diff options
authorJesusaves <>2021-05-09 21:14:12 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2021-05-09 21:14:12 -0300
commit8859fe9a251df7345080a02bcccf4c8250c9b504 (patch)
parent3ca758f3b3576067b0465c8a68422cb1bf172aea (diff)
Sketch roughly how Vault authentication is currently done.
Some cleanup and it possibly can be finished later :3
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/game/update.rpy b/game/update.rpy
index efc3710..bd702a5 100644
--- a/game/update.rpy
+++ b/game/update.rpy
@@ -288,16 +288,60 @@ screen register_input(prompt):
id "input"
copypaste True
+screen notice(prompt):
+ ## Ensure other screens do not get input while this screen is displayed.
+ modal True
+ zorder 200
+ style_prefix "confirm"
+ add "gui/overlay/confirm.png"
+ frame:
+ vbox:
+ xalign .5
+ yalign .5
+ spacing 30
+ label _(prompt):
+ style "confirm_prompt"
+ xalign 0.5
+ hbox:
+ xalign 0.5
+ spacing 100
+ textbutton _("OK") action Return()
label register:
$ status_update(" ", 80)
call screen register_method
$ status_update(pc=85)
$ method = _return
- call screen register_input("Are you sure [method]? Type \"YES\".")
+ call screen register_input("Please insert your {b}email{/b}.")
+ $ email=_return
$ status_update(pc=90)
- $ answer = _return
- $ stdout(answer)
+ ##########################################
+ ## What we'll do now depends on the method
+ if method == 1:
+ ## Email-Auth (the default)
+ $ user = {
+ "email": email,
+ "confirmed": True
+ }
+ $ r = vault.put(VAULT_URL+"/vault/session", json=user)
+ # Wait for Vault to send you an email
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ call screen notice(_("Vault returned error %d\n\nPlease try again later." % r.status_code))
+ return
+ call screen notice(_("An email was sent with your API token.\n\nYou'll need it shortly, so check your email.")
+ call screen register_input("Please insert the {b}token{/b} you received on your email.")
+ $ token = _return
+ $ user["key"] = token
+ #$ r = vault.get(VAULT_URL+"/vault/session?token=%s&email=%s" % (token, email)) # FIXME: HTTP formating for email
+ # FIXME: Continue from here
+ call screen notice(_("{b}INTERNAL SERVER ERROR{/b}\n\nSeems like someone messed up on the APIs!\nThis login method seems to be temporaly unavailable, please choose another one.")
+ elif method == 2:
+ ## 2FA-Auth
+ ############
+ ## Cleanup
$ del method
- $ del answer
+ $ del email