path: root/data/help
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2011-01-02 01:48:38 +0200
committerAndrei Karas <>2011-01-02 02:41:24 +0200
commit3eeae12c498d1a4dbe969462d2ba841f77ee3ccb (patch)
treeff8eab35e732bc0749fc11677c8873a7b3a58704 /data/help
Initial commit.
This code based on mana client and my private repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'data/help')
12 files changed, 1397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/CMakeLists.txt b/data/help/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82f61d54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ about.txt
+ changes.txt
+ commands.txt
+ header.txt
+ index.txt
+ skills.txt
+ support.txt
+ team.txt
+ )
diff --git a/data/help/ b/data/help/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5abd27359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+helpdir = $(pkgdatadir)/data/help
+help_DATA = \
+ about.txt \
+ changes.txt \
+ commands.txt \
+ header.txt \
+ index.txt \
+ skills.txt \
+ support.txt \
+ team.txt
+ $(help_DATA) \
+ CMakeLists.txt
diff --git a/data/help/about.txt b/data/help/about.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4dc0e3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/about.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 === ABOUT MANA ===
+ ##2Mana##P is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open
+ source MMORPG Client. Mana uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large
+ and diverse interactive world. It is licensed under the GPL, making
+ sure this game can't ever run away from you.
+ The project includes the development of both a client and a server.
+ Others are making worlds using Mana software. The Mana World project
+ is the originator of the Mana project. Mana was split off to further
+ facilitate development of other worlds.
+ ##2ManaPlus##P is extended client.
diff --git a/data/help/changes.txt b/data/help/changes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eae2f5689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/changes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 === RECENT CHANGES ===
+The Mana World 4144 patches (ManaPlus)
+2010-09-19 New release
+New features:
+fix: improve chat resize speed.
+fix: invisible objects with disabled opengl, like pinkies.
+fix: resize windows from top corners.
+add: opacity cache to improve game speed with disabled opengl.
+Warning: some times it may crash client.
+To enable SET \ Video \ Enable opacity cache.
+add: increase outfits count from 80 to 100.
+add: increase outfit slots from 9 to 12.
+add: support zip archives in per server local updates dir.
+add: support update patches zips.
+in this dir local resources can have bigger priority over resources from update server.
+Example dir in linux: ~/.local/share/mana/updates/
+In this directory you can place to fix moggun issue.
+add: moving windows by dragging window from any empty space.
+add: option to disable/enable attack while moving.
+add: context menu in who is online window.
+add: updated russian translation.
+2010-09-12 release
+New features:
+fix: set map arrows.
+fix: draw map arrows.
+fix: improved chat draw speed.
+fix: improved game speed.
+add: /undress chat command and popup menu item.
+This command remove all clothes from selected player. This changes only local.
+add: /attack chat command.
+add: icons to spells / text commands.
+add: /outfit next, /outfit prev commands.
+add: /dirs chat command to show game dirs.
+2010-09-04 release
+New features:
+fix: updating servers list.
+fix: warp removing from map.
+fix: in away mode drop fps only if game inactive.
+fix: crash on exit on tmw server.
+add: server side attack mode.
+add: free camera mode ([+]).
+In this mode camera can be moved by cursor keys.
+add: draw screen border in minimap.
+add: play sound if you receive global message and game inactive.
+add: dont highlight party tab if got server message on it.
+add: change color on players, who attacking local player.
+add: place away dialog on top of screen.
+add: option to disable auto fix position.
+fix: focus on char select dialog.
+2010-08-29 release
+New features:
+fix: walk between maps in e map modes.
+fix: funny symbols and item links.
+fix: visible names option.
+fix: trying avoid server packets bug also in default attack mode.
+fix: changed attack time limit to avoid new server bugs.
+fix: disable hot keys in npc input dialogs.
+fix: crash if client have some corrupted images.
+fix: compilation for gcc 4.5.
+fix: compilation with flag --without-opengl.
+add: new map mode. symbol b. (f)
+add: removed length limit in build walk path.
+add: play whisper sound if new message in active whisper and game not active.
+add: navigation tab in social window.
+left click go to selected target.
+add: key to move to location from navigation tab in social window (RSHIFT + 0-9)
+Key like outfits but only mod key is right shift.
+add: show items refine level.
+add: continue attack if player moved.
+add: attack target after moving to it by attack key (x).
+add: switching to already opened whisper tab.
+add: per server local updates dir.
+in this dir can be placed local resources.
+Example dir in linux: ~/.local/share/mana/updates/
+2010-08-15 release
+Download Compile in Ubuntu
+New features:
+fix: battle sfx sound.
+fix: gui sound in deb packages.
+fix: show own player level.
+fix: colors in black wood theme (lien).
+fix: crash with -p command line option.
+add: /disconnect chat command.
+add: tooltips for control buttons (right top corner).
+add: /me command in whisper and party tabs.
+add: show level if possible in online list.
+Download Compile in Ubuntu
+2010-08-03 release
+New features:
+fix: money display bug.
+2010-08-01 release
+New features:
+fix: improve speed.
+fix: adjust money field size in trade dialog.
+add: show GM level near level in status window.
+add: attribute Attack Delay in status window.
+To open this windows, press F2.
+add: increased number of servers from 6 to 15 in server dialog.
+add: restore whispers between client restarts.
+add: set fps limit to alternate value in away mode or if game minimized.
+add: disable any sound and music in away mode.
+add: antispoof chat protection.
+add: option to auto close or skip updates in login window.
