path: root/npc/events/easter_2008.txt
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//================= Hercules Script =======================================
//=       _   _                     _
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//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Copyright (C)  Kisuka
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Easter Event (2008)
//================= Description ===========================================
//= iRO Easter Event. (2008)
//= Create Holy Eggs
//= Help a suspicious man.
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.1

//== Prontera ==============================================
prontera,111,99,5	script	Egg Salesman#prt::EggVendor	4W_M_02,{
	mes "[Egg Salesman]";
	mes "^FF0000Chicken Eggs^000000! Come and";
	mes "buy as many Chicken Eggs";
	mes "as you want, whenever you";
	mes "want! Hey buddy, you wanna";
	mes "take a look at the Chicken";
	mes "Eggs that I'm selling?";
	while(1) {
		switch(select("What are you doing?", "Why Chicken Eggs?", "Sure, I'll buy some.", "Never mind.")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Egg Salesman]";
			mes "What am I--? I'm";
			mes "selling Chicken Eggs!";
			mes "For this special event";
			mes "period, I'm selling as many";
			mes "Chicken Eggs as you could";
			mes "want for only 500 zeny each!";
			mes "[Egg Salesman]";
			mes "Boys, girls, friends,";
			mes "family, old people, young";
			mes "people, um, maybe not most";
			mes "vegetarians or raw foodists,";
			mes "but almost everyone likes eggs!";
			mes "[Egg Salesman]";
			mes "Can you imagine a world";
			mes "without eggs? There'd be";
			mes "no bread, pastries, cake";
			mes "or frosting... Ice cream";
			mes "would be a lot runnier...";
			mes "Pranks wouldn't be as fun...";
		case 2:
			mes "[Egg Salesman]";
			mes "I'm not really sure why, but";
			mes "Chicken Eggs are popular";
			mes "around this time of year.";
			mes "They're hot items right";
			mes "now, and I aim to cash in!";
		case 3:
			mes "[Egg Salesman]";
			mes "Great! How many do you";
			mes "want? Remember that each";
			mes "Chicken Egg is 500 zeny.";
			mes "Remember that you won't";
			mes "always be able to buy";
			mes "Chicken Eggs so easily!";
			while(1) {
				if (.@input == 0) {
					mes "[Egg Salesman]";
					mes "Hey, if you're not";
					mes "going to buy anything,";
					mes "then would you mind getting";
					mes "out of the way so I can";
					mes "help out my customers?";
				if (.@input < 1 || .@input > 1000) {
					mes "[Egg Salesman]";
					mes "Hey, you mind giving";
					mes "me a real number? I also";
					mes "can't sell you more than";
					mes "1,000 Chicken Eggs at a time,";
					mes "you know. C'mon, tell me how";
					mes "many you want for real now.";
				.@egg_zeny = .@input*500;
				if (Zeny < .@egg_zeny) {
					mes "[Egg Salesman]";
					mes "You don't have enough Zeny.";
					mes "[Egg Salesman]";
					mes "No discount, go and get enough Zeny.";
				if (checkweight(Chicken_Egg,.@input) == 0) {
					mes "[Egg Salesman]";
					mes "Hey, I know you really";
					mes "want to buy some Chicken";
					mes "Eggs, but you won't be able";
					mes "to carry that much now. Why";
					mes "don't you free up some";
					mes "Inventory space first?.";
				mes "[Egg Salesman]";
				mes "Here's your Chicken Eggs!";
				mes "I guess there's some festival";
				mes "happening where you'll need";
				mes "them, but I don't know anything";
				mes "about that. Well, have a good";
				mes "time, and I'll see you again!";
				Zeny -= .@egg_zeny;
				getitem Chicken_Egg,.@input;
		case 4:
			mes "[Egg Salesman]";
			mes "Not interested in buying";
			mes "Chicken Eggs, huh? Well,";
			mes "word's going around that";
			mes "there's some kind of festival";
			mes "where they'll come in handy...";
			mes "Can you really pass this up?";

prontera,113,98,0	script	Dowdy Matron#prt::EggMatron	4_F_GODEMOM,{
	mes "[Dowdy Matron]";
	mes "This festival is going";
	mes "to be so much fun! Ooh!";
	mes "I should buy some Chicken";
	mes "Eggs to make some decorations.";
	mes "[Dowdy Matron]";
	mes "Speaking of which,";
	mes "I've heard the nun that";
	mes "can make Holy Eggs is back";
	mes "in Prontera. Though, I think";
	mes "she's using Chicken Eggs rather";
	mes "than regular Eggs to make them.";

