path: root/src/login/login.h
blob: 096329d33edb6e86a73322f0477ef14b64d90cb3 (plain) (tree)




































// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams


#include "../common/core.h" // CORE_ST_LAST
#include "../common/mmo.h" // NAME_LENGTH,SEX_*

struct mmo_account;


#define LOGIN_CONF_NAME "conf/login-server.conf"
#define LAN_CONF_NAME "conf/subnet.conf"

// supported encryption types: 1- passwordencrypt, 2- passwordencrypt2, 3- both
#define PASSWD_LEN 32+1 // 23+1 for plaintext, 32+1 for md5-ed passwords

struct login_session_data {
	int account_id;
	int login_id1;
	int login_id2;
	char sex;// 'F','M','S'

	char userid[NAME_LENGTH];
	char passwd[PASSWD_LEN];
	int passwdenc;
	char md5key[20];
	uint16 md5keylen;

	char lastlogin[24];
	uint8 group_id;
	uint8 clienttype;
	uint32 version;

	uint8 client_hash[16];
	int has_client_hash;

	int fd;
	time_t expiration_time;

struct mmo_char_server {

	char name[20];
	int fd;
	uint32 ip;
	uint16 port;
	uint16 users;       // user count on this server
	uint16 type;        // 0=normal, 1=maintenance, 2=over 18, 3=paying, 4=P2P
	uint16 new_;        // should display as 'new'?

struct client_hash_node {
	int group_id;
	uint8 hash[16];
	struct client_hash_node *next;

struct Login_Config {

	uint32 login_ip;                                // the address to bind to
	uint16 login_port;                              // the port to bind to
	unsigned int ipban_cleanup_interval;            // interval (in seconds) to clean up expired IP bans
	unsigned int ip_sync_interval;                  // interval (in minutes) to execute a DNS/IP update (for dynamic IPs)
	bool log_login;                                 // whether to log login server actions or not
	char date_format[32];                           // date format used in messages
	bool new_account_flag,new_acc_length_limit;     // auto-registration via _M/_F ? / if yes minimum length is 4?
	int start_limited_time;                         // new account expiration time (-1: unlimited)
	bool use_md5_passwds;                           // work with password hashes instead of plaintext passwords?
	int group_id_to_connect;                        // required group id to connect
	int min_group_id_to_connect;                    // minimum group id to connect
	bool check_client_version;                      // check the clientversion set in the clientinfo ?
	uint32 client_version_to_connect;               // the client version needed to connect (if checking is enabled)
	int allowed_regs;                               // account registration flood protection [Kevin]
	int time_allowed;                               // time in seconds

	bool ipban;                                     // perform IP blocking (via contents of `ipbanlist`) ?
	bool dynamic_pass_failure_ban;                  // automatic IP blocking due to failed login attemps ?
	unsigned int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval; // how far to scan the loginlog for password failures
	unsigned int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit;    // number of failures needed to trigger the ipban
	unsigned int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration; // duration of the ipban
	bool use_dnsbl;                                 // dns blacklist blocking ?
	char dnsbl_servs[1024];                         // comma-separated list of dnsbl servers

	int client_hash_check;							// flags for checking client md5
	struct client_hash_node *client_hash_nodes;		// linked list containg md5 hash for each gm group

	// Advanced subnet check [LuzZza]
	struct s_subnet {
		uint32 mask;
		uint32 char_ip;
		uint32 map_ip;
	} subnet[16];
	int subnet_count;

struct login_auth_node {
	int account_id;
	uint32 login_id1;
	uint32 login_id2;
	uint32 ip;
	char sex;
	uint32 version;
	uint8 clienttype;
	int group_id;
	time_t expiration_time;

// Online User Database [Wizputer]
struct online_login_data {
	int account_id;
	int waiting_disconnect;
	int char_server;

#define sex_num2str(num) ( ((num) ==  SEX_FEMALE) ? 'F' : ((num) ==  SEX_MALE) ? 'M' : 'S' )
#define sex_str2num(str) ( ((str) == 'F') ? SEX_FEMALE : ((str) == 'M') ? SEX_MALE : SEX_SERVER )

#define MAX_SERVERS 30
extern struct mmo_char_server server[MAX_SERVERS];
extern struct Login_Config login_config;

 * Login.c Interface
struct login_interface {
	DBMap* auth_db;
	DBMap* online_db;
	int fd;

	int (*mmo_auth) (struct login_session_data* sd, bool isServer);
	int (*mmo_auth_new) (const char* userid, const char* pass, const char sex, const char* last_ip);
	int (*waiting_disconnect_timer) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	DBData (*create_online_user) (DBKey key, va_list args);
	struct online_login_data* (*add_online_user) (int char_server, int account_id);
	void (*remove_online_user) (int account_id);
	int (*online_db_setoffline) (DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap);
	int (*online_data_cleanup_sub) (DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap);
	int (*online_data_cleanup) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	int (*sync_ip_addresses) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	bool (*check_encrypted) (const char* str1, const char* str2, const char* passwd);
	bool (*check_password) (const char* md5key, int passwdenc, const char* passwd, const char* refpass);
	int (*lan_subnetcheck) (uint32 ip);
	int (*lan_config_read) (const char *lancfgName);
	void (*fromchar_accinfo) (int fd, int account_id, int u_fd, int u_aid, int u_group, int map_fd, struct mmo_account *acc);
	void (*fromchar_account) (int fd, int account_id, struct mmo_account *acc);
	void (*fromchar_account_update_other) (int account_id, unsigned int state);
	void (*fromchar_auth_ack) (int fd, int account_id, uint32 login_id1, uint32 login_id2, uint8 sex, int request_id, struct login_auth_node* node);
	void (*fromchar_ban) (int account_id, time_t timestamp);
	void (*fromchar_change_sex_other) (int account_id, char sex);
	void (*fromchar_pong) (int fd);
	void (*fromchar_parse_auth) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_update_users) (int fd, int id);
	void (*fromchar_parse_request_change_email) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_account_data) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_ping) (int fd);
	void (*fromchar_parse_change_email) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_account_update) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_ban) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_change_sex) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_account_reg2) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_unban) (int fd, int id, const char *ip);
	void (*fromchar_parse_account_online) (int fd, int id);
	void (*fromchar_parse_account_offline) (int fd);
	void (*fromchar_parse_online_accounts) (int fd, int id);
	void (*fromchar_parse_request_account_reg2) (int fd);
	void (*fromchar_parse_update_wan_ip) (int fd, int id);
	void (*fromchar_parse_all_offline) (int fd, int id);
	void (*fromchar_parse_change_pincode) (int fd);
	bool (*fromchar_parse_wrong_pincode) (int fd);
	void (*fromchar_parse_accinfo) (int fd);
	int (*parse_fromchar) (int fd);
	void (*connection_problem) (int fd, uint8 status);
	void (*kick) (struct login_session_data* sd);
	void (*auth_ok) (struct login_session_data* sd);
	void (*auth_failed) (struct login_session_data* sd, int result);
	void (*login_error) (int fd, uint8 status);
	void (*parse_ping) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd);
	void (*parse_client_md5) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd);
	bool (*parse_client_login) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd, const char *ip);
	void (*send_coding_key) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd);
	void (*parse_request_coding_key) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd);
	void (*char_server_connection_status) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd, uint8 status);
	void (*parse_request_connection) (int fd, struct login_session_data* sd, const char *ip);
	int (*parse_login) (int fd);

struct login_interface *login;

void login_defaults(void);

#endif /* LOGIN_LOGIN_H */