path: root/npc/merchants/ammo_dealer.txt
blob: 0c85a19bb11b200b62cfeed343ef59f4b8b886b3 (plain) (tree)















//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Euphy
//= Copyright (C)  Masao
//= Copyright (C)  Kisuka
//= Copyright (C)  Lupus
//= Copyright (C)  Legionaire
//= Copyright (C)  Paradox924X
//= Copyright (C)  Playtester
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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//= Bullet Dealers
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Bullet trader.
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.5

alberta,118,160,3	script	Bullet Dealer Tony#alb::bdt	4_M_04,{
	if (BaseJob == Job_Gunslinger) {
		mes "[Tony]";
		mes "I'm Tony, the Bullet Dealer.";
		mes "Come to me whenever you're";
		mes "short on ammo. Just bring me";
		mes "the materials, and I'll make";
		mes "you the bullets you need.";
		switch(select("Poison Sphere:Flare Sphere:Lighting Sphere:Blind Sphere:Freezing Sphere:Cancel")) {
		case 1: callfunc "Bullet_Trade",937,10,13205; break;
		case 2: callfunc "Bullet_Trade",7097,2,13203; break;
		case 3: callfunc "Bullet_Trade",7053,3,13204; break;
		case 4: callfunc "Bullet_Trade",1024,5,13206; break;
		case 5: callfunc "Bullet_Trade",7054,2,13207; break;
		case 6:
			mes "[Tony]";
			mes "Changed your mind?";
			mes "Well, if you ever need";
			mes "any bullets, I'll be right";
			mes "here. Come back whenever";
			mes "you think you'll need more";
			mes "ammunition, Gunslinger.";
	mes "[Tony]";
	mes "Hey, I'm Tony. I'm in";
	mes "charge of distributing";
	mes "and making bullets for";
	mes "Gunslingers. It's just";
	mes "how our guild likes";
	mes "to do things.";
	mes "[Tony]";
	mes "I'm sorry if you came";
	mes "here to buy some bullets.";
	mes "I can only do business with";
	mes "fully fledged Gunslingers.";

function	script	Bullet_Trade	{
	mes "[Tony]";
	mes "For every set of";
	mes "30 "+getitemname(getarg(2))+"s,";
	mes "you must give me";
	mes "1 Emveretarcon,";
	mes "1 Phracon, and";
	mes ""+getarg(1)+" "+getitemname(getarg(0))+".";
	mes "[Tony]";
	mes "Remember that I can give";
	mes "a maximum of 500 sets of";
	mes "30 bullets at a time. Please";
	mes "enter the number of bullet sets";
	mes "that you'd like. If you want to";
	mes "cancel, then just enter ''0.''";
	input .@amount;
	if (.@amount < 1 || .@amount > 500) {
		mes "[Tony]";
		mes "Hey, I can't give you";
		mes "that many bullets. Don't";
		mes "forget to enter a number";
		mes "that's no higher than 500";
		mes "if you want to trade your";
		mes "items for some bullets.";
	if (countitem(Phracon) >= .@amount && countitem(Emveretarcon) >= .@amount && countitem(getarg(0)) >= (.@amount*getarg(1))) {
		if (checkweight(getarg(2),.@amount * 30) == 0) {
			mes "[Tony]";
			mes "Eh? Your Inventory doesn't";
			mes "have enough space for this";
			mes "many bullets. Come back later";
			mes "after you make more space";
			mes "available. Try putting some of";
			mes "your things into Kafra Storage.";
		} else {
			mes "[Tony]";
			mes "Great, everything seems";
			mes "to be in order. Let me take";
			mes "these materials, and here are";
			mes "your bullets. It's a pleasure";
			mes "to do business with you~";
			delitem 1010,.@amount;
			delitem 1011,.@amount;
			delitem getarg(0),.@amount * getarg(1);
			getitem getarg(2),.@amount * 30;
	} else {
		mes "[Tony]";
		mes "Huh. It looks like you";
		mes "don't have enough materials";
		mes "for that many bullets. Well,";
		mes "it's no problem. Just come";
		mes "back after gathering everything";
		mes "that you need, okay?";