path: root/doc/spell-language
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authorBen Longbons <>2014-04-09 22:41:44 -0700
committerBen Longbons <>2014-04-09 22:41:44 -0700
commiteef368b29973a108d390b7a186935a14ce202c1f (patch)
tree069f9403ad5d4a3ce1822eb1ce1121ffd7206c7a /doc/spell-language
parent00f88a4ca7457ad7600d69e7a32a1584c7051e48 (diff)
Remove obsolete documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/spell-language')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 870 deletions
diff --git a/doc/spell-language b/doc/spell-language
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f70f89..0000000
--- a/doc/spell-language
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
-== Spell language
-* Comments: One-line comments using '#' or '//' as prefix
-* names vs. invocations: spells and anchors have both names
- and invocations. Names are used to refer to spells and
- anchors from within scripts without revealing their
- invocations.
-Each spell specification file consists of a sequence of definitions of
-globals, anchors, spells, and procedures.
- These are the primitive types:
- * int
- * string
- * dir (a direction: N, S, SE, NW etc.)
- * location (a single spot in the world)
- * entity (a PC, NPC, or monster)
- * area (a set of locations)
- * spell (a spell)
- * invocation (a spell instance)
- * fail (a separate type that arises implicitly when a function
- fails)
- `fail' arises in special circumstances in some functions, e.g. when
-trying to divide by zero, or when function parameters fail to
-type-check. When a fail value flows into an operation, than that
-operation is skipped. When a fail value flows into a function, then
-that function evaluates to fail, except for
- * if_then_else (which permits `fail' in its true or false branch)
- * failed (which returns true iff the argument is of type fail).
- We will use standard functional type notation:
- `int * string -> entity' denotes the type of a function that accepts
-an integer and a string and returns an entity. We use the return `()'
-for operations (which return nothing).
- A `global' is a global variable, declared and defined in the
-same line:
- foo = "this is a string";
- Expressions can be arbitrary language expressions. Note that globals
-can only reference the values of globals defined earlier in the same
- There are two special globals:
- * min_casttime : int
- Minimal number of milliseconds of cast delay, no matter what any
- given spell may say. Cast delay is the time before the next spell
- can be cast.
- * obscure : int
- Chance of a character of a given spell to be obscured (masked out
- by an asterisk).
- Globals can also be defined as CONST (though this should not be done
-for the special globals listed above or they will not take effect.)
-CONST-defined globals cannot be re-defined.
- Expressions occur in globals, anchors, spells, and procedures.
-Expressions evaluate to values of a given type. Expressions can be
-simple literals, area literals, infix expressions, function
-applications, or variable refecences.
-- Simple literals:
- * 42, 0xff: int literals
- * N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW : dir literals
- * "foo bar" : string literals
-- Area literals:
- * @("new_3-1.gat", 26, 26)
- This area denotes a single field on a map (new_3-1.gat,
- co-ordinates (26,26).
- * @("new_3-1.gat", 26, 26) @+ (10, 10)
- This area is 100 fields, stretching to a field of size 10x10 to
- the south and east of (26,26) in new_3-1.gat.
- * @("new_3-1.gat", 26, 26) towards S (5, 3)
- This area is a rectangular field of depth 3 and width 5 to the
- south of (26,26) in new_3-1.gat. `depth 3' here means that it
- stretches three fields to the south. `width 5' here means that it
- extends five fields to the east and five to the west of the
- specified coordinate, for a total width of 11.
- The only directions supported here are S, E, N, W.
-- Infix expressions:
- Infix expressions are special functions in which the operator is
- written between two expressions. Infix expressions largely follow
- the C precedence rules. The following infix operators are
- supported:
- * addition (+) (operates on ints, concatenates strings, and
- constructs the union of areas)
- * subtraction (- : int * int -> int)
- * multiplication (* : int * int -> int)
- * division (/ : int * int -> int, may fail)
- * modulo (% : int * int -> int, may fail)
- * comparison (<, >, >=, <=, =, <> : int * int -> int)
- Comparison operators generally work on ints and strings.
- (In)equality checks work on all values except for areas.
- Note that "==" and "!=" are available as alternatives for "=" and
- "<>" (respectively).
- * conjunction and disjunction (&&, || : int * int -> int). Note
- that these are not short-circuit.