+add: server name in login window.
+add: theme black wood (lien).
+fix: fps limiter on windows.
+2010-07-18 release
+New features:
+fix: moved mumble from recommended to suggested in deb packages.
+fix: allow set more then 99 stat points, max 120.
+Work only on servers with this ability, like UFB server.
+fix: show player level.
+fix: improve speed in openGL mode.
+fix: crash on exit.
+fix: dont fix player position in default attack mode.
+add: updated russian translation (Schekoldin Ivan).
+add: context menu to players in online list.
+add: chat commands /befriend, /disregard, /neutral.
+add: allow set fps from 2 to 160.
+add: allow set gui opacity from 2 to 100 %.
+2010-07-04 release
+New features:
+fix: problems with font selection.
+fix: crashes.
+fix: -U command option.
+fix: setup window size.
+add: help font.
+add: updated help.
+add: show history in whispers.
+add: per server player relations.
+add: whisper and dialog sound.
+add: separate sound options for music, game sfx, gui sfx.
+add: experimental support for mumble voice chat.
+First start mumble, then start client with enabled mumble option.
+add: updated russian translation.
+add: safe mode shortcut for windows.
+fix: chat messages about user offline now showing in player tab.
+2010-06-21 release
+New features:
+fix: crash on some servers.
+Download Compile in Ubuntu
+2010-06-20 release
+New features:
+fix: avoid server direction bug.
+right direction server send as unknown direction.
+fix: restore main line attack automation.
+add: some russian translation.
+add: show popups for players without party.
+add: font changes.
+To change open SET \ Theme.
+add: per server configs.
+Moved many server related options to per server configs, like magic spells.
+Old values for bars can be restored from context menu.
+add: attack mode 'd'.
+Attack without auto target next monster.
+2010-05-31 release
+New features:
+fix: crash from incorrect utf8 chars.
+fix: allow registration.
+add: moved to master mana branch.
+fix: improve game speed.
+2010-05-23 release
+New features:
+fix: follow modes and navigate.
+fix: try avoid new server side bugs with packet limiter.
+fix: --skip-update now working.
+add: pickup mode A.
+Allow pickup items in max distance.
+add: allow add any items to buy list in personal shops.
+add: improve text draw speed.
+add: new imitation mode for imitating outfits.
+Switch initation mode by key ([4])
+add: allow mark any map positions with arrow sign and comment.
+To mark current position while you standing press Set Home Location key ([5]).
+To add comment press right button on map arrow.
+To add home location, sit and press Set Home Location key ([5]).
+add: custom resolution.
+To change resolution, click on "custom" resolution.
+add: auto change position if cant attack closed being.
+add: option to hide move path.
+add: change resolution in safe mode to 640x480.
+fix: crash with disabled opengl.
+2010-05-1 release
+New features:
+fix: allow start client if update server is down.
+add: show floor item amount, if more then one.
+add: improved command /navigate.
+add: improved move to target.
+add: improved targeting nearest beings.
+2010-04-25 release
+New features:
+fix: dont show shop requests if shop mode disabled.
+fix: draw items in outfits even if no this item in inventory.
+fix: invite command.
+add: option to hide whisper shop messages.
+Enabled by default.
+add: change color in whisper tab if player go offline.
+add: open buy sell window on selected player.
+Select player, then press talk key.
+add: new follow modes: relative, mirror, pet. ([1])
+add: show server side player position.
+add: manual mode to fix desync position. (D)
+add: add missing help for chat commands.
+add: new commands /loadprice, /saveprice.
+For load and save prices.
+add: new command /trade NICK.
+Open trade window.
+add: option to send shop announce with or without links to items.
+add: partialy right click emulation from keyboard (TAB).
+add: translated some string to russian.
+fix: crashes.
+add: clear butotn in npc dialogs.
+New keys:
+switch follow modes. ([1])
+right click emulation (TAB)
+2010-04-14 release
+New features:
+fix: item amout window size.
+fix: gender display.
+add: trade chat tab.
+Most trade messages now moving to this tab.
+Also players can speak in this tab about trades.
+add: speed improvement.
+add: button store in config window.
+Save configuration file to disk.
+add: simplify context menus.
+add: personal shop.
+To this shop player can add items for buy/sale.
+Other players can use it by selecting in context menu buy or sale.
+To open own shop window you can press Shop button in inventory or press Shop Key.
+add: open shop key (unassigned).
+add: copy chat history to chat input. ([7]) ([9])
+add: erased player relation.
+Drawing only player name without sprites.
+add: /erase command to erase player.
+add: coloring friends/disregarded/ignored/erased names.
+add: New map view mode. (f)
+It remove upper map layers. Good near houses.
+add: support for buggy servers with incorrect packet limiter.
+It try avoid different bugs added in recent tAthena update.
+Enabled by default.
+add: save password between disconnects.
+add: move to target key now can move in navigation path.
+add: command /mail nick message.
+It send offline mesasge to player.
+Using AuctionBot for storing messages.
+add: enchilado theme.
+fix: crashes.
+add: redesign servers dialog.
+add: allow/disallow register new account check.
+New keys:
+copy chat history to chat input. ([7]) ([9]).
+2010-03-21 release
+New features:
+fix: crashes.
+fix: mouse selection.
+fix: fixed server dialog.
+fix: basic skill in old servers.
+fix: old config restoration.
+add: safe mode after client crash.
+add: small speed optimisations.
+add: remove chat log from debug chat tab.
+add: add chat log to party chat tab.
