path: root/src/account-server/dalstorage.hpp
blob: f6c0e18a3cf4a29e8c9979d581750aaec156e5af (plain) (tree)



































































 *  The Mana Server
 *  Copyright (C) 2004  The Mana World Development Team
 *  This file is part of The Mana Server.
 *  The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with The Mana Server.  If not, see <>.


#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include "../dal/dataprovider.h"

#include "../common/transaction.hpp"

class Account;
class Character;
class ChatChannel;
class Guild;
class Letter;
class Post;

 * A storage class that relies on DAL.
class DALStorage
         * Constructor.

         * Destructor.

         * Connect to the database and initialize it if necessary.
        void open();

         * Disconnect from the database.
        void close();

         * Get an account by user name.
         * @param userName the owner of the account.
         * @return the account associated to the user name.
        Account *getAccount(const std::string& userName);

         * Get an account by ID.
         * @param accountID the ID of the account.
         * @return the account associated with the ID.
        Account *getAccount(int accountID);

         * Gets a character by database ID.
         * @param id the ID of the character.
         * @param owner the account the character is in.
         * @return the character associated to the ID.
        Character *getCharacter(int id, Account *owner);

         * Gets a character by character name.
         * @param name of the character
         * @return the character associated to the name
        Character *getCharacter(const std::string &name);

         * Add a new account.
         * @param account the new account.
        void addAccount(Account *account);

         * Delete an account.
         * @param account the account to delete.
        void delAccount(Account *account);

         * Update the date and time of the last login.
         * @param account the account that recently logged in.
        void updateLastLogin(const Account *account);

         * Write a modification message about Character points to the database.
         * @param CharId      ID of the character
         * @param CharPoints  Number of character points left for the character
         * @param CorrPoints  Number of correction points left for the character
         * @param AttribId    ID of the modified attribute
         * @param AttribValue New value of the modified attribute
        void updateCharacterPoints(int charId,
                                   int charPoints, int corrPoints,
                                   int attribId, int attribValue);

         * Write a modification message about character skills to the database.
         * @param CharId      ID of the character
         * @param SkillId     ID of the skill
         * @param SkillValue  new skill points
        void updateExperience(int charId, int skillId, int skillValue);

         * Inserts a record about a status effect into the database
         * @param charId    ID of the character in the database
         * @param statusId  ID of the status effect
         * @param time      Time left on the status effect
        void insertStatusEffect(int charId, int statusId, int time);

         * Sets a ban on an account (hence on all its characters).
         * @param id character identifier.
         * @param duration duration in minutes.
        void banCharacter(int id, int duration);

         * Delete a character in the database.
         * @param charId character identifier.
         * @param startTransaction indicates wheter the function should run in
         *        its own transaction or is called inline of another transaction
        void delCharacter(int charId, bool startTransaction) const;

         * Delete a character in the database. The object itself i not touched
         * by this function!
         * @param character character object.
         * @param startTransaction indicates wheter the function should run in
         *        its own transaction or is called inline of another transaction
        void delCharacter(Character *character, bool startTransaction) const;

         * Removes expired bans from accounts
        void checkBannedAccounts();

         * Tells if the user name already exists.
         * @return true if the user name exists.
        bool doesUserNameExist(const std::string &name);

         * Tells if the email address already exists.
         * @return true if the email address exists.
        bool doesEmailAddressExist(const std::string &email);

         * Tells if the character name already exists.
         * @return true if the character name exists.
        bool doesCharacterNameExist(const std::string &name);

         * Updates the data for a single character, does not update the
         * owning account or the characters name.
         * Primary usage should be storing characterdata received from a
         * game server.
         * returns true if succefull, false otherwise.
         * @param ptr Character to store values in the database.
         * @param startTransaction set to false if this method is called as
         *                         nested transaction.
         * @return true on success
        bool updateCharacter(Character *ptr,
                             bool startTransaction = true);