- * Bitwise or (| : int * int -> int)
- * Bitwise and (& : int * int -> int)
- * Bitwise xor (^ : int * int -> int)
- * Shift left and right (<<, >> : int * int -> int)
-- Function applications:
- Function applications are written as
- f(arg1, ..., argn)
- where each `argi' is an arbitrary expression.
- For a complete list of Functions, see `functions' below.
-- Variable references:
- The expression (foo + 1) references a variable `foo' which must have
- been previously defined.
- Anchors are teleport anchors; spells can look them up by name. Each
-teleport anchor is written as
- TELEPORT-ANCHOR <id> : <invocation-string> = <location>
- For example:
- TELEPORT-ANCHOR tulimshar : "home" = @("new_3-1.gat", 26, 26) @+(10, 10)
- This maps the teleport anchor `tulimshar' to an area in new_3-1.gat
-binds it to the name "home". The function `anchor' can look up
-teleport anchors (cf. the function library).
- Each spell is written either as
- [spell-modifiers] SPELL <id> : <name> = <spelldef>
- or as
- [spell-modifiers] SPELL <id> (<id> : <sty>) : <name> = <spelldef>
- For example,
- SPELL random_dance : "zxr" = ...
- creates a spell `random_dance' and makes it available under the
-invocation "zxr". The string `...' is not a valid <spelldef>; we will
-look at proper spelldefs below. An alternative example illustrates
-the use of parameters:
- SPELL shout (message : STRING) : "zzx" = ...
- This defines a spell `shout' (bound to invocation "zzx") that takes
-a parameter `message' of type STRING. Valid types are STRING and PC:
-PC parameters are automatically translated into a player character
-entity of that name, or mapped to the caster if the specified name
-does not map to a player character or is missing.
- The list of spell modifiers is short:
- * SILENT means that the spell's invocation will never be broadcast,
- not even obscured.
- * LOCAL means that the spell is bound to the location it was cast at
- and will not `travel' with the caster.
- * NONMAGIC means that the spell is not affected by the caster's ability
- to perform magic. Typically used for special (quest) keywords.
- Modifiers may be given in any order, but only once.
-- Spell bodies
- Spell bodies consist of three parts: LET bindings, spell guards and
- effects. LET bindings locally bind names to values. Spell guards
- are constraints that must be satisfied for the spell to be
- triggered. Effects describes what happens if the spell is
- successfully triggered. Spells may have multiple guards and
- effects.
- Consider the following example:
- SPELL plugh (message : STRING) : "zzx" =
- LET x = "kappa"
- y = "sigma"
- IN
- (MANA 1, CATALYSTS ["Pearl"]) => EFFECT message (caster, "First branch");
- | (MANA 20) => EFFECT message (caster, "Second branch")
- This defines a spell `plugh' with two let bindings (`x' bound to
- "kappa" and `y' bound to "sigma") and two `branches' which are
- tested in sequence. The first branch tests whether the caster has
- one spellpoint and owns a pearl-- if so, the effect of sending a
- message "First branch" to the caster is triggered.
- However, if the spell guard is not satisfied, the magic engine
- examines the second branch. Now, if the caster has 20 spellpoints,
- we INSTEAD trigger the effect of sending the message "Second branch"
- to the caster.
-- Spell guards
- Spell guards can be omitted; in that case, just use the effect
- itself. Otherwise they can be any of the following:
- * MANA x: Require x spellpoints to be present. If this spellguard
- is taken, x mana will be consumed implicitly. This requirement is
- cumulative.
- * CASTTIME x: Require that the caster spend x milliseconds until
- the next spell can be cast. This requirement is cumulative. If
- the total casttime for a spell is less than the global variable
- min_casttime, then the latter supercedes the specified spell cast
- delay.
- * REQUIRE <expr>: Test that the specified expression evaluates to
- nonzero and does not fail. Requirements are cumulative.
- * CATALYSTS <items>: Ensure that the caster possesses all specified
- items. This effect is cumulative.
- * COMPONENTS <items>: Ensure that the caster possesses all specified
- items. If the branch suceeeds, all items specified here are
- consumed. This effect is cumulative.
- Items can be specified as follows:
- * [ 700, 701 ] -- require one item of item ID 700 and one of 701.
