Whenever the parser
+ reads more bytes from a fragment message, those bytes
+ are appended to the most recent message.
+ """
+ self.pings = []
+ """
+ Parsed ping control messages. They are instances of
+ :class:`ws4py.messaging.PingControlMessage`
+ """
+ self.pongs = []
+ """
+ Parsed pong control messages. They are instances of
+ :class:`ws4py.messaging.PongControlMessage`
+ """
+ self.closing = None
+ """
+ Parsed close control messsage. Instance of
+ :class:`ws4py.messaging.CloseControlMessage`
+ """
+ self.errors = []
+ """
+ Detected errors while parsing. Instances of
+ :class:`ws4py.messaging.CloseControlMessage`
+ """
+ self._parser = None
+ """
+ Parser in charge to process bytes it is fed with.
+ """
+ self.always_mask = always_mask
+ self.expect_masking = expect_masking
+ @property
+ def parser(self):
+ if self._parser is None:
+ self._parser = self.receiver()
+ # Python generators must be initialized once.
+ next(self.parser)
+ return self._parser
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ """
+ Frees the stream's resources rendering it unusable.
+ """
+ self.message = None
+ if self._parser is not None:
+ if not self._parser.gi_running:
+ self._parser.close()
+ self._parser = None
+ self.errors = None
+ self.pings = None
+ self.pongs = None
+ self.closing = None
+ def text_message(self, text):
+ """
+ Returns a :class:`ws4py.messaging.TextMessage` instance
+ ready to be built. Convenience method so
+ that the caller doesn't need to import the
+ :class:`ws4py.messaging.TextMessage` class itself.
+ """
+ return TextMessage(text=text)
+ def binary_message(self, bytes):
+ """
+ Returns a :class:`ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage` instance
+ ready to be built. Convenience method so
+ that the caller doesn't need to import the
+ :class:`ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage` class itself.
+ """
+ return BinaryMessage(bytes)
+ @property
+ def has_message(self):
+ """
+ Checks if the stream has received any message
+ which, if fragmented, is now completed.
+ """
+ if self.message is not None:
+ return self.message.completed
+ return False
+ def close(self, code=1000, reason=''):
+ """
+ Returns a close control message built from
+ a :class:`ws4py.messaging.CloseControlMessage` instance,
+ using the given status ``code`` and ``reason`` message.
+ """
+ return CloseControlMessage(code=code, reason=reason)
+ def ping(self, data=''):
+ """
+ Returns a ping control message built from
+ a :class:`ws4py.messaging.PingControlMessage` instance.
+ """
+ return PingControlMessage(data).single(mask=self.always_mask)
+ def pong(self, data=''):
+ """
+ Returns a ping control message built from
+ a :class:`ws4py.messaging.PongControlMessage` instance.
+ """
+ return PongControlMessage(data).single(mask=self.always_mask)
+ def receiver(self):
+ """
+ Parser that keeps trying to interpret bytes it is fed with as
+ incoming frames part of a message.
+ Control message are single frames only while data messages, like text
+ and binary, may be fragmented accross frames.
+ The way it works is by instanciating a :class:`wspy.framing.Frame` object,
+ then running its parser generator which yields how much bytes
+ it requires to performs its task. The stream parser yields this value
+ to its caller and feeds the frame parser.
+ When the frame parser raises :exc:`StopIteration`, the stream parser
+ tries to make sense of the parsed frame. It dispatches the frame's bytes
+ to the most appropriate message type based on the frame's opcode.
+ Overall this makes the stream parser totally agonstic to
+ the data provider.
