path: root/langs/lang_de.txt
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Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
"Ah, hello there, @@. You've grown quite skilled lately.

"Hey, have you already got the money necessary for the travel?

"Many thanks! I'll be waiting for you, hiding on the ship's hold!"

"Oh... Sorry, @@.

"That's the only hard part. Have at least level 40, do not neglect Intelligence nor Job level...

"Well, looks like you qualify!

##1DON'T MOVE until the signal. Stay ready! If you move, you will desync client!

##1Hear ya, hear ya! There are @@ vacant slots at Hurnsguard to LIBERATE HURNSCALD!

##1The ship is under a pirate's attack! ##BKill all or survive!

##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Candor!!

##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Halinarzo!!

##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Hurnscald!!

##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Tulimshar!!

##2 14 Days login bonus: ##B2x @@##b
##2 14-tägiger Login Bonus: ##B2x @@##b

##2 21 Days login bonus: ##B3x @@##b
##2 21-tägiger Login Bonus: ##B3x @@##b

##2 27 Days login bonus: ##B1x @@##b
##2 27-tägiger Login Bonus: ##B1x @@##b

##2 7 Days login bonus: ##B@@ Job Exp.##b

##2 @@ Days login bonus: ##B2x @@##b
##2 @@ Tage Login Bonus: ##B2x @@##b

##2Daily login bonus: ##B1x @@##b
##2 Täglicher Login Bonus: ##B1x @@##b

##2Daily login bonus: ##B@@ GP##b
##2Täglicher Login Bonus: ##B@@ GP##b

##2Daily login bonus: ##B@@ Job Exp.##b
##2Täglicher Login Bonus: ##B@@ Job Exp.##b

##2The Monster Colonel was defeated by @@!
##2Der Monster Oberst wurde von @@ besiegt!

##2The Monster Lieutenant was defeated by @@!
##2Der Monster Leutnant wurde von @@ besiegt!

##2Your prize: @@ GP

##9 777: @@.
##9 777: @@.

##9.:: Second Tier Quest - Time Remaining: @@ ::.

##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@!

##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group.

##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b

##BHall Of @@: TOP15##b

##BHall Of Fame: TOP10##b

##BHall Of Fortune: TOP15##b

##BHall Of Level: TOP15##b

##BIMPORTANT:##b People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
##BIMPORTANT:##b Menschen reden normalerweise miteinander, statt sich anzuschreien. Darum bist du zu weit entfernt, der NPC wird dich nicht hören.

##BLatest GM Commands##b
##BNeueste GM Befehle##b

##BYou were stolen##b by an evil NPC.
##BDu wurdest##b von einem bösen NPC ##Bbestohlen##b.

##a(it would be way too messy anyway)##0








(A mystical aura surrounds this stone. It probably can return you home. What do you do?)
(Eine mystische Aura umgibt diesen Stein. Er kann dich möglicherweise immer hierher zurückrufen. Was möchstest Du tun?)

(A mystical aura surrounds this stone. You feel mysteriously attracted to it. Something tells you to touch it. What do you do?)
(Eine mystische Aura umgibt diesen Stein. Du fühlst dich zu ihm hingezogen. Etwas rät dir, ihn zu berühren. Was möchstest Du tun?)

(A strange barrier keeps you from touching the stone at this time.)
(Eine seltsame Barriere hindert dich momentan daran, den Stein zu berühren.)

(A strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone. As suddenly as the feeling started it stops.)
(Ein seltsames Gefühl beschleicht dich. Es scheint, dass deine Seele deinen Körper verlässt und sich mit dem Stein verbindet. So schnell das Gefühl dich überkam, so schnell verschwindet es auch wieder.)

(As suddenly as the feeling started it stops. The strange attraction is away from one moment to the next and the menhir feels like just an ordinary stone.)

(Drink the tea, hoping for the best)

(Protip: Use arrow keys to walk around once you wake up.)
(Protip: Benutze die Pfeiltasten um herumzulaufen, sobald du aufgewacht bist.)

(Suddenly a strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone.)

(To see the rules, use ##B@rules##b.)

(You touch the mysterious stone. Somehow it feels warm and cold at the same time.)

(shivering) "Ah, how I am afraid of pious!"

* @@/12 @@
* @@/12 @@

* @@/2 @@
* @@/2 @@

* @@/30 @@
* @@/30 @@

* @@/6 @@
* @@/6 @@

* @@/7.500 GP
* @@/7.500 GP

* @@/8 @@
* @@/8 @@



*Ugh* Thanks for your help. Here... Take this, as promised.


*chants more words, while the crystal hovers the potion*


*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*



- 5 @@, with 12000 GP, for a @@.
- 5 @@ und 12000 GP für einen @@.

- I overheard rumors about a festival. Maybe someone needs help with their figurine?
- Ich habe Gerüchte über ein Festival gehört. Vieleicht braucht ja jemand Hilfe bei seiner Figur?

- I think you can help the storehouse for some quick cash.

- Inside the big house is someone who can train you. All experience is handy!

- Some of our crew are missing. They're probably wasting their time at beach.

- Some sailors within this ship may need your help: Chef Gado, Dan, Peter... help them all and collect rewards!

- The weapon master, Tolchi, could use your help. But she will most likely force you to visit Tulimshar in the end.

- There is a woman walking on the island, called Maya. Once she realises you're willing to help, she'll start paying well.

- You can always play with kids. Not very profitable, though.

-- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald


...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.

...And trust me, it'll take way more than just water to put the fire down.

...And, if you're lucky, you can touch it and receive magic power."

...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. I'm not low-level like you.

...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow.

...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion.

...Foolish human... Do you really think I will attend your summon?

...Have you ever gone there yet?
...Warst du jemals dort?

...I'll be back later.

...What? You want @@? Five of them?!

...You have courage. Many people tried and failed.

...You still have not overcome his house.

.:: Congratulations! ::.

.:: Mission Failed ::.

.:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::.

/ clear clears the text box.

/ help explains how to use all client commands.

/ present shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.

/ where shows the name of the map you are in.

/ whisper [name] allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.

/who mostra o número de jogadores conectados no momento.

0.0 "No no, please no! I can propose you a great deal for your silence!"

1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you.

1- You must not be carrying anything with you.

1. ##BDo not bot##b, A character must be being controlled by a human, standing, siting, or logged off. You may only control one character at a time.

10 seconds!

100 - @@

12x Strange Coins

1600 GP

2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too!

2- You must not use a cart. If you do, YOU WILL BE SEVERELY PENALIZED.

2. ##BDo not spam nor flood.##b Texts entirely written in UPPER CASE helps counting as spam.

2000 - @@




2018-05-31 (Latest)

2x Bronze Gift

2x Snake Egg

3- All items from the Arena are from the Arena. You won't carry any of them back with you.

3- Trust nobody. There can be only one winner, and it must be you.

3. ##BDo not trade invalid items, or try to cheat on trades.##b This includes any other kind of cheat or bug abuse, passive of account deletion and IP ban as stated by the Terms Of Service.

4- Experience and Gold earned during this event can be kept.

4- Take Care. Wildlife can kill you too. There can be traps.

4. ##BRespect other players.##b This includes but is not limited to using offensive language in nicknames or chat, and begging items or favours to other players.

40/40 slayed @@

4144's Tortuga

4500 - @@

5 Chagashrooms for a Strength Potion!

5 Plushrooms for a Haste Potion!

5 seconds!

5- Trust yourself. You will lose the moment you enter in panic. This arena is not for the weak-willed!

5. ##BThe public chat is to be understood by everyone.##b Therefore, try to use english when possible.

500 - @@

6. ##BDo not create multi accounts.##b A person may only hold one account and as many chars as allowed by the server/client. Staff members with special privileges in-game may have a second account without those privileges.


7. ##BAs long as you have an account, you agree with the [@@|Terms Of Service@@]##b. Shall any rule conflict with these terms, the Terms Of Service provided on that link shall prevail.

:) "A pleasure to trade if you. Don't get caught if you're doing something wrong!"

:/ "Hmm... let me see... Aha, I know! I can make you a great bandit with a simple burglar mask!"

:< "Hey hey! Where's the money?"

:< "Never lie to me. Keep your end on the bargain! Give me everything I asked for!"

:> "Hello, youngling..."#0

:> "Hello, youngling..."#1

:D "Ah! Yes, that would help a lot! I don't need anything a bandit couldn't give you: 30 @@, 2 @@, 2 @@ and a @@. And 6000 GP."

:D "Excellent! You've kept your end on the bargain!"

:D "HAHAHAHAH! Me?! a thief? only during free time..."

:P "I am busy, leave me alone."

:o "What? I'm not a bandit! But it looks SO COOL! Do you need anything while you're here?"

;-) "Don't worry! Leave to me!"

>:| "Go take the items and remember: Not even a single word about me!"


@@ -> @@

@@ @@ @@
@@ @@ @@

@@ Recipe

@@ and @@ just got married!
@@ und @@ sind frisch verheiratet!

@@ disembarks at Candor Island.

@@ disembarks at Hurnscald.

@@ disembarks at Tulimshar.

@@ divorced!
@@ geschieden!

@@ goes away for a while and returns briefly.

@@ has the clear smile of victory!

@@ is an expensive, rare, and dangerous item. Do not shake it too much, or it will catch fire.

@@ is developing these potions.

@@ is helping me.
@@ hilft mir.

@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
@@ hat sich zur Hochzeit registriert, und akzeptiert den Partner @@!

@@ started disarm process. Please stand by.

@@ waits for their loved one.


@@, we are counting on you! We, the whole Hurnscald town!

@@/1 @@

@@/1 Mana Bug

@@/10 @@

@@/10 Maggots

@@/10 Rattos

@@/100 @@

@@/100 Red Scorpions

@@/1000 GP

@@/15 @@

@@/2 @@

@@/2 Scorpion

@@/20 @@

@@/20 @@ (or @@)

@@/200 Black Scorpions

@@/25 Cave Maggots

@@/3 @@

@@/3 Candor Scorpions

@@/30 @@

@@/4 @@

@@/40 @@

@@/40 Fire Goblins killed

@@/40 slayed @@

@@/45 @@

@@/5 @@

@@/5 House Maggots

@@/50 Cave Snakes

@@/60 @@

@@/6000 GP

@@/8 @@, just because I'm hungry as a bear.

@commands lists even more advanced commands, but you can't use all of them.

A blur shape forms in your front. It seems to be a large ship.

A bright and mysterious mushroom!!!

A disarm process is already running.

A great rush of mana flows though you.

A guy named Hasan stole me!

A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion.

A pity...

A ship travel will cost you @@ GP.

A sunny and hot day,
Ein heißer und sonniger Tag.

A-hoy matey!
Ahoy Matrose!

AAAAAAAHHHHH, Thanks, I am lively again!




Accept quest?

Access is restricted to guards, as usual.


Acorn Of Death

Activate event?

Actually not.

Actually, I have bad luck. Could you sell me a box full of fresh fish?

Actually, nevermind. Good bye!

Actually, nevermind. I'll wait you grind level 25 first, then we can do this.

Add a new line
Neue Zeile hinzufügen

Additionaly, all your movement will be restricted until either you're warped or log out.

Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/10 @@.#0

Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/10 @@.#1

Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#0

Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1

Aeros Trader

After all, I am the Well Master!

After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one."

After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
Sei danach ruhig und geduldig, aber trotzdem wachsam!

After the Great Famine which happened after the Red Queen death, it was founded by people who sailed away in look of new opportunities.

After waiting for the oil to dry, he hands you the string.

After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.

Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.

Ah no... That's not what I had to do... I wasted the potion...

Ah! @@! I heard you helped Hinnak with his Pinkies problem!

Ah! @@. A very rare drop!

Ah! Actually nobody found one.

Ah! Greedy humans! Couldn't we happy with little?

Ah! Greedy humans! End this war which our greed has stroke!

Ah! Greedy humans! How ignorant were we, to ever do that?

Ah! Greedy humans! Just how big is our greed?

Ah! Greedy humans! Stand up to save our world!

Ah! Greedy humans! The Monster War will now rage the globe!

Ah! Greedy humans! Things will never be as they used to be!

Ah! Greedy humans! We pay the price for our actions,

Ah! Greedy humans! Why did we had to fight?

Ah! Greedy humans! Why had we to desire?

Ah! I know. Kill 10 @@. They usually are near the mine's inn.

Ah! I know. Kill 10 @@. They usually are the crops.

Ah, @@! I'm busy now, can we talk again later?

Ah, @@, good thing you are here.

Ah, @@, my friend! Are you here to help us with 5 @@? Or perhaps you have 5 more @@ to show that Hurnscald is getting safer?

Ah, @@, welcome!

Ah, Hasan... Sorry pal, afraid I can't do anything for you. Try talking to his mother Sorfina, she is on Mahoud's house, near the Inn.#0

Ah, Hasan... Sorry pal, afraid I can't do anything for you. Try talking to his mother Sorfina, she is on Mahoud's house, near the Inn.#1

Ah, I am lively again. I wish I could just raise from this bed and do some exercise, but the Nurse refuses to let me go.

Ah, I can also cure you, if you need.

Ah, I guess you want to fight at the cave north of me...

Ah, I hate mushrooms. Perhaps in future, I could use their spikes and mushies.

Ah, I hate snakes. Perhaps in future, I could use their tongues.

Ah, I love mouboos. But their steaks, hmm. Ah, no, I shouldn't eat that...

Ah, I wish I got something for helping people out...

Ah, I wonder how my mother Swezanne is faring...

Ah, don't bother me with that. That wood must be special, it must bend and cannot break. Too difficult to find!

Ah, fighting monsters under this desert heat makes me thirsty. But someone must do this job, otherwise Tulimshar could fall.

Ah, hello there! I am @@, a Redy alchemist.

Ah, hello.

Ah, if Jack and that fisherman from Halinarzo still gave me materials...

Ah, if it isn't @@? You're the talk of the town!

Ah, it is not the same. Not the same.

Ah, living in Halinarzo is so difficult...

Ah, my daughter Silvia is so far away... But I don't want to leave the shade of this tree...

Ah, my husband Hinnak is so hard working...

Ah, nothing too major, as you already have magic.

Ah, personally I don't use it?

Ah, so you think you can fool me?

Ah, so you're willing to help? Great! Because I HATE THEM ALL!

Ah, that was tiresome... I'll go make a reward for them, talk to me again later.

Ah, the kids are playing hide and seek, but I am afraid they went too far. A monster attack could start anytime, after all.

Ah, there are lots on the miners cave.

Ah, this is boring.

Ah, traveller! I am Lilica the Scary Bunny! I exchange many @@ and @@ for neat rewards!#0

Ah, traveller! I am Lilica the Scary Bunny! I exchange many @@ and @@ for neat rewards!#1

Ah, we have serious problems of robbery. I need someone really strong to help me, and you don't qualify.

Ah, welcome @@. You have @@ Contributor Points.

Ah, welcome. Please, don't be afraid of my look, Saulc GM assigned me to here.

Ah, yes... You see, there is just no task I can give to you right now. ##BYou are too weak to fight monsters.##b

Ah, yes... You see, there is just no task I can give to you right now. You are too weak to fight these monsters.

Ah... A @@. The sturdiest from all mushroom, and very, very rare.

Ah... I am too lazy to ask for anything in exchange. Here. Take it. Free.

Ah... Slimes... Sorry, not my cup of tea...

Ah... Sorry, your name is not on the contributor list.

Ah... Was I warped?

Ah... Well, ok. I'll do the powder for you, but you still need to bring me the material.

Ah... What is happening to meeeeeeee?

Ah... You did it!

Ah... You have one too. Be careful with it, please. Many people lost their lives because they didn't handled that correctly.

Ah... You must update your client first.

Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields?

Ahh, too many items. Sorry.


Ahoy matey!

Ahoy, @@!
Ahoi, @@!


Aidan, the Monster Guide




Alige hands you an old paper patch.

All I can say is that you were born there, and moved by the age of 4, but to where? I don't know.

All arenas stay open for only 30 minutes after being purchased.

All black scorpions are dead! Go back to Tycoon.

All candor scorpions are dead!

All cave maggots are dead! Go back to Tycoon.

All cave snakes are dead! Go back to Tycoon.

All hail ##B@@##b, first to complete the ##3Yeti King Quest!

All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world!

All hail the ones who proven their worth before the whole Alliance!

All house maggots are dead!

All maggots are dead!

All mana bugs are dead!

All monsters summoned!
Alle Monster beschworen!

All of my money.

All rattos are dead! Go back to Tycoon.

All red scorpions are dead! Go back to Tycoon.

All scorpions are dead!

All this seems unimportant to you right now.
All das scheint momentan unwichtig zu sein.

All torches are lit!

All you need to do then is walk outside, enter on the biggest house, and talk to the Trainer. He'll teach you everything.

Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the 'Z' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.

Almost all documents were lost, destroyed or damaged. I cannot even find your parents name.

Alpha Mouboo

Alpha Mouboo Hat

Alright, I'll show up later. Thanks for calling me. Here's 1000 GP for your efforts.

Alright, I'm going to the capt'n room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0

Alright, I'm going to the capt'n room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1


Alright... Bye.
Ok... Tschüß.

Also in honor of @@, who did a great act of bravery recently. May they keep protecting our world!

Also worth mentioning is how to improve your ability to shoot fast. You need to be agile to grab a new arrow from your quiver and aim for the next shot before your enemy has recovered from your last.

Also you can ask how much he already save for you by checking your balance.

Also your strength doesn't matter much. It helps you to carry more arrows with you, but nothing a few trips to the store won't do.

Also, I believe hard work always pay off.

Also, I don't care if you don't like the @@. That's the weapon a true archer should use!

Also, if I move away from the singularity during disarm process, it'll be lost.

Also, take this book so you don't forget the rules. You can always read it, or type ##B@rules##b on the chat.

Also, the more players survive, the better rewards will be given.

Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
Wir haben auch deine yayate Kleidung geholt. Sie war in einem ...yeyeye... in einem schlechten Zustand. Schau in die Kiste neben deinem Bett, dort sind andere Sachen.

Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
Wir haben auch deine yayate Kleidung geholt. Sie war in einem ...yeyeye... in einem schlechten Zustand. Schau in die Kiste neben deinem Bett, dort sind andere Sachen.

Although the more powerful you are, the more money you will need.

Although this particular one seems to hate everyone and everything, it recognizes your strength.


Amethyst (+2 dex)

Amethyst Bif

Amethyst Powder


An error on your travel happened. Please report.

An error on your travel time happened. Please report.

Ancient Shield

Ancient Sword

And again, and again, again.

And again, and again.

And again.

And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure.

And anyone who hanged out on #evol-dev knows that, well... Cookies are life!

And guess what? They have a King of their own!

And how do I save items?

And how do I save money?

And once they entrust you with what is important for them, they'll pay better. Here is 700 GP. Come back later.

And one last thing I'll want. See these @@? I don't like them, so I'll have you to kill 40 of them for me.

And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them!

And then what happened?
Und dann passierte was?

And then, finally, depart to ##BHalinarzo##b. Maybe, just maybe, someone recognize you. Or, start a new life! Few people can do that!

And what's about Iron Ore?

And who do you think that created GM Magic in first place, inexperienced kid?

And with what you expect to fight monsters? You must arrange yourself a weapon!

And you got help from a kid, Zarkor? Lucky is that kid, that I don't have time to deal with them. Farewell.

And your rare, a @@! Enjoy!

Andrei Sakar

Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero

Angel Amulet

Angry Red Scorpion

Angry Scorpion

Animal Bones

Another lecture: Take always enough arrows with you. Go and come back when you are equipped adequately.

Another time, maybe.


Antlers Hat


Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@.

Any fishing tips for me?

Any friend of Hurnscald is my friend too. Come to me again, if you want to do daily quests!

Anything else?
Noch irgendwas?

Anyway, ##Bwelcome##b, and have fun! If you need anything, we are a keypress from distance!

Anyway, I am selling Cherry Cakes to sponsor my studies. Please buy as many as you want!

Anyway, there's a barrier to prevent monsters from attacking the city from below.

Anyway, you can check our [@@|Wiki@@] to find awesome stuff!

Apana Cake

Appearance Debug
Aussehen Debug

Appearance Debug - Barber
Aussehen Debug - Frisör

Appearance Debug - Race
Aussehen Debug - Rasse

Appearance Debug - Sex Change
Aussehen Debug - Geschlecht ändern


Aquada Box

Are the fish biting today?
Beißen die Fische heute?

Are you a terranite?

Are you enjoying yourself in Candor? Do you have any questions?

Are you feeling well? That was a pretty powerful attack!

Are you going to stand here all day long? Go wash the dishes or go away.

Are you interested in becoming a student of Archery?

Are you ok?
Alles ok?

Are you sure? It costs 800 GP.#0

Are you sure? It costs 800 GP.#1

Are you using my skill?







