path: root/langs/lang_pl.txt
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1 files changed, 343 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.txt b/langs/lang_pl.txt
index 2908e1a21..32f230896 100644
--- a/langs/lang_pl.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_pl.txt
@@ -527,6 +527,9 @@ ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
+Able to write a poem
Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
Żeglarze na pokładzie próbują się z tobą porozumieć.
@@ -560,6 +563,12 @@ Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back
Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
Aemil jest cudownym nieznanym nam światem.
+After all this time, it was still there!
After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
Po wyborze broni, musisz też wiedzieć jak nią władać.
@@ -569,9 +578,6 @@ Agi: %d (%d~%d)
Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Ah, great! Now you get a nice discount on a piou.
Ah, these... Citizens like buying them as pets.
@@ -680,6 +686,12 @@ Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's
Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's a friend or a foe...#1
+Alright, see you later then!
+Alright, you will need this shovel.
Alright. I will go looking for them now.
W porządku. Pójdę ich teraz poszukać.
@@ -698,6 +710,9 @@ Alternative clouds appeared.
Alternative clouds have disappeared.
An invalid number was specified.
@@ -710,15 +725,27 @@ A teraz chciałbym widziec jak uciekasz!
And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
A teraz jestem żeglarzem, jak widzisz!
+And rhyming is not too
And then what happened?
I wtedy co się stało ?
+And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
+And tried to attract him thus.
And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
A co mi dasz w zamian za te informację ?
And when we will got enought money to don't depend of anybody
+And with my piou! That's wonderful, I can't think at how hard that was to catch it.
And you, how are you doing?
A ty - jak się masz?
@@ -749,6 +776,12 @@ Jeśli jesteś zainteresowana, zerknij na mój worek.#0
Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, zerknij na mój worek.#1
+Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
+Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
Appearance changed.
@@ -803,6 +836,9 @@ Artis oczywiście!
As a thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
+As on anvil strikes the hammer
As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the alliances found a land.
@@ -1013,6 +1049,9 @@ Baby Warlock
Baby Wizard
@@ -1058,15 +1097,27 @@ Trochę więcej cierpliwości, za kilka dni będziemy w porcie Artis...
Because of the dense foliage on the trees you need to go close to them not to miss him.
+Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
+Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
Zanim pójdziesz, powiem Ci jak zdobyć @@s, ponieważ nie wyglądasz na domyślną osobę.
+Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
+Better take it back to Q'Onan.
@@ -1097,6 +1148,9 @@ Skrzynia
Break the door.
Wyważ drzwi.
+Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
Zanieś tę skrzynię Gugliemu. Będzie niezmiernie szczęśliwy!
@@ -1106,6 +1160,9 @@ Bun
But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
@@ -1145,6 +1202,9 @@ Ale co najważniejsze, to ona zajmowała się Tobą, kiedy byłaś nieprzytomna.
But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
Ale co najważniejsze, to ona zajmowała się Tobą, kiedy byłeś nieprzytomny.
+But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
Ale pamiętaj, że nie każde miejsce na świecie jest bezpieczne. Nawet białe brzegi którymi chodzisz, mogą ukrywać niebezpieczeństwa.
@@ -1313,6 +1373,9 @@ Chest#Artis
+Chorus of the Woods
@@ -1346,6 +1409,9 @@ No dalej, Sap! Tylko straszysz naszego gościa, swoimi opowieściami.#0
Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
No dalej, Sap! Tylko straszysz naszego gościa, swoimi opowieściami.#1
+Come on, don't be a coward!
Commands are disabled in this map.
@@ -1379,6 +1445,9 @@ Mogę spytać, jakiego języka używasz? Jeden z członków załogi twierdził,
Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Mogę spytać, jakiego języka używasz? Jeden z członków załogi twierdził, że to rosyjski, inny że francuski... Pogubiłam się. Zaraz po tym zarejestruję cię na statku.
+Could you do a small favour for me?
Could you explain to me where I am?
Możesz mi wyjaśnić gdzie ja właściwie jestem?
@@ -1412,6 +1481,9 @@ Croc
@@ -1493,6 +1565,9 @@ Did you find my brother?
Did you say reward? I want it!
Powiedziałeś "nagroda"? Wchodzę w to!
Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
@@ -1538,6 +1613,9 @@ Chcesz, abym poszedł ją zobaczyć?
Do you want to cut this @@?
Chcesz ściąć ten @@?
+Do you want to read it?
Do you want to try?
Chcesz spróbować?
@@ -1553,6 +1631,9 @@ Dolfina
+Don't be shy, you are nice
Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll have to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.#0
@@ -1775,6 +1856,9 @@ File not found.