- * [ 700, 3 * 701 ] -- require 1 item of item ID 700 and 3 of 701.
- * [ "Pearl" ] -- require one item named `Pearl' in the item DB.
- Spell guards can be combined as follows:
- * `or': disjunction. The first matching path is taken.
- * (a, ..., n): conjunction. a, n, and everything in between must be
- satisfied.
- * a => b: Implication. If `a' is satisfied, try to satisfy `b'.
- This operation is useful to combine different branches (see
- below.)
- Different branches of spell effects are separated by the vertical
- bar `|'. For example,
- SPELL plugh (message : STRING) : "zzx" =
- MANA 5 => ( (CATALYSTS ["Pearl"]) =>
- EFFECT message (caster, "First branch");
- | (MANA 20) =>
- EFFECT message (caster, "Second branch");)
- will always try to deduct 5 Mana points but then make a choice of
- whether to go to the first branch (if the player has `Pearl') or to
- the second (if the player does not have `Pear' but has another 20
- spell points, for a total of 25 spell points, all of which will be
- consumed in that case.)
-- Effects
- Effects describe what happens when a spell is triggered. Each
- spell has at least one EFFECT specification, which looks as follows:
- EFFECT <effectlist> [ ATTRIGGER <effectlist> ] [ ATEND <effectlist> ]
- The three parts are as follows:
- * EFFECT: All effects here are executed as soon as the spell is
- triggered.
- * ATEND: All steps described here are executed when the spell
- finishes. Note that the spell may remain active after all steps
- from the EFFECT section have been taken; this happens when the spell
- triggers a status change (using the `status_change' operation,
- as described in the operations library). In that case the spell
- will terminate only after all status changes have finished.
- The ATEND section is not called when the spell finishes due to the
- caster dying.
- * ATTRIGGER: This section is used only for the `override_attack'
- operation and described there.
- Before effects are executed, the engine defines the following
- variables:
- * The parameter (if any)
- * caster : entity (the caster of this spell)
- * spellpower : int (the caster's spellpower, normally 6 -- 198)
- * location : location (the location the spell is currently at)
- * self_spell : spell (the current spell)
- * self_invocation : invocation (the current spell instance)
- The engine can then execute the following effects from the effect list:
- * SKIP; # a no-op
- * ABORT; # Abort the spell, don't run ATEND, don't consume a
- # trigger charge (cf. `override_attack')
- * END; # Skip to the ATEND block
- * WAIT <expr>; # Wait <expr> milliseconds before continuing
- * <id> = <expr>; # Set <id> to the result of evaluating <expr>
- * (<s1> ... <sn>) # Execute statements <s1> through <sn> in sequence
- * IF <c> # Test condition <c>. If nonzero,
- THEN <s1> # execute <s1>. Otherwise,
- ELSE <s2> # execute <s2>.
- # The `ELSE' branch can be omitted.
- * FOREACH <k> <id> IN <expr> DO <s>
- # Evaluate <expr> to an area, find all entities in
- # the area that match <k>, randomise this list,
- # bind <id> to each in turn and execute <s>.
- Example:
- FOREACH ENTITY t IN rbox(location(caster), 20)
- DO aggravate(t, 0, caster);
- # This aggravates all entities within 20 paces of
- # the caster to attack the caster.
- Valid values for <k> are
- + ENTITY : PC or mob
- + PC
- + MOB
- + TARGET : mob, PC (but only if we are on a PvP map)
- * FOR <id> = <start> TO <stop> DO <stmt>
- # This will iterate from <start> to <stop> (inclusively), bind
- # <id> to the current iteration value, and execute <stmt>.
- * BREAK;
- # This will break out of the current FOR loop, FOREACH loop, or
- # procedure.
- * <id> ( <expr1>, ..., <exprn> );
- # This executes an operation. See `Operations', below, for a
- # list.
- * CALL <id> ( <expr1>, ..., <exprn> );
- # This will execute a procedure, after binding the actual
- # parameters from <expr1> to <exprn> to the formal procedure
- # parameters.
- * { ... }
- # This executes arbitrary eAthena script code. The following
- # variables script variables are bound implicitly:
- # - @caster_name$ is the name of the spellcaster
- # - @caster and @target are also bound, to useless values (sorry.)
