diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2013-07-13 14:33:38 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2013-07-13 14:33:38 +0300
commit9b578956b8cdcba74b731a78ffdf7e26b335a03d (patch)
parentaeec9ca9881bbd4fdc332b342b09a795ee3961b4 (diff)
Dehardcode keys in help and in tips.
5 files changed, 136 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/commands.txt b/data/help/commands.txt
index 82554a1d8..17a7604b6 100644
--- a/data/help/commands.txt
+++ b/data/help/commands.txt
@@ -5,116 +5,138 @@
- <<##2UP##P "Move Up">>
- <<##2DOWN##P "Move Down">>
- <<##2LEFT##P "Move Left">>
- <<##2RIGHT##P "Move Right">>
- <<##2LeftControl##P "Attack">>
- <<##2x##P "Target & Attack">>
- <<##2v##P "Move to Target">>
- <<##2Period(.)##P "Change Move to Target type">>
- <<##2d##P "Move to Home location">>
- <<##2KeyPad[5]##P "Set home location/Set arrow">>
- <<##2RightShift + key##P "Move to navigation point">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + EmoteKey##P "Smilie">>
- <<##2t##P "Talk">>
- <<##2LeftShift##P "Stop Attack">>
- <<##2a##P "Target Closest">>
- <<##2n##P "Target NPC">>
- <<##2q##P "Target Player">>
- <<##2z##P "Pickup">>
- <<##2o##P "Change Pickup Type">>
- <<##2h##P "Hide Windows">>
- <<##2s##P "Sit">>
- <<##2p##P "Screenshot">>
- <<##2r##P "Enable/Disable Trading">>
- <<##2f##P "Change Map View Mode">>
- <<##2MenuKey##P "Item Shortcuts Key">>
- <<##21##P "Item Shortcut 1">>
- <<##22##P "Item Shortcut 2">>
- <<##23##P "Item Shortcut 3">>
- <<##24##P "Item Shortcut 4">>
- <<##25##P "Item Shortcut 5">>
- <<##26##P "Item Shortcut 6">>
- <<##27##P "Item Shortcut 7">>
- <<##28##P "Item Shortcut 8">>
- <<##29##P "Item Shortcut 9">>
- <<##20##P "Item Shortcut 10">>
- <<##2Minus(-)##P "Item Shortcut 11">>
- <<##2Equals(=)##P "Item Shortcut 12">>
- <<##2Backspace##P "Item Shortcut 13">>
- <<##2Insert##P "Item Shortcut 14">>
- <<##2Home##P "Item Shortcut 15">>
- <<##2F1##P "Help Window">>
- <<##2F2##P "Status Window">>
- <<##2F3##P "Inventory Window">>
- <<##2F4##P "Equipment Window">>
- <<##2F5##P "Skill Window">>
- <<##2F6##P "Minimap Window">>
- <<##2F7##P "Chat Window">>
- <<##2F8##P "Item Shortcut Window">>
- <<##2F9##P "Setup Window">>
- <<##2F10##P "Debug Window">>
- <<##2F11##P "Social Window">>
- <<##2F12##P "Emote Shortcut Window">>
- <<##2BackQuote(`)##P "Outfits Window">>
- <<##2w##P "Quick drop Window">>
- <<##2e##P "Kills Stats Window">>
- <<##2j##P "Commands Window">>
- <<##2LeftBracket([)##P "Bot Checker Window">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 1##P "Emote Shortcut 1">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 2##P "Emote Shortcut 2">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 3##P "Emote Shortcut 3">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 4##P "Emote Shortcut 4">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 5##P "Emote Shortcut 5">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 6##P "Emote Shortcut 6">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 7##P "Emote Shortcut 7">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 8##P "Emote Shortcut 8">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 9##P "Emote Shortcut 9">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + 0##P "Emote Shortcut 10">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + Minus(-)##P "Emote Shortcut 11">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + Equals(=)##P "Emote Shortcut 12">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + Backspace##P "Emote Shortcut 13">>
- <<##2LeftAlt + Insert##P "Emote Shortcut 14">>
- <<##2RightControl##P "Wear Outfit">>
- <<##2RightAlt##P "Copy Outfit">>
- <<##2RightBracket(])##P "Copy Equiped to Outfit">>
- <<##2Enter##P "Toggle Chat">>
- <<##2PageUP##P "Scroll Chat Up">>
- <<##2PageDOWN##P "Scroll Chat Down">>
- <<##2KeyPad[7]##P "Previous Chat Tab">>
- <<##2KeyPad[9]##P "Next Chat Tab">>
- <<##2KeyPad[7]##P "Previous chat tab line">>
- <<##2KeyPad[9]##P "Next chat tab line">>