Arena created, it can be used for 30 minutes.






Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea!

Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later!

Arr, that's some fine ale! We can do the party when we're done with our work!

Arr, we will wait for you then! We still have tasks to complete!


Artis Backsword
Artis Backsword

Artis Tank Top
Artis Tanktop

Artis is a city port founded after the Great Famine on the other continent.

As always, I can use a helping hand around here. Interested?

As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it.

As soon that Saulc GM get back, we can start.

As usual, you can get only one hat yearly, for the symbolic amount of 30 @@ and 10 @@!

As you might have noticed, it depends on many circumstances if your arrow finds its target. Your shot may be too powerful or too weak, so the arrow goes far beyond your target or hits the ground before it reaches its destination.

As you see, helping others is a good way to level up. You can also sell monster parts for some money.

As you want!
Wie du willst!

Ash Urn

Assassin Boots

Assassin Gloves

Assassin Pants


Astra Cube

Atropos Mixture
Atropos Mischung

Attempt to disarm the singularity?

Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
Klasse. Komm zurück, wenn du jemals eine größere Gruppe aufbauen willst.

Awesome, here is the certificate! Choose guild name wisely, because there are no refunds, even if you lose it!

Aww it's not summer. I love June 21st, and the summer vacations!

Axe Hat



Azul Slime

BUG, Please report: TorchTally, err_val @@



Bandit Hat

Bandit Hood

Bandit Lord

Bandit Mask

Bandit Pants

Bandits are a huge threat to Hurnscald. We're just a small farming town, and they're countless.

Banshee Bow

Barbarian Amulet

Barbarian Master Amulet












Bat Teeth

Bat Wing

Be Patient... You still need to wait @@.

Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
Sei ein Freund, und bring mir @@ @@.

Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
Sei ein Freund, und bring mir @@ @@.

Be sure to have a friend before joining, or you may have to logout in order to be able to move again!


Because heroes are not born, rather, they are made!

Because in the end, you are in the hands of your class leader!

Because they control everything! They even determine taxes!



Before start witch item do you want to play

Bent Needle

Besides being able to train you, he is a walking encyclopedia - Ask him anything you are unsure about!

Besides the Magic Council, Andrei Sakar have his own Mana Stone, but I doubt he would train the likes of you, or share his Mana Stone.

Better do this some other time...

Better luck next time!"

Bhop Fluffy

Bhopper egg


Big Amethyst Bif

Big Diamond Bif

Big Emerald Bif

Big Magic Bif

Big Pumpkin Seed

Big Ruby Bif

Big Sapphire Bif

Big Topaz Bif

Billy Bons#TMW2

Black Dye

Black Pearl

Black Scorpion

Black Scorpion Claw

Black Scorpion Stinger

Blade Shield

Blame Saulc

Blame Saulc.



Bloodstone Pendant

Bloody Mouboo



Blue Coral
Balue Koralle

Blue Dye

Blue Gray Dye

Blue Knight Shield

Blue Mana Pearl

Blue Slime



Bone Arrow

Bone Knife

Bonjour! I am @@, and I am from the Press! Read the latest news with me!


Bottle Of Divine Water

Bottle Of Sand

Bottle Of Sea Water

Bottle Of Sewer Water

Bottle Of Tonori Water

Bowler Hat



Braknar Shield


Bread is fine, but it would taste better with @@. Could you bring us three?

Break it!

Break the door.
Schlag die Tür ein.

Brimmed Feather Hat
Federhut mit Krempe

Brimmed Flower Hat
Blumenhut mit Krempe

Brimmed Hat
Hut mit Krempe

Bring me 10 @@. I'll pay you some money for that, of course.

Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow.

Brit Shield

Broken Doll

Broken Four Leaf Amulet

Broken Medal


Bromenal Chest

Bromenal Four-Leaf Amulet

Bromenal Gloves

Bromenal Helmet

Bromenal Pants

Bromenal Shield

Bronze Chest

Bronze Gift

Bronze Gladius

Bronze Medal

Bronze Mimic

Brown Dye


Bug Leg

Bug Slayer


Bunny Ears

Burglar Mask

Burn the potion


But I can still make it without cookies, as long that you bring me some other sweeties.

But I can try my best for you!

But I probably should not do it. It might be poisoned!

But I'm almost out of @@...
Aber ich habe kaum noch @@...

But as you're here now, could you do me a favour?

But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, or you may be severely penalized.

But come back in a few hours, I didn't lost all @@!

But hey, it is Easter and the poll is still open, so here are 15 @@ as a consolation prize.

But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate!

But if you regret this choice later... You know where you can find me.

But in accordance to [@@|Community Decision@@], you were unlucky.

But instead of dying a Monster King he became!

But it is a massive organization, recognized by everyone. Guilds train with other guilds, for huge profits.

But it's ultimate goal of miners there.

But maybe you should help other people and get some levels before returning to me.

But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
Aber am wichtigsten ist, sie hatte sich um Dich gekümmert als Du bewusstlos warst.

But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
Aber am wichtigsten ist, sie hatte sich um Dich gekümmert als Du bewusstlos warst.

But remember: This makes you much more vulnerable, and you usually cannot hit from too close, so watch your step and don't stumble into your enemy's attack.

But that's not so easy... I already sent many people, and even come myself, but he refuses to help.

But the money you brought was really awesome you know.

But we are working day and night. We hope that soon, more people come out and this place gets lively again.

But we took every stone, and restricted the magic.

But what I really hate is that they forbid gossiping.

But who am I?
Aber wer bin ich?

But whoa, not so fast! You must pass the seven steps of a trial first!

But you are welcome to reset your stats again! I need the money.

But you did not hit... have another try.

But you lack magic! That's a pity."

But you won't *hic* me this time...
Aber du wirst *hicks* mich doch nicht dieses Mal...

But you're too slow to catch any of them. Sorry.

But you're too slow. Sorry.

But you're too weak to beat any of them. Sorry.

But you're too weak. Sorry.

But, it wouldn't look nice if I let you do all the killing! The other guards are working right now!

But... But! Where are you?! That summon ritual is equivalent to GM magic!

Butcher Knife


Buy it

By the way would you like to transform your gem?#0

By the way would you like to transform your gem?#1

Bye for now.
Bis bald!

Bye then!
Dann, Tschüss!



CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to finish Yeti King quest!!

Cactus Drink

Cactus Potion


Calm down! How can I help you?

Camel Dye

Can I become a miner?

Can I find a mana source here?

Can I read these rules again?
Kann ich diese Regeln noch einmal lesen?

Can we get back to that later?

Can you bring me 3 @@? Of course, you'll be rewarded.

Can you bring me 5 pieces of Cherry Cake? Pretty please?

Can you do something with my color?
Kannst du etwas mit meiner Farbe machen?

Can you give me a @@ or a @@

Can you give me a tip?

Can you help me with Everburn Powder? I need 5.

Can you help me?

Can you mix Gem Powder?

Can you please explain the task again?

Can you please go away?
Würdest du bitte weg gehen?

Can you please repeat your lesson?

Can you reset my stats please?
Kannst du meine Statuspunkte bitte zurücksetzen?

Can you search ##Bthe barrels##b for the bug bomb and set it off when you find it?

Can you teach me a basic tier 1 magic skill?

Can you teach me a basic tier 2 magic skill?

Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
Kann nicht reden, bin auf Patrouille.

Candied Slime

Candle Helmet

Candor Boots

Candor Head Band

Candor Island, then? Yes, that is a pretty island, right?

Candor Scorpion

Candor Shirt

Candor Shorts

Candor's Nurse



Candy Cane



Captain Cap

Captain Nard have it. Fetch it with him! Quick, you only have @@ left!

Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
Kapitän Nard ist in dem Raum auf der rechten Seite.


Casino Coins


Cave Bat

Cave Maggot

Cave Snake

Cave Snake Egg

Cave Snake Hat

Cave Snake Lamp

Cave Snake Skin

Cave Snake Tongue


Celestia Tea

Celestia asks for your help.

Celestia eyes sparkles.

Celestia hands you a cup filled with some type of tea that is unlike anything you have seen before.

Celestia then picks up the cup of tea and drinks it in front of you to demonstrate that it is not only harmless but also quite delectable.


Centurion Helmet

Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
Ch 1 - Angelausrüstung

Ch 1 — Prologue

Ch 2 — Baits
Ch 2 - Köder

Ch 3 — Location
Ch 3 - Ort

Ch 4 — Casting
Ch 4 - Auswerfen

Ch 5 — Reeling
Ch 5 - Einholen


Chagashroom Field


Chainmail Skirt

Championship Bow

Change Season Event

Change my appearance
Aussehen verändern

Change my level
Level verändern

Change my quests
Quest-Status verändern

Change my skills
Fähigkeiten verändern

Change my stats
Stauspunkte verändern


Charda clean!

Charles, Trader King

Check @@ <= @@

Checkpoint Guard#1

Checkpoint Guard#2

Checkpoint Guard#3

Checkpoint Guard#4




Chef Gado
Koch Gado



Cherry Cake


Chicken Leg

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Biscuit

Chocolate Bunny

Chocolate Dye

Chocolate Mouboo

Christmas Sweater

Claw Pendant

Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia.

Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
Hier klicken für Infos über die Benutzung des Test-Servers.

Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
Klicke auf NPCs (Non-Player Characters) in deiner Nähe, um mit dem Prolog fortzufahren.

Client Version: @@


Close Extension

Closed Christmas Box

Clotho Liquor
Clotho Schnaps

Clover Field

Clover Patch


Cobalt Herb

Cobalt Plant

Coin Bag


Come after a little while.
Komm ein bisschen später wieder.

Come back in a few hours, and we can fix that!

Come back soon!

Come back when you will really need me.

Come talk to me when you're ready, and we can begin.

Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
Ein angenehmer Griff ist gerade für Anfänger wichtig, da sie ihn für längere Zeit in der Hand halten werden.

Command not permitted on this map! Check npc/functions/weather.conf


Common Carp
Gemeiner Karpfen

Community Shirt

Complete quests, gain some experience, allocate some status, and you'll be ready for my training.

Congrats you passed the level cap of @@! Here is a(n) @@, you deserve it.

Congrats! You got thirty coins!


Congratulations! Here is your reward (40 xp 25 gp).

Congratulations! Here is your reward, a @@!

Constable Perry

Contributor Sweater

Copper Armbands
Kupfer Armschienen

Copper Ingot

Copper Ore

Copper Slime


Corsair Hat

Cotton Boots

Cotton Cloth

Cotton Cloth is sold at Candor, Croconut Boxes can be bought at the market. Fish, however, is a little more tricky.

Cotton Gloves

Cotton Shirt

Cotton Shorts

Cotton Skirt

Cotton Trousers

Could you bleach my clothes?
Kannst du meine Kleidung bleichen?

Could you explain to me where I am?
Kannst du mir sagen wo ich bin?

Could you first explain me why so many items?

Could you perhaps help me to find all kids?

Could you please give us a full meal, with 5 @@, 5 @@, 5@@, 5 @@ and 5 @@?

Could you tell me where I am?#0
Kannst du mir sagen wo ich bin?

Could you tell me where I am?#1
Kannst du mir sagen wo ich bin?



Creased Boots

Creased Gloves

Creased Shirt
Zerknittertes Hemd

Creased Shorts
Zerknitterte kurze Hose

Create items
Gegenstände herstellen

Creating a guild is not for the faint of heart. You cannot share experience or drops.

Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
Eine Gruppe zu bilden hat einige Vorteile, es ist eine gute Wahl!

Crimson Dye


Croc Claw


Croconut Box

Crozenite Four-Leaf Amulet

Crusade Armor

Crusade Helmet

Crusader Card

Crypt Key

Crystallized Maggot

Current Event: 

Current Quest Progress: @@/10,000 kills

Current Spawn Mode: 

Current arena player count: @@ on map. (Min. 3 to begin event)

Current drop rate is set to @@% (default value).

Current drop rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.

Current event: @@

Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).

Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.

Current hero: @@

Current player count: @@/5 must be online.

Current progress: @@/10000 @@

Cursed Arrow

Cursed Arrows





D'oh, what a terrible shot!

DEBUG: Changing @@ field @@ to something else.

DEBUG: Changing @@, Values: (@@, @@, @@).



Dah Yeti King!!


Dang Rostra

Dark Crystal

Dark Desert Mushroom

Dark Eggshell Hat

Dark Knight Helmet

Dark Lizard

Dark Petal

Dark Pulsar

Dark Red Dye

Dark Talisman




Dealing with elves is too bothersome to me.


Debug - Change level
Debug - Level ändern

Debug - Change stats
Debug - Statuspunkte verändern

Debug - Modify Race

Debug - Reset
Debug - Reset

Debug Information

Deep Black Boots

Defeat a few waves of Soren's House. Once you're done, this will become a warp. Hurry before it closes.

Delicious Cookie
Leckerer Keks

Deliver it to Zitoni on my name. He'll trust it. The relation between me and Zitoni... goes way back.

Demonic Chest

Demonic Earth Powder

Demonic Skull


Descend into Tulimshar sewers?

Desert Bandit

Desert Bow

Desert Hat

Desert Helmet

Desert Log Head

Desert Maggot

Desert Shirt

Desert Tablet

Desert Thief Card

Despite its initial dubious fragrance, the tea comes off as very smooth and mellow with a bit of natural sweetness and a touch of an earthy forest like flavour, but in a very good way.

Determine Team Size (If everyone is ready and stdby at Tulimshar, use: @@. Minimum 2 players.)

Determine Team Size +1 (so 1 each side, use 2)

Developer Cap



Diamond (+2 vit)

Diamond Bif

Diamond Powder

Did you brought me 7 @@?

Did you brought me everything I asked for?

Did you have any other questions for me?

Did you said reward?!

Did you say reward? I want it!
Sagtest du Belohnung? Ich will sie!

Did you see Jhedia the blacksmith in Tulimshar? She might know how you could get this.

Different kind of monsters live near the city. For example, blubs. I have no idea of what are those.



Disable BG

Disable Event

Disable event

Disarm process aborted: Disarmer is out of reach.

Disarm process aborted: Insufficient mana to proceed.

Disarmed with success for: @@


Diseased Heart

Divine Apple

Divine Sword

Divorce error!
Problem bei der Scheidung!

Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
Seh ich wie ein Baum aus? Zumindest fühl ich mich wie einer.

Do a weird dance

Do as I told you, and talk to Alan for the bow!

Do it!

Do not enter on this storehouse, the maggots there will kill you.

Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Juliet

Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.

Do not worry with me, youngling... I'll be fine.#0

Do not worry with me, youngling... I'll be fine.#1

Do not worry, I have them right here.

Do not worry, I'll be back in a jiffy.

Do nothing
Nichts tun

Do you accept special requests? Could you make me a really good bow?

Do you even know what a bow is?

Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
Fühlst du dich sogar zu schwach, um diese Wischi-Waschi-Monster hier zu besiegen?

Do you have an extra of 11 @@ for me?

Do you have any other questions for me?
Hast du noch weitere Fragen an mich?

Do you have the @@/11 @@ I requested? Sailors are getting hungry because you!

Do you know @@? It's a poisonous food you can't find around here. It can be made edible with special prepare.

Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
Weißt du, was mit dem Gold passiert ist, das ich bei mir hatte, als ihr Jungs mich gerettet habt?

Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
Weißt du, was mit dem Gold passiert ist, das ich bei mir hatte, als ihr Jungs mich gerettet habt?

Do you make Lifestones?

Do you make any other kind of potions?

Do you need my help?

Do you sell anything here?

Do you think I could join the Alliance?

Do you want to craft @@? For that I will need @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ gp.

Do you want to cut this @@?
Willst Du dies zerschneiden @@?

Do you want to go to the left, the right or stay where you are?

Do you want to marry @@?
Möchtest du @@ heiraten?

Do you want to read it?
Möchtest du es lesen?

Do you, perchance, have 2 @@ and 3 @@?


Don't bother me, I'm busy right now. Since the Monster King left, I barely got a night of rest...

Don't break my stuff.

Don't buy it

Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
Lenk mich nicht ab. Ich muss aufmerksam bleiben.

Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
Mach das nicht *hicks* mit mir!

Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!

Don't go alone, though! He would not listen to me, it is not you alone he'll pay attention.

Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!!

Don't say anything, I can smell the scent of Helena's hair on you.

Don't worry ma'm, I'll recover the Treasure Keys at once.

Donate 100 GP for prize

Donate 15 GP for prize

Donate 5 GP for prize

Donate 50 GP for prize

Donate a Bat Teeth

Donate a Bat Wing



Drag and drop a @@ in a @@, and you will obtain a @@.

Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
Drag-and-drop einen Gegenstand aus deinem Inventar.

Dragon Eggshell

Dragon Scales

Dragon Shield

Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.

Drink the potion

Drink the potion, and say magic words

Drop Rate management

Drop rate has been reset to @@% (default value).

Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@.

Druid Tree Branch


Duck Feather


During the war, the Monster King cursed the place where he died, but he fought back, and cursed the curse.

Dye cards are not the only thing which exist, but they are the coolest!

Dying will also decrease the pet intimacy, and there are bonuses when your intimacy is high!

Dyrin The Traveler

ERROR, Please report: GHQ GMID: Invalid ID: @@

ERROR, Please report: GHQ GQID: Invalid ID: @@

Each of them require different items, I'll sort from weakest to strongest, so choose wisely.

Each settlement names a representative, which forms the Alliance Council. There is also the High Council, and the Magic Council.

Earlier I hadn't any, but now that I have the baits, I will be glad to sell some to you!


Earth Scroll

East Aeros

Easter Angry Forain

Easter Egg

Easter Mouboo

Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!!

Easter will soon start!


Eggshell Hat

Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry.


Elanore casts a chant over the items, closes her hands, and vóila! A lifestone.

Elanore the Healer

Elixir Of Life




Emeald Bif


Emerald (+2 luck)

Emerald Powder

Emergency Exit

Emoc otem itey gnik!




Enable Easter

Enable Event

Enable Worker's Day

Enabled: @@
Aktiviert:  @@

End status @@

Enjoy your new style.
Viel Spaß mit deinem neuen Style.

Enliven Reva Foxhound

Enter desired skill level:
Gewünschtes Fähigkeitslevel eingeben:

Enter line number:
Zeilennummer eingeben:

Enter new line:
Neue Zeile eingeben:


Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.

Error, contact Jesusalva! Missing warp. Healing & Reseting temporaly.

Error, error, L_T2_S0 General Error, REPORT ME

Error, marine_maxre invalid @@

Esperia is the human capital founded at the other continent.


Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds.


Even if the city has not been attacked on the last few years, I can't help but be concerned while the kids are playing hide and seek.

Event Management
Event Management

Event management
Event Management

Event stage: 

Everburn Powder

Every 1 hour

Every 12 hours

Every 24 hours

Every 3 hours

Every 5 hours

Every 6 hours

Evil Chest

Evil Scythe

Evil worms crawl from earth and starts devouring the plants!


Except they're not. I'll be back later.

Excuse me.

Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
Entschuldigen? Weißt du mit wem du hier redest?

Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
Entschuldigen? Weißt du mit wem du hier redest?

Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).

Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.

Experience Rate management

FINAL WARNING: Do not spend unecessary time on Soren's House, you'll be disconnected!!

Failed to warp to Soren Village.

Failsafe Mechanism

Fallen King

Fancy Hat
Modischer Hut

Mach es gut.


Farmer Hat

Farmer Pants

Fate's Potion

Fates Potion

Feel free to come visit me another time.
Du kannst mich jederzeit besuchen kommen.


Final: @@, @@

Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
Such dir einen gemütlichen, trockenen Platz an der Küste, von wo aus du leicht das tiefe Wasser erreichen kannst.

Fire Goblin

Fire Scroll

First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo!

Fish Box


Fishing Guide Vol. I
Angelführer Vol. I

Fishing Rod

Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
Angeln im seichten Gewässer klappt nicht wirklich gut, da die Fische das meiden.

Flight Talisman


Fluffy Animals who Love Their Owners

Fluffy Hat

Fluo Powder

Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
Nach diesen Zeilen findet dich noch etwas anderes Geschreibsel auf dem Zettel.

Foolish kids, do you think violence is the answer to everything?!

For (another) one @@, I'll need 4 @@ and 50 GP.

For a moment you wonder if Celestia might have gotten confused and tossed in a handful of forest dirt into the teapot.

For all his great deeds, and thousands of lives he saved, this statue is in his honor.

For defending Hurnscald alone and saving all its inhabitants.

For fighting against the Monster King once and getting out alive to tell the story.

For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, almost nobody have magic this day.

For only a small amount of Gold Pieces, I will show you how it works!

For short, they had a fight with curses, and now there's a talking statue over his grave which can spawn monsters here.

For short, you would have lost all your items, wouldn't get anything, and there would be no refunds.

For that, I need to light five torches. The pentagram, the magic, and all the else are with me. Just light the torches.

