Date Added
* Updated various mapflags with 11.2 maps [Playtester]
* The pc_max_status_def and mob_max_status_def configs are now set on a
1-100 scale instead of 1-10000 (status.conf)
* Added hom_setting&0x40, when set it clears the "can't reuse" skill delay
when you vaporize a homunculus (set by default). [Skotlex]
* Set the default vending tax to 2% as it is in kRO Sakray [Playtester]
* Added config "vending_tax" to apply a tax to all vending requests, as it
was in kRO Sakray some time ago (items.conf).
* Made packet_ver_flag's description use hexadecimal values for the packet
versions, and changed the default to 0xFFFF. [Skotlex]
* Removed the 'charsave_method' setting from inter_athena.conf
* Cleaned up the login & char config [ultramage]
- removed check_ip_flag
- changed date_format to input the format string directly
- changed many settings to allow yes/no instead of just 1/0
* Removed .gat from configs [Lupus]
* Changed the default of debuff_on_logout to 1 since food items shouldn't
dispell on logout. [Skotlex]
* Adjustments for the new mapcache [DracoRPG]
- Removed ".gat" from map names in maps_athena.conf
- Removed read_map_from_cache option as there's no more choice to do
- Removed afm_dir option as there's no more need for AFM/AF2 support
* Added the two new packet versions to battle/client.conf [Zephiris]
* Removed mode_neg and frame_size from packet_athena.conf [ultramage]
* Collapsed config settings "sg_miracle_skill_min_duration" and
"sg_miracle_skill_max_duration" into "sg_miracle_skill_duration", which
defaults to an hour (skill.conf).
* Corrected the meaning of "skill_display_fail&2", made 2 the default
setting. [Skotlex]
* Since the mysql ping interval is now autoconfigured, removed
the connection_ping_interval config setting in inter_athena.conf
* Improved a bit the description of the mvp item get time config settings.
* Collapsed config settings produce_item_name_input,
produce_potion_name_input, making_arrow_name_input, holywater_name_input,
cdp_name_input into a single config produce_item_name_input which uses
bitmasks to determine what it affects. See battle/item.conf for details.
* Updated arrow_decrement to have 3 possible values: Disabled, Enabled, and
Enabled + Autoguess (gives arrow consumption as appropiate to
plagiarized/acquired skills). eA previously had a hardcoded '2' setting,
now it's 1 by default as it should be. [Skotlex]
* Fixed the description of @summon
* Fixed @nuke's position (I edited the wrong file by accident)
* Atcommand fixup [ultramage]
- removed atcommands @w, @server_date/time, @red, @happyhappyjoyjoy, @shuffle
- synced gm level of @jailfor, @charjailtime, @npcmove, @chardropall,
@charstoreall, @send, @mute, @changelook, @exp and @nuke
- added conf entries for @whozeny, @kamic, @tonpc, @petid, @identify, @adopt,
@trade, @changelook, @send
- reorganized the atcommands a bit
* Added battle config hom_rename (homunc.txt) to enable renaming the
homunculus multiple times. Defaults to no.
* Moved the homunculus setting from pet.conf to homunc.conf [Skotlex]
* Updated the information about ip rules and DDoS protection in
packet_athena.conf and commented out the line "allow: all" so
connections are rejected when a DDoS is detected. [FlavioJS]
* Added the console plugin to plugin_athena.conf commented out. [FlavioJS]
* Updated noicewall mapflags (to allow them in cities), thanks to Au{R}oN
* Changed friend_auto_add to 'yes' (closer to official, except for one detail)
* Changed monster_class_change_full_recover to 'yes' (official) [ultramage]
* Fixed the meaning of stdout_with_ansisequence and changed the default
value to no. [FlavioJS]
* Added hom_setting to specify which homunculus 'quirks' are in effect. The
default activates all of them, if you set them to 0 then homuncs will not
be treated in any special matter, pretty much like standard mobs. if I
missed any 'quirky' homunc behaviour from it, report it so it can be added
to the list (This setting was added to pet.conf).
* flooritem_lifetime now accepts a much higher max value (previously it was
65k when the default was 60k)
* Removed monster_ai 0x80 since it's now handled by hom_setting.
* Added monster_ai&0x400 to use the previous 'smart' criteria that prevents
mobs from fighting each another, since now they are all natural enemies
of each another. [Skotlex]
* Added Rachel Santuary to nomemo mapflags [Playtester]
* Added import/script_conf.txt to keep OnPCxxxxxEven settings [Lupus]
* Modified slaves_inherit_speed (monster.conf): 0 never. 1 - when the
master can move. 2 - when the master can't move. 3 - always (default)
* Also modified slaves_inherit_mode: 0 don't change mode. 1 slaves are
always aggressive. 2 slaves are always passive. 3 they copy the
agro/passive mode from their master. Defaults to 2.
