Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
-Fixed card bonuses related to to ATK.(Added 'bRaceTolerance'). Thanks Michi for the support.
-Fixed Renewal EDP. Special thanks to Awesome Yommy <3
-Enabled 'display_skill_fail' since '/skillfail' is already available in the client
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Servers can now run on any number of languages, without editing npc files.
Designed by Haruna and Ind
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Endless Tower, and Bascojin Slave.
- Special thanks to Dastgir, Michieru
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Existing custom scripts will need edits. In a nutshell:
- Existing calls to `petskillattack` should be changed to specify an
extra <number of attacks> argument (after <skill level>), set to 0.
- Existing calls to `petskillattack2` should be changed to
`petskillattack`, keeping the same arguments.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Update item_db to episode 14.2
Update eclage mobs spawn to official
Update eclage mobs to official
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Songs aegis behavior updated. Bonus correction
- Follow-up to d4e0689
- Special thanks to Litro
- Also synchronized header comment of the item_db2
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
- Fixed bug 8412 Now songs auto-refreshes every 3 seconds.
- Musical Lesson bonus rounded down for BA_ASSASSINCROSS.
Update Red Pirate Banada to official.
New item attribute: KeepAfterUse
- Follow-up to 8bb0078
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
- 1st Transcendent Spirit will now work as on official servers (#116)
* The max total stat that is granted by the skill is now BaseLevel-10 with a maximum of 50 instead of always 50
* It will now work as Marionette Control and calculate the bonus at cast time rather than overwrite all existing bonuses
* Agi Up and Blessing will now cancel the soul link
- Fixed various problems that caused position lags on the client (#118)
* Added a define ACTIVEPATHSEARCH in mob.c; if active (default and official), monsters will only grab targets if the walk path to the target is shorter or equal their search range; search range depends on whether the monster is moving or not (range2 for standing monsters and range3 for walking monsters); this requires a lot of CPU load, if it causes trouble, just comment the define for old behavior
* Fixed a bug that made monsters display "irregular movement with position lag" continuously when a status change ended that changed their walk speed
* OFFICIAL_WALKPATH now also applies to monsters
* If the path search fails while a unit is already moving, we will now issue of fixpos packet so that the unit does not only stop moving on the server, but also on the client
* Direction fixes
- Updated the config setting attack_direction_change from 15 to 0 (official value); that means that a unit's direction will no longer change when it attacks; knock-back effects from e.g. Firewall will depend on the last direction the target walked into instead (bugreport:1322)
- Ensured that the default direction of a monster is always "north", so that immobile monsters will now always be knocked back to the south by e.g. Firewall on default settings, unless a skill like e.g. Backstab changes their direction (bugreport:1322)
- Fixed a bug that stopped characters server-sided and caused position lag when closing a skill menu
* Magnum Break damage fixed
- Targets two cells away will now only take 100%+10%*level damage (#108)
- Land Protector now behaves more like on official servers
* Land Protector now protects from units being placed on it, no matter if they have splash range or not
* Land Protector no longer protects from damage from units not outside Land Protector that splash inside
* Meteor Storm no longer shows meteors falling if they would land on Land Protector
* Pneuma can no longer be placed next to Land Protector
* Safety wall no longer consumes gem if cast on LP.
* Also cleaned up the code a bit, so the checks are done where they should be done
- Ground skill splash ranges updated to their official values
* Lord of Vermilion places units in a 11x11 area with 3x3 splash range each
* Storm Gust places units in a 9x9 area with 3x3 splash range each
* Heaven's Drive places units in a 5x5 area with no splash range
* Venom Dust now has a splash range of 3x3 and is consequently larger than before
- Storm Gust's knock-back behavior updated to official
* Each of Storm Gust's units will knock back "Away from center"
* As units in the south-west are processed first, the knock-back direction will usually be north-east
* At the edges the knock-back direction will be "to the outside"
* Land Protector and Ganbantein will influence the knock-back behavior strongly, e.g. if Storm Gust has a hole in the middle, it will have a "suck in" effect
* Added a config option for those who want the old "random direction" behavior from eAthena
Changed "set" to Direct assigning.
NOTE: Item Scripts are taken from Description.
Special Thanks to Yommy and Ziu for the adjusted logic!
This commit also introduces the proper coins to obtain the roulette points, thanks to Michieru.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Details in
Special Thanks to the all-mighty Yommy, Ziu and Haruna!