- <<##2Tab##P "Chat Auto Complete">>
- <<##2Esc##P "Deactivate Chat Input">>
- <<##2SpaceBar##P "Select OK">>
- <<##2Esc##P "Quit">>
- <<##2LeftWinKey##P "Ignore input 1">>
- <<##2RightWinKey##P "Ignore input 2">>
- <<##2l##P "Set Direction Up">>
- <<##2Semicolon(;)##P "Set Direction Down">>
- <<##2k##P "Set Direction Left">>
- <<##2Quote(')##P "Set Direction Right">>
- <<##2Slash(\)##P "Crazy moves">>
- <<##2Backslash(/)##P "Change Crazy Move mode">>
- <<##2y##P "Quick Drop N Items from 0 slot">>
- <<##2u##P "Quick Drop N Items">>
- <<##2i##P "Switch Quick Drop Counter">>
- <<##2c##P "Quick heal target or self">>
- <<##2m##P "Use #itenplz spell">>
- <<##2b##P "Use magic attack">>
- <<##2Comma(,)##P "Switch magic attack">>
- <<##2KeyPad0##P "Change move type">>
- <<##2g##P "Change Attack Weapon Type">>
- <<##2End##P "Change Attack Type">>
- <<##2KeyPad[1]##P "Change Follow mode">>
- <<##2KeyPad[4]##P "Change Imitation mode">>
- <<##2KeyPad[8]##P "Disable / Enable Game modifier keys">>
- <<##2KeyPad[3]##P "On / Off audio">>
- <<##2KeyPad[2]##P "Enable / Disable away mode">>
- <<##2Tab##P "Emulate right click from keyboard">>
- <<##2KeyPad[+]##P "Toggle camera mode">>
+ ##2###keyMoveUp;##P <<"Move up">>
+ ##2###keyMoveDown;##P <<"Move down">>
+ ##2###keyMoveLeft;##P <<"Move left">>
+ ##2###keyMoveRight;##P <<"Move right">>
+ ##2###keyAttack;##P <<"Attack">>
+ ##2###keyTargetAttack;##P <<"Target & attack">>
+ ##2###keyMoveToTarget;##P <<"Move to target">>
+ ##2###keyChangeMoveToTarget;##P <<"Change move to target type">>
+ ##2###keyMoveToHome;##P <<"Move to home location">>
+ ##2###keySetHome;##P <<"Set home location/set arrow">>
+ ##2###keyMoveToPoint; + <<move key>>##P <<"Move to navigation point">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + <<emote key>>##P <<"Smilie">>
+ ##2###keyTalk;##P <<"Talk">>
+ ##2###keyTarget;##P <<"Stop Attack">>
+ ##2###keyTargetMonster;##P <<"Target closest monster">>
+ ##2###keyTargetNPC;##P <<"Target NPC">>
+ ##2###keyTargetPlayer;##P <<"Target player">>
+ ##2###keyPickup;##P <<"Pickup">>
+ ##2###keyChangePickupType;##P <<"Change pickup type">>
+ ##2###keyHideWindows;##P <<"Hide windows">>
+ ##2###keyBeingSit;##P <<"Sit">>
+ ##2###keyScreenshot;##P <<"Screenshot">>
+ ##2###keyTrade;##P <<"Enable/disable trading">>
+ ##2###keyPathfind;##P <<"Change map view mode">>
+ ##2###keyShortcutsKey;##P <<"Item shortcuts Key">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut1;##P <<"Item shortcut 1">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut2;##P <<"Item shortcut 2">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut3;##P <<"Item shortcut 3">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut4;##P <<"Item shortcut 4">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut5;##P <<"Item shortcut 5">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut6;##P <<"Item shortcut 6">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut7;##P <<"Item shortcut 7">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut8;##P <<"Item shortcut 8">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut9;##P <<"Item shortcut 9">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut0;##P <<"Item shortcut 10">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut10;##P <<"Item shortcut 11">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut11;##P <<"Item shortcut 12">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut12;##P <<"Item shortcut 13">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut13;##P <<"Item shortcut 14">>
+ ##2###keyShortcut14;##P <<"Item shortcut 15">>
