// TMW-2 Script.
// Author:
// Saulc
// Jesusalva
// Notes:
// Tulim banker, and also handles PCLogin events: CheckClientVersion, and bank
// Take care of server updates, but instances are defined on their ships.
003-3,36,34,0 script Malindou NPC_LLOYD,{
Banker(.name$, "Tulimshar", 14000);
.sex = G_MALE;
.distance = 4;
// Update handler (use `date +%s` for this)
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Jun 7 08:10:55 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1528369855) {
debugmes "Warning.";
debugmes "Warning.";
debugmes "Warning: This introduces a server update:";
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Please create the imported guild";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Jun 17 21:32:45 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1529281965) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Please set #BankP for bankers";
debugmes "";
//$HASAN_GP=rand(3,12)+rand(3,12)+rand(3,12); // Already initialized on the main server
// This mensures Contributors Credits, and changes only during updates.
// All names in lower case. standard: 100 points. Non-TMW2 contributors
// should be disregarded if they're not involved with the project.
// You may get more points for complexity, difficulty, usability, etc.
// You may get less points if you don't do it yourself, eg. a bug report.
// See 003-2/lua.txt for rewards
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "jesusalva", 15000);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "saulc", 12500);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "lawncable", 1510);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "polaczka", 700);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "crazyfefe", 640);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "4144", 550);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "soren", 450);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "rakinorf", 400);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "pookie", 260);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "ayruss", 210);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "dustman", 175);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "acsvln", 150);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "ichigoblack",100);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "acsvln", 100);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "gnulinux", 80);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "skydragon", 75);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "guy of lieutnant dausen", 70);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "dustman", 50);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "dragonstar", 20);
//htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "", 1);
if (#MerchantBank) {
BankVault += max(0, #MerchantBank);
#MerchantBank = 0;