path: root/src/map/homunculus.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/homunculus.c')
1 files changed, 1177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/homunculus.c b/src/map/homunculus.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..454d56e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/homunculus.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1177 @@
+// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
+// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
+#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
+#include "../common/malloc.h"
+#include "../common/socket.h"
+#include "../common/timer.h"
+#include "../common/nullpo.h"
+#include "../common/mmo.h"
+#include "../common/showmsg.h"
+#include "../common/utils.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "clif.h"
+#include "chrif.h"
+#include "intif.h"
+#include "itemdb.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "status.h"
+#include "skill.h"
+#include "mob.h"
+#include "pet.h"
+#include "battle.h"
+#include "party.h"
+#include "guild.h"
+#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "script.h"
+#include "npc.h"
+#include "trade.h"
+#include "unit.h"
+#include "homunculus.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+//Better equiprobability than rand()% [orn]
+#define rand(a, b) (a+(int) ((float)(b-a+1)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)))
+struct s_homunculus_db homunculus_db[MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS]; //[orn]
+struct skill_tree_entry hskill_tree[MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS][MAX_SKILL_TREE];
+static int merc_hom_hungry(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr data);
+static unsigned int hexptbl[MAX_LEVEL];
+//For holding the view data of npc classes. [Skotlex]
+static struct view_data hom_viewdb[MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS];
+struct view_data* merc_get_hom_viewdata(int class_)
+{ //Returns the viewdata for homunculus
+ if (homdb_checkid(class_))
+ return &hom_viewdb[class_-HM_CLASS_BASE];
+ return NULL;
+void merc_damage(struct homun_data *hd,struct block_list *src,int hp,int sp)
+ clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0);
+int merc_hom_dead(struct homun_data *hd, struct block_list *src)
+ //There's no intimacy penalties on death (from Tharis)
+ struct map_session_data *sd = hd->master;
+ clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 16) ; //wah
+ //Delete timers when dead.
+ merc_hom_hungry_timer_delete(hd);
+ hd->homunculus.hp = 0;
+ if (!sd) //unit remove map will invoke unit free
+ return 3;
+ clif_emotion(&sd->bl, 28) ; //sob
+ //Remove from map (if it has no intimacy, it is auto-removed from memory)
+ return 3;
+//Vaporize a character's homun. If flag, HP needs to be 80% or above.
+int merc_hom_vaporize(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag)
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ nullpo_retr(0, sd);
+ hd = sd->hd;
+ if (!hd || hd->homunculus.vaporize)
+ return 0;
+ if (status_isdead(&hd->bl))
+ return 0; //Can't vaporize a dead homun.
+ if (flag && get_percentage(hd->battle_status.hp, hd->battle_status.max_hp) < 80)
+ return 0;
+ hd->regen.state.block = 3; //Block regen while vaporized.
+ //Delete timers when vaporized.
+ merc_hom_hungry_timer_delete(hd);
+ hd->homunculus.vaporize = 1;
+ if(battle_config.hom_setting&0x40)
+ memset(hd->blockskill, 0, sizeof(hd->blockskill));
+ clif_hominfo(sd, sd->hd, 0);
+ merc_save(hd);
+ return unit_remove_map(&hd->bl, 0);
+//delete a homunculus, completely "killing it".
+//Emote is the emotion the master should use, send negative to disable.
+int merc_hom_delete(struct homun_data *hd, int emote)
+ struct map_session_data *sd;
+ nullpo_retr(0, hd);
+ sd = hd->master;
+ if (!sd)
+ return unit_free(&hd->bl,1);
+ if (emote >= 0)
+ clif_emotion(&sd->bl, emote);
+ //This makes it be deleted right away.
+ hd->homunculus.intimacy = 0;
+ // Send homunculus_dead to client
+ hd->homunculus.hp = 0;
+ clif_hominfo(sd, hd, 0);
+ return unit_remove_map(&hd->bl,0);
+int merc_hom_calc_skilltree(struct homun_data *hd)
+ int i,id=0 ;
+ int j,f=1;
+ int c=0;
+ nullpo_retr(0, hd);
+ c = hd->homunculus.class_ - HM_CLASS_BASE;
+ for(i=0;i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id = hskill_tree[c][i].id) > 0;i++)
+ {
+ if(hd->homunculus.hskill[id-HM_SKILLBASE].id)
+ continue; //Skill already known.