+ ##2###keyWindowHelp;##P <<"Help window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowStatus;##P <<"Status window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowInventory;##P <<"Inventory window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowEquipment;##P <<"Equipment window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowSkill;##P <<"Skill window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowMinimap;##P <<"Minimap window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowChat;##P <<"Chat window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowShortcut;##P <<"Item shortcut window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowSetup;##P <<"Setup window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowDebug;##P <<"Debug window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowSocial;##P <<"Social window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowEmoteBar;##P <<"Emote shortcut window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowOutfit;##P <<"Outfits window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowShop;##P <<"Shop window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowDrop;##P <<"Quick drop window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowKills;##P <<"Kills stats window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowSpells;##P <<"Commands window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowBotChecker;##P <<"Bot checker window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowOnline;##P <<"Who is online window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowDidYouKnow;##P <<"Did you know window">>
+ ##2###keyWindowQuests;##P <<"Quests window">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut1;##P <<"Emote shortcut 1">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut2;##P <<"Emote shortcut 2">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut3;##P <<"Emote shortcut 3">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut4;##P <<"Emote shortcut 4">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut5;##P <<"Emote shortcut 5">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut6;##P <<"Emote shortcut 6">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut7;##P <<"Emote shortcut 7">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut8;##P <<"Emote shortcut 8">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut9;##P <<"Emote shortcut 9">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut10;##P <<"Emote shortcut 10">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut11;##P <<"Emote shortcut 11">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut12;##P <<"Emote shortcut 12">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut13;##P <<"Emote shortcut 13">>
+ ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut14;##P <<"Emote shortcut 14">>
+ ##2###keyWearOutfit;##P <<"Wear outfit">>
+ ##2###keyCopyOutfit;##P <<"Copy outfit">>
+ ##2###keyCopyEquipedOutfit;##P <<"Copy equiped to Outfit">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut1;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 1">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut2;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 2">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut3;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 3">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut4;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 4">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut5;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 5">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut6;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 6">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut7;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 7">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut8;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 8">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut9;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 9">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut0;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 10">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut10;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 11">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut11;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 12">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut12;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 13">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut13;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 14">>