+add: go and attack mode (end).
+This mode enabled by default.
+add: new mode for go to target (v).
+Mode A - attack range.
+add: /imitation command.
+You can use it from player context menu, or as chat command /imitation NICK
+add: bytes send/receive per second counter.
+add: Separated palettes for thems and for user colors.
+New keys:
+Switch attack mode (end).
+2010-03-08 release
+New features:
+fix: many crushes.
+fix: mouse attack.
+add: store button in inventory.
+add: allow hide shield sprite (error message as start).
+add: button store in inventory.
+add: away outfit.
+To set away outfit you must open outfits window (`) and set away outfit checkbox in outfit.
+And now if you go to away, your char wear away outfit, and after away it restore old outfit.
+add: classic skin update.
+2010-02-28 release
+New features:
+fix: allow enter in NPC dialogs letters, assigned to prev\next chat tab keys.
+fix: dont redirect server messages from party tab.
+fix: npc flood with small dialogs.
+fix: fixed some crashes.
+add: show target player level, nick, party in debug window.
+add: command /navigate x y.
+add: heal players by click in social window.
+add: get player levels from parsing #inwilt result.
+add: visible players tab in social window (P tab).
+add: actions in social window.
+left click - heal
+right click - context menu
+middle click - whisper
+add: damage counter for players.
+You can see it in social window in P tab.
+fix: crash in TAW maps.
+add: party windows replaced to social window.
+add: party tooltips for players.
+add: paste from clipboard.
+2010-02-07 release
+New features:
+add: health bars in party window.
+add: own health in party window.
+add: build on latest mana git client.
+fix: allow enter numbers in input fields.
+fix: segfault in follow.
+fix: other small fixes.
+2010-01-17 release
+New features:
+fix: D.o.S. in chat.
+fix: D.o.S. in trade.
+add: ignore button in trade request.
+add: themes (classic, wood, red).
+change : SET / theme / gui theme
+add: buy/sell in npc context menu.
+add: /follow command.
+add: /heal command.
+2010-01-02 release 0.12.
+New features:
+fix: random generator in crazy move A.
+fix: improved draw chat speed.
+fix: fixed /closeall crush.
+fix: use workaround to fix clover/towel and some other feature inventory bugs.
+Two buttons, one for equip and second for use item.
+fix: default Who is online size and position.
+add: e? command in crazy move A.
+e? show random emotion in crazy move A.
+add: limit lines in chat.
+change: SET / chat / Limit max lines in chat.
+add: clear command in chat context menu.
+add: highlight target being by bold font.
+add: afk mode. ([2])
+change : SET / other / Enable afk message
+use: key 2 on numeric keuboard or chat command /away TEXT. (or /away)
+add: draw item in item popups.
+New keys:
+Enable away mode ([2]).
+2009-12-13 release 0.11.
+New features:
+add: highlight player and monsters attack range.
+change: set / Other
+Highlight Player Attack Range
+Highlight Monster Attack Range
+add: colors in setup colors for attack range and portals.
+change: set / Colors
+Local Player Attack Range
+Local Player Attack Range Border
+Monster Attack Range
+Portal Highlight
+add: colors in setup for home location, collisions.
+change: set / Colors
+Home Place
+Home Place Border
+Collision Highlight
+add: key to copy equiped items to outfit (]).
+add: key to disable game modifiers ([8]).
+add: ping field in debug window.
+add: target id in debug window.
+add: chat logger.
+change: set / chat / Enable Chat Logger
+add: /outfit N command.
+Wear outfit N.
+add: /emote N command.
+Show emote N.
+add: auto complete party members in party tab.
+add: key switching on/off sound ([3]).
+add: highlight inactive tab if player name is writed.
+change: set / Color / Tab With Player Name Highlight
+New keys:
+key to copy equiped items to outfit (]).
+key to disable game modifiers ([8]).
+key switching on/off sound ([3]).
+2009-11-29 release 0.10.
+New features:
+fix: possible crush in update window.
+fix: localisation resources in deb packages.
+fix: added edit button to crazy move A.
+fix: allow using other update servers.
+add: auto complete chat key in settings. (TAB)
+add: hide input chat key. (ESC)
+add: manual update button in online users list and online list resize.
+add: set log file name from command line.
+add: limit chat messages size.
+Change: set / chat / Limit max chars in chat line.
+New keys:
+Hide input chat key. (ESC)
+2009-11-15 release 0.9.
+New features:
+fix: remove spaces and (GM) label from GM nicks in onlile list.
+new: moved to git sources.
+new: popup windows for hp, mp, xp bars.
+new: more font sizes in setup.
+new: context menu in chat tabs.
+new: keys to wear next/previous outfit.
+new: Increased outfits count to 40.
+Keys for outfits 1 - 0, -, =, backspace, insert, home, q - p, [, ], \, a - l, ;, ', z
+new: Increased drop slots to 16.
+new: Increased spell shortcuts to 49.
+new: New pick up modes g ang G. go and pick up in 4 and 8 cell distance.
+new: programmed crazy move type A.
+For this crazy move type you can write simple program in set / Other / Crazy move A program.
+Allowed commands:
+du, dd, dl, dr, d? change direction to up, down, left, right or random.
+mu, md, ml, mr, m?, mf, mb move to up, down, left, right, random, forward, backward.
+s sit.
+on, op wear next outfit, wear previous outfit.
+d0, da drop from first slot, drop from all slots.
+p pick up.
+e0 - e9, ea - ed emotions.
