path: root/npc/quests/doomed_swords_quest.txt
blob: 2f8ac43c1085a72ab7adf1613c9fe5189016765b (plain) (tree)











































//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Doomed Swords Quest Part 3
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Creation of Doomed Swords: Grimtooth, Mysteltain, and Executioner.
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.0
//================= Additional Comments ===================================
//= Continuation of the Comodo Quest
//= - Part 1: Found in quests_comodo.txt
//= - Part 2: Found in quests_yuno.txt
//================= Variables Used ========================================
//= dmdswrd_Q (Max 45)

mjolnir_02,186,193,4	script	Middle-Aged Man#magum1	1_M_LIBRARYMASTER,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q > 30) {
		if (dmdswrd_Q == 31) {
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "It's been a while since";
			mes "someone has come this";
			mes "way. Not too many people";
			mes "pass by here, so I rarely";
			mes "receive visitors. Why don't";
			mes "you relax and chat for a while?";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "What are you doing out";
			mes "here in this secluded";
			mes "area? You don't have";
			mes "to work here, do you?";
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "Well, just managing this";
			mes "summer house gets me";
			mes "enough income to get by.";
			mes "Ah, I also craft various";
			mes "things as sort of a hobby.";
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "Yeap, when I was younger,";
			mes "I had my own forge in town.";
			mes "It was a good family business,";
			mes "and all of my siblings ended up";
			mes "making wares for town lords";
			mes "and even the royal family.";
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "But then, the accident";
			mes "happened, and we had";
			mes "to close shop. Well, that's";
			mes "my story. Not a very happy";
			mes "one, I gu ess, but otherwise";
			mes "I've lived a long, good life.";
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "Now what exactly";
			mes "brings you here?";
			mes "Are you just exploring";
			mes "the land, or are you";
			mes "hunting monsters, or...?";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "Actually, um,";
			mes "I was led here by";
			mes "this thing. It's called";
			mes "the Seal of Muriniel.";
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "Oh... Oh my.";
			mes "Let me see that.";
			mes "Oh, yes. This is the";
			mes "real thing. So... It's";
			mes "finally found me. Well,";
			mes "I guess I'm at your service.";
			mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
			mes "My name is Walker, and";
			mes "my brothers and I were the 3";
			mes "most talented blacksmiths";
			mes "in Juno. Seeing as you've";
			mes "been chosen by fate, we'll all";
			mes "help you obtain a doomed sword.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "First of all, the doomed";
			mes "swords are sealed in magic";
			mes "scrolls as pentagrams. When";
			mes "their true owners appear, they";
			mes "can be released by using";
			mes "Muriniel's Seal.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Now, for my part in unsealing";
			mes "the doomed swords, I'll need";
			mes "the highest quality materials.";
			mes "Give me a few minutes and";
			mes "I'll let you know what you";
			mes "need to bring to me.";
			dmdswrd_Q = 32;
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 32) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Now, I should let you";
			mes "know that I can only form";
			mes "a portion of the pentagram";
			mes "that will release one of the";
			mes "doomed swords. You need my";
			mes "brothers' help to complete it.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Once the pentagram";
			mes "is complete and activated,";
			mes "you will unseal the doomed";
			mes "sword that is best suited to";
			mes "you. I'm sorry, but I have no";
			mes "way to predict what it may be.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "For now, you must take";
			mes "the first step and bring";
			mes "me the following items.";
			mes "Make sure to take note";
			mes "of what I will require...";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "I will need";
			mes "^FF00001 Emperium^000000,";
			mes "^FF00003 Tentacles^000000,";
			mes "^FF000025 Amulets^000000,";
			mes "^FF00001 Coal^000000, and";
			mes "^FF00001 Necklace of Oblivion^000000.";
			dmdswrd_Q = 33;
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 33) {