File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
+Find an order with them
Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
Ok, możesz proszę powiedzieć mi gdzie mogę znaleźć żeglarzy Gugliego ?
@@ -1847,6 +1931,9 @@ Friend removed.
From what I here, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible; to collect loads of neat things, that can be found on the island.
+From your mind, break the ice
@@ -1931,6 +2018,9 @@ Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures
Go away.
Idź stąd.
+Go on.
Golden blonde
@@ -1976,6 +2066,9 @@ Wspaniale, jakie pożywienie masz dla mnie dzisiaj?
Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
Wspaniale, jakie pożywienie masz dla mnie dzisiaj?
+Great, you get your piece of cake, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
Greetings traveler.#0
Witaj wędrowniczko.
@@ -2153,6 +2246,9 @@ Lubi się chować niedaleko małego jeziora na północny-zachód wyspy.
He needs more food.
On potrzebuje więcej pożywienia.
+He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
@@ -2168,6 +2264,9 @@ He's holding a fishing rod, and his eyes are pointed towards the surface of the
Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
Słuchaj sso mówię *hip* no, cobyśś *hep* nie mówił... uhm... że co!? Sam widziałeś, Gildia Esperii wyciszy sprawę.
+Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
@@ -2387,6 +2486,9 @@ Hmm... zobaczmy, wezmę ten.
Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
Hmmmm mhh *kaszle". *kaszle*. Co... Co to jest?!... *kaszle*... Cholerny Gado... *kaszle*
+Holding a cheese in his beak.
Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
@@ -2435,6 +2537,9 @@ How long will you stay here?
How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
Co za bezczelność! Jaki powód stoi za twymi słowami?
+Howdy, partner in crime?
However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
Jednakże, wraz z latem nadeszła suza a zima była mroźniejsza niż kiedykolwiek.
@@ -2453,6 +2558,9 @@ Hurry up!
Hurry, hurry! We need to check it's teeth!
+Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
@@ -2510,9 +2618,18 @@ Owszem, a kim ty jesteś?
I appreciate your help, @@.
+I asked you to do me a favour, so why are you here?
+I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
I came here, looking for a better life.
+I can finally pay off my debts.
I can walk again!
@@ -2585,6 +2702,9 @@ I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
I guess so... I will leave you alone.
Domyślam się, że tak... Pozostawię Cię samego.
+I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
Przyniosłem smakowity prezent dla twych delikatnych ust.
@@ -2606,6 +2726,9 @@ Mam nadzieję, że to wystarczy za odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie.
I hope to come back at home when days will be better
+I hope to see you soon.
I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
Mam nadzieję, że się nie gniewasz iż użyliśmy tratwy do budowy rampy.
@@ -2621,6 +2744,9 @@ I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prep
I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
Wiem, że dopiero zaczynasz czuć się lepiej, ale chciałbym Ci powierzyć zadanie specjalne.
+I like money! Consider it done.
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.
@@ -2666,6 +2792,9 @@ Przypominam sobie, że widziałem Gulukana, Astapolosa i Q'Mullera.
I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
+I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
@@ -2747,6 +2876,9 @@ I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
Myślę że będzie to szybko zrobione. Niedługo będzie skrzynka pełna @@s!
+I was afraid to be busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
Miałem właśnie ciebie zapytać, czy nie potrzebowałbyś jakiejkolwiek pomocy.
@@ -2834,6 +2966,9 @@ Jestem nieco chora...
I'm a bit sick...#1
Jestem nieco chory...
+I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
I'm busy right now, I will get back to you later.
@@ -2855,6 +2990,9 @@ Zaczynam wariować, muszę zjeść coś innego!
I'm lost, where should I go?
+I'm not proud of it, but I had to get money for living.
I'm not suited for this kind of work!
Nie jestem przystosowany do takiej pracy!
@@ -2864,6 +3002,9 @@ Nie jestem pewien. Prawdopodobnie opuścili statek wcześnie rano, kiedy jeszcze
I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
Ja taki głupi to nieestemm... *hep* cożście tam naodkrywli, i tak mnie *hep* nie dorwiecie!
+I'm on my way to bring it back to you!
I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
Przepraszam ale nie widzę nigdzie twojego imienia.
@@ -2939,9 +3080,18 @@ i...
If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
Jeśli wiedziałbym *hik* kim byłeś... *hik* to nie pomagałbym tobie!
