# include "map.t.hpp"
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <functional>
# include <list>
# include "../strings/fwd.hpp"
# include "../strings/rstring.hpp"
# include "../strings/astring.hpp"
# include "../strings/vstring.hpp"
# include "../generic/db.hpp"
# include "../generic/matrix.hpp"
# include "../io/cxxstdio.hpp"
# include "../mmo/socket.hpp"
# include "../mmo/timer.t.hpp"
# include "battle.t.hpp"
# include "magic-interpreter.t.hpp"
# include "mapflag.hpp"
# include "mob.t.hpp"
# include "script.hpp" // change to script.t.hpp
# include "skill.t.hpp"
constexpr int MAX_NPC_PER_MAP = 512;
constexpr int BLOCK_SIZE = 8;
# define AREA_SIZE battle_config.area_size
constexpr std::chrono::seconds LIFETIME_FLOORITEM = std::chrono::minutes(1);
constexpr int MAX_SKILL_LEVEL = 100;
constexpr int MAX_EVENTTIMER = 32;
constexpr interval_t NATURAL_HEAL_INTERVAL = std::chrono::milliseconds(500);
constexpr int MAX_FLOORITEM = 500000;
constexpr int MAX_LEVEL = 255;
constexpr int MAX_WALKPATH = 48;
constexpr int MAX_DROP_PER_MAP = 48;
constexpr interval_t DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = std::chrono::minutes(1);
// formerly VString<49>, as name::label
struct NpcEvent
NpcName npc;
ScriptLabel label;
explicit operator bool()
return npc || label;
bool operator !()
return !bool(*this);
friend bool operator == (const NpcEvent& l, const NpcEvent& r)
return l.npc == r.npc && l.label == r.label;
friend bool operator < (const NpcEvent& l, const NpcEvent& r)
return l.npc < r.npc || (l.npc == r.npc && l.label < r.label);
friend VString<49> convert_for_printf(NpcEvent ev)
return STRNPRINTF(50, "%s::%s", ev.npc, ev.label);
bool extract(XString str, NpcEvent *ev);
struct map_session_data;
struct npc_data;
struct mob_data;
struct flooritem_data;
struct invocation;
struct map_local;
struct block_list
dumb_ptr<block_list> bl_next, bl_prev;
int bl_id;
map_local *bl_m;
short bl_x, bl_y;
BL bl_type;
// This deletes the copy-ctor also
// TODO give proper ctors.
block_list& operator = (block_list&&) = delete;
virtual ~block_list() {}
// historically, a lot of code used this.
// historically, a lot of code crashed.
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> as_player();
dumb_ptr<npc_data> as_npc();
dumb_ptr<mob_data> as_mob();
dumb_ptr<flooritem_data> as_item();
dumb_ptr<invocation> as_spell();
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> is_player();
dumb_ptr<npc_data> is_npc();
dumb_ptr<mob_data> is_mob();
dumb_ptr<flooritem_data> is_item();
dumb_ptr<invocation> is_spell();
struct walkpath_data
unsigned char path_len, path_pos, path_half;
Array<DIR, MAX_WALKPATH> path;
struct status_change
Timer timer;
int val1;
int spell_invocation; /* [Fate] If triggered by a spell, record here */
struct invocation;
struct npc_data;
struct item_data;
struct quick_regeneration
{ // [Fate]
int amount; // Amount of HP/SP left to regenerate
unsigned char speed; // less is faster (number of half-second ticks to wait between updates)
unsigned char tickdelay; // number of ticks to next update
struct map_session_data : block_list, SessionData
unsigned auth:1;
unsigned change_walk_target:1;
unsigned attack_continue:1;
unsigned menu_or_input:1;
unsigned dead_sit:2;
unsigned skillcastcancel:1;
unsigned waitingdisconnect:1;
unsigned lr_flag:2;
unsigned connect_new:1;
unsigned arrow_atk:1;
BF attack_type;//:3;
unsigned skill_flag:1;
unsigned gangsterparadise:1;
unsigned produce_flag:1;
unsigned make_arrow_flag:1;
unsigned storage_open:1;
unsigned shroud_active:1;
unsigned shroud_hides_name_talking:1;
unsigned shroud_disappears_on_pickup:1;
unsigned shroud_disappears_on_talk:1;
unsigned seen_motd:1;
} state;
unsigned killer:1;
unsigned killable:1;
unsigned unbreakable_weapon:1;
unsigned unbreakable_armor:1;
unsigned deaf:1;
} special_state;
int char_id, login_id1, login_id2;
SEX sex;
unsigned char tmw_version; // tmw client version
CharKey status_key;
CharData status;
Array<struct item_data *, MAX_INVENTORY> inventory_data;
earray<short, EQUIP, EQUIP::COUNT> equip_index_maybe;
int weight, max_weight;
MapName mapname_;
Session *sess; // use this, you idiots!
