path: root/src/map/mercenary.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/mercenary.c')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/mercenary.c b/src/map/mercenary.c
index e84acecf6..155222b53 100644
--- a/src/map/mercenary.c
+++ b/src/map/mercenary.c
@@ -71,11 +71,6 @@ int do_init_merc (void)
return 0;
-static int dirx[8]={0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1};
-static int diry[8]={1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1};
static unsigned long hexptbl[126];
void merc_load_exptables(void)
@@ -100,100 +95,22 @@ char *merc_skill_get_name(int id)
return merc_skillname[id-8000];
-void merc_die(struct map_session_data *sd)
- if(sd->hd)
- {
- sd->hd->alive=0;
- merc_save(sd);
- clif_clearchar_area(&sd->hd->bl,0);
- map_delblock(&sd->hd->bl);
- }
-int merc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct homun_data *hd,int damage,int type)
+void merc_damage(struct homun_data *hd,struct block_list *src,int hp,int sp)
- if(damage > hd->hp) damage = hd->hp;
- hd->hp -= damage;
- if(hd->hp == 0)
- {
- //dead lol
- clif_clearchar((struct block_list*)hd,1);
- hd->bl.m = 0;
- hd->bl.x = 0;
- hd->bl.y = 0; //send it somewhere where it doesn't bother us
- merc_save(hd->master);
- merc_die(hd->master);
- return damage;
- }
- merc_save(hd->master);
- return damage;
-void merc_calc_status(struct homun_data *hd)
+int merc_dead(struct homun_data *hd, struct block_list *src)
- int dstr;
- int atk_rate=100,aspd_rate=100,speed_rate=100;
- // attack
- dstr = hd->str/10;
- hd->atk = hd->str + dstr*dstr + hd->dex/5;
- // matk
- hd->matk = hd->int_+(hd->int_/6)*(hd->int_/6);
- // crit
- hd->crit = (hd->luk*3)+10; //x.1
- // hit
- hd->hit = hd->dex + hd->level;
- // flee
- hd->flee = hd->agi + hd->level;
- // lucky flee
- hd->flee2 = hd->luk+10; //x.1
- // def
- hd->def = hd->vit;
- // mdef
- hd->mdef = hd->int_;
- // hp recovery
- hd->regenhp = 1 + (hd->vit/5) + (hd->max_hp/200);
- // sp recovery
- hd->regensp = 1 + (hd->int_/6) + (hd->max_sp/100);
- if(hd->int_ >= 120)
- hd->regensp += ((hd->int_-120)>>1) + 4;
- if(hd->sc_count && hd->
- {
- if(hd->[SC_AVOID].timer!=-1)
- speed_rate -= hd->[SC_AVOID].val1*10;
- if(hd->[SC_CHANGE].timer!=-1)
- hd->int_ += 60;
- if(hd->[SC_BLOODLUST].timer!=-1)
- atk_rate += hd->[SC_BLOODLUST].val1*10+20;
- if(hd->[SC_FLEET].timer!=-1)
- {
- aspd_rate -= hd->[SC_FLEET].val1*3;
- atk_rate+=5+hd->[SC_FLEET].val1*5;
- }
- }
- hd->amotion = 1800 - (1800 * hd->agi / 250 + 1800 * hd->dex / 1000);
- hd->amotion -= 200;
- hd->dmotion=hd->amotion;
+ //dead lol
+ clif_clearchar((struct block_list*)hd,1);
+ hd->bl.m = 0;
+ hd->bl.x = 0;
+ hd->bl.y = 0; //send it somewhere where it doesn't bother us
+ merc_save(hd->master);
+ clif_clearchar_area(&hd->bl,0);
+ map_delblock(&hd->bl);
+ return 1;
void merc_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd,short skillnum)
@@ -213,113 +130,31 @@ void merc_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd,short skillnum)
-void merc_calc_stats(struct homun_data *hd)
- /* very proprietary */
- int l,i;
- l=hd->level;
- hd->max_hp=500+l*10+l*l;
- hd->max_sp=300+l*11+l*l*90/100;
-/* hd->atk=10+l*5+l*l/125;
- hd->matk=6+l*6+l*l/120;
- hd->hit=3+l+l*l/200;
- hd->crit=1+l*69/125;
- hd->def=5+l+l*l/119;
- hd->mdef=1+l+l*l/80;
- hd->flee=7+l+l*l/150; */ // obsolete
- switch(hd->class_)
- {
- case 6001: //LIF ~ int,dex,vit
- hd->str = 3+l/7;
