// Annual Xmas Battle
// Author: Jenalya, shamelessly adapted by Chayenne, wushin
// Variables:
// @xmas_battle_side: if set its "naughty path" if not set "nice path"
// XmasBattleStatus:
// 0 battle not started
// 1 battle easy good
// 2 battle hard good
// 3 battle easy bad
// 4 battle hard bad
// 5 battle time out
// basically its this:
// Announcements depend on wether starter was naughty/nice path
// mobs are not yet balanced, they also depend on battle mode
// only nutcrackers need to be killed ( I hope )
// player gets state set to finished for winning the battle once and mode bit set on easy/hard accordingly
// every player *is* allowed to restart the quest ONCE himself if he hasnt started it himself yet
//TODO Add an icreasing particle effect to the chest, move it half a tile right
// and make it one of those lab tables from the slime quests
set $@XmasBattleStatusClone, 0;
callfunc "XmasStates";
set @xmas_battle_side, 0;
if ($@XmasBattleCoolDown)
goto L_CoolDown;
if (@xmas_side)
set @xmas_battle_side, 1;
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleInProgress;
if (@xmas_state < $@xmas_boss_door_open_state)
goto L_ThrowOut;
if ((@xmas_boss_start) && (@xmas_state > $@xmas_boss_door_open_state))
goto L_Helper;
if (@xmas_state == $@xmas_boss_door_open_state)
goto L_InitiateBattle;
goto L_InitiateBattle;
callfunc "XmasSetBossStart";
goto L_BattleBad;
goto L_BattleGood;
mes "[Orum's Homunculus]";
mes "\"So this is where this whole shallow charade will end...\"";
mes "\"Good. Are you ready to get this over with?\"";
"Huh? Sure, why not.", -,
"Wait a sec.", L_Close,
"Well... since you ask... I prefer to leave now, this is way to dangerous. I have responsibities.", L_Coward;
mes "[Orums Homunculus]";
mes "\"Okay now listen closely, at least for once.\"";
mes "\"Put the mana battery into that vessel in front of you.\"";
"Ok.", -,
"No way, I prefer to leave. Now!", L_Coward,
"Give me a second, I need to consider my options.", L_Close;
mes "You carefully install the Mana Battery as good as you can manage.";
mes "As you bend over, you notice a strong sulphur odour coming from the crate";
mes "[Orum]";
mes "\"Ok. now this should be enough.\"";
mes "\"Get out of here, before the bomb explodes!.\"";
"Agreed.", L_StartBad,
"You know what? If I pull this lever this should become HUGE! (Beware! that's dangerous)", L_StartBadHard;
mes "You stare into a box that even through your unexperienced eyes looks less than secure to harbour such a powerful device as the mana battery is.";
"Ok, this should be where the battery belongs.", L_StartGood,
"No WAY! I am not going to put my life in danger", L_Close,
"Ok that does it, I am going to leave! I cannot be responsible for blowing up the entire mana world.", L_Coward,
"I studied magic and this looks all wrong. (Beware! that's dangerous)", L_StartGoodHard;
goto L_Close;
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleInProgress;
set @xmas_battle_status, 1;
goto L_Start;
goto L_Close;
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleInProgress;
callsub S_CheckHardReq;
delitem $@xmas_boss_req$[ @xmas_battle_side ], $@xmas_boss_amount[ @xmas_battle_side ];
mes "You pour a handfull of " + $@xmas_boss_req$[@xmas_battle_side] + " over the Mana Battery.";
set @xmas_battle_status, 2;
goto L_Start;
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleInProgress;
set @xmas_battle_status, 3;
goto L_Start;
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleInProgress;
callsub S_CheckHardReq;
delitem $@xmas_boss_req$[ @xmas_battle_side ], $@xmas_boss_amount[ @xmas_battle_side ];
mes "You pour a handfull of " + $@xmas_boss_req$[@xmas_battle_side] + " over the Mana Battery.";
set @xmas_battle_status, 4;
goto L_Start;
mes "You struggle a little with your task, since the mana battery doesn't seem to fit in as smooth as you expected it.";
