path: root/Tirifto/Texts
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-rw-r--r--Tirifto/Texts/NPCs/000 – Example.md27
-rw-r--r--Tirifto/Texts/Quests/000 – Example.md35
-rw-r--r--Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Cathy's famous compotes.md66
-rw-r--r--Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Forgotten anniversary.md149
-rw-r--r--Tirifto/Texts/Quests/The knife that snapped.md71
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-Content written by Tirifto. (WIP)
-# Name of the NPC
-*Location: Where approximately the NPC is*
-*Quests: Which quests does the NPC figure in directly*
-*A thematic description of the NPC goes here.*
-## Ordinary conversation
-l("Hello there!");
-### Option 1.1 – l("Nice weather today, isn't it?")
-l("I wouldn't know, I've been indoors for days.");
-### Option 1.2 – l("Do you need help with anything?");
-l("No, but thanks for asking!");
-### Option 1.3 – l("Do you live here by yourself?");
-l("Of course not! My husband guards the city gates most of the time. That's why the whole town can feel very safe all the time!");
-## Forgotten anniversary
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-Content written by Tirifto.
-# Devonex
-*Location: Hurnscald*
-*Quests: Forgotten anniversary; The knife that snapped*
-*Devonex is an old man living in a small cozy house with his old wife, Cathy. He helps her run her compote business by cutting up fruit most of the time. They have a small front yard and a basement.*
-## Ordinary conversation
-*After completing “The knife that snapped.”
-l("Welcome again! What brings you here?");
-### Option 1 – l("Do you two live alone in here?")
-l("Pretty much. Our daughter used to live with us, but now she's all grown up and married, so she has decided to move away. Good for her, I'd say!");
-### Option 2 – l("Do you manage to get by just by selling compotes?")
-l("And why not? They're honestly pretty delicious. Have you tried for yourself? If not, you definitely should. Ask my wife; she'll be happy to sell you some for sure!");
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-Content written by Tirifto.
-# Elke
-*Location: Hurnscald*
-*Quests: Forgotten anniversary*
-*Elke is your usual housewife living in a house in Hurnscald. The player can find her there alone, as her husband, Konrad is usually at work keeping watch at the city gates.*
-## Ordinary conversation
-l("Hello there!");
-### Option 1 – l("Nice weather today, isn't it?")
-l("I wouldn't know, I've been indoors for days.");
-### Option 2 – l("Do you need help with anything?");
-l("No, but thanks for asking!");
-### Option 3 – l("Do you live here by yourself?");
-l("Of course not! I live with my husband, who guards the city gates most of the time. That's why the whole town can feel very safe all the time!"),
-l("My parents live in the town, too, so I couldn't complain about feeling alone.");
diff --git a/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/000 – b/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/000 –
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-Content written by Tirifto. (WIP)
-# Name of the quest
-*Source: NPC which starts the quest off*
-*Requirements: Prequisites to start the quest*
-*Location: Where the quest gets started off*
-*Synopis goes here.*
-*Additional notes go here.*
-## Start (First phase of the quest, when it is received.)
-### Name of NPC to talk to – Conversation topic tree to kick the conversation off.
-#### Option which the player can pick from there.
-l("Whatever the NPC says following that.");
-## Progress (Inbetween phases of the quest.)
-*If the phase can be skipped altogether, it'll be noted here.*
-### Name of NPC to talk to – Conversation topic which is new or changed for this phase.
-*If this conversation has some prequisites to become available, they'll be noted here.*
-## Completion (Last phase of the quest, when it is completed and a thereward is received.)
-## After completion (Possible follow-ups and consequences of completing the quest are noted here.)
-*Details about the pre-quisites for this phase to take place are noted here.*
diff --git a/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Cathy's famous b/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Cathy's famous
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-Content written by Tirifto.
