path: root/src/input
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2014-08-29Fix typo in action description.Andrei Karas1-1/+1
2014-08-28Fix code style.Andrei Karas1-0/+4
2014-08-28Removed unused includes.Andrei Karas9-14/+0
2014-08-27Add new chat commands:Andrei Karas1-60/+60
/targetattack - target and attack monster /talk - talk with selected npc /stopattack - stop attacking /untarget - unselect target but not stop attack /targetmonster - target monster /targetnpc - target npc /targetplayer - target player /targetclosestmonster - target to closest monster /pickup - pickup item from ground /hidewindows - hide all windows /sit - do sit or stand /screenshot - create screenshot /changetrade - disable/enable trade /quit - open quit dialog /help - open help window /status - open status window /inventory - open inventory window /equipment - open equipment window /skill - open skills window /minimap - open minimap window /openchat - open chat window /openshortcut - open openshortcuts window /setup - open setup window /debug - open debug window /social - open social window /emotes - open emotes window /openoutfit - open outfits window /shop - open shop window /opendrop - open drops window /kills - open kills window /spells - open spells window /botchecker - open bot checker window /online - open online window /didyouknow - open did you know window /quests - open quests window /prevsocialtab - switch to previous social tab /nextsocialtab - switch to next social tab /chat - show/hide chat input field /chatscrollup - scroll chat up /chatscrolldown - scroll chat down /turnup - change direction to up /turndown - change direction to down /turnleft - change direction to left /turnright - change direction to right /itenplz - call #itenplz like magic /audio - enable/disable audio /rightclick - emulate right click /sit2 - do sit even if client think what you already sitting /showkeyboard - open onscreen keyboard /showwindows - show popup menu for all windows /shortcutprevtab - switch to previous shortcut tab /shortcutnexttab - switch to next shortcut tab /commandsprevtab - switch to previous commands tab /commandsnexttab - switch to next commands tab /trade - start trade with selected player /about - open about help page /updater - open updater window
2014-08-27Move chat command /debugspawn into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /hack into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /gm into actions.Andrei Karas2-1/+11
2014-08-27Move chat command /uploadlog into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-27Move chat command /uploadserverconfig into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-27Move chat command /uploadconfig into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+17
2014-08-27Move chat command /talkpet into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /talkraw into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /createitems into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+17
2014-08-27Move chat command /testparticle into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+17
2014-08-27Move chat command /enableaway into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /disableaway into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /removename into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /dontremovename into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /disablehightlight into actions.Andrei Karas2-1/+11
2014-08-27Move chat command /enablehightlight into actions.Andrei Karas4-1/+31
2014-08-27Move chat command /testsdlfont into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+27
2014-08-27Move chat command /execute into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /open into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-27Move chat command /url into actions.Andrei Karas2-1/+11
2014-08-27Move chat command /dumpmods into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-27Move chat command /dumpgl into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-27Move chat command /dumpogl into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-27Move chat command /dumpt into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-27Move chat command /dumpe into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
Also move some functions into chatutils.
2014-08-26Move chat command /dumpg into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /error into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /setdrop into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-26Move chat command /serverunignoreall into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /serverignoreall into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /dump into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+17
2014-08-26Move chat command /addignoreattack into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-26Move chat command /removeattack into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-26Move chat command /addattack into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-26Move chat command /addpriorityattack into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-26Move chat command /uptime into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+17
2014-08-26Move chat command /wait into actions.Andrei Karas2-1/+11
2014-08-26Move chat command /info into actions.Andrei Karas2-0/+10
2014-08-26Move chat command /dirs into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /attack into actions.Andrei Karas1-1/+1
2014-08-26Move chat command /undress into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /disconnect into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /cacheinfo into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /pricesave into actions.Andrei Karas3-0/+16
2014-08-26Move chat command /priceload into actions.Andrei Karas3-1/+17
2014-08-26Move chat command /trade into actions.Andrei Karas3-2/+18