path: root/npc
diff options
authorJesusaves <>2022-06-04 17:17:18 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2022-06-04 17:17:18 -0300
commit423a6264dda598b1ba87ffce35001bc62fe928ac (patch)
tree1c3ac2de92c5c0da91f3ae65e065b5d9ed0c341c /npc
parentcd85f89af12067e72343ad5c2b3a79583108464a (diff)
Include Dungeon Map - Now you can find RANDOM DUNGEONS!
Diffstat (limited to 'npc')
9 files changed, 343 insertions, 493 deletions
diff --git a/npc/001-14/ctrl.txt b/npc/001-14/ctrl.txt
index 715cf8cc8..070c1c5a2 100644
--- a/npc/001-14/ctrl.txt
+++ b/npc/001-14/ctrl.txt
@@ -332,235 +332,8 @@ OnInit:
@moly_chall = 8;
- .@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
- .@my=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
- .@tl=(20-.@mx)*(20-.@my) * 3 / 10; // Total tiles + collision guess
- .@tl=.@tl / rand2(12,16) + 1; // Monster density is a bit random
- /* *** Copied from 006-5/groata.txt & 018-2-2/main.txt! *** */
- /* ********** Spawn monsters based on your level ********** */
- .@lv = max(6, BaseLevel) - 5;
- .@mb[0] = MagicGoblin;
- .@mb[1] = CaveMaggot;
- // Artillery
- if (.@lv > 40)
- array_push(.@mb, RobinBandit);
- if (.@lv > 50)
- array_push(.@mb, DustGatling);
- if (.@lv > 60)
- array_push(.@mb, DustRifle);
- if (.@lv > 70)
- array_push(.@mb, DustRevolver);
- if (.@lv > 80)
- array_push(.@mb, DustBoss);
- if (.@lv > 90)
- array_push(.@mb, GreatMoubooSlime);
- if (.@lv > 100)
- array_push(.@mb, Jhon);
- // Monsters
- if (is_between2(0, .@lv, 40)) {
- array_push(.@mb, Piou);
- array_push(.@mb, Piousse);
- array_push(.@mb, Squirrel);
- array_push(.@mb, ManaPiou);
- array_push(.@mb, ForestPiou);
- array_push(.@mb, RedButterfly);
- array_push(.@mb, Maggot);
- array_push(.@mb, CandorScorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, HouseMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, LittleYellowSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Ratto);
- array_push(.@mb, RudolphSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, MoubooSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Croc);
- array_push(.@mb, Scorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, SmallFrog);
- }
- if (is_between2(10, .@lv, 50)) {
- array_push(.@mb, BigFrog);
- array_push(.@mb, Lavern);
- array_push(.@mb, LittleRedSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, ChocolateSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Blub);
- array_push(.@mb, Duck);
- array_push(.@mb, Bat);
- array_push(.@mb, CaveMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, ManaGhost);
- array_push(.@mb, ManaBug);
- array_push(.@mb, Fluffy);
- array_push(.@mb, FireGoblin);
- array_push(.@mb, ViciousSquirrel);
- array_push(.@mb, RedScorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, WhiteSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, AzulSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, DesertLogHead);
- }
- if (is_between2(20, .@lv, 50)) {
- array_push(.@mb, RedSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, PoisonSpikyMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, DesertBandit);
- array_push(.@mb, OceanCroc);
- array_push(.@mb, ToppyBlub);
- array_push(.@mb, Sarracenus);
- array_push(.@mb, IceMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, VampireBat);
- array_push(.@mb, Bandit);
- array_push(.@mb, Pinkie);
- array_push(.@mb, LivingPotato);
- array_push(.@mb, Assassin);
- array_push(.@mb, Skeleton);
- }
- if (is_between2(30, .@lv, 60)) {
- array_push(.@mb, CaveSnake);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, CopperSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, YellowSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, SantaSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, LavaSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Bluepar);
- array_push(.@mb, DeathCat);
- array_push(.@mb, Moggun);
- array_push(.@mb, SeaSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, RedMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, Mouboo);
- array_push(.@mb, LogHead);
- array_push(.@mb, CandiedSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, OldSnake);
- array_push(.@mb, GrassSnake);
- }
- if (is_between2(40, .@lv, 70)) {
- array_push(.@mb, GiantMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, IcedFluffy);
- array_push(.@mb, Snake);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Tipiou);
- array_push(.@mb, AlphaMouboo);
- array_push(.@mb, Pollet);
