path: root/world/map/npc
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2 files changed, 590 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/world/map/npc/functions/teleport_manager.txt b/world/map/npc/functions/teleport_manager.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ef24d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/world/map/npc/functions/teleport_manager.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+// GateBuilders toolkit aka "arbitrary teleports".
+// GateBuilders toolkit aka "arbitrary teleports".
+// Author: Hello=). Credits go to Freeyorp and HoraK for some insights.
+// This lacks limits of previously existing teleport systems.
+// * New teleports can be instatiated as needed, running side by side.
+// * Teleports can have finite lifetime, disappearing themself.
+// * Teleports can be removed, leaving no side effects.
+// * No leftovers or side effects after teleport removed.
+// * Up to about 100 teleports can coexist.
+// * Flexible condition check based on cookie. If some gate got cookie set
+// then it only lets players with matching variable to pass.
+// * Aspects like timeout, FX and their timing, etc can be customized.
+// * Teleports meant to be registered in TeleportManager. However, its
+// possible to create "unmanaged" teleports (e.g. for spells).
+// * In future it can allow custom hooks/checks on teleporters (planned)
+// Technically, TeleportManager NPC keeps teleports as array of integers.
+// with structure .teleports[.index] = Teleport's NPC ID.
+// Up to 100 teleports allowed (.index = 1..100, .index = 0 is unused).
+// if .teleports[.index] = 0 -> empty/reusable slot.
+// All teleport specific data stored in puppet NPC itself.
+// Teleport NPCs are puppets of TeleportManager and inherit its code.
+// Attempt will be made to make it reasonably robust. That is,
+// * Try to handle usage bugs/bogus data/etc.
+// * No actions causing big server side fallouts.
+// * No out of bounds, nonexistent NPC references, etc.
+// Teleports have the following variables (some are set on teleport_create)
+// .srcmap$ - source map of teleport's npc
+// .src_x - source map of teleport's npc, X coord
+// .src_y - source map of teleport's npc, Y coord
+// .dstmap$ - destination map of teleport's npc
+// .dst_x - destination map of teleport's npc, X coord
+// .dst_y - destination map of teleport's npc, Y coord
+// .lifetime - teleport's lifetime, in ms. 0 = permanent (until server restart)
+// .cookie - if set, only teleport players with teleport_cookie == NPC's .cookie
+// .fx, - FX effect to play on teleport.
+// .fx_time, - Time FX allowed to play before teleport actually happens.
+// .IS_MANAGER - Indicates TeleportManager NPC. Puppets wouldnst have that.
+// .managed - Indicates its teleport managed by TeleportManager. Its possible to
+// create unmanaged teleports, e.g. transient teleports by spells.
+// .teleport - Set to 1 to be able to distinguish teleport NPCs from other NPCs
+// .info$ - Description, shown to user when clicking NPC
+// .inactive - set to disable OnTouch reaction. Useful for staged shutdown or
+// e.g. temporarily deactivating teleport for whatever reason.
+// Key functcions: teleport_add and teleport_del. Rest are "helpers".
+// Main NPC code, runs on both TeleportManager and teleport puppets.
+// Do not rename NPC: functions below rely on NPC name.
+ message strcharinfo(0), .info$; // Display info about teleport, var allows message change.
+ end;
+// Manager code below - puppets dont use OnCmd* events
+// Invoked when someone adds teleport via @teleportadd
+ debugmes "OnAdd called";
+ if (call("teleport_access_check")) end; // Not allowed to use this.
+ set .@idx, call("teleport_find_slot", 0); // Try to find empty slot (containing 0)
+ if (.@idx <= 0) goto L_AddNoRoom; // No empty slots? NB: teleports[0] not used.
+ if (call ("teleportadd_parseargs") <= 0) goto L_AddArgsFail; // @VARs like @POS_X, @NAME$, etc set by teleportadd_parseargs()
+// Create actual teleport NPC ------- src map - src x src y --- name - NPC ---- Sz Sz dst map - dst x - dst y -- time - cook managed?