prontera,108,96,5	script	Cantankerous Geezer#prt::EggGeezer	4_M_SEAMAN,{
	mes "[Cantankerous Geezer]";
	mes ".Hey, do you know how";
	mes "Chicken Eggs got to be so";
	mes "expensive? I mean, 500 zeny";
	mes "is a lot! I think it's because";
	mes "some guy in Morroc is trying";
	mes "to amass a ton of Holy Eggs!";
	mes "[Cantankerous Geezer]";
	mes "I don't know what he's";
	mes "offering for those Holy";
	mes "Eggs, but adventurers are";
	mes "coming to him with Holy Eggs";
	mes "in droves. I wonder what he's";
	mes "giving to them in return?";
	if (easter2008 < 1) {
		easter2008 = 1;

//- Payon -
payon,172,173,5	duplicate(EggVendor)	Egg Salesman#pay	4W_M_02
payon,175,171,1	duplicate(EggMatron)	Dowdy Matron#pay	4_F_GODEMOM
payon,170,171,5	duplicate(EggGeezer)	Cantankerous Geezer#pay	4_M_SEAMAN

//- Geffen -
geffen,136,64,5	duplicate(EggVendor)	Egg Salesman#gef	4W_M_02
geffen,138,63,1	duplicate(EggMatron)	Dowdy Matron#gef	4_F_GODEMOM
geffen,133,63,5	duplicate(EggGeezer)	Cantankerous Geezer#gef	4_M_SEAMAN

//- Aldebaran -
aldebaran,133,119,5	duplicate(EggVendor)	Egg Salesman#alde	4W_M_02
aldebaran,135,117,1	duplicate(EggMatron)	Dowdy Matron#ald	4_F_GODEMOM
aldebaran,132,116,5	duplicate(EggGeezer)	Cantankerous Geezer#ald	4_M_SEAMAN

//- Alberta -
alberta,90,55,5	duplicate(EggVendor)	Egg Salesman#alb	4W_M_02
alberta,92,53,1	duplicate(EggMatron)	Dowdy Matron#alb	4_F_GODEMOM
alberta,88,52,5	duplicate(EggGeezer)	Cantankerous Geezer#alb	4_M_SEAMAN

//== Create Holy Eggs ======================================
prontera,230,312,3	script	Nerlen#es07	1_F_PRIEST,{
	mes "[Nerlen]";
	mes "Hello! If you'd like,";
	mes "I can take your Chicken";
	mes "Eggs and transform them";
	mes "into Holy Eggs. It's something";
	mes "I do for others in celebration";
	mes "of this holy season.";
	mes "[Nerlen]";
	mes "Holy Eggs represent";
	mes "rebirth and, fittingly,";
	mes "can be used to restore";
	mes "life to your friends.";
	mes "Would you like me to";
	mes "make some for you?";
	switch(select("What do I need to make Holy Eggs?", "I want to make Holy Eggs.", "Maybe next time.")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Nerlen]";
		mes "For each Holy Egg";
		mes "that you want me to";
		mes "make, you will need";
		mes "to bring me...";
		mes "[Nerlen]";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 White Herb^000000,";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 Green Herb^000000,";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 Yellow Herb^000000,";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 Holy Water^000000, and";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 Chicken Egg^000000.";
	case 2:
		mes "[Nerlen]";
		mes "Alright, how many";
		mes "Holy Eggs would you";
		mes "like me to make you?";
		mes "I can only make up to";
		mes "10 Holy Eggs at a time.";
		mes "Enter ''0'' to cancel.";
		while(1) {
			if (.@input <= 0) {
				mes "[Nerlen]";
				mes "Oh, you changed your";
				mes "mind? Feel free to visit me";
				mes "whenever you want me to";
				mes "make you some Holy Eggs~";
			if (.@input > 10) {
				mes "[Nerlen]";
				mes "I'm sorry, but I can only";
				mes "make up to 10 Holy Eggs";
				mes "at a time. If you wanted to";
				mes "cancel, then just enter ''0.''";
			if ((countitem(White_Herb) < .@input) || (countitem(Green_Herb) < .@input) || (countitem(Yellow_Herb) < .@input) || (countitem(Holy_Water) < .@input) || (countitem(Chicken_Egg) < .@input)) {
				mes "[Nerlen]";
				mes "I'm sorry, but you don't";
				mes "have enough items to make";
				mes "Holy Eggs. You need the";
				mes "following for me to create";
				mes "each Holy Egg for you.";
				mes "[Nerlen]";
				mes "^4D4DFF1 White Herb^000000,";
				mes "^4D4DFF1 Green Herb^000000,";
				mes "^4D4DFF1 Yellow Herb^000000,";
				mes "^4D4DFF1 Holy Water^000000, and";
				mes "^4D4DFF1 Chicken Egg^000000.";
		if (checkweight(Holy_Egg,.@input) == 0) {
			mes "[Nerlen]";
			mes "I'm sorry, but you";
			mes "won't be able to carry";
			mes "that many Holy Eggs now...";
			mes "You'd better free up more";
			mes "space in your Inventory first.";
		delitem White_Herb,.@input;
		delitem Green_Herb,.@input;
		delitem Yellow_Herb,.@input;
		delitem Holy_Water,.@input;
		delitem Chicken_Egg,.@input; //Egg
		getitem Holy_Egg,.@input;
		mes "[Nerlen]";
		mes "Thank you!";
		mes "I hope you enjoy";
		mes "these Holy Eggs~";
		mes "Hope you to be with God's love.";
	case 3:
		mes "[Nerlen]";
		mes "Alright, I understand.";
		mes "May God bless you.";

