path: root/src/net/eathena/mail2recv.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/net/eathena/mail2recv.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/src/net/eathena/mail2recv.cpp b/src/net/eathena/mail2recv.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1afb69d16..000000000
--- a/src/net/eathena/mail2recv.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
- * The ManaPlus Client
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers
- *
- * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "net/eathena/mail2recv.h"
-#include "itemcolormanager.h"
-#include "notifymanager.h"
-#include "const/net/inventory.h"
-#include "being/playerinfo.h"
-#include "enums/resources/notifytypes.h"
-#include "gui/mailmessage.h"
-#include "gui/windows/maileditwindow.h"
-#include "gui/windows/mailviewwindow.h"
-#include "gui/windows/mailwindow.h"
-#include "net/mail2handler.h"
-#include "net/messagein.h"
-#include "resources/mailqueue.h"
-#include "resources/inventory/inventory.h"
-#include "resources/item/item.h"
-#include "resources/item/itemoptionslist.h"
-#include "utils/checkutils.h"
-#include "utils/gettext.h"
-#include "utils/stringutils.h"
-#include "utils/timer.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-namespace EAthena
-namespace Mail2Recv
- std::queue<MailQueue*> mMailQueue;
- std::string mCheckedName;
-} // namespace Mail2Recv
-void Mail2Recv::processMailIcon(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- // ignored, because if has new mail, server send chat message already.
- msg.readUInt8("has new mail");
-void Mail2Recv::processOpenNewMailWindow(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- msg.readString(24, "receiver");
- msg.readUInt8("result");
-void Mail2Recv::processAddItemResult(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- const int res = msg.readUInt8("result");
- const int index = msg.readInt16("index") - INVENTORY_OFFSET;
- const int amount = msg.readInt16("amount");
- const int itemId = msg.readInt16("item id");
- const ItemTypeT itemType = static_cast<ItemTypeT>(
- msg.readUInt8("item type"));
- const uint8_t identify = msg.readUInt8("identify");
- const Damaged damaged = fromBool(msg.readUInt8("attribute"), Damaged);
- const uint8_t refine = msg.readUInt8("refine");
- int cards[maxCards];
- for (int f = 0; f < maxCards; f++)
- cards[f] = msg.readUInt16("card");
- ItemOptionsList *options = new ItemOptionsList(5);
- for (int f = 0; f < 5; f ++)
- {
- const uint16_t idx = msg.readInt16("option index");
- const uint16_t val = msg.readInt16("option value");
- msg.readUInt8("option param");
- options->add(idx, val);
- }
- msg.readInt16("weight");
- msg.readUInt8("unknown 1");
- msg.readUInt8("unknown 2");
- msg.readUInt8("unknown 3");
- msg.readUInt8("unknown 4");
- msg.readUInt8("unknown 5");
- if (mailEditWindow == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail edit window not created");
- delete options;
- return;
- }
- Inventory *const inventory = mailEditWindow->getInventory();
- if (inventory == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail edit window inventory not exists");
- delete options;
- return;
- }
- if (res != 0)
- {
- switch (res)
- {
- case 1:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- case 2:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- case 3:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- case 4:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- default:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- }
- delete options;
- return;
- }
- Item *const item = inventory->findItemByTag(index);
- if (item == nullptr)
- {
- const int slot = inventory->addItem(itemId,
- itemType,
- amount,
- refine,
- ItemColorManager::getColorFromCards(&cards[0]),
- fromBool(identify, Identified),
- damaged,
- Favorite_false,
- Equipm_false,
- Equipped_false);
- if (slot == -1)
- {
- delete options;
- return;
- }
- inventory->setCards(slot, cards, maxCards);
- inventory->setOptions(slot, options);
- inventory->setTag(slot, index);
- }
- else
- {
- item->increaseQuantity(amount);
- }
- mailEditWindow->updateItems();
- delete options;
-void Mail2Recv::processRemoveItemResult(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- const int result = msg.readUInt8("result");
