// strings/base.hpp - CRTP base for string implementations.
// Copyright © 2013 Ben Longbons <b.r.longbons@gmail.com>
// This file is part of The Mana World (Athena server)
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "../sanity.hpp"
# include "fwd.hpp"
# include "pair.hpp"
# include <cstddef>
# include <iterator>
// It is a common mistake to assume that one string class for everything.
// Because C++ and TMWA have a C legacy, there are a few more here
// than would probably be necessary in an ideal language.
namespace strings
// TODO reimplement some things in terms of Slice and Slice::iterator?
// simple pointer-wrapping iterator that can be used to get distinct
// types for different containers.
template<class Tag>
class _iterator
typedef _iterator X;
const char *_ptr;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef char value_type;
typedef const char *pointer;
typedef const char& reference;
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
_iterator(const char *p=nullptr) : _ptr(p) {}
// iterator
reference operator *() const { return *_ptr; }
X& operator ++() { ++_ptr; return *this; }
// equality comparable
friend bool operator == (X l, X r) { return l._ptr == r._ptr; }
// input iterator
friend bool operator != (X l, X r) { return !(l == r); }
pointer operator->() const { return _ptr; }
X operator++ (int) { X out = *this; ++*this; return out; }
// forward iterator is mostly semantical, and the ctor is above
// bidirectional iterator
X& operator --() { --_ptr; return *this; }
X operator-- (int) { X out = *this; --*this; return out; }
// random access iterator
X& operator += (difference_type n) { _ptr += n; return *this; }
friend X operator + (X a, difference_type n) { return a += n; }
friend X operator + (difference_type n, X a) { return a += n; }
X& operator -= (difference_type n) { _ptr -= n; return *this; }
friend X operator - (X a, difference_type n) { return a -= n; }
friend difference_type operator - (X b, X a) { return b._ptr - a._ptr; }
reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return _ptr[n]; }
friend bool operator < (X a, X b) { return a._ptr < b._ptr; }
friend bool operator > (X a, X b) { return b < a; }
friend bool operator >= (X a, X b) { return !(a < b); }
friend bool operator <= (X a, X b) { return !(a > b); }
/// A helper class that implements all the interesting stuff that can
/// be done on any constant string, in terms of .begin() and .end().
template<class T, class O, class P>
class _crtp_string
typedef typename P::TailSlice Z;
typedef typename P::FullSlice X;
// this will have to be changed if MString decides to join in.
typedef _iterator<T> iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
const T& _ref() const;
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
const RString *base() const;
size_t size() const;
reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
reverse_iterator rend() const;
operator bool() const;
bool operator !() const;
operator P() const;
// the existence of this has led to bugs
// it's not really sane from a unicode perspective anyway ...
// prefer startswith or extract
char operator[](size_t i) const;
char front() const;
char back() const;
const char *data();
Z xslice_t(size_t o) const;
X xslice_h(size_t o) const;
Z xrslice_t(size_t no) const;
X xrslice_h(size_t no) const;
Z xislice_t(iterator it) const;
X xislice_h(iterator it) const;
X xlslice(size_t o, size_t l) const;
X xpslice(size_t b, size_t e) const;
X xislice(iterator b, iterator e) const;
Z lstrip() const;
X rstrip() const;
X strip() const;
bool startswith(XPair x) const;
bool endswith(XPair x) const;
bool startswith(char c) const;
bool endswith(char c) const;
bool contains(char c) const;
bool contains_seq(XPair s) const;
bool contains_any(XPair s) const;
bool has_print() const;
bool is_print() const;
O to_print() const;
bool is_graph() const;
bool has_graph() const;
bool has_lower() const;
bool is_lower() const;
O to_lower() const;
bool has_upper() const;
bool is_upper() const;
O to_upper() const;
bool has_alpha() const; // equivalent to has_lower || has_upper
bool is_alpha() const; // NOT equivalent to is_lower || is_upper
bool has_digit2() const;
bool is_digit2() const;
bool has_digit8() const;
bool is_digit8() const;
bool has_digit10() const;
bool is_digit10() const;
bool has_digit16() const;
bool is_digit16() const;
bool has_alnum() const; // equivalent to has_alpha || has_digit10
bool is_alnum() const; // NOT equivalent to is_alpha || is_digit10
template<class L, class R>
class string_comparison_allowed
constexpr static bool l_is_vstring_exact = std::is_same<VString<sizeof(L) - 1>, L>::value;
constexpr static bool l_is_vstring_approx = std::is_base_of<VString<sizeof(L) - 1>, L>::value;
constexpr static bool r_is_vstring_exact = std::is_same<VString<sizeof(R) - 1>, R>::value;
constexpr static bool r_is_vstring_approx = std::is_base_of<VString<sizeof(R) - 1>, R>::value;
constexpr static bool l_is_restricted = l_is_vstring_approx && !l_is_vstring_exact;
constexpr static bool r_is_restricted = r_is_vstring_approx && !r_is_vstring_exact;
constexpr static bool value = std::is_same<L, R>::value || (!l_is_restricted && !r_is_restricted);
// not really intended for public use
int pair_compare(XPair l, XPair r);
template<class L, class R, typename=typename std::enable_if<string_comparison_allowed<L, R>::value>::type>
auto operator == (const L& l, const R& r) -> decltype((pair_compare(l, r), true));
template<class L, class R, typename=typename std::enable_if<string_comparison_allowed<L, R>::value>::type>
auto operator != (const L& l, const R& r) -> decltype((pair_compare(l, r), true));
template<class L, class R, typename=typename std::enable_if<string_comparison_allowed<L, R>::value>::type>
auto operator < (const L& l, const R& r) -> decltype((pair_compare(l, r), true));
template<class L, class R, typename=typename std::enable_if<string_comparison_allowed<L, R>::value>::type>
auto operator <= (const L& l, const R& r) -> decltype((pair_compare(l, r), true));
template<class L, class R, typename=typename std::enable_if<string_comparison_allowed<L, R>::value>::type>
auto operator > (const L& l, const R& r) -> decltype((pair_compare(l, r), true));
template<class L, class R, typename=typename std::enable_if<string_comparison_allowed<L, R>::value>::type>
auto operator >= (const L& l, const R& r) -> decltype((pair_compare(l, r), true));
} // namespace strings
# include "base.tcc"