For this training, I need @@, not the usual arrow you use.

For you, it will be only 200 GP for potion! But I need the base ingredients, five @@ - or @@, depends on which one.

For you, it'll be @@ GP.


Forest Armor

Forest Bow

Forest Card

Forest Gloves

Forest Mushroom

Fortune Statue


Four Leaf

Four Leaf Clover

From the smell I can see you found the bug bomb!

Frostia Guard

Frostia and Halinarzo are now on a spar!

Frostia is the only city known that was not founded by humans.

Frozen Yeti Tear


Funky Hat

Fur Boots

Fuschia Dye



GM Cap

GM Robe

GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day.

Gamboge Herb

Gamboge Plant

Gem powder


Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.

Get money
Geld abheben

Get out of here, weakling. You'll be killed by bandits.#0

Get out of here, weakling. You'll be killed by bandits.#1

Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
Ggrmm... Grmmmm...


Giant Maggot

Giant Mutated Bat

Ginger Bread Man

Give Up

Give it time, increase your magic power, and you'll find out the truth.

Give me a second to look over your paperwork.

Give me back what you've stole, thief!

Give me some space.
Gib mir etwas Zeit.

Give that to whoever needs them, and see if it works. Then come tell me the result. Do you have the reagents?

Give the Antenna to her?

Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!

Glad to hear. I swear, the fish I picked before you arrive was THAT big!


Go away.
Geh weg.

Go back

Go fly a kite.
Geh Kitesurfen.

Go home now?

Go kill the Bandit Lord!

Go kill them!!

Go very close to it and, speak the four four-letters magic words and he'll appear to you.

God bless you! You have saved me from sweltering!

Gold Ingot

Gold Medal

Gold Ore

Gold Pieces

Golden Apple

Golden Armbands

Golden Chainmail

Golden Chest

Golden Easteregg

Golden Eggs are used for the grand collector prize. Ah, I love Easter! I loooooooove it!

Golden Four-Leaf Amulet

Golden Gift

Golden Light Platemail

Golden Pearl Ring

Golden Ring

Golden Scorpion

Golden Scorpion Claw

Golden Warlord Plare

GonzoDark, Saulc.

Good bye my friend, and safe travels!#0

Good bye my friend, and safe travels!#1

Good bye!

Good bye, darling!

Good bye.

Good choice! This year we're having a @@!

Good day sir.#1
Guten Tag, der Herr.

Good job!
Gut gemacht!

Good job! Here is your reward! (40 xp 25 gp)

Good job! Here is your reward! (50 xp 50 gp)

Good job, here is 1,000,000 GP!

Good job, here is 100,000 GP!

Good job, here is 25,000 GP and 15,750 EXP.

Good job, here is 250,000 GP!

Good job, kid. You've survived both the Cave Of Trials and Soren's Village.

Good job, man!

Good job, you already killed over 100! Hahah, that sure teach them a lesson!

Good job... Here is your reward...

Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home.

Good luck getting the fertilizer from Eomie! Many elves simply refuse to cooperate until it affects them directly.

Good luck killing it! And don't forget to touch the Soul Menhir before you go!

Good luck!
Viel Glück!

Good luck! Come for remuneration when you finish!

Good luck! Don't come back until you reach 10000 kills!

Good luck, because you'll need it. Talk to me once all of them are lit, and I'll SUMMON DAH MONSTER KING.

Good luck.

Good luck...

Good to hear from you!
Schön, von dir zu hören.

Good to know.
Gut zu wissen.

Good! First, let us test if you are resourceful. Bring me 3 @@ and 3 @@. That should be enough!

Good! I want 3 @@ and 10 @@. I have a contract to transform that in good money.

Good! Last step! West of Hurnscald, there is a magic fountain.

Good, good, you have enough powder. Now I need you to lit all five torches with them.

Good, good. The chant is ##B EMOC OTEM ITEY GNIK ##b. Good luck!

Good, good. The skill you got earlier just raised a single level. I'll also impair some experience on you, no biggies.

Good, you did it!

Auf Wiedersehen.


Graduation Cap

Grass Carp

Grass Liner

Grass Seeds

Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers.

Great! Excellent! Because I am also diving in problems!!

Great! The first thing you need is, obviously, a bow. You should not use any you come across, but a high quality one.

Great, I need 11 @@. Remember a good food makes a good crew.

Greater agility allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.

Green Dye

Green Eggshell Hat

Green Slime

Greetings, wanderer. I am @@, chief of the Tulimshar guards. My wards are dying from dehydration in the sun. Bring them water and you will earn a reward.


Guaaaards! Sailors! Help! We have a stowaway!

Guard Amy

Guard Avou

Guard Benji

Guard Biscop

Guard Corina

Guard Defou

Guard Devoir

Guard Falko

Guard Froma

Guard Jhon

Guard Laurie

Guard Malindax

Guard Maxim

Guard Moustacha

Guard Nutelo

Guard Philip

Guard Popaul

Guard Roukin

Guard Tetric

Guard Totor

Guard Valou

Guard Yen

Guard Yuna



Guardians Of Soren

Guards use it to spar against each other on friendly matches, to see who is stronger.


Gwendolyn Bowmaker

Gwendolyn sighs and shake her head.

Gwendolyn takes an analyzing look at you. Then she nods.

Had you any breakthrough?

Haha, Nice, but how do you do that?

Haha, no, I'm not! But we found traces of them.

Hair color

Hair style

Half Croconut
Halbe Krokosnuss

Half Eggshell
Halbe Eierschale

Halin Guard

Halinarzo people are very poor, but we have our resources...

Halinarzo was founded to explore Mana Stones.

Halinarzo's Nurse

Hard Spike

Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible!


Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it.

Haste Potion

Have a good day!
Hab einen schönen Tag!

Have a good time fishing!
Viel Spaß beim Angeln!

Have you got mad? That's too much, it's like you are trying to be perfect! No way I'll help you!

Having magic power is useless by itself, so you must visit the Magic Council and sign up in one of two classes.

He died, but I plan in fulfilling his will. I can give you training for that, and teach you how to fight properly.#0

He died, but I plan in fulfilling his will. I can give you training for that, and teach you how to fight properly.#1

He is in the process of making a figurine made of bug leg.

He is the Miners leader.

He never touched the Soul Menhir... He died... For real...

He pours something on it, you're not sure what. He then utters some magic words.

He will summon allies if he think you have the upper hand. So take care if you are going ranged.

He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
Während er auf das Meer starrt, hält er eine Angel fest in seiner Hand.

Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public.

Hear you? How do you even know he can understand you?!#1

Hear you? How do you even know she can understand you?!#0

Heart Glasses

Heart Necklace

Heart Of Isis

Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
Hahaha. Komm einfach zurück, wenn du deine Meinung änderst.

Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there that the boy is fine.#1

Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there that the girl is fine.#0

Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
Hehehe, er ist ein bisschen nervös. Bitte entschuldige ihn. Es passiert nicht jeden Tag, dass wir ein neues Mitglied in unserer Crew haben!


Helena's Teammate

Helios Boots


Hello Ms. Eomie, kind sir Anwar sent me to fetch some fertilizers to save Tulimshar from famine, if you may?

Hello adventurer! Are you lost?#0

Hello adventurer! Are you lost?#1

Hello adventurer, what may this humble minstrel do for you today?

Hello again can you give you give me some tentacles.

Hello darling. The Alliance sucks, but don't tell anyone I told you that.

Hello darling.#0

Hello darling.#1

Hello dear!#0
Hallo Schatz!

Hello dear!#1
Hallo Schatz!

Hello do you want to play rock scissors paper?

Hello my friend! Need my help?#0

Hello my friend! Need my help?#1

Hello my friend!#0

Hello my friend!#1

Hello player, do you want to participate on HUNGRY QUIRIN event?!

Hello there pretty fountain, what about granting me magic?

Hello there! I am a constable. I keep law and order here.

Hello there! I'm Jack, the Lumberjack, and enemy of all trees. If you need some firewood, just let me know.

Hello there, I am @@, blacksmith of this fine city. What do you want to forge today?

Hello there, darling.#0

Hello there, darling.#1

Hello there. I am looking for strong people, but you are not strong enough.


Hello! Anwar sent me to get fertilizer to save Tulimshar from famine, could you help me?

Hello! I am @@, and I take care of Tulimshar forge. I usually make ingots from various materials. So, what do you want today?

Hello! I am Cassia, Ambassator. During the Monster War outbreak, Halinarzo was almost entirely destroyed.

Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free.

Hello, I act on the Alliance's behalf.

Hello, I am B-@@, of the @@ order.

Hello, I am G-@@, of the @@ order.

Hello, I am K-@@, of the @@ order.

Hello, I am T-@@, of the @@ order.

Hello, I'm Pylon!

Hello, I'm new here! Can I help you?

Hello, What a lovely day for a stroll.

Hello, could I help you in exchanger of fertilizer?

Hello, darling!

Hello, darling. I was thinking in doing a tea party.#0

Hello, darling. I was thinking in doing a tea party.#1

Hello, dear! I love @@, could you bring me some? They're sooooo sweet and delicious!#0

Hello, dear! I love @@, could you bring me some? They're sooooo sweet and delicious!#1

Hello, madam!#0

Hello, sir!#1

Hello, wanderer!#0

Hello, wanderer!#1

Hello, young boy...#1

Hello, young girl...#0


Hello. Ah, bad luck. I am three days without fishing a single carp.

Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods.

Hello. Take care with the Mountain Snakes, they're highly poisonous!

Here are the Antennas.

Here are the Pinkie Legs.

Here are two @@. Please deliver it to them. I hope they'll like it.

Here is 1000 GP for your efforts. Thanks for making Hurnscald a better place to live.

Here is 2000 GP for your efforts. Thanks for making Hurnscald a better place to live.

Here is a safe haven for we who don't fight. There are no monsters, and the Mouboo watches over us.

Here is the @@, like my armor, and one of the best for rangers.

Here is the bug bomb! Eomie just gave me. Hurry up!

Here is your powder! I hope it will be useful.

Here it is, clean like a whistle!
Hier ist es, blitzeblank und glänzend!

Here it is, miss.#0

Here it is, mister.#1

Here it is. Come back to report the results.

Here it is. Take care with it!

Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here.

Here they are miss!

Here they are!

Here they are, miss!

Here they are, miss.#0

Here they are, mister.#1

Here they are.
Hier sind sie.

Here we have a squall from @@.

Here you are!

Here you go - have fun with it.

Here you go!

Here you go! Anything else?

Here you go! Happy easter! Bhop bhop!

Here you go, I tried my best! Do you want another?

Here you go, everything is fixed.
Bitteschön. Alles ist repariert.

Here you go. Handle it with caution.

Here's some gold for your efforts.

Here's what I need:

Here's your reward!
Hier ist deine Belohnung

Here, I did this @@ for you! I'm pretty sure this is also a drop, but that's literally everything I could do for helping my husband.

Here, I have a candy!

Here, all yours. I can't use them like I am now. Thank you.

Here, learn the ##BFalkon Punch##b. It is on Physical skills tab. You can drag it to the shortcut list. Use it to protect people!

Here, take as much as you need, I have plenty!

Here, take it. If the mana goes out of your body, I'll have your class master to return the book to me.

Here, take the Elixir. Please, bring it to my wife! I am counting on you!!

Here, take this @@ - you deserve it! And here is 200 GP to buy a better weapon.

Here, take this @@ - you deserve it! And here is 5.000 GP and 8.400 XP.

Here, take this @@. This is the proof that you've helped Hurnscald greatly. This shall open new opportunities to you.

Here, take this pair of boots as a reward!

Here, thanks to the oil, this string is very sturdy. You better not keep it on your inventory. Good luck!

Hero Card

Hero Statue

Hero Statue#012-1

Hey do you have a second?

Hey dude. During this event you can trade one @@ for more... useful items.

Hey hey... Good job! I was worried you would ruin their hoods before being able to take them.

Hey hey... Good job! We can now use again the stuff we recovered from the bandits.

Hey kid! Can you hear me?#0

Hey kid! Can you hear me?#1

Hey there, @@! Good luck killing monsters!

Hey there. My name is Gwendolyn Bowmaker; I'm the granddaughter of the famous Glinda Bowmaker.

Hey wait... A monster!! Run for your life!!

Hey wait... You found 2 GP!

Hey wait... You're enveloped by a bright light and fully healed!

Hey wait... You're enveloped by a bright light and gain experience!

Hey you have a bucket! Too bad there are, you know, HOLES on it, so you can see.

Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
Hey du! Kannst du uns hören? Alles in Ordnung?

Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
Hey! Sei vorsichtig. Du kannst nicht lange in diesem Keller bleiben, denn du wirst krank werden. Geh nach draußen und mach eine Pause und probier es später nochmal.

Hey! Good to see you. I was thinking how I could repay for what you've done for my mother.

Hey! How are you today? Thanks again for your help.

Hey! I already got them!

Hey, @@!

Hey, I like rewards. Wait me, I'll be back!

Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
Hey, check mal meine brandneue Angel! Ich hab sie erst heute gekauft.

Hey, do you know what is good on summer? @@!

Hey, dude! The guards are after me. I need your help, and I can reward you.#0

Hey, dude! The guards are after me. I need your help, and I can reward you.#1

Hey, girl!#0
Hey Mädchen!

Hey, how is the monster extermination going?

Hey, it seems like you didn't register as a Monster Hunting Quest participant yet! You can sign up with Aidan.

Hey, man!#1
Hey Man!

Hey, pal. This spot is very good, I can see the whole town from here.#0

Hey, pal. This spot is very good, I can see the whole town from here.#1

Hey, psst! Have you brought me what I asked for?

Hey... Go bother someone else.

Hey... You... Come here.


Hi @@.
Hi @@.

Hi there, I can always use a helping hand around here, are you the one for the job?

Hi! Do you want a hair cut?

Hi, @@.

Hi, nice to see you!
Hi, nett dich zu sehen!


Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me?


Hinnak and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly.

Hm, can we talk again later?

Hm... Shhhh...
Hm... Schhhh...

Hmm, who are you?

Hmpf! Coffee is an heresy!

House Maggot

How I see my items?

How can I get iron ingot?

How can you help me?

How did you end up here?

How do I get magic?

How do I get so much money?!

How do I make money?

How do I save items?

How do I save money?

How hunt monsters?

How is *hic* it possible?
Wie ist *hicks* das möglich?

How is your purge going? I hope you had success at it!

How many ingots do you want to make?

How many steps?

How much do you want to deposit?

How much do you want to withdraw?

How powerfully do you want to shoot?

How talk with someone?

How trade with other players?


However, beware! That potion is short-lived, you'll be running against time. Get ready to travel a lot.

However, if we waste the ship's money in beer, Nard will get mad.

However, our skill growth rate is much smaller than those of humans.

However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there.

However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city.

However, the log breaks with a loud crack.

However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.

Hum, Which type of favor?

Hum, how many gem powders can I get from one gem?

Hum... I'm not really good at it.

Human Voice
Menschliche Stimme

Hungry Quirin Arena Information

Hungry Quirin Arena Rules


Hurnscald Liberation Day special event

Hurnscald is a large city. I'm sure glad I live in Candor because I know where everything's at.

Hurnscald under siege! No ships are capable to give aid!

Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar.

Hurnscald's Nurse

Hurnscald? Small farming towns are always nice to visit.


Hurry up! Bring my @@ from Barzil in Halinarzo!! You only have @@ left!

Hurry up, before the wind changes.

Hurry up, you'll run out of time in @@!

I advise you to do more quests on Tulimshar and Candor, otherwise, you might fail right at the end.

I advise you to do more quests on Tulimshar and Candor, otherwise, you will fail right at the end.

I already have a Forest Bow.

I also do not keep any stock of them. If you really want it, you can bring me some Raw Logs. I'll show you which one is the good one. Deal?

I also see you have a level @@ magic skill!"

I always keep my end on the bargain, so here you go.

I am @@, an alchemist specialized in reset potions.

I am @@, and I take care of the Arena.

I am @@, guardian of Candor Cave. Below this cave, lies the legendary Fefe, arch-wizard from the Great War.

I am @@, the only mage in Candor.

I am Malivox, an alchemist specialized in reset potions.

I am Zarkor, the Dark Summoner. I want to do a dark summoning ritual, but there are strings attached.

I am a GM, and I want to change my Race!

I am a bard! I used to be an elf trader, but music got me for good.

I am a brave adventurer! How can I help you?

I am a contributor, and I want contributor stuff.

I am a trader from Nard's ship. We actually need supplies. Help us, and I'll help you.#0

I am a trader from Nard's ship. We actually need supplies. Help us, and I'll help you.#1

I am collecting money for the Yearly Autumn Scorpion Hunter quest.

I am counting on you!

I am currently very worried with them. They're just children! They don't know how to fight!

I am doing a great research with Bats, and thus far I collected @@ Bat Wings and Teeths.

I am happy that such responsible citizens live in Tulimshar. Thank you for your help. It's really hot nowdays!

I am hungry. Can I buy some food here?

I am making a figurin with Bug legs.

I am not a citizen of Candor.

I am not a half-word man, so I won't take your fish. Come back with the money and the Roots, and I'll make the string for you.

I am not afraid of Pious.

I am not sure of who makes or haves Lifestones. Try looking outside the city. Who knows.

I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
Mir sind Belohnungen egal. I will nur helfen.

I am pleased about your progress, but you are not ready for the next step yet. Go and do some more training, before you come back.

I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
Ich bin froh, daß du aufgewacht und wohlauf bist. Elmo hat mir die gute Nachricht erzählt!

I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
Ich bin froh, daß du aufgewacht und wohlauf bist. Elmo hat mir die gute Nachricht erzählt!

I am searching again maggot slime to craft more balls.

I am sorry, but it seems that you don't have enough money. Come back when you have reorganized your finances.

I am stationed here to protect Hurnscald from monsters.

I am still here, but I already did amends for my acts and don't need to flee anymore...

I am sure that you will change your mind.

I am the @@ master.

I am the Magic Fountain of Hurnscald. You look qualified.

I am the Trader King, because I supply a market!

I am too far away to talk. Weird floating thingy...

I am trying to fish here without success. You're weak, do not bother me.

I better leave this crazy man to his ordeals...

I can do a bug bomb right away, but I still need a few things for it!

I can fill your bottle with water for only @@ gp the bottle.

I can make a @@ for just one @@ and 200 GP for my work.

I can make a nice, simple potion for you. That will help the raw mana to settle on your body.

I can make an @@, I still have a bottle of fairy blood, a few mana pearls, and some other rare ingredients.

I can make you a @@, and for that I will want a @@ and 500 GP.

I can prove you my worth!

I can rent it to you for 500 GP, during 15 minutes. Deal?

I can warp you home now.

I can't believe.

I can't go there now.

I can't remember anything.#0
Ich kann mich an nichts erinnern.

I can't remember anything.#1
Ich kann mich an nichts erinnern.

I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
Ich kann nicht den ganzen Tag hier rumstehen und reden. Ich habe einen Job zu erledigen.

I can't use the shovel here.
Ich kann die Schaufel hier nicht benutzen.

I can't, sorry.

I can, however, prepare you a potion. But beware, that potion will only last 35 minutes once baked.

I cannot just give it to you for nothing. Run to Elanore and fetch me a @@. You need to make a new one, an old one I won't accept.

I changed my mind.
Ich hab meine Meinung geändert.

I charge a service fee of 2000 GP, and two gemstones.

I collect them.

I did a travel to their cave, I wondered why their faces are never seen. Reason is that they're monsters.

I did not summon you, I'm just a passer-by. Sorry.

I disguise myself into a giant mutated bat, but every time I break or lose my fake teeth.

I do not have Everburn Powder to lit the torch.

I do. I want to challenge the Candor Cave!

I don't care about dirty miners problem.

I don't have enough money...

I don't know who sent you to me, but this is a flat and big NO!

I don't know. Try getting a Rusty Knife or something. Maybe the chef of Nard's ship can spare you one.

I don't need your help right now, come back later.
Ich brauche deine Hilfe zur Zeit nicht. Komme später wieder.

I don't remember what I need now, but if you give me a moment, I'll get the list.

I don't want her to think that I am a bad mother.

I feel ok.#0
Mir gehts gut.

I feel ok.#1
Mir gehts gut.

I fight every day in hopes to meet Andrei, the famous hero who prevented Hurnscald from total destruction against a horde of monsters alone.

I forgot what you need!

I forgot what you need.

I found your birth record, but it is not complete. Here says you were born on Halinarzo.

I give you five minutes to defeat me. Witness my wrath!

I go right.

I got the apple.

I got the eggs.

I got the silk and chocolate.

I guess she sent you to kill another Bandit Lord, right? Ok, I'll give you the key for his room.

I guess that you could use these lifestones to gain a regeneration effect, too, but I do not know how.