+ set .@tp, call("teleport_create", getmap(), @POS_X, @POS_Y, @NAME$, @NPCSPRITE, 0, 0, @DSTMAP$, @DST_X, @DST_Y, @TIMEOUT, 0, 1);
+ if (.@tp <= 0) goto L_AddPuppetFail; // Has puppet() failed?
+ set .teleports[.@idx], .@tp; // Store NPC ID -> .teleports[.@idx] slot. Access safe: teleport_find_slot() == 1..100
+ gmlog strcharinfo(0) + " accessed TeleportManager: @teleportadd " + @args$;
+ wgm strcharinfo(0) + " accessed TeleportManager: @teleportadd " + @args$;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Added: [" + .@idx + "] " +
+ (get(.srcmap$, .@tp)) + " " + (get(.src_x, .@tp)) + "," + (get(.src_y, .@tp)) +
+ " -> " + (get(.dstmap$, .@tp)) + " " + (get(.dst_x, .@tp)) + "," + (get(.dst_y, .@tp)) +
+ " lifetime:" + ((get(.lifetime, .@tp)) / 1000) + "s, Name:" + strnpcinfo(0, .@tp) + " (" + .@tp + ")";
+ debugmes "OnAdd: npc="+.@tp+" idx="+.@idx;
+ end;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Too many teleports open, max 100 tracked teleports";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : use @teleportlist to list and @teleportdel to remove some.";
+ end;
+ if (@DSTMAP$ != "help") message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : try @teleportadd help or @teleporthelp";
+ end;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : failed to add teleport, check params. Duplicate NPC name maybe?";
+ end;
+// Invoked when someone removes teleport via @teleportdel
+ debugmes "OnDel called";
+ if (call("teleport_access_check")) end; // Not allowed to use this.
+ callfunc "argv_splitter";
+ if (@argv[0] <= 0) goto L_DelFail;
+ if (call("teleport_delete", @argv[0]) <= 0) goto L_DelNotFound;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : requested teleport ID [" + @argv[0] + "] to terminate";
+ gmlog strcharinfo(0) + " accessed TeleportManager: @teleportdel " + @args$;
+ wgm strcharinfo(0) + " accessed TeleportManager: @teleportdel " + @args$;
+ end;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : teleport ID [" + @argv[0] + "] not found.";
+ end;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Bad parameters.";
+ callfunc("teleport_help_del");
+ end;
+// Invoked when someone lists teleports via @teleportlist
+ debugmes "OnList called";
+ if (call("teleport_access_check")) end; // Not allowed to use this.
+ callfunc("teleports_list");
+ gmlog strcharinfo(0) + " accessed TeleportManager: @teleporlist" + @args$;
+ end;
+// Invoked when someone requests help via @teleporthelp
+// (doesn't needs access checks - does nothing dangerous)
+ debugmes "OnHelp called";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Commands: @teleportadd @teleportdel @teleportlist @teleporthelp";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportlist - display list of active teleports";
+ callfunc("teleport_help_del");
+ callfunc("teleport_help_add");
+ end;
+// Puppets (teleportation pads) logic below.
+// Invoked when player steps on npc. Manager NPC ignores this.
+ debugmes "OnTouch";
+ if (.IS_MANAGER) end; // Manager NPC isnt teleport -> no interaction.
+ if (.inactive) end; // If gate deactivated -> no interaction.
+ if ((.cookie) && (teleport_cookie != .cookie)) goto L_CantPass;
+ set teleport_cookie, 0; // Clear teleport cookie of player on teleport use.
+ sc_start SC_SLOWMOVE, .fx_time+100, 100000; // Slow player temporarily to avoid movement VS warp DCs
+ addtimer .fx_time, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTeleport"; // time before teleporting away
+ misceffect .fx; // Default .fx set in teleport_add, other code can override it.
+ end;
+ message strcharinfo(0), .cantpass$; // NPC var allows to change message.
+ end; // "keyed" teleport and player didnt had proper cookie.
+// Teleportation timer event (attached to player). Queued by OnTouch.