- array_push(.@mb, PiouKnight);
- array_push(.@mb, Shrewboo);
- }
- if (is_between2(40, .@lv, 80)) {
- array_push(.@mb, Wolvern);
- array_push(.@mb, FireSkull);
- array_push(.@mb, DarkLizard);
- }
- if (is_between2(50, .@lv, 90)) {
- array_push(.@mb, ArmoredSkeleton);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackScorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, ElectroWorm);
- array_push(.@mb, EarthFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, FireFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, WaterFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, WindFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, PoisonFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, MountainSnake);
- array_push(.@mb, HoodedNinja);
- array_push(.@mb, ForestMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, GoldenScorpion);
- }
- if (is_between2(60, .@lv, 100)) {
- array_push(.@mb, Yeti);
- array_push(.@mb, FallenGuard1);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, SnowFlower);
- array_push(.@mb, BlueSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, WickedMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, CopperSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, YellowSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, RedSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, ChocolateSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, WhiteSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, Archant);
- array_push(.@mb, Scar);
- }
- if (is_between2(70, .@lv, 110)) {
- array_push(.@mb, AzulSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, SeaSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, LavaSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, Crafty);
- array_push(.@mb, Forain);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenDragon);
- array_push(.@mb, Michel);
- array_push(.@mb, Troll);
- }
- if (is_between2(80, .@lv, 120)) {
- array_push(.@mb, EliteDuck);
- array_push(.@mb, AzulSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Moonshroom);
- array_push(.@mb, RedSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Terranite);
- array_push(.@mb, JackO);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackMamba);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, BloodyMouboo);
- array_push(.@mb, Centaur);
- array_push(.@mb, GoboBear);
- }
- if (is_between2(90, .@lv, 130)) {
- array_push(.@mb, CopperSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, LavaSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, GiantCaveMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, TerraniteProtector);
- array_push(.@mb, VanityPixie);
- array_push(.@mb, HolyPixie);
- }
- if (is_between2(100, .@lv, 140)) {
- array_push(.@mb, ShadowPixie);
- array_push(.@mb, NulityPixie);
- array_push(.@mb, Reaper);
- array_push(.@mb, NightmareDragon);
- array_push(.@mb, Snail);
- array_push(.@mb, WhirlyBird);
- }
- if (is_between2(110, .@lv, 150)) {
- array_push(.@mb, PinkieSuseran);
- array_push(.@mb, Mandragora);
- array_push(.@mb, PinkieMaximus);
- }
- if (.@lv > 120) {
- array_push(.@mb, Junglefowl);
- array_push(.@mb, Tengu);
- array_push(.@mb, Moubi);
- }
- if (.@lv > 130) {
- array_push(.@mb, SuperiorShroom);
- array_push(.@mb, Nutcracker);
- array_push(.@mb, Golem);
- }
- if (.@lv > 140) {
- array_push(.@mb, SiegeTower);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenhornAbomination);
- array_push(.@mb, ShadowTortuga);
- array_push(.@mb, FireElement);
- array_push(.@mb, WaterElement);
- array_push(.@mb, EarthElement);
- array_push(.@mb, WindElement);
- }
- if (.@lv > 150) {
- array_push(.@mb, SacredWisp);
- array_push(.@mb, EvilWisp);
- array_push(.@mb, PanthomWisp);
- array_push(.@mb, EpiphanyWisp);
- }
- if (.@lv > 175)
- array_push(.@mb, Tortuga);
- // Initialize instance but without InitMaze and short lived
- instance_set_timeout(900, 900, MAZE_INST);
- instance_init(MAZE_INST);
- /* Spawn them and make hostile */
- freeloop(true);
- for (.@i = 0; .@i < 1+(.@tl); .@i++) {
- .@mid = any_of(.@mb);
- .@m=areamonster(MAZE_MAP$, 20, 20, .@mx, .@my, strmobinfo(1, .@mid), .@mid, 1);
- set_aggro(.@m);
- }
- freeloop(false);
+ MazeMobs((max(6, BaseLevel) - 5), false, rand2(12,16));
+ InitMaze(900, false, false);
// Create the target boss
.@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
@@ -571,22 +344,6 @@ OnInit:
setunitdata(.@m, UDT_LEVEL, 1);
setunitdata(.@m, UDT_MODE, MD_BOSS);