- const int index = msg.readInt16("index") - INVENTORY_OFFSET;
- const int amount = msg.readInt16("count");
- msg.readInt16("weight");
- if (result == 0)
- {
- const Inventory *const inv = PlayerInfo::getInventory();
- if (inv == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Player inventory not exists");
- return;
- }
- std::string itemName;
- const Item *const item = inv->getItem(index);
- if (item != nullptr)
- {
- itemName = item->getName();
- }
- else
- {
- // TRANSLATORS: unknown item name
- itemName = _("Unknown item");
- }
- NotifyManager::notify(
- itemName);
- return;
- }
- if (mailEditWindow == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail edit window not created");
- return;
- }
- Inventory *const inventory = mailEditWindow->getInventory();
- if (inventory == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail edit window inventory not exists");
- return;
- }
- const int index2 = inventory->findIndexByTag(index);
- if (index2 == -1)
- {
- reportAlways("Item not exists in mail edit window.");
- return;
- }
- Item *const item = inventory->getItem(index2);
- if (item == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Item not exists.");
- return;
- }
- item->increaseQuantity(-amount);
- mailEditWindow->updateItems();
-void Mail2Recv::processCheckNameResult(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- const int charId = msg.readInt32("char id");
- msg.readInt16("class");
- msg.readInt16("level");
- if (msg.getVersion() >= 20160316)
- msg.readString(24, "name");
- // +++ in future if name received, need use it in map
- if (mMailQueue.empty())
- {
- reportAlways("Mail2Recv::processCheckNameResult no names in queue."
- "Char id: %d", charId);
- return;
- }
- MailQueue *const mail = mMailQueue.front();
- mMailQueue.pop();
- if (charId == 0)
- {
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_NAME_VALIDATION_ERROR,
- mail->to);
- delete mail;
- return;
- }
- mCheckedName = mail->to;
- switch (mail->type)
- {
- case MailQueueType::SendMail:
- mail2Handler->sendMail(mail->to,
- mail->title,
- mail->body,
- mail->money);
- break;
- case MailQueueType::EditMail:
- if (mailWindow == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail window not created");
- }
- else
- {
- mailWindow->createMail(mail->to);
- }
- break;
- case MailQueueType::ValidateTo:
- if (mailEditWindow == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail edit window not created");
- }
- else
- {
- mailEditWindow->validatedTo();
- }
- break;
- case MailQueueType::Unknown:
- default:
- reportAlways("Not implemented yet.");
- break;
- }
- delete mail;
-void Mail2Recv::processSendResult(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- const int res = msg.readUInt8("result");
- switch (res)
- {
- case 0:
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_SEND_OK);
- if (mailEditWindow != nullptr)
- mailEditWindow->close();
- break;
- case 1:
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_SEND_FATAL_ERROR);
- break;
- case 2:
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_SEND_COUNT_ERROR);
- break;
- case 3:
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_SEND_ITEM_ERROR);
- break;
- case 4:
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_SEND_RECEIVER_ERROR);
- break;
- default:
- NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::MAIL_SEND_ERROR);
- break;
- }
-void Mail2Recv::processMailListPage(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- if (mailWindow == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("mail window not created");
- return;
- }
- msg.readInt16("len");
- mailWindow->setOpenType(fromInt(msg.readUInt8("open type"),
- MailOpenTypeT));
- const int cnt = msg.readUInt8("cnt");
- const bool isEnd = msg.readUInt8("isEnd") != 0;
- for (int f = 0; f < cnt; f ++)
- {
- MailMessage *const mail = new MailMessage;
- mail->id = msg.readInt64("mail id");
- mail->read = msg.readUInt8("is read") != 0U ? true : false;
- mail->type = static_cast<MailMessageType::Type>(
- msg.readUInt8("type"));
- mail->sender = msg.readString(24, "sender name");
- mail->time = CAST_S32(cur_time - msg.readInt32("reg time"));
- mail->strTime = timeToStr(mail->time);
- mail->expireTime = msg.readInt32("expire time");
- mail->title = msg.readString(-1, "title");