+ """
+ utf8validator = Utf8Validator()
+ running = True
+ frame = None
+ while running:
+ frame = Frame()
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ some_bytes = (yield next(frame.parser))
+ frame.parser.send(some_bytes)
+ except GeneratorExit:
+ running = False
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ frame._cleanup()
+ some_bytes = frame.body
+ # Let's avoid unmasking when there is no payload
+ if some_bytes:
+ if frame.masking_key and self.expect_masking:
+ some_bytes = frame.unmask(some_bytes)
+ elif not frame.masking_key and self.expect_masking:
+ msg = CloseControlMessage(code=1002, reason='Missing masking when expected')
+ self.errors.append(msg)
+ break
+ elif frame.masking_key and not self.expect_masking:
+ msg = CloseControlMessage(code=1002, reason='Masked when not expected')
+ self.errors.append(msg)
+ break
+ else:
+ # If we reach this stage, it's because
+ # the frame wasn't masked and we didn't expect
+ # it anyway. Therefore, on py2k, the bytes
+ # are actually a str object and can't be used
+ # in the utf8 validator as we need integers
+ # when we get each byte one by one.
+ # Our only solution here is to convert our
+ # string to a bytearray.
+ some_bytes = bytearray(some_bytes)
+ if frame.opcode == OPCODE_TEXT:
+ if self.message and not self.message.completed:
+ # We got a text frame before we completed the previous one
+ msg = CloseControlMessage(code=1002, reason='Received a new message before completing previous')
+ self.errors.append(msg)
+ break
+ m = TextMessage(some_bytes)
+ m.completed = (frame.fin == 1)
+ self.message = m
+ if some_bytes:
+ is_valid, end_on_code_point, _, _ = utf8validator.validate(some_bytes)
+ if not is_valid or (m.completed and not end_on_code_point):
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1007, reason='Invalid UTF-8 bytes'))
+ break
+ elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_BINARY:
+ if self.message and not self.message.completed:
+ # We got a text frame before we completed the previous one
+ msg = CloseControlMessage(code=1002, reason='Received a new message before completing previous')
+ self.errors.append(msg)
+ break
+ m = BinaryMessage(some_bytes)
+ m.completed = (frame.fin == 1)
+ self.message = m
+ elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_CONTINUATION:
+ m = self.message
+ if m is None:
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1002, reason='Message not started yet'))
+ break
+ m.extend(some_bytes)
+ m.completed = (frame.fin == 1)
+ if m.opcode == OPCODE_TEXT:
+ if some_bytes:
+ is_valid, end_on_code_point, _, _ = utf8validator.validate(some_bytes)
+ if not is_valid or (m.completed and not end_on_code_point):
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1007, reason='Invalid UTF-8 bytes'))
+ break
+ elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_CLOSE:
+ code = 1005
+ reason = ""
+ if frame.payload_length == 0:
+ self.closing = CloseControlMessage(code=1005)
+ elif frame.payload_length == 1:
+ self.closing = CloseControlMessage(code=1005, reason='Payload has invalid length')
+ else:
+ try:
+ # at this stage, some_bytes have been unmasked
+ # so actually are held in a bytearray
+ code = int(unpack("!H", bytes(some_bytes[0:2]))[0])
+ except struct.error:
+ reason = 'Failed at decoding closing code'
+ else:
+ # Those codes are reserved or plainly forbidden
+ if code not in VALID_CLOSING_CODES and not (2999 < code < 5000):
+ reason = 'Invalid Closing Frame Code: %d' % code
+ code = 1005
+ elif frame.payload_length > 1:
+ reason = some_bytes[2:] if frame.masking_key else frame.body[2:]
+ if not py3k: reason = bytearray(reason)
+ is_valid, end_on_code_point, _, _ = utf8validator.validate(reason)
+ if not is_valid or not end_on_code_point:
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1007, reason='Invalid UTF-8 bytes'))
+ break
+ reason = bytes(reason)
+ self.closing = CloseControlMessage(code=code, reason=reason)
+ elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_PING:
+ self.pings.append(PingControlMessage(some_bytes))
+ elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_PONG:
+ self.pongs.append(PongControlMessage(some_bytes))
+ else:
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1003))
+ break
+ except ProtocolException:
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1002))
+ break
+ except FrameTooLargeException:
+ self.errors.append(CloseControlMessage(code=1002, reason="Frame was too large"))
+ break
+ frame._cleanup()
+ frame.body = None
+ frame = None
+ if self.message is not None and self.message.completed:
+ utf8validator.reset()
+ utf8validator.reset()
+ utf8validator = None
+ self._cleanup()