- #
- # By default, script popup boxes are sent to the caster. This can
- # be overridden by setting the special `script_target' variable.
- Procedures are defined as
- PROCEDURE <id> ( <id>, ... , <id> ) = <effectlist>
- For example,
- PROCEDURE testproc(x) = message(caster, "foo(" + x + )");
- y = 10;
- x = 20;
- defines a procedure `testproc' with one formal parameter `x'.
- Procedure execution is nonrecursive and uses dynamic scoping. The
- latter means that it can modify variables in the caller's scope. In
- the above example, the assignment to `y' will be visible to the
- caller. The assignment to `x' however will be not be visible, since
- that assignment goes to the parameter and is therefore limited in
- scope to `testproc'. More precisely,
- EFFECT x = 0; y = 0; testproc(1);
- message(caster, "x=" + x + ", y=" + y);
- would print
- foo(1)
- x=0, y=10
- (note how the update to x is isolated from the caller.)
-This section documents the function API.
-The following functions are available:
- + max : int * int -> int
- Pick the greater of two values.
- + min : int * int -> int
- Lesser of two values.
- + is_in : location * area -> bool
- Test whether a location is within an area.
- + if_then_else : bool * 'a * 'a -> 'a
- Test a condition (first parameter). If the contition is nonzero,
- return the second parameter, otherwise the third parameter.
- + skill : entity * int -> int
- Get the skill level that the `entity' has for the skill id.
- + dex : entity -> int
- + agi : entity -> int
- + int : entity -> int
- + vit : entity -> int
- + str : entity -> int
- + luk : entity -> int
- + hp : entity -> int
- + sp : entity -> int
- + def : entity -> int
- + mdef : entity -> int
- + max_hp : entity -> int
- + max_sp : entity -> int
- + level : entity -> int
- Status attributes.
- + dir : entity -> dir
- Direction that the entity is currently facing.
- + not : int -> int
- Logical negation. (NOT bitwise negation.)
- + neg : int -> int
- Bitwise negation.
- + name_of : entity -> string
- | spell -> string
- Retrieves the name either of an entity or of a spell.
- + location : entity -> location
- Determines the location that the specified entity presently
- occupies.
- + random : int -> int
- random(6) yields a random value from 0 to 5.
- + random_dir : int -> dir
- random_dir(0) yields N, S, E, or W.
- random_dir(1) yields N, S, E, W, SE, SW, NE, or NW.
- + hash_entity : entity -> int
- Retrieve a number idenfying the entity.
- + is_married : entity -> int
- Tests whether the entity is married.
- + partner : entity -> entity
- Retrieves the entity's partner, if online, or fails otherwise.
- + awayfrom : location * dir * int -> location
- awayfrom(loc, dir, distance) returns a location obtained by moving
- at most `distance' towards `dir', starting at `loc'. If the move
- hits an obstacle, we stop before the obstacle.
- + failed : 'a -> bool
- True iff the input was the special failure value.
- + pc : string -> entity
- Looks up a player character by name. Fails if there is no match.
- + npc : string -> entity
- Looks up an NPC by name. Fails if there is no match.
- + distance : location * location -> int
- This is the `fake square distance': The maximum of delta x and
- delta y between the two locations.
- + rdistance : location * location -> int
- This is the `real' distance (square root of the square of dx, dy)
- + anchor : string -> area
- Looks up a teleport anchor by name and returns the associated
- area. Fails if the result is not an area.
- + random_location : area -> location
- Pick a random location from within an area.
- + script_int : entity * string -> int
- Read a player script variable as an integer.
- + rbox : location * int -> area
- rbox(l, n) computes rectangular box centered at `l', with a
- `radius' of n. The box contains (n*2 + 1)^2 squares.
- + count_item : entity * int -> int
- | entity * string -> int
- Counts the number of instances of the specified item that the
- entity has. Items may be given by ID or by name.
- + line_of_sight : location * location -> int
- Determines whether there is a line-of-sight connection between the
- two locations.
- + running_status_update : entity * int -> bool
- Determines whether the specified status update is still active.