- mailWindow->addMail(mail);
- }
- if (isEnd)
- mailWindow->setLastPage();
-void Mail2Recv::processReadMail(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- msg.readInt16("len");
- const MailOpenTypeT openType = static_cast<MailOpenTypeT>(
- msg.readUInt8("open type"));
- const int64_t mailId = msg.readInt64("mail id");
- const int textLen = msg.readInt16("text len");
- const int64_t money = msg.readInt64("money");
- const int itemsCount = msg.readUInt8("item count");
- const std::string text = msg.readString(textLen, "text message");
- MailMessage *mail = nullptr;
- if (mailWindow != nullptr &&
- openType == mailWindow->getOpenType())
- {
- mail = mailWindow->findMail(mailId);
- }
- if (mail == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail message not found");
- for (int f = 0; f < itemsCount; f ++)
- {
- msg.readInt16("amount");
- msg.readInt16("item id");
- msg.readUInt8("identify");
- msg.readUInt8("damaged");
- msg.readUInt8("refine");
- for (int d = 0; d < maxCards; d ++)
- msg.readUInt16("card");
- msg.readInt32("unknown");
- msg.readUInt8("type");
- msg.readInt32("unknown");
- for (int d = 0; d < 5; d ++)
- {
- msg.readInt16("option index");
- msg.readInt16("option value");
- msg.readUInt8("option param");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- mail->money = money;
- mail->text = text;
- mailWindow->showMessage(mail, itemsCount);
- Inventory *const inventory = mailViewWindow->getInventory();
- for (int f = 0; f < itemsCount; f ++)
- {
- // server may send wrong items count, if items was removed from mail
- if (msg.getUnreadLength() == 0)
- break;
- const int amount = msg.readInt16("amount");
- const int itemId = msg.readInt16("item id");
- const uint8_t identify = msg.readUInt8("identify");
- const Damaged damaged = fromBool(msg.readUInt8("attribute"), Damaged);
- const uint8_t refine = msg.readUInt8("refine");
- int cards[maxCards];
- for (int d = 0; d < maxCards; d ++)
- cards[d] = msg.readUInt16("card");
- msg.readInt32("unknown");
- const ItemTypeT itemType = static_cast<ItemTypeT>(
- msg.readUInt8("item type"));
- msg.readInt32("unknown");
- ItemOptionsList *options = new ItemOptionsList(5);
- for (int d = 0; d < 5; d ++)
- {
- const uint16_t idx = msg.readInt16("option index");
- const uint16_t val = msg.readInt16("option value");
- msg.readUInt8("option param");
- options->add(idx, val);
- }
- const int slot = inventory->addItem(itemId,
- itemType,
- amount,
- refine,
- ItemColorManager::getColorFromCards(&cards[0]),
- fromBool(identify, Identified),
- damaged,
- Favorite_false,
- Equipm_false,
- Equipped_false);
- if (slot == -1)
- {
- delete options;
- continue;
- }
- inventory->setCards(slot, cards, maxCards);
- inventory->setOptions(slot, options);
- delete options;
- }
- mailViewWindow->updateItems();
-void Mail2Recv::processMailDelete(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- msg.readUInt8("open type");
- const int64_t mailId = msg.readInt64("mail id");
- if (mailWindow == nullptr)
- {
- reportAlways("Mail window not created.");
- return;
- }
- mailWindow->removeMail(mailId);
-void Mail2Recv::processRequestMoney(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- const int64_t mailId = msg.readInt64("mail id");
- msg.readUInt8("open type");
- const int res = msg.readUInt8("result");
- switch (res)
- {
- case 0:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- NotifyTypes::MAIL_GET_MONEY_OK);
- if (mailViewWindow != nullptr)
- mailViewWindow->removeMoney(mailId);
- break;
- case 1:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- case 2:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- default:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- }
-void Mail2Recv::processRequestItems(Net::MessageIn &msg)
- const int64_t mailId = msg.readInt64("mail id");
- msg.readUInt8("open type");
- const int res = msg.readUInt8("result");
- switch (res)
- {
- case 0:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- NotifyTypes::MAIL_GET_ATTACH_OK);
- if (mailViewWindow != nullptr)
- mailViewWindow->removeItems(mailId);
- break;
- case 1:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- case 2:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- default:
- NotifyManager::notify(
- break;
- }
-} // namespace EAthena