//== Easter Quest ==========================================
morocc,131,26,5	script	Secret Corps#egg	4_M_MASKMAN,{
	if (easter2008 == 1) {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "How are you doing?";
		mes "Death... It's inescapable.";
		mes "Even you'll die someday. But...";
		if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 0) {
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "Oh, yes. That's it.";
			mes "You have it. The egg you";
			mes "hold has a secret power.";
			mes "I think that... Yes. Someone";
			mes "like you would understand";
			mes "us, fit well into our group.";
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "Why don't";
			mes "you... Join us?";
			switch(select("What for?", "Um... But you're suspicious!")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "I see I've caught your";
				mes "interest! Well, if you'd";
				mes "like to join us and learn";
				mes "more, then why don't you";
				mes "bring me 10 Holy Eggs?";
				mes "That is my condition.";
				easter2008 = 2;
			case 2:
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "Really? Well, I suppose";
				mes "I can't help it. Let me";
				mes "assure you that our";
				mes "organization works";
				mes "for the greater good.";
		else {
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "We should all enjoy";
			mes "life while we still can.";
			mes "Who knows? Perhaps";
			mes "there will be other lives";
			mes "to live after this one.";
			mes "Perhaps, perhaps....";
	else if (easter2008 == 2) {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Ah, you have returned.";
		mes "Did you still wish to";
		mes "join our ranks? If so,";
		mes "I hope you brought the";
		mes "10 Holy Eggs I require.";
		switch(select("Give Holy Eggs", "Don't Give Holy Eggs")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "So you do wish to";
			mes "join our organization.";
			mes "First, let me check if you";
			mes "brought the Holy Eggs...";
			if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 9) {
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "Very well. In return";
				mes "for these Holy Eggs, let";
				mes "me give you a small present";
				mes "for joining us. Now, I can";
				mes "tell you about what we do.";
				delitem Holy_Egg,10;
				easter2008 = 3;
				getitem Gift_Box,2;
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "^333333*Cough Cough*^000000";
				mes "Excuse me, I've got--";
				mes "^333333*Cough!*^000000 A... A bit of a";
				mes "sore throat. Give me a sec...";
			else {
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "Hm. You don't have enough";
				mes "Holy Eggs to meet the condition";
				mes "I set for you. Did you leave";
				mes "them in your Storage?";
		case 2:
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "Hm? I suppose I can't";
			mes "blame you for being a bit";
			mes "suspicious of us. Let me";
			mes "assure you that ours is";
			mes "a mission of holiness.";
	else if (easter2008 == 3) {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "We are an organization";
		mes "that is dedicated to...";
		mes "Resurrecting dead heroes!";
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Those Holy Eggs that you've";
		mes "brought have the power to";
		mes "restore life to the dead.";
		mes "In large quantities...";
		mes "They can even revive";
		mes "ancient fallen heroes!";
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "When you bring me";
		mes "33 Holy Eggs, I will";
		mes "enchant them so that you";
		mes "can use them on areas where";
		mes "ancient heroes had died.";
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Go and bring me";
		mes "33 Holy Eggs! I shall be";
		mes "waiting here for your return...";
		easter2008 = 4;
	else if (easter2008 == 4) {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Ah, you've returned";
		mes "Now, did you bring me";
		mes "33 Holy Eggs for your task?";
		switch(select("Give Holy Eggs", "Don't Give Holy Eggs")) {
		case 1:
			if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 32) {
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "Ah, these will do!";
				mes "Now, make a note of the";
				mes "destination I describe as";
				mes "I infuse these Holy Eggs";