			if (countitem(Emperium) > 0 && countitem(Tentacle) > 2 && countitem(Coal) > 0 && countitem(Amulet) > 24 && countitem(Frozen_Heart) > 0) {
				mes "[Walker]";
				mes "Ah, very good.";
				mes "You've brought";
				mes "everything I need.";
				mes "Now, please wait for";
				mes "a moment while I finish";
				mes "the preparations...";
				delitem Emperium,1;
				delitem Tentacle,3;
				delitem Coal,1;
				delitem Amulet,25;
				delitem Frozen_Heart,1;
				dmdswrd_Q = 34;
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Hmm...? You still";
			mes "haven't brought me";
			mes "everything I need to";
			mes "begin the doomed sword";
			mes "pentagram. Let me remind you";
			mes "which materials to get for me.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "I will need";
			mes "^FF00001 Emperium^000000,";
			mes "^FF00003 Tentacles^000000,";
			mes "^FF000025 Amulets^000000,";
			mes "^FF00001 Coal^000000, and";
			mes "^FF00001 Necklace of Oblivion^000000.";
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 34) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Ah, you're back.";
			mes "I managed to finish this";
			mes "sooner than I expected since";
			mes "you gave me materials of";
			mes "exceptionally good quality.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Back when I was 15, my other";
			mes "two brothers were taught by";
			mes "Dwarves to create the pentragram that will release a doomed sword.";
			mes "However, they taught each of us different parts of the pentagram.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "I guess the Dwarves split";
			mes "up our knowledge because";
			mes "they wanted to prolong the";
			mes "return of the Executioner";
			mes "sword within our generation.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Originally, Executioner";
			mes "was one of three swords";
			mes "that the Dwarves were";
			mes "ordered to forge for an evil";
			mes "organization in exchange";
			mes "for their village's safety.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Despite their incredible";
			mes "forging skills, the Dwarves";
			mes "had difficulty procuring the";
			mes "rare materials required to";
			mes "forge the weapons within";
			mes "the 15 day deadline.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Desperate for help, the";
			mes "Dwarves traveled to meet";
			mes "my father, a renown smith";
			mes "and adventurer at the time. He";
			mes "was sympathetic to their plight";
			mes "and gave them what they needed.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "In gratitude for my father's";
			mes "help, the Dwarves taught my";
			mes "brothers how to create the";
			mes "doomed sword pentagram,";
			mes "but we could only complete";
			mes "it if we all worked together.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Sadly, I heard that the evil";
			mes "organization that forced the";
			mes "Dwarves to forge the swords";
			mes "killed them when they refused";
			mes "to give up their forging secrets. ";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "However, the Dwarves could";
			mes "not reveal that the Executioner";
			mes "was enchanted with a terrible";
			mes "curse powered by the Dwarves'";
			mes "hatred which threatens the life";
			mes "of Executioner's wielder.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Oh, don't worry too much.";
			mes "If you happen to obtain the";
			mes "Executioner, the seal should";
			mes "have weakened the curse";
			mes "enough so that it won't kill";
			mes "you that quickly. Well, then...";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "You should visit my brother";
			mes "Morf for the next part of the";
			mes "doomed sword pentagram.";
			mes "Morf should be easy to find,";
			mes "as he's usually drinking";
			mes "all day in Payon's tavern.";
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Please, take this scroll";
			mes "with the pentagram with you,";
			mes "and give my regards to Morf";
			mes "once you see him. If you do";
			mes "succeed in obtaining a doomed sword, use its power responsibly.";
			dmdswrd_Q = 35;
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 35) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Look for my older";
			mes "brother Morf in the";
			mes "tavern in Payon-- He's";
			mes "always drinking over there.";
			mes "Hopefully, he'll help you finish the doomed sword pentagram.";
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 36) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Ah, so you've";
			mes "already met with";
			mes "Morf? When you get";