+ if(!battle_config.skillfree)
+ {
+ for(j=0;j<5;j++)
+ {
+ if( hskill_tree[c][i].need[j].id &&
+ merc_hom_checkskill(hd,hskill_tree[c][i].need[j].id) < hskill_tree[c][i].need[j].lv)
+ {
+ f=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (f)
+ hd->homunculus.hskill[id-HM_SKILLBASE].id = id ;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int merc_hom_checkskill(struct homun_data *hd,int skill_id)
+ int i = skill_id - HM_SKILLBASE;
+ if(!hd)
+ return 0;
+ if(hd->homunculus.hskill[i].id == skill_id)
+ return (hd->homunculus.hskill[i].lv);
+ return 0;
+int merc_skill_tree_get_max(int id, int b_class){
+ int i, skillid;
+ b_class -= HM_CLASS_BASE;
+ for(i=0;(skillid=hskill_tree[b_class][i].id)>0;i++)
+ if (id == skillid)
+ return hskill_tree[b_class][i].max;
+ return skill_get_max(id);
+void merc_hom_skillup(struct homun_data *hd,int skillnum)
+ int i = 0 ;
+ nullpo_retv(hd);
+ if(hd->homunculus.vaporize)
+ return;
+ i = skillnum - HM_SKILLBASE;
+ if(hd->homunculus.skillpts > 0 &&
+ hd->homunculus.hskill[i].id &&
+ hd->homunculus.hskill[i].flag == 0 && //Don't allow raising while you have granted skills. [Skotlex]
+ hd->homunculus.hskill[i].lv < merc_skill_tree_get_max(skillnum, hd->homunculus.class_)
+ )
+ {
+ hd->homunculus.hskill[i].lv++;
+ hd->homunculus.skillpts-- ;
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,0);
+ if (hd->master) {
+ clif_homskillup(hd->master, skillnum);
+ clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0);
+ clif_homskillinfoblock(hd->master);
+ }
+ }
+int merc_hom_levelup(struct homun_data *hd)
+ struct s_homunculus *hom;
+ struct h_stats *min, *max;
+ int growth_str, growth_agi, growth_vit, growth_int, growth_dex, growth_luk ;
+ int growth_max_hp, growth_max_sp ;
+ char output[256] ;
+ if (hd->homunculus.level == MAX_LEVEL || !hd->exp_next || hd->homunculus.exp < hd->exp_next)
+ return 0 ;
+ hom = &hd->homunculus;
+ hom->level++ ;
+ if (!(hom->level % 3))
+ hom->skillpts++ ; //1 skillpoint each 3 base level
+ hom->exp -= hd->exp_next ;
+ hd->exp_next = hexptbl[hom->level - 1] ;
+ max = &hd->homunculusDB->gmax;
+ min = &hd->homunculusDB->gmin;
+ growth_max_hp = rand(min->HP, max->HP);
+ growth_max_sp = rand(min->SP, max->SP);
+ growth_str = rand(min->str, max->str);
+ growth_agi = rand(min->agi, max->agi);
+ growth_vit = rand(min->vit, max->vit);
+ growth_dex = rand(min->dex, max->dex);
+ growth_int = rand(min->int_,max->int_);
+ growth_luk = rand(min->luk, max->luk);
+ //Aegis discards the decimals in the stat growth values!
+ growth_str-=growth_str%10;
+ growth_agi-=growth_agi%10;
+ growth_vit-=growth_vit%10;
+ growth_dex-=growth_dex%10;
+ growth_int-=growth_int%10;
+ growth_luk-=growth_luk%10;
+ hom->max_hp += growth_max_hp;
+ hom->max_sp += growth_max_sp;
+ hom->str += growth_str;
+ hom->agi += growth_agi;
+ hom->vit += growth_vit;
+ hom->dex += growth_dex;
+ hom->int_+= growth_int;
+ hom->luk += growth_luk;
+ if ( battle_config.homunculus_show_growth ) {
+ sprintf(output,
+ "Growth: hp:%d sp:%d str(%.2f) agi(%.2f) vit(%.2f) int(%.2f) dex(%.2f) luk(%.2f) ",
+ growth_max_hp, growth_max_sp,
+ growth_str/10.0, growth_agi/10.0, growth_vit/10.0,
+ growth_int/10.0, growth_dex/10.0, growth_luk/10.0);
+ clif_disp_onlyself(hd->master,output,strlen(output));
+ }
+ return 1 ;
+int merc_hom_change_class(struct homun_data *hd, short class_)
+ int i;
+ i = search_homunculusDB_index(class_,HOMUNCULUS_CLASS);
+ if(i < 0)
+ return 0;
+ hd->homunculusDB = &homunculus_db[i];
+ hd->homunculus.class_ = class_;
+ status_set_viewdata(&hd->bl, class_);
+ merc_hom_calc_skilltree(hd);
+ return 1;
+int merc_hom_evolution(struct homun_data *hd)
+ struct s_homunculus *hom;
+ struct h_stats *max, *min;
+ struct map_session_data *sd;
+ nullpo_retr(0, hd);
+ if(!hd->homunculusDB->evo_class || hd->homunculus.class_ == hd->homunculusDB->evo_class)
+ {
+ clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 4) ; //swt
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ sd = hd->master;
+ if (!sd)
+ return 0;
+ if (!merc_hom_change_class(hd, hd->homunculusDB->evo_class)) {
+ ShowError("merc_hom_evolution: Can't evolve homunc from %d to %d", hd->homunculus.class_, hd->homunculusDB->evo_class);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Apply evolution bonuses
+ hom = &hd->homunculus;
+ max = &hd->homunculusDB->emax;
+ min = &hd->homunculusDB->emin;
+ hom->max_hp += rand(min->HP, max->HP);
+ hom->max_sp += rand(min->SP, max->SP);
+ hom->str += 10*rand(min->str, max->str);
+ hom->agi += 10*rand(min->agi, max->agi);
+ hom->vit += 10*rand(min->vit, max->vit);
+ hom->int_+= 10*rand(min->int_,max->int_);
+ hom->dex += 10*rand(min->dex, max->dex);
