blob: 883ec79e4a749c5bdc05d30cde49c5448ff2f5f5 (
plain) (
* The ManaVerse Client
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Mana Developers
* Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The ManaPlus Developers
* This file is part of The ManaVerse Client.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "utils/cast.h"
#include "resources/vector.h"
#include <list>
#include "localconsts.h"
class Actor;
class Graphics;
class Map;
typedef std::list<Actor*> Actors;
typedef Actors::const_iterator ActorsCIter;
class Actor notfinal
virtual ~Actor();
* Draws the Actor to the given graphics context.
* Note: this function could be simplified if the graphics context
* would support setting a translation offset. It already does this
* partly with the clipping rectangle support.
virtual void draw(Graphics *const graphics,
const int offsetX,
const int offsetY) const A_NONNULL(2) = 0;
* Returns the horizontal size of the actors graphical representation
* in pixels or 0 when it is undefined.
virtual int getWidth() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return 0; }
* Returns the vertical size of the actors graphical representation
* in pixels or 0 when it is undefined.
virtual int getHeight() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return 0; }
* Returns the pixel position of this actor.
const Vector &getPixelPositionF() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPos; }
* Sets the pixel position of this actor.
virtual void setPixelPositionF(const Vector &restrict pos) restrict2;
* Returns the pixels X coordinate of the actor.
int getPixelX() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return CAST_S32(mPos.x); }
* Returns the pixel Y coordinate of the actor.
virtual int getPixelY() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return CAST_S32(mPos.y); }
* Returns the pixel Y coordinate of the actor for sorting only.
virtual int getSortPixelY() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return CAST_S32(mPos.y) - mYDiff; }
* Returns the x coordinate in tiles of the actor.
virtual int getTileX() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
* Returns the y coordinate in tiles of the actor.
virtual int getTileY() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
* Returns the number of Image layers used to draw the actor.
virtual int getNumberOfLayers() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return 0; }
* Returns the current alpha value used to draw the actor.
virtual float getAlpha() const A_WARN_UNUSED = 0;
* Sets the alpha value used to draw the actor.
virtual void setAlpha(float alpha) = 0;
virtual void setMap(Map *const map);
const Map* getMap() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mMap; }
int mPixelX;
int mPixelY;
Map *mMap;
Vector mPos; /**< Position in pixels relative to map. */
int mYDiff;
Actors::iterator mMapActor;
#endif // BEING_ACTOR_H