- hd->agi = 3+2*l/5;
- hd->vit = 4+l;
- hd->int_ = 4+3*l/4;
- hd->dex = 4+2*l/3;
- hd->luk = 3+l/4;
- for(i=8001;i<8005;++i)
- {
- hd->hskill[i-8001].id=i;
- //hd->hskill[i-8001].level=1;
- }
- break;
- case 6003: //FILIR ~ str,agi,dex
- hd->str = 4+3*l/4;
- hd->agi = 4+2*l/3;
- hd->vit = 3+2*l/5;
- hd->int_ = 3+l/4;
- hd->dex = 4+l;
- hd->luk = 3+l/7;
- for(i=8009;i<8013;++i)
- {
- hd->hskill[i-8009].id=i;
- //hd->hskill[i-8009].level=1;
- }
- break;
- case 6002: //AMISTR ~ str,vit,luk
- hd->str = 4+l;
- hd->agi = 3+l/4;
- hd->vit = 3+3*l/4;
- hd->int_ = 3+1/10;
- hd->dex = 3+2*l/5;
- hd->luk = 4+2*l/3;
- for(i=8005;i<8009;++i)
- {
- hd->hskill[i-8005].id=i;
- //hd->hskill[i-8005].level=1;
- }
- break;
- case 6004: //VANILMIRTH ~ int,dex,luk
- hd->str = 3+l/4;
- hd->agi = 3+l/7;
- hd->vit = 3+2*l/5;
- hd->int_ = 4+l;
- hd->dex = 4+2*l/3;
- hd->luk = 4+3*l/4;
- for(i=8013;i<8017;++i)
- {
- hd->hskill[i-8013].id=i;
- //hd->hskill[i-8013].level=1;
- }
- break;
- }
- merc_calc_status(hd);
- hd->exp_next=hexptbl[l-1];
int merc_gainexp(struct homun_data *hd,int exp)
hd->exp += exp;
- if(hd->exp > hd->exp_next) //levelup
+ if(hd->exp < hd->exp_next)
+ return 0;
+ //levelup
+ do
- while(hd->exp > hd->exp_next)
- {
- hd->exp-=hd->exp_next;
- hd->level += 1;
- clif_misceffect(&hd->bl,0);
- merc_calc_stats(hd);
- hd->hp=hd->max_hp;
- hd->sp=hd->max_sp;
- }
+ hd->exp-=hd->exp_next;
+ hd->exp_next=hexptbl[hd->level];
+ hd->level++;
- merc_save(hd->master);
+ while(hd->exp > hd->exp_next);
+ clif_misceffect(&hd->bl,0);
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,0);
+ status_percent_heal(&hd->bl, 100, 100);
return 0;
-int merc_heal(struct homun_data *hd,int hp,int sp)
+void merc_heal(struct homun_data *hd,int hp,int sp)
- hd->hp+=hp;
- hd->sp+=sp;
- if(hd->max_hp < hd->hp) hd->hp = hd->max_hp;
- if(hd->max_sp < hd->sp) hd->sp = hd->max_sp;
- merc_save(hd->master);
- return hp+sp;
void merc_save(struct map_session_data *sd)
@@ -337,30 +172,29 @@ void merc_save(struct map_session_data *sd)
-//not nice, but works
-void merc_res(struct map_session_data *sd,int skilllv)
+static void merc_load_sub(struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd)
- sprintf(tmp_sql, "UPDATE `homunculus` SET `hp`='10' WHERE `char_id` = '%d' AND `hp`=0",sd->char_id);
- if(mysql_query(&mmysql_handle, tmp_sql)){
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&mmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- return;
- }
- if(sd->hd)
- {
- sd->hd->hp=skilllv*sd->hd->max_hp/10;
- sd->hd->alive=1;
- }
+ hd->bl.m=sd->bl.m;
+ hd->bl.x=sd->bl.x;
+ hd->bl.y=sd->bl.y;
+ hd->bl.type=BL_HOMUNCULUS;
+ hd-> npc_get_new_npc_id();
+ hd->bl.prev=NULL;
+ hd->;
+ status_set_viewdata(&hd->bl, hd->class_);
+ status_change_init(&hd->bl);
+ unit_dataset(&hd->bl);
+ map_addiddb(&hd->bl);
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,1); //this function will have more sense later on
+#ifndef TXT_ONLY
void merc_load(struct map_session_data *sd)
struct homun_data *hd;
- int alive=1;
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
sprintf(tmp_sql, "SELECT `id`,`class`,`name`,`level`,`exp`,`hunger`,`hp`,`sp`,`skill1lv`,`skill2lv`,`skill3lv`,`skill4lv`,`skillpts` FROM `homunculus` WHERE `char_id` = '%d'", sd->char_id);
if(mysql_query(&mmysql_handle, tmp_sql)){
ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&mmysql_handle));