setunitdata(.@m, UDT_LUK, 32760);
- // Find random, warpable coordinates from the nearby zone
- .@e=0; .@x=0; .@y=0;
- .@mx=40;
- .@my=40;
- do {
- .@x = rand2(20, .@mx);
- .@y = rand2(20, .@my);
- .@e += 1;
- if (.@e > 30) {
- consolebug("Olympics - Too many failures at Maze \"%s\"! Trying anyway!", MAZE_MAP$);
- break;
- }
- } while (!checknpccell(MAZE_MAP$, .@x, .@y, cell_chkpass));
- warp MAZE_MAP$, .@x, .@y;
diff --git a/npc/006-8/kage.txt b/npc/006-8/kage.txt
index cf6355f14..894c6e4f4 100644
--- a/npc/006-8/kage.txt
+++ b/npc/006-8/kage.txt
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ OnFinish:
case 2: getitem any(Aquada, Piberries, Cheese, Bread), 1; break;
case 3: getitem any(Coffee, ChamomileTea, MysteriousBottle), 1; break;
case 4: getitem any(Aquada, Piberries, Cheese, Bread), 1; break;
- case 5: getitem any(ReturnPotion, TreasureMap), 1; break;
+ case 5: getitem any(ReturnPotion, TreasureMap, DungeonMap), 1; break;
case 6: getitem any(Aquada, Piberries, Cheese, Bread), 1; break;
case 7: getitem any(SmokeGrenade, DodgePotion), 1; break;
case 8: getitem any(Aquada, Piberries, Cheese, Bread), 1; break;
diff --git a/npc/017-10/dispatcher.txt b/npc/017-10/dispatcher.txt
index 5a0caa990..b47060d36 100644
--- a/npc/017-10/dispatcher.txt
+++ b/npc/017-10/dispatcher.txt
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ L_Main:
rif(gethominfo(6) >= 10, l("Deploy to Rare Mines [2h]")),
rif(gethominfo(6) >= 15, l("Deploy to Slime Nest [2h]")),
rif(gethominfo(6) >= 30, l("Deploy to Snake Pit [3h]")),
- rif(gethominfo(6) >= 55, l("Deploy to Dangerous Area [6h]")),
- rif(gethominfo(6) >= 80 && $GAME_STORYLINE >= 4, l("Deploy to Monster King Basement [8h]")),
+ rif(gethominfo(6) >= 55 && $GAME_STORYLINE >= 3, l("Deploy to Dangerous Area [6h]")),
+ rif(gethominfo(6) >= 70 && $GAME_STORYLINE >= 4, l("Deploy to Monster King Basement [8h]")),
l("Deploy to The Market [1h]"),
l("Don't deploy");
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ L_Main:
+ getitemlink(DungeonMap)+
mesc l("Rare Drops: "+
@@ -223,6 +224,7 @@ L_Main:
+ getitemlink(DungeonMap)+
@@ -360,6 +362,7 @@ function lootField {
AncientBlueprint, 1, 1500,
Lockpicks, limit(1, .@lv/30, 4), 1000,
StatusResetPotion, 1, 1000,
+ DungeonMap, 1, 700,
TreasureMap, 1, 700,
MagicApple, 1, 40);
@@ -371,6 +374,7 @@ function lootField {
SmokeGrenade, limit(1, .@lv/18, 8), 4500,
Grenade, limit(1, .@lv/28, 6), 3500,
AncientBlueprint, 1, 2500,
+ DungeonMap, 1, 2000,
TreasureMap, 1, 2000,
CrazyRum, 1, 1500,
MercBoxB, 1, 1000,
diff --git a/npc/functions/aurora.txt b/npc/functions/aurora.txt
index 2549ecd7a..2d3b5e64d 100644
--- a/npc/functions/aurora.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/aurora.txt
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function script FYT {
case 1:
return any(SmokeGrenade, ScentGrenade, Grenade, DeathPotion, Lockpicks);
case 2:
- return any(MysteriousBottle, TreasureMap);
+ return any(MysteriousBottle, TreasureMap, DungeonMap);
case 3:
return any(ArcmageBoxset, MercBoxA, ScrollSMaggot);
diff --git a/npc/functions/daily.txt b/npc/functions/daily.txt
index 3d2dc906a..e2127cfc2 100644
--- a/npc/functions/daily.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/daily.txt
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ function script daily_login_bonus_handler {
if (gettime(6) == JUNE) {
if (#TMW2_LOGINBONUS != gettime(GETTIME_YEAR) && gettime(5) == 21) {
- getitem TreasureMap, 1;
+ getitem DungeonMap, 1;
dispbottom "##B##2"+l("It's Jesusalva's anniversary!")+" "+l("Also, Summer just started. Why not taking this opportunity to go Treasure Hunting?!")+"##b##0";
diff --git a/npc/functions/event.txt b/npc/functions/event.txt
index 8ee850cbf..5d57c540b 100644
--- a/npc/functions/event.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/event.txt
@@ -82,249 +82,11 @@ OnWarpTo:
// Create maze and populate
- .@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
- .@my=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
- .@tl=(20-.@mx)*(20-.@my) * 3 / 10; // Total tiles + collision guess
- .@tl=.@tl / rand2(9,14) + 1; // Monster density is a bit random
- /* *** Copied from 006-5/groata.txt & 018-2-2/main.txt! *** */
- /* ********* Spawn monsters based on DTOWER_FLOOR ********* */
- .@lv = (BaseLevel/10) + DTOWER_FLOOR * 5;
- .@mb[0] = MagicGoblin;
- .@mb[1] = CaveMaggot;
- // Artillery & Chests
- if (.@lv > 10)
- array_push(.@mb, BronzeChest);
- if (.@lv > 20)