+ debugmes "OnTeleport -> " + .dstmap$ + " X=" + .dst_x + " Y=" + .dst_y;
+ warp .dstmap$, .dst_x, .dst_y;
+ end;
+// Invoked on timed teleport's NPC timer expired.
+ debugmes "OnTeleportExpired";
+ set .inactive, 1; // Flag shutdown so OnTouch ignores incoming players.
+ addnpctimer (.fx_time + 1000), strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTeleportShutdown"; // Give time to in-flight players to teleport.
+ end;
+// Does actual teleport shutdown.
+ debugmes "OnTeleportShutdown";
+ void call("teleport_mgr_clean"); // Cleanups adequately both "managed" and "unmanaged" teleports.
+ if !(.IS_MANAGER) destroy; // Dont ever try to destroy manager npc.
+ end;
+ set .IS_MANAGER, 1; // Only Manager NPC would have this, puppets wouldnt.
+ set .info$, "TeleportManager : This thing is unlike anything you've seen before"; // Manager's NPC message on click.
+ registercmd "@teleportadd", "TeleportManager::OnCmdAdd";
+ registercmd "@teleportdel", "TeleportManager::OnCmdDel";
+ registercmd "@teleportlist", "TeleportManager::OnCmdList";
+ registercmd "@teleporthelp", "TeleportManager::OnCmdHelp";
+ registercmd "@teleport", "TeleportManager::OnCmdHelp";
+ end;
+// PUBLIC API. Creates requested teleport NPC. Arg 0..6 are like puppet().
+// This function designed to run in ANY context, whether RID attached or not.
+// It creates puppet + setups all relevant data in created NPC.
+// arg(0): Teleport's map.
+// arg(1): Teleport's X
+// arg(2): Teleport's Y
+// arg(3): Teleport's NPC label
+// arg(4): Teleport's NPC sprite ID
+// arg(5): Teleport's X size
+// arg(6): Teleport's Y size
+// arg(7): Destination map name.
+// arg(8): Destination X
+// arg(9): Destination Y
+// arg(10):Teleport lifetime ( > 0 or -1 = indefinite)
+// arg(11):Teleport magic cookie, 0 = everyone allowed, otherwise checks match.
+// arg(12):Whether teleport managed, 0 = unmanaged, != 0 means it is.
+// Return: On success: NPC ID of teleport created.
+// On failure: 0 if puppet failed, -1 if arg check failed.
+ debugmes "teleport_create -> Enter";
+ set .@map$, getarg(0, ""); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@x, getarg(1, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@y, getarg(2, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@name$, getarg(3, ""); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@sprite, getarg(4, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@xsz, getarg(5, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@ysz, getarg(6, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@dstmap$, getarg(7, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@dst_x, getarg(8, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@dst_y, getarg(9, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@lifetime, getarg(10, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@cookie, getarg(11, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@managed, getarg(12, -10); // Get args (+failsafe defailts)
+ set .@res, -1; // Validate what caller gave
+ if !(call("teleport_map_valid", .@map$ )) goto L_Fail; // Validate src map$
+ if !(call("teleport_map_valid", .@dstmap$)) goto L_Fail; // Validate dst map$
+ if ((.@x < 0) || (.@y < 0)) goto L_Fail; // SRC X/Y cant be < 0
+ if ((.@dst_x < 0) || (.@dst_y < 0)) goto L_Fail; // DST X/Y cant be < 0
+ if ((.@xsz < 0) || (.@ysz < 0)) goto L_Fail; // NPC X/Y size cant be <= 0
+ if (.@name$ == "") goto L_Fail; // NPC name cant be empty
+ if (.@sprite <= 0) goto L_Fail; // NPC sprite cant be <= 0
+ if (.@lifetime < -1 || (.@lifetime) == 0) goto L_Fail; // Lifetime either > 0 or -1 = infinite
+ if ((.@cookie < 0) || (.@managed < 0)) goto L_Fail; // Cookie and managed cant be < 0
+ set .@res, puppet(.@map$, .@x, .@y, .@name$, .@sprite, .@xsz, .@ysz); // instatiate teleport NPC
+ if (.@res <= 0) goto L_Fail;
+ //NPC's var value NPC ID -- teleport defaults
+ set .srcmap$, .@map$, .@res; // set .srcmap$ of NPC
+ set .src_x, .@x, .@res; // set .src_x of NPC
+ set .src_y, .@y, .@res; // set .src_y of NPC
+ set .dstmap$, .@dstmap$, .@res; // set .dstmap$ of NPC
+ set .dst_x, .@dst_x, .@res; // set .dst_x of NPC
+ set .dst_y, .@dst_y, .@res; // set .dst_y of NPC
+ set .lifetime, .@lifetime, .@res; // set .lifetime of NPC
+ set .cookie, .@cookie, .@res; // set .cookie of NPC
+ set .fx, 41, .@res; // set default teleport FX
+ set .fx_time, 350, .@res; // set default FX time (warp delay)
+ set .managed, .@managed, .@res; // If > 0, npc managed by TeleportManager (unmanaged temp TPs can be e.g. spells)
+ set .teleport, 1, .@res; // All teleports created by teleport_create have this.
