path: root/langs/lang_ca.old
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-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
-"Això", com tu li dius, es un @@. N'està ple en aquesta illa!
-- 2 @@
-- 2 @@
-... And 1 @@.
-... I 1 @@.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ m'està ajudant.
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Una gran ciutat, ara la capital d'aquestes illes, anomenada Esperia, construïda en l'única illa, Aurora, on tothom viu.
-About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Sobre aquest Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia, no n'estic gaire segur d'ell, francament.
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Aemil és un magnífic món desconegut per a tots nosaltres.
-All I can do is tell you that...
-Tot el que puc fer es dir-te...
-Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's a friend or a foe...#0
-D'acord, vaig a la seva habitació, vigila-la, encara no sabem si és un amic o un enemic...#0
-And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
-I que hem dones a canvi d'aquesta informació?
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Sigues pacient una mica mes, en els pròxims dies arribarem al port d'Artis...
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Chef Gado
-Xef Gado
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Clica en els NPC del teu voltant per continuar la introducció.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-Sap! Estàs espantant la nostra invitada amb les teves històries.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-Sap! Estàs espantant el nostre invitat amb les teves històries.#1
-Cookie Master
-Mestre de les Galetes
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Et puc preguntar quin es el teu idioma natiu? Un mariner m'ha dit que es rus, però un altre m'ha dit que es francès... Estic una mica perduda. Desprès ho registraré a la llista d'embarcament. #0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Et puc preguntar quin es el teu idioma natiu? Un mariner m'ha dit que es rus, però un altre m'ha dit que es francès... Estic una mica perduda. Desprès ho registraré a la llista d'embarcament. #1
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Has dit recompensa? La vull!
-Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
-No t'en enfotis, el meu treball es admirable.
-Don't say it too loud, other people could hear us.
-No ho diguis tant fort, algú altre ens podria sentir.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-A cada un dels grups els va ser ordenat navegar cap a diferents direccions per trobar un bon lloc per viure.
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-L'Elmo m'ha informat sobre alguns problemes entre el meu nou i l'antic tinent. Segurament ja hauràs conegut la Julia i en Gado, el chef.
-Elven Voice
-Veu d'elf
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Encara quan no havien escoltat rés sobre altres grups, van decidir començar una nova vida en aquesta illa, plena d'animals nocius.
-Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens?
-D'acord, dis-me, qui son aquests misteriosos aliens?
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Escolta'm *hic* bé, loquemai tu*hic* has dit de... eeh... de que?! T'he vist allà, el Gremi Guerrer d'Esèria no deixarà que es faci públic.
-Hey Max, it's @@!
-Ei Max, ell es @@!
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
-Com has pogut... Vam dir que no parlaríem més sobre això...
-How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
-Com estava la galeta? Gustosa, no?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-No obstant això, la sequera va arribar amb l'estiu i els hiverns es van fer més freds que mai.
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-No estic preocupat per les recompenses. Només vull a ajudar.
-I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
-Jo no et puc ajudar a estar a la llista i tampoc et puc donar una galeta de gratis.
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-No tinc res de bo per a tu avui.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Ara mateix no necessito la teva ajuda, torna més tard.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-No veig res més que... aigua?
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Només necessito 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ i...
-I speak Dutch.
-Jo parlo Holandès.
-I speak English.
-Jo parlo Anglès.
-I speak Flemish.
-Jo parlo Flamenc.
-I speak French.
-Jo parlo Francès.
-I speak German.
-Jo parlo Alemany.
-I speak Italian.
-Jo parlo Italià.
-I speak Polish.
-Jo parlo Polonès.
-I speak Portuguese.
-Jo parlo Portuguès.
-I speak Russian.
-Jo parlo Rus.
-I speak Spanish.
-Jo parlo Espanyol.
-I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Crec que el meu vi te una molt bona qualitat! Es la meva segona ampolla i... De que estàvem parlant?
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
-No soc tant insensible eeh *hic* el que has desco... *hic*... bert allà. el Gremi Guerrer no m'atraparà!
-If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
-Si veus coses estranyes o coses que no haurien de ser aquí, o fins i tot que t'agradaria veure...
-If you want another one, you know what to do!
-Si en vols una altra, ja saps que has de fer!
-It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-Són ells qui hem diuen a qui puc donar galetes.
-It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
-Sembla que la senyoreta es curiosa, o no?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
-Sembla que siguis una experta en la vida dins de "La Johanne". Saps algun secret amagat que ningú més sàpiga?#0
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
-Sembla que siguis un expert en la vida dins de "La Johanne". Saps algun secret amagat que ningú més sàpiga?#1
-It seems mister is curious, are you not?
-Sembla que el senyor es curiós, o no?
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-Els seus habitants no coneixien cap tipus d'horror i en pau vivien ja que la terra els donava donar tot el que necessitaven per viure.
-Max and Sapartan for example?
-En Max i l'Spartan per exemple?
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!#1
-Potser ell era un dels que es van perdre el mes passat? Els yoiis d'Esperia que tenien una missió secreta del Gremi Guerrer!#1
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-Amic meu, no he sigut un mariner sempre, saps. Una vega vaig ser algú important!#1
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
-No i *hic*... No, tu ni el teu estuid...*burp* estupid *hic* gremi!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
-No i *hic*... No, tu ni el teu estuid...*burp* estupid *hic* gremi!#1
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Cap problema, et puc ajudar de totes maneres.