- array_push(.@mb, SmallMagicBif);
- if (.@lv > 30)
- array_push(.@mb, Bif);
- if (.@lv > 40)
- array_push(.@mb, RobinBandit);
- if (.@lv > 45)
- array_push(.@mb, SilverChest);
- if (.@lv > 50)
- array_push(.@mb, DustGatling);
- if (.@lv > 55)
- array_push(.@mb, MagicBif);
- if (.@lv > 60)
- array_push(.@mb, DustRifle);
- if (.@lv > 70)
- array_push(.@mb, DustRevolver);
- if (.@lv > 75)
- array_push(.@mb, GoldenChest);
- if (.@lv > 80)
- array_push(.@mb, DustBoss);
- if (.@lv > 85)
- array_push(.@mb, BigMagicBif);
- if (.@lv > 90)
- array_push(.@mb, GreatMoubooSlime);
- if (.@lv > 100)
- array_push(.@mb, Jhon);
- if (.@lv > 105)
- array_push(.@mb, PrismChest);
- // Monsters
- if (is_between2(0, .@lv, 30)) {
- array_push(.@mb, Piou);
- array_push(.@mb, Piousse);
- array_push(.@mb, Squirrel);
- array_push(.@mb, ManaPiou);
- array_push(.@mb, ForestPiou);
- array_push(.@mb, RedButterfly);
- array_push(.@mb, Maggot);
- array_push(.@mb, CandorScorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, HouseMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, LittleYellowSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Ratto);
- array_push(.@mb, RudolphSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, MoubooSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Croc);
- array_push(.@mb, Scorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, SmallFrog);
- }
- if (is_between2(10, .@lv, 40)) {
- array_push(.@mb, BigFrog);
- array_push(.@mb, Lavern);
- array_push(.@mb, LittleRedSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, ChocolateSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Blub);
- array_push(.@mb, Duck);
- array_push(.@mb, Bat);
- array_push(.@mb, CaveMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, ManaGhost);
- array_push(.@mb, ManaBug);
- array_push(.@mb, Fluffy);
- array_push(.@mb, FireGoblin);
- array_push(.@mb, ViciousSquirrel);
- array_push(.@mb, RedScorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, WhiteSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, AzulSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, DesertLogHead);
- }
- if (is_between2(20, .@lv, 50)) {
- array_push(.@mb, RedSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, PoisonSpikyMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, DesertBandit);
- array_push(.@mb, OceanCroc);
- array_push(.@mb, ToppyBlub);
- array_push(.@mb, Sarracenus);
- array_push(.@mb, IceMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, VampireBat);
- array_push(.@mb, Bandit);
- array_push(.@mb, Pinkie);
- array_push(.@mb, LivingPotato);
- array_push(.@mb, Assassin);
- array_push(.@mb, Skeleton);
- }
- if (is_between2(30, .@lv, 60)) {
- array_push(.@mb, CaveSnake);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, CopperSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, YellowSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, SantaSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, LavaSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Bluepar);
- array_push(.@mb, DeathCat);
- array_push(.@mb, Moggun);
- array_push(.@mb, SeaSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, RedMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, Mouboo);
- array_push(.@mb, LogHead);
- array_push(.@mb, CandiedSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, OldSnake);
- array_push(.@mb, GrassSnake);
- }
- if (is_between2(40, .@lv, 70)) {
- array_push(.@mb, GiantMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, IcedFluffy);
- array_push(.@mb, Snake);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Tipiou);
- array_push(.@mb, AlphaMouboo);
- array_push(.@mb, Pollet);
- array_push(.@mb, PiouKnight);
- array_push(.@mb, Shrewboo);
- }
- if (is_between2(40, .@lv, 80)) {
- array_push(.@mb, Wolvern);
- array_push(.@mb, FireSkull);
- array_push(.@mb, DarkLizard);
- }
- if (is_between2(50, .@lv, 90)) {
- array_push(.@mb, ArmoredSkeleton);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackScorpion);
- array_push(.@mb, ElectroWorm);
- array_push(.@mb, EarthFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, FireFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, WaterFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, WindFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, PoisonFairy);
- array_push(.@mb, MountainSnake);
- array_push(.@mb, HoodedNinja);
- array_push(.@mb, ForestMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, GoldenScorpion);