-# Cathy's famous compotes
-*Source: Cathy*
-*Requirements: None*
-*Location: Hurnscald*
-*The player can find an elderly lady sitting on a bench in front of her house. The house is pretty with a small front yard. The lady's name is Cathy. She has a husband named Devonex, who is sitting inside of the house. Cathy is well known in the town for the delicous compotes she makes.*
-*Note: Compotes are not needed as an in-game item for this quest, but having them would be nice.*
-## Start
-### Cathy
-l("Good day to you. We are having some beautiful weather today, are we not? My bones tell me it's going to last a while!"),
-l("Say, you look like you're a generation or two younger than me; could you spend some of your time helping me out?");
-#### Option 1 – l("Sure, why not?")
-l("My name is Cathy. You may have heard of me already. After all, I am possibly the best still living compote maker in the world!"),
-l("When I was younger, I used to pick my own fruit and run around doing my own errands. But as I got older, that got more tiring and painful."),
-l("I usually have people deliver fruit to me, but lately I've been running short on it abnormally fast. I guess my compotes just sell too well!"),
-l("Anyways, would you be so kind and go fetch some fruit for me? Of course I am going to pay you a fair price for it!");
-##### Option 1.1 – l("Sounds good!")
-l("I'm going to need the following:"),
-l("20 green apples,
-20 pears,
-50 blueberries,
-50 plums
-and 1 bar of chocolate."),
-l("I'll be counting on you. Don't take too long!");
-##### Option 1.2 – l("Sorry, I don't feel like gathering fruit right now.")
-#### Option 2 – l("Not right now, sorry.")
-## While out to get the fruit
-### Cathy
-l("Hello there! Did you get the fruit I asked for yet?");
-#### Option 1 – l("I did!")
-*Has the required items*
-l("Ah, yes, wonderful! I can get back to work now. Thank you for your help. Here's your reward – make good use of it."),
-l("Maybe you can use it to buy some of my compotes! Hi hi hi hi hi!");
-*Remove fruit*
-*Add reward (estimated 600E)*
-*Does not have the required items*
-l("Hmm, no… some of it is still missing. Please go get the rest, otherwise I can't work with it.");
-#### Option 2 – l("I did not.")
-l("Then hurry! Time is fruit, fruit is compotes and compotes are money!");
-#### Option 3 – l("Why do you need chocolate for your compotes?")
-l("I like to eat some while I work."),
-l("What? At my age, I can live however I want, no?");
diff --git a/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Forgotten b/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Forgotten
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index cee3b1d..0000000
--- a/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/Forgotten
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-Content written by Tirifto.
-# Forgotten anniversary
-*Source: Konrad*
-*Requirements: None*
-*Recommended: The knife that snapped*
-*Location: Hurnscald*
-*Synopis: Konrad, a guard on duty at the city gates, asks the player for help in searching for a present for his wife, to celebrate their anniversary.*
-*Note: Colours mentioned in this quest can be changed freely to adapt to The Mana World world.*
-## Start
-### Konrad -> l("How are things looking here?")
-l("Things are fine here. At least they seem better than at home…");
-#### Option 1 – l("What's wrong at your home?")
-l("Oh, it's not like we're having some domestic problems or anything… at least not yet!"),
-l("It's just that my wife and I will be having an anniversary soon, and I didn't remember until a few days ago."),
-l("The problem is that I didn't get her one and I don't really have time for shopping with me always being on duty. I barely even get to leave the spot!"),
-l("You seem to move around a lot though. Would you be willing to look around a bit, for a present for my wife?");
-##### Option 1.1 – l("Yeah, no problem.")
-lg("Great, thanks! Her name's Elke and her favourite colour's electric indigo.", "Great, thanks! Her name's Elke and her favourite colour's electric indigo. In normal speech, that's bluish purple."),
-*Add 500E*
-l("Here's 500E. Hopefully you'll be able to find something small and nice within that price range."),
-l("Oh and please don't even look at clothes; please, no more. Otherwise good luck!");
-##### Option 1.2 – l("I think you really should handle this by yourself.")
-#### Option 2 – l("Alright, better leave me out of that.")
-## Investigation (Optional)
-### Devonex – Do you two live alone in here? -> l("What's your daughter's name?")
