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authorJesusaves <>2021-06-19 15:20:42 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2021-06-19 15:20:42 -0300
commit62930fbe07eecde61b296c1c32a8c8c5ca2157cf (patch)
parentd48493b2f0a1692a44a28967ba663909b8f95981 (diff)
Sketch the chapter 2 intro (earliest sketch)
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/soul.rpy b/game/soul.rpy
index 0d16117..1adc5bd 100644
--- a/game/soul.rpy
+++ b/game/soul.rpy
@@ -199,3 +199,51 @@ Soul Level remains constant regardless of the subworld you're at.{/color}{fast}"
scene black
+# centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\
+label ch2intro:
+ $ RPCUpdate("The Void", "launcher")
+ scene black with None # fade out to black
+ scene DKBG
+ window hide
+ show expression (ManaSparkle(spd=10, multi=False).sm) as flare
+ with Dissolve(1.0)
+ centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\
+...Where am I?{p=1.5}\n\
+...Oh, that's right.{p=1.5}\n\
+We're at the void. The space between the universes.\
+ centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\
+...How many universes are out there?{p=1.5}\n\
+Now, isn't that a silly question? There are as many as there could be.{p=1.5}\n\
+That's the not the real question. The real question would be...{p=1.5}\n\
+...From which one do I come from...?{p=1.5}\n\
+ window hide
+ pause 0.5
+ centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\
+The multiverse seems inquiet.{p=1.5}\n\
+Has it always been this way?{p=1.5}\n\
+Who is this shadow I keep remembering during my dreams?{p=1.5}\n\
+ centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\
+Many questions, but few answers.{p=1.5}\n\
+With what should we worry most, the past or the present?{p=1.5}\n\
+However... These universes must hold a clue.{p=1.5}\n\
+Coincidences are mere opportunities waiting to be explored; To reveal a new perspective to you.{p=1.5}\n\
+We should investigate these Mirror Lakes, the location where we move between worlds.{p=1.5}\n\
+If I want a clue... Yes, that'll be the first place to search.{p=1.5}\n\
+ pause 0.5
+ hide flare
+ show expression Text(_("{color=#fff}{cps=80}Your memories still aren't back; But you're not going to be defeated so easily.{w=0.5}\n\nYou'll get to the bottom of this. Nothing can stop you now.{/cps}{/color}")) at truecenter as laby
+ with Dissolve(3.0)
+ pause 2.0
+ hide laby with dissolve
+ centered "{color=#fff}CHAPTER 2\nSHADOWS OF THE PAST{/color}"
+ scene black
+ return