- + element : entity -> int
- Determines what element the entity is associated with
- + element_level : entity -> int
- Determines what element level the entity has
- + has_shroud : entity -> int
- Determines whether the player is presently shrouded (i.e., whether
- the player's name is being obscured.)
- + is_equipped : entity * int -> int
- : entity * string -> int
- Determines whether the player has equipped the specified item
- + spell_index : spell -> int
- Determines a unique index assigned to each spell
- + is_exterior : location -> bool
- Determines whether the location is under an open sky
- + contains_string : string * string -> bool
- contains_string(a, b) determines whether the string `a' contains
- the string `b' as a substring.
- + strstr : string * string -> bool
- strstr(a, b) returns the offset of the first instance of the
- string `b' in the string `a', or fails if there is none. The
- offset is reported with a base of zero, i.e., strstr("xyz", "x") = 0.
- + strlen : string -> int
- Compute the length of a string, in characters.
- + substr : string * int * int -> string
- substr(s, offset, len) extracts a substring of the length `len' at
- offset `offset'. The substring is automatically clipped, i.e., the
- function will never fail.
- + sqrt : int -> int
- Computes the square root of the specified number
- + map_level : location -> int
- Determines the map level: 0 for outside, 1 for inside, 2ff for
- dungeon levels (going down)
- + map_nr : location -> int
- Computes the map number. Map number and map level together uniquely
- identify a map.
- + dir_towards : location * location * int -> dir
- dir_towards(start, end, flag) computes the direction from `start' to
- `end'. If flag is zero, directions are limited to N, S, E, W;
- otherwise NE, SE, NW, SW will also be used. The two locations must be
- on the same map.
- + is_dead : entity -> bool
- Determines whether the specified entity is no longer alive.
- + extract_healer_experience : entity * int -> int
- Extracts `healer experience points' from the specified entity.
- Non-PCs always have an empty pool of healer exprerience points.
- PCs gain such experience points by killing/completing quests,
- though this `healer experience point pool' slowly drains itself.
- extract_healer_experience(pc, xp) extracts up to `xp' points.
- + is_pc : entity -> bool
- Determines whether the target is a player character
-This section documents the operations API.
- + sfx : entity * int * int -> ()
- | location * int *int -> ()
- Trigger a special effect (specified by sfx ID) for an entity or a
- location. The int specifies a delay until the effect is issued.
- + itemheal : entity * int * int -> ()
- itemheal(entity, hp, sp) triggers item healing. This will
- hopefully be slowed down if an appropriate server patch is
- installed.
- + instaheal : entity * int * int -> ()
- itemheal(entity, hp, sp) heals instantly.
- + shroud : entity * int -> ()
- shroud(entity, flags) hides the entity's name (only for PCs).
- Flags: 0x01: Hide PC'ss name when talking
- 0x02: Shroud vanishes when player picks something up
- 0x04: Shroud vanishes when player talks
- The shroud will not affect players in visible range until the
- entity has left and re-entered their field of vision. This can be
- enforced by warping.
- + unshroud : entity -> ()
- Counter a shroud.
- + message : entity * string -> ()
- Send a message to the entity.
- + messenger_npc : location * int
- * string * string * int -> ()
- messenger_npc(location, image, npc_name, message, duration)
- creates a messenger NPC looking like the `image' at `location',
- with name `npc_name' and delivering the `message' when clicked
- upon. The NPC disappears after the `duration' in ms has expired.
- + move : entity * dir -> ()
- Move the entity into the specified direction, unless that
- direction is blocked.
- + warp : entity * location -> ()
- Warp entity to specified location.
- + spawn : area * entity * int * int * int * int -> ()
- spawn(area, owner, mob_id, attitude, count, lifetime) spawns for a
- limited `lifetime' (in ms) a total of `count' monsters of kind
- `mob_id' in `area'. `attitude' specifies how they behave:
- 0 : attack everyone
- 1 : be friendly
- 2 : attack enemies of `owner' and give XP to `owner' if successful
- + banish : entity -> ()
- If the entity was spawned by the `spawn' operation, eliminate it.
- + status_change : entity * int * int
- * int * int * int * int -> ()
- status_change(entity, status, v1, v2, v3, v4, duration) initiates
- a status change. The precise status change (and the meaning of
- `v1', `v2', `v3', `v4') varies depending on `status'. This
- operation may delay spell termination (and the ATEND effect).