			mes "the chance, please give";
			mes "him my regards and let";
			mes "him know that I'm doing well.";
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 37) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Ah, so you've";
			mes "already met with";
			mes "Morf? When you get";
			mes "the chance, please give";
			mes "him my regards and let";
			mes "him know that I'm doing well.";
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 38) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "So how has Morf been?";
			mes "I know he's eccentric, and";
			mes "perhaps a little rude, but";
			mes "he's really a very good man.";
		else if (dmdswrd_Q == 39) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "It's good that Morf";
			mes "was able to help you.";
			mes "As for our younger brother,";
			mes "Huey, I haven't heard from";
			mes "him in a while. I think he's";
			mes "travelling around in Morroc?";
		else if (dmdswrd_Q >= 40 && dmdswrd_Q <= 44) {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "I trust that Huey";
			mes "is taking good care";
			mes "of himself. If you happen";
			mes "to see him again, would";
			mes "you ask him to come visit";
			mes "me one of these days?";
		else {
			mes "[Walker]";
			mes "Oh! You've completed";
			mes "the pentagram and come";
			mes "into possession of one of";
			mes "the doomed swords? I'm";
			mes "glad to hear it. If Father were";
			mes "alive, he would be so proud.";
	else {
		mes "[Middle-Aged Man]";
		mes "It's been a while since";
		mes "someone has come this";
		mes "way. Not too many people";
		mes "pass by here, so I rarely";
		mes "receive visitors. Feel free";
		mes "to rest and relax a while~";

payon,248,159,1	script	Old Man#magum1	2_M_PHARMACIST,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q == 35) {
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "Wha--? Who are";
		mes "you? Whaddya want?";
		mes "Lemme alone so I can";
		mes "drink in peace! ^333333*Urp*^000000";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
		mes "Um, excuse me, but are";
		mes "you Morf? I'm been sent";
		mes "by your brother, Walker,";
		mes "to ask if you can help";
		mes "me with this pentagram.";
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "Huh...? Lemme see...";
		mes "Oh. This is Walker's";
		mes "work alright. Y-you really";
		mes "want a doomed sword, huh?";
		mes "A-and that's really the Seal";
		mes "of Muriel you have there?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
		mes "Oh, the Seal!";
		mes "Here, take a look";
		mes "if you want. If it's";
		mes "not the real thing, then";
		mes "I went through a lot of";
		mes "trouble to get a fake.";
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "Arrrgh! That's the real";
		mes "thing! Does this mean";
		mes "I have to really work on";
		mes "this now?! I'm still drunk!";
		mes "Damn... I guess I have no";
		mes "choice but to sober up.";
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "Ugh... But I'm gonna";
		mes "have such a hangover.";
		mes "Hey! Bring me 20 Yellow";
		mes "Potions so I can nurse";
		mes "the headache I'm gonna";
		mes "have! I'll need them so bad...";
		dmdswrd_Q = 36;
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 36) {
		if (countitem(Yellow_Potion) > 19) {
			mes "[Old Man]";
			mes "Oh, thank goodness you've";
			mes "brought me the potions! Now,";
			mes "these'll help me cope with the";
			mes "unfamiliar sensation that you";
			mes "people call sobriety. Ugh...";
			mes "I can think clearly... Damn!";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			mes "............";
			mes "[Old Man]";
			mes "Gimme the scroll";
			mes "with the pentagram.";
			mes "Let's see, here. Hey,";
			mes "Walker did a great job";
			mes "on this. Alright, listen.";
			mes "This is what I need from you...";
			mes "[Old Man]";
			mes "^FF00001 Coal^000000,";
			mes "^FF00003 Trunks^000000,";
			mes "^FF00003 Old Hilts^000000,";
			mes "^FF000050 Orge Teeth^000000, and";
			mes "^FF00001 Foolishness of the Blind^000000.";
			mes "[Old Man]";
			mes "You have to bring me";
			mes "those items so that I can";
			mes "continue forming the doomed";
			mes "sword pentagram. I'll just be";
			mes "waiting for you right here.";
			delitem Yellow_Potion,20;
			dmdswrd_Q = 37;
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "Arrrgh! Did you bring";
		mes "me 20 Yellow Potions?";
		mes "This hangover is getting";
		mes "worse and worse! H-hurry";
		mes "up and get me my meds!";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 37) {