+ hom->luk += 10*rand(min->luk, max->luk);
+ hom->intimacy = 500;
+ unit_remove_map(&hd->bl, 0);
+ map_addblock(&hd->bl);
+ clif_spawn(&hd->bl);
+ clif_emotion(&sd->bl, 21); //no1
+ clif_misceffect2(&hd->bl,568);
+ //status_Calc flag&1 will make current HP/SP be reloaded from hom structure
+ hom->hp = hd->battle_status.hp;
+ hom->sp = hd->battle_status.sp;
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,1);
+ if (!(battle_config.hom_setting&0x2))
+ skill_unit_move(&sd->hd->bl,gettick(),1); // apply land skills immediately
+ return 1 ;
+int merc_hom_gainexp(struct homun_data *hd,int exp)
+ if(hd->homunculus.vaporize)
+ return 1;
+ if( hd->exp_next == 0 ) {
+ hd->homunculus.exp = 0 ;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ hd->homunculus.exp += exp;
+ if(hd->homunculus.exp < hd->exp_next) {
+ clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //levelup
+ do
+ {
+ merc_hom_levelup(hd) ;
+ }
+ while(hd->homunculus.exp > hd->exp_next && hd->exp_next != 0 );
+ if( hd->exp_next == 0 )
+ hd->homunculus.exp = 0 ;
+ clif_misceffect2(&hd->bl,568);
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,0);
+ status_percent_heal(&hd->bl, 100, 100);
+ return 0;
+// Return the new value
+int merc_hom_increase_intimacy(struct homun_data * hd, unsigned int value)
+ if( battle_config.homunculus_friendly_rate != 100 )
+ value = (value * battle_config.homunculus_friendly_rate) / 100;
+ if( hd->homunculus.intimacy + value <= 100000 )
+ hd->homunculus.intimacy += value;
+ else
+ hd->homunculus.intimacy = 100000;
+ return hd->homunculus.intimacy;
+// Return 0 if decrease fails or intimacy became 0 else the new value
+int merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(struct homun_data * hd, unsigned int value)
+ if (hd->homunculus.intimacy >= value)
+ hd->homunculus.intimacy -= value;
+ else
+ hd->homunculus.intimacy = 0;
+ return hd->homunculus.intimacy;
+void merc_hom_heal(struct homun_data *hd,int hp,int sp)
+ clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0);
+void merc_save(struct homun_data *hd)
+ // copy data that must be saved in homunculus struct ( hp / sp )
+ TBL_PC * sd = hd->master;
+ //Do not check for max_hp/max_sp caps as current could be higher to max due
+ //to status changes/skills (they will be capped as needed upon stat
+ //calculation on login)
+ hd->homunculus.hp = hd->battle_status.hp;
+ hd->homunculus.sp = hd->battle_status.sp;
+ intif_homunculus_requestsave(sd->status.account_id, &hd->homunculus);
+int merc_menu(struct map_session_data *sd,int menunum)
+ nullpo_retr(0, sd);
+ if (sd->hd == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ switch(menunum) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ merc_hom_food(sd, sd->hd);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ merc_hom_delete(sd->hd, -1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ShowError("merc_menu : unknown menu choice : %d\n", menunum) ;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int merc_hom_food(struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd)
+ int i, foodID, emotion;
+ char mes[255];
+ if(hd->homunculus.vaporize)
+ return 1 ;
+ foodID = hd->homunculusDB->foodID;
+ i = pc_search_inventory(sd,foodID);
+ if(i < 0) {
+ clif_hom_food(sd,foodID,0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0);
+ if ( hd->homunculus.hunger >= 91 ) {
+ merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 50);
+ emotion = 16;
+ } else if ( hd->homunculus.hunger >= 76 ) {
+ merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 5);
+ emotion = 19;
+ } else if ( hd->homunculus.hunger >= 26 ) {
+ merc_hom_increase_intimacy(hd, 75);
+ emotion = 2;
+ } else if ( hd->homunculus.hunger >= 11 ) {
+ merc_hom_increase_intimacy(hd, 100);
+ emotion = 2;
+ } else {
+ merc_hom_increase_intimacy(hd, 50);
+ emotion = 2;
+ }
+ hd->homunculus.hunger += 10; //dunno increase value for each food
+ if(hd->homunculus.hunger > 100)
+ hd->homunculus.hunger = 100;
+ clif_emotion(&hd->bl,emotion) ;
+ snprintf(mes, sizeof mes,"%s : Gracias!!",hd->;
+ clif_message(&hd->bl,mes);
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_HUNGRY,hd->homunculus.hunger);
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_INTIMATE,hd->homunculus.intimacy / 100);
+ clif_hom_food(sd,foodID,1);
+ // Too much food :/
+ if(hd->homunculus.intimacy == 0)
+ return merc_hom_delete(sd->hd, 23); //omg
+ return 0;
+static int merc_hom_hungry(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr data)
+ struct map_session_data *sd;
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ char mes[255];
+ bool talk = true;
+ sd=map_id2sd(id);
+ if(!sd)
+ return 1;
+ if(!sd->status.hom_id || !(hd=sd->hd))