-l("Right, my daughter… let's see now, what did I name her…"),
-l("Oh, no, I didn't name her. It was my wife who picked this name! It's Elke; her name is Elke."),
-l("She has moved to the other side of the city. She lives with her husband and my son-in-law now. His name is Konrad. Not my favourite type of a guy, but what can you do?");
-#### Option 1 – l("Do you know some of your daughter's favourite things or interests?")
-l("She's always had a good taste in food and a bad taste in town guards, but other than that, I can't recall on anything extraordinary.");
-### Cathy – l("Do you know some of your daughter's favourite things or interests?")
-*Prequisite: Previous step.*
-l("You mean Elke? I don't live with her, so I wouldn't know. She likes my compotes though, which is really all that matters."),
-l("When she was little, she was obsessed with tortugas. She never really saw one, but we had this old tortuga shell, and she was mesmerized by its looks."),
-l("For a while, she even wanted one of those darn things as a pet! I must say I was relieved when that phase was over. Whatever she'll think up next is up for Konrad to deal with.");
-*After completing this part, the player should be able to bring a pet tortuga to Konrad as a present. It also serves to give the player the idea to craft a necklace or something from a tortuga shell fragment, which is normally still possible, but not as obvious.*
-### Elke – l("Can you tell me about your favourite things or interests?")
-l("Um… no, thank you?");
-## Completion
-### Konrad -> l("I've got something for your wife!")
-l("You did? That's great; let's take a look at it!");
-#### Donation – [Tortuga shell fragment]
-##### Case 1 – Has completed the investigation.
-l("I see, so she used to like these a lot…"),
-l("It seems a bit too plain, though, I don't think I can give her that. Could you perhaps get it polished and tied to a pretty string?");
-##### Case 2 – Has not completed the investigation.
-l("Uh… sorry, but I don't really see why she should want something like this.");
-#### Donation – [Tortuga pet]
-##### Case 1 – Has completed the investigation.
-l("Oh, well… thanks, I guess?"),
-l("This sure is exotic. I have no idea how we're going to take care of it, but I'll just trust you on it. I sure hope I'm making the right decision here…");
-*Triggers the after-completion phase*
-*Quest complete*
-##### Case 2 – Has not completed the investigation.
-l("Ack! What is that thing?! Please don't just shove that in my face out of nowhere.");
-#### Donation – Pet egg
-l("No, thanks. I already had my lunch.");
-#### Donation – Article of clothing
-l("No. Please. There is only so much a wardrobe can take. Have some mercy on it.");
-#### Donation – A valuable article from tortuga shell fragment
-##### Case 1 – Has completed the investigation.
-l("Oh, this is great! Thank you so much for your investigation; I think this is going to be perfect. I'll keep you updated on the matter!");
-*Triggers the after-completion phase*
-*Quest complete*
-##### Case 2 – Has not completed the investigation.
-l("Oh, yeah, this looks pretty good. I think she's going to like it. Thanks for helping me out!");
-*Triggers the after-completion phase*
-*Quest complete*
-#### Donation – A valuable wearable
-l("Oh, yeah, this looks pretty good. I think she's going to like it. Thanks for helping me out!");
-*Quest complete*
-#### Donation – Flowers
-l("I'll be giving her flawers in any case, but those are there only to garnish the real present. Please try looking for something else.");
-#### Donation – Something else
-l("Hm… no, I don't think she would like that very much. Thanks for your effort so far, though!");
-## After completion
-*Upon talking to Konrad at least a week after completion, the player can receive an extra reward, depending on how they completed the quest.*
-### Konrad
-l("Oh hi! Remember that present you got for my wife a while back?")
-#### Option 1 – l("Yeah!")
-##### Case 1 – Gave a living [Tortuga pet]
-l("I've been struggling to believe it, but she was actually excited for Hildebrandt!");
-###### Option 1..1 – l("Sorry, who?")
