diff options
2 files changed, 790 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/scripts/evol_script_commands.txt b/server/scripts/evol_script_commands.txt
index dc7b423..ba4b479 100644
--- a/server/scripts/evol_script_commands.txt
+++ b/server/scripts/evol_script_commands.txt
@@ -1074,7 +1074,21 @@ Kicks the target player from the server (similar to @kick) for the specified
0: Authentication failed
+ 1: No servers available.
2: Already logged in (dual-login)
+ 3: Speed hack detected.
+ 4: Server full.
+ 5: Sorry, you are underaged.
+ 8: Duplicated login.
9: Too many connections from the same IP address
+ 10: Not paid for this time.
+ 11: Pay suspended.
+ 12: Pay changed.
+ 13: Pay wrong ip.
+ 14: Pay game room.
15: Kicked by a GM (same as @kick)
+ 16: Ban japan refuse.
+ 17: Ban japan refuse.
+ 18: Remained other account.
+100: Ip unfair.
115: Player is banned
diff --git a/server/scripts/ b/server/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6ef3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+# The Mana World Evolved
+### Custom Functions
+Last Update: 2021-07-30
+## About custom functions
+The bulk of functions used are NPC scripts.
+They are loaded by npc/scripts.conf and divide in a few blocks:
+- Critical Functions
+- General Purpose Framework Functions
+- Pre-Loading Functions
+- Main Functions
+- Item Functions
+- Magic Functions
+- GM Commands
+- Events
+- Post-Loading Functions
+- NPC Functions
+## Critical Functions
+These functions are critical, and breaking them will break several other functions,
+breaking in turn several NPCs, and will probably cause the server to crash.
+In other words: They are nested by NPCs, scripts and functions.
+### Main
+#### menuimage ( image, string )
+Formatting for select
+#### dnext ( )
+Same as next, but honors `GSET_LONGMENU_DENSITY`
+#### menuaction ( str )
+Returns `[str]`
+#### setq1 ( quest, val )
+Sets quest field 1.
+#### setq2 ( quest, val )
+Sets quest field 2.
+#### setq3 ( quest, val )
+Sets quest field 3.
+#### setqtime ( quest, val )
+Sets quest time field. Unused and does not work properly.
+#### mesn ( {name} )
+Header for NPC dialog. Use it before NPC start talking.
+#### mesq ( message )
+Sends a NPC message enclosed in quotes. You should give it an `l()` function.
+#### g ( female, male )
+Returns something variating with gender.
+Is totally useless, difficult to translate, and its use is generally frowned upon.
+#### b ( message )
+Makes the message bold
+#### col( message{, color} )
+Send message in color. Defaults to color code 9.
+#### adddefaultskills ( )
+Ensure a player have the default skills (sit, walk, talk, resync, etc.)
+#### addremovemapmask ( map, mask, mask )
+Updates map mask. I'm not sure how it actually works.
+#### mesc ( message, {color} )
+Same as `mes(col(message{, color}))`
+#### get_race ( {class} )
+Returns the human readable form of your race (from `$@allraces$`)
+Currently unused and broken.
+#### tutmes ( message, {header=Tutorial, headerfirst=True} )
+Sends the message if `TUTORIAL` is set.
+Came with Moubootaur Legends and is unused.
+#### narrator ( flag, str )
+// Function to show narrator text. Accepts string args.
+// If first arg is a number N, then it represents bit flags.
+// Bit flags :
+// 0x1 -- blank line at beginning
+// 0x2 -- blank line at the end
+// 0x4 -- use last "next;"
+// 0x8 -- don't use first "mesn;"
+Came with Evol and is unused.
+#### speech ( flag, string )
+See narrator, but for NPCs
+#### npcdebug ( message )
+Shows debug message on server console if `.debug` is set.
+#### askyesno ( )
+Ask players to select between YES and NO.
+Returns the choice in `ASK_YES` or `ASK_NO` constants.
+#### compareandsetq ( quest, current, next )
+Checks if quest is current and updates to next if true.
+Returns true if it updated the quest.
+#### npctalkonce ( text{, delay=1{, function=npctalk3}} )
+// Use a delay to prevent spams from NPC that display text without the
+// use of (a) close/next function(s).