+new: /target command.
+New keys:
+Wear next outfit. (right alt + right)
+Wear previous outfit. (right alt + left)
+2009-10-25 release 0.8.
+New features:
+new: Setting to disable higlighting floor items.
+new: Auto complete in chat.
+To use press TAB key.
+Auto complete visible nicks, commands from Commands Window and from chat history.
+new: Show patch update information in update window.
+2009-10-18 release 0.7.
+New features:
+new: Spells Window renamed to Commands Window.
+new: Command (spells) editor.
+To use editor, open Commands Window (j), then to open editor, press by right mouse button on spell.
+new: Text or GM commands in Commands Window.
+Now you can add or edit in Commands Window spells, simple text or GM commands.
+new: Command /closeall for close all whisper tabs.
+new: Command /ignoreall for ignore all current whispers.
+new: highlight drops by time.
+remove: no rain.
+fix: disable keyboard shortcuts in drop/select item window.
+2009-10-11 release 0.6.
+New features:
+fix: fixed remove colors.
+fix: fixed "Allow magic and GM command in all chat tabs".
+new: bot checker. ([)
+Warning: may conflict with other key bindings.
+Check bindings in set / Keyboard / Bot Checker Window .
+By default disabled. To enable, use set / other / enable bot checker
+new: in colors picker color numbers replaced to color names.
+new: display selected target in debug window.
+new: spell shortcuts. (j)
+Allow add spell shortcurs to shortcuts window.
+To use, select spell in spells window by mouse click, then click on free slot in shortcuts window.
+In this versions only predefined spells.
+New keys:
+Bot checker window. ([)
+Spells window. (j)
+2009-10-04 release 0.5.
+New features:
+fix: possible crush if open emote window.
+fix: now work 14 slots in emote window.
+fix: some fix for jacko counter.
+new: cycle select palyers.
+Change: set / other / cycle player targets.
+new: cycle select monsters or palyers.
+Change: set / other / cycle monster targets.
+new: cycle rainbow colors.
+new: target name and position in debug window.
+new: magic spells and GM commands work in all chat tabs.
+Change: set / chat / All magic and GM commands in all chat tabs.
+new: move player spell messages to debug window.
+Change: set / chat / Log magic messages in debug tab.
+new: move server messages to debug window.
+Change: set / chat / Show server messages in debug tab.
+new: outfits wear and copy keys in settings.
+Change: set / keyboard / Wear Outfit.
+set / keyboard / Copy Outfit.
+new: move to target modifer.
+Allow move to target in given distance
+Move to target. (v)
+Change distance. (.)
+new: hide or show chat colors picker.
+Change: set / chat / Chow chat colors list.
+new: allow set home position.
+Set home locaton to current position. ([5])
+Go to home location. (d)
+new: home locations now highligted.
+New keys:
+Change distance in move to target. (.)
+Set home locaton to current position. ([5])
+2009-09-29 release 0.4.
+New features:
+Remove colors on overhead text.
+Setting to hide or show portals higlighting.
+Change: set / other / Highlight map portals.
+Whisper command in popup menu.
+Magic attack.
+Attack key (b).
+Switch attack spell (,).
+Ability to change default text color in sended text messages.
+Ability to remove colors from other users messages.
+Change: set / chat / Remove colors from received chat messages.
+Fix: Allow select dead player by mouse, if enabled seleting dead players.
+Fix: Joystick pick up now work like pick up from keyboard.
+Fix: Fixed negative jacko spawn counter.
+Fix: Fixed some default colors.
+Fix: Fixed crazy move 9.
+New keys:
+Magic attack (b).
+Switch magic attack spell (,).
+2009-09-26 First patch version.
+New features:
+Show damage inflicted near monster's name.
+Change: set / other / Show damage inflicted to monsters.
+Select text colors for local player damage and local player misses.
+Change: set / colors. Items: Local player hit monster, Local player critical hit, Local player miss.
+Highlighting map portals with color.
+Allow target only reachable monsters.
+Change: set / other / Auto target only reachable monsters.
+Allow target dead players.
+Change: set / players / Target dead players.
+Quick heal feature.
+Heal targeted player or self.
+Quick pick up feature.
+Pick up modes: small (1x1), default (2x1), forward (2x3), full (3x3)
+For pick up use standard pickup key. (z)
+For change use Change pickup type key. (o)
+Nuke player (ported from qoal patch).
+Debug chat tab for some information.
+Print all visible object to debug chat window.
+In chat type /all.
+Anti rain.
+Change: set / other / No rain.
+/ignore, /unignore, /quit command in chat (ported from git version)
+/move X Y command for move to location.
+Quick Drops Window with 9 drop slots.
+To open use drop window key. (w)
+Quick drop.
+Drop N items at once from 0 slot. (y)
+Drop N items at once from all slots. (u)
+Use drop counter for drops. To change counter use (i)
+Who is online (ported from qoal patch).
+Outfit window (ported from git version).
+To open use outfits window key. (`)
+To wear outfit use Right-CTRL+outfit key. (1-9,0,-,=,backspace,insert,home)
+Outfit addons.
+15 different outfits.
+To Copy different outfit to current use left CTRL+outfit key. (1-9,0,-,=,backspace,insert,home)
+Check box unequip first work independently for each outfit.
+Kill stats (ported from qoal patch).
+To open use Kill stats window key. (e)
+Changing direction (rotate player) without moves.
+To rotate use Direct up/left/down/right keys. (|,;,k,')
+or ALT+move keys
+Crazy moves.