short to_x, to_y;
interval_t speed;
Opt1 opt1;
Opt2 opt2;
Opt3 opt3;
DIR dir, head_dir;
tick_t client_tick, server_tick;
struct walkpath_data walkpath;
Timer walktimer;
int npc_id, areanpc_id, npc_shopid;
// this is important
int npc_pos;
int npc_menu;
int npc_amount;
// I have no idea exactly what these are doing ...
// but one should probably be replaced with a ScriptPointer ???
const ScriptBuffer *npc_script, *npc_scriptroot;
std::vector<struct script_data> npc_stackbuf;
RString npc_str;
unsigned storage:1;
unsigned divorce:1;
} npc_flags;
Timer attacktimer;
int attacktarget;
ATK attacktarget_lv;
tick_t attackabletime;
// used by @hugo and @linus
int followtarget;
tick_t cast_tick; // [Fate] Next tick at which spellcasting is allowed
dumb_ptr<invocation> active_spells; // [Fate] Singly-linked list of active spells linked to this PC
int attack_spell_override; // [Fate] When an attack spell is active for this player, they trigger it
// like a weapon. Check pc_attack_timer() for details.
// Weapon equipment slot (slot 4) item override
StatusChange attack_spell_icon_override;
short attack_spell_look_override; // Weapon `look' (attack animation) override
short attack_spell_charges; // [Fate] Remaining number of charges for the attack spell
interval_t attack_spell_delay; // [Fate] ms delay after spell attack
short attack_spell_range; // [Fate] spell range
short spellpower_bonus_target, spellpower_bonus_current; // [Fate] Spellpower boni. _current is the active one.
//_current slowly approximates _target, and _target is determined by equipment.
short attackrange, attackrange_;
// [Fate] Used for gradual healing; amount of enqueued regeneration
struct quick_regeneration quick_regeneration_hp, quick_regeneration_sp;
// [Fate] XP that can be extracted from this player by healing
int heal_xp; // i.e., OTHER players (healers) can partake in this player's XP
Timer invincible_timer;
tick_t canact_tick;
tick_t canmove_tick;
tick_t canlog_tick;
interval_t hp_sub, sp_sub;
interval_t inchealhptick, inchealsptick;
ItemLook weapontype1, weapontype2;
earray<int, ATTR, ATTR::COUNT> paramb, paramc, parame, paramcard;
int hit, flee, flee2;
interval_t aspd, amotion, dmotion;
int watk, watk2;
int def, def2, mdef, mdef2, critical, matk1, matk2;
int hprate, sprate, dsprate;
int watk_, watk_2;
int base_atk, atk_rate;
int arrow_atk;
int arrow_cri, arrow_hit, arrow_range;
int nhealhp, nhealsp, nshealhp, nshealsp, nsshealhp, nsshealsp;
int aspd_rate, speed_rate, hprecov_rate, sprecov_rate, critical_def,
int matk_rate;
int perfect_hit;
int critical_rate, hit_rate, flee_rate, flee2_rate, def_rate, def2_rate,
mdef_rate, mdef2_rate;
int double_add_rate, speed_add_rate, aspd_add_rate, perfect_hit_add;
short hp_drain_rate, hp_drain_per, sp_drain_rate, sp_drain_per;
short hp_drain_rate_, hp_drain_per_, sp_drain_rate_, sp_drain_per_;
short break_weapon_rate, break_armor_rate;
short add_steal_rate;
int die_counter;
// register keys are ints (interned)
// Not anymore! Well, sort of.