* Added monster_ai&0x200 (monster.conf). When set, mob skill delays are
shared. That is, if the mob has several lines with the same skill, when the
skill is used, the delay will be set to all of them, not just the one entry
used. [Skotlex]
* Added nosave mapflag for Guild Dungeons [KarLaeda]
* New Setting "stdout_with_ansisequence"
(login_athena/char_athena/map_athena) allows you to specify whether color
control chars should be printed or not. Is useful to disable for a
"cleaner" output when you are logging the console output. All credit goes
to FlavioJS for coding the whole thing. [Skotlex]
* Added maplags for PowerNPC quest. [KarLaeda]
* Modified the player_cloak_check_type and monster_cloak_check_type
settings. 1 makes it check for walls, 2 makes cloaking NOT end on normal
attacks, and 4 makes cloaking NOT end when using skills. The default
setting for players is still 1, but for mobs the default has been changed
to 4 (skill.conf). [Skotlex]
* Added exp-bonus settings exp_bonus_attacker and exp_bonus_max_attacker
(exp.conf, default to 25 and 12) [Skotlex]
* Changed the way the party_even_share_bonus setting works. It now uses a
simple linear bonus increase (party.conf) [Skotlex]
* Changed the way the skill_steal_max_tries work. Now it actually MEANS the
max number of steal tries, use 0 to disable (unlimited tries). [Skotlex]
* Changed the default of skill_steal_max_tries to 0 as there's no proof
anywhere that there should be such a limit. [Skotlex]
* Added config setting "summon_flora_setting" (skill.conf), with it you can
decide now two things: a. Whether or not players can harm your floras
outside versus grounds, and b. Whether or not you can summon out and mix
different types of plants at the same time. [Skotlex]
* Commented out the monster_noteleport mapflag from the guild castles as
this is the Aegis behaviour [Skotlex]
* Added monster_noteleport mapflag to the guild castle maps to prevent
"avoiding MVPs" by forcing them to teleport from rude-attacks. [Skotlex]
* Added &16 to the default of the emergency_call setting (skill.conf)
* Added Homunculus atcommands [Playtester]
* Removed useless inter_athena settings (they were doing absolutely
nothing): read_gm_interval, gm_db, gm_db_level, gm_db_account_id,
use_new_sql_db [Skotlex]
* status_cast_cancel is now a type 4 (object bitmasks) setting
(status.conf). [Skotlex]
* Removed gm_all_skill_add_abra which was doing nothing anyway. [Skotlex]
* Renamed setting delay_dependon_dex to delay_dependon_agi, the delay of
skills is reduced now (when enabled) by AGI instead of DEX, which makes a
lot more sense than DEX. [Skotlex]
* Removed config setting allow_atcommand_when_mute as it's no longer used
(see manner_system in misc.conf for it's replacement) [Skotlex]
* Removed setting ban_spoof_namer (as now invalid chat packets just cause
the sending character to be disconnected). [Skotlex]
* The new socket update code includes support for two new config settings
(packet_athena.txt): frame_size, which can be used to alter the logic
packet-size allowed by the code, and mode_neg, which when set to yes, sets
TCP_NODELAY on all connections (defaults to yes). [Skotlex]
* Due to a recent update of how cards/equipment status change defense
works, the max sc resistance settings (battle/status.conf) no longer apply
to them. [Skotlex]
* Added monster_ai&256. When set, a monster will pick a random starting
position to begin checking versus it's skills, otherwise, it will always
begin checking from the beginning. [Skotlex]
* Added atcommand.conf entries for @adjgmlvl and @adjcmdlvl [Skotlex]
* Adjusted gvg long damage rate to 80%, magic damage rate to 60%
(battle/guild.conf) [Skotlex]
* Changed back the default of case-sensitive to ON since it shouldn't be
such a bad performance hog now. [Skotlex]
* case_sensitive is now off by default due to performance issues
(login_athena.conf). [Skotlex]
* Corrected name of config settings pc_luk_status_def, mob_luk_status_def
(status.conf) [Skotlex]
* Changed the default of enable_baseatk to 9 (player + homun) [Skotlex]
* Changed the default of enable_perfect_flee to 1 (players only) [Skotlex]
* Removed noteleport flags from Geffenia maps [Playtester]
* Removed sg_miracle_skill_duration, replaced it with
sg_miracle_skill_min_duration and sg_miracle_skill_max_duration, to specify
a range for the duration of the skill. [Skotlex]
* Skill duration for sg miracle is now 1h ~ 2.5h [Skotlex]
* Changed the default of sg_angel_skill_ratio to 10 based on recent
information from Tharis. [Skotlex]
* Added sg_angel_skill_ratio to specify rate at which the Angel skill
triggers. [Skotlex]
* Increased duration of Miracle of the Sun/Moon/Stars to one hour.