-l("Oh, right, we named him Hildebrandt. Nice, right? He's actually very dear if you get to know him. Every evening we sit together and feed him lettuce. Life's good!"),
-l("I actually feel really grateful to you for brinding Hildebrandt to us. You deserve a proper reward for what you did. Here, take this."),
-*Add reward (Something really cool)*
-l("WIP – And now I'll describe to you why I'm giving you that! – WIP");
-##### Case 2 – Gave a decoration from tortuga shell fragment
-l("She liked the WIP – thing – WIP a lot! I thought you deserve a reward for going through the trouble, so here you go!"),
-*Add reward (Something pretty cool also)*
-l("WIP – And now I'll describe to you why I'm giving you that! – WIP");
-#### Option 2 – l("Sorry, I'm in a hurry!")
diff --git a/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/The knife that b/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/The knife that
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index 19ca690..0000000
--- a/Tirifto/Texts/Quests/The knife that
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-Content written by Tirifto.
-# The knife that snapped
-*Source: Devonex*
-*Requirements: None*
-*Location: Hurnscald*
-*The player can find an elderly man sitting in his home, which is a pretty house with a small front yard. The man's name is Devonex. He has a wife named Cathy, who sits outside of the house. Cathy makes and sells compotes, and Devonex helps her.*
-## Start
-### Devonex
-ln("Before you sits an old man with bandages on his hands and a scar on his mouth. He seems lost in thought for some seconds, before he finally notices you."),
-lg("Oh, hello there, young man.", "Oh, hello there, young lady."),
-l("Did you need something?"),
-l("No, wait – that was me. Hu hu hu!"),
-l("Frankly, I don't know who you are or what are you doing in our house, but since you're already here, may I ask you a favour?");
-#### Option 1 – l("Of course.")
-l("Good, good. You see, my wife Cathy, who's outside, is running a compote business. She makes and sells great compotes and I help her prepare them."),
-l("But recently, something terrible has happened. I was here, cutting apples as usual, when suddenly, as I cut into one of the apples, my knife snapped in two."),
-l("We still don't know how, but it seems like one of the apples was actually a snapple! It bit a half off the blade and then it tried to bite me!"),
-l("Of course I did my best to stop it. I even tried to bite it back, but I forgot that my teeth have aged since twenty years ago."),
-l("In the end I won, somehow. But after that incident, we decided to only buy green apples, just to make sure."),
-l("Anyways: I need a new knife. One that is sharp and durable. Would you please bring me one?")
-##### Option 1.1 – l("Alright, I'll do it.")
-l("Huzzah! You'll find me right here when you have it, but please don't take too long. My wife would not appreciate that."),
-l("Oh and the name's Devonex, in case you'd like to know.");
-##### Option 1.2 – l("I wouldn't, sorry.")
-##### Option 1.3 – l("Why doesn't your wife do it?")
-l("Eh… she can't handle knives. She can't as much as carry one. Before I started helping her, she was cutting fruit up with spoons! Can you believe that?"),
-l("I'm actually a painter, but I just couldn't let her do that. Forks? Please. But spoons?! Never!");
-#### Option 2 – l("No, you may not.")
-## While out to get the knife
-### Devonex
-l("Hello there! Did you bring me a sharp knife?");
-#### Option 1 – l("Yes!")
-##### Donation – [Sharp knife]
-l("Oh, great! Just wonderful. I can get back to preparing fruit for my great… compotes, yes. Our compotes. Her compotes, in fact. But you must give me some credit also."),
-*Removes sharp knife*
-l("This looks really good. I think you deserve a reward for this!");
-*Add reward (1 Snapple)*
-l("I didn't use it up in the end. We don't want our compotes to become serial killers, after all! So here you go. Don't worry, it has been drowned and washed."),
-l("Thanks again and take care of yourself!");
-##### Donation – [Normal knife]
-l("Hmm... this doesn't look very sharp. Sorry, I don't think I'd like to work with this. Please find me a knife that is really sharp.");
-##### Donation – [Rock knife]
-l("Ew! What is this? Knife that increases vitality? Gosh, let me just age and die in peace! I'm happy on my way to the grave and you try to prolong my life by like, what, ten years? Hell no!");
-#### Option 2 – l("No.")
-l("I see. Well, let me know when you do bring me one!");