				mes "with additional magic.";
				if (BaseLevel < 41) {
					mes "[Corps Member]";
					mes "You must go to the";
					mes "entrance of Payon Dungeon,";
					mes "where a nimble hero has fallen.";
					mes "Sacrifice the Holy Eggs there,";
					mes "and then return to me. Now...";
					mes "Go, and bring him back to life!";
					easter2008 = 5;
				else if ((BaseLevel > 40) && (BaseLevel < 61)) {
					mes "[Corps Member]";
					mes "Go to the 3rd level of";
					mes "Izlude dungeon... A hero.";
					mes "that sought wisdom perished";
					mes "at the entrance to the 4th";
					mes "level. Sacrifice the Holy Eggs";
					mes "there, and return him to life!";
					easter2008 = 6;
				else if ((BaseLevel > 60) && (BaseLevel < 81)) {
					mes "[Corps Member]";
					mes "Go to the abandoned mine";
					mes "dungeon where a brave hero";
					mes "died to protect his comrades.";
					mes "Sacrifice the Holy Eggs as soon";
					mes "as you get to the 3rd floor.";
					mes "Go, and bring him back to life!";
					easter2008 = 7;
				else {
					mes "[Corps Member]";
					mes "Go to Glastheim, and";
					mes "sacrifice the Holy Eggs";
					mes "as soon as you enter the";
					mes "2nd floor. A hero perished";
					mes "there, but you shall bring";
					mes "him back to the living!";
					easter2008 = 8;
			else {
				mes "[Corps Member]";
				mes "Hm? This isn't";
				mes "33 Holy Eggs. Did you";
				mes "leave some in your Storage?";
		case 2:
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "Don't you understand";
			mes "the righteousness of";
			mes "our cause? Returning fallen";
			mes "heroes will bring peace to";
			mes "our lands much more quickly!";
	else if (easter2008 >= 5 && easter2008 <= 8) {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Did you forget";
		mes "where you must go?";
		mes "Let me remind you";
		mes "so that you do not";
		mes "lose your way...";
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		switch(easter2008) {
		case 5:
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "You must go to the";
			mes "entrance of Payon Dungeon,";
			mes "where a nimble hero has fallen.";
			mes "Sacrifice the Holy Eggs there,";
			mes "and then return to me. Now...";
			mes "Go, and bring him back to life!";
		case 6:
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "Go to the 3rd level of";
			mes "Izlude dungeon... A hero.";
			mes "that sought wisdom perished";
			mes "at the entrance to the 4th";
			mes "level. Sacrifice the Holy Eggs";
			mes "there, and return him to life!";
		case 7:
			mes "[Corps Member]";
			mes "Go to the abandoned mine";
			mes "dungeon where a brave hero";
			mes "died to protect his comrades.";
			mes "Sacrifice the Holy Eggs as soon";
			mes "as you get to the 3rd floor.";
			mes "Go, and bring him back to life!";
		case 8:
			mes "Go to Glastheim, and";
			mes "sacrifice the Holy Eggs";
			mes "as soon as you enter the";
			mes "2nd floor. A hero perished";
			mes "there, but you shall bring";
			mes "him back to the living!";
	else if (easter2008 == 9) {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Ah, I hope you've come";
		mes "back with good news.";
		mes "So did it work?";
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "Actually...";
		mes "Nothing happened....";
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "What? It can't be.";
		mes "The magic... It should";
		mes "have been powerful enough...";
		mes "Well, it's too bad that we";
		mes "failed. Even so, I am grateful";
		mes "for all your help thus far...";
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "We'll investigate what";
		mes "could have gone wrong,";
		mes "and then try again next year.";
		mes "Farewell, my friend, and I hope";
		mes "that you'll assist us again.";
		easter2008 = 10;
		if (BaseLevel < 41) {
			getexp 5000,0;
			getexp 5000,0;
		else if ((BaseLevel > 40) && (BaseLevel < 61)) {
			getexp 50000,0;
			getexp 50000,0;
		else if ((BaseLevel > 60) && (BaseLevel < 81)) {
			getexp 500000,0;
		else if ((BaseLevel > 80) && (BaseLevel < 99)) {
			getexp 1000000,0;
		else {
			if (Upper == 2) {
				getexp 0,10000000;
			else {
				getexp 2000000,0;
	else {
		mes "[Corps Member]";
		mes "Shh! Tell no one";
		mes "that I am here.";