+For programmed moves use crazy moves key. (/)
+To change current move type use Change crazy move type. (\)
+Insert unicode chars in chat (ported from qoal patch).
+Player position in debug window.
+Id in item popups.
+Experience per 1,5,15 minutes in kill stats.
+Jack O counter in kill stats.
+Different statuses in top left window corner.
+To change statuses use designated keys.
+To see detailed information, move mouse to statuses bar.
+Unassign key binding in keyboard setup.
+You can unassign any key in key bindings window.
+After changing key bindings show first conflicting key binding.
+New setup page "Other".
+New settings in setup player tab.
+New parameters in stats window.
+Added Flee bonus and target time.
+New map view mode. (without big objects, for example without trees).
+To switch mode use Find path to mouse key. (f)
+Allow player to speak after death (ported from qoal patch).
+Smaller window buttons in top right corner.
+More shortcuts (15).
+Game modifiers.
+Allow player to change some game behaviours from keyboard.
+Can view in top left corner.
+Allow sit without pauses.
+Allow attack from sitting (quick stand).
+Allow move to last target.
+To move use Move to target key. (v)
+Allow player to move to home position.
+To move use Move to home key. (d)
+Show player gender.
+To change open set / player / show gender.
+Allow automatically switch from bow to sword and backward.
+Allow switch weapon depend on distance to target.
+To change current switch mode use Change attack weapon type key. (g)
+New keys:
+Move to target. (v)
+Move to home. (d)
+Change pick up type. (o)
+Changing player facing direction. (k,l,;,')
+Crazy moves. (/)
+Change crazy move type. (\)
+Quick drop. (u)
+Quick drop from first slot only. (y)
+Switch quick drop counter. (i)
+Heal. (c)
+Itenplz. (m)
+Invert move direction. ([.])
+Change attack weapon type. (g)
+New mouse actions:
+Heal (Attack Key + left mouse button)
+ (9 June 2009)
+ - Added the ability to change your password after logging in
+ - The leader of a party is now displayed in bold
+ - Status window was reorganized to allow larger numbers to be displayed
+ - The client no longer quits when it can't find the current map
+ - Fixed position of floating text for damage, pickup and experience
+ - Fixed a possible crash on logging in to the map server
+ - Fixed the crash when shift-clicking an item in the inventory
+ - Fixed a crash related to item links in the chat window
+ - Fixed a crash on whispering somebody again after closing their tab
+ - Fixed lightspeed bug when stopping to attack
+ - Fixed the -S/--home-dir command line option
+ - Fixed Reset Windows to also reset the party window
+ - Fixed problems with the context menu in the Brazilian translation
+ - Fixed resetting the height of the chat on /clear
+ - Fixed playing of login song and the music after login
+ - Fixed a problem with the player skipping corners, desyncing from the server
+ - Small optimizations to OpenGL mode when drawing certain GUI widgets
+ - Updated Spanish, Polish, Portugese, Swedish, French and German translations
+ 0.0.29 (13 May 2009)
+ - Added support for dynamic emotes and a new way to select them
+ - Added speech balloons that wrap the text
+ - Added item popup for showing detailed information
+ - Added ability to refer to items in chat
+ - Added the ability to see your own name in game
+ - Added the option to hide player names
+ - Added support for dynamically defined weight unit and currency
+ - Added support for NPC item storage
+ - Added compile-time support for tmwserv, as an alternative to eAthena
+ - Added support for entering the port of the login server
+ - Added support for creating parties and inviting other players to them
+ - Added tabs to the chat window for party and private chats
+ - Added ability to set initial player attributes when creating a new character
+ - Added command line option to temporarily disable OpenGL (--no-opengl)
+ - Added support for showing arrows flying through the air
+ - Added option to show pickup as text particle instead of in the chat
+ - Added ability to change the font size
+ - Added support for the /me command to do actions
+ - Added a /present command to show players present in the area
+ - Added ability to record the chatlog to a file
+ - Made emote shortcuts customizable in more detail
+ - Made it possible to change resolution
+ - Made many colors used by the game configurable
+ - Made setup window available during login
+ - Dynamically generate the item effects description
+ - Minimap can now be told to stay on the screen
+ - Minimap now adapts to the scale and size of the minimap image
+ - Non-stackable items can now be sold more easily
+ - Login dialog now remembers the list of recently used servers
+ - Completely rewritten NPC interaction
+ - GUI opacity now effects the whole user interface
+ - Redesigned the trade window
+ - Redesigned equipment window and allow unequip from there
+ - Next level percentage is now displayed in hundredths
+ - The player will no longer walk away when clicking the map while sitting
+ - Keep the login screen from taking 100% CPU
+ - No longer prompt for character server when there is only one
+ - Fixed compilation with GCC 4.4
+ - Fixed scroll wheel handling and dragging glitches in lists