+ return 1;
+ if(hd->hungry_timer != tid){
+ ShowError("merc_hom_hungry_timer %d != %d\n",hd->hungry_timer,tid);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ hd->hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
+ hd->homunculus.hunger-- ;
+ if(hd->homunculus.hunger <= 10) {
+ clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 6) ; //an
+ snprintf(mes, sizeof mes,"%s : Tengo mucha hambre...",hd->;
+ } else if(hd->homunculus.hunger == 25) {
+ clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 20) ; //hmm
+ snprintf(mes, sizeof mes,"%s : Tengo hambre...",hd->;
+ } else if(hd->homunculus.hunger == 75) {
+ clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 33) ; //ok
+ snprintf(mes, sizeof mes,"%s : Tengo un poco de hambre...",hd->;
+ } else
+ talk = false;
+ if( talk ) clif_message(&hd->bl, mes);
+ if(hd->homunculus.hunger < 0) {
+ hd->homunculus.hunger = 0;
+ // Delete the homunculus if intimacy <= 100
+ if ( !merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 100) )
+ return merc_hom_delete(hd, 23); //omg
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_INTIMATE,hd->homunculus.intimacy / 100);
+ }
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_HUNGRY,hd->homunculus.hunger);
+ hd->hungry_timer = add_timer(tick+hd->homunculusDB->hungryDelay,merc_hom_hungry,sd->,0); //simple Fix albator
+ return 0;
+int merc_hom_hungry_timer_delete(struct homun_data *hd)
+ nullpo_retr(0, hd);
+ if(hd->hungry_timer != -1) {
+ delete_timer(hd->hungry_timer,merc_hom_hungry);
+ hd->hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int merc_hom_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd,char *name)
+ int i;
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ nullpo_retr(1, sd);
+ hd = sd->hd;
+ if (!merc_is_hom_active(hd))
+ return 1;
+ if(hd->homunculus.rename_flag && !battle_config.hom_rename)
+ return 1;
+ for(i=0;i<NAME_LENGTH && name[i];i++){
+ if( !(name[i]&0xe0) || name[i]==0x7f)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return intif_rename_hom(sd, name);
+int merc_hom_change_name_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, char* name, int flag)
+ struct homun_data *hd = sd->hd;
+ if (!merc_is_hom_active(hd)) return 0;
+ if (!flag) {
+ clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(280)); // You cannot use this name
+ return 0;
+ }
+ strncpy(hd->,name,NAME_LENGTH);
+ clif_charnameack (0,&hd->bl);
+ hd->homunculus.rename_flag = 1;
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,0);
+ return 1;
+int search_homunculusDB_index(int key,int type)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS;i++) {
+ if(homunculus_db[i].base_class <= 0)
+ continue;
+ switch(type) {
+ if(homunculus_db[i].base_class == key ||
+ homunculus_db[i].evo_class == key)
+ return i;
+ break;
+ if(homunculus_db[i].foodID == key)
+ return i;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+// Create homunc structure
+int merc_hom_alloc(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_homunculus *hom)
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ int i = 0;
+ nullpo_retr(1, sd);
+ Assert((sd->status.hom_id == 0 || sd->hd == 0) || sd->hd->master == sd);
+ i = search_homunculusDB_index(hom->class_,HOMUNCULUS_CLASS);
+ if(i < 0) {
+ ShowError("merc_hom_alloc: unknown class [%d] for homunculus '%s', requesting deletion.\n", hom->class_, hom->name);
+ sd->status.hom_id = 0;
+ intif_homunculus_requestdelete(hom->hom_id);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sd->hd = hd = (struct homun_data*)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct homun_data));
+ hd->bl.type = BL_HOM;
+ hd-> = npc_get_new_npc_id();
+ hd->master = sd;
+ hd->homunculusDB = &homunculus_db[i];
+ memcpy(&hd->homunculus, hom, sizeof(struct s_homunculus));
+ hd->exp_next = hexptbl[hd->homunculus.level - 1];
+ status_set_viewdata(&hd->bl, hd->homunculus.class_);
+ status_change_init(&hd->bl);
+ unit_dataset(&hd->bl);
+ hd->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir;
+ // Find a random valid pos around the player
+ hd->bl.m = sd->bl.m;
+ hd->bl.x = sd->bl.x;
+ hd->bl.y = sd->bl.y;
+ unit_calc_pos(&hd->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->ud.dir);
+ hd->bl.x = hd->ud.to_x;
+ hd->bl.y = hd->ud.to_y;
+ map_addiddb(&hd->bl);
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,1);
+ hd->hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
+ return 0;
+void merc_hom_init_timers(struct homun_data * hd)
+ if (hd->hungry_timer == -1)
+ hd->hungry_timer = add_timer(gettick()+hd->homunculusDB->hungryDelay,merc_hom_hungry,hd->master->,0);
+ hd->regen.state.block = 0; //Restore HP/SP block.
