Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Actual moving will be implimented after.
New chat command: /clearchat
Alias: /chatclear
New chat command: /warp X Y
New chat command: /leaveparty
Alias: /partyleave
New chat command: /kick [name|:id]
New chat command: /addtext TEXT
Alias: /textadd TEXT
New chat command: /kickparty NAME
Alias: /partykick NAME
New chat command: /unprotectitem ID
Alias: /itemunprotect ID
New chat command: /protectitem ID
Alias: /itemprotect ID
New chat command: /storagetoinv INDEX AMOUNT
Alias: /storageinv INDEX AMOUNT
This command accept ammount if format like /invtostorage.
New chat command: /addtrade INDEX AMOUNT.
Alias: /tradeadd
This command have same patameters like /inttostorage.
New command: /invtostorageall INDEX
Alias: /invstorageall INDEX
New command: /invtostorageall1 INDEX
Alias: /invstorageall1 INDEX
New command: /invtostoragehalf INDEX
Alias: /invstoragehalf INDEX
New command: /invtostorage10 INDEX
Alias: /invstorage10 INDEX
New command: /invtostorage INDEX
Alias: /invstorage INDEX
New chat command: /useinv INDEX
New chat command: /dropinvall INDEX
New chat command: /dropinv INDEX
New chat command: /dropitemall ID
New chat command: /dropitem ID
New chat command: /movecamera x y
Alias: /cameramove x y
New chat command: /navigateto NAME
New chat command: /whispertext NICK
Aliases: /wt NICK
/msgtext NICK
New chat command: /addchat ID
Alias: /chatadd ID
New chat command: /use ITEMID
Alias: /useitem ITEMID
New chat command: /nuke NAME
New chat command: /guild name
New chat command: /w2 name message
Aliases: /whisper2
New chat command: /sell [name]
New chat command: /buy [name]
No key assigned.
New chat command: contextmenu
Keys not assigned.
also add banklistener to get changed bank balance.
New chat aliases: j, join.
New chat command: firehomunculus
New chat comamnd: sethomunname NAME
New chat command: /setpetname NAME
New chat command: targetpet
New chat command: targetmercenary
New chat command: /firemercenary.
New chat commands:
/serverignore NICK - ignore whispers on server from NICK.
/serverunignore NICK - unignore whispers on server from NICK.
New chat command: /catchpet - Try catch selected monster
/targetattack - target and attack monster
/talk - talk with selected npc
/stopattack - stop attacking
/untarget - unselect target but not stop attack
/targetmonster - target monster
/targetnpc - target npc
/targetplayer - target player
/targetclosestmonster - target to closest monster
/pickup - pickup item from ground
/hidewindows - hide all windows
/sit - do sit or stand
/screenshot - create screenshot
/changetrade - disable/enable trade
/quit - open quit dialog
/help - open help window
/status - open status window
/inventory - open inventory window
/equipment - open equipment window
/skill - open skills window
/minimap - open minimap window
/openchat - open chat window
/openshortcut - open openshortcuts window
/setup - open setup window
/debug - open debug window
/social - open social window
/emotes - open emotes window
/openoutfit - open outfits window
/shop - open shop window
/opendrop - open drops window
/kills - open kills window
/spells - open spells window
/botchecker - open bot checker window
/online - open online window
/didyouknow - open did you know window
/quests - open quests window
/prevsocialtab - switch to previous social tab
/nextsocialtab - switch to next social tab
/chat - show/hide chat input field
/chatscrollup - scroll chat up
/chatscrolldown - scroll chat down
/turnup - change direction to up
/turndown - change direction to down
/turnleft - change direction to left
/turnright - change direction to right
/itenplz - call #itenplz like magic
/audio - enable/disable audio
/rightclick - emulate right click
/sit2 - do sit even if client think what you already sitting
/showkeyboard - open onscreen keyboard
/showwindows - show popup menu for all windows
/shortcutprevtab - switch to previous shortcut tab
/shortcutnexttab - switch to next shortcut tab
/commandsprevtab - switch to previous commands tab
/commandsnexttab - switch to next commands tab
/trade - start trade with selected player
/about - open about help page
/updater - open updater window