- }
- if (is_between2(60, .@lv, 100)) {
- array_push(.@mb, Yeti);
- array_push(.@mb, FallenGuard1);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, SnowFlower);
- array_push(.@mb, BlueSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, WickedMushroom);
- array_push(.@mb, CopperSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, YellowSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, RedSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, ChocolateSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, WhiteSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, Archant);
- array_push(.@mb, Scar);
- }
- if (is_between2(70, .@lv, 110)) {
- array_push(.@mb, AzulSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, SeaSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, LavaSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackSlimeMother);
- array_push(.@mb, Crafty);
- array_push(.@mb, Forain);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenDragon);
- array_push(.@mb, Michel);
- array_push(.@mb, Troll);
- }
- if (is_between2(80, .@lv, 120)) {
- array_push(.@mb, EliteDuck);
- array_push(.@mb, AzulSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Moonshroom);
- array_push(.@mb, RedSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, Terranite);
- array_push(.@mb, JackO);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackMamba);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, BloodyMouboo);
- array_push(.@mb, Centaur);
- array_push(.@mb, GoboBear);
- }
- if (is_between2(90, .@lv, 130)) {
- array_push(.@mb, CopperSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, LavaSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, BlackSkullSlime);
- array_push(.@mb, GiantCaveMaggot);
- array_push(.@mb, TerraniteProtector);
- array_push(.@mb, VanityPixie);
- array_push(.@mb, HolyPixie);
- }
- if (is_between2(100, .@lv, 140)) {
- array_push(.@mb, ShadowPixie);
- array_push(.@mb, NulityPixie);
- array_push(.@mb, Reaper);
- array_push(.@mb, NightmareDragon);
- array_push(.@mb, Snail);
- array_push(.@mb, WhirlyBird);
- }
- if (is_between2(110, .@lv, 150)) {
- array_push(.@mb, PinkieSuseran);
- array_push(.@mb, Mandragora);
- array_push(.@mb, PinkieMaximus);
- }
- if (.@lv > 120) {
- array_push(.@mb, Junglefowl);
- array_push(.@mb, Tengu);
- array_push(.@mb, Moubi);
- }
- if (.@lv > 130) {
- array_push(.@mb, SuperiorShroom);
- array_push(.@mb, Nutcracker);
- array_push(.@mb, Golem);
- }
- if (.@lv > 140) {
- array_push(.@mb, SiegeTower);
- array_push(.@mb, GreenhornAbomination);
- array_push(.@mb, ShadowTortuga);
- array_push(.@mb, FireElement);
- array_push(.@mb, WaterElement);
- array_push(.@mb, EarthElement);
- array_push(.@mb, WindElement);
- }
- if (.@lv > 150) {
- array_push(.@mb, SacredWisp);
- array_push(.@mb, EvilWisp);
- array_push(.@mb, PanthomWisp);
- array_push(.@mb, EpiphanyWisp);
- }
- if (.@lv > 175)
- array_push(.@mb, Tortuga);
- /* Spawn them and make hostile */
- freeloop(true);
- for (.@i = 0; .@i < 1+(.@tl); .@i++) {
- .@mid = any_of(.@mb);
- .@m=areamonster(MAZE_MAP$, 20, 20, .@mx, .@my, strmobinfo(1, .@mid), .@mid, 1);
- set_aggro(.@m);
- }
- freeloop(false);
+ MazeMobs(((BaseLevel/10) + DTOWER_FLOOR * 5), true, rand2(9,14));
// Spawn & Configure the boss monster
+ .@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
+ .@my=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
.@mob=areamonster(MAZE_MAP$, 20, 20, .@mx, .@my, "Gatekeeper", MonsterSergeant, 1, "sDreamTower::OnBossDie");
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LEVEL, DTOWER_FLOOR * 5);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_STR, DTOWER_FLOOR * 2);
diff --git a/npc/functions/maze.txt b/npc/functions/maze.txt
index 8cb7a2be5..b5dbf55a8 100644
--- a/npc/functions/maze.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/maze.txt
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function script InitMaze {
// Add a random treasure chest if set to do so
if (getarg(2, false)) {
- .@n$=instance_npcname("#T_"+MAZE_MAP$, MAZE_INST);
+ .@n$=instance_npcname(sprintf("#T_030-%02d", MAZE_ID), MAZE_INST);
.@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
.@my=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
do {
@@ -122,6 +122,263 @@ function script InitMaze {
+// MazeMobs(level=BaseLevel, chests=yes, density_redux=10)
+// Puts monsters on the maze. Less density_redux is more mobs.