+If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
+If words beat in rhythm
If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
+If you don't like to
If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
@@ -2975,6 +3125,9 @@ W zasadzie, wszystko działa doskonale pod Twoim przewodnictwem. Nard dokonał s
In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
+In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
@@ -3128,12 +3281,18 @@ Wygląda na to że potrzebujesz klucza by otworzyć te drzwi.
It seems you still have some work to do.
Wygląda na to że, zostało ci jeszcze trochę pracy do wykonania.
+It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to the Artis Hill.
It was something like a long nap.
To przypominało długą drzemkę.
It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
Dobrze Ci zrobi, jak poćwiczysz, statek jest na to zbyt mały.
+It's @@ @@.
It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
@@ -3164,12 +3323,18 @@ It's not as good as my new one, but still useful.
It's ok.
W porządku.
+It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
It's so hard to find the motivation...
Tak ciężko znaleźć motywację...
It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
+It's the good one and, ahem!
It's true!
To prawda!
@@ -3266,6 +3431,9 @@ Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only th
Just look at the water! There's plenty of fish there.
+Just say something sparkling
@@ -3278,6 +3446,9 @@ Killer state reset.
+Know that every flatterer,
Lagoon blue
@@ -3329,6 +3500,9 @@ Sprawdzę moją listę ciastek.
Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
Pozwól, że się przedstawię - jestem Nard, kapitan tego okrętu.
+Let me open it with my key.
Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
Popatrzmy... Chrupiące nóżki...paskudne płyny...Zaczynajmy !
@@ -3338,12 +3512,18 @@ Powiedzmy że osoba która mi to powiedziała jest powszechnie szanowana na tym
Light violet
+Like I promised, here is your share.
Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.
Little Blub
+Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
Życie na statku jest super, ale czasem potrzeba świeżego powietrza.
@@ -3365,6 +3545,9 @@ Long ponytail
Look how splendid this landscape is!
Rozejrzyj się jak piękny jest ten krajobraz!
+Look who is back...
Look, here he is!
Patrz, on jest tutaj!
@@ -3416,6 +3599,12 @@ Map not found.
Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
+Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
+Master Piou sat on a tree,
@@ -3524,6 +3713,9 @@ Nazywam się Astapolos. K'Miller i ja dołączyliśmy do ekipy Nard kilka lat te
My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
Nazywam się Julia, to ja zajęłam się Tobą po wylowieniu Cię z morza.
+My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
@@ -3659,6 +3851,12 @@ No longer spying on the %s guild.
No longer spying on the %s party.
+No matter the grammar
+No matter the spelling
No more pain, thanks to you.
@@ -4091,6 +4289,9 @@ Nasza załoga jest jak rodzina i jeśli zgadzasz się pomóc nam, chciałbym zap
Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
+Over lovers under a starry night
Packet 0x%x length: %d
@@ -4457,6 +4658,9 @@ Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <messa
Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
+Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on the Artis Hill.
Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
@@ -4469,6 +4673,12 @@ Please, have a seat.
Plushroom Field
+Poem about Poems
+Poem is making the words dance
@@ -4478,6 +4688,9 @@ Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe
+Princess Slayer
@@ -4625,6 +4838,9 @@ Rune Knight T
+Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
@@ -4640,6 +4856,9 @@ Salem#001-1
+Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
Script could not be loaded.
@@ -4718,6 +4937,9 @@ Shadow Chaser
Shadow Chaser T
+Share your mind is your mission
She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
Jest moją dobrą przyjaciółką... Chcieliśmy się pobrać na kilka tygodni przed wypadkiem, ale...
@@ -4790,6 +5012,9 @@ Skills have been enabled in this map.
Slave clone spawned.
+Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
@@ -4835,6 +5060,9 @@ Więc, jak tam? Wszyscy członkowie załogi już cię poznali?
So, what can I do for you?
Więc, co mogę dla ciebie zrobić ?
+So, what do you say?
So, what was I saying?
A więc o czym mówiłem?
@@ -5021,6 +5249,9 @@ Surprise me
+Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
@@ -5129,6 +5360,9 @@ Dzięki za pomoc!
Thanks for the help!
Dziękuję za pomoc!
+That makes everybody
That would be great!
@@ -5138,6 +5372,9 @@ That's exactly what I needed.
That's good to hear!
Dobrze to słyszeć!
+That's not the question
That's perfect, yoiis.#0
To doskonale, yoiis.#0
@@ -5150,6 +5387,15 @@ To dość zaskakujące ... Nie wyglądasz bardzo pomocnie. # 0
That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
To dość zaskakujące ... Nie wyglądasz bardzo pomocnie. # 1
+The Fluffy seized it and said: \
+The Piou and The Fluffy
+The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
The adventure begins!