-No, sorry.
-No, ho sento.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Ara ves a fora i parla amb en Gugli, ell et dirà que necessitem.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0
-Es clar que si! Només escolta atentament les meves paraules estimada.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1
-Es clar que si! Només escolta atentament les meves paraules estimada.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-Oh no, però m'he adonat d'una estranya llum a l'altra punta de l'illa, hem pregunto que pot ser...
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Oh bé. També et donaré un d'aquests barrets de la caixa prop teu, però únicament després de que finalitzis les teves tasques.
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Oh, i l'Olga de la plaça del mercat també.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Si, estic preparat pel treball!#0
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-D'acord, estic preparat per treballar!#1
-Orc Voice
-Veu d'orc
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-La gent va començar a robar als altres per sobreviure. A mesura que les ciutats van créixer les necessitats també. I van començar les guerres per les terres fèrtils.
-Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list!
-Simplement contacta'ls, ajuda'ls i siguis amable. Així segurament t'afegiran a la llista!
-So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
-Així que estàs sota les ordres dels dictadors, això es... tranquil·litzant.
-So, do you still want a cookie now?
-Així que, encara vols una galeta?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?#1
-Així que, quin propòsit t'ha portat aquí? Estaves en aquell rai per a conèixer la meva Julia? O volies veure les boniques cambreres d'Artis?#1
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Ho sento, no estic d'humor per una altra batalla amb aquests rattos
-Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
-Ho sento, ara mateix no requereixo ajuda. Torna d'aquí una estona.
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Es clar, hi ha recompensa per el teu treball.
-Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
-Gracies senyor per les teves bones paraules. Ara hem sento millor.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Gràcies per ajudar-me!
-The adventure begins!
-L'aventura comença!
-The best, the wonderful, the best cookie between all others, the...
-La millor, la esplèndida, la millor galeta de totes, la...
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-El gran poble de Aemil es va dividir en tres grups en arribar a la costa.
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Encara queden alguns rattos! Bols avortar la missió?
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Aquests crocotrees estan plens de yaying @@, però també son durs de colpejar...
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
-Aquestes caixes tan pesants m'estan matant. No hem sento els braços!
-They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Son molt gustosos cuinats junts amb una mica de @@. No en llancis cap!
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-Es un bon lloc... Hi ha bones noies.
-This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
-I això es tot, el final de la Segona Beta d'Evol Online!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will take your flesh as the main ingredient for my cookie recipe.
-Aquesta es l'última. Si la malgastes un altre cop, faré servir la teva carn com a ingredient principal de la meva pròxima recepta de galetes.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Te sentit. Creus que hauriem d'informar al capità sobre això?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Aquest nou continent, en realitat un arxipèlag, va ser anomenat Andorra.
-Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come back later.
-Llàstima no estic prou afamat per aquestes... galetes. Potser torno d'aquí una estona.
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-UAJAJAJAJAAJ! Soc el cuiner d'aquesta colla d'ases i puc ser tant grosser com vulgui des d'aquest manaire capità fins aquella dona-harpia!
-Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here?
-Espera... Aquest no es lloc per a un xef, que estàs fent aquí?
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
-Esperem que t'hagi agradat aquesta mostra i que et puguem veure en futures versions!#0
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
-Esperem que t'hagi agradat aquesta mostra i que et puguem veure en futures versions!#1
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Hauriem d'estar allà en pocs dies, una vegada arribem, advertiré al Gremi Guerrer sobre lo que ha passat, estic segur que ens podran ajudar.
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#0
-Bé, si bols ser una dels que poden tenir galetes...#0
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#1
-Bé, si bols ser un dels que poden tenir galetes...#1
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Bé... Benvinguda a bord, monada!#0
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
-Bé... Benvinguda a bord, monada!#1
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-Venc mercaderies de totes parts d'aquest arxipèlag.
-What if I give you 1000 Esperin for that job, is it ok?
-Que passa si et dono 1000 Esperin per aquest treball, està bé?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-Que? No es una bona recompensa?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Que? Aquesta recompensa es massa petita!
-What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
-Que? Per què? No són més sexis que jo, per què els vols veure?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Mentre es suportin l'un a l'altre, com acostumen a fer al vaixell. L'última vegada que els he vist, estaven a prop del gran llac, al nord.
-Yes, why not.
-Si, per que no?
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, es el logotip de Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia! Hem pregunto què estava fent aquest yoiis tant lluny de la costa.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, es el logotip de Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia! Hem pregunto què estava fent aquesta yoiis tant lluny de la costa.#1
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Yeye, encara no has agafat la teva roba!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Yeye, encara no has agafat la teva roba!#1
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Ja has agafat un mocador, per favor deixa aquest una altra vegada a la caixa.
-You open the treasure chest.
-Obres el cofre del tresor.
-You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
-Ja ho veus, les meves galetes estan restringides a un tipus de gent...
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Has estat yaying dormint una mica de temps, la nostra tinent, la Julia, estava aquí amb tu, ha fet tot el que va poder per curar-te les ferides.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Has estat yaying dormint una mica de temps, la nostra tinent, la Julia, estava aquí amb tu, ha fet tot el que va poder per curar-te les ferides.#1
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Ja veuràs, els ciutadans són educats i encara pots demanar ajuda al Gremi Guerrer. Et poden ajudar a trobar feina o ajudar-te a esbrinar el que et va passar al mar!