+int merc_call_homunculus(struct map_session_data *sd)
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ if (!sd->status.hom_id) //Create a new homun.
+ return merc_create_homunculus_request(sd, HM_CLASS_BASE + rand(0, 7)) ;
+ // If homunc not yet loaded, load it
+ if (!sd->hd)
+ return intif_homunculus_requestload(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.hom_id);
+ hd = sd->hd;
+ if (!hd->homunculus.vaporize)
+ return 0; //Can't use this if homun wasn't vaporized.
+ merc_hom_init_timers(hd);
+ hd->homunculus.vaporize = 0;
+ if (hd->bl.prev == NULL)
+ { //Spawn him
+ hd->bl.x = sd->bl.x;
+ hd->bl.y = sd->bl.y;
+ hd->bl.m = sd->bl.m;
+ map_addblock(&hd->bl);
+ clif_spawn(&hd->bl);
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_ACK,0);
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,1);
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,0); // send this x2. dunno why, but kRO does that [blackhole89]
+ clif_homskillinfoblock(sd);
+ if (battle_config.slaves_inherit_speed&1)
+ status_calc_bl(&hd->bl, SCB_SPEED);
+ merc_save(hd);
+ } else
+ //Warp him to master.
+ unit_warp(&hd->bl,sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y,0);
+ return 1;
+// Recv homunculus data from char server
+int merc_hom_recv_data(int account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh, int flag)
+ struct map_session_data *sd;
+ struct homun_data *hd;
+ sd = map_id2sd(account_id);
+ if(!sd)
+ return 0;
+ if (sd->status.char_id != sh->char_id)
+ {
+ if (sd->status.hom_id == sh->hom_id)
+ sh->char_id = sd->status.char_id; //Correct char id.
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!flag) { // Failed to load
+ sd->status.hom_id = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!sd->status.hom_id) //Hom just created.
+ sd->status.hom_id = sh->hom_id;
+ if (sd->hd) //uh? Overwrite the data.
+ memcpy(&sd->hd->homunculus, sh, sizeof(struct s_homunculus));
+ else
+ merc_hom_alloc(sd, sh);
+ hd = sd->hd;
+ if(hd && hd->homunculus.hp && !hd->homunculus.vaporize && hd->bl.prev == NULL && sd->bl.prev != NULL)
+ {
+ map_addblock(&hd->bl);
+ clif_spawn(&hd->bl);
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_ACK,0);
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,1);
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,0); // send this x2. dunno why, but kRO does that [blackhole89]
+ clif_homskillinfoblock(sd);
+ merc_hom_init_timers(hd);
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Ask homunculus creation to char server
+int merc_create_homunculus_request(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_)
+ struct s_homunculus homun;
+ struct h_stats *base;
+ int i;
+ nullpo_retr(1, sd);
+ i = search_homunculusDB_index(class_,HOMUNCULUS_CLASS);
+ if(i < 0) return 0;
+ memset(&homun, 0, sizeof(struct s_homunculus));
+ //Initial data
+ strncpy(, homunculus_db[i].name, NAME_LENGTH-1);
+ homun.class_ = class_;
+ homun.level = 1;
+ homun.hunger = 32; //32%
+ homun.intimacy = 2100; //21/1000
+ homun.char_id = sd->status.char_id;
+ homun.hp = 10 ;
+ base = &homunculus_db[i].base;
+ homun.max_hp = base->HP;
+ homun.max_sp = base->SP;
+ homun.str = base->str *10;
+ homun.agi = base->agi *10;
+ homun.vit = base->vit *10;
+ homun.int_= base->int_*10;
+ homun.dex = base->dex *10;
+ homun.luk = base->luk *10;
+ // Request homunculus creation
+ intif_homunculus_create(sd->status.account_id, &homun);
+ return 1;
+int merc_resurrect_homunculus(struct map_session_data* sd, unsigned char per, short x, short y)
+ struct homun_data* hd;
+ nullpo_retr(0, sd);
+ if (!sd->status.hom_id)
+ return 0; // no homunculus
+ if (!sd->hd) //Load homun data;
+ return intif_homunculus_requestload(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.hom_id);
+ hd = sd->hd;
+ if (hd->homunculus.vaporize)
+ return 0; // vaporized homunculi need to be 'called'
+ if (!status_isdead(&hd->bl))
+ return 0; // already alive
+ merc_hom_init_timers(hd);
+ if (!hd->bl.prev)
+ { //Add it back to the map.