- ATEND can therefore be used to notify the caster that the status
- change has finished.
- + stop_status_change : entity * int
- Stops a status change
- + override_attack : entity * int * int
- * int * int *int * int -> ()
- override_attack(entity, charges, delay, range, icon, animation, stop)
- overrides the entity's current attack (only for PCs). The entity
- will have `charges' attacks that instead result in calling the
- ATTRIGGER effect for this spell. When this operation is called,
- the spell environment (variables etc.) is cloned into a separate
- invocation. This special invocation will be triggered every time
- the entity tries to attack, until they have run out of charages (at
- which time the previous behaviour is restored.)
- `delay' specifies the attack delay.
- `range' specifies the attack range as shown in the client GUI.
- `icon' is the ID of a status-effect ID that will be displayed
- while the spell is in effect.
- `animation' is the attack animation ID that should be used.
- `stop' decides whether attacking should stop once the spell is out
- of charges (1) or continue (0). (Note: this doesn't properly work,
- possibly due to client issues. Always use 0.)
- Note that if the ATTRIGGER effect ABORTs, no charge will be
- consumed.
- ATTRIGGER can refernece the player's target via the `target'
- variable.
- Example:
- SPELL tshuffle : "zvp" =
- (MANA 1, CATALYSTS ["Pearl"]) =>
- override_attack(caster, 3, 500, 10, 700, 31);
- IF (not (line_of_sight(location, location(target))))
- THEN (message (caster, "No line of sight!"); ABORT;)
- FOR i = 0 TO 10 DO (move(target, random_dir(0)););
- This overrides the caster's attack for three attacks (attack delay
- 500, range 10) to instead randomly move around any entity that the
- player tries to attack by up to 11 paces.
- + create_item : entity * int * int -> ()
- | entity * string * int -> ()
- create_item(entity, item, count) gives the `entity' `count'
- instances of `item'. As usual, `item' can be either a string name
- or an item ID.
- + aggravate : entity * int * entity -> ()
- aggravate (victim, mode, target) causes the `victim' to
- mode = 0: attack `target'
- mode = 1: become universally permanently aggressive
- mode = 2: both of the above
- + injure : entity * entity * int * int -> ()
- injure(attacker, defender, hp, sp) causes damage to the defender
- from the attacker (possibly killing, giving XP etc.), unless the
- defender is immortal (NPC) or a PC on a non-PvP map.
- + emote : entity * int -> ()
- Issues the specified emotion to the specified entity.
- + set_script_variable : entity * string * int -> ()
- Sets a script variable to the specified value
- + set_hair_colour : entity * int -> ()
- Sets the hair colour of the specified entity to the specified
- value (must be a PC).
- + set_hair_style : entity * int -> ()
- Adjusts the hair style of a PC.
- + drop_item : location * (int | string) * int * int -> ()
- drop_item(place, "name", count, duration) drops `count' items
- (where count may be zero) of name "name" at `place'. The items
- vanish again after `duration'.
- + drop_item_for : location * (int | string)
- * int * int * entity * int -> ()
- drop_item_for(place, obj, count, duration, owner, delay) works
- like drop_item(place, obj, count, duration), except that the item
- can only be picked up by `owner' for the next `delay'
- milliseconds, modulo pickup rules (spousal pickup, out-of-range).
- + gain_experience : entity * int * int * int -> ()
- gain_experience(player, base_xp, job_xp, reason) gives expereince
- points to `player'. If reason is 0, they are handed out normally,
- but if reason is 1, then those experience points are NOT added to
- the pool of experience points that healers can draw from `player'.
-Script API updates:
-Two new script API functions are available:
- * getspellinvocation : string -> string
- Looks up a spell by spell ID and returns the spell's invocation.
- * getanchorinvocation : string -> string
- Looks up a teleport anchor by anchor ID and returns the invocation.
