/// Global structures and defines
#ifndef MMO_HPP
#define MMO_HPP
# include "sanity.hpp"
# include "timer.t.hpp"
# include "utils2.hpp"
// affects CharName
constexpr int FIFOSIZE_SERVERLINK = 256 * 1024;
constexpr int MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER = 512;
constexpr int MAX_INVENTORY = 100;
constexpr int MAX_AMOUNT = 30000;
constexpr int MAX_ZENY = 1000000000; // 1G zeny
constexpr int MAX_CART = 100;
enum class SkillID : uint16_t;
constexpr SkillID MAX_SKILL = SkillID(474); // not 450
constexpr SkillID get_enum_min_value(SkillID) { return SkillID(); }
constexpr SkillID get_enum_max_value(SkillID) { return MAX_SKILL; }
constexpr int GLOBAL_REG_NUM = 96;
constexpr int ACCOUNT_REG_NUM = 16;
constexpr int ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM = 16;
constexpr interval_t DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED = std::chrono::milliseconds(150);
constexpr interval_t MIN_WALK_SPEED = interval_t::zero();
constexpr interval_t MAX_WALK_SPEED = std::chrono::seconds(1);
constexpr int MAX_STORAGE = 300;
constexpr int MAX_PARTY = 12;
# define MIN_HAIR_STYLE battle_config.min_hair_style
# define MAX_HAIR_STYLE battle_config.max_hair_style
# define MIN_HAIR_COLOR battle_config.min_hair_color
# define MAX_HAIR_COLOR battle_config.max_hair_color
# define MIN_CLOTH_COLOR battle_config.min_cloth_color
# define MAX_CLOTH_COLOR battle_config.max_cloth_color
# define CHAR_CONF_NAME "conf/char_athena.conf"
struct AccountName : VString<23> {};
struct AccountPass : VString<23> {};
struct AccountCrypt : VString<39> {};
struct AccountEmail : VString<39> {};
struct ServerName : VString<19> {};
struct PartyName : VString<23> {};
struct VarName : VString<31> {};
template<class T>
T stringish(VString<sizeof(T) - 1> iv)
T rv;
static_cast<VString<sizeof(T) - 1>&>(rv) = iv;
return rv;
#define DEFAULT_EMAIL stringish<AccountEmail>("a@a.com")
// It is decreed: a mapname shall not contain an extension
class MapName : public strings::_crtp_string<MapName, MapName, ZString, XString>
VString<15> _impl;
MapName() = default;
MapName(VString<15> v) : _impl(v.oislice_h(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), '.'))) {}
iterator begin() const { return &*_impl.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return &*_impl.begin(); }
const char *c_str() const { return _impl.c_str(); }
operator FString() const { return _impl; }
operator TString() const { return _impl; }
operator SString() const { return _impl; }
operator ZString() const { return _impl; }
operator XString() const { return _impl; }
MapName stringish<MapName>(VString<15> iv)
return iv;
const char *decay_for_printf(const MapName& vs) { return vs.c_str(); }
// It is decreed: a charname is sometimes case sensitive
struct CharName
VString<23> _impl;
CharName() = default;
explicit CharName(VString<23> name)
: _impl(name)
VString<23> to__actual() const
return _impl;
VString<23> to__lower() const
return _impl.to_lower();
VString<23> to__upper() const
return _impl.to_upper();
VString<23> to__canonical() const
return to__actual();
return to__lower();
friend bool operator == (const CharName& l, const CharName& r)
{ return l.to__canonical() == r.to__canonical(); }
friend bool operator != (const CharName& l, const CharName& r)
{ return l.to__canonical() != r.to__canonical(); }
friend bool operator < (const CharName& l, const CharName& r)