+function script MazeMobs {
+ .@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
+ .@my=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
+ .@tl=(20-.@mx)*(20-.@my) * 3 / 10; // Total tiles + collision guess
+ .@tl=.@tl / getarg(2, 10) + 1; // Monster density
+ /* *** Copied from 006-5/groata.txt & 018-2-2/main.txt! *** */
+ /* ********* Spawn monsters based on DTOWER_FLOOR ********* */
+ .@lv = getarg(0, BaseLevel);
+ .@mb[0] = MagicGoblin;
+ .@mb[1] = CaveMaggot;
+ // Artillery & Chests
+ // TODO: Mimics?
+ if (getarg(1, true)) {
+ if (.@lv > 10)
+ array_push(.@mb, BronzeChest);
+ if (.@lv > 15)
+ array_push(.@mb, BronzeMimic);
+ if (.@lv > 20)
+ array_push(.@mb, SmallMagicBif);
+ if (.@lv > 30)
+ array_push(.@mb, Bif);
+ if (.@lv > 45)
+ array_push(.@mb, SilverChest);
+ if (.@lv > 50)
+ array_push(.@mb, SilverMimic);
+ if (.@lv > 55)
+ array_push(.@mb, MagicBif);
+ if (.@lv > 75)
+ array_push(.@mb, GoldenChest);
+ if (.@lv > 80)
+ array_push(.@mb, GoldenMimic);
+ if (.@lv > 85)
+ array_push(.@mb, BigMagicBif);
+ if (.@lv > 105)
+ array_push(.@mb, PrismChest);
+ }
+ if (.@lv > 40)
+ array_push(.@mb, RobinBandit);
+ if (.@lv > 50)
+ array_push(.@mb, DustGatling);
+ if (.@lv > 60)
+ array_push(.@mb, DustRifle);
+ if (.@lv > 70)
+ array_push(.@mb, DustRevolver);
+ if (.@lv > 80)
+ array_push(.@mb, DustBoss);
+ if (.@lv > 90)
+ array_push(.@mb, GreatMoubooSlime);
+ if (.@lv > 100)
+ array_push(.@mb, Jhon);
+ // Monsters
+ if (is_between2(0, .@lv, 30)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, Piou);
+ array_push(.@mb, Piousse);
+ array_push(.@mb, Squirrel);
+ array_push(.@mb, ManaPiou);
+ array_push(.@mb, ForestPiou);
+ array_push(.@mb, RedButterfly);
+ array_push(.@mb, Maggot);
+ array_push(.@mb, CandorScorpion);
+ array_push(.@mb, HouseMaggot);
+ array_push(.@mb, LittleYellowSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Ratto);
+ array_push(.@mb, RudolphSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, MoubooSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Croc);
+ array_push(.@mb, Scorpion);
+ array_push(.@mb, SmallFrog);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(10, .@lv, 40)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, BigFrog);
+ array_push(.@mb, Lavern);
+ array_push(.@mb, LittleRedSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, ChocolateSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Blub);
+ array_push(.@mb, Duck);
+ array_push(.@mb, Bat);
+ array_push(.@mb, CaveMaggot);
+ array_push(.@mb, ManaGhost);
+ array_push(.@mb, ManaBug);
+ array_push(.@mb, Fluffy);
+ array_push(.@mb, FireGoblin);
+ array_push(.@mb, ViciousSquirrel);
+ array_push(.@mb, RedScorpion);
+ array_push(.@mb, WhiteSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, AzulSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, DesertLogHead);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(20, .@lv, 50)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, RedSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, PoisonSpikyMushroom);
+ array_push(.@mb, DesertBandit);
+ array_push(.@mb, OceanCroc);
+ array_push(.@mb, ToppyBlub);
+ array_push(.@mb, Sarracenus);
+ array_push(.@mb, IceMaggot);
+ array_push(.@mb, VampireBat);
+ array_push(.@mb, Bandit);
+ array_push(.@mb, Pinkie);
+ array_push(.@mb, LivingPotato);
+ array_push(.@mb, Assassin);
+ array_push(.@mb, Skeleton);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(30, .@lv, 60)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, CaveSnake);
+ array_push(.@mb, GreenSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, CopperSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, YellowSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, SantaSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, LavaSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Bluepar);
+ array_push(.@mb, DeathCat);
+ array_push(.@mb, Moggun);
+ array_push(.@mb, SeaSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, RedMushroom);
+ array_push(.@mb, Mouboo);
+ array_push(.@mb, LogHead);
+ array_push(.@mb, CandiedSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, OldSnake);