+ - Many more bug fixes, small improvements and code cleanups
+ - Updated German, Finnish, Croatian, French, Spanish, Swedish and Polish
+ translations
+ (12 February 2009)
+ - Enabled translations on Windows
+ - Added command line option to set home directory path
+ - Tweaked green chat color to be a bit more readable
+ - Made font size configurable in the config file
+ - Fixed restoring of punching animation after weapon removal
+ - Fixed inability to chat while talking to NPCs
+ - Updated Swedish translation
+ 0.0.28 (25 January 2009)
+ - Added support for animated map tiles
+ - Added support for internationalization, plus many translations
+ - Added support for TrueType fonts
+ - Trade window is now resizable
+ - Obscure precise home directory name when making screenshots
+ - Fixed follow-parent of nested and being-following particle emitters
+ 0.0.27 (9 December 2008)
+ - Added support for showing map name above minimap
+ - Added showing how long the ban is when banned
+ - Added --data parameter for developers
+ - Added particle effect for critical hits
+ - Added support for dynamic skill names and hair colors
+ - Added support for status effects
+ - Added ability to add equipment to the shortcut bar
+ - Added ability to change configuration during login phase (from Aethyra)
+ - Mouse cursor will now hide when not used for some time
+ - Inventory window now displays amount of slots used
+ - Center minimap on player when it is larger than the minimap window
+ - Extended particle emitters with properties that can change over time
+ - Extended the GUI font to support more characters
+ - Only require a restart to switch to full screen with OpenGL on Windows
+ - Make sure news and update file list aren't cached (from Aethyra)
+ - Made NPC dialogs resizable (from Aethyra)
+ - Made window shortcuts configurable
+ - Fixed visibility of trade window on startup
+ - Fixed a client input freeze when closing NPC script from server
+ - Fixed dead players to lie on the ground instead of standing around
+ - Fixed shortcuts being activated when trade window was visible
+ - Fixed a crash when equipment window is open
+ - Fixed money value on failing to buy (from Aethyra)
+ - Fixed crash in right-click menu when used after a being disappeared
+ 0.0.26 (29 August 2008)
+ - Added support for a newer version of eAthena server
+ - Added support for showing custom being effects
+ - Added new features to the particle engine
+ - Position names and chat such that there is no overlap, when possible
+ - Fixed a crash when loading a corrupt map that has too much layer data
diff --git a/data/help/chatcommands.txt b/data/help/chatcommands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e37849f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/chatcommands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 Chat commands
+ /closeall - close all whispers.
+ /ignoreall - add all whispers to ignore list.
+ /msg NICK text, /whisper NICK text, /w NICK text - send whisper message to nick.
+ /query NICK, /q NICK - open new whisper tab for nick.
+ /help - show small help about chat commands.
+ /target NICK - select nick as target. Can be monster or player nick.
+ /outfit N - wear outfit number N.
+ /outfit next - wear next outfit.
+ /outfit prev - wear previous outfit.
+ /emote N - use emotion number N.
+ /away, /away MSG - set away mode.
+ /follow NICK - start follow mode.
+ /imitation NICK - start imitation mode.
+ /heal NICK - heal nick.
+ /move X Y - move to X,Y position in short distance.
+ /navigate x y - move to position x,y in current map in any distance.
+ /mail NICK MSG - send offline message to NICK. Working only in tmw server.
+ /disconnect - quick disconnect from server.
+ /attack - attack target.
+ /undress NICK - remove all clothes from nick. Local effect only.
+ /trade NICK - start trade with nick.
+ /priceload - load shop price from disc.
+ /pricesave - save shop price to disc.
+##PPlayer relations
+ /ignore NICK - add nick to ignore list.
+ /unignore NICK - Remove nick from ignore list.
+ /friend NICK, /befriend NICK - add nick to friends list.
+ /disregard NICK - add nick to disregarded list.
+ /neutral NICK - add nick to neutral relation list.
+ /erase NICK - add nick to erased list.
+ /clear - clear current chat tab.
+ /createparty NAME - create party with selected name.
+ /me text - send text to chat as /me command in irc.
+ /who - print online players number to chat.
+ /all - show visible beings list in debug tab.
+ /where - print current player position to chat.
+ /cacheinfo - show text cache info.
+##PWhispers commands
+Most commands working in whispers.
+For example command /imitation in whisper nick nick1,
+ similar to command /imitation nick1.
diff --git a/data/help/commands.txt b/data/help/commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf73a388c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 === COMMANDS ===
+ ##2UP##P "Move Up"
+ ##2DOWN##P "Move Down"
+ ##2LEFT##P "Move Left"
+ ##2RIGHT##P "Move Right"
+ ##2LeftControl##P "Attack"
+ ##2x##P "Target & Attack"
+ ##2v##P "Move to Target"
+ ##2Period(.)##P "Change Move to Target type"
+ ##2d##P "Move to Home location"
+ ##2KeyPad[5]##P "Set home location/Set arrow"
+ ##2RightShift + key##P "Move to navigation point"
+ ##2LeftAlt + EmoteKey##P "Smilie"