{ return l.to__canonical() < r.to__canonical(); }
friend bool operator <= (const CharName& l, const CharName& r)
{ return l.to__canonical() <= r.to__canonical(); }
friend bool operator > (const CharName& l, const CharName& r)
{ return l.to__canonical() > r.to__canonical(); }
friend bool operator >= (const CharName& l, const CharName& r)
{ return l.to__canonical() >= r.to__canonical(); }
VString<23> convert_for_printf(const CharName& vs) { return vs.to__actual(); }
CharName stringish<CharName>(VString<23> iv)
return CharName(iv);
namespace e
enum class EPOS : uint16_t
ZERO = 0x0000,
LEGS = 0x0001,
WEAPON = 0x0002,
GLOVES = 0x0004,
CAPE = 0x0008,
MISC1 = 0x0010,
SHIELD = 0x0020,
SHOES = 0x0040,
MISC2 = 0x0080,
HAT = 0x0100,
TORSO = 0x0200,
ARROW = 0x8000,
constexpr EPOS get_enum_min_value(EPOS) { return EPOS(0x0000); }
constexpr EPOS get_enum_max_value(EPOS) { return EPOS(0xffff); }
using e::EPOS;
struct item
int id;
short nameid;
short amount;
EPOS equip;
uint8_t identify;
uint8_t refine;
uint8_t attribute;
short card[4];
short broken;
struct point
MapName map_;
short x, y;
namespace e
enum class SkillFlags : uint16_t;
using e::SkillFlags;
struct skill_value
unsigned short lv;
SkillFlags flags;
friend bool operator == (const skill_value& l, const skill_value& r)
return l.lv == r.lv && l.flags == r.flags;
friend bool operator != (const skill_value& l, const skill_value& r)
return !(l == r);
struct global_reg
VarName str;
int value;
// Option and Opt1..3 in map.hpp
namespace e
enum class Option : uint16_t;
constexpr Option get_enum_min_value(Option) { return Option(0x0000); }
constexpr Option get_enum_max_value(Option) { return Option(0xffff); }
using e::Option;
enum class ATTR
STR = 0,
AGI = 1,
VIT = 2,
INT = 3,
DEX = 4,
LUK = 5,
COUNT = 6,
constexpr ATTR ATTRs[6] =
enum class ItemLook : uint16_t
NONE = 0,
BLADE = 1, // or some other common weapons
STAFF = 10,
BOW = 11,
_13 = 13,
_14 = 14,
_16 = 16,
DUAL_BLADE = 0x11,
DUAL_2 = 0x12,
DUAL_6 = 0x13,
DUAL_12 = 0x14,
DUAL_16 = 0x15,
DUAL_26 = 0x16,
struct mmo_charstatus
int char_id;
int account_id;
int partner_id;
int base_exp, job_exp, zeny;
short species;
short status_point, skill_point;
int hp, max_hp, sp, max_sp;
Option option;
short karma, manner;
short hair, hair_color, clothes_color;
int party_id;
ItemLook weapon;
short shield;
short head_top, head_mid, head_bottom;
CharName name;
unsigned char base_level, job_level;
earray<short, ATTR, ATTR::COUNT> attrs;
unsigned char char_num, sex;
unsigned long mapip;
unsigned int mapport;
struct point last_point, save_point, memo_point[10];
struct item inventory[MAX_INVENTORY], cart[MAX_CART];
earray<skill_value, SkillID, MAX_SKILL> skill;
int global_reg_num;
struct global_reg global_reg[GLOBAL_REG_NUM];
int account_reg_num;
struct global_reg account_reg[ACCOUNT_REG_NUM];
int account_reg2_num;
struct global_reg account_reg2[ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM];
struct storage
int dirty;
int account_id;
short storage_status;
short storage_amount;
struct item storage_[MAX_STORAGE];
struct map_session_data;
struct GM_Account
int account_id;
uint8_t level;
struct party_member
int account_id;
CharName name;
MapName map;
int leader, online, lv;
struct map_session_data *sd;
struct party
int party_id;
PartyName name;
int exp;
int item;
struct party_member member[MAX_PARTY];
#endif // MMO_HPP