+// Argument:
+// 0 Text to display
+// 1 Lock delay (default = 1)
+// 2 Message function: (default = 0)
+// 0 = npctalk3
+// 1 = npctalk
+// 2 = message
+// TODO: Use temp player var, because NPC var affect other players
+#### rand2 ( min{, max} )
+Same as `rand` but for small numbers. Increases entropy.
+#### any( <arg>{, ...<arg>} )
+returns one argument randomly
+#### any_of( <array> )
+returns any member of the array
+#### die ( )
+Kills the player. If `$HARDCORE` is true, it'll set `@grace` variable.
+This allows hardcore servers to NOT send players to the abyss when they were
+killed by script.
+#### ispvpmap( {mapid} )
+Returns true if the map has PVP enabled.
+#### msObjective ( condition , message )
+Function from Moubootaur Legends, colors `message` based if `condition` is true
+or not.
+#### getmap ( )
+Same as `getmapname()` but using `getmapxy()` instead.
+Performance was not measured.
+#### isin ( map, x1, y1, {[x2, y2][radius]} )
+Verifies if the player is in the specific rectangle (or square, if radius is
+provided instead of a x2,y2 tuple)
+#### isat ( map, x1, y1 )
+Same as `isin` but only for the specific tile.
+#### delinventorylist ( )
+Clear output of getinventorylist()
+#### gf_accid / gf_charnameid / gf_charname / gf_charid / validatepin
+Moubootaur Legends functions. Should never be used.
+#### Exception( Message, {Flags{, Return Code}} )
+Error handling. See RB_ constants for flags which may be used.
+#### mescordialog ( text, color, {dialog=1} )
+If dialog is set, sends text as a mesc. Otherwise, sends it as a dispbottom.
+#### itheal ( hp{, mp{, time}} )
+// Delayed healing. Takes 3~5 seconds. Variates with Vit up to +100%.
+// The vit can have an additional 20% bonus as well.
+Mana regenerates instantly.
+#### sqldate ( {day variation, month variation} )
+Offsets and returns current date in SQL format
+#### set_aggro( monster{, mode=MD_AGGRESSIVE} )
+Makes a monster aggressive. Can set other monster mobs as well, such as MD_LOOTER
+#### numdate ( )
+Special function which makes current date (ISO) a progressive number.
+eg. `20210730`.
+If `$@OVERRIDE_NUMDATE` is set, it'll return that instead.
+#### json_encode ( {varname, varvalue}, {varname 2, varvalue 2}... )
+Formats a dictionary in JSON format.
+#### api_send ( code, data )
+Dumps data into `api_export` table. Used by Mirror Lake.
+Code is an integer and data is a JSON-string.
+#### getquestlink ( quest )
+Returns the quest link in M+
+#### getmonsterlink ( mob )
+Returns the mob link in M+
+#### getpetlink ( pet )
+Returns the pet link in M+
+#### getmercenarylink ( merc )
+Returns the merc link in M+
+#### gethomunculuslink ( homun )
+Returns the homun link in M+
+#### mapexit ( )
+Does nothing. It won't even print a sensible error message in console.
+#### destroy ( )
+Disable the current NPC.
+#### npcaction
+Compatibility layer, do not use.
+#### gmlog ( message )
+Writes message to GM Log.
+#### getx ( )
+Returns X position
+#### gety ( )
+Returns Y position
+#### getnpcx ( )
+Returns .x variable
+#### getnpcy ( )
+Returns .y variable
+#### title
+Alias for `setnpcdialogtitle`
+#### camera
+Alias for `setcamnpc` (if argument provided) or `restorecam` (otherwise)
+#### mapmask
+Alias for `sendmapmask`
+#### getmask
+Always return 1
+#### if_then_else
+Alias for `(if ? then : else)` unary
+#### misceffect ( eff{, target} )
+Shows effect for everyone in area, centered in NPC or target if provided.
+#### selfeffect ( eff{, target} )
+Shows effect for yourself, centered in NPC or target if provided.
+#### fakenpcname
+Alias for `setnpcdisplay`
+#### npcwarp ( x, y{, npcid} )
+Warps a NPC without animations.