+ hd->bl.m = sd->bl.m;
+ hd->bl.x = x;
+ hd->bl.y = y;
+ map_addblock(&hd->bl);
+ clif_spawn(&hd->bl);
+ }
+ status_revive(&hd->bl, per, 0);
+ return 1;
+void merc_hom_revive(struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp)
+ struct map_session_data *sd = hd->master;
+ hd->homunculus.hp = hd->battle_status.hp;
+ if (!sd)
+ return;
+ clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_ACK,0);
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,1);
+ clif_hominfo(sd,hd,0);
+ clif_homskillinfoblock(sd);
+void merc_reset_stats(struct homun_data *hd)
+{ //Resets a homunc stats back to zero (but doesn't touches hunger or intimacy)
+ struct s_homunculus_db *db;
+ struct s_homunculus *hom;
+ struct h_stats *base;
+ hom = &hd->homunculus;
+ db = hd->homunculusDB;
+ base = &db->base;
+ hom->level = 1;
+ hom->hp = 10;
+ hom->max_hp = base->HP;
+ hom->max_sp = base->SP;
+ hom->str = base->str *10;
+ hom->agi = base->agi *10;
+ hom->vit = base->vit *10;
+ hom->int_= base->int_*10;
+ hom->dex = base->dex *10;
+ hom->luk = base->luk *10;
+ hom->exp = 0;
+ hd->exp_next = hexptbl[0];
+ memset(&hd->homunculus.hskill, 0, sizeof hd->homunculus.hskill);
+ hd->homunculus.skillpts = 0;
+int merc_hom_shuffle(struct homun_data *hd)
+ struct map_session_data *sd;
+ int lv, i, skillpts;
+ unsigned int exp;
+ struct s_skill b_skill[MAX_HOMUNSKILL];
+ if (!merc_is_hom_active(hd))
+ return 0;
+ sd = hd->master;
+ lv = hd->homunculus.level;
+ exp = hd->homunculus.exp;
+ memcpy(&b_skill, &hd->homunculus.hskill, sizeof(b_skill));
+ skillpts = hd->homunculus.skillpts;
+ //Reset values to level 1.
+ merc_reset_stats(hd);
+ //Level it back up
+ for (i = 1; i < lv && hd->exp_next; i++){
+ hd->homunculus.exp += hd->exp_next;
+ merc_hom_levelup(hd);
+ }
+ if(hd->homunculus.class_ == hd->homunculusDB->evo_class) {
+ //Evolved bonuses
+ struct s_homunculus *hom = &hd->homunculus;
+ struct h_stats *max = &hd->homunculusDB->emax, *min = &hd->homunculusDB->emin;
+ hom->max_hp += rand(min->HP, max->HP);
+ hom->max_sp += rand(min->SP, max->SP);
+ hom->str += 10*rand(min->str, max->str);
+ hom->agi += 10*rand(min->agi, max->agi);
+ hom->vit += 10*rand(min->vit, max->vit);
+ hom->int_+= 10*rand(min->int_,max->int_);
+ hom->dex += 10*rand(min->dex, max->dex);
+ hom->luk += 10*rand(min->luk, max->luk);
+ }
+ hd->homunculus.exp = exp;
+ memcpy(&hd->homunculus.hskill, &b_skill, sizeof(b_skill));
+ hd->homunculus.skillpts = skillpts;
+ clif_homskillinfoblock(sd);
+ status_calc_homunculus(hd,0);
+ status_percent_heal(&hd->bl, 100, 100);
+ clif_misceffect2(&hd->bl,568);
+ return 1;
+int read_homunculusdb(void)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char line[1024], *p;
+ int i, k, classid;
+ int j = 0;
+ const char *filename[]={"homunculus_db.txt","homunculus_db2.txt"};
+ char *str[50];
+ struct s_homunculus_db *db;
+ memset(homunculus_db,0,sizeof(homunculus_db));
+ for(i = 0; i<2; i++)
+ {
+ sprintf(line, "%s/%s", db_path, filename[i]);
+ fp = fopen(line,"r");