		if (countitem(Old_Hilt) > 2 && countitem(Coal) > 0 && countitem(Wooden_Block) > 2 && countitem(Foolishness_Of_Blind) > 0 && countitem(Ogre_Tooth) > 49) {
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Hey, you've brought";
			mes "everything? Good, the";
			mes "sooner I get this done,";
			mes "the sooner I can get back";
			mes "to drinking. All you need";
			mes "to do now is sit and wait.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Alright. Let's get...";
			mes "Started? Where did I put";
			mes "that thing I needed? Um...";
			mes "Ah, there we go. Hrrrm...";
			mes "^3355FF*Scheeeezzzz*";
			mes "*Clang Clang*";
			mes "*Rattle Rattle*";
			mes "*Th-thump thump*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Crrrrrrunch*";
			mes "*Sh-sh-sh-shoom*";
			mes "*Rub-rub-rub-rub*";
			mes "*Flip ka-chink*^000000";
			mes ".........";
			mes "............";
			mes "...............";
			mes "..................";
			mes "^3355FF*Scheeeezzzz*";
			mes "*Clang Clang*";
			mes "*Rattle Rattle*";
			mes "*Th-thump thump*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Crrrrrrunch*";
			mes "*Sh-sh-sh-shoom*";
			mes "*Rub-rub-rub-rub*";
			mes "*Flip ka-chink*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*^000000";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "Excuse me...";
			mes "But is it almost done?";
			mes ".........";
			mes "............";
			mes "...............";
			mes "..................";
			mes "^3355FF*Scheeeezzzz*";
			mes "*Clang Clang*";
			mes "*Rattle Rattle*";
			mes "*Th-thump thump*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Crrrrrrunch*";
			mes "*Sh-sh-sh-shoom*";
			mes "*Rub-rub-rub-rub*";
			mes "*Flip ka-chink*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*^000000";
			mes "^3355FF*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*";
			mes "*Rub-Rub-Rub-Rub*";
			mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*^000000";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "H-hey, when is this";
			mes "thing going to be finished?";
			mes "Isn't it about time already?";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Hey! Be patient,";
			mes "you can't rush";
			mes "perfection. It'll";
			mes "take as long as it";
			mes "has to. But yeah,";
			mes "I'm almost finished...";
			mes ".........";
			mes "............";
			mes "...............";
			mes "..................";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Just...";
			mes "Just give me a";
			mes "few more minutes...";
			delitem Old_Hilt,3;
			delitem Coal,1;
			delitem Wooden_Block,3;
			delitem Foolishness_Of_Blind,1;
			delitem Ogre_Tooth,50;
			dmdswrd_Q = 38;
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "What, did you forget";
		mes "what I need? Grrr, I'll";
		mes "tell you again, but you";
		mes "better not forget this time!";
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "^FF00001 Coal^000000,";
		mes "^FF00003 Trunks^000000,";
		mes "^FF00003 Old Hilts^000000,";
		mes "^FF000050 Orge Teeth^000000, and";
		mes "^FF00001 Foolishness of the Blind^000000.";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 38) {
		switch(rand(1,10)) {
		case 1:
		case 10:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Ooh, my back~!";
			mes "The searing pain!";
			mes "It looks like I have";
			mes "no choice but to take";
			mes "a break. That's why you";
			mes "shouldn't be pushing me!";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Hey, while we've got some";
			mes "time, let me tell you a story";
			mes "about Mysteltainn, one of the";
			mes "doomed swords that you may";
			mes "receive if you manage to";
			mes "complete the pentagram.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Now, Mysteltainn is the";
			mes "name of the tree from which";
			mes "the twig that was used to";
			mes "kill Baldur, god of light, was";
			mes "obtained. It was the only";
			mes "thing that could harm Baldur...";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "From what I remember, the";
			mes "god Loki plotted to kill Baldur";
			mes "because he was jealous of";
			mes "the god of light that every";
			mes "living thing and inanimate";
			mes "object seemed to adore.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Loki tricked Baldur's mother";
			mes "into revealing Baldur's secret";
			mes "weakness. Now, the gods regularly made a game of throwing objects";
			mes "like darts at Baldur since he was immune to everything else.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "When he learned that";
			mes "Mysteltainn could be used";
			mes "to kill Baldur, he took one of";
			mes "its twigs and tricked Baldur's";