mes "W00t!";
mes "Now it is glowing wildly";
mes "it seems like this will not turn out as planned, Look this Guard of Honour is going crazy!";
npctalk "The Guards are out of control!";
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleAlreadyStarted;
set $@XmasBattleStatus, @xmas_battle_status;
set $@XmasBattleStatusClone, $@XmasBattleStatus;
set $@XmasBossRound, 0;
set $@XmasBossPlayerCount, getmapusers("030-4.gat");
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 21, 40, 40, "", 1114, 1, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
goto L_Close;
// if the player didnt get a bomb yet
mes "This looks dangerous. Come back when you are prepared";
warp "030-2",151,25;
goto L_Close;
//Player chose to cancel
mes "What a pitty now you still have a bomb in your hands but...";
mes "As you wish.";
warp "030-2",151,25;
goto L_Close;
//Player used up his own chance to start
mes "mmh the AniManOMat is empty again, maybe we should try with a different mana battery.";
"No I prefer to leave now, get me out of here.", L_Quit,
"Wait let me check if i can fix this ...(Beware!)", L_Repeat,
"Why would I do that? Aaaah... Nevermind.", -;
goto L_Close;
//Player wants to try again on hard mode again
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_BattleInProgress;
callsub S_CheckHardReq;
delitem $@xmas_boss_req$[ @xmas_battle_side ], $@xmas_boss_amount[ @xmas_battle_side ];
set @xmas_battle_status, (2 * (@xmas_battle_side)) + 2;
goto L_Start;
warp "030-2",151,25;
goto L_Close;
mes "The AniManOMat is too hot to handle right now, you should wait a bit to try a new battery.";
"No I prefer to leave now, get me out of here.", L_Quit,
"Ughhh, but I'm certain this time the battery will work!", -;
goto L_Close;
mes "The mana battery looks like it is about to explode. You better take cover!";
goto L_Close;
mes "Seems like someone was faster than you.";
goto L_Close;
callsub S_ClearVariables;
// per NPC logic
setnpctimer 0;
if ($@XmasBattleStatus)
goto L_CaveLogic;
goto L_CleanUp;
set $@XmasBossPlayerCount, 0;
areatimer "030-4.gat", 0, 0, 60, 60, 10, "AniManOMat::OnTick";
if ($@XmasBossPlayerCount < 1)
goto L_AllDead;
set $@BombTimer, $@BombTimer + 5; // Advance 5 seconds
if ((mobcount("030-4.gat", "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath") + 1) == 0)
goto L_NextWave;
if ($@BombTimer >= 120)
goto L_NextWave;
goto L_Return_1;
set $@BombTimer, 0;
set $@DangerCellNumber, rand(8);
set $@XmasBossRound, $@XmasBossRound + 1;
if (($@XmasBossRound > 10) && ((mobcount("030-4.gat", "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath") + 1) == 0))
goto L_Finished;
// Break/LastChance(s)
if (($@XmasBossRound > 10) && ($@XmasBossRound <= 16))
goto L_Return_1;
if ($@XmasBossRound > 16)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 0, 0, 50, 50, "", 1114, $@XmasBossRound*2 + $@XmasBossPlayerCount*3, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
//Normal Waves 1 to 10
// Guard Amount doubles if on hard mode
set $@GuardAmount, 1 + (6 + ($@XmasBossRound) + (2 * $@XmasBossPlayerCount)) / 7;
set $@SkullAmount, 1 + ($@GuardAmount * $@GuardAmount) / 4;
if ($@GuardAmount > 15)
set $@GuardAmount, 15;
//Obliatory Guard Of Honour in the Southern Hallway
areamonster "030-4.gat", 30, 43, 39, 49, "", 1114, $@GuardAmount, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
//CopperSlimes, I love Copper Slimes anywhere anytime
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 21, 49, 49, "", 1098, rand(2,7), "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
//IceSkulls for hard mode in room 3 and 4