+#### get
+Alias for `getvariableofnpc`
+#### sc_check
+Alias for `getstatus`. If the second argument is not passed, defaults to `0`.
+#### wgm
+Sends a `@request`.
+#### registercmd
+Alias for `bindatcmd`.
+#### iscollision
+Alias for `checknpccell` (with `cell_chkpass`)
+#### readparam2
+Alias for `readbattleparam` but without asking for account ID.
+#### updateskill
+Alias for `skill` with flag 0.
+#### npctalk2
+Same as `npctalk` but with arguments swapped.
+#### learnskill
+Same as `updateskill`, but only runs if your skill level is less than provided.
+If no skill level is given, defaults to 1.
+#### spawndummy ( map, x, y, ID{, name{, event}} )
+Creates a dummy monster for cutscenes. Returns the GID.
+#### DelItemFromEveryPlayer( ID )
+#### DelAccRegFromEveryPlayer( KEY )
+#### DelChrRegFromEveryPlayer( KEY )
+#### DelQuestFromEveryPlayer( ID )
+#### ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer( OldID, NewID )
+#### ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer( OldID, NewID )
+Functions for ServerUpdate().
+### String
+### Array
+Deals with arrays.
+#### array_pad ( array, size, value )
+prepend or append <value> until the array is of <size> size
+returns the amount added on success, or false (0) if nothing changed
+#### array_replace ( <array>, <needle>, <replace>{, <neq>} )
+replace every occurence of <needle> with <replace>
+returns the number of replaced elements
+#### array_find ( <array>, <needle>{, <neq>} )
+return the index of the first occurence of <needle> in <array>
+if not found it returns -1
+#### array_rfind(<array>, <needle>{, <neq>})
+// return the index of the last occurence of <needle> in <array>
+// if not found it returns -1
+#### array_exists(<array>, <needle>{, <neq>})
+// return true or false accordingly if <needle> is found in <array>
+#### array_count(<array>, <needle>{, <neq>})
+// counts the number of occurrence of <needle> in the <array>
+#### array_entries(<array>)
+// returns the number of non-empty entries
+#### array_remove(<array>, <needle>{, <neq>})
+// removes every occurrence of <needle> in the <array> while shifting left
+#### array_reverse(<array>)
+// reverses the array
+#### array_sum(<array>)
+// return the sum of every element of the array
+#### array_difference(<array>)
+// return the difference of every element of the array
+#### array_shift(<array>)
+// returns the first element of the array and removes it, while shifting left
+#### array_unshift(<array>, <value>)
+// adds <value> to the start of the array, while shifting right
+// returns the new size
+#### array_pop(<array>)
+// returns the last element of the array and removes it
+#### array_push(<array>, <value>)
+// adds <value> to the end of the array
+// returns the new size
+#### array_shuffle(<array>)
+// shuffles the array
+#### array_unique(<array>{, <threshold>})
+// allows entries to appear up to <threshold> in the array
+#### array_diff(<array1>, <array2>{, <array>...}, <array>)
+// compares array1 against one or more other arrays and fills the last array
+// with the values in array1 that are not present in any of the other arrays
+// returns the number of entries not matching
+#### array_filter(<array>, "<function>")
+// filters the array using a callback function
+#### array_highest(<array>)
+// Returns the index of the highest value in <array>
+// NOTE: Array must be an INT array!
+#### relative_array_random(<array: 0, {[value, probability]..}>)
+// returns a random entry from the array, by relative probability
+// the first key of the array should be 0 and every entries are a tuple
+// of [value, probability]
+### Math
+### Bitwise
+#### bitwise_get ( variable, mask, {shift} )
+Gets a bitmasked value in from an integer. If the shift is omitted, it will be
+deduced from the mask.
+#### bitwise_set ( variable, mask, shift, new value )
+Sets a bitmasked value in a variable.
+Returns a reference to the variable.
+#### bitwise_count ( int )
+// returns the number of bits set in <int>
+#### get_nibble ( VAR, NIBBLEID )
+Gets a nibble from a bitmasked variable.
+// A Nibble can go up to 15. There are 7 nibbles.