+ ##2t##P "Talk"
+ ##2LeftShift##P "Stop Attack"
+ ##2a##P "Target Closest"
+ ##2n##P "Target NPC"
+ ##2q##P "Target Player"
+ ##2z##P "Pickup"
+ ##2o##P "Change Pickup Type"
+ ##2h##P "Hide Windows"
+ ##2s##P "Sit"
+ ##2p##P "Screenshot"
+ ##2r##P "Enable/Disable Trading"
+ ##2f##P "Change Map View Mode"
+ ##2MenuKey##P "Item Shortcuts Key"
+ ##21##P "Item Shortcut 1"
+ ##22##P "Item Shortcut 2"
+ ##23##P "Item Shortcut 3"
+ ##24##P "Item Shortcut 4"
+ ##25##P "Item Shortcut 5"
+ ##26##P "Item Shortcut 6"
+ ##27##P "Item Shortcut 7"
+ ##28##P "Item Shortcut 8"
+ ##29##P "Item Shortcut 9"
+ ##20##P "Item Shortcut 10"
+ ##2Minus(-)##P "Item Shortcut 11"
+ ##2Equals(=)##P "Item Shortcut 12"
+ ##2Backspace##P "Item Shortcut 13"
+ ##2Insert##P "Item Shortcut 14"
+ ##2Home##P "Item Shortcut 15"
+ ##2F1##P "Help Window"
+ ##2F2##P "Status Window"
+ ##2F3##P "Inventory Window"
+ ##2F4##P "Equipment Window"
+ ##2F5##P "Skill Window"
+ ##2F6##P "Minimap Window"
+ ##2F7##P "Chat Window"
+ ##2F8##P "Item Shortcut Window"
+ ##2F9##P "Setup Window"
+ ##2F10##P "Debug Window"
+ ##2F11##P "Social Window"
+ ##2F12##P "Emote Shortcut Window"
+ ##2BackQuote(`)##P "Outfits Window"
+ ##2w##P "Quick drop Window"
+ ##2e##P "Kills Stats Window"
+ ##2j##P "Commands Window"
+ ##2LeftBracket([)##P "Bot Checker Window"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 1##P "Emote Shortcut 1"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 2##P "Emote Shortcut 2"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 3##P "Emote Shortcut 3"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 4##P "Emote Shortcut 4"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 5##P "Emote Shortcut 5"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 6##P "Emote Shortcut 6"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 7##P "Emote Shortcut 7"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 8##P "Emote Shortcut 8"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 9##P "Emote Shortcut 9"
+ ##2LeftAlt + 0##P "Emote Shortcut 10"
+ ##2LeftAlt + Minus(-)##P "Emote Shortcut 11"
+ ##2LeftAlt + Equals(=)##P "Emote Shortcut 12"
+ ##2LeftAlt + Backspace##P "Emote Shortcut 13"
+ ##2LeftAlt + Insert##P "Emote Shortcut 14"
+ ##2RightControl##P "Wear Outfit"
+ ##2RightAlt##P "Copy Outfit"
+ ##2RightBracket(])##P "Copy Equiped to Outfit"
+ ##2Enter##P "Toggle Chat"
+ ##2PageUP##P "Scroll Chat Up"
+ ##2PageDOWN##P "Scroll Chat Down"
+ ##2KeyPad[7]##P "Previous Chat Tab"
+ ##2KeyPad[9]##P "Next Chat Tab"
+ ##2KeyPad[7]##P "Previous chat tab line"
+ ##2KeyPad[9]##P "Next chat tab line"
+ ##2Tab##P "Chat Auto Complete"
+ ##2Esc##P "Deactivate Chat Input"
+ ##2SpaceBar##P "Select OK"
+ ##2Esc##P "Quit"
+ ##2LeftWinKey##P "Ignore input 1"
+ ##2RightWinKey##P "Ignore input 2"
+ ##2l##P "Set Direction Up"
+ ##2Semicolon(;)##P "Set Direction Down"
+ ##2k##P "Set Direction Left"
+ ##2Quote(')##P "Set Direction Right"
+ ##2Slash(\)##P "Crazy moves"
+ ##2Backslash(/)##P "Change Crazy Move mode"
+ ##2y##P "Quick Drop N Items from 0 slot"
+ ##2u##P "Quick Drop N Items"
+ ##2i##P "Switch Quick Drop Counter"
+ ##2c##P "Quick heal target or self"
+ ##2m##P "Use #itenplz spell"
+ ##2b##P "Use magic attack"
+ ##2Comma(,)##P "Switch magic attack"
+ ##2KeyPad0##P "Change move type"
+ ##2g##P "Change Attack Weapon Type"
+ ##2End##P "Change Attack Type"
+ ##2KeyPad[1]##P "Change Follow mode"
+ ##2KeyPad[4]##P "Change Imitation mode"
+ ##2KeyPad[8]##P "Disable / Enable Game modifier keys"
+ ##2KeyPad[3]##P "On / Off audio"
+ ##2KeyPad[2]##P "Enable / Disable away mode"
+ ##2Tab##P "Emulate right click from keyboard"
+ ##2KeyPad[+]##P "Toggle camera mode"
+ Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster
+ and talk to NPCs (be sure to click on their feet). Right click to show up a
+ context menu. Holding [Left Shift] prevents from walking when attacking.
+ Communication is often essential to success in this game. You can communicate
+ in several ways: By chatting and showing emotions (see above), by trading
+ (with the right-click context menu), and by whispering.
+ To read about whispering and other chat commands, look here: @@chatcommands|Chat commands@@
+ You may find that not all communication is to your liking. While most people
+ are nice, some may offend you or try to make your life harder-- since this is
+ an open game, there is nothing the developers can do to prevent this.
+ However, you can protect yourself from such players by ignoring them. Right-
+ click on them to bring up the context menu, then select `Ignore' or
+ `Disregard' (see below). You can fine-tune your player relations in the
+ `Setup' menu, which lists all the players you have added to it. To open this
+ menu, select `Setup' in the upper right corner of the screen, then `Players'.
+ There you will find a list of all players you are acquainted with, as well as
+ several configuration options:
+ - ##2save player list##P: Should your acquaintance list be saved when you
+ quit the game? If you enable this option, your list will survive when you
+ quit and re-start.
+ - ##2allow trading##P: Do you wish to allow trade requests from arbitrary
+ players?
+ - ##2allow whispers##P: Do you wish to allow arbitrary players to send
+ private messages to you in-game?