         * Save changes of a skill to the database permanently.
         * @param character Character thats skill has changed.
         * @param skill_id Identifier of the changed skill.
         * @exception dbl::DbSqlQueryExecFailure.
        void flushSkill(const Character *character, int skill_id);

         * Add a new guild.
        void addGuild(Guild *guild);

         * Delete a guild.
        void removeGuild(Guild *guild);

         * Add member to guild.
        void addGuildMember(int guild_id, int memberId);

         * Remove member from guild.
        void removeGuildMember(int guildId, int memberId);

         * Save guild member rights.
        void setMemberRights(int guildId, int memberId, int rights);

         * Get guild list.
         * @return a list of guilds
        std::list<Guild*> getGuildList();

         * Save changes to the database permanently.
         * @exception dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure.
        void flushAll();
        void flush(Account *);

         * Gets the value of a quest variable.
        std::string getQuestVar(int id, const std::string &);

         * Sets the value of a quest variable.
        void setQuestVar(int id, const std::string &, const std::string &);

         * Gets the string value of a map specific world state variable.
         * @param name Name of the requested world-state variable.
         * @param map_id Id of the specific map.
        std::string getWorldStateVar(const std::string &name, int map_id = -1);

         * Sets the value of a world state variable.
         * @param name Name of the world-state vairable.
         * @param value New value of the world-state variable.
        void setWorldStateVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &value);

         * Sets the value of a world state variable of a specific map.
         * @param name Name of the world-state vairable.
         * @param map_id ID of the specific map
         * @param value New value of the world-state variable.
        void setWorldStateVar(const std::string &name, int map_id,
                              const std::string &value);

         * Set the level on an account
         * @param id The id of the account
         * @param level The level to set for the account
        void setAccountLevel(int id, int level);

         * Set the level on a character
         * @param id The id of the character
         * @param level The level to set for the character
        void setPlayerLevel(int id, int level);

         * Store letter
         * @param letter The letter to store
        void storeLetter(Letter *letter);

         * Retrieve post
         * @param playerId The id of the character requesting his post
        Post *getStoredPost(int playerId);

         * Delete a letter from the database.
         * @param letter The letter to delete.
        void deletePost(Letter* letter);

         * Add item to auction
         * @param itemId The id of the item for auction
         * @param player The player who put the item up for auction
         * @param gold The amount of money to buy it
        void addAuctionItem(unsigned int itemId, int playerId, unsigned int gold);

         * Gets the version of the local item database.
         * @return Version of the item database.
        unsigned int getItemDatabaseVersion() const
        { return mItemDbVersion; }

         * Sets the status of a character to online (true) or offline (false).
         * @param charId Id of the character.
         * @param online True to mark the character as being online.
        void setOnlineStatus(int charId, bool online);

         * Store a transaction
        void addTransaction(const Transaction &trans);

         * Retrieve a series of transactions
         * Either based on number of transactions last saved
         * or by all transactions since a date
        std::vector<Transaction> getTransactions(unsigned int num);
        std::vector<Transaction> getTransactions(time_t date);

         * Copy constructor.
        DALStorage(const DALStorage &rhs);

         * Assignment operator.
        DALStorage &operator=(const DALStorage &rhs);

         * Gets an account from a prepared SQL statement
         * @return the account found
        Account *getAccountBySQL();

         * Gets a character from a prepared SQL statement
         * @param owner the account the character is in.
         * @return the character found by the query.
        Character *getCharacterBySQL(Account *owner);

         * Synchronizes the base data in the connected SQL database with the xml
         * files like items.xml.
         * This method is called once after initialization of DALStorage.
         * Probably this function should be called if a gm requests an online
         * reload of the xml files to load new items or monsters without server
         * restart.
        void syncDatabase();

        dal::DataProvider *mDb; /**< the data provider */
        unsigned int mItemDbVersion;    /**< Version of the item database. */

extern DALStorage *storage;

#endif // DALSTORAGE_H