+ array_push(.@mb, GrassSnake);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(40, .@lv, 70)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, GiantMaggot);
+ array_push(.@mb, IcedFluffy);
+ array_push(.@mb, Snake);
+ array_push(.@mb, BlackSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Tipiou);
+ array_push(.@mb, AlphaMouboo);
+ array_push(.@mb, Pollet);
+ array_push(.@mb, PiouKnight);
+ array_push(.@mb, Shrewboo);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(40, .@lv, 80)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, Wolvern);
+ array_push(.@mb, FireSkull);
+ array_push(.@mb, DarkLizard);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(50, .@lv, 90)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, ArmoredSkeleton);
+ array_push(.@mb, BlackScorpion);
+ array_push(.@mb, ElectroWorm);
+ array_push(.@mb, EarthFairy);
+ array_push(.@mb, FireFairy);
+ array_push(.@mb, WaterFairy);
+ array_push(.@mb, WindFairy);
+ array_push(.@mb, PoisonFairy);
+ array_push(.@mb, MountainSnake);
+ array_push(.@mb, HoodedNinja);
+ array_push(.@mb, ForestMushroom);
+ array_push(.@mb, GoldenScorpion);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(60, .@lv, 100)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, Yeti);
+ array_push(.@mb, FallenGuard1);
+ array_push(.@mb, GreenSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, SnowFlower);
+ array_push(.@mb, BlueSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, WickedMushroom);
+ array_push(.@mb, CopperSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, YellowSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, RedSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, ChocolateSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, WhiteSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, Archant);
+ array_push(.@mb, Scar);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(70, .@lv, 110)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, AzulSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, SeaSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, LavaSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, BlackSlimeMother);
+ array_push(.@mb, Crafty);
+ array_push(.@mb, Forain);
+ array_push(.@mb, GreenDragon);
+ array_push(.@mb, Michel);
+ array_push(.@mb, Troll);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(80, .@lv, 120)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, EliteDuck);
+ array_push(.@mb, AzulSkullSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Moonshroom);
+ array_push(.@mb, RedSkullSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, Terranite);
+ array_push(.@mb, JackO);
+ array_push(.@mb, BlackMamba);
+ array_push(.@mb, GreenSkullSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, BloodyMouboo);
+ array_push(.@mb, Centaur);
+ array_push(.@mb, GoboBear);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(90, .@lv, 130)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, CopperSkullSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, LavaSkullSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, BlackSkullSlime);
+ array_push(.@mb, GiantCaveMaggot);
+ array_push(.@mb, TerraniteProtector);
+ array_push(.@mb, VanityPixie);
+ array_push(.@mb, HolyPixie);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(100, .@lv, 140)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, ShadowPixie);
+ array_push(.@mb, NulityPixie);
+ array_push(.@mb, Reaper);
+ array_push(.@mb, NightmareDragon);
+ array_push(.@mb, Snail);
+ array_push(.@mb, WhirlyBird);
+ }
+ if (is_between2(110, .@lv, 150)) {
+ array_push(.@mb, PinkieSuseran);
+ array_push(.@mb, Mandragora);
+ array_push(.@mb, PinkieMaximus);
+ }
+ if (.@lv > 120) {
+ array_push(.@mb, Junglefowl);
+ array_push(.@mb, Tengu);
+ array_push(.@mb, Moubi);
+ }
+ if (.@lv > 130) {
+ array_push(.@mb, SuperiorShroom);
+ array_push(.@mb, Nutcracker);
+ array_push(.@mb, Golem);
+ }
+ if (.@lv > 140) {
+ array_push(.@mb, SiegeTower);
+ array_push(.@mb, GreenhornAbomination);
+ array_push(.@mb, ShadowTortuga);
+ array_push(.@mb, FireElement);
+ array_push(.@mb, WaterElement);
+ array_push(.@mb, EarthElement);
+ array_push(.@mb, WindElement);
+ }
+ if (.@lv > 150) {
+ array_push(.@mb, SacredWisp);
+ array_push(.@mb, EvilWisp);