I hate sea water, it always make knifes rusty. I already have a stockpile of rusty knifes on the other room.

I hate so much the Pinkies on my fields, I want to do a soup! Can you provide me 10 @@? Many thanks.

I hate you Pinkies, and I hate the Monster King too, for bringing forth these plagues!!

I have 5 Bandit Hoods with me.

I have 5 Treasure keys with me.

I have a Stinger with me. Try it!

I have a print screen!

I have a spare pair of gloves laying somewhere, you can have those if you finish the task.

I have all.

I have developed a special formula, which resets your stats!

I have everything here with me.

I have everything.

I have it right here. You can take it!

I have some sweeties for the Tea Party!

I have the sturdy wood and the string.

I have to get going now. Thanks for the help!

I have to go, sorry.

I have to go. See you later.

I have what you want.

I hope my answer help you in your adventure!

I hope to one day be like @@, who @@

I hope you got a Jean Shorts, but that depends on luck. Anyway, here is your reward. (1000 xp 350 gp)

I hope you like this color.
Hoffentlich gefällt dir diese Farbe.

I intend to continue with my family's tradition, by teaching the Way of Archery.

I just want to live my life in peace.
Ich möchte nur in Frieden leben.

I just want to trade.

I knew someone would agree with me!

I know another Bandit Lord will take up his place, but the loss of their leader will make bandits scatter long enough.

I know how hard it is! I hate them with all my heart, only seeing you killing them left and right was GREAT!

I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like you to explore the island we're currently at.

I know where the Bandit Lord room is, and I have a guard stationed not far from there. Ask him for the key.

I leave this basement that start to be too dangerous!

I like people like you, straight to the subject.

I like to sing.

I love seeing their terrorize face.

I love you, Silvia! - Swezanne

I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich würde gerne meine Sprache ändern.

I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich würde gerne meine Sprache ändern.

I make both @@ and @@, if you give me the shrooms associated to them, and money.

I mine here since a while. My favorite activity it's to scare others miners!

I need @@ @@.
Ich brauche @@ @@.

I need @@ Herbs!

I need @@ to work...

I need a GM set, please!

I need a string, but not just any string, a really good string.

I need a sturdy wood piece for a Forest Bow.

I need a tutorial, where can I find help?

I need at minimum @@ Monster Points to get items at current level.

I need help, but you aren't strong enough. Please come back later.

I need my master's @@, fast!

I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
Ich brauche jemanden, der den Schiffsrumpf von diesen Ratten befreit. Kannst du mir helfen?

I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
Ich brauche Hilfe, um den Kiel des Schiffes zu säubern. Du bist aber noch nicht stark genug dafür.

I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
Ich brauche Hilfe, um den Kiel des Schiffes zu säubern. Du bist aber noch nicht stark genug dafür.

I need to buy your silence. I'll reward you greatly when I'm done. But first, I need to know if you'll be loyal to me.

I need to think about it...#0
Ich muss darüber nachdenken...

I need to think about it...#1
Ich muss darüber nachdenken...

I need to think about this.

I need your help dude!

I never said that. I come here frequently to trade. It is you who should explore the island.

I only need @@ @@. Please! You have to help me!

I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
Ich kann mich nur daran erinnern, dass du mich gerettet hast.

I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
Ich kann mich nur daran erinnern, dass du mich gerettet hast.

I only take a tax of 100 gp per gem.

I plan in doing an event! Give me the coins!

I predict you're closer to find the Secret Of Mana, and therefore, be part on saving our world.

I promise I'll never steal from you again. Here, take this shorts.

I really hope that nothing major happens, though. I would hate to see blood being spilled.

I recommend that you train your dexterity a great deal, since most monsters out there are hard to hit without it.

I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
Als ich meine erste Gruppe gegründet habe, teilten wir mit Begeisterung einige Erfahrung mit einem kleinen Team von Abenteurern...

I represent the @@ Hunters. We hunt @@.

I saw Purple the other day... Ah, now I want to eat @@... A dozen should do...

I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
Es ist anscheinend nicht so einfach, diese Rattos zu beseitigen. Willst du es nochmal versuchen?

I see you are a mage too. Have you joined a class already? Luca and Colin are always recruiting on Tulimshar Magic Council.

I see you are doing good. Keep slaying them, hahaah!

I see you brought @@/5 @@ for us!

I see you have arms long enough to be an archer.

I see you have brought @@/3 @@ and @@/10 @@ for me.

I see you have brought @@/3 @@ and @@/3 @@ for me

I see.
Ach so.

I should have full mana before attempting to disarm one.

I should train my intelligence, have full MP, and don't neglect even Job Level.

I stay.

I still don't have everything, but don't worry, I'll be back.

I still have Anwar's fertilizer with me.

I stole nothing from you. Do you have any proof?

I suggest some training.

I swear silence, over this bloody ruby.

I swear silence, over this shining topaz.

I think I have enough gold with me.#0

I think I have enough gold with me.#1

I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
Ich denke, dass ich fertig damit bin. Hast du sonst noch weitere Fragen?

I thought he would. After all, Everburn Powder... is not a mere powder.

I try to improve my skills every day. One day, I will sing a song no one will ever forget.

I usually ask adventurers for 11 @@, but new miners should be arriving soon. I need to make them cry!

I usually ask for 7, but to prove you are going to help us in this purge, I will ask you for 14 @@! I will reward you for your bravure.

I want a Sponsor Necklace.

I want a gemstone or ore

I want coal

I want experience

I want gold

I want to be trained!

I want to become an archer!

I want to craft rings.

I want to create polished gemstones.

I want to divorce.
Ich will mich scheiden lassen.

I want to forge Quivers!

I want to forge Shields!

I want to forge Weapons!

I want to move left.

I want to register for marriage.
Ich möchte mich zur Hochzeit registrieren.

I want to shop.

I want to trade with you.

I want to trade.

I want to try convincing the Yeti King again.

I want you to transform my raw log in a wooden log

I wanted other info.

I was found near Candor Island, on a raft, and can't remember anything. Do you know who I am?

I was planning to go there soon, anyway. All aboard!

I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
Ich war so Feuer und Flamme, ich wollte das sofort auch probieren.

I will apply later.

I will be back shortly.

I will be forever grateful!

I will do it, don't worry.

I will empower you with raw mana, and your time will start running out again.

I will give you 3 @@. Use them on this fight, or you're doomed to fail.

I will go and hunt some snakes.

I will kill one.

I will let you test it for a peny until level 10!

I will make quick work of your wounds.

I will need 3 @@, 5 @@ and 100 GP to craft a single stone.

I will need many Mauve Herbs! Do you have them with you? If you don't have enough, we'll lose everything! You need at most @@!

I will require 3000 GP, 1 @@, 1 @@ and 1 @@, for a small handful of it.

I will reward whoever kills the current bandit leader, of course.

I will sing a song about the Mana War and current times.

I will summon the Monster King. Don't ask me my reasons. I know this will put Tulimshar in danger. But I will still do it.

I will take a claw and show Hasan.

I will try it later.

I will yaying do.
Das werde ich.

I wish you a good time in town.
Ich wünsche dir eine gute Zeit in der Stadt.

I won't need it, thank you.#0
Ich werde es nicht brauchen, danke.

I won't need it, thank you.#1
Ich werde es nicht brauchen, danke.

I work in this mine since 3 years, I'm an expert on gems: Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, You know!

I would gladly aid you to get rid of that scourge.

I would gladly give my life for such noble goal.

I would like to create a guild.
Ich will eine Gilde erstellen.

I would like to create a party.
Ich will eine Gruppe erstellen.

I would like to perform money transactions.

I would like to store some items.
Ich würde gerne einige Gegenstände einlagern.

I'd like to get a different style.
Ich hätte gerne einen anderen Stil.

I'll arrange here with the alliance documents regarding you. I'll add a "war victim" status to make your life easier.

I'll ask you to kill 100 @@. This will prove your worth. Good luck.

I'll ask you to kill 2 @@. This will prove your worth. They are northwest of the island.

I'll be back in no time.
Ich bin sofort zurück.

I'll be back later with all ingredients.

I'll be waiting for you! And trading some items of questionable origins...

I'll charge you the irrelevant amount of 100 GP. Come on, it's a pinch!

I'll get to it.

I'll get to work.

I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
Ich werde ihr alles geben, was sie braucht, keine Sorge.

I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
Ich werde ihm alles geben, was er braucht. Keine Sorge.

I'll give you a reward, in the name of Saulc, once you reach the following levels: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150.

I'll help you.

I'll make your life easier, I'm also accepting 20 @@ or @@ instead the Grass Carp. Go now, pal.

I'll seek one for you.

I'll walk around here a little more.

I'll warp you to the Cave Of Trials. Pass all trials, and meet me on Soren's House. Hahah!

I'm Eistein, survivor from Ukarania. I reward brave adventurers who kill monsters, which plague our lands.

I'm GM and got the money. Gimme HALF HOUR to invite everybody!

I'm a bit sick...#0
Ich bin ein bisschen krank...

I'm a bit sick...#1
Ich bin ein bisschen krank...

I'm a little busy right now.
Ich bin gerade ein kleines bisschen beschäftigt.

I'm busy, sorry.

I'm done.
Ich bin fertig.

I'm fine for now, thank you.
Momentan ist alles super, danke dir.

I'm fine, no worries...

I'm going, don't worry.

I'm interested.

I'm not done yet. I'll be back.

I'm not interested right now.

I'm not interested, sorry.

I'm not interested.

I'm not ready.

I'm not sure I want to spend that much.

I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Guild won't get me!

I'm railroaded here, I cannot say no. I'll bring you some @@. Break them until one of them fit.

I'm ready, let's start!

I'm sorry, I will come back later.

I'm sorry, these words just came to my mind.

I'm sorry... I can't help you either...

I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules all adventurers must respect on this world.

I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
Ich bin mir sicher, daß du einige Fragen an mich hast. Zögere nicht zu fragen. Zuerst muss ich dir jedoch die Vorschriften für angemessenes soziales Verhalten an Bord erklären.

I'm sure the crew will like to be spared from having to eat @@ again!

I'm surprised, though. It is a very good defensive item, and players can buy it for pretty high sums of money.

I'm trying to make good food for all the sailors here, could you help me?

I've brought a Jean Shorts for you.

I've brought the money you've asked for.

I, Elmo, captain's deputy, will help you to make the maximum possible money in Candor!

I, second sage of Fate, write this book. The knowledge on it shall guide you to the Secret Of Mana.


Ice Cube

Ice Fluffy

Ice Gladius

Iced Bottle

Iced Fluffy

If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you! 
Wenn ich *hicks* gesehen hätte wer du bist *hips* hätte ich dir nicht geholfen!

If I were you, I would drink water.

If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED.

If it expires, you'll need to do another. To bake it I need 1 @@, 10 @@ and a @@. Have Mauve and Money, lots of it.

If one of us found a Mana stone. They would become rich!

If the Monster King attack, I will try to control inbound monsters here.

If the event ended now, you would get @@ GP.

If the water doesn't moves, you will never fish anything. Ah, fat luck...

If there were strong people to give us food, ah, how that would be good...

If they were any bigger, monsters would come and kill everyone.

If we could convince them to distract the Monster King, we could have chances to do a counter-attack!

If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!

If you bring friends, I'm sure they'll be no match. I'll pay you handsomely if you bring me one, too!

If you bring me some items to I do a bandage and heal myself, I'll give you my gloves!

If you bring us 5 @@, we'll be forever grateful.

If you die, you ##Bwon't##b be able to rejoin, but you won't suffer the penalty.

If you die, you'll have to begin again. And there is the experience penalty, too.

If you die, you'll need to start over everything again!

If you fell ready, perhaps you should touch it?

If you fight Black scorpion or others dangerous monster you should use the 'hit and run' tactic.

If you go to Lieutenant Dausen, he'll say that you used Gimp. Just give up.

If you have any trouble or doubt, don't hesit to call us. There are some cooperative quests, and more of them are being added.

If you have some gems, I can transform them into powder.

If you haven't, maybe there are a few things you can do besides selling items."

If you hug the wall, there's a secret passage somewhere there. Well, there are many secret passages at Tulimshar.

If you meant to reset the drop rate to its default value: @droprate default

If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default

If you pay the fee, I'll spawn them, for no longer than 20 minutes. You should not fight alone, instead, you need a group of at least three, because, you know, the curse. Or something.

If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
Wenn du einfach 99 in allen Statusmerkmalen möchtest:

If you train hard enough, and get access to a Mana Stone, I could teach you a trick or two. But right now, I don't sense magic compatibility in you.

If you want it?

If you want to be a real miner friend, do this hard task for me. I will reward you with a @@.

If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
Wenn Sie diese Seite später nochmals lesen möchten, gibt es eine Kopie an der Wand links.

If you want, you can ask there for one. They are at the big building at northwest.

If you wish to reset your stats:
Wenn du deine Statusmerkmale zurücksetzen möchtest:

Imperial Crown

In exchange for your help, I'll give you a @@!

In fact, Bryant is my brother, and he lives in a cave, and he probably have a high level quest too, but that's not important now.

In fact, I am cured! Hooray!!

In order to enter a message press the 'Enter' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press 'Enter' again to send your speech.

In the end, elves would have quite the age to rivalize with human wizards.

In the end, they decide the defensive measures, and they even set curfews!

In the storehouse, kill 5 @@. They keep respawning and are annoying.

In this cave we can easily find Coal, Iron ore, and sometimes @@.

In this wonderful realm, you can find and earn many @@, our currency!

In this world, your friends are your strength. You deserve a reward for the victory, please choose whatever you want.

In times of famine, magic came to save us.



Indeed, matey! Here they are!

Indeed. Sorry. I'm not giving you anything.

Infantry Helmet


Initiate huge siege (lv. 40)

Initiate medium siege (lv. 30)

Initiate small siege (lv. 20)

Initiate small siege (lv. 5)

Inside this house is my brother Alan. He knows how to make Forest Bows of exquisite quality.

Inst @@ Map @@

Intelligence is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.

Interesting! can I be rewarded for my help?

Interval: (none, only sent on login)
Intervall: (keins, nur zum Login gesendet)

Interval: every @@ hour(s)
Intervall: alle @@ Stunde(n)


Iridium Ingot

Iridium Ore

Iron Armbands
Eisen Armschienen

Iron Arrow

Iron Bug Slayer

Iron Four-Leaf Amulet

Iron Ingot

Iron Ore

Iron Powder

Iron Short Gladius

Iron Shovel

Is it truly a hard choice to make?
Ist es wirklich so schwer, diese Entscheidung zu treffen?

Is that... Wait... Wow. You... Killed a murderer scorpion.

Is there a reward?
Gibt es eine Belohnung?


Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices!

Ishi, the Rewards Master

It has a very dark color and an unusual aroma reminiscent of a moist forest.

It is a port city at the south of the continent. Main economic activities are mining and spices trade.

It is a sunny day, don't you think?
Ein schöner sonniger Tag, findest du nicht?

It is no use... We are too close to a island, they will keep invading the ship...

It is often easier to get invited by someone, but if you want to create it, you're free to. Remember guilds also have a player limit.

It is on a huge, icy mountain peak. Rumors about dragons and legendary items to be found.

It is pretty close to here. I advise you to use a good sword, and heal yourself often.

It is the non-rare ingredients I actually need help with!

It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
Sieht so aus, als könntest du gerade nichts mehr tragen.

It looks locked.

It offers better living conditions than Tulimshar, and is bigger and more prosperous. Few monsters live there.

It seems like you're finally safe. You shut your eyes and fall asleep.

It seems that you have no status points to reset!
Scheinbar hast du keine Status Punkte zum zurücksetzen!

It seems that you need a key to open this door.
Scheinbar brauchst du einen Schlüssel um diese Tür zu öffnen.

It takes a lot of mana, and is not very powerful, but it is a must have for everyone.

It was a little @@.

It was so tasty, I can't eat anything more... Thank you.

It wasn't this time...

It will be a problem if you run around naked!#0

It will be a problem if you run around naked!#1

It won't be long before we reach our destination...

It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
Es wäre ein guter Ort für ein wenig Bewegung, da das Schiff nicht wirklich groß genug dafür ist.

It'll cost you @@ GP.

It's @@ @@.
Es ist @@ @@.

It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!

It's called Mass Provoke. You'll basically try to convince monsters to attack you.

It's cold, harsh climate makes difficult to live there. It was founded by people thrown away from Tulimshar and Hunrscald for political reasons.

It's none of your business.

It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
Sie ist nicht so gut wie meine Neue, aber trotzdem sehr nützlich.

Item List

Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.

Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
Gegenstände haben unterschiedliche Effekte. Einige werden dich heilen, einige können als Waffe oder Rüstung benutzt werden, und andere können für Gold verkauft werden.

Items in your storage are totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe.





Jack bends the log over his knee.


Jack'O Lantern

Jack's Skeleton Charm

Jack, the Lumberjack

Jackpot! You got the Monocle!


Jar Of Blood

Jeans Chaps

Jeans Shorts

Jelly Beans


Jesus Saves

Jesusaves wrote a grimorie, with ancient secrets of our world.

Jesusaves's Grimorium




Join existing arena

Join teh Guild


Judgement has passed.
Das Urteil wurde gefällt.



Juliet is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.

Just go to the basement, past this door. Good luck, @@!

Just like parties, you can create from Social menu, but there is a catch: I will give you a document, which allows you to create ONE GUILD.

Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
Schau einfach raus aufs Meer! Es gibt noch unendlich viel Fisch da draußen.

Just one coin for spin.

Just use the arrow key--, err, I mean, just walk to the door on the right. The one which is not guarded by Peter.

Just... Don't accidentaly invoke a Legendary Guardian or something, these thingies could destroy a whole city.

Keep moving boy.#1
Geh weiter, Junge.#1

Keep moving girl.#0
Geh weiter, Mädchen.#0

Keep the Grimorie with you. It's the proof you are now Tier 2. The book shall guide your advances!


Khaki Dye

Kill at least a hundred of Pinkies here, and then we can talk.

King Of Trials


Lachesis Brew
Lachesis Gebräu


Lava Mana Pearl

Lava Slime

Lazurite Cristal

Lazurite Heart

Lazurite Robe

Lazurite Shard

Lead Ingot

Lead Ore

Leather Ball

Leather Boots

Leather Gloves

Leather Patch

Leather Quiver

Leather Shield

Leather Shirt

Leather Suitcase

Leather Trousers


Leave it alone!

Leave it alone.


Left Crafty Wing
Linker Crafty Flügel

Left Eye Patch




Legion's Copper Armor
Kupferrüstung der Legion

Legion's Training Shirt
Trainingshemd der Legion

Less maggots means more food to the town. So, this time the monsters will be a little stronger.

Less rattos means more food. So, this time the monsters will be a little stronger.

Let Cynric open your storage. You might also want to open your inventory.

Let me analyze that.

Let me check into it...
Lass mich mal drüberschauen...

Let me inspect it...

Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
Lass mich mich erst einmal vorstellen. Ich bin Nard und bin der Kapitän dieses Schiffes.

Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ GP to reset your stats.

Let me see your bow.

Let me see... The more Wings and Teethes I collect, the more my research shall advance.

Let's see if you can pick a reward!

Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
Lass mal sehen... @@ deiner Statuspunkte wurden gerade erst zurückgesetzt!

Lettuce Leaf


Liar. Where are the goods? Are you trying to cheat me?!

Liar. You can't fool me. That's the price. Get that or get out!

Lieutenant Dausen

Lieutenant Jacob

Lieutenant Paul



Lifestone Pendant

Lifestones have the potential to heal the user, and thus are used for potions.

Light Green Diamond

Light Platemail

Light Ring




Lime Dye

Line @@ has been removed.
Zeile @@ wurde entfernt.

Listen to me! Whoever wants to follow foolish @@ on their suicide quest, stay here for 15 seconds!

Little Blub
Kleines Blub

Lizards are the main monster found, and they steal gold from innocent bypassers.

Loading warp, be at this spot in 15 seconds.



Log Head


Long Sword

Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
Schau dir deine Ausrüstung genau an. Errätst du, aus welchem Material sie gemacht ist?

Lousy Moccasins
Abgenutzte Mokkasins

Love Letter

Lower this skill
Fähigkeit verringern

Lt. Gerry

Lt. Randy




Lucky! You got a coin!


Lynn The Traveler




MOTD Config
MOTD konfigurieren


Maggot Coccon

Maggot Slime

Magic Arpan
Magic Arpan

Magic Arpan#sailors
Magic Arpan#sailors

Magic Barrier

Magic Bif

Magic Goblin

Magic Maggot

Magic Power is granted to you, but you die from it.

Magic Ratto

Magic Top Hat

Magic is dead. Well, not yet, we still have some mana stones left - but only the strongest ones are allowed to use them and acquire magic.



Mahoud Basement

Make me an Iron Powder.

Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
Vergiß aber nicht, die Angel mit einem Köder zu bestücken!




Mana Being#001-1

Mana Bug

Mana Chest

Mana Ghost

Mana Gloves

Mana Piou

Mana Piou Feathers

Mana Stone

Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about.

Managed to drop anything? It requires more luck than skill. Here is your reward. (40 xp 25 gp)


Manana Tree

Manually trigger the current broadcast
Aktuelle Ankündigung manuell auslösen

Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here.

Many stories are told about this city sewers.

Many thanks for all the help!

Many thanks for your help! Here, take this. I'm sure it can be very useful later. It always is.

Many thanks! %%s

Many thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@!

Many thanks! Come back soon.

Many thanks! I'll arrange the table.

Many thanks, your help has been invaluable. We're now capable to travel at ease.#0

Many thanks, your help has been invaluable. We're now capable to travel at ease.#1

Many thanks. You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 1000 GP for your troubles.

Many thanks. You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 2000 GP for your troubles.

Many, many thanks! I'm sure the children will love it!

Marius The Bard

Marriage failed.
Hochzeit fehlgeschlagen.


Mauve Dye

Mauve Herb

Mauve Plant


Maybe I should also give you a lesson in how to count? You don't have enough.

Maybe another time.

Maybe later.

Maybe next time, then.

Maybe some other time.

Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them.

Maybe you could bring me 10 sticky @@?

Maybe you could bring me 5 @@? I will reward you for your effort.

Maybe you could bring me 5 delicious @@? They have a great effect in quenching thirst and recovering vigour.

Maybe you could convince him. There's a summoning circle on Tulimshar Sewers.

Maybe you could now help my friend Oscar. His farm is west of here.

Maybe you did it, after all!

Mecha Medallion


Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.

Mercy has been granted.
Gnade wurde gewährt.




Mine exit is top left!

Miner Gloves

Miner Hat

Mineral Bif

Mini Skirt

Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! (1300 xp)

Mint Dye

Modify another line
Andere Zeile verändern

Modify this line
Diese Zeile verändern

Modify, move, or remove a line
Ändern, bewegen oder entfernen einer Zeile


Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe.

Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help.

Monk Pendant



Monster Admiral

Monster Captain

Monster General

Monster King

Monster Lieutenant

Monster Major

Monster Sergeant

Monster Soldier

Monsters are dropping strange stuff! The world is changing!

Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.

Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at.




Moonshroom Robe




More Magic Power is granted to you, but you die from it.



Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
Am gebräuchlichsten sind in der Anglerwelt @@ und @@-Stückchen.

Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.


Mouboo Hat

Mouboo Steak

Mountain Snake

Mountain Snake Skin

Mountain Snake Tongue

Moutain Snake Egg

Move this line down
Zeile nach unten bewegen

Move this line up
Zeile nach oben bewegen

Much better, right?!

Murderer Crown

Murderer Scorpion

Mushroom Spores


My answer is still a no, and it won't change. Don't test my patience any further.

My breath smells bad.
Ich habe Mundgeruch.

My crops! Hurry up, and talk to Eomie!!

My figurin is so nice!

My formula is not a drug, nor magic. It is an ancient technology of our people!

My grandmother gave me a recipe of the @@, it can cure anything but death.

My husband and I have moved here under the Alliance orders.

My mother told me, do not go work like a guard. You will die from overheating in the sun during the summer time.

My name is Juliet, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. I'm glad to see you're okay.

My stats are too good, I won't need it.
Nein danke, meine Stats sind absolut perfekt.

Mylarin Dust

Mysterious Bif

Mysterious Bottle

NPC Blinking Eyes

NPC stylists will cut your hair!

NPCs(Non Playable Characters) or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.


Nah, thank you.



Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect.

Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it.

Nard is impressed, you're a hard worker.

Nard is very impressed, you're really a hard worker. Congrats!

Nard likes people who work hard. Work harder!

Nard noticed your hard work.

Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke.


Natural Card

Navy Blue Dye

Necromancer Card

Need a healing?


Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.

Never (only on login)
Nie (nur beim Login)

Nevertheless, you probably need some base materials from Bifs. Who knows what it will drop if you are lucky?

Next broadcast: (never)
Nächste Ankündigung: (nie)

Next broadcast: @@
Nächste Ankündigung: @@

Nice day to you.
Einen schönen Tag dir.

Nice! First let me introduce myself. I am Dracoula, a miner!

Nice! I want you to kill some red scorpions, as I said!


Night Scorpion

Nina The Traveler

Nivalis was the last human settlement built during the First Era.


No I don't have herbs. I'll be back.

No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
Nö..  und *hicks* nein... , du und deine... *rülps* dähmliche *hicks* Gilde!

No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
Nö..  und *hicks* nein... , du und deine... *rülps* dähmliche *hicks* Gilde!

No criminal record, no bank account, not even a tax payment declaration.

No no no, that's wrong.

No no no, you don't have everything I've asked for!

No one is allowed past this point.

No problem is too big for me. I have them right here!

No problem, I can help you anyway.
Kein Problem, ich kann dir trotzdem helfen.

No thanks.

No way!

No way! That's absurd!


No, I insist, keep the Antennas as a trophy.

No, I'll be back with them.

No, I'll save my money.

No, justice must be done.

No, none.
Nein, keine.

No, not at the moment.

No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go!

No, thanks!

No, thanks, I will keep my gems.

No, thanks, it's not my job!

No, thanks.
Nein. Danke.

No, thanks. I gonna leave this place.

No, they are way too dangerous for me!
Nein, Die sind zu gefährlich für mich!

No, we challenge you to a duel!



No... Not yet, sorry.

Nobody can know! *burp*

Normally, collaborative behave like neutral monsters. Unless some partner of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.

Not at the moment

Not in the mood to chat.
Ich bin nicht in der Stimmung, mich zu unterhalten.

Not now, but I may be back later.

Not now, sorry.

Not now, thanks

Not really, sorry.

Not resync'ing to prevent flood.

Not right now, I'm busy.

Not today, sorry.

Not yet, I'll be right back.

Not yet.
Noch nicht.

Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. ##BYou will lose experience if you are defeated.##b





Nothing at the moment, thanks.

Nothing at the moment.

Nothing happens.

Nothing right now.

Nothing, sorry!

Nothing, sorry.

Nothing, thanks!

Nothing, thanks.


Now I travel by the world, composing songs about the things I see.

Now go, and fetch the materials again. I'll make another fertilizer for you.

Now stand still... It should not take much time...
Jetzt bitte still stehen... Es sollte nicht allzulange dauern...

Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
Warte auf deinen Partner und sprich mich dann nochmal an.#0

Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
Warte auf deinen Partner und sprich mich dann nochmal an.#1

Now you need to fight monster with the maximum range, you can to do this do these steps in order: lock enemy, Attack, hit, move backwards of one tile, hit, ETC.

Now, please kill 50 @@, Try to collect some lamps in the same time, they could be useful later.

Now, the real challenge will start. You have a lot of raw power, but that doesn't gives you a lot of skills to learn.



OK, I will get them.


Ocean Croc

Ocean Croc Claw

Ocean Pirate

Of course I'll help you!

Of course! But beware that [@@|Translators@@] are always in demand!

Of course! Quick, take it!!

Of course, I actually have two options:

Of course, give me just a minute to look up for your data, @@.

Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
Natürlich, sie sind an der linken Wand, wirf einen Blick darauf.

Oh - Welcome to TMW2: Moubootaur Legends!

Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you with your hat!

Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat!

Oh my, the great @@ has come to talk to me!

Oh my, you don't seem to be registered as a Monster Hunting Quest Participant. Would you like to register?

Oh no, I don't have any money on me right now.

Oh no, not another stranger she sends me to tell that!

Oh noes! The door is locked!! Quick! Call a GM!!!

Oh noes! You've found the Candor control panel!

Oh noes! You've found the Halinarzo control panel!

Oh noes! You've found the Hurnscald control panel!

Oh noes! You've found the Tulimshar control panel!

Oh noes, who nows can help my wife? Please reconsider!

Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
Ach ja richtig, das hab ich vollkommen vergessen. HIer bitte.

Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
Also, wir haben dich gerettet, als du an uns yayai getrieben bist.

Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
Also, wir haben dich gerettet, als du an uns yayai getrieben bist.

Oh well... That's my mother, and this is why I love her.

Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
Oh yeyeye... wenn sie nicht essbar sind, kannst du vielleicht versuchen, sie auszurüsten?

Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
Oh yeyeye... wenn sie nicht essbar sind, kannst du vielleicht versuchen, sie auszurüsten?

Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
Oh! Und unser Gruppenchat war wirklich unterhaltsam, ich kann nur wärmstens empfehlen, diesen Spaß mitzumachen.

Oh! You found me. Good job!

Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
Oh, ich wollte Dich fragen, ob du der Crew beim Suchen nach etwas Nahrung helfen und die Insel erkunden willst.

Oh, Welcome then.

Oh, a visitor. Welcome to the city hall. Please, enjoy your stay.

Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
Oh, das hätte ich fast vergessen! Giib niemals das Passwort deines Zimmers an andere weiter! Ich bin der einzige, der den anderen Schlüssel hat und ich werde nicht nach deinem fragen. Halte es geheim und verwende in Zukunft nicht das gleiche Passwort in einem anderen Raum.

Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not share passwords or pincodes, not even with staff! And do not use the same password somewhere else, they can be stolen!

Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
Es könnte sogar eine Frucht für dich herunterfallen, wenn du Glück hast. Denk aber daran, deine Beute einzusammeln.

Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
Oh, und gib ihr ein paar einfache Sachen. Das arme Mädchen. Ihre eigenen Sachen sind sogar in einer schlechteren Verfassung als die, die wir hier haben!

Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
Oh, und gib ihm ein paar einfache Klamotten, der arme Junge. Seine eigenen sind in einem noch schlechteren Zustand als unsere!

Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
Dieses Buch könntest du auch brauchen, es erklärt dir die Grundlagen des Angelns.

Oh, every settlement is part of it. Candor, Tulimshar, Hurnscald, Frostia, Halinarzo, Artis, Esperia, Nivalis...

Oh, he has been a little rascal since his father died.

Oh, he's still alive!#1
Er lebt noch!

Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Mana Plain Of Existence!

Oh, noes! Due lack of translators, some languages were removed from this project.

Oh, please. They're weaker than Maggots. They will only pose a threat if you're unarmed.

Oh, she's still alive!#0
Sie lebt noch!

Oh, thank you! My daughter means a lot to me.

Oh, that's a long story.

Oh, then I don't have enough! I'll bring more later!

Oh, too bad.

Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
Oh... Ehm. Ja habe ich, oder, nun, Schönen Tag noch!

Oh... Thank you! Here is @@ GP for it.

Ohh! A fingernail aside.

Ohhhhh..... Please, help me!!! My wife is gravely wounded!!

Ok I add your name... @@...
Ok, ich füge deinen Namen hinzu... @@...

Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
Ok, ich denke, er wacht langsam auf, schau nach ihm.

Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
Ok, ich glaube sie wacht auf, geh zu ihr.

Ok, I'll be back in no time.

Ok, done.
Ok, erledigt.

Ok, let me see...
Ok, lass mich mal sehen...

Ok, now I want you to purge the cave from maggots. Kill 25 @@. They keep respawning and annoy miners team.

Ok, see you later.

Ok, thanks.

Ok, this will be my last request. The Trainer asked me for a fine weapon, to protect our village.

Ok, what I need is:

Ok, you can see that target over there? I will tell you how strong the wind blows and from which direction. Then you will try to hit the target by moving right or left and decide how powerful you want to shoot.

Ok, you have some level. Now, let me think on an easy task for you...

Ok, you look strong enough. Now, let me think on an easy task for you...

Ok. Cool life!

Ok. You have made great progress. I think you are ready for further tasks.

Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
Okay, ich bin fertig für die Arbeit!#0

Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
Okay, ich bin fertig für die Arbeit!#1

Okay, that is very useful. However, I do need a few reagents to make it.

Okay, to join an arena, you need the unique password. Leave blank if you don't know.

Okay, which arena will you rent? Cost is @@ GP.

Okay, you can start!
Ok, Du kannst anfangen!

Old Paper Patch

Old Towel

Old Well#003-1

Old line:
Alte Zeile:

Oldur Card

On hindsight, I'll wait you get a few levels. Can't have cheaters, ya know!

Once the roots are of a desired thickness, he ties them to make a string, and applies an oil on it.

Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.

Once you have the appropriate colorant for the item, ##bdrag the colorant##b to the material.

Once you join the Alliance, you won't be able to talk with people outside it.

Once you lit one of them, monsters will pour out, so take care to don't die.

One day more or less won't make a difference.


One last thing... Good luck. This is a long shot, so don't hesit in running away.

One of them is really crazy, though: They say that there is a legendary monster down there.

Only Tulimshar Guards are allowed in this building.

Only finest wares!

Only getting closer to find out what kind this one is.

Only the finest bows and arrows, in the land where wood is abundant!

Ooh, this nice shiny thing? It was an event.

Open Extension

Open your inventory window (F3 key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.

Opened Christmas Box

Opera Mask

Ops! You destroyed your @@.

Or rather, I can't. I would love to help you, just like everybody else, but I don't know how to make fertilizers.


Orange Cupcake

Orange Dye

Orange Eggshell Hat

Orc Voice


Oscar and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly.


Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
Auch andere Dinge wurden niedergeschrieben, aber sie sind jetzt nicht mehr lesbar.


Otherwise, the monsters here usually won't attack you unless provoked.

Otherwise, you could ask the Constable. They act in the Alliance stead to enforce law and order, and may have... special arrangements for you.

Our mission statement is to bring fun to all players. You'll get some levels automatically. We advise you to join a guild.

Our service is dangerous and difficult. But I would not want any other. Thanks for the help.

PS. This also allows you to select a subclass.

Painless, wasn't it?

Paladin Card


Paper Bag

Partner not ready.
Partner nicht bereit.

Past this way is the Great River and the Eternal Swamps. But the river flooded.

Path closed due recent Monster King attack!

Pay attention to the fight, @@!



People are challenging now.

People say it is the second biggest city from the world.

People usually dock there when travelling to the second continent. Nothing exceptional about economy.

People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.

Perfect indeed! Congratulations!

Perfect! Here is your reward! (150 xp 150 gp)

Perfect! Here is your reward! (40 xp 25 gp)

Perhaps you could tell her how much I love her? It is already some days since I last talked to her.

Perhaps you should use a key to open it.

Perhaps, in the city, someone knows rumors about Mana Stones and can teach you. Other than that, you're on your own.

Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything.



Pets must keep a strict diet. Pious eats Piberries, Bhoppers eat Aquadas, and Maggots eats Bug Legs.

Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed.

Photoshopped. Definitely. Good luck convincing somebody with that! %%a


Piberries Infusion

Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button.

Pile Of Ash

Pink Antenna

Pink Blobime
Pink Blobime

Pink Dye


Pinkie Hat

Pinkie Leg


Piou Feathers

Piou Legs
Piou Beine

Piou egg
Piou Ei



Pirate Bandana

Pirate Shorts

Pirate Treasure Map

Platinum Ingot

Platinum Ore

Platinum Quiver

Players who still have Golden Eggs

Please bring me a single @@, and I'll give you a memeto.

Please bring us 5 @@! That should be enough!

Please choose the desired gender:
Bitte wähle das gewünschte Geschlecht:

Please deliver the two @@ to Tinris and Eomie, and then I'll give you something for your help.

Please don't lie to me...

Please enter the desired color
Bitte gib die gewünschte Farbe ein

Please enter the desired race
Bitte gib die gewünschte Rasse ein

Please enter the desired style
Bitte gib den gewünschten Schnitt ein

Please enter the message:
Bitte gib die Nachricht ein:

Please enter the new line.
Bitte gib die neue Zeile ein.

Please excuse me, captain.

Please heal me!

Please help me find the bug bomb Eomie gave us is in one of the store room barrels?

Please help my wards!

Please help my wife Yumi, on the Hospital!

Please install the new client from [@@|]

Please invite Elmo for the party, matey! We can't leave our positions!

Please kill some of them, and bring me 10 @@!

Please select a chapter:
Wähle ein Kapitel aus:

Please select a quest:
Bitte wähle eine Quest:

Please select the desired race.

Please select the interval:
Bitte wähle das Intervall:

Please traveler, help my starving family!

Please wait, the fight will start in @@, as requested.

Please, @@! Hurry up!

Please, bring me back home.

Please, come back later. I'll see whatever I can fetch for that.

Please, fell at home. You can use ##B#world##b channel to speak to everyone on Discord, IRC and ingame.

Please, show Hasan the claw. Just talk to him.

Please, talk to her. Maybe she understands the direness of the situation and help... But you know. Elves.

Please... Speak low... I am dying........


Plush Mouboo


Plushroom Box

Plushroom Field
Plushroom Feld

Poison Arrow

Poison Arrows

Poison Spiky Mushroom

Poisoned Dish
Vergiftetes Gericht

Polished Amethyst

Polished Diamond

Polished Emerald

Polished Ruby

Polished Sapphire

Polished Topaz

Polished gemstones can be dragged and insert on rings. They'll give special stats to rings, but these gems cannot be removed easily.

Pour the potion

Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
Übung macht den Meister! Es gibt keine Geheimnisse beim Kriegerhandwerk.

Present Box

Press the 'R' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.

Prism Chest

Prism Gift



Problem is, I do not have the knowledge to make it without @@. If you bring me one, I'll reward you with one quarter of my commission.

Protip: Use @hide to don't interfer.

Prsm Helmet


Pumpkin Hat

Pumpkin Juice

Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkish Juice
Pumpkish Saft

Purple Blobime
Lila Blobime

Purple Dye



Quest completed.

Quest debug
Quest Debug

Quest restart.


Quick, deliver this to Anwar!

Quick, tell that to Eomie. She knows how to do Bug Bombs which won't harm the plants!





Raid Trousers

Raijin Voice

Raise agility to do this quest.

Raise this skill
Skill erhöhen

Raises your Int by 50
Erhöht deine Int um 50

Raises your base level by 50
Erhöht dein Basislevel um 50

Raises your job level by 50
Erhöht dein Job-Level um 50

Random Bif



Ratto Tail

Ratto Teeth


Raw Log

Raw Talisman

Read the News.

Read the Rules.

Really? What do you need?

Red Apple

Red Butterfly

Red Butterfy

Red Dye

Red Knight Armor

Red Mushroom

Red Nose

Red Plush Wine
Wein vom Red Plush

Red Scorpion

Red Scorpion Claw

Red Scorpion Stinger

Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over.

Red Slime

Red Stocking

Red Stockings

Reduces your Int by 50
Verringert deine Int um 50

Reduces your base level by 50
Verringert dein Basislevel um 50

Reduces your job level by 50
Verringert dein Job-Level um 50

Reed Bundle


Register fee is @@.

Registered! You can now use any banking service, of any town!

Registered, welcome to the Grand Hunter Quest!

Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
Jeder kann sich natürlich registrieren, aber Neueinsteiger müssen eine Aufwandsentschädigung für den ganzen Papierkram leisten.

Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard!

Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines

Release 3.0 - In The Dreams

Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook

Remember also: It is wise to speak with people you meet on your journey, there is always something new to learn.

Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.

Remember, there is always something new to learn. And you should not let your training down in order to keep and improve your abilities.

Remove this line
Zeile entfernen

Remove this skill
Fähigkeit entfernen

Rent arena

Repeat how many times?
Wie oft wiederholen?

Repeat: @@ times
Wiederholen: @@ mal

Requires logout
Benötigt Logout


ALLES zurücksetzen

Reset done!
Zurücksetzen erfolgt!

Reset stats, skills, level
Statuspunkte, Fähigkeiten oder Level zurücksetzen



Return to Debug menu
Zum Debug Menü zurückkehren

Return to Super Menu
Zum Super-Menü zurückkehren

Return to main menu
Zum Hauptmenü zurückkehren

Return to skill debug menu
Zum Fähigkeiten-Debug-Menü zurückkehren

Rice Hat


Right Crafty Wing
Rechter Crafty Flügel

Right Eye Patch

Right click on the NPC to join the Liberation Force on Hurnscald.

Right click on this NPC to join the Hurnscald Alliance.

Right now, there is a strong wind blowing from @@.

Right'o, I'll arrange the material!




Roasted Maggot

Robin Bandit


Rock Knife

Room password: @@




Rotten Rags

Round @@

Round Leather Shield

Rrrr... Pchhhh...
Rrrr... Pchhhh...


Ruby (+2 str)

Ruby Bif

Ruby Powder

Rudolph Slime


Run like the wind, @@! For you shall have only @@ to finish the ritual!

Run! Event started!

Rusty Knife

Sacred Forest Hat

Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
Leider hast du nichts ausser Erde gefunden.

Sailor Hat





Samurai Helmet

Santa Globe

Santa Slime


Sapphire (+2 int)

Sapphire Bif

Sapphire Powder



Saul and Fefe did a great revolution,

Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce.

Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@.

Saulc, Crazyfefe and Jesus Saves are the three High Councillors. Don't do anything illegal while they're watching!

Saulc, the Bug Master

Savior Armor

Savior Boots

Savior Pants

Savior Shield

Saxso Chest

Saxso Ghost

Saxso Key

Saxso, the former mayor, commanded me to strengthen the youngsters, so that they have sufficient power to fight monsters.

Say magic words

Scarab Armlet


Scheduled broadcasts
Angesetzte Ankündigungen

Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
Angesetzte Ankündigungen - neu erstellen



Scorpion Claw

Scorpion Stinger

Scorpions killed: @@/@@ scorpions

Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!"


Sea Drops

Sea Slime

Sealed Soul

See you later!
Bis nachher!

See you soon!
Auf bald!

See you!

Seek a colorant for that material: Cotton, cashmere, leather, Lazurite...

Sell old equipment and items you won't use. For example, what should you do with a @@ or an @@? Sell it!

Send 10 times
10mal senden

Send 2 times
2mal senden

Send 20 times
20mal senden

Send 3 times
3mal senden

Send 5 times
5mal senden

Send indefinitely
Unbegrenzt senden

Send only once
Einmalig senden

Send soul to the Mana Plane for GM events

Send this message also on login?
Die Nachricht auch beim Login anzeigen?

Sent on login: @@
Beim Login angezeigt: @@

Sent on login: yes
Beim Login angezeigt: ja

Sent: @@ times out of @@
Gesendet: @@ von @@mal

Serf Hat

Set a new broadcast
Neue Ankündigung erstellen

Set sail! We're going to Tulimshar!

Set status @@ with @@ kills

Set the level manually
Level manuell festlegen


Shall you disband your guild for whatever reason, you'll need to pay again. No refunds. No complaining.

Shall you have any inquiry, do not hesit to [|send us an email@@]##b.

Sharp Knife

She and her husband Simon Bowmaker, vowed to teach the ways of archery to those with willpower, and allow everyone to use a bow.

She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
Sie ist die Krankenschwester und die Schiffsverwalterin dieses Schiffes.

She must be thristy, fighting monsters on this sun... If somebody could give her Cactus Potions...

She never leaves the shade of that tree, she is always sending messages by other people!!

She shakes her head.

She smiles.

She walks to the target.

She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
Sie ist in den oberen Teilen des Schiffs. Yeye kann sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige Frau in der Mannschaft. Naja, außer dir jetzt yeyeye!

She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
Sie ist in den oberen Teilen des Schiffs. Yeye kann sie nicht verfehlen. Immerhin ist sie die einzige Frau in der Mannschaft.


Ship travels are not free. See if you can gather some money, and I'll bring you to Tulimshar!



Shoppa Kep

Short Bow

Short Gladius

Short Tank Top


Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
Solltest du zu schnell anschlagen, oder zu lange warten, wird es wahrscheinlich missglücken.

Show me what you can!

Silk Cocoon

Silk Gloves

Silk Pants

Silk Robe

Silk Worm

Silver Bell

Silver Chest

Silver Dye

Silver Easteregg

Silver Gift

Silver Ingot

Silver Key

Silver Mirror

Silver Ore

Silver Ring





Skill Debug
Fähigkeiten Debug

Skill Debug - Modify Skill
Fahigkeiten Debug: Fähigkeit anpassen


Skull Mask

Skull Potion


Sleeping Bandit

Slide Card

Slime Blast

Slot Machine#003-10a

Small Amethyst Bif

Small Diamond Bif

Small Diamond Biff

Small Emerald Bif

Small Knife

Small Magic Bif

Small Mushroom

Small Ruby Bif

Small Sapphire Bif

Small Tentacles
Kleine Tentakeln

Small Topaz Bif


Snake Egg

Snake Skin

Snake Tongue

Snow Binny

Snowman Globe

So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@!

So be nice and help people along the way!

So finally someone has came to visit me?
So, endlich ist jemand gekommen um mich zu besuchen?

So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
Also habe ich in der Eile vergessen, genug Köder fürs fischen mitzunehmen.

So it could be nice, if you could bring me 20 @@,

So tell me already what you need, and what is the reward!

So whaddaya say, sign up won't you?

So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.

So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
Du glaubst also, stark zu sein? Ein Krieger muss aber ebenso loyal und freundlich sein.

So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
Du glaubst also, stark zu sein? Eine Kriegerin muss aber ebenso loyal und freundlich sein.

So, did you brought me the twelve cherry cakes?

So, for the fertilizer. The thing is, all that thing is unstable.

So, how do you feel? I see that Juliet did a marvellous job! You look like you're in good health now.

So, please kill 3 @@, which are usually at beaches. You can sell their stingers.

So, young disciple! I wish I could just chant some gibberish words and that automatically granted you more skills, but alas, that won't work.

So... I won't say you can't do it, @@. I will just say killing the Bandit Lord is no easy task.

Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@].

Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40!

Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45!

Some are just living their own lives. In special, I've spent part of my life studying the Yeti Society.

Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert!

Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example.

Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangerous monsters.#0

Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangerous monsters.#1

Some of them have FORBIDDEN DROPS, which will be DELETED when their event starts!

Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.

Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
Manche Angler bevorzugen jedoch unorthodoxe Köder, wie @@ oder @@.

Some pets will also collect loot for you, right click on it so it drop whatever it is holding for you.

Some time later...

Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
Manche Fischarten mögen @@ auch ziemlich gern.

Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25.

Somebody took your place on this spot!
Jemand hat deinen Platz eingenommen!

Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31!

Someone who have clear priorities appeared! I'm glad!

Something else?
Noch irgendwas?

Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
Irgendwas stimmt nicht mit mir. Ich kenn weder lächeln noch sitzen.

Something seems off with that!

Sometimes you just need to run from battle.

Sorcerer Robe


Soren Village

Soren's Fountain

Soren's Gizmo

Soren's House

Soren's House Tutorial

Soren's Lake

Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design.


Sorfina recomposes herself.

Sorry for making you listen my rambles. I need someone strong, you see...

Sorry kind lady @@, but no.#0

Sorry kind sir @@, but no.#1

Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic tricks.

Sorry! Sorry!

Sorry! The monsters are gone, but this gate stays closed.

Sorry, @@ already started the fight.

Sorry, I am busy...

Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
Nein, ich bin momentan nicht in der Stimmung, mit den Ratten zu kämpfen.

Sorry, I am so hungry as you.

Sorry, I can't help you. Go away!

Sorry, I forgot my courage on my other set of pants.

Sorry, I have to go now.

Sorry, I have to go.

Sorry, I misclicked the first button. Have a nice nap, great Crazyfefe!

Sorry, I need to better prepare myself.

Sorry, I'll pass.

Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
Tut mir leid, aber ich bin momentan mit anderen Registrierungen beschäftigt.

Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
Tut mir Leid, ich hab was Wichtigeres zu tun.

Sorry, I'm more of a coffee person.

Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
Tut mir leid, aber ich habe keinen Schimmer.

Sorry, but I need one of each gem powder, and 800 GP.

Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
Du hast leider nicht, was ich brauche.

Sorry, son. I know how hard this is. But this is teaching you a valuable lesson, your eye will be more sharp for quality wood from now on.#0

Sorry, son. I know how hard this is. But this is teaching you a valuable lesson, your eye will be more sharp for quality wood from now on.#1

Sorry, sorry! Please rest, great Crazyfefe!

Sorry, that arena is already closed.

Sorry, that is not the cake I love.

Sorry, you was taking too long to decide and I've rented my sword to somebody else.

Sorry. At best, you can try your luck in Halinarzo, but the odds of someone recognizing you are pretty slim.

Soul Menhir#001-4

Soul Menhir#candor

Soul Menhir#hali

Soul Menhir#hurns

Soul Menhir#tulim

Sounds good!
Klingt gut!

Sounds good.

Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him I need it, he'll give you one from my inventory. HURRY UP!

Spectra Orb

Spell Book Page

Spend it wisely this time.
Nutze es dieses Mal weise.

Spin three symbols, and jackpot great rewards!



Sponsor Necklace

Squichy Claws


Start broadcasting
Ankündigung starten

Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
Ankündigung starten, und sofort eine extra Ankündigung einleiten

Start over

Status point reset can't be undone. Are you sure about this?#0

Status point reset can't be undone. Are you sure about this?#1

Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
Zurücksetzen der Statuspunkte kann nicht rückgangig gemacht werden. Wirklich zurücksetzen?

Status reset? Sounds illegal!


Stay out of harm way. Nothing to see here. Stay away, pathetically weak human.#0

Stay out of harm way. Nothing to see here. Stay away, pathetically weak human.#1

Stay ready!

Steel Shield

Still haven't found it? Well, keep looking the barrels at this storehouse. I know it's in there, somewhere.

Stop broadcasting
Ankündigung beenden

Stop it!
Hör damit auf!

Strange Coin

Stray Little Blub

Strength Potion

Strength Statue

Strength helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.


Such precious gem, is not something you would give for free, unless you are interested on my... rituals.

Sulfur Powder



Sunny Crystal

Super Menu

Supreme Chest

Supreme Gift



Sure, I'll do it.


Surprise me!
Überrasch mich!



Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group!

Take care!
Pass auf dich auf!

Take care. Here, take this @@. You can sell it for some quick-spot cash, or use it as a weapon.

Take it!

Take much care with it. It is a very, very rare drop from a rare monster from a difficult, high level area.

Take this @@ to prove you're one of us! Could you also invite Elmo? Thanks, matey!

Take this badge, so you can get access to the guard house. You will find more work there. Bye, and good luck!

Take this spare @@ I did. It heals fully and instantly, so don't hesit to use it if you're about to die.

Talk to Zitoni, and deliver the @@. I can't give you another one, they're super rare.

Talk to Zitoni, the Alchemist of Candor. He may look humble, but he is the greatest alchemist of this world. I need five @@.

Talk to the Fountain. Pour the potion on it. I advise you to put all your points on int if possible.

Talk to you later!
Spreche dich später!

Talk to you soon!
Wir sprechen uns bald!


Tea party! I want to participate.

Teal Dye

Technical problem, gimme info about an item.

Tell me about Artis.

Tell me about Esperia.

Tell me about Frostia.

Tell me about Halinarzo.

Tell me about Hurnscald.

Tell me about Nivalis.

Tell me about Tulimshar.

Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.

Tell people the name of a new hero.

Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for.



Terranite Armor
Terranite Rüstung

Terranite Boots
Terranite Schuhe

Terranite Gloves
Terranite Handschuhe

Terranite Ore
Terranite Erz

Terranite Pants
Terranite Hose

Terranite Quiver
Terranite Köcher

Terranite probably mined part of this mine long time ago.




Thank you for your help.
Danke für Deine Hilfe.

Thank you! Thank you! Savior!#0

Thank you! Thank you! Savior!#1

Thank you, @@. Please take this pair of gloves as a thank you.

Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
Danke, ich werde sie nehmen und ziehe sie an.

Thank you, here is your reward and... some pocket money.

Thank you, here is your reward.
Danke, hier ist deine Belohnung.

Thank you.

Thank you. I'll wait here.
Danke. Ich werde hier warten.

Thankfully that item is too rare. I want somebody to slay the bandit leader, but if you want to do it, you must prove yourself.

Thanks God... The crops are safe. Not only that, but the fertilizer works!

Thanks Lilica.

Thanks a lot!
Vielen Dank!

Thanks again for helping me. Drats these rattos for infesting our fair vessal!
Danke nochmal für die Hilfe. Sollen sich diese Mistratten nur blicken lassen!

Thanks again for the help. You have proven that you are resourceful.

Thanks again for the help. You have proven that you are resourceful. Come back again later.

Thanks for Helping with clear out the store room!

Thanks for attending even this selfish request of mine.

Thanks for avenging my father.

Thanks for feeding us earlier. I wanted to give a great dinner to my family, even if just once.

Thanks for help! Other guards may need help too!

Thanks for helping me!
Vielen Danke für die Hilfe!

Thanks for helping my husband. I'll think if there's something I can do for you, why don't you help Oscar on the meanwhile...?

Thanks for helping my shop earlier. I forge weapons, but unfortunately, I need more than just iron to forge them.

Thanks for helping my wife! May the Mouboo watch over you! o.o

Thanks for helping my wife, I'll be forever grateful.

Thanks for playing with us! Can you find my friends?

Thanks for saving Tulimshar from a famine. I'll be forever grateful.

Thanks for the help! Arr, that was some fine ale, indeed!

Thanks for the help! If you help people, they'll start trusting you. Once they trust you, they'll give you quests which are very important to them;

Thanks for the help, but no.

Thanks for the help. Here, take this shirt and some money.

Thanks for the nice gift!

Thanks for your help!

Thanks mate, that is everything I need! Have a good day!

Thanks once again, I know it's not much but here is 450 GP for your troubles.


Thanks! Here you go. Perhaps you need another one?

Thanks! Thanks! Savior! Hurry up!#0

Thanks! Thanks! Savior! Hurry up!#1

Thanks, I'll just bake the Elixir right away...!

Thanks, come back and see me once you found the bug bomb and set it off.

Thanks, they don't like to drop their Antennas.

Thanks, they hate to drop their Legs.

Thanks, this is very handy.


Thanks. Take this spare pair of gloves and some change.

That can explain why we have difficulties to find rare gems here. They probably were already extracted.

That depends on your luck!#0

That depends on your luck!#1

That is a rare, precious book, which writes itself!

That is quite impressive, but you can perform better with more training.

That is.

That was @@.

That was far @@.

That was fast. Do not forget to sell their... parts... for some extra cash.

That was only to prove you're strong enough on yourself to do whatever you want to do. You have friends.

That was quite close. Impressive!

That won't do it. I want to see PINK BLOOD! No... not so cluttered. Just kill the Pinkies on my farm.

That's a lot, but I think it will be worth it.

That's a lot, but we have a deal!

That's a pity. Well, if you change your mind, come back any time.

That's easy to know, because the bandits are less coordinated. Perhaps we will be able to sleep in peace this night!

That's easy. Cynric will save your money when you ask him to deposit. Or you pick up your money by asking to withdraw.

That's exactly what I needed!
Das ist genau, was ich gebraucht habe!

That's exactly why you can't use it to get water. Silly.

That's just a friendly advise. That's how things works around here.

That's just nonsense though, I've been there thousands of times and saw no such thing.

That's not everything, though. I am having a bad time fishing. Bring me a @@. I know, it is rare. Good luck with it.

That's terrible! Monsters are piling up near city gates! We need to stop their progression.

That's the right wood, my son. Here, I'll wrap it so you don't accidentaly lose it. Good luck with your quest!#0

That's the right wood, my son. Here, I'll wrap it so you don't accidentaly lose it. Good luck with your quest!#1

That's very, very risky. I need 3 @@ and 10 @@ to make a Potion to you, and I won't warrant it will work.

That... Didn't worked. I'm sorry.

That... It... It worked! This is just the right claw!

The @@ are specially dangerous, and archers love them.

The @@ is a powerful healing drink.

The @@ is not only a fearsome and ruthless leader. He is strong, and he have tricks on his sleeve.

The @@ stole my @@. Hahah. I can't find anywhere else to buy it.

The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion.

The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps.

The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters.

The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me!

The Alliance which was formed after the war!

The Book of Laws
Das Grundgesetz

The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left.

The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council,

The Guard patted you on the back.

The Guard sends an air kiss to you.

The High Council acts in the Alliance stead, as it is not possible to reunite every city leader for all minor matters.

The High Council's have some subordinates, but those are hand-picked by them.

The La Johanne always have interesting notes.

The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone.

The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall.

The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform!

The Mana Plane is currently out of reach.

The Mana Stones were stolen, in evil hands have fallen!

The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege.

The Soul Menhir will attach your soul, so when you die, you'll appear where you last touched it.

The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron.

The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you.

The Yeti King

The advantage of fighting with a ranged weapon is that you can stay out of the enemy's range. So there is no need to spend training on your resistance.

The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards.

The antennas by themselves mean nothing, I want to see you killing my ENEMIES, the pinkies!

The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.

The best thing would be to let you make the bow by yourself. But I guess, that would go to far. And it would take ages to get a high quality bow.

The biggest mine, where you could find Mana Stones in the past, is now entirely depleted. Not a single stone left.

The birthday of me and my girlfriend is coming up. Bring me 12 @@ and I'll make the fertilizer for you.

The bow I gave you was a masterpiece.

The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
Der Käptain hat die Tür abgeschlossen, du solltest nach ihm sehen.

The children are safe, aren't they...?

The children are safe, could you rent me your sword?

The city only flourished because Janett Platinum had the idea to build city walls surrounding this city.

The class master mix the powder with the slime inside the bottle, and makes some weird mixture.

The cold climate is ideal for slimes, penguins, and other icy creatures. You can find lots of... ice, of course!

The cost to create a guild is @@ GP.

The crops are under attack? That's terrible!

The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things.

The dyes are to disguise myself, I don't want to get caught. The potions are for safety, who knows what I'll face?

The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him?

The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood.

The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
Auf der ersten Seite stehen die allgemeingültigen Regeln, die überall auf den Kontinenten gelten.

The first trial is simple, I'm not doing anything in special. Bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ and 20 @@.

The giant boogeyman!
Der riesige Boogeyman!

The great prize is @@. It can be claimed with Aidan, on Tulimshar.

The greater the distance to your target is, the more important is the strength and direction of the wind. Even if you are exploring a cave, there might be air flow caused by the corners in the cave.

The inn north of me still haven't opened, which is a shame. I guess their cassino got too expensive.

The kid is not paying attention to you.

The last task I could give you is to exterminate 200 @@. They actually stop miners progress on the mine.

The mage thief tried to all power absorb,

The magic council have only a handful set of them, and they let only the most skilled ones get it.

The mana bridge is closed at the moment.

The mana war stroke, and many people died,

The message cannot be empty
Die Nachricht darf nicht leer sein

The mighty Mana Stone does not reacts against you.

The miner goes to count your stuff again.

The more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing.

The most important thing to improve is your dexterity. When you use a bow, it is your dexterity that determines if you are able to hit your enemy where it hurts most.

The name of the book is @@.
Das Buch trägt den Titel @@.

The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules.

The number of players must be precise, meaning if someone doesn't joins,

The nurse... The nurse is... Doing all she can... To help me, though.

The objective of this event is to ##Bslay the Monster Admiral##b.

The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
Das alte Buch scheint von der Legende von Aemil zu handeln. Möchtest du es lesen?

The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!!

The potion is baked, you have thirty five minutes! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details!

The power of Soren's House kicks @@ like a game master.

The problem is that Halinarzo was destroyed in the never-ending war and was just recently rebuilt.

The problem is... The slimes ate the keys for the chests. This is not the first time such thing happens.

The register fee is 2000 GP.

The sailor chugs his beer.
Der Matrose schüttet sein Bier in sich hinein.

The sailor turns his back to you.
Der Matrose dreht dir seinen Rücken zu.

The sailors take you aboard their ship.
Die Matrosen ziehen dich an Bord ihres Schiffes.

The sea route I take is very dangerous, and full of pirates. You're too weak to travel with me.

The ship is locked, probably unable to leave port.

The sides accept only one adventurer. You'll also lose access to General Chat upon joining, and will have to use #world.

The singularities keep arming themselves up again, so I have roughly five minutes between first disarm and entering here.

The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items...

The soldiers are resting at the moment.

The storehouse here is overrun with house maggots.

The storehouse is still over run with house maggots.

The wind is blowing from @@.

The wood bends a little, but doesn't breaks.

The wood, Jack the Lumberjack used to deliver me, but he isn't delivering anymore. And the string was imported from Halinarzo.

The world is spiniiiiiiiing...

Their economy provide many edible items and potions.

Their main tasks are ensuring trade, protecting the cities from monster invasions, and guarding the Mana Stones.

Then I'll be sure you can't talk again.

Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
Dann konzentrier deine Wut auf die Bäume hier, du wirst Erfahrung sammeln, während du dich im Schwertkampf übst.

Then could you perhaps kill 12 @@ for me?!

Then, would you like me to transform one of your gems?#0

Then, would you like me to transform one of your gems?#1

There are Monster Attacks every month, how do you have time for tea parties?!

There are banks all over the world. Usually every important village or city has one.

There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!

There are people in the world who need help!

There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine.

There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries.

There are some old rusty knives on the table. Would you like to take one?

There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.

There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
Es sind immer noch ein paar Ratten übrig! Willst du die Aufgabe abbrechen?

There are three singularities on this island. If I disarm more than one, I'll have a penalty.

There are three types of items.

There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.

There exist more food than you know. But this time I don't want anything extravagant, just 6 @@ should be fine.

There is a NPC called Trainer, just outside this ship.

