path: root/npc/other/auction.txt
blob: 42df057f6f79e416aa496c133bde2d8ee945a406 (plain) (tree)



















//================= Hercules Script =======================================
//=       _   _                     _
//=      | | | |                   | |
//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Kisuka
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Auction system
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Auction house releated NPCs, and warps
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.3

//== Auction House warpers =================================
moc_ruins,78,173,6	script	Auction Hall Guide#moc	4W_M_02,{
	callfunc "F_AuctionWarper",1;

prontera,218,120,4	script	Auction Hall Guide#prt	4_F_KAFRA1,{
	callfunc "F_AuctionWarper",2;

yuno,129,116,0	script	Auction Hall Guide#yuno	4_F_01,{
	callfunc "F_AuctionWarper",3;

lighthalzen,205,169,6	script	Auction Hall Guide#lhz	4_M_ZONDAOYAJI,{
	callfunc "F_AuctionWarper",4;

function	script	F_AuctionWarper	{
	mes "[Auction Hall Guide]";
	mes "Hello, would you";
	mes "like to enter the";
	mes "Auction Hall?";
	if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
		if (getarg(0) == 1 || getarg(0) == 4) {
			mes "[Auction Hall Guide]";
			mes "Great! Well then,";
			mes "I hope you have fun";
			mes "and enjoy the auction~";
		} else {
			mes "[Auction Hall Guide]";
			mes "Enjoy your auction.";
		switch(getarg(0)) {
		case 1:
			warp "auction_01",179,53; end;
		case 2:
			warp "auction_01",21,43; end;
		case 3:
			warp "auction_02",151,23; end;
		case 4:
			warp "auction_02",43,24; end;
	mes "[Auction Hall Guide]";
	mes "Alright then,";
	mes "see you later.";
	mes "If you change your";
	mes "mind, please come";
	mes "and enjoy the auctions~";

//== Sign posts ============================================
-	script	Information Post#dum::AuctionSign	-1,{
	mes "[Information]";
	mes "Auction Warp Guide";

moc_ruins,76,176,6	duplicate(AuctionSign)	Information Post#moc	2_BULLETIN_BOARD
prontera,216,120,4	duplicate(AuctionSign)	Information Post#prt	2_BULLETIN_BOARD
yuno,131,116,0	duplicate(AuctionSign)	Information Post#yuno	2_BULLETIN_BOARD
lighthalzen,207,169,6	duplicate(AuctionSign)	Information Post#lhz	2_BULLETIN_BOARD

//== Warps =================================================
auction_01,180,49,0	warp	auction_entrance_moc	1,1,moc_ruins,78,171
auction_01,22,37,0	warp	auction_entrance_prt	1,1,prontera,214,120
auction_02,151,17,0	warp	auction_enterance_juno	1,1,yuno,132,119
auction_02,43,17,0	warp	auction_enterance_lhz	1,1,lighthalzen,209,169

//== Auction House NPCs ====================================
-	script	Auction Broker#dum::AuctionBroker	-1,{
	mes "[Auction Broker]";
	mes "Welcome to the Auction Hall.";
	mes "Would you like to view the goods?";
	if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
		mes "[Auction Broker]";
		if ( getbattleflag( "" ) ) {
			mes "Very well.";
			mes "Please take";
			mes "a look, and see";
			mes "What's being offered~";
		else {
			mes "Auction feature isn't enabled.";
	mes "[Auction Broker]";
	mes "Very well, then.";
	mes "If you change your";
	mes "mind, then please";
	mes "come and check";
	mes "out the auctions~";

auction_01,182,68,6	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#moc1	4W_M_02
auction_01,182,75,0	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#moc2	4W_M_03
auction_01,177,75,2	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#moc3	4W_M_02
auction_01,177,68,4	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#moc4	4W_M_03
auction_01,21,74,4	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#prt1	4_F_KAFRA1
auction_01,27,78,4	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#prt2	4_F_KAFRA2
auction_01,16,78,4	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#prt3	4_F_KAFRA3
auction_02,158,47,6	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#yuno1	4_F_01
auction_02,145,47,2	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#yuno2	4_F_01
auction_02,151,54,0	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#yuno3	4_F_01
auction_02,152,41,4	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#yuno4	4_F_01
auction_02,57,46,2	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#lhz1	4_M_ZONDAMAN
auction_02,31,46,6	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#lhz2	4_M_ZONDAMAN
auction_02,43,65,4	duplicate(AuctionBroker)	Auction Broker#lhz3	4_M_ZONDAOYAJI