+ set .info$, "Teleport : strange structure of unknown origins", .@res; // Default on-click message.
+ set .cantpass$, "Teleport : structure seems to ignore you", .@res; // Default "can't pass" message.
+ // If timeout requested, set up teardown timer.
+ if (.@lifetime > 0) addnpctimer .@lifetime, .@name$+"::OnTeleportExpired";
+ debugmes "teleport_create <- Puppet: Map="+.@map$+" X="+.@x+" Y="+.@y+" Nm="+.@name$+" SpID="+.@sprite+" xsz="+.@xsz+" ysz="+.@ysz+" .@res="+.@res;
+ return .@res;
+ debugmes "arg0:"+getarg(0)+" arg1:"+getarg(1)+" arg2:"+getarg(2)+" arg3:"+getarg(3)+" arg4:"+getarg(4)+" arg5:"+getarg(5)+" arg6:"+getarg(6)+" arg7:"+getarg(7)+" arg8:"+getarg(8)+" arg9:"+getarg(9)+" arg10:"+getarg(10)+" arg11:"+getarg(11)+" arg12:"+getarg(12);
+ debugmes "teleport_create <- Leave, call failed ["+.@res+"]";
+ return .@res;
+// PUBLIC API. This function deletes teleport.
+// This function designed to run in ANY context, whether RID attached or not.
+// Teleport removed by NPC destroy + setting its .teleports[.index] = 0.
+// Inputs: arg[0] is either slot index (1..100) or NPC ID to remove.
+// Return: 1 on success, <= 0 on failure.
+ debugmes "teleports_delete -> enter";
+ set .@npctodel, getarg(0, -1); // This is either slot # or NPC ID
+ if (.@npctodel <= 0) goto L_Error;
+ if (.@npctodel > 100) goto L_GotNpcId; // If > 100 assume its NPC ID, not slot.
+ set .@npctodel, call("teleport_get_slot_val", .@npctodel); // Get NPC id from teleport manager slot.
+ if (.@npctodel <= 0) goto L_Error; // Failed to get NPC ID?
+ goto L_GotNpcId;
+ if !(get(.teleport, .@npctodel)) goto L_Error; // Sanity check its teleport NPC indeed
+ donpcevent strnpcinfo(0, .@npctodel)+"::OnTeleportShutdown"; // Request teleport NPC to perform shutdown.
+ return 1;
+ debugmes "teleports_delete <- leave, failed";
+ return 0;
+// This function prints teleports known to TeleportManager.
+// This function MUST run in player context with RID attached to send messages.
+// Inputs: nothing, all data taken from TeleportManager NPC.
+// Return: nothing, just prints info as it iterates manager's slots.
+ debugmes "teleports_list -> enter";
+ set .@idx, 0;
+ freeloop 1; // Loops via 100 slots -> can time out.