pay_dun00,22,127,0	script	Trace#egg1	CLEAR_NPC,{
	if (easter2008 == 5) {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "Well...";
		mes "This is the place";
		mes "the Corps Member";
		mes "wanted me to find...";
		mes "Time to use all of";
		mes "these Holy Eggs.";
		if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 32) {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Here we go...";
			mes "Will this really bring";
			mes "this ancient hero";
			mes "back to life? I'm...";
			mes "I'm kind of scared!";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "^333333*Whew!*^000000 Nothing happened!";
			mes "I guess I better go back to";
			mes "that Corps Member and let";
			mes "him know that it didn't work.";
			delitem Holy_Egg,33;
			easter2008 = 9;
		else {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Huh? Where did I put";
			mes "those 33 Holy Eggs";
			mes "that I needed for this?";
	else {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "There was something";
		mes "here, but I can't tell";
		mes "for sure what it was...";

iz_dun02,340,346,0	script	Trace#egg	CLEAR_NPC,{
	if (easter2008 == 6) {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "Well...";
		mes "This is the place";
		mes "the Corps Member";
		mes "wanted me to find...";
		mes "Time to use all of";
		mes "these Holy Eggs.";
		if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 32) {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Here we go...";
			mes "Will this really bring";
			mes "this ancient hero";
			mes "back to life? I'm...";
			mes "I'm kind of scared!";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "^333333*Whew!*^000000 Nothing happened!";
			mes "I guess I better go back to";
			mes "that Corps Member and let";
			mes "him know that it didn't work.";
			delitem Holy_Egg,33;
			easter2008 = 9;
		else {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Huh? Where did I put";
			mes "those 33 Holy Eggs";
			mes "that I needed for this?";
	else {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "There was something";
		mes "here, but I can't tell";
		mes "for sure what it was...";

mjo_dun03,308,256,0	script	Trace#egg2	CLEAR_NPC,{
	if (easter2008 == 7) {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "Well...";
		mes "This is the place";
		mes "the Corps Member";
		mes "wanted me to find...";
		mes "Time to use all of";
		mes "these Holy Eggs.";
		if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 32) {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Here we go...";
			mes "Will this really bring";
			mes "this ancient hero";
			mes "back to life? I'm...";
			mes "I'm kind of scared!";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "^333333*Whew!*^000000 Nothing happened!";
			mes "I guess I better go back to";
			mes "that Corps Member and let";
			mes "him know that it didn't work.";
			delitem Holy_Egg,33;
			easter2008 = 9;
		else {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Huh? Where did I put";
			mes "those 33 Holy Eggs";
			mes "that I needed for this?";
	else {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "There was something";
		mes "here, but I can't tell";
		mes "for sure what it was...";

gl_prison,157,176,0	script	Trace#egg3	CLEAR_NPC,{
	if (easter2008 == 8) {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "Well...";
		mes "This is the place";
		mes "the Corps Member";
		mes "wanted me to find...";
		mes "Time to use all of";
		mes "these Holy Eggs.";
		if (countitem(Holy_Egg) > 32) {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Here we go...";
			mes "Will this really bring";
			mes "this ancient hero";
			mes "back to life? I'm...";
			mes "I'm kind of scared!";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "...............................";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "^333333*Whew!*^000000 Nothing happened!";
			mes "I guess I better go back to";
			mes "that Corps Member and let";
			mes "him know that it didn't work.";
			delitem Holy_Egg,33;
			easter2008 = 9;
		else {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Huh? Where did I put";
			mes "those 33 Holy Eggs";
			mes "that I needed for this?";
	else {
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "There was something";
		mes "here, but I can't tell";
		mes "for sure what it was...";