+ The player list lists all of your acquaintances. They are categorised as one
+ of the following:
+ - ##2neutral##P: As far as the game is concerned, this is the same as not
+ having the player listed: the player may chat with you, but may only trade
+ or whisper if you have this option allowed for everyone.
+ - ##2friend##P: You consider this player a friend. The player may chat,
+ message your in private, or trade with you at any point.
+ - ##2disregarded##P: You wish to disregard this player, meaning that his or
+ her chat messages are not logged and trade requests and whispers are
+ ignored.
+ - ##2ignored##P: You wish to completely ignore this player. You will not
+ even see floating text for him or her anymore, nor emotions.
diff --git a/data/help/header.txt b/data/help/header.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e60eebd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/header.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+##1 M A N A P L U S
+##1 ================================
+ ##2Version:##6 ##2Date:##3 26 December 2010
+##2 Website:
diff --git a/data/help/index.txt b/data/help/index.txt
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index 000000000..c3b1d9f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+##3 === INDEX ===
+ ##1-> @@about|About The Mana World@@
+ -> @@team|Development Team (TMW)@@
+ -> @@changes|Recent Changes@@
+ -> @@commands|Commands@@
+ -> @@chatcommands|Chat commands@@
+ -> @@windows|Windows@@
+ -> @@skills|Skills@@
+ -> @@support|Support@@
+##3 === Powered By ===
+##2 SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer (Media framework)
+##2 SDL_net (Networking framework)
+##2 Guichan (GUI framework)
+##2 libxml2 (XML parsing and writing)
+##2 PhysFS (Data files)
+##2 libcurl (HTTP downloads)
+##2 zlib (Archives)
diff --git a/data/help/skills.txt b/data/help/skills.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5446b6164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/skills.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 === SKILLS ===
+ You can improve your skills by increasing job level. Each job level
+ gives you 1 point to spend on basic skills.
+ ##4 Basic skills:
+ ##2Emote:##P enables the ability to express emotions
+ ##2Trade:##P enables the ability to trade with others
+ ##2Party Level1:##P enables a char to join a party.
+ ##2Party level2:##P enables a char to create a party
+ Other skills are still not implemented.
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/help/support.txt b/data/help/support.txt
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+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 === SUPPORT ===
+ If you're having troubles, plase first of all read the FAQ. If you
+ can't find a solution to your problem, feel free to check our
+ Bugs/Support section of the forum:
+ For TMW support:
+ or come visit us on our IRC channel:
+##2 #themanaworld ##P@##2
+ Otherwise see the @@team|Development Team@@ section to have a list of
+ developers and how to contact them.
+ For other server look servers pages for support.
diff --git a/data/help/team.txt b/data/help/team.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e17771d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/team.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##2 Project Leader:
+ ##9Eugenio Favalli (aka ElvenProgrammer)
+##2 Programmers:
+ ##9Bjorn Lindeijer (aka Hammerbear)
+ (various parts, GUI, graphics, A* and map rewrites)
+ ##9Bj�rn Steinbrink (aka Doener)
+ (various parts)
+ ##9Eric Scrivner (aka zenogais)
+ (resource manager)
+ ##9J. Avila (aka Javila)
+ (various parts, GUI)
+ ##9Jan-Fabian Humann (aka Mra)
+ (some GUI parts)
+ ##9Kiyoshi Kyokai (aka Kiokay)
+ (game systems designer)
+ ##9Mateusz Kaduk (aka Usiu)
+ (several GUI parts)
+ ##9Aaron Marks (aka nym)
+ (several GUI parts)
+ ##9Shura
+ (configuration, sound, misc. ports)
+ ##9Yohann Ferreira (aka Bertram)
+ (SDL input, progress bar drawing, Debian package)
+##2 Artists:
+ ##9Clef
+ (tiles, concepts)
+ ##9Frode Lindeijer (aka Modanung)
+ (arts)
+ ##9Gnulia
+ (conceptual art)
+ ##9Magick
+ (music and sound effects)
+ ##9Neko-mon
+ (player sprites, various things)
+ ##9Neorice
+ (monster sprites, tiles)
+ ##9Pajarico
+ (conceptual arts)
+ ##9Romulo Fernandes
+ (arts)
+ ##9Rotonen
+ (backstory, art director, music, sound)
+ ##9Talaroc
+ (sprites)
+ ##9Ti Sing Hao
+ (music)
+##2 Misc. thanks:
+ ##9David Smith (aka catfish_man)
+ (Mac package)
+ ##9Igor Morgado (aka imorgado)
+ (tester)
+ ##9maci
+ (technical support)
+ ##9Rodney Dawes (aka dobey)
+ (Mac package)
+ ##9Ultramichy
+ (hosting test server)
+##2 Inactive/retired:
+ ##9Chetic
+ (maps)
+ ##9Simon Edwardsson (aka SimEdw)
+ (network code, Mac package)
+ ##9Sull
+ (hosting CVS and related services)
+ ##9Vlady
+ (several items)
diff --git a/data/help/windows.txt b/data/help/windows.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/windows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ <- @@index|Back to Index@@
+##3 === WINDOWS ===
+ To add an item to the shortcut bar click on the item in the inventory window,
+ then click on the box in the shortcut-window which should be associated with
+ the item. To reorder items within the shortcut-window simply click and drag
+ them between the boxes. To remove items you simply drag them outside of the
+ window and drop them.
+ Currently only stackable items like food, but not weapons or clothes can be
+ used with the shortcut window.