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : ---- Active teleports ----";
+ goto L_NextSlot;
+ set .@idx, (.@idx+1);
+ if (.@idx > 100) goto L_Done; // Iterated whole array.
+ set .@npc, call("teleport_get_slot_val", .@idx);
+ debugmes "teleport_list idx=" + .@idx + " val=" + .@npc;
+ if (.@npc < 0) goto L_Error; // Abort iteration on error and report it.
+ if (.@npc > 0) goto L_PrintSlot; // Print slot data.
+ goto L_NextSlot; // .@npc == 0 // just iterate to next slot
+ if !(get(.managed, .@npc)) goto L_Error; // Sanity check its really "managed teleport" NPC
+ debugmes "teleport_list: after managed check";
+ // Display info about teleport, data taken from NPC.
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : [" + .@idx + "] " +
+ (get(.srcmap$, .@npc)) + " " + (get(.src_x, .@npc)) + "," + (get(.src_y, .@npc)) +
+ " -> " + (get(.dstmap$, .@npc)) + " " + (get(.dst_x, .@npc)) + "," + (get(.dst_y, .@npc)) +
+ " lifetime:" + ((get(.lifetime, .@npc)) / 1000) + "s, Name:" + strnpcinfo(0, .@npc) + " (" + .@npc + ")";
+ goto L_NextSlot;
+ freeloop 0;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : ---- End ----";
+ debugmes "teleports_list <- Leave, ok";
+ return;
+ freeloop 0;
+ debugmes "teleports_list <- Leave, error";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Error iterating TeleportManager slots (bug?!)";
+ return;
+// This function finds slot in TeleportManager with given NPC ID.
+// This function designed to run in ANY context, whether RID attached or not.
+// Inputs: arg[0]: NPC ID to find, 0 means "find free slot",
+// Return: slot index in 1..100 range if slot found, <= 0 on fail.
+ debugmes "teleport_find_slot -> Enter";
+ if (getarg(0) < 0) goto L_Fail; // Caller gave some crap?
+ set .@wanted, getarg(0); // NPC ID to find (or 0 to find free slot)
+ set .@manager, getnpcid("TeleportManager");
+ if (.@manager <= 0) goto L_Fail; // Manager NPC not found?
+ set .@i, 1; // 0 slot not used.
+ freeloop 1;
+ goto L_TrySlot; // Start iterating via teleport slots on TeleportManager.
+ set .@npcid, get(.teleports[.@i], .@manager);
+ debugmes "teleport_find_slot: @i="+.@i+" npcid="+.@npcid;
+ if (.@npcid == .@wanted) goto L_Found; //.teleports[.@i] == desired ID?
+ if (.@i > 100) goto L_Fail; // No free slots in teleports[1..100]
+ set .@i, (.@i + 1); goto L_TrySlot; // Try next slot
+ debugmes "teleport_find_slot <- Leave, found slot .@i="+.@i;
+ freeloop 0;
+ return .@i;
+ debugmes "teleport_find_slot <- Leave, call failed";
+ freeloop 0;
+ return 0;
+// This function returns value in TeleportManager's slot with given indes.
+// This function designed to run in ANY context, whether RID attached or not.
+// Inputs: arg[0]: slot ID, must be 1 .. 100;
+// Return: -1 on error, 0 on empty slot, or NPC ID of teleport in given sslot.
+ debugmes "teleport_get_slot_val -> Enter";
+ if ((getarg(0) < 1) || (getarg (0) > 100)) goto L_Fail; // Bogus index?
+ set .@index, getarg(0);
+ set .@manager, getnpcid("TeleportManager");
+ if (.@manager <= 0) goto L_Fail; // Manager NPC not found?
+ set .@ret, get(.teleports[.@index], .@manager);
+ debugmes "teleport_get_slot_val <- Leave, ok";
+ return .@ret;
+ debugmes "teleport_get_slot_val <- Leave, failed";
+ return -1;
+// This function sets slot in TeleportManager with given value.
+// This function designed to run in ANY context, whether RID attached or not.