+#### get_byte ( VAR, BYTEID )
+Gets a byte from a bitmasked variable.
+// A Byte can go up to 255. There are 3 bytes, and a fourth going up to 127.
+#### get_bitword ( VAR )
+// A Bitword can go up to 65535 and is fixed in position to handle Soul EXP.
+#### set_nibble ( VAR, NIBBLEID, VAL )
+Returns bitwise_set
+#### set_byte ( VAR, BYTEID, VAL )
+Returns bitwise_set
+#### set_bitword ( VAR, VAL )
+Returns bitwise_set
+### Permissions
+## General Purpose Framework Functions
+These are tools used by NPCs and scripts; But generally not by other functions
+### Input
+#### menuint ( «struct» )
+Composed by tuples of (string, int); Causes a menu to show up.
+Will save the int from selected option in `@menuret` variable.
+And then, return it.
+#### menustr ( «struct» )
+Same as menuint, but arguments are strings. Uses `@menuret$`.
+#### menuint2 ( array )
+Same as menuint but takes a single array and then extrapolates it.
+### Time
+### Timer
+### Goodbye
+#### goodbye_msg ( )
+Returns a random goodbye message.
+#### cwarp ( {x,y}/{map, x, y} )
+Closes the dialog, then warps the player.
+- If map is not specified, will slide to coordinates.
+- If no coordinates are passed, will warp randomly.
+#### cshop ( {name} )
+Closes the dialog, then opens a shop.
+It is optimized for evol use, so {name} should always be supplied.
+#### cstorage ( )
+Closes the dialog, then opens storage.
+#### bye ( {emote} )
+// closes the dialog without waiting for the player to press close
+// can also display an emote
+#### goodbye ( {emote} )
+// same as bye, but also displays a canned message
+// can also display an emote
+#### goodbye2 ( {emote} )
+// Waits for the player to press close, displays a canned message,
+// ends execution.
+// Can also display an emote
+### Vault
+## Pre-Loading Functions
+Most of these are scripts, with some exceptions. They are pre-loading because they
+may be needed by other scripts.
+### clear_vars
+#### ClearVariables ( )
+Post-login updater for players
+#### ServerUpdate ( )
+Post-Init updater for server
+### asklanguage
+#### languagecode()
+Returns the string language code of user's language.
+#### asklanguage()
+Allows player to change their game language.
+### inventoryplace
+#### inventoryplace ( {item, number, item, number, item, number...} )
+Checks if player have enough space for the items.
+Closes dialog if false.
+### random-talk
+### inc_sc_bonus
+#### SC_Bonus ( delay, SC, min{, max} )
+// Applies effects for INC_* (STR doesn't exist)
+// Doesn't works: SC_STRUP
+/// Untested Values: WALKSPEED (reverse logic) INVINCIBLE (broken)
+// PS. SC_FURY causes crit rate to increase
+// Variables:
+// .@delay Second of buffing
+// .@type SC_*
+// .@min Min amount of type
+// .@max Max amount of type (optional)
+#### SC_Bonus2(delay, SC1, val1, val2)
+Same as SC_Bonus, but when the SC takes two values.
+### commands/kami
+### filters
+Filters for array_filter and other callbacks.
+#### filter_always( id )
+Always return true.
+#### filter_onlyme( id )
+Returns true if id is your account id.
+#### filter_notme( id )
+Returns true if id is not your account id.
+#### filter_sameguild( id )
+Returns true if id is in the same guild as you, incl. yourself.
+#### filter_sameguildnotyou( id )
+Returns true if id is in the same guild as you, excl. yourself.
+#### filter_sameparty( id )
+Returns true if id is in the same party as you, incl. yourself.
+#### filter_sameguildorparty( id )
+Returns true if id is in the same guild or party as you, incl. yourself.
+#### filter_sameguildorpartynotyou( id )
+See above. Excludes yourself.
+#### filter_hostile( id )
+Returns true if id is:
+- An hostile player in a PvP map, honoring noparty and noguild subrules
+- A monster
+- An hostile homunculus
+- A hostile pet
+- A hostile mercenary
+- A hostile elemental
+- A player/slave not in same guild or party.
+Always return false for npcs.