There is a paper with some rules written on it.
Es ist ein Papier mit einigen darauf geschriebenen Vorschriften.

There is a rare kind of scorpion, the Murderer Scorpion. Very dangerous.

There is a slight breeze coming from @@.

There is fresh water here. I could use it to fill a bottle.

There is no EXP penalty, but you cannot go back without either completing the cave, or dying.

There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
Es ist nicht ehrenhaft, gegen schwächere Gegner zu kämpfen.

There probably is a huge, flashing orange exclamation mark over a suitable knife you could take and nobody would mind.

There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room.

There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?!

There you go! Thanks for all the help!
Bitteschön! Danke für all deine Hilfe!

There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it.

There's a strong magic barrier. We need to disarm it in order to enter there.

There's not everything I've asked for...

There's one on the basement of this house. If you kill it, Hasan will think on you as a hero and won't steal you anymore.

Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise.

Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points.

These are being crafted by Alan.

These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw!

These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin.

These will do just fine.

Theta Book
Theta Buch

Theta Ring
Theta Ring

They also determine rules, and enforces them. We live under a disguised dictatorship.

They also hold control over the Mana Stones, but this is not the problem.

They also recently took over some city affairs. It's good they're protecting us, but I'm afraid of they creeping in our lives!

They are a permanent problem so I will always need your help to exterminate them in order to keep their number under control.
Sie sind ein andauerndes Problem, also werde ich deine Hilfe immer wieder benötigen, um ihre Anzahl unter Kontrolle zu halten.

They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.

They are strict with who is allowed inside, so you'll need either elf or ukar friends to pass.

They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.

They jump left and right and left and right again, and I can't catch them.

They shouldn't. Could you perhaps, kindly bring me 1 @@?

They wanted magic to be once again free!

They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.

They're not magic, but yayaya, people like to say it is! Yeyeye.

They're scary, don't you think so?

They're too strong for me!

They're with me.

This Portal can send your soul back to the world, along any items, money and/or experience gained.

This basically means that it'll be another day without it.

This book outlines the laws which applies everywhere in the World Of Mana.

This book will write itself, and reveal you the Secret Of Mana.

This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy.

This character person is strange I better get away...

This costed years of work... But you deserve it. Here is, an @@. Use it wisely, many armor can be forged with it.

This door is locked.
Die Tür ist verschlossen.

This farm is dying due constant monster attacks, and without them, Tulimshar might face a famine.

This fertilizer is projected to protect the plants from plagues, bugs, scorpions and maggots, trying to don't be a plague on itself.

This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
Dieser Angelplatz wurde gerade erst benutzt, lass es hier erst einmal ruhen.

This fishing spot is already being used!
Dieser Angelplatz wird bereits benutzt!

This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from.#0

This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
Das Mädchen braucht Hilfe. Wir müssen sie retten!

This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from.#1

This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
Dieser Typ braucht Hilfe. Wir müssen ihn retten!

This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2

This is ##BCandor Island##b. A very small community lives here.

This is Tulishmar, the oldest of human cities.

This is in honor of all the [@@help://about-server|Contributors@@] who helped rebuilding this world, after the Monster War outbreak.

This is just a bucket, but I did some cuts on it so you can see though it. It protects your whole face.

This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant.

This is not a place for non-experimented people!

This is not enough, I need 5 @@ to perform the rite. Go talk with Zitoni.

This is not what I asked for.

This is the least I could do for you. Many thanks. And if you have more food, you can keep feeding my family.

This item cannot be used as bait here.
Dieser Gegenstand kann hier nicht als Köder verwendet werden.

This means ##BAll items were lost##b, and you need to collect EVERYTHING, again, to get the hat.

This menu allows you to change your skills.
Dieses Menü erlaubt es, deine Fähigkeiten zu ändern.

This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
Dieses Menü erlaubt es, dein Aussehen zu personalisieren.

This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
Dieses Menü erlaubt es, Events auszurichten und Zugang zu eventbezogenen Tools zu erhalten.

This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
Dieses Menü erlaubt es, die Nachricht zu ändern, die den Spielern beim Login angezeigt wird.

This menu allows you to modify your account data.
Dieses Menü erlaubt es, deine Account-Daten zu ändern.

This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
Dieses Menü ermöglicht die Erstellung einer Ankündigung, die jedem Spieler in einem bestimmten Intervall angezeigt wird.

This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
Dieses Menü enthält alle Optionene, die dir aufgrund deiner Berechtigungen zur Verfügung stehen.

This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
Dieses Menü erlaubt den Zugang zu den Debug Menüs für die @@ Quests.

This one is useless! Give me another @@.
Diese ist unbrauchbar! Bring mir eine weitere @@.

This passage seems sealed. If I only had a @@...

This singularity will remain disarmed for @@ more!

This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating.

This somehow affected the whole economy.

This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen.

This torch is already lit.

This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir.

This well is too deep and you don't have a bucket.

This will be the last task. Besides the @@, the strongest monster on this island worth killing is the @@.

Thorn Arrow

Thorn Chest

Those for consumption, equipment and generics.

Three equal: 30 coins.

Throw a coin?

Thunder Staff
Gewitter Stab

Tin Ingot

Tin Ore


Tinris probably could do that, he is young but very talented. He is a greedy elf, but if you help him, he'll likely help you back.



Titanium Ingot

Titanium Ore

Tneck Sweater

To Candor Island.
Zu Candor Island.

To Hurnscald.
Zu Hurnscald.

To Tulimshar.
Zu Tulimshar.

To be honest, I don't know. I was only walking, seeking for adventure!

To be honest, I have that with me!

To change your base level, use this command:
Nutze diesen Befehl zur Änderung deines Basislevels:

To change your job level, use this command:
Nutze diesen Befehl zur Änderung deines Job-Levels:

To change your stats, use these commands:
Benutze diese Befehle zur Änderung deiner Statuspunkte:

To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.

To demonstrate that you understood what I'm trying to teach you, you should go and fight against some snakes. I know they're strong, but that's not important to an archer.

To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold. But equipment can only be sold.

To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the F7 key.

To do this you need to disable auto move to target in 'yellow bar'.

To enter on them, you need to be level 25 and use the following chant: "Blame Saulc". I don't know why, but that open doors!

To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.

To find him, just leave the ship and turn left. You should also touch the Soul Menhir when you leave this ship.

To focus on a creature, press the 'A' key. To focus on another citizen, press the 'Q' key. To attack the focused target press the 'X' key or click the primary button on the creature.

To focus on an NPC, press the 'N' key. To talk to him press the 'T' key.

To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
Um mit dem Angeln zu beginnen, braucht es zwei Dinge: Eine Angel und einen Köder.

To get the current rate:

To join a drill, right click on one of the lieutenants and join their Battle Stations. The drill can last up to 10 minutes.

To make @@ I need one from each gem powders, and 800 GP for commission.

To make the string you want, I need a special oil, which I make myself. It's hard to do, so I'll spend time I could be using to fish or help the city guard.

To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.

To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.

To open yellow Bar you need to right click on your health bar and active status bar, also called yellow bar. Or you can press '8' on numeric keypad.

To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
Um dein Inventar zu öffnen, drücke die F3-Taste oder nutze die Maus, um es im oberen Menü deines Clients auszuwählen.

To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.

To prevent abuse, a registering fee is charged. Nothing major.

To prove me your faith, bring me 1 @@ or 1 @@.

To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@.

To reset back to normal:

To set the drop rate:

To set the exp rate:

To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.

To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '##B /q Citizen Name ##b' and press 'Enter'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.

To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.

To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
Um einen Fisch erfolgreich zu fangen, musst du die Angel durch Klicken anschlagen, sobald der Schwimmer untertaucht.

To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
Als Belohnung möchte ich dir meine alte Angel geben.

To train their soldiers, they frequently face Frostia in duels. Adventurers are welcome to join their drills.

To understand the nature of this bow, you have to collect the needed material by yourself. Only this way will you get a feeling of what it means to use such a weapon.

To your pleasant surprise the tea is actually quite good.

Today is soup of Pinkie Legs!


Tolchi Arrow
Tolchi Pfeil

Tonori Delight

Tooth Necklace


Top Hat


Topaz (+2 agi)

Topaz Bif

Topaz Powder

Toppy Blub
Toppy Blub







Tortuga Shell

Tortuga Shell Fragment

Tortuga Tongue

Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
Wirf die Angel in tiefes Wasser aus, indem du dort klickst, wo du angeln möchtest.

Total money collected: @@ GP

Touch it!
Berühr es!

Touch it.
Berühr es.


Trade 2 Pearl for a Silver Gift + a Bronze Gift
Tausche 2 Perlen gegen ein silbernes und ein bronze Geschenk

Trade Golden Eggs
Tausche goldene Eier

Trade Silver Eggs
Tausche silberene Eier


Training Arrow

Training Bow

Training Dummy

Trap Door

Trapper Hat

Treasure Key

Treasure Map

Tritan Voice

Try doing quests which doesn't involve monster hunting first. I'm sure ##B Ayasha ##b could use your help.

Try this one.




Tulimshar Guard Boots
Tulimshar Wächter Schuhe

Tulimshar Guard Card

Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again.

Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy.

Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar.

Tulimshar is the oldest human city, and its foundation is the year zero of our calendar.

Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them.

Tulimshar miners mainly try to optain gems.

Tulimshar mines overrun! Great rewards for a lending hand!

Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state!


Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are!

Two equal: 1 coin.


Uh are you sure this is fit to drink?

Uh... Something should happen, right? Can you get another one?

Uh... That should not happen, right? RIGHT?

Uhh... What happened...

Undead Eye

Under the leadership of King Wusher, they were the first to accept immigrants from other races. You will find humans and non-humans there.

Unexplained Mountain Snake

Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that!

Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water?

Unless you are an exceptionally talented mage or an influentical politician, it is unlikely.

Unlike many other cities, if you want people in eternal need of items, there is a good place to look.

Unsurprisingly, nothing happens.

Urchin Meat

Use ##B@zeny##b instead!

Use a key.
Benutze einen Schlüssel.

Use the key.
Benutze den Schlüssel.

Use your @@ as currency!
Benutze deine @@ als Währung!

V-neck Jumper
Pulli mit V-Ausschnitt

Valentine Dress
Valentins Kleid

Vampire Bat
Vampir Fledermaus

Vampire Bat Wing
Vampir Fledermausflügel

Various people already went missing. We are not allowing anyone to pass, not even GMs!

Very well! We have seven class of items: Wood, Iron, Terranite, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Very well, but for a fee of @@ GP. There's no free lunch, after all!

Very well, listen to my plan!

Very well, this looks fine. It is time for your first lesson.

Very well, you don't know what you're missing.

Very well. I shall now share with you the details of this rite.

Very well. That will make a great meal. You pass!

Very well. This conversation never happened.

Vicious Chest

View LeaderBoard

Viking Helmet
Wikinger Helm


Visiting the bank too right? We're only a small village but Cynric is the best bank guy I know.

Vitality determines how resistant you are to attacks and how many blows you can take before you die.

Vneck Sweater



WARNING: Do not spend unecessary time on Soren's House, you'll be disconnected!

WARNING: Spawn these monsters with moderation!

WAW thank you! Come back later to bring me extra @@!


WHAT? How can you ever do a party without beer?!

WHAT? The farm is plagued with insects?!


WOW, THIS IS AWESOME! Many, many thanks!!

Wait a minute...
Warte mal kurz...

Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
Warte, bis der Köder unter Wasser gesunken ist.

Wait, are you with the police? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0

Wait, are you with the police? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1

Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
Warte, es scheint als würde jemand die Tür auf der anderen Seite blockieren!

Wait, you never came here before?
Warte, du warst vorher noch nie hier?

Wait. A ship? Where are you, after all?

Waiting for @@...
Warten auf @@...

Wanderer, here is dangerous! Go back!

Wandering too much? Take care to don't get lost.

Warlord Boots
Warlord Schuhe

Warlord Gloves
Warlord Handschuhe

Warlord Helmet
Warlord Helm

Warlord Pants
Warlord Hose

Warlord Plate


Warning: You are using an old client.

Warp to the Cave Of Trials?


Warping to save point.
Teleportiere zum save Point.

Wash yourself with the potion

Watch out! My wife was gravely wounded the other day. Don't forget your shield when leaving this holy place!

Water, Bread, Cheese and Cherry Cake are to eat, and money is always useful, you know.

Waw! You really did it, you're the savior of my farm!! You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 2500 GP for your troubles!

Waw! You really did it, you're the savior of my farm!! You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 5000 GP for your troubles!

Waw, you are level @@! Many congratulations. If there were people like you, ukarania wouldn't have been destroyed...

We actually have a problem. Bandits ransacked this tavern, and took a huge loot.

We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
Wir bieten auch einige Dienste, wie ein Lager oder eine Bank an.

We are @@ since the last great attack from the Monster King.

We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help.

We arranged a small underground room for that, while the Colliseum doesn't get done.

We can do this again on next summer!
Wir können das nächsten Sommer nochmal machen!

We can't, don't you agree?!
Wir können das nicht machen, findest du nicht auch?!

We elves have greater affinity for magic than humans.

We from Halinarzo are very poor, and in constant need of food. You have to help us!
Wir aus Halinarzo sind sehr arm, und haben ständig zu wenig zu Essen. Du musst uns helfen!

We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Tulimshar.

We must blame Saulc!

We offer party and guild certifications.

We only require a small fee of 1 @@, or 40 @@
Wir fordern nur eine kleine Gebühr von 1 @@ oder 40 @@

We organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.

We pursued them until the mines, slayed them, and took the chests where they locked our stuff into.

We should be there in a few days. For now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.

We should split our team, and have someone to protect our backs. Otherwise, we might not do it.

We speak various languages on this world. Let's try gesturing!#0

We speak various languages on this world. Let's try gesturing!#1

We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
Wir dachten, dass du uns vielleicht dabei helfen kannst es zu verstehen. Wir wissen nur, daß du in Seenot warst, als wir dich auf einem vorbeitreibenden Floß gefunden haben.

We use swords and bows to protect the people, and we use magic to spice things up! Because we're strong even without it!

We want to party this moment, but can you believe we ran out of beer?

We want to thank everyone who did this release possible.

We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
Wir yayaen in Artis in ein paar Tagen. Wir werden dich dann dort absetzen.

We will talk about it later.
Wir sprechen später darüber.

We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer!

We'll bring this one to Juliet at once. Thanks for your help! Savior!#0

We'll bring this one to Juliet at once. Thanks for your help! Savior!#1

We're currently the biggest exporter of food. We may be a small town, but Tulimshar and Halinarzo can barely hold themselves.

We're talking about @@. It's not something for kids or pranksters!

Wedding Ring

Welcome miss.#0
Willkommen Miss.#0

Welcome to HUNGRY QUIRIN ARENA mangment panel.

Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends! We hope you have a great time in our server!

Welcome to Tolchi and Rosen Shop.

Welcome to Tulimshar, @@!
Willkommen in Tulimshar, @@!

Welcome to the Arena. Select your action
Willkommen in der Arena. Wähle deine Aktion

Welcome to the Town Hall. I am @@, officer in charge of public associations.

Welcome to the questing world!"

Welcome! I see you have @@ Monster Points. But that isn't enough to get items at your current level, sorry!

Welcome! I see you have @@ Monster Points. Would you like to exchange some of those for items?

Welcome! My name is @@, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild on @@.

Welcome! Only the finest wares!#0

Welcome! Only the finest wares!#1



Well well well, @@, good job in reaching Soren's House.


Well, Andrei Sakar said it was a waste a time, and the other NPCs started fighting against themselves, so I won.

Well, I know how to do a @@, a sturdy bow, but I am not making those anymore, sorry.

Well, it is terrible! How can I make armours if I ran out of Iron? Shall the citizens of Candor Island perish in a monster attack?!

Well, perhaps a few of them are rebels, I mean, people like us, but many of them are monsters.

Well, profit for me! Thanks for your help. I'll tell all my family how you help me. %%1

Well, that could fail, I said. Here is some experience.

Well, that's easy to do. For starters, I need 1.000 GP as payment, and 10 @@ to make the string.

Well, the first thing would be to get access to a Mana Stone. Halinarzo had the biggest mana stone mines, but it's now depleted.

Well, the reason why I'm not doing it already is because, you see, I lack cookies.

Well, then I'll give you a task. We may meet again in Soren Village.

Well, too bad!

Well, yes. Look this river. The water is not moving.

Well, you forgot the most important: The material I need to do the string.

Well, you gave me the gems, so I trust you. Here, take this @@.

Well... you did not succeed in opening this @@.

West Aeros

Wha, your magic power increased! How?! Ah, nevermind. You are eligible to get tier 2!

Wha- How dare you, to lie to me!

What Alliance? The Alliance which rules over the World Of Mana!

What I had to bring, again?
Was sollte ich nochmal mitbringen?

What about you bring me 100 @@ and 30 @@?

What alliance?
Welche Allianz?

What am I supposed to say?
Was soll ich sagen?

What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?!

What are the Alliance tasks?

What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
Was machst du in meiner Küche? Raus hier, das ist kein Ort für Kinder!

What are you going to do?
Was wirst du tun?

What are you talking about? What guild?
Was redest du da? Welche Gilde?

What are you waiting for? Go kill the bandit lord.

What can I do for you?
Was kann ich für dich tun?

What can I do with Bug Leg?

What can I do with Maggot Slime?

What can you say about dyes?

What did you expected, anyway?

What do I need to do to join?

What do you choose?

What do you need?
Was brauchst du?

What do you say?

What do you want to access?
Wozu möchtest du Zugang erlangen?

What do you want to change?
Was möchtest du ändern?

What do you want to do with your money?

What do you want to do?
Was möchtest du tun?

What do you want to learn more about?

What do you want to reset?
Was möchtest du zurücksetzen?

What do you want today?
Was möchtest du heute?

What does miners do in cave?

What else do you need?
Brauchst du sonst noch was?

What happened to me?
Was ist mit mir passiert?

What if I give you 1000 GP for that job, is it ok?

What is @@ doing?

What is banking?

What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
Was habe ich gerade für eine Frisur und Haarfarbe?

What is the Alliance?

What is this guild for?
Wozu dient diese Gilde?

What is this place anyway?

What item would you like to bleach?
Was würdest du gerne bleichen?

What service do you offer?
Was für Dienste bietest du an?

What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
Was sollte ich tun, nachdem ich mir die Kleider genommen habe?

What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
Was sollte ich tun, nachdem ich mir die Kleider genommen habe?

What will be the bait for the fish?
Was soll der Köder sein?

What would you like to bury?
Was würdest du gerne begraben?

What would you like today?
Was darfs denn heute sein?

What yeye could I do for you today?
Was kann ich heute für dich yeyeen?

What're you looking at?!
Was schaust du so blöd?!

What? A party?

What? This reward is too small!
Was? Diese Belohnung reicht mir nicht!

What? Why not?

Whatever you're blaming Saulc about, this one time, he is innocent.

When I am drunk I tell myself to stop drinking, but I won't listen the words of a drunkard.

When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.

When you get out of the ship, it is the first building you'll see. Talk to ##BLua##b, she is an alliance representative.

When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Business' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Business' button.

When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
Wenn dein Inventar offen ist, kannst du einen Gegenstand ausrüsten indem du ihn auswählst und dann auf 'Ausrüsten' klickst. Du kannst das selbe machen um einen Gegenstand zu entfernen indem du 'Ausziehen' anklickst.

When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
Wenn dein Inventar offen ist, kannst du einen Gegenstand ausrüsten indem du ihn auswählst und dann auf 'Ausrüsten' klickst. Du kannst das selbe machen um einen Gegenstand zu entfernen indem du 'Ausziehen' anklickst.

Where can I find Juliet?#0

Where can I find Juliet?#1

Where can I find them?

Where is the salt?! This is sugar! Proper sailors need salt, not sugar!

Where's the Sunny Crystal? Hurry up, you only have @@ left!

Which deal?

Which rewards are available?

Which skill do you wish to change?
Welche Fähigkeit möchtest du ändern?

White Fur

White Slime

Who are you?
Wer bist du?

Who are you? Thanks for the help.

Who composes the Alliance?

Who dares to disturb my slumber?

Who's this Juliet?

Why am I having a hard time to believe on you...

Why do you only use the silk robe? Don't you have a shorts or something?

Why do you summon me? Speak.

Why it sucks?

Why not, I need to train anyway.
Warum nicht? Ich muss ohnehin üben.

Why we're going Tulimshar, you may ask? Because well, believe me, if you want to find out anything, the best place to ask around is Tulim!

Why, I actually do sell a few things here! But they probably aren't what you're looking for.

Wildx Chest

Will you help me- no, I mean, will you help us, the whole town of Hurnscald?

Wind: @@, @@

Witch Boots

With a knife, the fisherman makes the roots as thin as he can. You wonder if he knows what he is doing.

With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.