+ array_push(.@mb, PanthomWisp);
+ array_push(.@mb, EpiphanyWisp);
+ }
+ if (.@lv > 175)
+ array_push(.@mb, Tortuga);
+ /* Spawn them and make hostile */
+ freeloop(true);
+ for (.@i = 0; .@i < 1+(.@tl); .@i++) {
+ .@mid = any_of(.@mb);
+ .@m=areamonster(MAZE_MAP$, 20, 20, .@mx, .@my, strmobinfo(1, .@mid), .@mid, 1);
+ set_aggro(.@m);
+ }
+ freeloop(false);
+ return;
// RenewMaze(duration=2 hours)
// Renews the map expiration time
function script RenewMaze {
diff --git a/npc/functions/treasure.txt b/npc/functions/treasure.txt
index cd8bae9e7..086978178 100644
--- a/npc/functions/treasure.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/treasure.txt
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function script TreasureBox {
else if (.@r < 1600 || .@t == 0)
.@loot=any(MercBoxB, MoubooSteak, SmokeGrenade, ClothoLiquor, Coal, RedPlushWine, PrecisionPotion, CoinBag, DodgePotion, MoveSpeedPotion, Dagger, BronzeGift, IronOre, CopperOre, BlueDye, EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintC, OolongTea);
else if (.@r < 5200)
- .@loot=any(MercBoxA, Croconut, Potatoz, MoubooSteak, ClothoLiquor, Coal, SmallMushroom, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, WoodenLog, LeatherPatch, Beer, StrangeCoin, EquipmentBlueprintA, EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintA, SpearmintTea, TreasureMap, IcedBottle);
+ .@loot=any(MercBoxA, Croconut, Potatoz, MoubooSteak, ClothoLiquor, Coal, SmallMushroom, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, WoodenLog, LeatherPatch, Beer, StrangeCoin, EquipmentBlueprintA, EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintA, SpearmintTea, TreasureMap, DungeonMap, IcedBottle);
.@loot=any(FatesPotion, PiberriesInfusion, EmptyBottle, ChocolateBar, Plushroom, Chagashroom, RawLog, LeatherPatch, BugLeg, ScorpionStinger, SmallKnife, ChamomileTea, EquipmentBlueprintA);
diff --git a/npc/items/shovel.txt b/npc/items/shovel.txt
index 7cf2ac213..ed1f464c5 100644
--- a/npc/items/shovel.txt
+++ b/npc/items/shovel.txt
@@ -472,3 +472,73 @@ function script shovel_genrandtreasure {
+// [Dungeon Map] functions
+function script shovel_randomdungeon {
+ // If you don't have the map, stop
+ delitem DungeonMap, 1;
+ // Determine the dungeon size
+ if (ShovelQuests_DungeonMAP$ == "032-2" && REBIRTH)
+ .@mz = (MAZE_SIZE_X | MAZE_SIZE_A);
+ else if (ShovelQuests_DungeonMAP$ == "032-2")
+ .@mz = (MAZE_SIZE_G | MAZE_SIZE_X);
+ else if (REBIRTH)
+ .@mz = (MAZE_SIZE_M | MAZE_SIZE_G);
+ else
+ .@mz = (MAZE_SIZE_S | MAZE_SIZE_M);
+ // Create the Maze
+ CreateMaze(IOT_CHAR, .@mz);
+ MazeMobs((BaseLevel*8/10), false, rand2(20, 24));
+ // Prepare the chest array
+ if (.@mz & MAZE_SIZE_A)
+ array_push(.@mob, SupremeChest);
+ if (.@mz & MAZE_SIZE_X)
+ array_push(.@mob, PrismChest);
+ if (.@mz & MAZE_SIZE_G)
+ array_push(.@mob, GoldenChest);
+ if (.@mz & MAZE_SIZE_M)
+ array_push(.@mob, SilverChest);
+ if (.@mz & MAZE_SIZE_S)
+ array_push(.@mob, BronzeChest);
+ // Spawn & Configure the boss monster
+ .@mx=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
+ .@my=getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, MAZE_MAP$)-20;
+ .@mob=areamonster(MAZE_MAP$, .@mx/2, .@my/2, .@mx, .@my, "Treasure Chest", any_of(.@mob), 1, "Emergency Exit::OnTalk");
+ InitMaze(4800, true, true); // 1h30, random start, with treasure chest
+ // Cleanup old variables and exit
+ ShovelQuests_DungeonMAP$="";
+ ShovelQuests_DungeonX=0;
+ ShovelQuests_DungeonY=0;
+ dispbottom l("Now, to find the treasure chest!");
+ closeclientdialog;
+ return;
+function script shovel_genranddungeon {
+ if (getq(LoFQuest_EPISODE) >= 16)
+ .@m$=any("007-1", "011-1", "015-1", "018-1", "032-2",
+ "007-1", "011-1", "015-1", "018-1");
+ else
+ .@m$=any("007-1", "011-1", "015-1", "018-1");
+ // Dangerous
+ do {
+ .@x=rand2(20, getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_X, .@m$)-20);
+ .@y=rand2(20, getmapinfo(MAPINFO_SIZE_Y, .@m$)-20);
+ } while (!checkcell(.@m$, .@x, .@y, cell_chkpass));
+ // Success
+ if (checkcell(.@m$, .@x, .@y, cell_chkpass)) {
+ shovel_addquest(.@m$, .@x, .@y, "shovel_randomdungeon");
+ ShovelQuests_DungeonMAP$=shovel_getcity(.@m$);
+ ShovelQuests_DungeonX=.@x;
+ ShovelQuests_DungeonY=.@y;
+ }
+ return;