Przygoda się rozpoczyna!
@@ -5216,10 +5462,16 @@ The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
+The music of the trees floats through the breeze
+The name of the book is @@.
The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
Ta stara księga mówi o legendzie Aemilu. Chciałbyś ją przeczytać?
-The piou costs @@E
+The piou costs @@E.
The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
@@ -5396,6 +5648,9 @@ This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes
This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
+This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt.\
This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
To miłe miejsce... Fajne laski...
@@ -5507,6 +5762,9 @@ Szkoda, nie jestem wystarczająco głodny teraz na te.... ciastka. Może wróć
Too bad... Come back when you have some choice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
+Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
Toppy Blub
@@ -5531,6 +5789,9 @@ Głos Trytana
+True be or not true be
True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
@@ -5831,6 +6092,9 @@ Jesteśmy szczęśliwi że kapitan Nard pozwolił Ci do nas dołączyć!#0
We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
Jesteśmy szczęśliwi że kapitan Nard pozwolił Ci do nas dołączyć!#1
+We are very lucky, my friend.
We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
@@ -5987,6 +6251,9 @@ What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
Co robisz w mojej kuchni?! Wynocha! To nie jest miejsce dla dzieci!
+What are you going to do?
What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
Co wy, przecież widać że to Bublak!#0
@@ -6059,12 +6326,18 @@ A jak wezmę już te ubrania, to co mam zrobić?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
A jak wezmę już te ubrania, to co mam zrobić?
+What should I do, again?
What will be the bait for the fish?
What would you like me to change?
+What would you like to bury?
What yeye could I do for you today?
W czym mogę blublać?
@@ -6089,6 +6362,12 @@ Co? Czemu? Nie są bardziej sexy niż ja, dlaczego chcesz je zobaczyć?
What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
Co? Ten trytan to najgorszy nierób, jakiego znam.
+Whatever inside can be
+Whatever your idea
When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
Kiedy widzisz coś co wygląda bardziej jak błąd niż jak funkcja, zgłoś to tutaj albo spróbuj\nskontaktować się z współautorami gry.
@@ -6152,6 +6431,9 @@ Kogo powinienem sprawdzić ?
Who's this Julia?
Kto to jest ta Julia?
+Whose eyes glisten under Moonlight
Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
Czemu Francuz? To przecież Rosjanka!
@@ -6194,6 +6476,9 @@ With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions; you have the disturbing
With my old fishing rod you can catch something every day.
+With no choir master nor voice to be sung
With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
@@ -6203,6 +6488,9 @@ With script
+Words become music and glance
Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
Łał. Wygląda na to że wszyscy wiedzą jak się nazywam.
@@ -6347,9 +6635,15 @@ You already looked here
You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
Już wziąłeś Bandanę, prosze odłóż tą spowrotem do pudełka.
+You are a handsome and good looking bird!
You are already mounting something else
+You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.
You are full of wine, my friend...
Mój drogi przyjacielu, nawet z winem co za dużo, to nie zdrowo.
@@ -6401,6 +6695,9 @@ Od teraz jesteś członkiem załogi... Przynajmniej dla nas tu na dole!
You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
Jesteś na tratwie dryfującej po morzu.
+You are the Phoenix of this forest.\
You are too weak, what is a piece of bone like you doing around here?
@@ -6410,6 +6707,9 @@ You are unable to change your job.
You broke the target's weapon.
+You buried @@ @@.
You can already rename your pet.
@@ -6503,6 +6803,9 @@ You can't trade in this map
You can't use commands while dead.
+You can't use the shovel here.
You can't withdraw that much money
@@ -6575,9 +6878,15 @@ You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Get rid of some junk and c
You don't have this quest skill.
+You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
You found him!
+You found something!
You have %d new emails (%d unread)
@@ -6653,9 +6962,15 @@ You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutena
You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
+You hide your shovel.
You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
Uderzasz za mocno i tracisz @@.
+You hold the shovel in your hangs.
You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
@@ -6740,6 +7055,9 @@ You scare the piou, but let it go.
You search the tree but don't find anybody
+You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
@@ -6749,6 +7067,9 @@ You see a young elven girl, with a grimace of pain on her face.
You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the ocean.
+You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
You see these pious around us?
Widzisz piou wokół nas?
@@ -7124,6 +7445,9 @@ Zzzzzzzzz...
a ground!
@@ -7181,6 +7505,12 @@ npc1
@@ -7211,9 +7541,18 @@ right hand,
skill %d: %s (%s)
top head,
+tricked thus again.