+#### filter_friendly( id )
+Returns true if id is not hostile (See above)
+#### filter_notboss( id )
+Returns true if id is not a boss monster.
+### quests
+## Main Functions
+These are functions and scripts used largely by NPCs.
+### alchemy
+Handles **all** alchemy tables in the world.
+#### AlchemySystem ( )
+Invokes Alchemy system, even without a table.
+Returns `true` if concatenation was successful.
+### banker
+#### Banking ( )
+Handles GP operations
+#### Banker ( )
+Handles a Bank - Complete: GP, storage, mail, quests if any.
+### barber
+#### BarberSayStyle ( {what} )
+// what: 1 = Style; 2 = Color; 3 = Style + Color in dialog
+#### BarberChangeStyle ( )
+Private function
+#### BarberChangeColor ( )
+Private function
+#### BarberChangeBodyType ( )
+Private function
+#### BarberChangeRace ( )
+Private function
+#### Barber ( {intro=True} )
+A barber NPC. If intro is not set, can be used by dialogs.
+### dailyquest
+:warn: Deprecated.
+Requires a full rewrite.
+### ferry
+Configures ferries.
+### travelers
+### game_rules
+#### GameRules ( )
+Show the rules for the player.
+### inn
+#### Inn ({price})
+And old function for inns; Should not be used.
+### magic
+Contains the old functions for magic NPCs.
+### mob_points
+### process_equip
+### slot_machine
+### soul_menhir
+### water_bottle
+### evil_obelisk
+:warn: Deprecated.
+Used solely for Hurnscald Evil Obelisk.
+Requires hidden, undocumented PC variables.
+### lockpicking
+#### LockPicking ( )
+This is the original Iilia's lockpicking function, not Moubootaur Legends version.
+Therefore, it is not flexible and not fit for reuse.
+### default_npc_checks
+#### PCtoNPCRange ( {distance=4} )
+Same as setting `.distance` OnInit, but warn players they need to move closer.
+#### CheckInventory
+:warn: Deprecated.
+Used solely for Trick'n'Treat.
+### undead_debug
+### headstyles
+Creates a few variables:
+- `setarray $@hairstyle$`
+- `setarray $@haircolor$`
+- `setarray $@REFEXP`
+### stat_reset
+### quiz
+### dynamic_menu
+:warn: Deprecated.
+Use menuint and rif instead.
+### DyeConfig
+Creates a few variables:
+- `setarray $@DYE_color_names$`
+- `setarray $@DYE_colors$`
+- `setarray $@DYE_items$`
+- `setarray $@DYE_item_names$`
+### motd
+### motdconfig
+### miriam
+Private functions
+### ghost
+Private functions
+### location
+Coordinates location system, including respawns.
+Sets a few arrays:
+#### ResaveRespawn ( )
+Resaves your respawn point
+#### ReturnTown ( )
+Warps you to the town saved in `LOCATION$`
+#### LocToMap ( LocName )
+Retrieves map name from location name
+#### MapToLoc ( MapName )
+Retrieves location name from map name
+#### TPToLoc ( TPCode )
+Retrieves map name from TP constant
+#### POL_LocToTP ( TOWNCODE )
+Actually, a manual conversion from location name to its TP code.
+#### EnterTown( LocName )
+Updates `LOCATION$` variable
+#### teleporthome ( )
+Warps home and updates LOCATION$
+### weather
+### marriage
+## Items Functions
+used with callfunc(), when it was quite too much script code to be added on
+item_db.conf directly. One file per item, and should be used only for the item.
+## Magic Functions
+The post-loader (`global_event_handler`) will load magic spells from here.
+Each file is a magic spell of its own, with a couple exceptions:
+### magic/config
+Loaded before all magic spells.
+### magic/final
+Loaded after all magic spells.
+## Commands
+These define GM Commands.
+## Events
+These define annual and repeatable events. Mostly.
+## Post-Loading Functions
+These are mostly NPCs responsible for cleaning up the whole script and functions
+interface so NPCs can be loaded after.
+### Scoreboards
+### Global Event Handler
+Handles login events, logout events, death, assassinate, server init, clear logs,
+and also handles the backbone of die() function.