			mes "blind brother into throwing it at Baldur in one of their games.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "And so...";
			mes "That was how the";
			mes "god of light was killed.";
			mes "By Loki's trickery and the";
			mes "foolishness of the blind.";
			mes "That's Mysteltainn's story.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Now, if you do happen to";
			mes "get the Mysteltainn doomed";
			mes "sword from its seal, it won't";
			mes "be as powerful as the original";
			mes "one that, you know, killed a";
			mes "god. It can't be reproduced...";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "However, the fascimile is";
			mes "incredibly powerful, and you";
			mes "must make sure that you wield";
			mes "it responsibly. Now, I know";
			mes "you must be upset that I've";
			mes "taken so long to do this...";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Please understand that";
			mes "I'm pretty old now, and that";
			mes "pentagram work isn't exactly";
			mes "easy. Anyway, my part is done.";
			mes "Now you gotta find Huey,";
			mes "my youngest brother.";
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Huey's been traveling";
			mes "around, but last I heard, he";
			mes "was in Morroc. If you can";
			mes "find him, he can complete";
			mes "this pentagram for you. Well,";
			mes "care now, and good luck.";
			dmdswrd_Q = 39;
		case 2:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Be patient, youngster,";
			mes "I need more time! Don't";
			mes "you understand that if";
			mes "I screw up this pentagram,";
			mes "you'll have to start all over";
			mes "again? Yeah, that's right~";
		case 3:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Not... Done... Yet.";
			mes "It'll be done when it's";
			mes "done, okay? Why don't you";
			mes "take a walk or something";
			mes "to kill the time, yeah?";
		case 4:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Yeah, you know what?";
			mes "It's time for another break.";
			mes "Let me rest my cramped hands";
			mes "and enjoy one of these Yellow";
			mes "Potions that you've brought";
			mes "me. Yep, that's a good idea.";
		case 5:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "Look...";
			mes "If you're just";
			mes "gonna stand there";
			mes "and breathe down my";
			mes "neck while I'm working,";
			mes "you might as well be useful.";
			mes "[Mork]";
			mes "Bring me some";
			mes "snacks or something,";
			mes "or get the hell out of";
			mes "here until I'm done!";
		case 6:
			mes ".........";
			mes "............";
			mes "...............";
			mes "^3355FFMorf has fallen";
			mes "into a deep sleep.^000000";
		case 7:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "No...";
			mes "Still not done.";
			mes "Just like the last";
			mes "time you asked.";
			mes "Just... Wait...";
		case 8:
			mes ".........";
			mes "............";
			mes "...............";
			mes "^3355FFMorf has fallen";
			mes "into a pretty restful";
			mes "slumber that he seems";
			mes "to be thoroughly enjoying.^000000";
		case 9:
			mes "[Morf]";
			mes "You can see my hands, right?";
			mes "When they're not busy trying";
			mes "to finish this pentagram, that's probably a sign meaning that ";
			mes "I'm finished. Lookee, they're";
			mes "moving, still moving, see that?";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 39) {
		mes "[Morf]";
		mes "If you really want to";
		mes "finish that pentagram,";
		mes "then find my youngest";
		mes "brother Huey in Morroc.";
		mes "He should help you out.";
		mes "I mean, if I did, then he will!";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 40) {
		mes "[Morf]";
		mes "You actually found";
		mes "Huey? How's my little";
		mes "baby brother doing? Well,";
		mes "if he's fine, then make him";
		mes "finish that pentagram. I don't want all my work to go to waste!";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q > 41 && dmdswrd_Q < 45) {
		mes "[Morf]";
		mes "It's good to hear";
		mes "that Huey is fine and";
		mes "that nothing's wrong with";
		mes "his health. In that case,";
		mes "he should be writing me";
		mes "and Walker more often!";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 45) {
		mes "[Morf]";
		mes "Now that you have one";
		mes "of those doomed swords,";
		mes "I want you to only use it for";
		mes "the right reasons. The curses";
		mes "of the swords are most dangerous when your conviction wavers.";
	else {
		mes "[Old Man]";
		mes "Arrrrrrrrrghhhh~!";
		mes "My heart freakin' hurts!";
		mes "Times like these, I sure";
		mes "could use a Yellow Potion to";
