path: root/src/common/netbuffer.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/netbuffer.c')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/netbuffer.c b/src/common/netbuffer.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57742d612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/netbuffer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// Network Buffer Subsystem (iobuffer)
+// Author: Florian Wilkemeyer <>
+// Copyright (c) rAthena Project ( - Licensed under GNU GPL
+// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
+#include "../common/atomic.h"
+#include "../common/mempool.h"
+#include "../common/showmsg.h"
+#include "../common/raconf.h"
+#include "../common/thread.h"
+#include "../common/malloc.h"
+#include "../common/core.h"
+#include "../common/netbuffer.h"
+// Buffers are available in the following sizes:
+// 48, 192, 2048, 8192
+// 65536 (inter server connects may use it for charstatus struct..)
+// Implementation:
+static volatile int32 l_nEmergencyAllocations = 0; // stats.
+static sysint l_nPools = 0;
+static sysint *l_poolElemSize = NULL;
+static mempool *l_pool = NULL;
+void netbuffer_init(){
+ char localsection[32];
+ raconf conf;
+ sysint i;
+ // Initialize Statistic counters:
+ l_nEmergencyAllocations = 0;
+ // Set localsection name according to running serverype.
+ switch(SERVER_TYPE){
+ case ATHENA_SERVER_LOGIN: strcpy(localsection, "login-netbuffer"); break;
+ case ATHENA_SERVER_CHAR: strcpy(localsection, "char-netbuffer"); break;
+ case ATHENA_SERVER_INTER: strcpy(localsection, "inter-netbuffer"); break;
+ case ATHENA_SERVER_MAP: strcpy(localsection, "map-netbuffer"); break;
+ default: strcpy(localsection, "unsupported_type"); break;
+ }
+ conf = raconf_parse("conf/network.conf");
+ if(conf == NULL){
+ ShowFatalError("Failed to Parse required Configuration (conf/network.conf)");
+ }
+ // Get Values from config file
+ l_nPools = (sysint)raconf_getintEx(conf, localsection, "netbuffer", "num", 0);
+ if(l_nPools == 0){
+ ShowFatalError("Netbuffer (network.conf) failure - requires at least 1 Pool.\n");
+ }
+ // Allocate arrays.
+ l_poolElemSize = (sysint*)aCalloc( l_nPools, sizeof(sysint) );
+ l_pool = (mempool*)aCalloc( l_nPools, sizeof(mempool) );
+ for(i = 0; i < l_nPools; i++){
+ int64 num_prealloc, num_realloc;
+ char key[32];
+ sprintf(key, "pool_%u_size", (uint32)i+1);
+ l_poolElemSize[i] = (sysint)raconf_getintEx(conf, localsection, "netbuffer", key, 4096);
+ if(l_poolElemSize[i] < 32){
+ ShowWarning("Netbuffer (network.conf) failure - minimum allowed buffer size is 32 byte) - fixed.\n");
+ l_poolElemSize[i] = 32;
+ }
+ sprintf(key, "pool_%u_prealloc", (uint32)i+1);
+ num_prealloc = raconf_getintEx(conf, localsection, "netbuffer", key, 150);
+ sprintf(key, "pool_%u_realloc_step", (uint32)i+1);
+ num_realloc = raconf_getintEx(conf, localsection, "netbuffer", key, 100);
+ // Create Pool!
+ sprintf(key, "Netbuffer %u", (uint32)l_poolElemSize[i]); // name.
+ // Info
+ ShowInfo("NetBuffer: Creating Pool %u (Prealloc: %u, Realloc Step: %u) - %0.2f MiB\n", l_poolElemSize[i], num_prealloc, num_realloc, (float)((sizeof(struct netbuf) + l_poolElemSize[i] - 32)* num_prealloc)/1024.0f/1024.0f);
+ //
+ // Size Calculation:
+ // struct netbuf + requested buffer size - 32 (because the struct already contains 32 byte buffer space at the end of struct)
+ l_pool[i] = mempool_create(key, (sizeof(struct netbuf) + l_poolElemSize[i] - 32), num_prealloc, num_realloc, NULL, NULL);
+ if(l_pool[i] == NULL){
+ ShowFatalError("Netbuffer: cannot create Pool for %u byte buffers.\n", l_poolElemSize[i]);
+ // @leak: clean everything :D
+ }
+ }//
+ raconf_destroy(conf);
+}//end: netbuffer_init()
+void netbuffer_final(){
+ sysint i;
+ if(l_nPools > 0){
+ /// .. finalize mempools
+ for(i = 0; i < l_nPools; i++){
+ mempool_stats stats = mempool_get_stats(l_pool[i]);
+ ShowInfo("Netbuffer: Freeing Pool %u (Peak Usage: %u, Realloc Events: %u)\n", l_poolElemSize[i], stats.peak_nodes_used, stats.num_realloc_events);
+ mempool_destroy(l_pool[i]);
+ }
+ if(l_nEmergencyAllocations > 0){
+ ShowWarning("Netbuffer: did %u Emergency Allocations, please tune your network.conf!\n", l_nEmergencyAllocations);
+ l_nEmergencyAllocations = 0;
+ }
+ aFree(l_poolElemSize); l_poolElemSize = NULL;
+ aFree(l_pool); l_pool = NULL;
+ l_nPools = 0;
+ }
+}//end: netbuffer_final()
+netbuf netbuffer_get( sysint sz ){
+ sysint i;
+ netbuf nb = NULL;
+ // Search an appropriate pool
+ for(i = 0; i < l_nPools; i++){
+ if(sz <= l_poolElemSize[i]){
+ // match
+ nb = (netbuf)mempool_node_get(l_pool[i]);
+ nb->pool = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // No Bufferpool found that mets there quirements?.. (thats bad..)
+ if(nb == NULL){
+ ShowWarning("Netbuffer: get(%u): => no appropriate pool found - emergency allocation required.\n", sz);
+ ShowWarning("Please reconfigure your network.conf!");
+ InterlockedIncrement(&l_nEmergencyAllocations);
+ // .. better to check (netbuf struct provides 32 byte bufferspace itself.
+ if(sz < 32) sz = 32;
+ // allocate memory using malloc ..
+ while(1){
+ nb = (netbuf) aMalloc( (sizeof(struct netbuf) + sz - 32) );
+ if(nb != NULL){
+ memset(nb, 0x00, (sizeof(struct netbuf) + sz - 32) ); // zero memory! (to enforce commit @ os.)
+ nb->pool = -1; // emergency alloc.
+ break;
+ }
+ rathread_yield();
+ }// spin allocation.
+ }
+ nb->refcnt = 1; // Initial refcount is 1
+ return nb;
+}//end: netbuffer_get()
+void netbuffer_put( netbuf nb ){
+ // Decrement reference counter, if > 0 do nothing :)
+ if( InterlockedDecrement(&nb->refcnt) > 0 )
+ return;
+ // Is this buffer an emergency allocated buffer?
+ if(nb->pool == -1){
+ aFree(nb);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise its a normal mempool based buffer
+ // return it to the according mempool:
+ mempool_node_put( l_pool[nb->pool], nb);
+}//end: netbuffer_put()
+void netbuffer_incref( netbuf nb ){
+ InterlockedIncrement(&nb->refcnt);
+}//end: netbuf_incref()