path: root/game/tl/it/update.rpy
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Diffstat (limited to 'game/tl/it/update.rpy')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/tl/it/update.rpy b/game/tl/it/update.rpy
index acf4176..8a52e45 100644
--- a/game/tl/it/update.rpy
+++ b/game/tl/it/update.rpy
@@ -26,3 +26,103 @@ translate it strings:
old "{b}INTERNAL SERVER ERROR{/b}\n\nSeems like someone messed up on the APIs!\nThis login method seems to be temporaly unavailable, please choose another one."
new "{b}INTERNAL SERVER ERROR{/b}\n\nSeems like someone messed up on the APIs!\nThis login method seems to be temporaly unavailable, please choose another one."
+# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-08 18:34
+translate it strings:
+ # game/update.rpy:83
+ old "Fetching server list and assets..."
+ new "Fetching server list and assets..."
+ # game/update.rpy:143
+ old "Welcome to the Mana Launcher.\nBuilding user data, please wait..."
+ new "Welcome to the Mana Launcher.\nBuilding user data, please wait..."
+ # game/update.rpy:159
+ old "{color=#f00}{b}ERROR: No active mirror found.\nMana Launcher needs to be updated.{/b}{/color}"
+ new "{color=#f00}{b}ERROR: No active mirror found.\nMana Launcher needs to be updated.{/b}{/color}"
+ # game/update.rpy:168
+ old "Checking for installed clients..."
+ new "Checking for installed clients..."
+ # game/update.rpy:188
+ old "Verifying credentials..."
+ new "Verifying credentials..."
+ # game/update.rpy:199
+ old "Attempting Steam authentication..."
+ new "Attempting Steam authentication..."
+ # game/update.rpy:207
+ old "Waiting for Vault reply..."
+ new "Waiting for Vault reply..."
+ # game/update.rpy:214
+ old "{color=#f00}{b}STEAM AUTHENTICATION ERROR.\nSteam refused authentication. Try restarting the app.{/b}{/color}"
+ new "{color=#f00}{b}STEAM AUTHENTICATION ERROR.\nSteam refused authentication. Try restarting the app.{/b}{/color}"
+ # game/update.rpy:220
+ old "Rate limited! Trying again 15s..."
+ new "Rate limited! Trying again 15s..."
+ # game/update.rpy:222
+ old "Rate limited! Trying again 10s..."
+ new "Rate limited! Trying again 10s..."
+ # game/update.rpy:224
+ old "Rate limited! Trying again 5s..."
+ new "Rate limited! Trying again 5s..."
+ # game/update.rpy:226
+ old "Rate limited! Trying again..."
+ new "Rate limited! Trying again..."
+ # game/update.rpy:245
+ old "Steam session initialized successfully"
+ new "Steam session initialized successfully"
+ # game/update.rpy:252
+ old "{color=#f00}{b}STEAM AUTHENTICATION ERROR.\nIf the issue persists, try closing the app and opening again.{/b}{/color}"
+ new "{color=#f00}{b}STEAM AUTHENTICATION ERROR.\nIf the issue persists, try closing the app and opening again.{/b}{/color}"
+ # game/update.rpy:257
+ old "Steam auth disabled, logging on Vault..."
+ new "Steam auth disabled, logging on Vault..."
+ # game/update.rpy:331
+ old "Standard"
+ new "Standard"
+ # game/update.rpy:332
+ old "Mouseless"
+ new "Mouseless"
+ # game/update.rpy:424
+ old "Please insert your {b}email{/b}."
+ new "Please insert your {b}email{/b}."
+ # game/update.rpy:438
+ old "Please insert your {b}Password{/b}.\nIt has to be at least 4 characters long."
+ new "Please insert your {b}Password{/b}.\nIt has to be at least 4 characters long."
+ # game/update.rpy:444
+ old "If you already have an account, please insert your {b}2FA code{/b}.\n\n{u}Otherwise, a new account will be created and details will be sent to your email.{/u}"
+ new "If you already have an account, please insert your {b}2FA code{/b}.\n\n{u}Otherwise, a new account will be created and details will be sent to your email.{/u}"
+ # game/update.rpy:494
+ old "Success!"
+ new "Succès !"
+ # game/update.rpy:496
+ old "{color=#F00}Failure!{/color}"
+ new "{color=#F00}Failure!{/color}"
+ # game/update.rpy:501
+ old "Please insert your {b}2FA Secret{/b} {i}or the link{/i} sent to you by email.\n\n{size=18}{color=#f00}WARNING:{/color} Will be saved locally without cryptography. We advise using Google Authenticator or similar instead.{/size}"
+ new "Please insert your {b}2FA Secret{/b} {i}or the link{/i} sent to you by email.\n\n{size=18}{color=#f00}WARNING:{/color} Will be saved locally without cryptography. We advise using Google Authenticator or similar instead.{/size}"
+ # game/update.rpy:510
+ old "Invalid OTPAuth URL.\nEnsure you used the URL sent to you by email!"
+ new "Invalid OTPAuth URL.\nEnsure you used the URL sent to you by email!"