		mes "help cope with my hangovers.";
		mes "C'mon, I freakin' need my meds!";

morocc,248,159,4	script	Young Man#magum1	4_M_04,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q == 39) {
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Excuse me, but...";
		mes "Um, did you need";
		mes "something? You";
		mes "look like you have";
		mes "a question for me.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
		mes "Actually, I'm looking for";
		mes "somebody named Huey.";
		mes "I hear he's the only one";
		mes "that can help me finish";
		mes "this... well... Do you know";
		mes "where I can find him?";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Y-yes. I-I'm Huey.";
		mes "But why are you looking";
		mes "for me? Oh! Are you some";
		mes "kind of messenger from one";
		mes "of my brothers? I haven't heard";
		mes "from them in quite a while.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
		mes "Actually, I'm trying to";
		mes "obtain a doomed sword.";
		mes "To do that, I've already";
		mes "got the Seal of Muriniel,";
		mes "and your brothers have";
		mes "started this pentagram.";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Are you serious?";
		mes "You've come this far to";
		mes "get one of those accursed";
		mes "blades? Mm, would you please";
		mes "let me see the pentagram? Oh,";
		mes "my brothers did such good work!";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
		mes "Ah, yes. Here.";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "I don't know if you can";
		mes "appreciate it, but this";
		mes "pentagram has really good";
		mes "craftsmanship! Now, if my";
		mes "older brothers have already helped you, I shall do the same.";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "My older brothers are even";
		mes "better blacksmiths than me,";
		mes "so if you were able to convince";
		mes "them to aid you, I don't really";
		mes "have the right to refuse to help you. Besides, if I don't...";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "...Then my brother's work";
		mes "would have been for nothing.";
		mes "And then... They might just";
		mes "come looking for me. Morf";
		mes "especially. Oh, right! Materials! I need these for the pentagram!";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Please bring me";
		mes "^FF00009 Rubies^000000,";
		mes "^FF00006 Blades of Darkness^000000,";
		mes "^FF00009 Bloody Edges^000000, and";
		mes "^FF00001 Loki's Whisper^000000.";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "While you gather the";
		mes "necessary items, I'll be";
		mes "finishing my preparations.";
		mes "Oh, and bring me the ^FF0000exact";
		mes "amounts^000000--^FF0000no more^000000, ^FF0000no less^000000.";
		mes "Okay now, I'll see you later~";
		dmdswrd_Q = 40;
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 40) {
		if (countitem(Bloody_Edge) == 9 && countitem(Blade_Lost_In_Darkness) == 6 && countitem(Cardinal_Jewel) == 9 && countitem(Lokis_Whispers) == 1) {
			mes "[Huey]";
			mes "Oh, you're back. Did";
			mes "you bring everything";
			mes "I need for the pentagram";
			mes "in the exact amounts? Mmm...";
			mes "Ah! Yes, perfect! Nice work~";
			mes "[Huey]";
			mes "Would you please wait";
			mes "while I finish this pentagram?";
			mes "This is going to take some";
			mes "time, but trust me, we're";
			mes "almost done. All your hard";
			mes "work will pay off soon~";
			delitem Bloody_Edge,9;
			delitem Blade_Lost_In_Darkness,6;
			delitem Cardinal_Jewel,9;
			delitem Lokis_Whispers,1;
			dmdswrd_Q = 41;
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "In order to finish the";
		mes "pentagram, I'll need some";
		mes "items in the exact quantities--";
		mes "no more, no less. If you have";
		mes "too many of a required item, why don't you put it in your Storage?";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Please bring me";
		mes "^FF00009 Rubies^000000,";
		mes "^FF00006 Blades of Darkness^000000,";
		mes "^FF00009 Bloody Edges^000000, and";
		mes "^FF00001 Loki's Whisper^000000.";
		mes "Well, I'll be waiting~";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 41) {
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Hey there, your timing's";
		mes "perfect! I just completed";
		mes "the pentagram for unsealing";
		mes "one of the doomed swords.";
		mes "There's just one last step...";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Would you put the Seal of Murinel to the pentagram? That will unlock";
		mes "the seal, causing the doomed sword best suited for you to manifest.";
		mes "Soon, Grimtooth, Mysteltainn,";