+ ##2###keyOutfitShortcut14;##P <<"Outfit shortcut 15">>
+ ##2###keyChat;##P <<"Toggle chat">>
+ ##2###keyChatScrollUp;##P <<"Scroll chat up">>
+ ##2###keyChatScrollDown;##P <<"Scroll chat down">>
+ ##2###keyChatPrevTab;##P <<"Previous chat tab">>
+ ##2###keyChatNextTab;##P <<"Next chat tab">>
+ ##2###keyChatCloseTab;##P <<"Close chat tab">>
+ ##2###keyChatPrevHistory;##P <<"Previous chat tab line">>
+ ##2###keyChatNextHistory;##P <<"Next chat tab line">>
+ ##2###keyGUITab;##P <<"Chat auto complete">>
+ ##2###keyGUICancel;##P <<"Deactivate chat input">>
+ ##2###keyOK;##P <<"Select OK">>
+ ##2###keyQuit;##P <<"Quit">>
+ ##2###keyIgnoreInput1;##P <<"Ignore input 1">>
+ ##2###keyIgnoreInput2;##P <<"Ignore input 2">>
+ ##2###keyDirectUp;##P <<"Set direction up">>
+ ##2###keyDirectDown;##P <<"Set direction down">>
+ ##2###keyDirectLeft;##P <<"Set direction left">>
+ ##2###keyDirectRight;##P <<"Set direction right">>
+ ##2###keyCrazyMoves;##P <<"Crazy moves">>
+ ##2###keyChangeCrazyMoveType;##P <<"Change crazy Move mode">>
+ ##2###keyQuickDrop;##P <<"Quick drop N items from 0 slot">>
+ ##2###keyQuickDropN;##P <<"Quick drop N items">>
+ ##2###keySwitchQuickDrop;##P <<"Switch quick drop counter">>
+ ##2###keyMagicInma1;##P <<"Quick heal target or self">>
+ ##2###keyMagicItenplz;##P <<"Use #itenplz spell">>
+ ##2###keyMagicAttack;##P <<"Use magic attack">>
+ ##2###keySwitchMagicAttack;##P <<"Switch magic attack">>
+ ##2###keySwitchPvpAttack;##P <<"Switch pvp attack">>
+ ##2###keyInvertDirection;##P <<"Change move type">>
+ ##2###keyChangeAttackWeaponType;##P <<"Change attack weapon type">>
+ ##2###keyChangeAttackType;##P <<"Change attack type">>
+ ##2###keyChangeFollowMode;##P <<"Change follow mode">>
+ ##2###keyChangeImitationMode;##P <<"Change imitation mode">>
+ ##2###keyDisableGameModifiers;##P <<"Disable / enable game modifier keys">>
+ ##2###keyChangeAudio;##P <<"On / off audio">>
+ ##2###keyAway;##P <<"Enable / disable away mode">>
+ ##2###keyRightClick;##P <<"Emulate right click from keyboard">>
+ ##2###keyCameraMode;##P <<"Toggle camera mode">>
+ ##2###keySafeVideo;##P <<"Reset video mode to safe value">>
diff --git a/data/help/tips/12.txt b/data/help/tips/12.txt
index fb78e9c55..e251ec27e 100644
--- a/data/help/tips/12.txt
+++ b/data/help/tips/12.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<<You can walk to warps automatically.
-Open Social Window (f11) and selecy Nav tab,
+Open Social Window (###keyWindowSocial;) and selecy Nav tab,
then click on warp what you want.>>
diff --git a/data/help/tips/17.txt b/data/help/tips/17.txt
index 7a374fb5e..b44e46030 100644
--- a/data/help/tips/17.txt
+++ b/data/help/tips/17.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<<To type chat message, press enter>>
+<<To type chat message, press ###keyChat;>>
diff --git a/data/help/tips/3.txt b/data/help/tips/3.txt
index 76c080958..b0afdd5b0 100644
--- a/data/help/tips/3.txt
+++ b/data/help/tips/3.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
<<You can disable yellow bar,
-by pressing key 8 on numeric keyboard.>>
+by pressing ###keyDisableGameModifiers;.>>
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/browserbox.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/browserbox.cpp
index 6527019de..50072c5d2 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/browserbox.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/browserbox.cpp
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void BrowserBox::addRow(const std::string &row, const bool atTop)
const std::string str = inputManager.getKeyValueByName(
- "key" + tmp.substr(idx1 + 3, idx2 - idx1 - 3));
+ tmp.substr(idx1 + 3, idx2 - idx1 - 3));
tmp.replace(idx1, idx2 - idx1 + 1, str);
idx1 = tmp.find("###");