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
This also includes various other tweaks to the item db scripts,
including the newly introduced min() and max() commands.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
cast on all players that are not in the party (bug:7050)
* Updated monster_chase_range in monster.conf from 1 to 3; I originally thought official value is 1, but doing some in-depth tests myself I realized it's 3 for the most important situations
* When a monster cannot issue new "move" commands because it was affected by a status change, but is still moving due to knockback immunity, it will no longer unlock its target and stop
* Fixed a bug that always caused the chase path monsters calculated to be 1 cell too short causing them to recalculate their path one cell before their goal every single time
- Fixed the direction calculation once again and optimized it at the same time (bugreport:9373)
* Now the calculated direction is 100% official, really truly, checked it myself with every single cell and various skills
* Added a new function map_calc_dir_xy that allows to check for a direction between two cells without the need of a block_list
* map_calc_dir will now just use map_calc_dir_xy to avoid duplicate code
* Improved Icewall walk block implementation
- Moved the configuration setting "icewall_walk_block" to monster.conf
- Split the configuration into mob_icewall_walk_block and boss_icewall_walk_block so it can be configured for bosses separately
- Expanded the configuration
* If the value is set to 1, monsters on an ice wall cell will behave like trapped monsters, that means they won't be able to move at all, they will use idle skills and if they are attacked while nobody is in their attack range, they will use their rudeattacked skills; this is equal to official behavior of bosses
* If the value is set to 2-255, it will behave as before but monsters in the AI loop now use both idle and chase skills, but will no longer use their rudeattacked skills even if attacked from range; this is equal to official behavior of normal monsters
* Official values would be "220" for normal monsters (loop until Icewall expiration) and "1" for bosses (behave like trapped monster) on most official servers, but as some official servers have a less exploitable implementation (from looping AI only a limited amount of times up to outright blocking Icewall on all maps with bosses)
- Cleaned up the rudeattacked code a little so it's easier to read
- Fire Pillar is no longer a trap and can no longer be hit or knocked back in renewal
Thanks to Playtester (rathena b43b855d2, 902c920b734cd)
Replaced their use in scripts with checkmount and setmount,
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Playtester to point this out
- The command should be replaced by petskillsupport in any custom
- Updated the custom SOHEE pet skill script to use petskillsupport with
level 10 AL_HEAL.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
monster behavior fixes
- Fixed cast time of Sightrasher in pre-renewal (700ms -> 500ms)
- Official Sight Blaster behavior (bugreport:6945, partially bugreport:144)
* Sight Blaster's AoE is now 3x3 even in pre-renewal (it was originally larger so it hits traps before they trigger)
* Sight Blaster will now prevent traps from triggering as long as they are knocked back
* Fixed a bug that caused Sight Blaster to not work on traps and ice walls at all
* Sight Blaster will no longer expire when the attack was reflected
* Sight Blaster will now expire when hitting an ice wall
* Sight Blaster will now properly protect you from being attacked from its AoE range
- Sight, Ruwach and Sight Blaster will now check for a target every 20ms (previously every 250ms)
- Step action will now be canceled when being knocked back (skills won't be executed anymore when knocked out of range)
- When knock back magic is reflected it will no longer lead to the caster being knocked back (related to bugreport:6945)
- Activated traps can no longer be hit
- Fixed a problem that left "trap ghosts" forever on the screen when a trap was knocked out of the screen
- Monster behavior fixes
* Monsters will no longer be able to do normal attacks when hiding
* If out of any reason a monster on "attack" state can't move and can't do normal attacks, it will now use "attack" state skills
* The order of monster thought processing is now equal to official servers
- Fixed some potential map server crashes
Mega thanks to Playtester (rathena b88e95381d6a7)
Some Quality of Life Changes
- setdragon, setmadogear and setriding deprecated; use setmount instead.
- checkdragon, checkmadogear, checkriding deprecated; use checkmount
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
To avoid ambiguity:
- The script command ismounting is now hascashmount
- The script command setmounting is now setcashmount
- The at-command @mount2 is now @cashmount
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
- This reverts commit 4ac673941714032ada6d26fb60936ec510bbe496.
- The commit breaks some legacy code. It'll be pushed again once some
things are fixed.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
checkquest deprecated; Use questprogress instead for a more logical
quest log checking command.
getbrokencount command added to get amount of broken equipment.
setdragon and setmadogear deprecated; use setriding instead.
setriding now handles all combat mounts.
Thanks to exneval and Playtester