DMap<SIR, int> regm;
// can't be DMap because we want predictable .c_str()s
// TODO this can change now
Map<SIR, RString> regstrm;
earray<struct status_change, StatusChange, StatusChange::MAX_STATUSCHANGE> sc_data;
short sc_count;
int trade_partner;
Array<int, TRADE_MAX> deal_item_index;
Array<int, TRADE_MAX> deal_item_amount;
int deal_zeny;
short deal_locked;
int party_sended, party_invite, party_invite_account;
int party_hp, party_x, party_y;
int partyspy; // [Syrus22]
int catch_target_class;
int pvp_point, pvp_rank;
Timer pvp_timer;
int pvp_lastusers;
std::list<NpcEvent> eventqueuel;
Array<Timer, MAX_EVENTTIMER> eventtimer;
unsigned in_progress:1;
} auto_ban_info;
TimeT chat_reset_due;
TimeT chat_repeat_reset_due;
int chat_lines_in;
int chat_total_repeats;
RString chat_lastmsg;
tick_t flood_rates[0x220];
TimeT packet_flood_reset_due;
int packet_flood_in;
IP4Address get_ip()
return sess->client_ip;
struct npc_timerevent_list
interval_t timer;
int pos;
struct npc_label_list
ScriptLabel name;
int pos;
struct npc_item_list
int nameid, value;
class npc_data_script;
class npc_data_shop;
class npc_data_warp;
class npc_data_message;
struct npc_data : block_list
NpcSubtype npc_subtype;
short n;
short npc_class;
DIR dir;
interval_t speed;
NpcName name;
Opt1 opt1;
Opt2 opt2;
Opt3 opt3;
Option option;
short flag;
std::list<RString> eventqueuel;
Array<Timer, MAX_EVENTTIMER> eventtimer;
short arenaflag;
dumb_ptr<npc_data_script> as_script();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_shop> as_shop();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_warp> as_warp();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_message> as_message();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_script> is_script();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_shop> is_shop();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_warp> is_warp();
dumb_ptr<npc_data_message> is_message();
class npc_data_script : public npc_data
// The bytecode unique to this NPC.
std::unique_ptr<const ScriptBuffer> script;
// Diameter.
short xs, ys;
// Whether the timer advances if not beyond end.
bool timer_active;
// Tick counter through the timers.
// It is actually updated when frobbing the thing in any way.
// If this is timer_eventv().back().timer, it is expired
// rather than blank. It's probably a bad idea to rely on this.
interval_t timer;
// Actual timer that fires the event.
Timer timerid;
// Event to be fired, or .end() if no timer.
std::vector<npc_timerevent_list>::iterator next_event;
// When the timer started. Needed to get the true diff, or to stop.
tick_t timertick;
// List of label events to call.
std::vector<npc_timerevent_list> timer_eventv;
// List of (name, offset) label locations in the bytecode
std::vector<npc_label_list> label_listv;
} scr;
class npc_data_shop : public npc_data
std::vector<npc_item_list> shop_items;
class npc_data_warp : public npc_data
short xs, ys;
short x, y;
MapName name;
} warp;
class npc_data_message : public npc_data
RString message;
constexpr int MOB_XP_BONUS_BASE = 1024;
constexpr int MOB_XP_BONUS_SHIFT = 10;
struct mob_data : block_list
short n;
short mob_class;
DIR dir;
MobMode mode;
map_local *m;
short x0, y0, xs, ys;
interval_t delay1, delay2;
} spawn;
MobName name;
MS state;
MobSkillState skillstate;
unsigned attackable:1;
unsigned steal_flag:1;
unsigned steal_coin_flag:1;
unsigned skillcastcancel:1;
unsigned master_check:1;
unsigned change_walk_target:1;
unsigned walk_easy:1;
unsigned special_mob_ai:3;
} state;
Timer timer;
short to_x, to_y;
int hp;
int target_id, attacked_id;
ATK target_lv;
struct walkpath_data walkpath;
tick_t next_walktime;
tick_t attackabletime;
tick_t last_deadtime, last_spawntime, last_thinktime;
tick_t canmove_tick;
short move_fail_count;
struct DmgLogEntry
int id;
int dmg;
// logically a map ...