* Changed gvg_short_attack_damage_rate to 80, as leaked X.2 [Vicious]
* Reverted back the default view/chase range of mobs to 100% since eA now
uses square view areas, like Aegis. [Skotlex]
* Removed setting mob_show_hp, it's been replaced now by mob_show_info,
which can be used to specify what kind of info should be displayed from a
mob. Current options are two different formats for Hp display, and current
level (monster.conf). [Skotlex]
* Added setting attack_walk_delay which specifies whether a character
should (or not) be able to move inmediately after starting a normal attack
(battle.conf). Defaults to 0 since that's what Aegis uses. [Skotlex]
* Corrected battle config name max_walk_rate, it should be named
max_walk_speed. [Skotlex]
* monster_ai&1 now only signals whether mobs should update their target
cell while chasing more frequently (rather than being state-driven like
Aegis) [Skotlex]
* Changed the defaults of view_range_rate and chase_range_rate to 120 to
aproximate better Aegis's view ranges (which are square areas and not
circles), so eA's default of 100 leads to a circular area contained
within a 21x21 square zone (what Aegis uses), by using 20%, the circular
area increases range to 12, which better approximates Aegis's 21x21 area.
* Changed the default of clear_skills_on_death to 0 [Skotlex]
* Added setting clear_skills_on_warp to specify when a character's
land-based skills are deleted when the caster changes maps. Defaults to all
types (skill.conf). [Skotlex]
* The previous setting now obsoletes traps_setting &2, which now can only
be 0/1. [Skotlex]
* Removed config setting "muting_players", and expanded the manner_system
config to specify how having negative manner (mute) affects a player (see
battle/misc.conf). [Skotlex]
* Expanded the pk_mode setting from no/yes to 0/1/2. 1 is normal pk_mode,
if 2 is used, it makes killing players give you a loss of 5 manner points.
* Added monster_ai&128 to make aggressive mobs ignore that behaviour of
always picking Homun targets above player targets regardless of who is
closer. [Skotlex]
* Added guild_aura (skill.conf) setting so you can specify when it works
and if it works on the guild-master itself. Defaults to working all the
time on everyone except GM. [Skotlex]
* Removed support for negative autosave intervals, instead added a
minsave_interval setting which specifies which is the minimum time between
character saves. Default to 100ms (map_athena.conf). [Skotlex]
* Modified emergency_call setting to allow for more specific configuration
(woe/non-woe, gvg-grounds/non-gvg-grounds, disable from nowarpto maps), see
skill.conf for details. [Skotlex]
* Removed setting mob_ghostring_fix [Skotlex]
* Changed setting attack_attr_none to affect all neutral-element attacks.
Basicly, this setting is now used to determine who can hit for full damage
always when using neutral-attacks (defaults to non-players) [Skotlex]
* Change the default of attack_attr_none to all classes except players.
This means that pet/mobs/homun will always do normal attacks with
no-element modifiers (but elemental reduction cards still apply) [Skotlex]
* Removed config settings display_delay_skill_fail and
display_snatcher_skill_fail, replaced them with display_skill_fail, which
can be used to determine whether you hide ALL skill-failed messages, those
from delay, those from Snatcher or those from Envenom (battle/skill.conf)
* Added config force_random_spawn which overrides the spawn-files defined
coordinates to make all mobs always spawn randomly on the map. [Skotlex]
* SC_SPEEDUP0 is no longer dispellable by SA_DISPEL [Skotlex]
* Removed settings enemy_critical_rate, homun_critical_rate. Added settings
enable_critical (defaults to specify only players), mob_critical_rate and
critical_rate. The last applies to all non-mobs and non-players
(battle/battle.conf) [Skotlex]
* Removed settings mob_npc_warp, mob_warpportal. Replaced with setting
mob_warp which specifies which types of warp can a mob step into
(battle/monster.conf) [Skotlex]
* Changed name of the setting log_pick to log_filter since that's what it
does now. [Skotlex]
* Modified enable_logs so that instead of a 0/1 setting, you can specify
which kind of events to log (so you can use a combination), see log_athena
for the bitmask configuration. [Skotlex]
* Cleaned a bit the contents of log_athena.conf
* Updated status_cast_cancel to also include silence (so the cast bar is
cancelled if you are silenced during it) [Skotlex]
* merged in atcommands jailfor, jailtime, charjailtime. Thanks to Meruru
and Coltaro for the code. [Skotlex]
* Expanded setting debuff_on_logout so that &1 removes negative buffs and
&2 removes positive buffs. [Skotlex]
* Added battle config file status.conf, moved some settings from skill.conf
and battle.conf to it since they are entirely Status-Change related.
* Added config setting party_update_interval so you can specify how often
the party-mate minidots should be updated (defaults to 1 sec). [Skotlex]
* Removed a bunch of broken comments in skill.c [Skotlex]