@@ -369,42 +203,25 @@ void merc_load(struct map_session_data *sd)
sql_res = mysql_store_result(&mmysql_handle);
+ if(!sql_res)
+ return;
if(mysql_num_rows(sql_res) <= 0){
return; //no homunculus for this char
- }
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row(sql_res);
- if(atoi(sql_row[6])==0) alive=0; //it is dead
- int id,charid,class_,level,exp,hunger,hp,sp;
- char name[24];
- FILE *fl=fopen("save/homunculus.txt","r");
- ShowInfo("Looking up Homunculus for %d...\n",sd->char_id);
- charid=1;
- while(charid!=0)
- {
- fscanf(fl,"%d,%d,%d,%s ,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",&id,&charid,&class_,name,&level,&exp,&hunger,&hp,&sp);
- ShowInfo("%d",charid);
- if(charid==sd->char_id) goto gotit;
- }
- return; //none found
- ShowInfo("found it!\n");
//dummy code
hd=(struct homun_data *) aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct homun_data));
sd->hd=hd; //pointer from master to homunculus
memset(hd,0,sizeof(struct homun_data));
hd->master=sd; //pointer from homunculus to master
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- hd->hp=atoi(sql_row[6]);
- hd->sp=atoi(sql_row[7]);
+ hd->battle_status.hp=atoi(sql_row[6]);
+ hd->battle_status.sp=atoi(sql_row[7]);
@@ -412,44 +229,48 @@ gotit:
- memcpy(hd->name,sql_row[2],strlen(sql_row[2])<24?strlen(sql_row[2]):24);
+ hd->exp_next=hexptbl[hd->level-1];
+ strncpy(hd->name,sql_row[2],NAME_LENGTH);
+ mysql_free_result(sql_res);
+ merc_load_sub(hd, sd);
+void merc_load(struct map_session_data *sd)
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ int id,charid,class_,level,exp,hunger,hp,sp;
+ char name[24];
+ FILE *fl=fopen("save/homunculus.txt","r");
+ sd->hd=NULL;
+ if(!fl) return; //Unable to open file.
+ ShowInfo("Looking up Homunculus for %d...\n",sd->char_id);
+ do {
+ fscanf(fl,"%d,%d,%d,%s ,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",&id,&charid,&class_,name,&level,&exp,&hunger,&hp,&sp);
+ ShowInfo("%d",charid);
+ if(charid==sd->char_id) break;
+ } while(charid!=0);
+ if (!charid)
+ return; //none found
+ ShowInfo("found it!\n");
+ //dummy code
+ hd=(struct homun_data *) aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct homun_data));
+ sd->hd=hd; //pointer from master to homunculus
+ memset(hd,0,sizeof(struct homun_data));
+ hd->master=sd; //pointer from homunculus to master
- hd->hp=hp;
- hd->sp=sp;
- memcpy(hd->name,name,strlen(name)<24?strlen(name):24);
- hd->alive=alive;
- hd->speed=0x96;
- hd->bl.m=sd->bl.m;
- hd->bl.x=sd->bl.x;
- hd->bl.y=sd->bl.y;
- hd->bl.type=BL_HOMUNCULUS;
- hd-> npc_get_new_npc_id();
- hd->bl.prev=NULL;
- hd->;
- status_set_viewdata(&hd->bl, hd->class_);
- status_change_init(&hd->bl);
- unit_dataset(&hd->bl);
- map_addiddb(&hd->bl);
- merc_calc_stats(hd); //this function will have more sense later on
- mysql_free_result(sql_res);
-// clif_homunack(sd);
-// clif_homuninfo(sd);
-// clif_homuninfo(sd); // send this x2. dunno why, but kRO does that [blackhole89]
+ hd->battle_status.hp=hp;
+ hd->battle_status.sp=sp;
+ hd->exp_next=hexptbl[hd->level-1];
+ strncpy(hd->name,name,NAME_LENGTH);
+ merc_load_sub(hd, sd);
int merc_create_homunculus(struct map_session_data *sd,int id,int m,int x,int y)
@@ -496,6 +317,7 @@ int merc_create_homunculus(struct map_session_data *sd,int id,int m,int x,int y)
clif_homuninfo(sd);*/ // send this x2. dunno why, but kRO does that [blackhole89]
+ return 0;
int do_final_merc (void);