+// Inputs: arg[0]: slot ID, must be 1 .. 100;
+// arg[1]: value to store to slot;
+// Return: 1 on success, <= 0 on failure.
+ debugmes "teleport_set_slot_val -> Enter";
+ if ((getarg(0) < 1) || (getarg (0) > 100)) goto L_Fail; // Bogus index?
+ if (getarg(1) < 0) goto L_Fail; // TP slots are NPC ID or 0 for empty
+ set .@index, getarg(0);
+ set .@val, getarg(1);
+ set .@manager, getnpcid("TeleportManager");
+ if (.@manager <= 0) goto L_Fail; // Manager NPC not found?
+ set .teleports[.@i], .@val, .@manager;
+ debugmes "teleport_set_slot_val <- Leave, ok";
+ return 1;
+ debugmes "teleport_set_slot_val <- Leave, failed";
+ return 0;
+// PRIVATE: This function cleans up slot in TeleportManager on teleport shutdown.
+// This function ONLY meant to be invoked by teleport NPC puppet on shutdown!
+// Inputs: nothing. Gets data from its calling NPC.
+// Return: 1 on success, <= 0 on failure.
+ if !(.managed) goto L_RetOk; // Teleport not managed by TeleportManager -> no cleanup
+ set .@my_id, getnpcid();
+ if (.@my_id <= 0) goto L_RetFail; // Give up on cleanup, slot will leak
+ // Call chaining OK: teleport_set_slot_val() checks slot # sanity, so teleport_find_slot() fail handled.
+ set .@res, call("teleport_set_slot_val", call("teleport_find_slot", .@my_id), 0);
+ if (.@res != 1) goto L_RetFail;
+ goto L_RetOk;
+ return 1;
+ debugmes "OnTeleportShutdown: TeleportManaer cleanup failure -> will leak slot. Likely bug!";
+ return 0;
+// PRIVATE: This function validates @teleportadd args and prepares for teleport_add() call.
+// This function MUST be invoked with player RID attached, by TeleportManager NPC
+// Inputs: nothing, but assumes args$ set.
+// Return: <= 0 on failure, 1 on success.
+// Return: sets @POS_X, @POS_X, @DSTMAP$, @DST_X, @DST_Y,
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs -> Enter";
+ // FIXME check arg presence$ if ()
+ callfunc "argv_splitter";
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs @argv$[0]"+@argv$[0]+" @argv[1]"+@argv[1]+" @argv[2]"+@argv[2]+" @argv$[3]"+@argv$[3]+" @argv[4]"+@argv[4]+" @argv[5]"+@argv[5];
+ set @DSTMAP$, @argv$[0]; // Destination map
+ set @DST_X, @argv[1]; // Dst warp coordinates
+ set @DST_Y, @argv[2]; // Dst warp coordinates
+ set @NAME$, @argv$[3]; // Teleport's label
+ set @TIMEOUT, @argv[4]; // Teleport's lifetime
+ set @NPCSPRITE, @argv[5]; // Teleport's NPC sprite (optional)
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs 1 DSTMAP$="+@DSTMAP$+" @DST_X="+@DST_X+" @DST_Y="+@DST_Y+" @NAME$="+@NAME$+" @TIMEOUT="+@TIMEOUT+" @NPCSPRITE="+@NPCSPRITE;
+ // Check DST map is okay
+ if ((@DSTMAP$ == "help") || (@DSTMAP$ == "")) goto L_DisplayHelp; // @teleportadd help or @teleportadd
+ if !(call("teleport_map_valid", @DSTMAP$)) goto L_FailBadmap; // DST: invalid map?
+ // Check DST X,Y sane
+ if ((@DST_X <= 0) || (@DST_Y <= 0)) goto L_FailBadDstXY1; // DST: invalids coords <= 0?
+ if ((getmapmaxx(@DSTMAP$) < @DST_X) || (getmapmaxy(@DSTMAP$) < @DST_Y)) goto L_FailBadDstXY2; // Outside of map?
