path: root/npc/001-6
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2024-06-28The discussed changes for the upcoming change in pet code.Jesusaves1-0/+1
- Cart max weight 5kg -> 10kg (a later buff is likely) - 006-9, 018-5-boss: NoCart, NoStorage - 001-6, sore, soren-2: NoPet - 018-5-0, 018-5-1: NoStorage - Kamelot and Gemini: Cart OK
2018-06-08Make MapsJesusaves1-0/+1
2018-06-08compareandsetq HurnscaldQuest_Celestia so you can't warp around ignoring the ↵Jesusaves1-2/+2
2018-06-08Make MapsJesusaves1-5/+7
2018-06-07Use @SorenWarpOnline to prevent spamming warp activationsJesusaves1-0/+4
2018-06-07ZONE the map areas, so there's no penalty.Jesusaves2-0/+2
....and a few measures against a certain GM we all love. :inGame__4:
2018-06-07Update warp.txtJesusaves1-2/+4
2018-06-07Uh, not sure about the error Jesusaves1-1/+1
2018-06-07To Soren Village warp. I'm sort of in hurry thoughJesusaves2-0/+27
2018-06-07Make maps including 001-6Jesusaves2-0/+14