path: root/runserver.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runserver.bat')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/runserver.bat b/runserver.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 553274013..000000000
--- a/runserver.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem ----- Configuration -----
- rem Defines the server type (txt or sql).
- set SERVER_TYPE=txt
- rem Defines how long to wait before restarting (in seconds).
- set SLEEP_TIME=15
- rem Defines whether to run all servers in one window (yes or no).
-rem ----- ------------- -----
- set this=%0
- if %SERVER_TYPE% == txt set suffix=
- if %SERVER_TYPE% == sql set suffix=_sql
- if %SINGLE_WINDOW% == yes set wndswitch=/B
- set command=%1
- if "%command%" == "" goto L_DefaultAction
- if %command% == exec goto L_ExecServerExe
- if %command% == start goto L_StartServerExe
- if %command% == stop goto L_StopServerExe
- if %command% == restart echo "TODO"
- goto L_EOF
- call %this% start login-server%suffix%.exe
- call %this% start char-server%suffix%.exe
- call %this% start map-server%suffix%.exe
- goto L_EOF
- call %this% stop login-server%suffix%.exe
- call %this% stop char-server%suffix%.exe
- call %this% stop map-server%suffix%.exe
- goto L_EOF
- set filename=%2
- if "%filename%" == "" goto L_StartServer
- if exist %filename% goto L_HaveExe
- echo Cannot start '%filename%' because the file is missing!
- goto L_EOF
- :L_HaveExe
- echo Starting %filename%...
- start "%filename%" %wndswitch% %this% exec %filename%
- goto L_EOF
- set filename=%2
- if "%filename%" == "" goto L_StopServer
- if exist %windir%\system32\taskkill.exe goto L_HaveTaskKill
- echo The 'stop' command is not available on your system.
- exit
- :L_HaveTaskKill
- rem CAUTION! This will kill all processes called %filename%.
- echo Stopping '%filename%'...
- taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %filename% - %this% exec %filename%"
- taskkill /F /IM "%filename%"
- goto L_EOF
- %filename%
- echo .
- echo .
- echo Server exited, restarting in %SLEEP_TIME% seconds! Press CTRL+C to abort!
- ping.exe -n %SLEEP_TIME% > nul
- goto L_ExecServerExe