+ // Check if DST is collision
+ if (iscollision(@DSTMAP$, @DST_X, @DST_Y)) goto L_FailDstCollide;
+ // Try adaptive NPC placement. Above caller if there's room or on caller if not.
+ set @POS_X, POS_X;
+ if ((POS_Y > 2) && !(iscollision(getmap(), POS_X, (POS_Y-2)))) set @POS_Y, (POS_Y - 2);
+ else set @POS_Y, POS_Y; // Overhead placement failed, use caller's tile
+ // NPC name checks
+ if (@NAME$ == "") goto L_FailNPCName;
+ // TIMEOUT checks and setup
+ if ((@TIMEOUT < -1) || (@TIMEOUT == 0) || (@TIMEOUT > 2000000)) goto L_FailTimeout;
+ if (@TIMEOUT > 0) set @TIMEOUT, (@TIMEOUT * 1000); // translate seconds -> ms to make more wieldy numbers
+ // NPC SPRITE configuration
+ if ((@NPCSPRITE != 424) && (@NPCSPRITE != 369) && (@NPCSPRITE != 368)
+ && (NPCSPRITE != 325) && (@NPCSPRITE != 324)) set @NPCSPRITE, 424;
+ // All checks complete
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs 2 DSTMAP$="+@DSTMAP$+" @DST_X="+@DST_X+" @DST_Y="+@DST_Y+" @NAME$="+@NAME$+" @TIMEOUT="+@TIMEOUT+" @NPCSPRITE="+@NPCSPRITE;
+ return 1; // Everything OK
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd: unknown destination map:" + @DSTMAP$;
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs <- Leave, fail Badmap";
+ return -1;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd: destination X,Y must be > 0! Given X=" + @DST_X + " Y=" + @DST_Y;
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs <- Leave, fail BadDstXY1";
+ return -2;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd: destination X,Y outside of map! Given X=" + @DST_X+ " Y=" + @DST_Y;
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs <- Leave, fail BadDstXY2";
+ return -3;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd: destination MAP=" + @DSTMAP$ + " X=" + @DST_X + " Y=" + @DST_Y + " is a collision (impassable)";
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs <- Leave, fail DstCollide";
+ return -4;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd: NPCNAME can't be empty!";
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs <- Leave, fail NPCName";
+ return -5;
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd: timeout must be either -1, or > 0 and < 2000000 (seconds)";
+ debugmes "teleportadd_parseargs <- Leave, fail NPCName";
+ return -6;
+ void call("teleport_help_add");
+ return -7;
+// PUBLIC API: This function checks if map name known and OK to use.
+// This function designed to run in any context.
+// Inputs: arg$[0] is map name to check for sanity.
+// Return: 1 for known maps, 0 for unknown
+ set .@inputmap$, getarg(0, "");
+ set .@i, 0;
+ setarray .@maps1$, "001-1", "001-2", "001-3", "002-1", "002-2", "002-3",
+ "002-4", "002-5", "003-1", "003-4", "004-1", "004-3",
+ "004-4", "004-5", "005-3", "006-1", "006-2", "006-3",
+ "007-1", "007-2", "008-1", "009-1", "009-2", "009-3",
+ "009-4", "009-5", "009-6", "009-7", "009-8", "010-1",
+ "010-2", "011-1", "011-3", "011-4", "011-6", "012-1",
+ "012-3", "012-4", "013-1", "013-2", "013-3", "014-1",
+ "014-3", "015-1", "015-3", "016-1", "016-2", "017-1",
+ "017-2", "017-3", "017-4", "017-9", "018-1", "018-2",
+ "018-3", "019-1", "019-3", "019-4", "020-1", "020-2",
+ "020-3", "021-3", "023-1", "023-2", "023-3", "025-1",
+ "025-3", "025-4", "026-1", "026-2", "027-1", "027-2",
+ "027-3", "027-4", "027-5", "027-6", "027-7", "027-8",
+ "028-1", "028-3", "029-1", "029-2", "029-3", "029-4",
+ "030-1", "030-2", "030-3", "030-4", "031-1", "031-2",
+ "031-3", "031-4", "032-3", "033-1", "034-1", "034-2",
+ "035-2", "036-2", "041-1", "042-1", "043-1", "043-3",
+ "043-4", "045-1", "046-1", "046-3", "047-1", "047-3";
+// Had to split to 2 arrays as its too big for array initializer
+ setarray .@maps2$, "048-2", "051-1", "051-3", "052-1", "052-2", "055-1",
+ "055-3", "056-2", "057-1", "058-1", "058-2", "069-2",
+ "070-1", "070-3", "099-1", "099-2", "099-3", "099-4",
+ "099-5", "099-6", "099-7", "099-8", "botcheck";
+ set .@arr_sz1, getarraysize(.@maps1$[0]);
+ set .@arr_sz2, getarraysize(.@maps2$[0]);
+ freeloop 1; // Needed to iterate over array of about 150 maps
+ goto L_NextMap; // Start iterating over array of maps.