std::vector<DmgLogEntry> dmglogv;
std::vector<struct item> lootitemv;
earray<struct status_change, StatusChange, StatusChange::MAX_STATUSCHANGE> sc_data;
short sc_count;
Opt1 opt1;
Opt2 opt2;
Opt3 opt3;
Option option;
short min_chase;
Timer deletetimer;
Timer skilltimer;
int skilltarget;
short skillx, skilly;
SkillID skillid;
short skilllv;
struct mob_skill *skillidx;
std::unique_ptr<tick_t[]> skilldelayup; // [MAX_MOBSKILL];
LevelElement def_ele;
int master_id, master_dist;
int exclusion_src, exclusion_party;
NpcEvent npc_event;
// [Fate] mob-specific stats
earray<unsigned short, mob_stat, mob_stat::LAST> stats;
short size;
struct BlockLists
dumb_ptr<block_list> normal, mobs_only;
struct map_abstract
MapName name_;
// gat is NULL for map_remote and non-NULL or map_local
std::unique_ptr<MapCell[]> gat;
virtual ~map_abstract() {}
UPMap<MapName, map_abstract> maps_db;
struct map_local : map_abstract
Matrix<BlockLists> blocks;
short xs, ys;
int npc_num;
int users;
MapFlags flag;
struct point save;
struct point resave;
Array<dumb_ptr<npc_data>, MAX_NPC_PER_MAP> npc;
struct map_remote : map_abstract
IP4Address ip;
uint16_t port;
MapCell read_gatp(map_local *m, int x, int y)
assert (0 <= x && x < m->xs);
assert (0 <= y && y < m->ys);
return m->gat[x + y * m->xs];
struct flooritem_data : block_list
short subx, suby;
Timer cleartimer;
int first_get_id, second_get_id, third_get_id;
tick_t first_get_tick, second_get_tick, third_get_tick;
struct item item_data;
extern interval_t autosave_time;
extern int save_settings;
extern AString motd_txt;
extern CharName wisp_server_name;
// 鯖全体情報
void map_setusers(int);
int map_getusers(void);
class MapBlockLock
MapBlockLock(const MapBlockLock&) = delete;
MapBlockLock& operator = (const MapBlockLock&) = delete;
void freeblock(dumb_ptr<block_list>);
int map_addblock(dumb_ptr<block_list>);
int map_delblock(dumb_ptr<block_list>);
void map_foreachinarea(std::function<void(dumb_ptr<block_list>)>,
map_local *,
int, int, int, int,
// -- moonsoul (added map_foreachincell)
void map_foreachincell(std::function<void(dumb_ptr<block_list>)>,
map_local *,
int, int,
void map_foreachinmovearea(std::function<void(dumb_ptr<block_list>)>,
map_local *,
int, int, int, int,
int, int,
int map_count_oncell(map_local *m, int x, int y);
// 一時的object関連
int map_addobject(dumb_ptr<block_list>);
int map_delobject(int, BL type);
int map_delobjectnofree(int id, BL type);
void map_foreachobject(std::function<void(dumb_ptr<block_list>)>,
void map_quit(dumb_ptr<map_session_data>);
// npc
int map_addnpc(map_local *, dumb_ptr<npc_data>);
void map_log(XString line);
# define MAP_LOG(format, ...) \
map_log(STRPRINTF(format, ## __VA_ARGS__))
# define MAP_LOG_PC(sd, fmt, ...) \
MAP_LOG("PC%d %s:%d,%d " fmt, \
sd->status_key.char_id, (sd->bl_m ? sd->bl_m->name_ : stringish<MapName>("undefined.gat")), sd->bl_x, sd->bl_y, ## __VA_ARGS__)
// 床アイテム関連
void map_clearflooritem_timer(TimerData *, tick_t, int);
void map_clearflooritem(int id)
map_clearflooritem_timer(nullptr, tick_t(), id);
int map_addflooritem_any(struct item *, int amount,
map_local *m, int x, int y,
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> *owners, interval_t *owner_protection,
interval_t lifetime, int dispersal);
int map_addflooritem(struct item *, int,
map_local *, int, int,
dumb_ptr<map_session_data>, dumb_ptr<map_session_data>,
// キャラid=>キャラ名 変換関連
DMap<int, dumb_ptr<block_list>> id_db;
void map_addchariddb(int charid, CharName name);
CharName map_charid2nick(int);
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_id2sd(int);
dumb_ptr<block_list> map_id2bl(int);
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_id_is_player(int id)
dumb_ptr<block_list> bl = map_id2bl(id);
return bl ? bl->is_player() : nullptr;
dumb_ptr<npc_data> map_id_is_npc(int id)
dumb_ptr<block_list> bl = map_id2bl(id);
return bl ? bl->is_npc() : nullptr;
dumb_ptr<mob_data> map_id_is_mob(int id)
dumb_ptr<block_list> bl = map_id2bl(id);
return bl ? bl->is_mob() : nullptr;
dumb_ptr<flooritem_data> map_id_is_item(int id)
dumb_ptr<block_list> bl = map_id2bl(id);