+ if(!fp){
+ if(i != 0)
+ continue;
+ ShowError("read_homunculusdb : can't read %s\n", line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) && j < MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS)
+ {
+ if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
+ continue;
+ k = 0;
+ p = strtok (line,",");
+ while (p != NULL && k < 50)
+ {
+ str[k++] = p;
+ p = strtok (NULL, ",");
+ }
+ if (k < 50 )
+ {
+ ShowError("read_homunculusdb : Incorrect number of columns at %s, homunculus %d. Read %d columns, 50 are needed.\n", filename[i], j+1, k);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Base Class,Evo Class
+ classid = atoi(str[0]);
+ if (classid < HM_CLASS_BASE || classid > HM_CLASS_MAX)
+ {
+ ShowError("read_homunculusdb : Invalid class %d (%s)\n", classid, filename[i]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ db = &homunculus_db[j];
+ db->base_class = classid;
+ classid = atoi(str[1]);
+ if (classid < HM_CLASS_BASE || classid > HM_CLASS_MAX)
+ {
+ db->base_class = 0;
+ ShowError("read_homunculusdb : Invalid class %d (%s)\n", classid, filename[i]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ db->evo_class = classid;
+ //Name, Food, Hungry Delay, Base Size, Evo Size, Race, Element, ASPD
+ strncpy(db->name,str[2],NAME_LENGTH-1);
+ db->foodID = atoi(str[3]);
+ db->hungryDelay = atoi(str[4]);
+ db->base_size = atoi(str[5]);
+ db->evo_size = atoi(str[6]);
+ db->race = atoi(str[7]);
+ db->element = atoi(str[8]);
+ db->baseASPD = atoi(str[9]);
+ //base HP, SP, str, agi, vit, int, dex, luk
+ db->base.HP = atoi(str[10]);
+ db->base.SP = atoi(str[11]);
+ db->base.str = atoi(str[12]);
+ db->base.agi = atoi(str[13]);
+ db->base.vit = atoi(str[14]);
+ db->base.int_= atoi(str[15]);
+ db->base.dex = atoi(str[16]);
+ db->base.luk = atoi(str[17]);
+ //Growth Min/Max HP, SP, str, agi, vit, int, dex, luk
+ db->gmin.HP = atoi(str[18]);
+ db->gmax.HP = atoi(str[19]);
+ db->gmin.SP = atoi(str[20]);
+ db->gmax.SP = atoi(str[21]);
+ db->gmin.str = atoi(str[22]);
+ db->gmax.str = atoi(str[23]);
+ db->gmin.agi = atoi(str[24]);
+ db->gmax.agi = atoi(str[25]);
+ db->gmin.vit = atoi(str[26]);
+ db->gmax.vit = atoi(str[27]);
+ db->gmin.int_= atoi(str[28]);
+ db->gmax.int_= atoi(str[29]);
+ db->gmin.dex = atoi(str[30]);
+ db->gmax.dex = atoi(str[31]);
+ db->gmin.luk = atoi(str[32]);
+ db->gmax.luk = atoi(str[33]);
+ //Evolution Min/Max HP, SP, str, agi, vit, int, dex, luk
+ db->emin.HP = atoi(str[34]);
+ db->emax.HP = atoi(str[35]);
+ db->emin.SP = atoi(str[36]);
+ db->emax.SP = atoi(str[37]);
+ db->emin.str = atoi(str[38]);
+ db->emax.str = atoi(str[39]);
+ db->emin.agi = atoi(str[40]);
+ db->emax.agi = atoi(str[41]);
+ db->emin.vit = atoi(str[42]);
+ db->emax.vit = atoi(str[43]);
+ db->emin.int_= atoi(str[44]);
+ db->emax.int_= atoi(str[45]);
+ db->emin.dex = atoi(str[46]);
+ db->emax.dex = atoi(str[47]);
+ db->emin.luk = atoi(str[48]);
+ db->emax.luk = atoi(str[49]);
+ //Check that the min/max values really are below the other one.