With one gem you can expect to get 1 to 3 powders!

With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses.

With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them.

With this tip you will be able to fight strong monsters. It's on Saul's Strategy Guide Against Archwizards.


Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.

Without any mana stone left, and because the walls were not very strong, most of the city was destroyed.

Wizard Moccasins


Wolvern Pelt

Wolvern Teeth Necklace

Wolvern Tooth

Wonderful! I'll be expecting you back.

Wonderful! My fee is @@. This fee is the first step in separating those with willpower, from those without.

Wonderful! So, how about a warm up?

Wonderful! That was great! Directly hit the bull's eye!

Wonderful, I am happy to have you over. Lets get things started with some puerh tea.

Wooden Bow

Wooden Log

Wooden Shield

Wooden Sword

Woohoo, thank you! Maybe now they'll leave me alone!

Worker Statue

World Gate 2

Worlds Gate

Would you like to help us to protect the town from a red scorpion invasion??

Would you like to help us? Maybe you just need some information.#0

Would you like to help us? Maybe you just need some information.#1

Would you like to leave this place?

Would you like to transform one more?

Wouldn't you know it, the bug bomb Eomie gave us is in one of the store room barrels.

Wouldn't you like to help me too?


Wow! Are you @@? Everyone, in every city, talks about you!

Wow! You did it! I do not think anyone else could have done that.


Xmas Candy Cane




Yay it's summer! I love June 21st, and the summer vacations!

Yay yay! Many thanks! Here, take the reward as promised!

Yay, it worked! You get a good wing.

Yaya, it certainly was not from a trade ship, but it doesn't looks like it was from a pirate ship either. Well, that's not important now.#0

Yaya, it certainly was not from a trade ship, but it doesn't looks like it was from a pirate ship either. Well, that's not important now.#1

Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
Yaya, du solltest sie besuchen! Sie wird sich freuen, dich zu sehen.

Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
Yaya, du solltest sie besuchen! Sie wird sich freuen, dich zu sehen.

Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
Yayayaya, es ist das erste Mal, dass jemand schlechter gekleidet ist als wir!

Yeah sure, take my Amethyst!

Yeah sure, take my Diamond!

Yeah sure, take my Emerald!

Yeah sure, take my Ruby!

Yeah sure, take my Sapphire!

Yeah sure, take my Topaz!

Yeah yeah yeah, you're not the first one to come talking about that to me.

Yeah you're all like *hic* that, but you won't get me! *burp*


Yeah, I have the money. Give me FIFTEEN minutes, and Bring it on!

Yeah, I have the money. Give me FIVE minutes, and Bring it on!

Yeah, I have the money. Give me TEN minutes, and Bring it on!

Yeah, I need one.

Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
Ja... Aber ich würde gerne sichergehen, dass ich eine Belohnung bekomme.

Yeah, but what reward will I get?
Hm. Aber was für eine Belohnung werde ich bekommen?

Yeah, of course. I will teach you how to give first aid to people.

Yeah, of course. This one is rather useless and difficult to use, though.

Yeah, sign me up!

Yeah, sure! I'm brave as Simon.

Yeah, teach them a lesson! Keep going!

Yeah, they are.

Yeah, you're right.

Yellow Dye

Yellow Slime

Yep, I bring them for you!


Yes sir. I will help them.


Yes, I accept the pendant!

Yes, I am a mouboo. Why? Can't a mouboo be a law and order enforcer?!

Yes, I am sure.#0
Ja, ich bin sicher.

Yes, I am sure.#1
Ja, ich bin sicher.

Yes, I do.
Ja, habe ich.

Yes, I have herbs. I assume the risks.

Yes, I need to get out of here the earliest possible.

Yes, I'll pay with Common Carp.

Yes, I'll pay with Grass Carp.

Yes, I'll pay with Roach.

Yes, as you see, the costs are high. Prepare yourself.

Yes, courageous and worthy adventurer. You did well. I won't babysit you anymore. Embrace the new world opening before you!#0

Yes, courageous and worthy adventurer. You did well. I won't babysit you anymore. Embrace the new world opening before you!#1

Yes, deal. Gimme the gold ring.

Yes, deal. Gimme the silver ring.

Yes, did you really think I was some kind of monster that would try to poison you in my own house?

Yes, everything is going great, thank you!

Yes, it is a really sweet deal, believe me!

Yes, of course.

Yes, of course. Without a sweat.

Yes, take it.

Yes, take them.

Yes, unless you're doing something VERY special, a Wooden Log is what you need.

Yes, you can count it.



Yeti Claw

Yeti Mask

Yety Tank Top

Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
Yeye, du hast Wahnsinnsglück, am Leben zu sein. Ich denke, du kannst sogar schon aufstehen. Erinnerst du dich, was passiert ist?

Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
Yeye, du hast Wahnsinnsglück, am Leben zu sein. Ich denke, du kannst sogar schon aufstehen. Erinnerst du dich, was passiert ist?

Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
Yeye, du hast die Sachen aus der Kiste neben dem Bett immer noch nicht angezogen!

Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
Yeye, du hast die Sachen aus der Kiste neben dem Bett immer noch nicht angezogen!

Yo, good joob killing the Fire Goblins. Do you have everything I've asked for?

You advanced your tier!

You already got all power I could grant you!

You already purchased an arena, and password is @@

You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
Du bist schon registriert. Warte bitte auf deinen Partner...

You also gained a @@. Bows are very slow, so you should talk to the Blacksmith to make a Quiver.

You are already at the Mana Plane of Existence.

You are already fully trained. You should go to Tulimshar, but if you want a bonus task, please kill a @@.

You are already fully trained. You should go to Tulimshar. I may have another task for you later, but you are too weak now, get some levels.

You are currently at @@.

You are currently hunting @@/10000 @@. Do you want to switch?

You are currently hunting @@/10000 @@. When done, remember to claim rewards with Aidan, on Tulimshar!

You are doing GREAT! Keep slaying them, hahaah!

You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
Du bist erledigt, ruh dich erstmal ein bisschen aus.

You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
Du bist erledigt, ruh dich erstmal ein bisschen aus.

You are full of wine, my friend...
Du bist voll mit Wein, mein Freund...

You are killing @@ at northwest from the island.

You are killing @@ at the beach.

You are killing @@ at the storehouse.

You are killing @@. They are usually at the crops.

You are killing @@/10 @@. They usually are near the mine's Inn.

You are killing @@/100 @@. It's still in progress.

You are killing @@/200 @@ at the cave.

You are killing @@/25 @@ at the cave. Good progress!

You are killing @@/50 @@ at the cave.

You are level @@/@@. Keep building levels, you need them!

You are not strong enough to survive this trip.

You are not worthy!

You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Contributor's Cave.

You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Floating Island of Aeros.

You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Magical Forest.

You are now divorced!
Du bist jetzt geschieden!

You are part of the "@@" guild.

You are too weak for my last task, please come back later with some levels.

You are too weak for my task, please come back later with some levels.

You are too weak to kill one and impress him, so please, bear my son.

You are trying to kill a @@.

You are very welcome.

You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
Du bist doch verrückt. Ich muss hier weg.

You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
Du bist doch verrückt. Ich muss hier weg.

You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me!

You brought me 5 @@ ! Here is your @@, as promised.

You buried @@ @@.
Du hast @@ @@ begraben.

You can also manually stop it at any time with: @droprate default

You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default

You can also pick and drag items from one window into the other but this will move all items of this kind.

You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
Um die Regeln zu sehen, kannst du jederzeit im Grundgesetz nachschlagen.

You can also read the [@@news|server news@@], or even [@@|older entries@@].

You can buy rare items with me, or I can tell you about different cities in our world.

You can colaborate with our project though! Just ask on #tmw2-dev, be it on Discord or IRC!

You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
Du kannst den Gegenstand direkt per Drag & Drop ins NPC Fenster verschieben, oder den Gegenstand in deinem Inventar auswählen.

You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.

You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N

You can explore the city as you want, but if I were you, I would visit the townhall first.

You can find both huge swamps, as huge desertic areas near and on it.

You can find for a good price desert equipment and some kind of dyes. You find all sort of crafters, artisans and warriors here.

You can find it in the bandit market, but it is EXPENSIVE.

You can gain rares, even. Come register for this special program. It's free!

You can get @@ anywhere, although here is a little easier to get.

You can save both items and money at a bank.

You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.

You can then trade these coins for items with me!

You can trade them for quite nice items with my friend over there.

You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you know what I mean...

You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
Du kannst viele verschiedene Gegenstände nutzen, um Fische anzulocken.

You can't afford my services for that amount. Sorry.

You can't carry more items, you should go to the storage.

You can't go there!
Du kannst da nicht weiter!

You can't pass this barrier while people are fighting inside!

You can, however, use ##BCtrl##b to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press Z to be sure.

You cannot be hurt to do this trip.

You cannot bring anything to the arena. Please put everything on the storage.

You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
Du hast einen @@ gefangen, aber dein Inventar ist voll - du kannst ihn nicht mitnehmen.

You caught a @@!
Du hast ein @@ gefangen!

You clearly don't have money, so let's not bother with that right now.#0

You clearly don't have money, so let's not bother with that right now.#1

You completed your trainment, so you're getting 50 bonus experience points. If you level up, use your stat points wisely!

You could try getting into a city administration. If you can get a citizenship, you can try to elect for an office.

You currently have @@ GP on your bank account.

You currently have @@ Monster Points. These points are acquired while killing monsters.

You deserve a reward for helping my husband Hinnak, but please, get Oscar's reward first.

You deserve a reward for helping my husband. I can make you a nice gift.

You did it! You're now on the last stage of this BORING and LONG quest!

You didn't add a item.

You didn't lit every torch yet! Hurry up!!

You do not have enough Gold Pieces on your bank account.

You do not have enough Gold on yourself.

You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
Du hast nicht die nötigen Berechtigungen, um das Super-Menü zu nutzen.

You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
Du hast keine @@n, willst du mich verscheißern?

You don't have any @@.
Du hast keine @@.

You don't have enough gold! You need @@ gp.

You don't have enough material, sorry.

You don't have enough money, bring me @@ GP or join an already existing one.

You don't have enough money, bring me @@ GP.

You don't have enough money. Sorry.

You don't have that many empty bottles!

You don't have the Iron Ingot.

You don't have the Iron Ore.

You don't have the item.

You don't have the key.

You don't have the required level to pass this barrier.

You don't have the three Coal lumps.

You don't look too well; let me treat your wounds.

You don't seem to have any @@ with you!

You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it.

You faint from the pain, but at least now, you are in good hands.

You found @@ out of @@ kids.

You found an old well with a bucket on it! It's time to fill plenty of @@!

You found something!
Du hast etwas gefunden!

You go to the training field and stand exactly on the same level with the target. The target is located about 13 meters north of you. You take one arrow and look at Gwendolyn.

You got married to @@!
Du wurdest mit @@ verheiratet!

You have an awful case of amnesia.
Du hast eine schreckliche Form von Amnesie.

You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 2500 GP for your troubles.

You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 500 GP for your troubles.

You have no idea of how dangerous that item is! I can't simply do it!

You have some magic power. Do you want to join the Magic Warriors? ##BThis cannot be undone##b.

You have too much points. I can't allow you to take all at once right now. I'll try to give you 50, and you come back later!

You have:

You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
Du hörst einen lauten Schrei. Das muß das Quietschen dieser Holztür sein... oder?

You hear birds singing! That is what you had to do!

You hide your shovel.
Du versteckst deine Schaufel.

You hold the shovel in your hands.
Du hältst die Schaufel in der Hand.

You humans are so greedy... Just like me. I have more important things to do, other than waste time with you.

You just bought it? You won't learn anything from that.

You just gained a Karma point, a Silver Gift, and 200 Job Exp for your bravery!

You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
Du brauchst nur eine Angel, aber du solltest mehr als einen einzigen Köder mitnehmen.

You killed so many Pinkies! My wife and I love you!

You killed so many Pinkies, I don't care with the Antennas anymore! They are almost gone!

You know Jesus Saves hates cheaters, right? If Saulc didn't asked me to double-check stuff...

You lack money. Go sell your stuff. And don't ask why a statue needs money!

You left your fishing spot!
Du hast deinen Fischplatz verlassen.

You made a cash deposit of @@ GP.

You might have been affected. Please, select your desired language.

You must be dressed, and talk to our captain first. He'll give you a mission and unlock the ship main door.#0

You must be dressed, and talk to our captain first. He'll give you a mission and unlock the ship main door.#1

You need @@ GP to use this arena.

You need all your mana to do this trip.

You need:

You notice that even if she tries to calm down everyone and serve tea, she's pretty distressed with the Monster King herself.

You only have to tell him how much you want to deposit or withdraw.

You open a book named @@.
Du öffnest ein Buch mit dem Titel @@.

You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
Du öffnest das Buch, aber es sieht durch das Meerwasser sehr mitgenommen aus. Einige Seiten sind überhaupt nicht mehr lesbar. Andere fehlen komplett.

You open the chest and found a @@.

You open your eyes. The salt water is not helping your vision.

You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
Du hast die @@ in zwei Hälften geteilt, aber eine davon ist kaputtgegangen.

You perchance said in adventure? Good, because I just hurt my arm while mining!

You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
Du hast dein(e) @@ perfekt in zwei essbare Hälften geteilt.

You planned neatly. I'll be back.

You ponder whether or not it would be wise to drink it.

You pour the whole potion on the fountain.

You pulled too late and lost the bait...
Du hast zu spät angeschlagen, und der Köder ist verloren.

You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
Du hast zu spät angeschlagen, und der Köder ist verloren.

You quickly give him the herbs, and he skillfully mix them on a potion.

You ran out of time.

You really have a reason to be proud.

You really should do some tasks to impress our captain.

You receive @@ GP!

You received one @@!

You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
Du siehst ein verstaubtes Buch hinten im Regal...

You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
Du siehst einen Raijin Jungen, der an der Ecke des Docks sitzt.

You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
Ein paar Fische reflektieren die Sonne direkt unter der Wasseroberfläche.

You see these pious around us?
Siehst du diese Pious um uns herum?

You see, I cannot use any raw material. It must be sturdier than the usual, and I don't have the materials for it.

You see, I was walking on the secret caves near Ched, and... well...

You see, after a monster attack... My husband went to the desert, to check how things were...

You see, because the Monster King, monsters have been running rampant. If they grow too much in numbers, cities may be overrun.

You see, most people think that all monsters are controlled by the Monster King, but that's not quite right.

You seem to run out of place, you should go to the storage.

You should ask Tycoon.

You should ask this question at Vincent.

You should be more careful.

You should come back when you have some free space.
Du solltest zurück kommen wenn du etwas Platz frei hast.

You should go and get some sleep.
Du solltest dir ein wenig Schlaf holen.

You should have gotten here @@.

You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
Du solltest wissen, dass ein Gegenstand wie dieser nicht gebleicht werden kann.

You should never sell your Cactus Drinks. They have many uses.

You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
Du solltest zuerst mit Magier Arpan sprechen.

You stay where you are..

You still have @@ Monster Points! Do you want more items?

You still haven't completed your tasks.
Du hast deine Aufgaben noch nicht erledigt.

You still haven't found all of them yet.

You still need @@ GP for the trip to Tulimshar.

You still need @@ GP to afford it.

You still need to grow a few levels more before being able to help me out again.

You store a large collection of goods. Could you perhaps sell me some?

You successfully set the drop rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.

You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.

You take four steps to the left.

You take four steps to the right.

You take one step to the left.

You take one step to the right.

You take the clothes from the chest.
Du nimmst die Kleidung aus der Kiste.

You take three steps to the left.

You take three steps to the right.

You take two steps to the left.

You take two steps to the right.

You take your fishing rod and leave.
Du nimmst die Angelrute und gehst.

You thought there was someone here. It must have been your imagination.

You throw a coin on the well.

You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
Wolltest mich loswerden, hä? Überraschung, ich bin immer noch hier... *hicks*... oder da....

You waited too long and lost the bait...
Du hast zu spät angeschlagen, und der Köder ist verloren.

You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
Du warst in sehr schlechter Verfassung und solltest froh sein, dass wir dich gefunden haben, bevor das Meer dich für immer verschluckt hat.

You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
Du warst in sehr schlechter Verfassung und solltest froh sein, dass wir dich gefunden haben, bevor das Meer dich für immer verschluckt hat.

You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Juliet, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0

You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Juliet, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1

You will be killed on the road if you try to go like this. Try helping people. Get money, experience, equipment.

You will find a fisher, maybe he is having a good time and can sell you a few boxes. And remember to keep your eye open.

You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask around for help. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!

You will then be able to register citzenship in any city, for free. But just once.

You withdrew a total of @@ GP.

You won't be allowed to play this game until you have an updated client.

You wonder, maybe he entered on an infinite loop? Hellooo, anybody home?

You'll come with me!

You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
Du möchtest, dass deine Angel gleichzeitig flexibel und stabil ist.

You're doing the math wrong, matey! I'll bring them later!

You're lucky. It is windless now.#0

You're lucky. It is windless now.#1

You're on a ship, we're on our way to the oldest human city, Tulishmar.

You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant travelling adventure at the city of Tulimshar.#0

You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant travelling adventure at the city of Tulimshar.#1

You're playing with fire. Or ice. Or whatever.

You're pretty much stranded on this forsaken island if you don't help me!

You're the savior of Hurnscald crops. Half from the world would die from famine, weren't for you.

You're welcome!

You're willing to help? Perfect. We need 3 @@, 4 @@ and 10 @@ for travel.

You're, of course, invited. Thus far, the total prize money I've collected is @@ GP.

You've brought me fertilizer! Let me see if it works...

You've helped me plenty. Please come back in @@

You've killed @@ scorpions, and a total of @@ were killed this season.

You've killed @@/12 @@. Get rid of them!

You... You killed my father during Nivalis siege! I'll make you pay for that!!

You: @@, @@

You? Have you ever looked in the mirror? You're not even level 35. Begone.

You? Here?
Du? Hier?

Your body aches. You can't remember what happened. But this is not important now. The ships sailors are shouting at you!

Your body starts to glow. You're not sure why, the fountain did that!

Your class selection is ##BPermanent##b and cannot be changed later. Do their tasks, and you'll be able to harness magic!

Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave.

Your dexterity determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.

Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
Deine Frisur ist @@ und die Haarfarbe ist @@.

Your help is very welcome indeed. Unfortunately, I can give you a reward for the first extermination only.
Deine Hilfe hier ist allerdings sehr willkommen. Leider kann ich dich nur für die erste Rattenvernichtung belohnen.

Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone.

Your low intelligence prevents anything from happening with you.

Your luck determines several small things, including the number of critical attacks you are going to suffer and perform.

Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
Bist du sicher? Du wirst dabei deinen Farbstoff verlieren.

Your mother asked me to say that she loves you.

Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate.

Your position has been saved.
Ihre Position wird gespeichert.

Your save point has been changed.
Dein Speicherpunkt wurde geändert.

Your son, Hasan, has stolen me!



Zarkor spills many fluids on the lake, with much concentration.

Zarkor starts a weird chant.

Zarkor, fell a small taste of my power. That is nothing. If you can't handle that, you're not even near my lowest lieutenant.

Zarkor, the Dark Summoner




Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage!

Zitoni refused to make the Powder.

Zitoni seems to be lost on deep thought.

Zitoni won't cooperate with you. Perhaps you should ask to Zarkor about that.

Zombie Ear

Zombie Nachos


[0] East Aeros

[1] West Aeros

[2] Full Aeros

[Deliver all goods.]

[Easter] Send soul to the Mana Forest!

[Maybe another time.]

[Soul Menhir]

[Worker Day] Send soul to the Contributor Cave!

a Left Crafty Wing

a Right Crafty Wing

a ground!
ein Boden!

a quiet place,
ein ruhiger Ort,


and may change later without notice.


come back stronger, and I will give you a task.

data @@ @@ @@ data
data @@ @@ @@ data





if the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.



left above

line @@: @@
Zeile @@: @@

lower left

lower right


medium shot

my name is karim can you help me?.


no active MOTD
keine aktive MOTD

no active broadcast
keine aktive Ankündigung











o.o "You're being unreasonable. That's way too much!"

powerful shot

quest completed.#0

quest completed.#1

rather powerful shot

rather weak shot


right above


she's smiling at you.

somewhat powerful shot

somewhat weak shot







test @@
test @@




test1 @@#0



test2 @@#1


the event won't start and HURNSCALD WON'T BE LIBERATED.

the npc choose paper.

the npc choose rock.

the npc choose scissors.

very powerful shot

very weak shot

weak shot



you already opened the chest.

you choose paper.

you choose rock.

you choose scissors.

you got lucky and got a(n) @@!

you lose
du verlierst

you win
du gewinnst

you win @@
du gewinnst @@

¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..."

¬.¬ "I knew it! I'll report you at once."