		mes "or Executioner will be yours...";
		mes "^3355FFYou carefully place the";
		mes "Seal of Muriniel to the";
		mes "pentagram. A few parts of";
		mes "the pentagram immediately";
		mes "begin to quitely pulse with";
		mes "a soft and gentle glow.^000000";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "It's... It's starting! The";
		mes "sections of the pentagram";
		mes "are activating in the order";
		mes "in which they were completed.";
		mes "The parts that are lit now";
		mes "must be Walker's work...";
		mes "^3355FFSuddenly, another section";
		mes "of the pentagram activates,";
		mes "and parts of the pentagram";
		mes "flare unstably with an";
		mes "intense, unsteady light.^000000";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "That must be...";
		mes "Morf must have done";
		mes "that part. Okay, when";
		mes "the light stabilizes and";
		mes "the entire pentagram is";
		mes "glowing, it'll be ready.";
		mes "^3355FFThe unactivated portions";
		mes "of the pentagram ignite,";
		mes "and the entire pentagram";
		mes "emits a warm, effusive glow.^000000";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Okay, this is important!";
		mes "One of the doomed swords";
		mes "is going to manifest very soon.";
		mes "When you can see the sword";
		mes "within the light, grab it quickly! ";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Wait, can you--?";
		mes "There, I see it! Now";
		mes "quickly, take it! It's yours!";
		.@random = rand(1,10);
		if (.@random >= 1 && .@random <= 5) {
			callsub S_GetSword,1237,0,1,42;
			getitem Grimtooth_,1;
		else if (.@random >= 6 && .@random <= 8) {
			callsub S_GetSword,1138,1,1,43;
			getitem Mysteltainn_,1;
		else {
			callsub S_GetSword,1169,2,1,44;
			getitem Executioner_,1;
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 42) {
		callsub S_GetSword,1237,0,0,0;
		getitem Grimtooth_,1;
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 43) {
		callsub S_GetSword,1138,1,0,0;
		getitem Mysteltainn_,1;
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 44) {
		callsub S_GetSword,1169,2,0,0;
		getitem Executioner_,1;
	else if (dmdswrd_Q == 45) {
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "So how are you handling";
		mes "that doomed sword? Whatever";
		mes "you do, don't abuse its power";
		mes "and you should be fine. I've";
		mes "got faith that you'll never";
		mes "succumb to the blade's curse.";
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Anyway, I really";
		mes "should thank you for";
		mes "the opportunity to use";
		mes "my skills. I mean, I didn't";
		mes "want what I had learned from";
		mes "the Dwarves to go to waste.";
	else {
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "You know, I've traveled";
		mes "to all sorts of places, but";
		mes "the heat here in Morroc";
		mes "is the worst I've ever";
		mes "experienced! It's so humid";
		mes "and uncomfortable here...";

	if (getarg(2) == 1) {
		mes "^3355FFYou reach within the";
		mes "blinding light and grasp";
		mes "the sword's handle. When";
		mes "the light dissipates, you";
		mes "can see that you have";
		mes "obtained a "+getitemname(getarg(0))+".^000000";
		magum = getarg(3);
	if (checkweight(getarg(0),1) == 0) {
		mes "[Huey]";
		mes "Hold on, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "You better store some things";
		mes "to make more of your inventory";
		mes "space available. Then, we can finally claim your doomed sword.";
	mes "[Huey]";
	if (getarg(1) == 0) {
		mes "Th-that's the Grimtooth!";
		mes "Ever since I've been taught";
		mes "the pentagram techniques by";
		mes "those Dwarves, I've never once";
		mes "imagined that I'd see that sword. Please use that weapon wisely.";
	else if (getarg(1) == 1) {
		mes "I don't believe it!";
		mes "You... You've been found";
		mes "worthy of the Mysteltainn?";
		mes "Be careful, and don't let";
		mes "its power overwhelm you.";
		mes "Wield it only for just ends...";
	else if (getarg(1) == 2) {
		mes "Th-that's...!";
		mes "The Executionier has";
		mes "chosen you to wield it?";
		mes "You must have an extremely";
		mes "strong will, or something...";
		mes "Don't give in to the bloodlust.";
	mes "[Huey]";
	mes "Well, it looks like my";
	mes "work here is done. I'm glad";
	mes "I got the chance to use these";
	mes "ancient skills, and it's an honor to meet a worthy adventurer.";
	mes "My brothers should be proud.";
	mes "[Huey]";
	mes "Speaking of which,";
	mes "please give Morf and";
	mes "Walker my regards if you";
	mes "happen to see them. Well";
	mes "then, take care of yourself, and be cautious in using that sword.";
	dmdswrd_Q = 45;