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 2 || $@XmasBattleStatus == 4)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 32, 28, 39, "", 1085, $@SkullAmount / 2, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 2 || $@XmasBattleStatus == 4)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 41, 32, 49, 39, "", 1085, $@SkullAmount / 2 + 1, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
//Angry Sea Slimes for Easy Mode in Nice Version in Room 3,4,5,6
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 1)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 32, 28, 49, "", 1109, $@SkullAmount, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 1)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 41, 32, 49, 49, "", 1109, $@SkullAmount, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
//Candied Slimes for Nice Mode in Rooms 1 and 2
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 1 || $@XmasBattleStatus == 2)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 21, 28, 28, "", 1111, ($@XmasBossRound / 2) + 1, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 1 || $@XmasBattleStatus == 2)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 41, 21, 49, 28, "", 1111, ($@XmasBossRound / 2) + 2, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
//Bluepars for Easy mode in Naughty Variant in Rooms 3,4,5,6
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 3)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 32, 28, 49, "", 1107, $@SkullAmount, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 3)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 41, 32, 49, 49, "", 1107, $@SkullAmount, "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
// Wicked Mushrooms for Naughty Mode in Rooms 1 and 2
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 3 || $@XmasBattleStatus == 4)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 20, 21, 28, 28, "", 1106, $@XmasBossRound + ($@XmasBossRound / 2), "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
if ($@XmasBattleStatus == 3 || $@XmasBattleStatus == 4)
areamonster "030-4.gat", 41, 21, 49, 28, "", 1106, $@XmasBossRound + ($@XmasBossRound / 2), "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
set $@msgnumber, (2 * $@XmasBossRound) + (($@XmasBattleStatus - 1) >> 1);
set $@msg$, $@XmasBossMes$[ $@msgnumber ];
set $@msgnumber, 0;
if ($@XmasBossRound > 10) goto L_Return_1;
callsub S_Announce;
goto L_Return_1;
if (isdead()) end;
set $@XmasBossPlayerCount, $@XmasBossPlayerCount + 1;
if(isin("030-4.gat", $@DangerCellX1[$@DangerCellNumber], $@DangerCellY1[$@DangerCellNumber], $@DangerCellX2[$@DangerCellNumber], $@DangerCellY2[$@DangerCellNumber]))
goto L_DangerCell;
message strcharinfo(0), "Target Aquired. Locking on Now.";
misceffect 10001, strcharinfo(0);
percentheal -20, 0;
set $@msg$, $@xmas_final_announce$[ ($@XmasBattleStatus - 1) / 2 ];
callsub S_Announce;
goto L_CleanUp;
set $@msg$, $@xmas_final_announce$[ (($@XmasBattleStatus - 1) / 2) + 2 ];
callsub S_Announce;
goto L_CleanUp;
areatimer "030-4.gat", 0, 0, 50, 50, 10, "AniManOMat::OnReward";
set $@XmasBossPlayerCount, 0;
set $@XmasBossRound, 0;
set $@BombTimer, 0;
set $@GuardAmount, 0;
set $@SkullAmount, 0;
killmonster "030-4.gat", "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
cmdothernpc "#XmasChamberCooler", "CoolDown";
if (isdead())
if (($@XmasBattleStatusClone % 2) == 0)
set XMASTIME, XMASTIME | $@xmas_boss_hero_bit;
set @xmas_state, (XMASTIME & NIBBLE_0_MASK) >> NIBBLE_0_SHIFT;
set @bonus, (55 - (BaseLevel / 2));
set DailyQuestBonus, DailyQuestBonus + @bonus;
message strcharinfo(0), "You feel a temporary rush of power and zest for action.";
if (@xmas_state != $@xmas_boss_door_open_state )
goto L_End;
set @xmas_state, $@xmas_reward_start;
callfunc "XmasSetState";
set @xmas_state, 0;
set @karma_bonus, $@xmas_boss_bonus;
message strcharinfo(0), "Wow, what happened here?.";
goto L_End;
if ((($@XmasBattleStatus - 1) / 2) == 0) goto L_EndNice;
goto L_EndNaughty;
callfunc "XmasNaughty";