+ if (.@inputmap$ == .@maps1$[.@i]) goto L_Found; // Found map in arr 1?
+ if (.@inputmap$ == .@maps2$[.@i]) goto L_Found; // Found map in arr 2?
+ set .@i, (.@i + 1); // increment .@maps$[] index
+ if ((.@i >= .@arr_sz1) && (.@i >= .@arr_sz2)) goto L_NotFound; // Abort if whole arrays scanned
+ goto L_NextMap; // Try next map in .@maps$[]
+ freeloop 0;
+ return 0;
+ freeloop 0;
+ return 1;
+// PRIVATE: This function displays usage help for TeleportManager - @teleportadd
+// This function should be invoked by TeleportManager with RID attached.
+// Inputs: nothing.
+// Return: nothing, just shows usage -> caller.
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportadd <MAP> <X> <Y> <NPCNAME> <TIMEOUT> [sprite]";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : <MAP> <X> <Y>: teleport's destination map and coordinates";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : <NPCNAME>: name of NPC, unique and nonempty. If it stats with # its hidden";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : <TIMEOUT>: teleport lifetime (sec), < 2 000 000 sec, -1 = persistent";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : [sprite]: optional, NPC sprite (424,369,368,325 and 324 accepted)";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Example: @teleportadd 009-1 52 39 Hurns -1 adds permanent teleport to Hurns menhir";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : Example: @teleportadd 009-1 52 39 Hurns 600 324 - same but 10 min, and red circle";
+ return;
+// PRIVATE: This function displays usage help for TeleportManager - @teleportdel
+// This function should be invoked by TeleportManager with RID attached.
+// Inputs: nothing.
+// Return: nothing, just shows usage -> caller.
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : @teleportdel <ID>";
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : ID either slot# (1..100) or teleport NPC ID";
+ return;
+// Access checks for TeleportManager. Based on cut-down BossPowers checks.
+ if ($BP_DISABLE) goto L_Killswitch; // If things go wrong, TeleportManager can be disabled.
+ if (#BP_DISABLE) goto L_Killswitch; // If someone abuses feature, there's _per-account_ DENY flag.
+ if (GM >= 40) goto L_Allowed; // GM >= 40 can use boss actions.
+ if (IS_EVENTER == 42) goto L_Allowed; // Trusted player(s) could be allowed to access Eventer "magic"
+ if (debug) goto L_Allowed; // Allow on debug.
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : You can't use this feature at this time. Sorry. [1]";
+ return 1; // Not allowed by default.
+ return 0; // Whoever gets here allowed to invoke BossPowers spells
+ message strcharinfo(0), "[TeleportManager] : You can't use this feature at this time. Sorry. [2]";
+ return 2;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/scripts.conf b/world/map/npc/scripts.conf
index 448e0947..7fbe10b4 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/scripts.conf
+++ b/world/map/npc/scripts.conf
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ npc: npc/functions/motdconfig.txt
npc: npc/functions/ghost.txt
npc: npc/functions/vault.txt
npc: npc/functions/global_event_handler.txt
+npc: npc/functions/teleport_manager.txt
// Item Functions
npc: npc/items/purification_potion.txt