return bl ? bl->is_item() : nullptr;
dumb_ptr<invocation> map_id_is_spell(int id)
dumb_ptr<block_list> bl = map_id2bl(id);
return bl ? bl->is_spell() : nullptr;
map_local *map_mapname2mapid(MapName);
int map_mapname2ipport(MapName, IP4Address *, int *);
int map_setipport(MapName name, IP4Address ip, int port);
void map_addiddb(dumb_ptr<block_list>);
void map_deliddb(dumb_ptr<block_list> bl);
void map_addnickdb(dumb_ptr<map_session_data>);
int map_scriptcont(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd, int id); /* Continues a script either on a spell or on an NPC */
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_nick2sd(CharName);
int compare_item(struct item *a, struct item *b);
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_get_first_session(void);
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_get_last_session(void);
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_get_next_session(
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> current);
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> map_get_prev_session(
dumb_ptr<map_session_data> current);
// gat関連
MapCell map_getcell(map_local *, int, int);
void map_setcell(map_local *, int, int, MapCell);
// その他
bool map_check_dir(DIR s_dir, DIR t_dir);
DIR map_calc_dir(dumb_ptr<block_list> src, int x, int y);
std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> map_randfreecell(map_local *m,
uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h);
inline dumb_ptr<map_session_data> block_list::as_player() { return dumb_ptr<map_session_data>(static_cast<map_session_data *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data> block_list::as_npc() { return dumb_ptr<npc_data>(static_cast<npc_data *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<mob_data> block_list::as_mob() { return dumb_ptr<mob_data>(static_cast<mob_data *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<flooritem_data> block_list::as_item() { return dumb_ptr<flooritem_data>(static_cast<flooritem_data *>(this)) ; }
//inline dumb_ptr<invocation> block_list::as_spell() { return dumb_ptr<invocation>(static_cast<invocation *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<map_session_data> block_list::is_player() { return bl_type == BL::PC ? as_player() : nullptr; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data> block_list::is_npc() { return bl_type == BL::NPC ? as_npc() : nullptr; }
inline dumb_ptr<mob_data> block_list::is_mob() { return bl_type == BL::MOB ? as_mob() : nullptr; }
inline dumb_ptr<flooritem_data> block_list::is_item() { return bl_type == BL::ITEM ? as_item() : nullptr; }
//inline dumb_ptr<invocation> block_list::is_spell() { return bl_type == BL::SPELL ? as_spell() : nullptr; }
// struct invocation is defined in another header
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_script> npc_data::as_script() { return dumb_ptr<npc_data_script>(static_cast<npc_data_script *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_shop> npc_data::as_shop() { return dumb_ptr<npc_data_shop>(static_cast<npc_data_shop *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_warp> npc_data::as_warp() { return dumb_ptr<npc_data_warp>(static_cast<npc_data_warp *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_message> npc_data::as_message() { return dumb_ptr<npc_data_message>(static_cast<npc_data_message *>(this)) ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_script> npc_data::is_script() { return npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::SCRIPT ? as_script() : nullptr ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_shop> npc_data::is_shop() { return npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::SHOP ? as_shop() : nullptr ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_warp> npc_data::is_warp() { return npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::WARP ? as_warp() : nullptr ; }
inline dumb_ptr<npc_data_message> npc_data::is_message() { return npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::MESSAGE ? as_message() : nullptr ; }
#endif // TMWA_MAP_MAP_HPP