callsub S_ClearVariables;
callfunc "XmasNice";
callsub S_ClearVariables;
areatimer "030-4.gat", 0, 0, 50, 50, 10, "AniManOMat::OnReward";
set $@XmasBattleStatus, 0;
set $@XmasBossPlayerCount, 0;
set $@XmasBossRound, 0;
set $@BombTimer, 0;
set $@GuardAmount, 0;
set $@SkullAmount, 0;
killmonster "030-4.gat", "AniManOMat::OnGuardDeath";
setnpctimer 0;
goto L_Restart;
goto L_Restart;
set $@XmasBattleStatus, 0;
setarray $@XmasBossMes$,
"", // unused
"", // unused
"Avalia: I am getting a weird sensation ... ",
"Orums Homunculus : I think they know what we are up to!",
"Avalia : Oh no! This is going to blow up",
"Orums Homunculus : The Door is locked you idiot, fight for your life.",
"Avalia : Guards of Honor I demand you: STOP!",
"Orums Homunculus : Okay, this is somewhat funny... why are they coming back?!?",
"Avalia : You brave fighters! Deactivate the nutcrackers! they are out of control!",
"Orums Homunculus : The good news is: if we make it this time we will never have to do that again!",
"Avalia : Oh boy we are so screwed.",
"Orums Homunculus : Report: I am an Idiot",
"Avalia : Quick, we need to kill the nutcrackers, before they ruin everything we've been working for.",
"Orums Homunculus : Strange they are getting more and not less.",
"Avalia : Oh no, they are too powerful. Fight my warriors, Fight for the spirit of Christmas.",
"Orums Homunculus : If I was smart enough to stop talking, it would have happened already..",
"Avalia : I cannot believe it, this is making them stronger. More and more of them are coming.",
"Orums Homunculus : I think we are almost done, the bomb should explode any second.",
"Avalia : Those poor creatures. Just kill them all.",
"Orums Homunculus : A N Y S E C O N D.",
"Avalia : Oh well... just try again, I trust in you.",
"Orum's Homunculus : just lol.",
"Avalia : Wow! You saved christmas.",
"Orum's Homunculus : Yep, it's over... and strange enough you survived.";
setarray $@xmas_final_announce$,
"Avalia : Oh no, not only did you slay half my Guard of Honour, but also the issue was not fixed, try to install the battery again!",
"Orum's Homunculus : Boy are you lame. So what now? The battery is still not placed! Go try again!",
"Avalia : W00t you actually made it through. I think now that the manabattery lost some of its abundant power this seems to have given those nutcrackers that didn't go crazy a good boost of life energy. Thank you for your help all and come see me for a reward.",
"Orum's Homunculus : Good. They are dead. Now GET OUT OF THERE, this bomb is dangerous!";
// Danger Cells to attack sitters
// 0: 19,20,29,29
// 1: 30,20,40,29
// 2: 41,20,50,29
// 3: 19,31,29,40
// 4: 30,31,40,40
// 5: 41,31,50,40
// 6: 19,42,29,50
// 7: 30,42,40,50
// 8: 41,42,50,50
setarray $@DangerCellX1, 19, 30, 41, 19, 30, 41, 19, 30, 41;
setarray $@DangerCellY1, 20, 20, 20, 31, 31, 31, 42, 42, 42;
setarray $@DangerCellX2, 29, 40, 50, 29, 40, 50, 29, 40, 50;
setarray $@DangerCellY2, 29, 29, 29, 40, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50;
mapannounce "030-4.gat", "Danger Cell Activated. Zone " + $@DangerCellNumber + " activated.", 0;
mapannounce "030-4.gat", $@msg$, 0;
mapannounce "030-2.gat", $@msg$, 0;
set $@msg$, "";
if (BaseLevel < $@BossHardLevel)
goto L_NotHighEnough;
if (countitem($@xmas_boss_req$[ @xmas_battle_side ]) < $@xmas_boss_amount[ @xmas_battle_side ])
goto L_NotEnoughItems;
goto L_Return;
mes "Nono, you need to bring " + $@xmas_boss_amount[ @xmas_battle_side ] + " " + $@xmas_boss_req$[ @xmas_battle_side ] + "s.";
goto L_Close;
mes "\"Err no sweetie, you don't. just do it the normal way.\"";
goto L_Close;
set @xmas_battle_side, 0;
set @bonus, 0;
set @xmas_state, 0;
set @xmas_battle_status, 0;
set @karma_bonus, 0;
set $@XmasBattleStatus, 0;
set $@XmasBattleCoolDown, 1;
set $@XmasBattleCoolDown, 0;