+ if(db->gmin.HP > db->gmax.HP)
+ db->gmin.HP = db->gmax.HP;
+ if(db->gmin.SP > db->gmax.SP)
+ db->gmin.SP = db->gmax.SP;
+ if(db->gmin.str > db->gmax.str)
+ db->gmin.str = db->gmax.str;
+ if(db->gmin.agi > db->gmax.agi)
+ db->gmin.agi = db->gmax.agi;
+ if(db->gmin.vit > db->gmax.vit)
+ db->gmin.vit = db->gmax.vit;
+ if(db->gmin.int_> db->gmax.int_)
+ db->gmin.int_= db->gmax.int_;
+ if(db->gmin.dex > db->gmax.dex)
+ db->gmin.dex = db->gmax.dex;
+ if(db->gmin.luk > db->gmax.luk)
+ db->gmin.luk = db->gmax.luk;
+ if(db->emin.HP > db->emax.HP)
+ db->emin.HP = db->emax.HP;
+ if(db->emin.SP > db->emax.SP)
+ db->emin.SP = db->emax.SP;
+ if(db->emin.str > db->emax.str)
+ db->emin.str = db->emax.str;
+ if(db->emin.agi > db->emax.agi)
+ db->emin.agi = db->emax.agi;
+ if(db->emin.vit > db->emax.vit)
+ db->emin.vit = db->emax.vit;
+ if(db->emin.int_> db->emax.int_)
+ db->emin.int_= db->emax.int_;
+ if(db->emin.dex > db->emax.dex)
+ db->emin.dex = db->emax.dex;
+ if(db->emin.luk > db->emax.luk)
+ db->emin.luk = db->emax.luk;
+ j++;
+ }
+ ShowWarning("read_homunculusdb: Reached max number of homunculus [%d]. Remaining homunculus were not read.\n ", MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS);
+ fclose(fp);
+ ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' homunculus in '"CL_WHITE"db/%s"CL_RESET"'.\n",j,filename[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int read_homunculus_skilldb(void)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char line[1024], *p;
+ int k, classid;
+ int j = 0;
+ char *split[15];
+ memset(hskill_tree,0,sizeof(hskill_tree));
+ sprintf(line, "%s/homun_skill_tree.txt", db_path);
+ fp=fopen(line,"r");
+ if(fp==NULL){
+ ShowError("can't read %s\n", line);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
+ {
+ int minJobLevelPresent = 0;
+ if(line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/')
+ continue;
+ k = 0;
+ p = strtok(line,",");
+ while (p != NULL && k < 15)
+ {
+ split[k++] = p;
+ p = strtok(NULL, ",");
+ }
+ if(k < 13)
+ continue;
+ if (k == 14)
+ minJobLevelPresent = 1; // MinJobLvl has been added
+ // check for bounds [celest]
+ classid = atoi(split[0]) - HM_CLASS_BASE;
+ if ( classid >= MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS )
+ continue;
+ k = atoi(split[1]); //This is to avoid adding two lines for the same skill. [Skotlex]
+ // Search an empty line or a line with the same skill_id (stored in j)
+ for(j = 0; j < MAX_SKILL_TREE && hskill_tree[classid][j].id && hskill_tree[classid][j].id != k; j++);
+ if (j == MAX_SKILL_TREE)
+ {
+ ShowWarning("Unable to load skill %d into homunculus %d's tree. Maximum number of skills per class has been reached.\n", k, classid);
+ continue;
+ }
+ hskill_tree[classid][j].id=k;
+ hskill_tree[classid][j].max=atoi(split[2]);
+ if (minJobLevelPresent)
+ hskill_tree[classid][j].joblv=atoi(split[3]);
+ for(k=0;k<5;k++){
+ hskill_tree[classid][j].need[k].id=atoi(split[3+k*2+minJobLevelPresent]);
+ hskill_tree[classid][j].need[k].lv=atoi(split[3+k*2+minJobLevelPresent+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n","homun_skill_tree.txt");
+ return 0;
+void read_homunculus_expdb(void)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char line[1024];
+ int i, j=0;
+ char *filename[]={"exp_homun.txt","exp_homun2.txt"};
+ memset(hexptbl,0,sizeof(hexptbl));
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++){
+ sprintf(line, "%s/%s", db_path, filename[i]);
+ fp=fopen(line,"r");
+ if(fp == NULL){
+ if(i != 0)
+ continue;
+ ShowError("can't read %s\n",line);
+ return;
+ }
+ while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) && j < MAX_LEVEL)
+ {
+ if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
+ continue;
+ hexptbl[j] = strtoul(line, NULL, 10);
+ if (!hexptbl[j++])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (hexptbl[MAX_LEVEL - 1]) // Last permitted level have to be 0!
+ {
+ ShowWarning("read_hexptbl: Reached max level in exp_homun [%d]. Remaining lines were not read.\n ", MAX_LEVEL);
+ hexptbl[MAX_LEVEL - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' levels in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", j, filename[i]);
+ }
+void merc_reload(void)
+ read_homunculusdb();
+ read_homunculus_expdb();
+void merc_skill_reload(void)
+ read_homunculus_skilldb();
+int do_init_merc(void)
+ int class_;
+ read_homunculusdb();
+ read_homunculus_expdb();
+ read_homunculus_skilldb();
+ // Add homunc timer function to timer func list [Toms]
+ add_timer_func_list(merc_hom_hungry, "merc_hom_hungry");
+ //Stock view data for homuncs
+ memset(&hom_viewdb, 0, sizeof(hom_viewdb));
+ for (class_ = 0; class_ < ARRAYLENGTH(hom_viewdb); class_++)
+ hom_viewdb[class_].class_ = HM_CLASS_BASE+class_;
+ return 0;
+int do_final_merc(void);