-Syntax Reference:
-SPELLCONF ::= (GLOBAL | ANCHOR | SPELL | PROCEDURE | ';')* (* The ';' are only for decorative purposes *)
- VALUE ::= <int>
- | <hexint>
- | <id>
- | <string>
- | <dir> (* one of {N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, SW} *)
- EXPR ::= (VALUE)
- | (AREA)
- | (EXPR) '+' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '*' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '-' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '/' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '%' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '<' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '>' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '<>' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '=' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '!=' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '==' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '<=' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '>=' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '&&' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '||' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '|' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '^' (EXPR) (* XOR *)
- | (EXPR) '&' (EXPR) (* binary AND *)
- | (EXPR) '<<' (EXPR)
- | (EXPR) '>>' (EXPR)
- | <id> '(' ((EXPR) /* ',') ')'
- | <id>
- | '(' (EXPR) ')'
- INVOCATION ::= <string> (* used for convenience *)
- LOCATION ::= '@' '(' (EXPR) ',' (EXPR) ',' (EXPR) ')' (* <map name, x, y> *)
- | (LOCATION) '@' '+' '(' (EXPR) ',' (EXPR) ')' (* width and height around location, passable only *)
- | (LOCATION) 'towards' (EXPR) ':' '(' (EXPR) ',' (EXPR) ')' (* towards dir: Bar-shaped, width and depth; only NSEW supported *)
- ITEMS ::= '[' (ITEMC) /+ ',' ']'
- ITEMC ::= (ITEM)
- | <int> '*' (ITEM)
- ITEM ::= <int>
- | <id>
-* global
- GLOBAL ::= 'CONST'? <id> '=' (EXPR) ';'
- Available globals:
- - min_casttime : int (* min # of ticks for each spell (BEFORE scaling according to battle.conf) *)
- - obscure : int (* obscure percentage *)
-* teleport-anchor
- For example,
- TELEPORT-ANCHOR t : "tulimshar" = @("map_3-1.gat", 44, 70)
- creates a teleport anchor with name `t' and invocation `tulimshar' at the speicfied location.
-* spell
- SPELL ::= spellmod 'SPELL' <id> (ARG)? ':' (INVOCATION) '=' (SPELLDEF)
- (silent: invocation silently dropped. local: `location' variable doesn't change after spell init.)
- ARG ::= '(' <id> ':' (ARGTYPE) ')"
- ARGTYPE ::= 'PC' (* yields a pc, or self *)
- | 'STRING'
- SPELLDEF ::= ((SPELLBODY) /* '|')
- | 'LET' (DECL)* 'IN' ((SPELLBODY) /* '|')
- (* `ATTRIGGER' is executed as a separate effect if the spell is `triggered'. If the trigger has a target, it is denoted
- * in the variable `target'.
- * `ATEND' is invoked for normal termination, i.e., after the spell is over or has been dispelled. `ATEND' is NOT used
- * for the triggered effect; instead, spawn a separate spell in ATTRIGGER if that is desired. *)
- DECL ::= <id> '=' (EXPR) ';'
- | '(' (SPELLGUARD) /+ ',' ')'
- | 'MANA' (EXPR)
- | 'CASTTIME' (EXPR) (* # of ticks until the next spell can be cast *0
- | '(' (EFFECT) ')'
- | 'SKIP' (* no-op *)
- | 'ABORT' (* abort spell. If used in a trigger, no charges will be consumed. *)
- | 'END' (* skip to atend *)
- | 'BREAK' (* break out of loop *)
- | <id> '=' (EXPR) (* interpreted in the current context, eval'ds trictly *)
- | 'FOREACH' (SELECTION) <id> 'IN' (AREA) 'DO' (EFFECT) (* randomises the subjects first *)
- | 'FOR' <id> '=' (EXPR) 'TO' (EXPR) 'DO' (EFFECT) (* bounds are evaluated when the loop begins, no updates are respected *)
- | 'WAIT' (EXPR) (* amount in ticks before continuing. *)
- | <id> '(' (EXPR) /* ',' ')' (* operation *)
- | 'CALL' <id> '(' (EXPR) /* ',' ')' (* procedure call *)
- | '{' ... '}' (* script *)
- | 'MOB'
- | 'ENTITY' (* MOB or PC *)
- | 'TARGET' (* like ENTITY, but includes PCs only on PvP maps *)
- | 'SPELL'
- | 'NPC'
-* procedures
- Procedures may be invoked via `CALL'. They use dynamic scoping.
- PROCEDURE ::= 'PROCEDURE' <id> '(' <id> /* ',' ')' '=' (EFFECT)